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Publications: Prof Ilia Goldsheid

Goldsheid I, Sodin A ( 2023 ) . Sets of non-Lyapunov behaviour for scalar and matrix Schrödinger cocycles . International Mathematics Research Papers
Goldsheid I, Sodin S ( 2022 ) . Lower Bounds on Anderson-Localised Eigenfunctions on a Strip . Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 392 , ( 1 ) 125 - 144 .
Goldsheid I ( 2021 ) . Exponential Growth of Products of Non-Stationary Markov-Dependent Matrices . International Mathematics Research Notices
Aizenman A, Vainberg BR, Goldsheid IY, Jitomirskaya SY, Pastur LA, Klein A, Konakov VD, Cranston M et al. ( 2021 ) . Stanislav Alekseevich Molchanov . Russian Mathematical Surveys vol. 76 , ( 5 ) 943 - 949 .
Aizenman M, Vainberg BR, Gol'dsheid IY, Zhitomirskaya SY, Pastur LA, Klein A, Konakov VD, Cranston M et al. ( 2021 ) . Stanislav Alekseevich Molchanov (on his 80th birthday): Станислав Алексеевич Молчанов (к 80-летию со дня рождения) . Russian Mathematical Surveys vol. 76 , ( 5(461) ) 205 - 211 .
Dolgopyat D, Goldsheid I ( 2020 ) . Constructive approach to limit theorems for recurrent diffusive random walks on a strip . Asymptotic Analysis
Dolgopyat D, Goldsheid I ( 2020 ) . LOCAL LIMIT THEOREMS FOR RANDOM WALKS IN A RANDOM ENVIRONMENT ON A STRIP . Pure and Applied Functional Analysis vol. 5 , ( 6 ) 1297 - 1318 .
Dolgopyat D, GOLDSHEID I ( 2019 ) . Invariant measure for random walks on ergodic environments on a strip . Annals of Probability
GOLDSHEID I, SODIN A ( 2018 ) . Real eigenvalues in the non-Hermitian Anderson model . Annals of Applied Probability vol. 28 , ( 5 ) 3075 - 3093 .
Dolgopyat D, GOLDSHEID I ( 2018 ) . Central Limit Theorem for recurrent random walks on a strip with bounded potential . Nonlinearity
Dolgopyat D, Goldsheid I ( 2013 ) . Limit theorems for random walks on a strip in subdiffusive regimes . NONLINEARITY vol. 26 , ( 6 ) 1743 - 1782 .
Dolgopyat D, Goldsheid I ( 2013 ) . Local Limit Theorems for random walks in a 1D random environment . Archiv der Mathematik vol. 101 , ( 2 ) 191 - 200 .
DOLGOPYAT D, GOLDSHEID I ( 2012 ) . Quenched Limit Theorems for Nearest Neighbour Random Walks in 1D Random Environment . Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 315 , ( 1 ) 241 - 277 .
Goldsheid IY ( 2008 ) . Linear and sub-linear growth and the CLT for hitting times of a random walk in random environment on a strip . Probability Theory and Related Fields vol. 141 , ( 3-4 ) 471 - 511 .
Bolthausen E, Goldsheid I ( 2008 ) . Lingering random walks in random environment on a strip . COMMUN MATH PHYS vol. 278 , ( 1 ) 253 - 288 .
GOLDSHEID I ( 2007 ) . Simple Transient Random Walks in One-dimensional Random Environment: the Central Limit Theorem . Probability Theory and Related Fields vol. 139 , ( 1-2 ) 41 - 64 .
GOLDSHEID I ( 2007 ) . Linear and sub-linear growth and the CLT for hitting times of a random walk in random environment on a strip . Probability Theory and Related Fields vol. xxx , 1 - 41 .
Goldsheid I, KHORUZHENKO B ( 2005 ) . The Thouless formula for random non-Hermitian Jacobi matrices . Israel Journal of Mathematics vol. 148 , 331 - 346 .
GOLDSHEID I, Khoruzhenko BA ( 2003 ) . Regular spacings of complex eigenvalues in the one-dimensional non-Hermitian Anderson model . Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 238 , ( 3 ) 505 - 524 .
Goldsheid IY, Khoruzhenko BA ( 1998 ) . Distribution of Eigenvalues in Non-Hermitian Anderson Models . Physical Review Letters vol. 80 , ( 13 ) 2897 - 2900 .