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Publications: Prof Eric Heinze

Heinze E ( 2025 ) . Multidisciplinary Theory in Law . Multidisciplinary Theory , Editors: di Leo, J , Bloomsbury
Heinze E ( 2024 ) . But Israel claims to be a democracy! – Hypocrisy, double standards, and false equivalences . Responses to 7 October: Universities , Editors: Freedman, R, Hirsch, D , Routledge ( London ),
Heinze E ( 2024 ) . ‘A Tool to Advance Imperial Interests’: Leftist Self-Scrutiny and Israeli Wrongdoing . Responses to 7 October: Law & Society , Editors: Freedman, R, Hirsch, D , Routledge ( London ),
Heinze E ( 2023 ) . Critical Theory and Memory Politics: Leftist Autocritique After the Ukraine War . International Journal of Law in Context
Heinze E ( 2021 ) . Global libertarianism: how much public morality does international human rights law allow? . International Theory: a journal of international politics, law and philosophy vol. 14 , ( 3 ) 571 - 594 .
Heinze E ( 2019 ) . An Anti-Liberal Defense of Free Speech: Foundations of Democracy in the Western Philosophical Canon . The Oxford Handbook of Law and Humanities , Editors: Stern, S, Del Mar, M, Meyler, B ,
Heinze E ( 2019 ) . The myth of flexible universality: Human rights and the limits of comparative naturalism . Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
HEINZE E ( 2018 ) . Theorising law and historical memory: Denialism and the pre-conditions of human rights . Journal of Comparative Law vol. 12 ,
Heinze E, Hannant T ( 2018 ) . Eric Barendt, Anonymous Speech: Literature, Law and Politics, Oxford: Hart, 2016, xvii + 176 pp, hb £35.99 . Modern Law Review vol. 81 , ( 2 ) 364 - 369 .
Heinze E ( 2018 ) . Foundations of Sovereign Authority: The Example of Shakespearean Political Drama . Shakespeare and Authority , Springer Nature
HEINZE E ( 2018 ) . Foundations of Sovereign Authority . Shakespeare and Authority , Editors: Halsey, K, Vine, A , Palgrave
HEINZE ERIC ( 2018 ) . Toward a Legal Concept of Hatred: democracy, Ontology, and the Limits of Deconstruction . Hate, Politics and Law: Critical Perspectives on Combating Hate , Editors: Brudholm, T, Johanssen, B , Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
HEINZE E ( 2017 ) . The constitution of the constitution: democratic legitimacy and public discourse . Ranciere and Law , Routledge
HEINZE E ( 2017 ) . What is the opposite of injustice? . Ratio Juris: an international journal of jurisprudence and philosophy law
( 2017 ) . Hybridity: Law, Culture and Development . Taylor & Francis
HEINZE E ( 2017 ) . Beyond ‘memory laws’: Towards a general theory of law and historical discourse . Law and Memory: Towards Legal Governance of History , Editors: Belavusau, U, GliszczyƄska-Grabias, A , Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge ),
HEINZE E ( 2017 ) . Selecting the memory, controlling the myth . Injustice, Memory and Faith in Human Rights , Routledge ( London ),
HEINZE E ( 2016 ) . Hate Speech and Democratic Citizenship . Oxford University Press
HEINZE E ( 2016 ) . Legal Hybridity in Shakespeare: Revisiting the Post-Colonial in the Tempest and Cymbeline . Hybridity: Law, Culture and Development , Routledge
HEINZE E, Marcou A ( 2016 ) . Review of Leone Niglia, "The Struggle for European Private Law: A Critique of Codification" . Journal of Comparative Law vol. 10 , ( ` )
HEINZE E ( 2014 ) . Human Rights: The Mass Media’s Bogeyman? . Media Diversity Institute Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
HEINZE E ( 2014 ) . Anti-Semitism is not held to account in the same way as other forms of bigotry . The Conversation Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
HEINZE E ( 2014 ) . Are all forms of prejudice really equal? . Left Foot Forward Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
HEINZE E ( 2014 ) . For all our recent advances, are we really wedded to gay rights? . The Conversation Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob , Notes: 954 visitors as of 1 Oct 2014 ,
HEINZE E ( 2013 ) . Hate speech and the normative foundations of regulation . International Journal of Law in Context vol. 9 , ( 4 ) 590 - 617 .
HEINZE E ( 2013 ) . Where be his quiddities now? . Faculti Media
HEINZE E ( 2013 ) . Professor Eric Heinze on The Concept of Injustice . Faculti Media
HEINZE E ( 2013 ) . "Where be his quiddities now?": Law and Language in Hamlet . Law and Language , Editors: Freeman, M, Smith, F , vol. 15 , Oxford University Press ( Oxford, UK ),
HEINZE E ( 2012 ) . The Concept of Injustice . Routledge
HEINZE E ( 2012 ) . The Reality and Hyperreality of Human Rights: Public Consciousness and the Mass Media . Examining Critical Perspectives on Human Rights: The End of an Era? , Editors: Dickenson, R, Katselli, E, Murray, C, Pedersen, O et al. , Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge, UK ),
Heinze E ( 2012 ) . Victimless Crimes . Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics , Elsevier
HEINZE E ( 2011 ) . Victimless Crimes . Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics , Editors: Callahan, D, Singer, P, Chadwick, R , Edition. 2nd , vol. 4 , Academic Press
HEINZE E ( 2011 ) . What is injustice? . Selected Works Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
Heinze E ( 2010 ) . Book review: ALAN NORRIE, Dialectic and Difference: Dialectical Critical Realism and the Grounds of Justice. London: Routledge, 2010, 257 + xiv pp., ISBN 9780415560668, £27.99 (pbk) . Social & Legal Studies vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 525 - 529 .
Heinze E ( 2010 ) . On churches and dictators: the Pope comes to Britain . Washington Post
Heinze E, Freedman R ( 2010 ) . Public awareness of Human Rights: distortions in the mass media . International Journal of Human Rights vol. 14:4 , 491 - 523 .
Heinze E ( 2010 ) . ‘Lawless Israel?’ . Washington Post
Heinze E ( 2010 ) . Ancient Greek philosophy for the modern world . Washington Post
HEINZE E, Freedman R ( 2010 ) . Public awareness of human rights: distortions in the mass media . International Journal of Human Rights vol. 14 , ( 4 ) 491 - 523 .
HEINZE E ( 2010 ) . The metaethics of Law: book one of Aristotle’s Nicomachean ethics . International Journal of Law in Context vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 23 - 44 .
HEINZE E ( 2010 ) . ‘He’d turn the world itself into a prison’: discourses on empire and nation Jean Racine’s Alexander the Great . Law and Humanities vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 63 - 89 .
HEINZE E ( 2010 ) . ‘“This power isn’t power if it’s shared’: law and violence in Jean Racine’s La Thébaïde . Law & Literature vol. 22 , ( 1 ) 76 - 109 .
Heinze E ( 2009 ) . In defense of the burqa: a gay perspective . Washington Post
Heinze E ( 2009 ) . Who’s afraid of Aristotle? . Guardian
HEINZE E ( 2009 ) . Cumulative jurisprudence and hate speech: sexual orientation and analogies to disability, age and obesity . International Journal of Human Rights vol. 13 , ( 2&3 ) 193 - 209 .
HEINZE E ( 2009 ) . Heir, celebrity, martyr, monster: legal and political legitimacy in Shakespeare and beyond . Law & Critique vol. 20 , ( 1 ) 79 - 103 .
HEINZE E ( 2009 ) . Power politics and the rule of law: Shakespeare’s first historical tetralogy and law’s “Foundations” . Oxford Journal of Legal Studies vol. 29 , ( 1 ) 139 - 168 .
HEINZE E ( 2009 ) . Were it not against our laws: oppression and resistance in Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors . Legal Studies vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 230 - 263 .
HEINZE E ( 2009 ) . Wild-West cowboys versus cheese-eating surrender monkeys: some problems in comparative approaches to hate speech regulation . Extreme speech and democracy , Editors: Weinstein, J, Hare, I , Oxford University Press ( UK ),
HEINZE E ( 2008 ) . Even-handedness and the politics of human rights . Harvard Human Rights Journal vol. 21 , 7 - 46 .
HEINZE E ( 2007 ) . Inside the Outsider: truth and Myth in Critical Race Theory and LatCrit . National Black Law Journal vol. 20 , 000 - 000 .
HEINZE E ( 2007 ) . The Status of Classiical natural law: Plato amd the Parochialism of Modern Theory . Canadian Journal of Jurisprudence vol. 20 , 000 - 000 .
HEINZE E ( 2007 ) . Epinomia: Plato and the First Legal Theory . Ratio Juris vol. 20 , ( 1 ) 97 - 135 .
HEINZE E ( 2007 ) . Towards the Aboliton of Hate Speech bans . Religious Pluralism and Human Rights , Editors: Loenen, Goldschmidt , Intersentia ( Antwerp ),
HEINZE E ( 2007 ) . ‘Towards the Abolition of Hate Speech Bans’ . in Religious Pluralism and Human Rights , Editors: Loenen, T, Goldschmidt, J , Intersentia ( Netherlands ),
HEINZE E ( 2006 ) . Viewpoint Absolutism and Hate Speech . The Modern Law Review vol. 69 , ( 4 ) 543 - 582 .
HEINZE E ( 2005 ) . The Logic of Constitutional Rights . Ashgate ( Aldershot, Hants ),
HEINZE E ( 2003 ) . The Logic of Equality: A Formal Analysis of Non-Discrimination Law . Ashgate ( Aldershot, Hants ),
HEINZE E ( 2003 ) . The Logic of Liberal Rights: A Study in the Formal Analysis of Legal Discourse . Routledge ( London ),
HEINZE E ( 2003 ) . The Logic of Standards of Review in Constitutional Cases . Vermont Law Review vol. 28 , 121 - 148 .
HEINZE E ( 2001 ) . Sexual Orientation and International Law: A Study in the Manufacture of Cross-Cultural "Sensitivity" . Michigan Journal of International Law [Reprinted in Discrimination and Toleration 2002(Hastrup (ed))] vol. 22 , 205 - 227 .