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Publications: Dr Dane Goodsman

Salwey O, Franklin D, Hughes A, Marsden M, Grier G, Goodsman D ( 2024 ) . 3001 REBOA in non-traumatic cardiac arrest: a review of the literature . Conference: RCEM Annual Scientific Conference 2024 Abstractsa25.2 - a2a26 .
Ahmad M, Page M, Goodsman D ( 2023 ) . What is simulation-based medical education (SBME) debriefing in prehospital medicine? A qualitative, ethnographic study exploring SBME debriefing in prehospital medical education . BMC Medical Education vol. 23 , ( 1 )
Goodsman D, Wong TLE ( 2021 ) . Death and Disability Meetings at London's Air Ambulance . The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Healthcare Practitioners , Wiley
Goodsman D, Wong TLE ( 2021 ) . Death and disability meetings at london's air ambulance: Working in a just culture . The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Healthcare Practitioners: Research and Practice ,
Joy T, Ramage L, Mitchinson S, Kirby O, Greenhalgh R, Goodsman D, Davies G ( 2019 ) . Community emergency medicine: taking the ED to the patient: a 12-month observational analysis of activity and impact of a physician response unit . Emergency Medicine Journal vol. 37 , ( 9 ) 530 - 539 .
Wade DM, Mouncey PR, Richards-Belle A, Wulff J, Harrison DA, Sadique MZ, Grieve RD, Emerson LM et al. ( 2019 ) . Effect of a Nurse-Led Preventive Psychological Intervention on Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Critically Ill Patients . JAMA vol. 321 , ( 7 ) 665 - 675 .
Ledbury K, Holdsworth L, Robathan M, Sultan S, Cole E, Baptista A, Goodsman D, Davenport R ( 2019 ) . Developing Undergraduate Trauma Education Through aStudent Led Co-Curriculum Model . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 106 , 130 - 130 .
Murray E, Krahé C, Goodsman D ( 2018 ) . Are medical students in prehospital care at risk of moral injury? . Emergency Medicine Journal vol. 35 , ( 10 )
Byrne A, Jefferies R, Jones C, Kawai-Calderhead B, Goodsman D ( 2016 ) . Enhancing medical students’ leadership skills through student-selected components . The Journal of Educational Innovation Partnership and Change vol. 2 , ( 1 )
Tariq U, Sood M, Goodsman D ( 2015 ) . The Facilitator's Role in London's Air Ambulance's Simulation “Moulage” Training . Air Medical Journal vol. 34 , ( 2 ) 92 - 97 .
Cassidy C, Goodsman D, Lyons S ( 2013 ) . Paramedics teach future doctors. UK medical school leads in training of prehospital care for future medics . JEMS vol. 38 , ( 5 ) 60 - 62 .
Ahmad M, Goodsman D, Lightbody E ( 2012 ) . Introducing medical students to prehospital care . Clin Teach vol. 9 , ( 3 ) 168 - 172 .
Kostrzewski AJ, Dhillon S, Goodsman D, Taylor KMG ( 2010 ) . The impact of portfolios on health professionals' practice: a literature review . International Journal of Pharmacy Practice vol. 16 , ( 6 ) 339 - 345 .
Kostrzewski AJ, Dhillon S, Goodsman D, Taylor KMG, Weinman JA ( 2009 ) . The extent and characteristics of United Kingdom hospital pharmacists keeping, or not keeping, a professional development portfolio . Int J Pharm Pract vol. 17 , ( 5 ) 299 - 304 .
Kostrzewski AJ, Dhillon S, Goodsman D, Taylor KMG ( 2009 ) . The influence of continuing professional development portfolio records on pharmacy practice . Int J Pharm Pract vol. 17 , ( 2 ) 107 - 113 .
Jones K, Newton PD, Goodsman D, Gibbons DE, Newton JT ( 2005 ) . Erratum: An appraisal of options of the training and education of Professionals Complementary to Dentistry (British Dental Journal (April 23, 2005) 198:8 (499-502 )) . British Dental Journal vol. 198 , ( 9 )
Bartlett DW, Coward PY, Wilson R, Goodsman D, Darby J ( 2001 ) . Experiences and perceptions of vocational training reported by the 1999 cohort of vocational dental practitioners and their trainers in England and Wales . British Dental Journal vol. 191 , ( 5 ) 265 - 270 .
Bartlett DW, Coward PY, Goodsman D, Darby J ( 1997 ) . Experience of undergraduates from three London dental schools and trainers from the south east of England on interviews for vocational training in 1996 . British Dental Journal vol. 183 , ( 8 ) 284 - 288 .
Playdon Z-J, Goodsman D ( 1997 ) . Education or training: medicine's learning agenda . The BMJ vol. 314 , ( 7085 )