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Publications: Prolrd Peter Hennessy

Hennessy P ( 2019 ) . Winds of Change Britain in the Sixties . Allen Lane
HENNESSY PJ, Links J ( 2015 ) . The Silent Deep, The Royal Navy Submarine Service . Allen Lane
Hennessy P ( 2013 ) . Distilling the Frenzy: Writing the History of One's Own times . Biteback Publishing
Hennessy P ( 2011 ) . On Joining the Constitution . POLIT QUART vol. 82 , ( 2 ) 165 - 168 .
Hennessy P ( 2011 ) . India's nuclear debate: exceptionalism and the bomb . INT AFF vol. 87 , ( 2 ) 504 - 505 .
HENNESSY PJ ( 2010 ) . The Secret State: Preparing For The Worst 1945 - 2010 . Penguin ( London ),
Hennessy P ( 2010 ) . The Ben Pimlott Memorial Lecture 2009 'Inescapable, Necessary and Lunatic': Whitehall's Transition-to-war Planning for the Third World War . TWENT CENTURY BR HIS vol. 21 , ( 2 ) 206 - 224 .
Hennessy P ( 2009 ) . SEEKING A ROLE The United Kingdom 1951-1970 . TLS-TIMES LIT SUPPL ( 5536 ) 10 - 10 .
Hennessy P ( 2008 ) . Downing Street diary, vol 2, With James Callaghan in number 10 . TLS-TIMES LIT SUPPL ( 5503 ) 7 - 8 .
Hennessy P ( 2007 ) . From Blair to Brown: The condition of british government . POLIT QUART vol. 78 , ( 3 ) 344 - 352 .
Hennessy P ( 2007 ) . The Chancellors' tales - Managing the British economy . TLS-TIMES LIT SUPPL ( 5427 ) 31 - 31 .
HENNESSY PJ ( 2007 ) . Cabinets and the Bomb . Oxford University Press for the British Academy ( Oxford ),
HENNESSY PJ ( 2007 ) . From Secret State to Protective State . The New Protective State: Government, Intelligence and Terrorism , Editors: Hennessy, P , Continuum ( London ),
HENNESSY PJ ( 2007 ) . The New Protective State: Government, Intelligence and Terrorism . Continuum ( London ),
HENNESSY PJ ( 2006 ) . Having It So Good: Britain in the Fifties . Allen Lane (Penguin Press) ( London ),
HENNESSY PJ ( 2005 ) . 'An End to the Poverty of Aspirations? Parliament since 1979' . Parliamentary History vol. 24 , 216 - 225 .
HENNESSY PJ ( 2005 ) . 'Michael Young and the Labour Party' . Contemporary British History vol. 19 , 281 - 284 .
HENNESSY PJ ( 2005 ) . 'The British Secret State Old and New' . Royal United Services Institute Journal vol. 150 , 16 - 23 .
Hennessy P ( 2005 ) . 'War cabinetry': The political direction of the Falklands conflict . Falklands Conflict Twenty Years On: Lessons for the Future . Editors: Badsey, S, Havers, R, Grove, M , vol. 5 , 131 - 146 .
Hennessy P ( 2005 ) . Informality and circumscription: The blair style of government in war and peace . POLIT QUART vol. 76 , ( 1 ) 3 - 11 .
Hennessy P ( 2005 ) . Rulers and servants of the state: The Blair style of government 1997-2004 . PARLIAMENT AFF vol. 58 , ( 1 ) 6 - + .
HENNESSY PJ ( 2005 ) . “The Secret State: Old and New,” . Royal Air Force Historical Society vol. 34 , 6 - 15 .
HENNESSY PJ ( 2004 ) . 'Churchill and the Premiership' . Winston Churchill in the Twenty First Century , CUP ( Cambridge ),
HENNESSY PJ ( 2004 ) . ‘The Lightning Flash on the Road to Baghdad,’ . Hutton and Butler: Lifting the Lid on the Workings of Power , British Academy/OUP ( London ),
HENNESSY PJ ( 2003 ) . “The Secret State Revisted: The safety of the Realm in Retrospect and Prospect” . Royal United Services Institute Journal18 - 23 .
Hennessy P ( 2002 ) . The Blair government in historical perspective - An analysis of the power relationships within New Labour (Colin Matthew Memorial Lecture to the Royal Historical Society) . HIST TODAY vol. 52 , ( 1 ) 20 - 23 .
HENNESSY PJ ( 2002 ) . The Secret State: Whitehall and the Cold War . Allen Lane, Penguin Press ( London ),
HENNESSY PJ ( 2002 ) . “The Blair Style of Government” . Royal Society of Arts Journal vol. xlix , 42 - 45 .
HENNESSY PJ ( 2001 ) . The Prime Minister. The Office and its Holders since 1945 (UPDATED VERSION) . Penguin edition, 2001 ( London ),
HENNESSY PJ ( 2001 ) . Whitehall (UPDATED) . Pimlico
Hennessy P ( 2000 ) . Parliament under Blair . TLS-TIMES LIT SUPPL ( 5100 ) 25 - 25 .