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Publications: Prof Brigitte Granville

Granville B ( 2024 ) . Grading the negative rate experiment, Did keeping interest rates low for so long create an unnecessary "free money" distortion, increasing income inequality? . The International Economy
Granville B ( 2023 ) . The Neglected Issue that Will Define Europe’s Future . Project Syndicate
Granville B ( 2023 ) . Protest and power in France . Project syndicate
Granville B ( 2022 ) . Should the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences Be Put on Hold? . The International Economy ( Winter 2022 )
Otojanov R, Fouquet R, Granville B ( 2022 ) . Factor prices and induced technical change in the industrial revolution . The Economic History Review vol. 76 , ( 2 ) 599 - 623 .
Aman Z, Granville B, Mallick SK, Nemlioglu I ( 2022 ) . Does greater financial openness promote external competitiveness in emerging markets? The role of institutional quality . International Journal of Finance & Economics vol. 29 , ( 1 ) 486 - 510 .
Granville B ( 2022 ) . Growth and the Migration Factor . Project-syndicate
Granville B ( 2022 ) . Inflation will probably melt away in 2022 – central banks will do far more harm trying to tackle it . The Conversation
Esener C, Granville B, Matousek R ( 2022 ) . Choosing the Optimal Tool for Fiscal Adjustment or Living under Fiscal Constraints: Panel Evidence from Selected OECD Countries . Economic Research Guardian vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 2 - 29 .
Granville B ( 2021 ) . Behind the Modern Malaise . Project Syndicate
Granville B ( 2021 ) . The anger of provincial France makes Macron vulnerable . The Financial Times
Granville B ( 2021 ) . Inflation might well keep rising in 2021 - but what happens after that? . The Conversation
Granville B ( 2021 ) . What Ails France? . McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP
Granville B, Matousek R, Sokolov E ( 2019 ) . The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Capital Structure: Evidence from Russia . Journal of Corporate Finance Research / Корпоративные Финансы | ISSN 2073-0438 vol. 13 , ( 4 ) 7 - 19 .
Granville B, Zeng N ( 2019 ) . Time variation in inflation persistence: New evidence from modelling US inflation . Economic Modelling vol. 81 , 30 - 39 .
Bagnai A, Granville B, Ospina CAM ( 2017 ) . Withdrawal of Italy from the euro area: Stochastic simulations of a structural macroeconometric model . Economic Modelling vol. 64 , 524 - 538 .
Granville B, Hussain S ( 2017 ) . Eurozone cycles: An analysis of phase synchronization . International Journal of Finance & Economics vol. 22 , ( 2 ) 83 - 114 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 2017 ) . Collapse of the Ruble zone and its lessons . CESifo Forum vol. 17 , ( 4 ) Article 11132016004000 , 19 - 26 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 2017 ) . Lessons from the collapse of the Ruble Zone and the transferable Ruble system . CESifo Forum vol. 17 , ( 4 ) 19 - 26 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 2016 ) . Versailles in Athens: the implications of German government policy for Greece . German macro: how it's different and why that matters , Editors: Bratsiotis, G, Cobham, D , European Policy Center ( Brussels ),
GRANVILLE BE, Nagly D ( 2015 ) . Conflicting incentives for the public to support the EMU . Manchester School vol. 83 , 142 - 157 .
Granville B ( 2015 ) . Capital in the twenty first century . Management & Organizational History vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 87 - 90 .
Granville B ( 2013 ) . Remembering inflation .
Granville B ( 2013 ) . Remembering Inflation . Princeton University Press
Granville B, Mallick S ( 2012 ) . Integrating poverty reduction in IMF-World Bank models . 183 - 200 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 2012 ) . Empirical Evidence from South Africa . The Processes and Practices of Fair Trade , Editors: Granville, B, Dine, J , Routledge
Granville B, Dine J ( 2012 ) . The Processes and Practices of Fair Trade: Trust, Ethics and Governance . Routledge
PREVEZER MJ, Granville, B, Dine, J ( 2012 ) . Fairtrade governance and its impact on local development – a framework . The Processes and Practices of Fair Trade: Trust, ethics and governance
Johnson RN ( 2012 ) . Declining Industries and the Persistence of Government Support Programs: The Quiet Decline of Gum Naval Stores Production in the United States . The Journal of Economic History vol. 60 , ( 4 ) 995 - 1016 .
GRANVILLE BE, Mallick S, Zeng N ( 2011 ) . Chinese exchange rate and price effects on G3 import prices . Journal of Asian Economics vol. 22 , ( 6 ) 427 - 440 .
Granville B, Leonard CS ( 2010 ) . Do Informal Institutions Matter for Technological Change in Russia? The Impact of Communist Norms and Conventions, 1998-2004 . WORLD DEVELOPMENT vol. 38 , ( 2 ) 155 - 169 .
Granville B, Mallick S ( 2010 ) . Monetary Policy in Russia: Identifying exchange rate shocks . ECONOMIC MODELLING vol. 27 , ( 1 ) 432 - 444 .
Granville B, Trushin E ( 2010 ) . The Hope for neglected diseases: R&D incentives . , pp. 1 - 44 . Queen Mary, University of London, School of Business and Management, Centre for Globalisation Research Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob , Notes: ,
GRANVILLE BE, Mallick S ( 2009 ) . Monetary and Financial Stability in the Euro Area: Pro-cyclicality versus Trade-off . Institutions & Money vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 662 - 674 .
GRANVILLE BE, Mallick SK ( 2009 ) . Monetary and Financial Stability in the Euro Area: Pro-cyclicality versus trade-off . Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 662 - 674 .
Granville B ( 2009 ) . Russia's Capitalist Revolution: Why Market Reform Succeeded and Democracy Failed . ECONOMICA vol. 76 , ( 301 ) 215 - 216 .
GRANVILLE B, Shapiro J ( 2009 ) . Scratch a Would-Be Planner: Robins, Neoclassical Economics and the End of Socialism . Lionel Robbins’s essay on the nature and significance of economic science, 75th anniversary conference proceedings , Editors: Cowell, F, Witztum, A , Sticerd, LSE ( London ),
Granville B ( 2009 ) . Trust in Fairtrade: The ‘Feel-Good’ Effect, . pp. 1 - 32 . Queen Mary, University of London, School of Business and Management, Centre for Globalisation Research ( ), Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
FERGUSON N, GRANVILLE B ( 2008 ) . “Weimar on the Volga ”: Causes and Consequences of Inflation in 1990s Russia Compared with 1920s Germany . The Journal of Economic History vol. 60 , ( 04 ) 1061 - 1087 .
Borodkin L, Granville B, Leonard CS ( 2008 ) . The rural/urban wage gap in the industrialisation of Russia, 1884-1910 . European Review of Economic History vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 67 - 95 .
Shapiro J, Granville B ( 2008 ) . Scratch a Would-Be Planner: Robins, Neoclassical Economics and the End of Socialism . Queen Mary, University of London, School of Business and Management, Centre for Globalisation Research
( 2007 ) . Erratum . International Review of Applied Economics vol. 19 , ( 2 ) 267 - 267 .
GRANVILLE B, Aart Scholte J, Robertson R ( 2007 ) . Globalization and the Euro . Encyclopedia of Globalization , Edition. 2007 , vol. 1, A-E , Routledge ( New York ),
Granville B ( 2006 ) . Russian Economic Reform in 1992: The Threat to Stabilization . Business Strategy Review vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 29 - 44 .
Granville B ( 2006 ) . Russia's economic transitions: From late tsarism to the new millenium . ECONOMICA vol. 73 , ( 291 ) 555 - 556 .
Granville B ( 2006 ) . The inflation-targeting debate . BUS HIST vol. 48 , ( 3 ) 450 - 451 .
GRANVILLE BE, Mallick S ( 2006 ) . Does Inflation or Currency Depreciation Drive Monetary Policy in Russia? . Research in International Business and Finance vol. 20 , ( 2 ) 163 - 179 .
GRANVILLE BE, Mallick S ( 2006 ) . Integrating Poverty Reduction in IMF-World Bank Models . The IMF, the World Bank and policy reforms , Editors: Paloni, A, Zanardi, M , Routledge,
GRANVILLE B, Mallick S ( 2006 ) . Monetary Policy in Russia . Return to Growth in CIS Countries and the Macroeconomic Framework , Editors: Souza, BLVD, Havrylyshyn, O , Springer, ( Berlin ),
GRANVILLE BE, Mallick S ( 2005 ) . How Best to Link Poverty Reduction and Debt Sustainability in IMF-World Bank Models . International Review of Applied Economics vol. 19 , ( 1 ) 67 - 85 .
GRANVILLE BE, Mallick S ( 2004 ) . Pension Reforms and Saving Gains in the United Kingdom . Policy Reform vol. 7:2 , 123 - 136 .
Granville B ( 2004 ) . Monetary transmisson in diverse economies . INT AFF vol. 80 , ( 3 ) 547 - 549 .
Granville B, Mallick S ( 2004 ) . Fisher hypothesis: UK evidence over a century . APPL ECON LETT vol. 11 , ( 2 ) 87 - 90 .
GRANVILLE BE, Attaran A ( 2004 ) . Delivering Essential Medicines: The Way Forward . RIIA distributed by Brookings
GRANVILLE BE, Mallick S ( 2004 ) . Does capital market reform boost savings? Evidence from the UK pension reforms . Tokyo club papers vol. 16 , 7 - 36 .
GRANVILLE BE, Mallick S ( 2004 ) . Global price transmission from China . Tokyo Club Papers
GRANVILLE BE, Attaran A ( 2004 ) . Who Needs to do What? . in Delivering Essential Medicines: The Way Forward , Editors: Attaran, A, Granville, B , RIIA distributed by Brookings
Granville B ( 2003 ) . Economic reform in Iraq - From Russia with caution . WORLD TODAY vol. 59 , ( 12 ) 8 - 9 .
Granville B ( 2003 ) . Financial crises and what to do about them . INT AFF vol. 79 , ( 5 ) 1099 - 1101 .
Granville B ( 2003 ) . The IMF and the future: issues and options facing the Fund . INT AFF vol. 79 , ( 5 ) 1098 - 1099 .
Granville B ( 2003 ) . Economic consequences of war - Downsides all around . WORLD TODAY vol. 59 , ( 5 ) 21 - 22 .
Granville B ( 2003 ) . International organizations and the analysis of economic policy, 1919-1950 . INT AFF vol. 79 , ( 2 ) 437 - 438 .
Granville B ( 2003 ) . Labouring abroad . WORLD TODAY vol. 59 , ( 1 ) 15 - 16 .
Granville B ( 2003 ) . Lending credibility: the International Monetary Fund and the post-communist transition . INT AFF vol. 79 , ( 1 ) 195 - 197 .
GRANVILLE BE, Aggarval V ( 2003 ) . Sovereign Debt Management: Lessons and Policy Implications . Sovereign Debt: Origins, Management, and Restructuring , Editors: Granville, B, Aggarval, V , RIIA distributed by Brookings
GRANVILLE BE, Aggarval V ( 2003 ) . Sovereign Debt: Origins, Management, and Restructuring . RIIA distributed by Brookings
GRANVILLE BE ( 2003 ) . Strengthening the Link between Debt and Poverty Reduction: the HIPC Initiative . Sovereign Debt: Origins, Management, and Restructuring, eds by , , Editors: Granville, B, Aggarval, V , RIIA distributed by Brookings
GRANVILLE BE ( 2003 ) . Taxation of Financial Intermediaries as a source of Budget Revenue: Russia in the 1990s . Taxation of Financial Intemediation, Theory and Practice for Emerging Economies, , Editors: Honohan, P , The World Bank
GRANVILLE BE ( 2003 ) . The Global Economy, What has Changed . Global Responses to Terrorism, 9/11, Afghanistan and Beyond, , Editors: Bickley, M, Fawn, R , Routledge
GRANVILLE BE ( 2002 ) . The IMF and The Ruble Zone: Response to Odling-Smee and Pastor . Comparative Economic Studies vol. 44 , ( 4 ) 59 - 80 .
Granville B ( 2002 ) . France - French way fails . WORLD TODAY vol. 58 , ( 6 ) 8 - 9 .
GRANVILLE BE, Leonard CS ( 2002 ) . Pharmaceuticals and digital deepening: how discouraging is the digital divide for development? . Tokyo club papers vol. 15 , 117 - 157 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 2002 ) . Progress towards Financial Stability . Russian Banking: Evolution, Problems and Prospects , Editors: Lane, D , Edward Elgar
GRANVILLE BE ( 2002 ) . Sovereign Debt Crisis Resolution: The Benefits of 'uncertainty principles' . Business Economist vol. 33:1 , 23 - 35 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 2002 ) . The Economics of Essential Medicines . RIIA distributed by Brookings,
GRANVILLE BE, Scott C ( 2002 ) . The Pharmaceuticals Sector: The Generics Development Trajectory . The Economics of Essential Medicines , published by , Editors: Granville, B , RIIA distributed by Brookings
Allison R, Granville B, Hollis R ( 2001 ) . Living with Afghanistan . WORLD TODAY vol. 57 , ( 11 ) 11 - 12 .
Granville B ( 2001 ) . Shaken . WORLD TODAY vol. 57 , ( 10 ) 14 - 14 .
Beber M, Granville B ( 2001 ) . Rules of engagement . WORLD TODAY vol. 57 , ( 3 ) 26 - 27 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 2001 ) . Exchange Rates in Transition . Don’t Fix. Don’t Float , Editors: Braga, DMJCD, 2001, RH , Development Centre Studies, International Development, OECD
GRANVILLE BE, Manning J, Leonard C ( 2001 ) . Information technology and economic performance, potential for developing countries . Tokyo club papers vol. 14 , 49 - 80 .
GRANVILLE BE, Oppenheimer P ( 2001 ) . Introduction . Russia’s post-Communist Economy , Editors: Granville, B, Oppenheimer, P , Oxford University Press
GRANVILLE BE, Oppenheimer P ( 2001 ) . Russia's Post-Communist Economy . Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
GRANVILLE BE, Oppenheimer P ( 2001 ) . Russia’s Post-Communist Economy . Oxford University Press
GRANVILLE BE ( 2001 ) . The Problem of Monetary Stabilization . Russia's Post-Communist Economy , Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
Ferguson N, Granville B ( 2000 ) . "Weimar on the Volga": Causes and consequences of inflation in 1990s Russia compared with 1920s Germany . J ECON HIST vol. 60 , ( 4 ) 1061 - 1087 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 2000 ) . Essays on the World Economy and its Financial System . RIIA distributed by Brookings ( London, Washington ),
Granville B ( 2000 ) . A prism on globalization: corporate responses to the dollar . INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS vol. 76 , ( 2 ) 360 - 360 .
Hollis R, Herzig E, Granville B ( 2000 ) . Bumpy road . WORLD TODAY vol. 56 , ( 6 ) 26 - 27 .
Granville B ( 2000 ) . Contested economic institutions: the politics of macroeconomics and wage bargaining in advanced democracies . INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS vol. 76 , ( 2 ) 364 - 365 .
Granville B ( 2000 ) . Freedom's charm . WORLD TODAY vol. 56 , ( 3 ) 23 - 24 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 1999 ) . Bingo or Fiasco, The Global financial situation is not guaranteed . International Affairs vol. 75 , ( 4 ) 713 - 728 .
Granville B ( 1999 ) . Bananas, beef and biotechnology . WORLD TODAY vol. 55 , ( 4 ) 4 - 5 .
Granville B ( 1999 ) . L'échec de la stabilisation monétaire en Russie : 1991-1998 . Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 61 - 87 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 1999 ) . L’Echec de la Stabilisation Monetaire en Russie . Revue d’etudes comparatives Est-Ouest vol. 30 , ( 2-3 ) 55 - 81 .
Granville B ( 1999 ) . Time for a rescue . WORLD TODAY vol. 55 , ( 7 ) 7 - 9 .
Granville B ( 1998 ) . Statistics for emerging labour markets in transition economies: a technical guide on sources, methods, classifications and policies . INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS vol. 74 , ( 3 ) 663 - 664 .
Bennett J ( 1996 ) . The success of Russian economic reforms - Granville,B . INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS vol. 72 , ( 3 ) 622 - 623 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 1995 ) . Farewell then rouble zone . Russian Economic Reform at risk , Editors: Aslund, A , St Martin's Press ( New York ),
GRANVILLE BE ( 1995 ) . The Success of Russian Economic Reforms . published by RIIA distributed by Brookings ( London, Washington ),
GRANVILLE BE ( 1993 ) . Price and Currency Reform in the CIS . Russian and East European Finance and Trade vol. Spring , 3 - 67 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 1993 ) . Russian Monetary Policy in 1992: The Threat to Stabilisation . Business Strategy Review vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 29 - 44 .
Granville B ( 1992 ) . Economic thought and economic reform in the Soviet Union . International Affairs vol. 68 , ( 3 ) 553 - 554 .
Granville B ( 1992 ) . Gorbachev's struggle for economic reform . International Affairs vol. 68 , ( 3 ) 555 - 555 .
Granville B ( 1992 ) . A stable external currency for Europe . International Affairs vol. 68 , ( 2 ) 348 - 348 .
Granville B ( 1992 ) . Soviet federalism: nationalism and economic decentralisation . International Affairs vol. 68 , ( 2 ) 369 - 370 .
GRANVILLE BE ( 1992 ) . Convertibility and Exchange Rates in Poland: 1957 - 199O . Soviet and Eastern European Foreign Trade vol. winter , 71 - 97 .
Granville B ( 1992 ) . East-West trade and the Atlantic alliance . International Affairs vol. 68 , ( 1 ) 162 - 162 .
Granville B ( 1992 ) . Reform in Eastern Europe . International Affairs vol. 68 , ( 1 ) 181 - 181 .
Granville B ( 1991 ) . Restructuring the French economy: government and the rise of market competition since World War II . International Affairs vol. 67 , ( 1 ) 168 - 169 .