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Publications: Prof Rosa Lastra

Lastra R, Bradlow D, Park S ( 2024 ) . Rethinking the Sustainability of Sovereign Debt . Journal of International Economic Law vol. 27 , ( 2 )
Lastra R, Dietz S ( 2024 ) . Accountability of Greening the ECB . Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law ( Special Issue )
Georgosouli A ( 2023 ) . 'Metarules, judgment and the algorithmic future of financial regulation in the UK . Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Lastra RM, Bodellini M ( 2023 ) . The Financial Appeal Bodies of the European Union: Nature and Future of the Appeal Panel of the Single Resolution Board . European Company and Financial Law Review vol. 19 , ( 6 ) 936 - 949 .
Goodhart C, Lastra R ( 2023 ) . The Changing and Growing Roles of Independent Central Banks Now Do Require a Reconsideration of Their Mandate . Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium vol. 0 , ( 0 )
Lastra RM, Skinner CP ( 2023 ) . Sustainable Central Banking . Virginia Journal of International Law vol. 61 ,
Alexander K, Lastra RM ( 2022 ) . International Banking Regulation and Climate Change .
Dahlan MR, Lastra RM, Rochette G ( 2022 ) . Introduction to research handbook on energy, law and ethics . Research Handbook on Energy, Law and Ethics1 - 6 .
Lastra RM, Tsang M ( 2022 ) . Introductory comments: Ethical finance? . Research Handbook on Energy, Law and Ethics ,
Lastra RM, Fearnley T, Satragno L ( 2022 ) . Sovereign wealth funds and ethical investment: The case of Norway . Research Handbook on Energy, Law and Ethics ,
Kumhof M, Allen JG, Bateman W, Lastra RM, Gleeson S, Omarova ST ( 2020 ) . Central Bank Money: Liability, Asset, or Equity of the Nation? .
Lastra R, Allen J ( 2020 ) . Border Problems: Mapping the Third Border . The Modern Law Review
Lastra R ( 2019 ) . Equity Finance: matching liability to power . Journal of Financial Regulation
Lastra RM, Sheppard MJ ( 2019 ) . Ethical foundations of financial law . Research Handbook on Law and Ethics in Banking and Finance , Edward Elgar Publishing
Lastra RM ( 2019 ) . Multilevel Governance in Banking Regulation . The Palgrave Handbook of European Banking Union Law , Springer Nature
LASTRA RM, Allen JG ( 2019 ) . Virtual Currencies in the Eurosystem: Challenges Ahead . International Lawyer vol. 52 , 101 - 204 .
LASTRA RM, Goodhart C ( 2019 ) . Equity Finance: Matching Liability to Power . CEPR Article Discussion Paper 134 ,
Russo CA, Lastra RM, Blair W ( 2019 ) . Preface .
Russo CA, Lastra RM, Blair W ( 2019 ) . Research Handbook on Law and Ethics in Banking and Finance .
Lastra RM, Allen JG ( 2019 ) . Virtual currencies in the eurosystem: Challenges ahead .
LASTRA RM, Allen J ( 2018 ) . Border Problems II: Mapping the Third Border . University of New South Wales Law Research Series
RUSSO CA, LASTRA RM ( 2018 ) . The financing of bank resolution - Who should provide the required liquidity? .
Alexander K, Lastra RM ( 2018 ) . Banking regulation and supervision: A UK perspective . Research Handbook on Central Banking ,
Lastra RM ( 2018 ) . Concluding observations . Research Handbook on Central Banking ,
Conti-Brown P, Lastra RM ( 2018 ) . Research handbook on central banking .
Lastra RM ( 2018 ) . The institutional path of central bank independence . Research Handbook on Central Banking ,
Davis EP, Lastra RM ( 2018 ) . Pension provision, lifetime financial sustainability, care and dignity in old age: Legal and economic issues . The Home: Multidisciplinary Reflections ,
LASTRA RM, Bholat D, Kallol S, Markose S, Miglionico A ( 2018 ) . Non-performing loans at the dawn of IFRS 9: Regulatory and Accounting Treatment of Asset Quality . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 19 , ( 1 )
LASTRA RM, Goodhart C ( 2017 ) . Populism and Central Bank Independence . Open Economics Review
LASTRA RM, Alan H. Brener ( 2017 ) . Justice, financial markets and human rights . Just Financial Markets? Finance in a Just Society , Oxford University Press, USA
LASTRA RM ( 2016 ) . Emergency Liquidity Assistance and Systemic Risk . Systemic Risk, Institutional Design, and the Regulation of Financial Markets , Editors: Anand, A , Oxford University Press, USA
RUSSO CA, OLIVARES-CAMINAL R, LASTRA RM, Ayadi R ( 2016 ) . The Different Legal and Operational Structures of Banking Groups in the Euro Area, and their Impact on Banks’ Resolvability .
Bholat DM, Lastra RM, Markose SM, Miglionico A, Sen K ( 2016 ) . Non-Performing Loans: Regulatory and Accounting Treatments of Assets . Bank of England Working Paper ( 594 )
LASTRA RM ( 2016 ) . The Coming of Age of International Monetary and Financial Law After the Global Financial Crisis . Journal of International Economic Law
Davis EP, Lastra RM ( 2016 ) . Pension Provision, Care and Dignity in Old Age: Legal and Economic Issues .
LASTRA RM ( 2016 ) . How to fill the international law lacunae in sovereign insolvency in EU law? . Legal Environment for Government Debt Restructuring , European Central Bank ( Frankfurt ),
Lastra RM ( 2016 ) . Do we need a world financial organization? . The Reform of International Economic Governance ,
LASTRA RM ( 2015 ) . Book review of Bart De Meester’s Liberalization of Trade in Banking Services. An International and European Perspective . Common Market Law Review
LASTRA RM ( 2015 ) . Reflections on Banking Union, Lender of Last Resort an Supervisory Discretion . Editors: Zilioli, C, Riso, A ,
Castañeda JE, Mayes DG, Wood G ( 2015 ) . European Banking Union, Prospects and challenges . Taylor & Francis
LASTRA RM ( 2015 ) . Systemic Risk and Macroprudential supervision . The Oxford Handbook of Financial Regulation , OUP Oxford
LASTRA RM ( 2015 ) . Financial Institutions and Accountability Mechanisms . Building Responsive and Responsible Financial Regulators in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis , Editors: Iglesias Rodríguez, P , Intersentia ( Antwerp ),
LASTRA RM ( 2015 ) . International Financial and Monetary Law . Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
LASTRA RM ( 2014 ) . Global financial architecture and human rights . Making Sovereign Financing & Human Rights Work , Editors: Bohoslavsky, JP, Letnar Černič, J , Hart Publishing
Lastra RM ( 2014 ) . Do We Need a World Financial Organization? . Journal of International Economic Law vol. 17 , ( 4 ) 787 - 805 .
Cottier T, Lastra RM, Tietje C, Satragno L ( 2014 ) . Introduction and overview . The Rule of Law in Monetary Affairs , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Lastra RM ( 2014 ) . The role of central banks in monetary affairs: a comparative perspective . The Rule of Law in Monetary Affairs , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Cottier T, Lastra RM, Tietje C, Satragno L ( 2014 ) . Introduction and overview . The Rule of Law in Monetary Affairs: World Trade Forum ,
Lastra R, Buchheit L ( 2014 ) . Sovereign Debt Management . OUP Oxford
LASTRA RM ( 2014 ) . The Role of the International Monetary Fund . Sovereign Debt Management , Oxford University Press
Cottier T, Satragno L, Lastra RM, Tietje C ( 2014 ) . The rule of law in monetary affairs: World trade forum .
LASTRA RM ( 2013 ) . Banking Union and Single Market: Conflict or Companionship? . Fordham International Law Journal
Lastra RM ( 2013 ) . Defining forward looking, judgement-based supervision . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 14 , ( 3-4 ) 221 - 227 .
Lastra RM ( 2013 ) . The Globalization Paradox: Review of Dani Rodrik, the globalization paradox: Democracy and the future of the world economy . International Journal of Constitutional Law vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 809 - 812 .
LASTRA RM ( 2013 ) . Regulatory Responses to the Financial Crisis . Financial Crisis Containment and Government Guarantees , Editors: LaBrosse, JR, Olivares-Caminal, R, Singh, D , Edward Elgar Publishing
Lastra RM ( 2013 ) . Chapter 6: Regulatory responses to the financial crisis . Financial Crisis Containment and Government Guarantees , Edward Elgar Publishing
LASTRA RM, Louis JV ( 2013 ) . European Economic and Monetary Union: History, Trends and Prospects . Yearbook of European Law vol. 32 , ( 1 ) 1 - 150 .
Lastra RM ( 2013 ) . The Globalization Paradox: Review of Dani Rodrik, The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy . ICON-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 809 - 812 .
Cottier T, Jackson JH, Lastra RM ( 2012 ) . International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs . OUP Oxford
LASTRA RM, GOODHART CAE ( 2012 ) . The Boundary Problems in Financial Regulation . Research Handbook on International Banking and Governance , Editors: BARTH, JR, LIN, C, WHILBORG, C , Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
Goodhart CAE, Lastra RM ( 2012 ) . Chapter 17: The Boundary Problems in Financial Regulation . Research Handbook on International Banking and Governance , Edward Elgar Publishing
LASTRA RM ( 2012 ) . The Boundary Problems in Financial Regulation . Research Handbook on International Banking and Governance , Editors: Barth, JR, Lin, DC, Wihlborg, C , Edward Elgar Publishing
LASTRA RM ( 2012 ) . The Evolution of the European Central Bank . Fordham International Law Journal vol. 35 , ( Spring issue ) 1260 - 1281 .
HUERTAS T, LASTRA R ( 2011 ) . Living Wills . Revista de Estabilidad Financiera vol. 21 , 23 - 39 .
LASTRA R ( 2011 ) . Systemic Risk, SIFIs and Financial Stability . Capital Markets Law Journal vol. 2 , ( 6 ) 197 - 213 .
Lastra R ( 2011 ) . Cross-Border Bank Insolvency . OUP Oxford
LASTRA R ( 2011 ) . From Consolidated Supervision to Consolidated Resolution . Managing Risk in the Financial System , Elgar Publishing
LASTRA RM ( 2011 ) . Responses to the Financial Crisis . Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation vol. 26 , ( 7 ) 307 - 312 .
LASTRA R ( 2011 ) . The Role of the IMF as a Global Financial Authority . European Yearbook of International Economic Law , Editors: HERRMANN, C, TERHECHTE, JP , vol. Vol 2 ,
LASTRA RM ( 2011 ) . The Role of the IMF as a Global Financial Authority’ . European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2011 , Editors: Herrmann, CS, Terhechte, JP , Springerverlag Berlin Heidelberg
Cottier T, Lastra RM ( 2010 ) . The Quest for International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetaryaffairs Introduction . J INT ECON LAW vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 527 - 530 .
AYADI R, LASTRA R ( 2010 ) . Proposals for Reforming Deposit Guarantee Schemes in Europe . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 210 - 222 .
Ayadi R, Lastra RM ( 2010 ) . Proposals for reforming deposit guarantee schemes in Europe . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 210 - 222 .
LASTRA R ( 2010 ) . Central Bank Independence and Financial Stability . Revista de Estabilidad Financiera vol. 18 , 49 - 66 .
Lastra R, Goodhart C ( 2010 ) . Border Problems . Journal of International Economic Law: Special Issue 'The Quest for International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs' vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 705 - 718 .
LASTRA RM ( 2010 ) . Central Banking after the Crisis . International Finance vol. 13 , ( 2 ) 321 - 340 .
LASTRA RM, Campbell A ( 2010 ) . Revisiting the Lender of Last Resort The Role of the Bank of England . The Future of Financial Regulation , Editors: MACNEIL, IG, O'BRIEN, J , Hart Publishing
Lastra R, Wood G ( 2010 ) . The Crisis of 2007-09: Nature, Causes and Reactions . Manchester Journal of International Economic Law vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 531 - 550 .
Lastra R, Garicano L ( 2010 ) . Towards a new architecture for financial stability: seven principles . Journal of International Economic Law vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 597 - 621 .
LASTRA RM, CAMPBELL A ( 2009 ) . Revisiting the Lender of Last Resort . Banking and Finance Law Review vol. 24 , ( 3 )
LASTRA RM ( 2009 ) . Assessing the Lamfalussy Process: Successes and Failures . Butterworth's Journal of International Banking and Financial Law379 - 383 .
GARCIA G, LASTRA R, NIETO M ( 2009 ) . Bankruptcy and Reorganization Procedures for Cross-Border Banks in the EU: Towards an Integrated Approach to the Reform of the EU Safety Net . Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance vol. 17 , ( 3 ) 240 - 276 .
LASTRA RM ( 2009 ) . Cross-Border Insolvency: The Case of Financial Conglomerates . Financial Crisis Management and Bank Resolution , Editors: LaBROSSE, R, OLIVARES-CAMINAL, R, SINGH, D , Informa ( London ),
LASTRA RM ( 2009 ) . Northern Rock and Banking Law Reform in the UK . The Failure of Northern Rock: A Multi-Dimensional Study , Editors: BRUNI, F, LLEWELLYN, D, Balling, M , Suerf ( Vienna ),
Lastra R, Campbell A ( 2009 ) . Revisiting the Lender of Last Resort . Banking & Finance Law Review vol. 24 , ( 3 ) 453 - 498 .
LASTRA R ( 2008 ) . Northern Rock, UK Bank Insolvency and Cross-Border Insolvency . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 9 , ( 3 ) 165 - 186 .
LASTRA R ( 2008 ) . Financial Law Reform in Emerging Economies . Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation ( 8 ) 413 - 421 .
LASTRA RM, AMTENBRINK F ( 2008 ) . Securing Democratic Accountability of Financial Regulatory Agencies - A Theoretical Framework . Mitigating Risk in the Context of Safety and Security. How Relevant is a Rational Approach? , Editors: de Mulder, RV , Erasmus School of Law and Research School for Saftey and Security ( Rotterdam ),
Lastra RM ( 2007 ) . Challenges for central banks in an enlarged EMU . COMMON MKT LAW REV vol. 44 , ( 1 ) 230 - 231 .
LASTRA R ( 2007 ) . Cross Border Resolution of Banking Crises . International Financial Instability: Global Banking and National Regulation , Editors: EVANOFF, D, LaBROSSE, JR, KAUFMAN, G , vol. 2 , World Scientific Publishing Company ( Singapore ),
LASTRA R, BUCHHEIT L ( 2007 ) . Lending into Arrears - A Policy Adrift . The International Lawyer vol. 41 , ( 3 ) 939 - 955 .
LASTRA RM ( 2006 ) . Legal Foundations of International Monetary Stability . Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
Lastra RM ( 2005 ) . A taxonomy on banking regulation The renaming of this journal: From the JIBR to the JBR . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 106 - 108 .
LASTRA RM ( 2004 ) . Risk Based Capital Requirements and their Impact upon the Banking Industry: Basel II and CAD III . Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance vol. 12 , ( 3 ) 225 - 239 .
Lastra RM ( 2004 ) . Cross-border bank insolvency: Legal implications in the case of banks operating in different jurisdictions in Latin America . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 5 , ( 3 ) 201 - 227 .
LASTRA RM ( 2003 ) . The Governance Structure for Financial Regulation and Supervision in Europe . The Columbia Journal of European Law vol. 10 , 49 - 68 .
Lastra RM ( 2003 ) . Cross-border bank insolvency: Legal implications in the case of banks operating in different jurisdictions in Latin America . JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW . vol. 6 , 79 - 110 .
LASTRA R, ARNER D ( 2003 ) . Comparative Aspects of Depositor Protection Schemes: Comparative . Financial Regulation - A Guide to Structural Reform , Editors: ARNER, D, LIN, J , Thomson, Sweet & Maxwell ( Hong Kong ),
LASTRA R ( 2003 ) . Cross-Border Bank Insolvency: Legal Implications in the case of Banks Operating in Different Jurisdictions in Latin America . Journal of International Economic Law vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 79 - 110 .
LASTRA R ( 2003 ) . Regulating European Securities Markets: Beyond the Lamfalussy Report . Financial markets in Europe: Towards a Single Regulator? , Editors: ANDENAS, M, AVREGINOS, Y , Kluwer Law International ( London ),
LASTRA R ( 2002 ) . IMF Conditionality . Journal of International Banking Regulation vol. 4 , ( 2 ) 167 - 182 .
LASTRA RM ( 2002 ) . Cross-Border Trade in Banking Services . Diritto Bancario Comunitario: Le Leggi Commentate , UTET ( Turin ),
Lastra RM ( 2001 ) . Beyond the Lamfalussy Report . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 3 , ( 1 ) 7 - 8 .
LASTRA RM, Miller G ( 2001 ) . Central Bank Independence in Ordinary and Extraordinary Times . Central Bank Independence: The Economic Foundations, the Constitutional Implications and Democratic Accountability , Kluwer Law International ( Hague ),
LASTRA R ( 2001 ) . Cross-Border Trade in Financial Services . Foundations and Perspectives of International Trade Law , Editors: FLETCHER, IF, MISTELIS, L, CREMONA, M , Sweet & Maxwell ( London ),
LASTRA RM ( 2001 ) . How Much Accountability for Central Banks and Supervisors? . Central Banking Publications vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 69 - 75 .
LASTRA RM ( 2001 ) . Public Accountability in the Financial Sector . Regulating Financial Services and Markets in the 21st Century , Hart Publishing ( Oxford ),
LASTRA RM ( 2001 ) . The Reform of the International Financial Architecture . Kluwer Law International ( London ),
LASTRA R ( 2000 ) . The International Monetary Fund in Historical Perspective . Journal of International Economic Law vol. 3 , ( 3 ) 507 - 523 .
Lastra RM ( 2000 ) . The Bretton Woods institutions in the XXIst century . REFORM OF THE INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ARCHITECTURE . Editors: Lastra, RM , vol. 18 , 67 - + .
LASTRA R ( 2000 ) . The Division of Responsibilities between the European Central Bank and the National Central Banks within the European System of Central Banks . The Columbia Journal of European Law vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 167 - 180 .
LASTRA R ( 2000 ) . The Role of the European Central Bank with regard to Financial Stability and Lender of Last Resort Operations . Which Lender of Last Resort for Europe , Editors: GOODHART, C , Central Banking Publications ( London ),
Lastra, Rosa M ( 1999 ) . Bank failures and bank insolvency law in economies in transition . Editors: Lastra, Rosa M, Schiffman, Henry N , Kluwer Law Intl
LASTRA RM ( 1999 ) . Banking Regulation in the 1990s . Journal of International Banking Law vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 45 - 49 .
LASTRA R ( 1999 ) . Central Banks as Lenders of last Resort: Lessons from the Asian Contagion . Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance vol. 7 , ( 3 ) 234 - 242 .
LASTRA R ( 1999 ) . Lender of Last Resort, an International Perspective . International and Comparative Law Quarterly vol. 48 , ( 2 ) 340 - 361 .
LASTRA R ( 1998 ) . Recent Developments in International Regulatory Co-operation . Yearbook of International Financial and Economic Law 1996 , vol. 1 , Kluwer Law International ( London ),
LASTRA R ( 1997 ) . European Monetary Union . Current Legal Issues Affecting Central Banks , vol. IV , International Monetary Fund ( Washington DC ),
LASTRA R ( 1997 ) . Independence and Accountability of the European Central Bank . European Economic and Monetary Union: The Institutional Framework , Editors: ANDENAS, L, GORMLEY, L, HADJIUEMMANUIL, C, HARDENT, I et al. , vol. 15 , Kluwer ( London ),
Lastra RM, Group LSOEAPSFM ( 1996 ) . Central banking and banking regulation . London School of Economics
LASTRA R ( 1992 ) . The Independence of the European System of Central Banks . Harvard International Law Journal vol. 33 , ( 2 ) 475 - 519 .