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Publications: Prof Andrea Cavallaro

Pang YL, Oh C, Cavallaro A ( 2024 ) . Sparse multi-view hand-object reconstruction for unseen environments . Conference: 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) vol. 00 , 803 - 810 .
Tian L, Oh C, Cavallaro A ( 2024 ) . Test-time adaptation for 6D pose tracking . Pattern Recognition Article 110390 , 110390 - 110390 .
Baranouskaya D, Cavallaro A ( 2023 ) . Human-interpretable and deep features for image privacy classification . Conference: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) vol. 00 , 3489 - 3492 .
Apicella T, Xompero A, Ragusa E, Berta R, Cavallaro A, Gastaldo P ( 2023 ) . Affordance segmentation of hand-occluded containers from exocentric images . Conference: 2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW) vol. 00 , 1890 - 1899 .
Baia AE, Poggioni V, Cavallaro A ( 2023 ) . Black-Box Attacks on Image Activity Prediction and its Natural Language Explanations . Conference: 2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW) vol. 00 , 3688 - 3697 .
Alex A, Wang L, Gastaldo P, Cavallaro A ( 2023 ) . Data augmentation for speech separation . Speech Communication vol. 152 ,
Clayton M, Wang L, Mcpherson A, Cavallaro A ( 2023 ) . An embedded multichannel sound acquisition system for drone audition . IEEE Sensors Journal
Mukhutdinov D, Alex A, Cavallaro A, Wang L ( 2023 ) . Deep learning models for single-channel speech enhancement on drones . IEEE Access1 - 1 .
Xompero A, Cavallaro A ( 2023 ) . Cross-Camera View-Overlap Recognition . Computer Vision – ECCV 2022 Workshops , vol. 13806 , Springer Nature
Lakhal M, Lanz O, Cavallaro A ( 2023 ) . Multi-View Video Synthesis Through Progressive Synthesis and Refinement . Conference: Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications230 - 238 .
Modas A, Cavallaro A, Frossard P . Data augmentation with mixtures of max-entropy transformations for filling-level classification . 2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) . Conference: 2022 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)1606 - 1610 .
Stoidis D, Cavallaro A ( 2022 ) . Content-based Graph Privacy Advisor . Conference: 2022 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) vol. 00 , 65 - 72 .
Li CY, Cavallaro A ( 2022 ) . On The Limits of Perceptual Quality Measures for Enhanced Underwater Images . Conference: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) vol. 00 , 4148 - 4152 .
Wang L, Cavallaro A ( 2022 ) . Deep learning assisted sound source localization from a flying drone . IEEE Sensors Journal vol. PP , ( 99 ) 1 - 1 .
Stoidis D, Cavallaro A . Generating gender-ambiguous voices for privacy-preserving speech recognition . Conference: Interspeech 20224237 - 4241 .
Xompero A, Pang YL, Patten T, Prabhakar A, Calli B, Cavallaro A ( 2022 ) . Audio-Visual Object Classification for Human-Robot Collaboration . Conference: ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 9137 - 9141 .
Rajan V, Brutti A, Cavallaro A ( 2022 ) . Is Cross-Attention Preferable to Self-Attention for Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition? . Conference: ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 4693 - 4697 .
Li CY, Cavallaro A ( 2022 ) . Training Privacy-Preserving Video Analytics Pipelines by Suppressing Features That Reveal Information About Private Attributes . Conference: ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 3019 - 3023 .
Xompero A, Donaher S, Iashin V, Palermo F, Solak G, Coppola C, Ishikawa R, Nagao Y et al. ( 2022 ) . The CORSMAL Benchmark for the Prediction of the Properties of Containers . IEEE Access vol. 10 , 41388 - 41402 .
Tian L, Cavallaro A, Oh C ( 2022 ) . CLUSTER-BASED 3D KEYPOINT DETECTION FOR CATEGORY-AGNOSTIC 6D POSE TRACKING . Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP . Conference: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)3651 - 3655 .
Oh C, Xompero A, Cavallaro A ( 2022 ) . Chapter 15 Visual adversarial attacks and defenses . Advanced Methods and Deep Learning in Computer Vision , Elsevier
Lakhal MI, Lanz O, Cavallaro A ( 2022 ) . Implicit texture mapping for multi-view video synthesis . BMVC 2022 - 33rd British Machine Vision Conference Proceedings .
Li CY, Cavallaro A ( 2022 ) . Selective Colour Restoration of Underwater Surfaces . BMVC 2022 - 33rd British Machine Vision Conference Proceedings .
Oh C, Pang YL, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . OHPL: One-shot Hand-eye Policy Learner . IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems . Conference: 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)3904 - 3910 .
Apicella T, Cavallaro A, Berta R, Gastaldo P, Bellotti F, Ragusa E ( 2021 ) . An Affordance Detection Pipeline for Resource-Constrained Devices . Conference: 2021 28th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Alex A, Wang L, Gastaldo P, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . Mixup Augmentation for Generalizable Speech Separation . Conference: 2021 IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Sanchez-Matilla R, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . Benchmark for anonymous video analytics . EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing vol. 2021 , ( 1 )
Shahin Shamsabadi A, Oh C, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . Semantically Adversarial Learnable Filters . IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
Malekzadeh M, Clegg R, Cavallaro A, Haddadi H ( 2021 ) . DANA: Dimension-Adaptive Neural Architecture for Multivariate Sensor Data . Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies vol. 5 , ( 3 )
Stoidis D, Cavallaro A . Protecting Gender and Identity with Disentangled Speech Representations . Conference: Interspeech 20211699 - 1703 .
Donaher S, Xompero A, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . Audio classification of the content of food containers and drinking glasses . Conference: 2021 29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) vol. 00 , 591 - 595 .
Pang YL, Xompero A, Oh C, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . Towards safe human-to-robot handovers of unknown containers . Conference: IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) vol. 00 , 51 - 58 .
Varotto L, Cenedese A, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . Probabilistic Radio-Visual Active Sensing for Search and Tracking . Conference: 2021 European Control Conference (ECC) vol. 00 , 417 - 422 .
Shamsabadi AS, Teixeira FS, Abad A, Raj B, Cavallaro A, Trancoso I ( 2021 ) . FoolHD: Fooling Speaker Identification by Highly Imperceptible Adversarial Disturbances . Conference: ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 6159 - 6163 .
Rajan V, Brutti A, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . Robust Latent Representations Via Cross-Modal Translation and Alignment . Conference: ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 4315 - 4319 .
Zhou K, Yang Y, Cavallaro A, Xiang T ( 2021 ) . Learning Generalisable Omni-Scale Representations for Person Re-Identification . IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence vol. 44 , ( 9 ) 5056 - 5069 .
Lakhal MI, Boscaini D, Poiesi F, Lanz O, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . Novel-View Human Action Synthesis . Computer Vision – ACCV 2020 , vol. 12625 , Springer Nature
Qian X, Brutti A, Lanz O, Omologo M, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . Audio-visual tracking of concurrent speakers . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia vol. PP , ( 99 ) 1 - 1 .
Modas A, Xompero A, Sanchez-Matilla R, Frossard P, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . Improving Filling Level Classification with Adversarial Training . Conference: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) vol. 00 , 829 - 833 .
Li CY, Sánchez-Matilla R, Shamsabadi AS, Mazzon R, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . On the Reversibility of Adversarial Attacks . Conference: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) vol. 00 , 3073 - 3077 .
Sanchez-Matilla R, Cavallaro A ( 2021 ) . Motion Prediction for First-Person Vision Multi-object Tracking . Computer Vision – ECCV 2020 Workshops , vol. 12538 , Springer Nature
Li CY, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . Cast-Gan: Learning To Remove Colour Cast From Underwater Images . Conference: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) vol. 00 , 1083 - 1087 .
Cavallaro A, Malekzadeh M, Shamsabadi AS ( 2020 ) . Deep Learning for Privacy in Multimedia . Conference: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia4777 - 4778 .
Wang L, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . Deep learning assisted time-frequency processing for speech enhancement on drones . IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence
Wang L, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . A blind source separation framework for ego-noise reduction on multi-rotor drones . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing vol. 28 , 2523 - 2537 .
Shahin Shamsabadi A, Sanchez-Matilla R, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . ColorFool: Semantic Adversarial Colorization . Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition . Conference: EEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)1148 - 1157 .
Cross MS, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . Privacy as a Feature for Body-Worn Cameras . IEEE: Signal Processing Magazine vol. 37 , ( 4 ) 145 - 148 .
Modas A, Sanchez-Matilla R, Frossard P, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . Toward Robust Sensing for Autonomous Vehicles . IEEE: Signal Processing Magazine vol. 37 , ( 4 ) 14 - 23 .
Mo F, Shamsabadi AS, Katevas K, Demetriou S, Leontiadis I, Cavallaro A, Haddadi H ( 2020 ) . DarkneTZ . Conference: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services161 - 174 .
Shamsabadi AS, Oh C, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . Edgefool: an Adversarial Image Enhancement Filter . Conference: ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 1898 - 1902 .
Xompero A, Sanchez-Matilla R, Modas A, Frossard P, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . Multi-View Shape Estimation of Transparent Containers . Conference: ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 2363 - 2367 .
Tadesse GA, Bent O, Marcenaro L, Weldemariam K, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . Privacy-Aware Human Activity Recognition From a Wearable Camera: Highlights From the IEEE Video And Image Processing Cup 2019 Student Competition [SP Competitions] . IEEE Signal Processing Magazine vol. 37 , ( 3 ) 168 - 172 .
Sanchez-Matilla R, Chatzilygeroudis K, Modas A, Duarte NF, Xompero A, Frossard P, Billard A, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . Benchmark for Human-to-Robot Handovers of Unseen Containers with Unknown Filling . IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters vol. 5 , ( 2 ) 1642 - 1649 .
Sanchez-Matilla R, Li CY, Shahin Shamsabad A, Mazzon R, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . Exploiting vulnerabilities of deep neural networks for privacy protection . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia1 - 1 .
Shamsabadi AS, Gascon A, Haddadi H, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . PrivEdge: From Local to Distributed Private Training and Prediction . IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security vol. 15 , 3819 - 3831 .
Oh C, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . View-Action Representation Learning for Active First-Person Vision . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology1 - 1 .
Malekzadeh M, Clegg RG, Cavallaro A, Haddadi H ( 2020 ) . Privacy and utility preserving sensor-data transformations . Pervasive and Mobile Computing vol. 63 ,
Wang L, Sanchez-Matilla R, Cavallaro A . Audio-visual sensing from a quadcopter: dataset and baselines for source localization and sound enhancement . 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) . Conference: 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)5320 - 5325 .
Xompero A, Lanz O, Cavallaro A ( 2020 ) . A Spatio-Temporal Multi-Scale Binary Descriptor . IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol. 29 , 4362 - 4375 .
Mo F, Shamsabadi AS, Katevas K, Cavallaro A, Haddadi H ( 2019 ) . Poster . Conference: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security2653 - 2655 .
Zhou K, Yang Y, Cavallaro A, Xiang T ( 2019 ) . Omni-Scale Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification . Conference: 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) vol. 00 , 3701 - 3711 .
Lakhal MI, Lanz O, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . View-LSTM: Novel-View Video Synthesis Through View Decomposition . Conference: 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) vol. 00 , 7576 - 7586 .
Sarwar O, Rinner B, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . A Privacy-Preserving Filter for Oblique Face Images Based on Adaptive Hopping Gaussian Mixtures . IEEE Access vol. 7 , 142623 - 142639 .
Rajan V, Brutti A, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . ConflictNET: End-to-End Learning for Speech-Based Conflict Intensity Estimation . IEEE Signal Processing Letters vol. 26 , ( 11 ) 1668 - 1672 .
Portêlo A, Cavallaro A, Barata C, Marques JS ( 2019 ) . Description and Recognition of Activity Patterns Using Sparse Vector Fields . Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis , vol. 11867 , Springer Nature
OH C, CAVALLARO A ( 2019 ) . Learning action representations for self-supervised visual exploration . Conference: IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Qi H, Yu J, Cavallaro A, Gao Y ( 2019 ) . Robust Compressive Sensing of Multiband Spectrum with Partial and Incorrect Priors . Conference: ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Li CY, Shamsabadi AS, Sanchez-Matilla R, Mazzon R, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . Scene Privacy Protection . Conference: ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 2502 - 2506 .
Abebe G, Catala A, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . A First-Person Vision Dataset of Office Activities . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 11377 , 27 - 37 .
Lanz O, Brutti A, Xompero A, Qian X, Omologo M, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . Accurate Target Annotation in 3D from Multimodal Streams . ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings . Conference: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ( Brighton, United Kingdom ) from: 12/05/2019 to: 17/05/2019 , vol. 2019-May , 3931 - 3935 .
Muzaffar R, Yanmaz E, Raffelsberger C, Bettstetter C, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . Live multicast video streaming from drones: an experimental study . Autonomous Robots vol. 44 , ( 1 ) 75 - 91 .
Malekzadeh M, Clegg RG, Cavallaro A, Haddadi H ( 2019 ) . Mobile sensor data anonymization . Conference: Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation49 - 58 .
QIAN X, Brutti A, Lanz O, Omologo M, CAVALLARO A ( 2019 ) . Multi-speaker tracking from an audio-visual sensing device . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
Su Z, Fang Q, Wang H, Mehrotra S, Begen AC, Ye Q, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . Guest Editorial Trustworthiness in Social Multimedia Analytics and Delivery . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia vol. 21 , ( 3 ) 537 - 538 .
Lakhal MI, Lanz O, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . Pose Guided Human Image Synthesis by View Disentanglement and Enhanced Weighting Loss . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 11130 , 380 - 394 .
Lakhal MI, Clapés A, Escalera S, Lanz O, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . Residual Stacked RNNs for Action Recognition . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 11130 , 534 - 548 .
Sanchez-Matilla R, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . A Predictor of Moving Objects for First-Person Vision . Conference: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) vol. 00 , 2189 - 2193 .
Lakhal MI, Lanz O, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . Learnable Masks for Pose-Guided View Synthesis . Conference: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) vol. 00 , 1775 - 1779 .
Cavallaro A, Brutti A ( 2019 ) . Chapter 5 Audio-visual learning for body-worn cameras . Multimodal Behavior Analysis in the Wild , Elsevier
Zhou K, Xiang T, Cavallaro A ( 2019 ) . Video summarisation by classification with deep reinforcement learning . British Machine Vision Conference 2018, BMVC 2018 .
Li CY, Mazzon R, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . An Online Platform for Underwater Image Quality Evaluation . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . Conference: Computer Vision for Automated Analysis of Underwater Imagery Workshop (CVAUI) 2018 vol. 11188 LNCS , 37 - 44 .
Chang YY, Mazzon R, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . Real-time quality assessment of videos from body-worn cameras . European Signal Processing Conference . Conference: European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 2018 vol. 2018-September , 2160 - 2164 .
Li CY, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . Background Light Estimation for Depth-Dependent Underwater Image Restoration . Conference: 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) vol. 00 , 1528 - 1532 .
Sanchez-Matilla R, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . Confidence Intervals for Tracking Performance Scores . Conference: 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) vol. 00 , 246 - 250 .
Shamsabadi AS, Haddadi H, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . Distributed One-Class Learning . Conference: 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) vol. 00 , 4123 - 4127 .
Xompero A, Lanz O, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . MORB: A Multi-Scale Binary Descriptor . Conference: 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) vol. 00 , 2167 - 2171 .
Campo D, Baydoun M, Marcenaro L, Cavallaro A, Regazzoni CS ( 2018 ) . Unsupervised Trajectory Modeling Based on Discrete Descriptors for Classifying Moving Objects in Video Sequences . Conference: 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) vol. 00 , 833 - 837 .
Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . A distributed vision-based consensus model for aerial-robotic teams . Conference: 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) vol. 00 , 169 - 176 .
Sarwar O, Cavallaro A, Rinner B ( 2018 ) . Temporally Smooth Privacy-Protected Airborne Videos . Conference: 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) vol. 00 , 6728 - 6733 .
Wang L, Sanchez-Matilla R, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . Tracking a moving sound source from a multi-rotor drone . Conference: 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) vol. 00 , 2511 - 2516 .
Baydoun M, Campo D, Sanguineti V, Marcenaro L, Cavallaro A, Regazzoni C ( 2018 ) . Learning Switching Models for Abnormality Detection for Autonomous Driving . Conference: 2018 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) vol. 00 , 2606 - 2613 .
Xompero A, Lanz O, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . Multi-Camera Matching of Spatio-Temporal Binary Features . Conference: 2018 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) vol. 00 , 1519 - 1526 .
Tadesse GA, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . Visual features for ego-centric activity recognition . Conference: Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications48 - 53 .
Malekzadeh M, Clegg RG, Cavallaro A, Haddadi H ( 2018 ) . Protecting Sensory Data against Sensitive Inferences . Conference: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Privacy by Design in Distributed Systems1 - 6 .
Qian X, Xompero A, Cavallaro A, Brutti A, Lanz O, Omologo M ( 2018 ) . 3D Mouth Tracking from a Compact Microphone Array Co-Located with a camera . Conference: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 3071 - 3075 .
Wang Y, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . Concurrent Target Following with Active Directional Sensors . Conference: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 6603 - 6607 .
Baydoun M, Ravanbakhsh M, Campo D, Marin P, Martin D, Marcenaro L, Cavallaro A, Regazzoni CS ( 2018 ) . a Multi-Perspective Approach to Anomaly Detection for Self -Aware Embodied Agents . Conference: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 6598 - 6602 .
Ahmed S, Hansard M, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . Constrained Optimization for Plane-Based Stereo . IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol. 27 , ( 8 ) 3870 - 3882 .
WANG L, CAVALLARO A ( 2018 ) . Acoustic Sensing From a Multi-Rotor Drone . IEEE Sensors Journal
Matthews T, Osorio D, Cavallaro A, Chittka L ( 2018 ) . The Importance of Spatial Visual Scene Parameters in Predicting Optimal Cone Sensitivities in Routinely Trichromatic Frugivorous Old-World Primates . Front Comput Neurosci vol. 12 , 15 - 15 .
WANG L, CAVALLARO A ( 2018 ) . Pseudo-determined blind source separation for ad-hoc microphone networks . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing
Conci N, Bisagno N, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . Chapter 11 On Modeling and Analyzing Crowds From Videos . Computer Vision for Assistive Healthcare , Elsevier
Mohedano R, Cavallaro A, Garcia N ( 2017 ) . A Hierarchical Approach to Sensor Network Calibration by Joint Refinement of Sensor Pose and Object Trajectories . IEEE Sensors Journal vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 413 - 427 .
Sanchez-Matilla R, Wang L, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Multi-Modal Localization and Enhancement of Multiple Sound Sources from a Micro Aerial Vehicle . Conference: Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia1591 - 1599 .
Lu Y-H, Cavallaro A, Crump C, Friedland G, Winstein K ( 2017 ) . Privacy Protection in Online Multimedia . Conference: Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia457 - 459 .
Abebe G, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . A Long Short-Term Memory Convolutional Neural Network for First-Person Vision Activity Recognition . Conference: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)1339 - 1346 .
Abebe G, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Inertial-Vision: Cross-Domain Knowledge Transfer for Wearable Sensors . Conference: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)1392 - 1400 .
Brutti A, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Unsupervised Cross-Modal Deep-Model Adaptation for Audio-Visual Re-Identification with Wearable Cameras . Conference: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)438 - 445 .
EMBERTON S, Chittka L, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Underwater image and video dehazing with pure haze region segmentation . Computer Vision and Image Understanding
Katragadda S, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . A Batch Asynchronous Tracker for Wireless Smart-Camera Networksx . Conference: 2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)1 - 6 .
Wang Y, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Active Visual Tracking in Multi-Agent Scenarios . Conference: 2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)1 - 6 .
Campo D, Baydoun M, Marcenaro L, Cavallaro A, Regazzoni CS ( 2017 ) . Modeling and Classification of Trajectories Based on a Gaussian Process Decomposition into Discrete Components . Conference: 2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)1 - 6 .
WANG L, cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Time-frequency processing for sound source localization from a micro aerial vehicle . Conference: 42th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2017) ( New Orleans, USA ) from: 05/03/2017 to: 10/03/2017 ,
Abebe G, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Hierarchical modeling for first-person vision activity recognition . NEUROCOMPUTING vol. 267 , 362 - 377 .
Zhao L, Hansard M, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Layered Scene Models from Single Hazy Images . IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics vol. Early online , 1 - 1 .
Ma Y, Gao Y, Cavallaro A, Parini CG, Zhang W, Liang Y-C ( 2017 ) . Sparsity Independent Sub-Nyquist Rate Wideband Spectrum Sensing on Real-Time TV White Space . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY vol. 66 , ( 10 ) 8784 - 8794 .
Yao H, Cavallaro A, Bouwmans T, Zhang Z ( 2017 ) . Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Group and Crowd Behavior Analysis for Intelligent Multicamera Video Surveillance . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 27 , ( 3 ) 405 - 408 .
Qian X, Brutti A, Omologo M, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . 3D Audio-Visual Speaker Tracking with an Adaptive Particle Filter . Conference: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)2896 - 2900 .
Katragadda S, Regazzoni CS, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Average Consensus-Based Asynchronous Tracking . Conference: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)4401 - 4405 .
WANG L, cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Microphone-array ego-noise reduction algorithms for auditory micro aerial vehicles . IEEE Sensors Journal
Sariyanidi E, Gunes H, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Learning Bases of Activity for Facial Expression Recognition . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING vol. 26 , ( 4 ) 1965 - 1978 .
sariyanidi, Gunes, CAVALLARO A ( 2017 ) . Biologically-Inspired Motion Encoding for Robust Global Motion Estimation . IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
Sariyanidi E, Gunes H, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Chapter 12 The Role of Registration and Representation in Facial Affect Analysis . Emotions and Affect in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction , Elsevier
San Miguel JC, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Efficient Estimation of Target Detection Quality . Conference: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)915 - 919 .
SanMiguel JC, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Networked Computer Vision: The Importance of a Holistic Simulator . Computer vol. 50 , ( 7 ) 35 - 43 .
Nasrollahi K, Distante C, Hua G, Cavallaro A, Moeslund TB, Battiato S, Ji Q ( 2017 ) . Preface .
Sariyanidi E, Gunes H, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Robust Registration of Dynamic Facial Sequences . IEEE Trans Image Process vol. 26 , ( 4 ) 1708 - 1722 .
Khan A, Rinner B, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Cooperative Robots to Observe Moving Targets: Review . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS vol. 48 , ( 1 ) 187 - 198 .
CAVALLARO A ( 2016 ) . On-line cross-modal adaptation for audio-visual person identification with wearable cameras . IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
Brutti A, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Online Cross-Modal Adaptation for AudioVisual Person Identification With Wearable Cameras . IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems vol. 47 , ( 1 ) 40 - 51 .
Sanchez-Matilla R, Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Online Multi-target Tracking with Strong and Weak Detections . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 9914 , 84 - 99 .
Muzaffar R, Yanmaz E, Bettstetter C, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Application-Layer Rate-Adaptive Multicast Video Streaming over 802.11 for Mobile Devices . Conference: Proceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on Multimedia506 - 510 .
Battiato GE, Cavallaro A, Distante C ( 2016 ) . Special issue on “Video analytics for audience measurement in retail and digital signage” . Pattern Recognition Letters vol. 81 , 1 - 2 .
Sarwar O, Rinner B, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Design Space Exploration for Adaptive Privacy Protection in Airborne Images . Conference: 2016 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)159 - 165 .
Wang L, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Ear in the Sky: Ego-Noise Reduction for Auditory Micro Aerial Vehicles . Conference: 2016 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)152 - 158 .
Wang Y, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Prioritized Target Tracking with Active Collaborative Cameras . Conference: 2016 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)131 - 137 .
Abebe G, Cavallaro A, Parra X ( 2016 ) . Robust multi-dimensional motion features for first-person vision activity recognition . Computer Vision and Image Understanding vol. 149 , 229 - 248 .
Carlos SanMiguel J, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Energy Consumption Models for Smart Camera Networks . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY vol. 27 , ( 12 ) 2661 - 2674 .
Lawal IA, Poiesi F, Anguita D, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Support Vector Motion Clustering . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 27 , ( 11 ) 2395 - 2408 .
Wang L, Hon TK, Reiss JD, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . An Iterative Approach to Source Counting and Localization Using Two Distant Microphones . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing vol. 24 , ( 6 ) 1079 - 1093 .
WANG L, Reiss J, cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Over-Determined Source Separation and Localization Using Distributed Microphones . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing
Muzaffar R, Vukadinovic V, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Rate-Adaptive Multicast Video Streaming from Teams of Micro Aerial Vehicles . Conference: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)1194 - 1201 .
Khalid O, SanMiguel JC, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Multi-Tracker Partition Fusion . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 27 , ( 7 ) 1527 - 1539 .
Khalid O, Cavallaro A, Rinner B ( 2016 ) . Detecting tracking errors via forecasting . Conference: Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2016140.1 - 140.12 .
Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2016 ) . Detection of fast incoming objects with a moving camera . Conference: Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2016146.1 - 146.11 .
Emberton S, Chittka L, Cavallaro A, Wang M ( 2015 ) . Sensor Capability and Atmospheric Correction in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing . Remote Sensing vol. 8 , ( 1 )
Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Predicting and recognizing human interactions in public spaces . Journal of Real-Time Image Processing vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 785 - 803 .
Wang L, Hon T-K, Reiss JD, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Self-Localization of Ad-Hoc Arrays Using Time Difference of Arrivals . IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing vol. 64 , ( 4 ) 1018 - 1033 .
Bano S, Cavallaro A, Parra X ( 2015 ) . Gyro-based Camera-motion Detection in User-generated Videos . Conference: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Multimedia1303 - 1306 .
Nguyen LNN, Rodríguez-Martín D, Català A, Pérez-López C, Samà A, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Basketball Activity Recognition using Wearable Inertial Measurement Units . Conference: Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction1 - 6 .
Zhao L, HANSARD M, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Pop-up modelling of hazy scenes . Conference: International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing ( Genoa ) from: 07/09/2015 to: 11/09/2015 ,
Wang Y, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Coalition Formation for Distributed Tracking in Wireless Camera Networks . Conference: 2015 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)1 - 6 .
Biresaw TA, Cavallaro A, Regazzonil CS ( 2015 ) . Dynamic Bayesian Network Modeling for Self-and Cross-Correcting Tracking . Conference: 2015 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)1 - 6 .
Hon T-K, Wang L, Reiss JD, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Fine Landmark-Based Synchronization of Ad-Hoc Microphone Arrays . Conference: 2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)1331 - 1335 .
Bano S, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . ViComp: composition of user-generated videos . Multimedia Tools and Applications vol. 75 , ( 12 ) 7187 - 7210 .
Li W, Song Y-Z, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Refining Graph Matching Using Inherent Structure Information . Conference: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)1 - 6 .
Bano S, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Discovery and organization of multi-camera user-generated videos of the same event . Information Sciences vol. 302 , 108 - 121 .
Sariyanidi E, Gunes H, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Probabilistic Subpixel Temporal Registration for Facial Expression Analysis . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 9006 , 320 - 335 .
Katragadda S, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Neighbour Consensus for Distributed Visual Tracking . Conference: 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP)1 - 6 .
Tahir SF, Cavallaro A, Rinner B ( 2015 ) . Re-identification with Multiple source-cameras . Conference: 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP)1 - 6 .
Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Self-Positioning of a Team of Flying Smart Cameras . Conference: 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP)1 - 6 .
SanMiguel JC, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Cost-Aware Coalitions for Collaborative Tracking in Resource-Constrained Camera Networks . IEEE Sensors Journal vol. 15 , ( 5 ) 2657 - 2668 .
Biresaw TA, Cavallaro A, Regazzoni CS ( 2015 ) . Correlation-based self-correcting tracking . Neurocomputing vol. 152 , 345 - 358 .
SanMiguel JC, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Temporal validation of Particle Filters for video tracking . Computer Vision and Image Understanding vol. 131 , 42 - 55 .
Hon TK, Wang L, Reiss JD, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Audio Fingerprinting for Multi-Device Self-Localisation . IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing vol. 23 , 1623 - 1636 .
Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Distributed Vision-Based Flying Cameras to Film a Moving Target . Conference: 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)2453 - 2459 .
Emberton S, Chittka L, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Hierarchical rank-based veiling light estimation for underwater dehazing . Conference: Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2015125.1 - 125.12 .
Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . MTTV - An Interactive Trajectory Visualization and Analysis Tool . Conference: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications157 - 162 .
Khan A, Rinner B, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Multiscale Observation of Multiple Moving Targets Using Micro Aerial Vehicles . Conference: 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)4642 - 4649 .
Sariyanidi E, Gunes H, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Probabilistic subpixel temporal registration for facial expression analysis . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . vol. 9006 , 320 - 335 .
Akgun T, Attwood C, Cavallaro A, Fabre C, Poiesi F, Szczuko P ( 2014 ) . Towards Cognitive and Perceptive Video Systems . Human Behavior Understanding in Networked Sensing , Springer Nature
Katragadda S, SanMiguel JC, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . The costs of fusion in smart camera networks . Conference: Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras1 - 6 .
Sariyanidi E, Gunes H, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Automatic Analysis of Facial Affect: A Survey of Registration, Representation, and Recognition . IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence vol. 37 , ( 6 ) 1113 - 1133 .
Katragadda S, Sanmiguel JC, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Consensus protocols for distributed tracking in wireless camera networks . FUSION 2014 - 17th International Conference on Information Fusion .
Nawaz T, Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Assessing Tracking Assessment Measures . Conference: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)441 - 445 .
Nawaz T, Cavallaro A, Rinner B ( 2014 ) . Trajectory Clustering for Motion Pattern Extraction in Aerial Videos . Conference: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)1016 - 1020 .
Biresaw TA, Cavallaro A, Regazzoni CS ( 2014 ) . Tracker-Level Fusion for Robust Bayesian Visual Tracking . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 25 , ( 5 ) 776 - 789 .
Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Tracking Multiple High-Density Homogeneous Targets . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 25 , ( 4 ) 623 - 637 .
Tahir SF, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Low-Cost Multi-Camera Object Matching . Conference: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)6869 - 6873 .
Del Coco M, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Parallel Particle-PHD Filter . Conference: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)6578 - 6582 .
Llagostera Casanovas A, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Audio-visual events for multi-camera synchronization . Multimedia Tools and Applications vol. 74 , ( 4 ) 1317 - 1340 .
Nawaz T, Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Assessing tracking assessment measures . 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2014 . 441 - 445 .
Zini L, Odone F, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Multiview Matching of Articulated Objects . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 24 , ( 11 ) 1920 - 1934 .
Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Chapter 19 Multi-Target Tracking in Video . Academic Press Library in Signal Processing: Volume 4 - Image, Video Processing and Analysis, Hardware, Audio, Acoustic and Speech Processing , vol. 4 , Elsevier
Tahir SF, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Cost-effective features for reidentification in camera networks . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 24 , ( 8 ) 1362 - 1374 .
Nawaz T, Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Measures of Effective Video Tracking . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 376 - 388 .
Distante C, Battiato S, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Preface . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . vol. 8811 , V - VI .
Chen F, De Vleeschouwer C, Cavallaro A ( 2014 ) . Resource Allocation for Personalized Video Summarization . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 455 - 469 .
SanMiguel JC, Shoop K, Cavallaro A, Micheloni C, Foresti GL ( 2014 ) . Self-Reconfigurable Smart Camera Networks . COMPUTER vol. 47 , ( 5 ) 67 - 73 .
Mohedano R, Cavallaro A, García N ( 2013 ) . Camera Localization using Trajectories and Maps . IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell
Atrey PK, Kankanhalli MS, Cavallaro A ( 2013 ) . Preface .
Babaguchi N, Cavallaro A, Chellappa R, Dufaux F, Wang L ( 2013 ) . Guest editorial special issue on intelligent video surveillance for public security and personal privacy . IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security vol. 8 , ( 10 ) 1559 - 1561 .
Mazzon R, Poiesi F, Cavallaro A ( 2013 ) . Detection and tracking of groups in crowd . Conference: 2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance202 - 207 .
Chen F, Cavallaro A ( 2013 ) . Detecting Group Interactions by Online Association of Trajectory Data . Conference: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing1754 - 1758 .
Daniyal F, Cavallaro A ( 2013 ) . View Selection . Emerging Technologies for 3D Video , Wiley
Nawaz T, Cavallaro A ( 2013 ) . A protocol for evaluating video trackers under real-world conditions . IEEE Trans Image Process vol. 22 , ( 4 ) 1354 - 1361 .
Zini L, Cavallaro A, Odone F ( 2013 ) . Action-Based Multi-Camera Synchronization . IEEE JOURNAL ON EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS vol. 3 , ( 2 ) 165 - 174 .
Targon V, Cavallaro A ( 2013 ) . Distributed Measurement Selection for Energy-efficient Radio Tracking . 2013 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION) . 714 - 721 .
Adami N, Cavallaro A, Leonardi R, Migliorati P ( 2013 ) . Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Preface .
Sariyanidi E, Gunes H, Gökmen M, Cavallaro A ( 2013 ) . Local Zernike Moment Representation for Facial Affect Recognition . Conference: Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2013108.1 - 108.11 .
Mazzon R, Cavallaro A ( 2013 ) . Multi-camera tracking using a Multi-Goal Social Force Model . NEUROCOMPUTING vol. 100 , 41 - 50 .
Poiesi F, Mazzon R, Cavallaro A ( 2013 ) . Multi-target tracking on confidence maps: An application to people tracking . COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING vol. 117 , ( 10 ) 1257 - 1272 .
Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2013 ) . Simultaneous Detection and Tracking with Multiple Cameras . Machine Learning for Computer Vision , vol. 411 , Springer Nature
Babaguchi N, Cavallaro A, Chellappa R, Dufaux F, Wang L ( 2013 ) . Special Issue on Intelligent Video Surveillance for Public Security and Personal Privacy . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY vol. 8 , ( 10 ) 1559 - 1561 .
Borges PVK, Conci N, Cavallaro A ( 2013 ) . Video-Based Human Behavior Understanding: A Survey . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY vol. 23 , ( 11 ) 1993 - 2008 .
Cavallaro A, Kwasinski A ( 2012 ) . Columns and Forum [From the Editors] . IEEE Signal Processing Magazine vol. 30 , ( 1 ) 4 - 4 .
Kayumbi G, Mazzeo PL, Cavallaro A ( 2012 ) . Error Propagation in Multi-Camera Tracking . Conference: 2012 Eighth International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems343 - 350 .
García-Martín Á, Cavallaro A, Martínez JM ( 2012 ) . PEOPLE-BACKGROUND SEGMENTATION WITH UNEQUAL ERROR COST . Conference: 2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing157 - 160 .
SanMiguel JC, Cavallaro A, Martínez JM ( 2012 ) . STANDALONE EVALUATION OF DETERMINISTIC VIDEO TRACKING . Conference: 2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing1353 - 1356 .
SanMiguel JC, Cavallaro A, Martinez JM ( 2012 ) . Adaptive Online Performance Evaluation of Video Trackers . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING vol. 21 , ( 5 ) 2812 - 2823 .
Salti S, Cavallaro A, Di Stefano L ( 2012 ) . Adaptive Appearance Modeling for Video Tracking: Survey and Evaluation . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING vol. 21 , ( 10 ) 4334 - 4348 .
Anjum N, Cavallaro A ( 2012 ) . Automated Localization of a Camera Network . IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS vol. 27 , ( 5 ) 10 - 18 .
Mazzon R, Tahir SF, Cavallaro A ( 2012 ) . Person re-identification in crowd . PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS vol. 33 , ( 14 ) 1828 - 1837 .
Popkin T, CAVALLARO A, Hands D ( 2011 ) . Image coding using depth blurring for aesthetically acceptable distortion . IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol. 20 , ( 11 )
Daniyal F, Cavallaro A ( 2011 ) . Multi-camera scheduling for video production . Conference: 2011 Conference for Visual Media Production11 - 20 .
Chellappa R, Cavallaro A, Wu Y, Shan CF, Fu Y, Pulli K ( 2011 ) . Special Issue on Video Analysis on Resource-Limited Systems . IEEE T CIRC SYST VID vol. 21 , ( 10 ) 1349 - 1352 .
Anjum N, Mirza MJ, Cavallaro A ( 2011 ) . Camera network Localization Using Trajectory Estimation . Conference: 2011 7th International Conference on Emerging Technologies1 - 6 .
Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2011 ) . Distributed and Decentralized Multicamera Tracking . IEEE SIGNAL PROC MAG vol. 28 , ( 3 )
Nastasi C, Cavallaro A ( 2011 ) . Distributed target tracking under realistic network conditions . Conference: Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD 2011)22 - 22 .
Maggio E, CAVALLARO A ( 2011 ) . Video tracking: theory and practice . Wiley and Sons ( Chichester. West Sussex, UK ),
Nastasi C, Cavallaro A ( 2011 ) . WiSE-MNet: an experimental environment for wireless multimedia sensor networks . Conference: Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD 2011)34 - 34 .
SanMiguel JC, Cavallaro A, Martinez JM ( 2010 ) . EVALUATION OF ON-LINE QUALITY ESTIMATORS FOR OBJECT TRACKING*Work partially supported by the Spanish Government (TEC2007-65400 SemanticVideo), Cátedra Infoglobal-UAM for “Nuevas Tecnologías de video aplicadas a la seguridad”, Consejería de Educación of the Comunidad de Madrid and European Social Fund. Part of the work reported in this paper was done during a research stay of the first author under a research grant (funded by UAM) at Queen Mary University of London (UK) . Conference: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing825 - 828 .
Regazzoni CS, Cavallaro A, Wu Y, Konrad J, Hampapur A ( 2010 ) . Video Analytics for Surveillance: Theory and Practice [From the Guest Editors] . IEEE Signal Processing Magazine vol. 27 , ( 5 ) 16 - 17 .
Tziakos I, Cavallaro A, Xu L-Q ( 2010 ) . Local Abnormality Detection in Video Using Subspace Learning . Conference: 2010 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance519 - 525 .
N Anjum AC ( 2010 ) . Automated localization of a camera network . IEEE Intelligent Systems vol. PP , ( 99 ) 1 - 1 .
Tziakos I, Cavallaro A, Xu LQ ( 2010 ) . Event monitoring via local motion abnormality detection in non-linear subspace . NEUROCOMPUTING vol. 73 , ( 10-12 ) 1881 - 1891 .
Cavallaro A, Aghajan H ( 2010 ) . Special issue on multi-camera and multi-modal sensor fusion . COMPUT VIS IMAGE UND vol. 114 , ( 6 ) 609 - 610 .
Popkin T, Cavallaro A, Hands D ( 2010 ) . An Accurate and Efficient Method for Smoothly Space-Variant Gaussian Blurring . IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol. 19 , ( 5 ) 1362 - 1370 .
Daniyal F, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2010 ) . Content and task-based view selection from multiple video streams . MULTIMED TOOLS APPL vol. 46 , ( 2-3 ) 235 - 258 .
Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2010 ) . Multi-view multi-object detection tracking . Computer Vision: Detection, Recognition and Reconstruction , Editors: Cipolla, R, al, E , Springer
De Vleeschouwer C, Cavallaro A, Frossard P, Tu P, Xu LQ ( 2010 ) . Multicamera Information Processing: Acquisition, Collaboration, Interpretation, and Production . EURASIP J IMAGE VIDE Article 560927 ,
Daniyal F, Cavallaro A ( 2010 ) . QMUL-ACTIVA: 'Person Runs' detection for the TRECVID surveillance event detection task . 2010 TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Notebook Papers .
Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2010 ) . Recognizing Interactions in Video . Intelligent Multimedia Analysis for Security Applications , Editors: Velastin, S, al, E , Springer
Anjum N, Cavallaro A ( 2010 ) . Trajectory clustering for scene context learning and outlier detection . Video Search and Mining (Studies in Computational Intelligence) , Editors: Schonfeld, D, al, E , Edition. 1st Edition , Springer
Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Multi-camera track-before-detect . 2009 3rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, ICDSC 2009 .
Anjum N, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Trajectory association and fusion across partially overlapping cameras . Conference: 2009 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance201 - 206 .
Maggio E, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Learning Scene Context for Multiple Object Tracking . IEE Transactions on Image Processing vol. 18 , ( 8 ) 1873 - 1884 .
Maggio E, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Learning scene context for multiple object tracking . IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol. 18 , Article 8 , 1873–1884 - 1873–1884 .
Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Multi-camera track-before-detect . Conference: 2009 Third ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC)1 - 6 .
Nair P, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . 3-D Face Detection, Landmark Localization, and Registration Using a Point Distribution Model . IEEE T MULTIMEDIA vol. 11 , ( 4 ) 611 - 623 .
Nair P, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . 3D face detection, landmark localization and registration using a Point Distribution Model . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia vol. 11 , Article 4 , 611–623 - 611–623 .
Maggio E, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Accurate appearance-based Bayesian tracking for maneuvering targets . Computer Vision and Image Understanding vol. 113 , ( 4 ) 544 - 555 .
Popkin T, Cavallaro A, Hands D ( 2009 ) . Distance blurring for space-variant image coding . 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing . 665 - 668 .
Popkin T, Cavallaro A, Hands D ( 2009 ) . Multi-foveation filtering . Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) . 669 - 672 .
Tziakos I, Cavallaro A, Xu LQ ( 2009 ) . Video event segmentation and visualisation in non-linear subspace . PATTERN RECOGN LETT vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 123 - 131 .
Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Change detection for object segmentation . Smart Cameras , Editors: Belbachir, AN , Springer Verlag GmbH
Daniyal F, Nair P, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Compact signatures for 3D face recognition under varying expressions . Proc. of IEEE Int. Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance (AVSS) .
Daniyal F, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Content and task-based view selection from multiple video streams . Multimedia Tools and Applicationsto appaear - to appaear .
Aghajan H, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . EPILOGUE Outlook . Multi-Camera Networks , Elsevier
Tziakos I, Cavallaro A, Xu L ( 2009 ) . Event monitoring via local motion abnormality detection in non–linear subspace . Neurocomputingto appear - to appear .
Anjum N, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Localization of distributed wireless cameras . Proc. of IEEE Int. Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC) . Conference: Third ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, 2009
Aghajan H, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Multi-Camera Networks .
Aghajan H, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Multi-Camera Networks: Principles and Applications . Elsevier ( London ),
Anjum N, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Multi-camera calibration and global trajectory fusion . Intelligent Video Surveillance: Systems and Technologies , Editors: Ma, Y, Qian, G , Edition. 1st Edition , CRC Press
Cavallaro A, Aghajan H ( 2009 ) . Preface . Multi-Camera Networks , Elsevier
Pachoud S, Gong S, Cavallaro A ( 2009 ) . Space-time audio-visual speech recognition with multiple multi-class probabilistic Support Vector Machines . AVSP 2009 -- International Conference on Audio-Visual Speech Processing . from: 09/2010 to: 09/2013 , 155 - 160 .
Tziakos I, Cavallaro A, Xu L ( 2009 ) . Video Event Segmentation and Visualisation in Non-linear Subspace . Pattern Recognition Letters vol. 30 , Article 2 , 123–131 - 123–131 .
Anjum N, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Multi-feature object trajectory clustering for video analysis . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 18 , Article 11 , 1555–1564 - 1555–1564 .
Anjum N, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Multifeature Object Trajectory Clustering for Video Analysis . IEEE T CIRC SYST VID vol. 18 , ( 11 ) 1555 - 1564 .
Maggio E, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Efficient multi-target visual tracking using Random Finite Sets . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 18 , Article 8 , 1016–1027 - 1016–1027 .
Maggio E, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Efficient multitarget visual tracking using random finite sets . IEEE T CIRC SYST VID vol. 18 , ( 8 ) 1016 - 1027 .
Zhou HY, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Target Detection and Tracking With Heterogeneous Sensors . IEEE J SEL TOP SIGNA vol. 2 , ( 4 ) 503 - 513 .
Zhou H, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Target detection and tracking with heterogeneous sensors . IEEE Journal of Selected Topics In Signal Processing vol. 2 , Article 4 , 503–513 - 503–513 .
Karlsson S, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Detection and tracking of humans and faces . EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing vol. 2008 , Article 526191 ,
Kayumbi G, Mazzeo PL, Spagnolo P, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Distributed visual sensing for virtual top-view trajectory generation in football videos . Proc. of ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR) .
Taj M, Daniyal F, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Event analysis on TRECVid 2008 London Gatwick dataset . 2008 TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Notebook Papers .
Pachoud S, Gong S, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Macro-cuboid based probabilistic matching for lip-reading digits . 2008 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION, VOLS 1-12 . 3056 - 3063 .
Nair PM, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Matching 3D Faces with Partial Data . Conference: Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2008102.1 - 102.10 .
Kayumbi G, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Multi-view trajectory mapping using homography with lens distortion correction . EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing vol. 2008 , Article 145715 ,
Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Object and scene-centric activity detection using state occupancy duration modeling . 2008 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance . 164 - 171 .
Taj M, Maggio E, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Objective evaluation of pedestrian and vehicle Tracking on the CLEAR surveillance dataset . MULTIMODAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR PERCEPTION OF HUMANS . Editors: Stiefelhagen, R, Bowers, R, Fiscus, J , vol. 4625 , 160 - 173 .
Cavallaro A, Winkler S ( 2008 ) . Perceptual Semantics . Multimedia Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications , Editors: Rahman, M , Information Science Reference
Nair P, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . SHREC'08 entry: Registration and retrieval of 3D faces using a point distribution model . IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SHAPE MODELING AND APPLICATIONS 2008, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Spagnuolo, M, CohenOr, D, Gu, XD , 257 - 258 .
Pachoud S, Gong S, Cavallaro A ( 2008 ) . Video Augmentation for Improving Audio Speech Recognition under Noise . Conference: Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 200825.1 - 25.10 .
Regazzoni C, Cavallaro A, Porikli F ( 2008 ) . Video Tracking in Complex Scenes for Surveillance . EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing vol. 2008 , Article 659098 ,
Regazzoni CS, Cavallaro A, Porikli F ( 2008 ) . Video Tracking in Complex Scenes for Surveillance Applications . EURASIP J IMAGE VIDE Article 659098 ,
Maggio E, Smeraldi F, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Adaptive multi-feature tracking in a particle filtering framework . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 17 , Article 10 , 1348–1359 - 1348–1359 .
Maggio E, Smerladi F, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Adaptive multifeature tracking in a particle filtering framework . IEEE T CIRC SYST VID vol. 17 , ( 10 ) 1348 - 1359 .
Maggio E, Smeraldi F, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Adaptive multi–feature tracking in a particle filter framework . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 17 , Article 10 , 1348–1359 - 1348–1359 .
CAVALLARO A, Xu L-Q ( 2007 ) . Video signal analysis . no. WO2007GB00129 200701 ,
CAVALLARO A ( 2007 ) . Multi-sensor object detection and tracking . Signal, Image and Video Processing vol. 1, No. 2 ,
CAVALLARO A, Maggio E, Taj M ( 2007 ) . Person and Vehicle Detection and Tracking: Experiments on the CLEAR dATASET . Conference: Proceedings of Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships (CLEAR) Workshop. Baltimore, Maryland, USA, May 8-9 2007
Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Special Issue on ‘Multi-sensor object detection and tracking’ . Signal, Image and Video Processing vol. 1 , ( 2 ) 99 - 100 .
Taj M, Maggio E, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Objective evaluation of pedestrian and vehicle tracking on the CLEAR surveillance dataset . CLEAR, Springer LNCS . vol. 4625 , 160–173 - 160–173 .
Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Privacy in video surveillance . IEEE SIGNAL PROC MAG vol. 24 , ( 2 ) 168 - + .
Nair P, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Landmark detection in 2.5D facial scans . Proc. of BMVA symposium on Vision-based Biometrics .
Zhou H, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Audiovisual Tracking Using Stac Sensors . Conference: 2007 First ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras170 - 177 .
Zhou HY, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Audiovisual tracking using STAC sensors . 2007 FIRST ACM/IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED SMART CAMERAS . 162 - 169 .
Cavallaro A, Chandrasekera R, Aj M ( 2007 ) . Hands-on experience in image processing: The automated lecture cameraman . 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol III, Pts 1-3, Proceedings . 721 - 724 .
Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . MULTI-CAMERA SCENE ANALYSIS USING AN OBJECT-CENTRIC CONTINUOUS DISTRIBUTION HIDDEN MARKOV MODEL . Conference: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing vol. 4 , 549 - 552 .
Bregonzio M, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Multi-Modal Particle Filtering Tracking Using Appearance, Motion and Audio Likelihoods . Conference: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing vol. 5 ,
Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Multi-camera scene analysis using an object-centric Continuous Distribution Hidden Markov Model . 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOLS 1-7 . 2245 - 2248 .
Taj M, Maggio E, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Multi-feature graph-based object tracking . Multimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans . Editors: Stiefelhagen, R, Garofolo, J , vol. 4122 , 190 - 199 .
Bregonzio M, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Multi-modal particle filtering tracking using appearance, motion and audio likelhioods . 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOLS 1-7 . 2285 - 2288 .
Maggio E, Piccardo E, Regazzoni C, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Particle PHD filtering for multi-target visual tracking . 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL I, PTS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS . 1101 - 1104 .
Nair P, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . REGION SEGMENTATION AND FEATURE POINT EXTRACTION ON 3D FACES USING A POINT DISTRIBUTION MODEL . Conference: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing vol. 3 ,
Nair P, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Region segmentation and feature point extraction on 3D faces using a point distribution model . 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOLS 1-7 . 1213 - 1216 .
Anjum N, Taj M, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Relative position estimation of non-overlapping cameras . 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol II, Pts 1-3 . 281 - 284 .
Kayumbi G, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Robust Homography-Based Trajectory Transformation for Multi-Camera Scene Analysis . Conference: 2007 First ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras59 - 66 .
Kayumbi G, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Robust homography-based trajectory transformation for multi-camera scene analysis . 2007 FIRST ACM/IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED SMART CAMERAS . 55 - 62 .
Anjum N, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Single camera calibration for trajectory-based behavior analysis . 2007 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED VIDEO AND SIGNAL BASED SURVEILLANCE . 147 - 152 .
Monaci G, Vandergheynst P, Maggio E, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Tracking atoms with particles for audio-visual source localization . 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol II, Pts 1-3 . 753 - 756 .
Anjum N, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . UNSUPERVISED FUZZY CLUSTERING FOR TRAJECTORY ANALYSIS . Conference: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing vol. 3 ,
Anjum N, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Unsupervised fuzzy clustering for trajectory analysis . 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOLS 1-7 . 1341 - 1344 .
CAVALLARO A, Ziliani F ( 2006 ) . Evaluation of multi-sensor surveillance event detectors . Conference: IET Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP 2006), London, 13-14 June 2006
CAVALLARO A, Xu L-Q ( 2006 ) . Surveillance scene change detection . Conference: IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance (VS2006), in conjunction with ECCV, Graz, Austria, 7-13 May 2006
Cavallaro A, Winkler S ( 2006 ) . Digital Multimedia Perception and Design . Editors: Ghinea, G, Chen, SY , Idea Publishing Inc.
CAVALLARO A, WINKLER S ( 2006 ) . Perceptual Semantics . Digital Multimedia Perception and Design , Editors: Ghinea, G, Chen, SY , IGI Publishing
CAVALLARO A, Nair PM, Zou L ( 2005 ) . Facial Scan change detection . Conference: 2nd European Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantic and Digital Media Technologies (EWIMT), London, 29 November - 1 December 2005
Cavallaro A, Steiger O, Ebrahimi T ( 2005 ) . Semantic video analysis for adaptive content delivery and automatic description . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 15 , Article 10 , 1200–1209 - 1200–1209 .
CAVALLARO A, Ziliani F, Velastin S, Marcenaro L, Kelliher T, Porikli F ( 2005 ) . Performance Evaluation of Event Detection Solutions: the CREDS experience . Conference: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS 2005) Como, Italy
Smeraldi F, CAVALLARO A, Maggio E ( 2005 ) . Combining Colour and Orientation for Adaptive Particle Filter-based Tracking . Conference: British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Oxford, 6-8 September 2005
Cavallaro A, Salvador E, Ebrahimi T ( 2005 ) . Shadow-aware object-based video processing . IEE Vision, Image and Signal Processing vol. 152 , Article 4 , 398–406 - 398–406 .
CAVALLARO A, Ziliani F ( 2005 ) . Characterisation of tracking performance . Conference: Proc. of Workshop on Image Analysis For Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS-2005), Montreux (CH), 13-15 April 2005
CAVALLARO A, Steiger O, Ebrahimi T ( 2005 ) . Real-time generation of annotated video for surveillance . Conference: Proc. of Workshop on Image Analysis For Multimedia Interactive Service (WIAMIS-2005), Montreux (CH), 13-15 April 2005
Cavallaro A, Steiger O, Ebrahimi T ( 2005 ) . Tracking video objects in cluttered background . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 15 , Article 4 , 575–584 - 575–584 .
Cavallaro A ( 2005 ) . Universal Multimedia Access . Encyclopaedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking , Editors: Pagani, M , Idea Group Reference, Hershey, PA, USA
Steiger O, Ebrahimi T, Cavallaro A ( 2005 ) . Evaluating Perceptually Prefiltered Video . Conference: 2005 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo1290 - 1293 .
Steiger O, Ebrahimi T, Cavallaro A ( 2005 ) . Evaluating perceptually prefiltered video . 2005 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Vols 1 and 2 . 1291 - 1294 .
Cavallaro A ( 2005 ) . Event detection in underground stations using multiple heterogeneous surveillance cameras . ADVANCES IN VISUAL COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Bebis, G, Boyle, R, Koracin, D, Parvin, B et al. , vol. 3804 , 535 - 542 .
CAVALLARO A, MAGGIO E ( 2005 ) . Hybrid Particle Filter and Mean Shift tracker with adaptive transition model . IEEE Signal Processing Soiciety International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing vol. 2 , 22 - 224 .
Maggio E, Cavallaro A ( 2005 ) . Hybrid particle filter and mean shift tracker with adaptive transition model . 2005 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1-5 . 221 - 224 .
Cavallaro A ( 2005 ) . Image analysis and computer vision for undergraduates . 2005 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1-5 . 577 - 580 .
Maggio E, Cavallaro A ( 2005 ) . Multi-Part Target Representation for Color Tracking . Conference: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005 vol. 1 , 1 - 4 .
Maggio E, Cavallaro A ( 2005 ) . Multi-part target representation for color tracking . 2005 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Vols 1-5 . 1113 - 1116 .
Steiger O, Ebrahimi T, Cavallaro A ( 2005 ) . Surveillance video for mobile devices . AVSS 2005: Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, Proceedings . 620 - 625 .
CAVALLARO A ( 2005 ) . Universal Multimedia Access: accessing information anywhere, anytime . Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking [Editor: M. Pagani] , Idea Group ( Hershey, PA, USA ),
Cavallaro A, Salvador E, Ebrahimi T ( 2004 ) . Detecting shadows in image sequences . IEE Conference Publication . 165 - 174 .
CAVALLARO A ( 2004 ) . Adding Privacy Constraints to Video-based Applications . Conference: European Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantics and Digital Media Technology, London
Salvador E, Cavallaro A, Ebrahimi T ( 2004 ) . Cast shadow segmentation using invariant color features . COMPUT VIS IMAGE UND vol. 95 , ( 2 ) 238 - 259 .
Salvador E, Cavallaro A, Ebrahimi T ( 2004 ) . Cast shadow segmentation using invariant colour features . Computer Vision and Image Understanding vol. 95 , Article 2 , 238–259 - 238–259 .
CAVALLARO A, EBRAHIMI T, SALVADOR E ( 2004 ) . Rule-based Analysis for Shadow Recognition . Computer Vision and Image Understanding vol. 95 No 2 , 238 - 259 .
Cavallaro A, Ebrahimi T ( 2004 ) . Interaction between high-level and low-level image analysis for semantic video object extraction . Journal on Applied Signal Processing vol. 2004 , Article 6 , 786–797 - 786–797 .
CAVALLARO A, Frossard P, Vandergheynst P, Ventura R ( 2004 ) . Scalable Colour Image Coding with Matching Pursuit . Conference: Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
CAVALLARO A, Ebrahimi T, Salvador E ( 2004 ) . Shadow Detection in Image Sequences . Conference: Proc. of IEE Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP), London
Ventura RMFI, Vandergheynst P, Frossard P, Cavallaro A ( 2004 ) . Color image scalable coding with matching pursuit . 2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL III, PROCEEDINGS . 53 - 56 .
Cavallaro A, Steiger O, Ebrahimi T ( 2004 ) . Perceptual prefiltering for video coding . PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2004 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT MULTIMEDIA, VIDEO AND SPEECH PROCESSING . 510 - 513 .
Cavallaro A, Winkler S ( 2004 ) . Segmentation-driven perceptual quality metrics . ICIP: 2004 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOLS 1- 5 . 3543 - 3546 .
Cavallaro A, Ebrahimi T ( 2003 ) . Classification of change detection algorithms for object-based applications . Digital Media: Processing Multimedia Interactive Services . Editors: Izquierdo, E , 129 - 136 .
Cavallaro A, Ebrahimi T ( 2003 ) . Object-based video: extraction tools, evaluation metrics and applications . VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS AND IMAGE PROCESSING 2003, PTS 1-3 . Editors: Ebrahimi, T, Sikora, T , vol. 5150 , 1 - 8 .
Cavallaro A, Steiger O, Ebrahimi T ( 2003 ) . Semantic segmentation and description for video transcoding . 2003 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA AND EXPO, VOL III, PROCEEDINGS . 597 - 600 .
Salvador E, Cavallaro A, Rahimi TE ( 2003 ) . Spatio-temporal shadow segmentation and tracking . IMAGE AND VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS AND PROCESSING 2003, PTS 1 AND 2 . Editors: Vasudev, B, Hsing, TR, Tescher, AG, Ebrahimi, T et al. , vol. 5022 , 389 - 400 .
CAVALLARO A, Ebrahimi T, Steiger O ( 2002 ) . Multiple Video Object Tracking in Complex Scenes . Conference: Proc. of ACM Multimedia 2002, Juan les Pins (France)
Cavallaro A, Ebrahimi T ( 2002 ) . Accurate video object segmentation through change detection . IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA AND EXPO, VOL I AND II, PROCEEDINGS . 445 - 448 .
Cavallaro A ( 2002 ) . From visual information to knowledge: semantic video object segmentation, tracking and description .
Steiger O, Cavallaro A, Ebrahimi T ( 2002 ) . MPEG-7 description of generic video objects for scene reconstruction . VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS AND IMAGE PROCESSING 2002, PTS 1 AND 2 . Editors: Kuo, CCJ , vol. 4671 , 947 - 958 .
Cavallaro A, Gelasca ED, Ebrahimi T ( 2002 ) . Objective evaluation of segmentation quality using spatio-temporal context . 2002 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL III, PROCEEDINGS . 301 - 304 .
Ziliani F, Cavallaro A ( 2001 ) . Image Analysis for Video Surveillance based on Spatial Regularization of a Statistical Change Detection . Real-Time Imaging vol. 7 , Article 5 , 389–399 - 389–399 .
Ziliani F, Cavallaro A ( 2001 ) . Image analysis for video surveillance based on spatial regularization of a statistical model-based change detection . REAL-TIME IMAGING vol. 7 , ( 5 ) 389 - 399 .
CAVALLARO A, Macq B, Ebrahimi T, Douxchamps D ( 2001 ) . Segmenting Moving Objects: the MODEST Video Object Kernel . Conference: Proc. of Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS-2001) [invited paper]
CAVALLARO A, Ebrahimi T ( 2001 ) . Change Detection Based on Color Edges . Conference: Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS-2001), Sydney, Australia
CAVALLARO A, Ebrahimi T, Ziliani F, Castagno R ( 2001 ) . Automatic and Interactive Segmentation of Video Sequences . Non Linear Model-based Image/Video Processing and Analysis, I Pitas, C Kotropoulos (Eds) , Wiley & Sons Chapter 6
Castagno R, Cavallaro A, Ziliani F, Ebrahimi T ( 2001 ) . Non Linear Model-based Image/Video Processing and Analysis . Editors: Pitas, I, Kotropoulos, C , Wiley & Sons
Salvador E, Cavallaro A, Ebrahimi T ( 2001 ) . Shadow identification and classification using invariant color models . 2001 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS I-VI, PROCEEDINGS . 1545 - 1548 .
Cavallaro A, Ebrahimi T ( 2001 ) . Video object extraction based on adaptive background and statistical change detection . VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS AND IMAGE PROCESSING 2001 . Editors: Girod, B, Bouman, CA, Steinbach, EG , vol. 4310 , 465 - 475 .
Cavallaro A, Ziliani F ( 2000 ) . Image Analysis for Advanced Video Surveillance . Multimedia Video-Based Surveillance Systems , Editors: CSR, GLF , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston
Cavallaro A, Ziliani F, Castagno R, Ebrahimi T ( 2000 ) . Vehicle extraction based on focus of attention, multi feature segmentation and tracking . Proc. oProc. X European Signal Processing Conference, 2000 . 2161 - 2164 .
Abreu B, Botelho L, Cavallaro A, Douxchamps D, Ebrahimi T, Figueiredo P, Macq B, Mory B et al. ( 2000 ) . Video-Based Multi-Agent Traffic Surveillance System . Proc. of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium . 457 - 462 .
Piscaglia P, Cavallaro A, Bonnet M, Douxchamps D ( 1999 ) . High Level Descriptors of Video Surveillance Sequences . Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques — ECMAST’99 . vol. 1629/1999 , 316 - 331 .
Ziliani F, Cavallaro A ( 1999 ) . Image Analysis for Video Surveillance based on Spatial Regularization of a Statistical Change Detection . ICIAP '99 Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing . 1108 - 1111 .
CAVALLARO A, Marsi S, Sicuranza G ( 1998 ) . A Motion Compensation Algorithm Based on Non Linear Geometric Transformation and Quadtree Decomposition . Signal Analysis and Prediction , Editors: al, APANDE , Birkhausen, Boston
Cavallaro A, Marsi S, Sicuranza GL ( 1998 ) . Signal Analysis and Prediction . Editors: Prochazka, A, Uhlir, J, Rayner, PJW, Kingsbury, NG et al. , Birkhauser, Boston
Cavallaro A, Marsi S, Sicuranza GL ( 1997 ) . A Motion Compensation Algorithm Based on Non Linear Geometric Transformation and Quadtree Structure . Proc. of First European Conference on Signal Analysis and Prediction (ECSAP) . Conference: First European Conference on Signal Analysis and Prediction (ECSAP) ( Prague ) from: 24/06/1997 to: 27/06/1997 ,
Cavallaro A ( 1996 ) . Video Compression based on Non Linear Techniques .