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Publications: Prof Oliver Jenkinson

Jenkinson O, Pollicott M, Vytnova P ( 2021 ) . How Many Inflections are There in the Lyapunov Spectrum? . Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 386 , ( 3 ) 1383 - 1411 .
Jenkinson O, Pollicott M ( 2020 ) . Rigorous dimension estimates for Cantor sets arising in Zaremba theory . Contemporary Mathematics vol. 744 , 83 - 107 .
JENKINSON OM ( 2018 ) . ERGODIC OPTIMIZATION IN DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS . Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
JENKINSON OM, Pollicott M, VYTNOVA P ( 2017 ) . Rigorous computation of diffusion coefficients for expanding maps . Journal of Statistical Physics
JENKINSON OM, Pollicott M ( 2017 ) . Joint spectral radius, Sturmian measures, and the finiteness conjecture . Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Bandtlow OF, Jenkinson O ( 2014 ) . Chapter 2 Eigenvalues of Transfer Operators for Dynamical Systems with Holes . vol. 70 ,
Bandtlow OF, Jenkinson O, Pollicott M ( 2014 ) . Chapter 3 Periodic Points, Escape Rates and Escape Measures . vol. 70 ,
Anagnostopoulou V, Diaz-Ordaz K, Jenkinson O, Richard C ( 2012 ) . Sturmian maximizing measures for the piecewise-linear cosine family . BULLETIN OF THE BRAZILIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY vol. 43 , ( 2 ) 285 - 302 .
Anagnostopoulou V, Diaz-Ordaz K, Jenkinson O, Richards C ( 2012 ) . The flat spot standard family: variation of the entrance time median . Dynamical Systems vol. 27 , ( 1 ) 29 - 43 .
Jenkinson O, Steel J ( 2010 ) . Majorization of invariant measures for orientation-reversing maps . ERGOD THEOR DYN SYST vol. 30 , ( 5 ) 1471 - 1483 .
Anagnostopoulou V, Diaz-Ordaz K, Jenkinson O, Richard C ( 2010 ) . Entrance time functions for flat spot maps . NONLINEARITY vol. 23 , ( 6 ) 1477 - 1494 .
Anagnostopoulou V, Jenkinson O ( 2009 ) . Which beta-shifts have a largest invariant measure? . J LOND MATH SOC vol. 79 , ( 2 ) 445 - 464 .
JENKINSON OM ( 2009 ) . Balanced words and majorization . Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications vol. 1 , ( 4 ) 463 - 483 .
Jenkinson O, Morris ID ( 2008 ) . Lyapunov optimizing measures for C-1 expanding maps of the circle . ERGOD THEOR DYN SYST vol. 28 , ( 6 ) 1849 - 1860 .
Bandtlow OF, Jenkinson O ( 2008 ) . On the Ruelle eigenvalue sequence . ERGOD THEOR DYN SYST vol. 28 , ( 6 ) 1701 - 1711 .
Jenkinson O ( 2008 ) . A Partial Order on x2-Invariant Measures . Mathematical Research Letters vol. 15 , ( 5 ) 893 - 900 .
Bandtlow OE, Jenkinson O ( 2008 ) . Explicit eigenvalue estimates for transfer operators acting on spaces of holomorphic functions . ADV MATH vol. 218 , ( 3 ) 902 - 925 .
Jenkinson O ( 2008 ) . On sums of powers of inverse complete quotients . Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society vol. 136 , ( 3 ) 1023 - 1027 .
Bandtlow OF, Jenkinson O ( 2007 ) . Explicit a priori bounds on transfer operator eigenvalues . COMMUN MATH PHYS vol. 276 , ( 3 ) 901 - 905 .
Harriss E, Jenkinson O ( 2007 ) . Flattening functions on flowers . Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems vol. 27 , ( 6 ) 1865 - 1886 .
Bandtlow OF, Jenkinson O ( 2007 ) . Invariant measures for real analytic expanding maps . J LOND MATH SOC vol. 75 , 343 - 368 .
JENKINSON OM, Pollicott M ( 2007 ) . A dynamical approach to accelerating numerical integration with equidistributed points . Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics vol. 256 , ( 1 ) 275 - 289 .
Jenkinson O, Mauldin RD, Urbanski M ( 2007 ) . Ergodic Optimization for Noncompact Dynamical Systems . Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems: an international journal for theory and applications vol. 22 , ( 3 ) 379 - 388 .
Jenkinson O ( 2007 ) . Optimization and majorization of invariant measures . ELECTRON RES ANNOUNC vol. 13 , 1 - 12 .
Jenkinson O, Mauldin RD, Urbanski M ( 2006 ) . Ergodic optimization for countable alphabet subshifts of finite type . ERGOD THEOR DYN SYST vol. 26 , ( 6 ) 1791 - 1803 .
Jenkinson O ( 2006 ) . Every ergodic measure is uniquely maximizing . DISCRETE CONT DYN S vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 383 - 392 .
Jenkinson O ( 2006 ) . Ergodic optimization . DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 197 - 224 .
Jenkinson O ( 2005 ) . Maximum hitting frequency and fastest mean return time . NONLINEARITY vol. 18 , ( 5 ) 2305 - 2321 .
Jenkinson O, Mauldin RD, Urbanski M ( 2005 ) . Zero temperature limits of Gibbs-equilibrium states for countable alphabet subshifts of finite type . J STAT PHYS vol. 119 , ( 3-4 ) 765 - 776 .
Jenkinson O, Pollicott M ( 2005 ) . Orthonormal expansions of invariant densities for expanding maps . ADV MATH vol. 192 , ( 1 ) 1 - 34 .
Jenkinson O, Zamboni LQ ( 2004 ) . Characterisations of balanced words via orderings . THEOR COMPUT SCI vol. 310 , ( 1-3 ) 247 - 271 .
JENKINSON OM ( 2004 ) . Entropy, exponents and invariant densities for hyperbolic systems: . "Modern Dynamical Systems and Applications" , C.U.P.
JENKINSON OM ( 2004 ) . On the density of Hausdorff dimensions of bounded type continued fraction sets: the Texan conjecture . Stochastics and Dynamics vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 63 - 76 .
Jenkinson O, Gonzalez LF, Urbanski M ( 2003 ) . On transfer operators for continued fractions with restricted digits . P LOND MATH SOC vol. 86 , 755 - 778 .
Jenkinson O, Pollicott M ( 2002 ) . Calculating Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets and Kleinian limit sets . AM J MATH vol. 124 , ( 3 ) 495 - 545 .
Jenkinson O ( 2002 ) . Smooth cocycle rigidity for expanding maps, and an application to Mostow rigidity . MATH PROC CAMBRIDGE vol. 132 , 439 - 452 .
Bousch T, Jenkinson O ( 2002 ) . Cohomology classes of dynamically non-negative C-k functions . INVENT MATH vol. 148 , ( 1 ) 207 - 217 .
Jenkinson O, Pollicott M ( 2001 ) . Computing the dimension of dynamically defined sets: E-2 and bounded continued fractions . ERGOD THEOR DYN SYST vol. 21 , 1429 - 1445 .
JENKINSON OM ( 2001 ) . Strong cocycle trivality for Z^2 subshifts . Theor. Comp. Sci. vol. 262 , ( 1-2 ) 191 - 213 .
Jenkinson O ( 2001 ) . Directional entropy of rotation sets . CR ACAD SCI I-MATH vol. 332 , ( 10 ) 921 - 926 .
Jenkinson O ( 2001 ) . Geometric barycentres of invariant measures for circle maps . ERGOD THEOR DYN SYST vol. 21 , 511 - 532 .
Jenkinson O ( 2001 ) . Rotation, entropy, and equilibrium states . T AM MATH SOC vol. 353 , ( 9 ) 3713 - 3739 .