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Publications: Prof Alan Boyde

Eustache R-P, Boyde A, Jaurand X, Sander PM ( 2024 ) . Medusa’s Gaze: Cell traces and fibrils but no collagen in permineralized Jurassic ichthyosaur bone . iScience
Randall D, Alsam A, Kieswich J, Joseph S, Aduse-Opoku J, Swann J, Boyde A, Davis G et al. ( 2024 ) . Oral dysbiosis initiates periodontal disease in experimental kidney disease . Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MILLS D, Boyde A, Davis G, Kelly T, cooke M ( 2024 ) . Phossy Jaw - a new look at an old case .
Boyde A, Tyler NJC ( 2024 ) . Microanatomy of incremental growth lines in dental tissues in reindeer Rangifer tarandus . Journal of Anatomy
Nakai D, Boyde A ( 2024 ) . A new thin sectioning method for observation of higher resolution images in bone histomorphology . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology vol. 43 , ( 3 )
MILLS D, Platun J, Boyde A ( 2024 ) . Collisions between developing human maxillary molars: concrescence of second and third molars . Abstract book . Conference: Facing Forward: applied craniofacial Anatomy: Evolution, Development & BioEngineering ( Liverpool ) from: 03/01/2024 to: 05/01/2024 ,
da Silva RGC, Sun TC, Mishra AP, Boyde A, Doube M, Riggs CM ( 2023 ) . Intracortical remodelling increases in highly loaded bone after exercise cessation . Journal of Anatomy vol. 244 , ( 3 ) 424 - 437 .
Boyde A ( 2023 ) . Studies of Melbourne bones, and the shape and size of voxels in LM, CSLM, XMT and SEM: cross-correlative microscopies . X International Conference on Computational Bioengineering Programme and Book of Abstracts . Editors: Hellmich, C, Scheiner, S , Conference: X International Conference on Computational Bioengineering ( Vienna ) from: 20/09/2023 to: 22/09/2023 , 46 - 47 .
Boyde A, MILLS D ( 2023 ) . High-pressure mercury intrusion for BSE-SEM and XMT histology . Conference booklet . Conference: British Society for Oral and Dental Research Conference ( Queen Mary University of London ) from: 06/09/2023 to: 08/09/2023 ,
Boyde A ( 2023 ) . ‘The MSK Grand National: What we have learnt about the musculoskeletal system from studying racehorses’ . Conference: Bone Research Society Annual Meeting Liverpool ( Liverpool ) from: 12/04/2023 to: 14/04/2023 ,
Boyde A, Mills D, Abba AM, Ezquiaga MC ( 2023 ) . Fleas and lesions in armadillo osteoderms . Journal of Anatomy vol. 242 , ( 6 ) 1029 - 1036 .
Boyde A, MILLS D, Abba AM, Ezquiaga MC ( 2022 ) . Fleas and bites in bones . Presented at: 3rd International Workshop on Insect Bio-Inspired Technologies. Royal Society of Edinburgh, United Kingdom , Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
Boyde A, MILLS D ( 2022 ) . New approach to 3D mapping of collagen orientation in skeletal tissues using Polarized Light Microscopy. PLM revisited again & again and correlation with other microscopies . Editors: Chmelik, R, Veselý, P, Zicha, D , Conference: 3rd International Meeting PHASE IN BRNO 2022. ( CEITEC Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic ) from: 09/09/2022 to: 09/09/2022 ,
MILLS D, Boyde A ( 2022 ) . Correlative X-ray microtomography and light microscopy of hard tissue sections . Conference: Anatomical Society Meeting, A lens on anatomical imaging. ( University College Dublin ) from: 04/07/2022 to: 06/07/2022 , OT-5 - OT-5 .
Boyde A, MILLS D ( 2022 ) . Slow imaging with quicksilver: high pressure mercury intrusion in dental tissues studied with BSE-SEM and XMT . Conference proceedings, Anatomical Society meeting, . ‘A lens on anatomical imaging . Conference: Anatomical Society meeting, . ‘A lens on anatomical imaging’ ( University College Dublin ) from: 04/07/2022 to: 06/07/2022 , OT-9 - OT-9 .
Salles Rosa Neto N, Englert D, McAlister WH, Mumm S, Mills D, Veis DJ, Burshell A, Boyde A et al. ( 2022 ) . Periarticular calcifications containing giant pseudo-crystals of francolite in skeletal fluorosis from 1,1-difluoroethane "huffing" . Bone vol. 160 ,
Neto NSR, Englert D, McAlister W, Mumm S, Mills D, Veis D, Burshell A, Boyde A et al. ( 2022 ) . Periarticular Calcification Containing Giant Pseudo-crystals in Skeletal Fluorosis from 1,1-Difluoroethane "Huffing" . JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH . vol. 37 , 347 - 348 .
Boyde A, MILLS D ( 2021 ) . What happens when human maxillary second and third molar tooth germs collide during development? . JOURNAL OF ANATOMY . Conference: Anatomical Society Virtual Conference ( Newcastle ) from: 06/01/2021 to: 08/01/2021 , vol. 239 , 948 - 949 .
Mills D, Boyde A ( 2021 ) . Correlative light microscopy and x-ray microtomography of ground sections of mineralised tissues . Conference: Developments in X-Ray Tomography XIII
Felder AA, Monzem S, De Souza R, Javaheri B, Mills D, Boyde A, Doube M ( 2021 ) . The plate-to-rod transition in trabecular bone loss is elusive . Royal Society Open Science vol. 8 , ( 6 )
Deng X, Hasan A, Elsharkawy S, Tejeda-Montes E, Tarakina NV, Greco G, Nikulina E, Stormonth-Darling JM et al. ( 2021 ) . Topographically guided hierarchical mineralization . Materials Today Bio vol. 11 ,
Boyde A ( 2021 ) . The Bone Cartilage Interface and Osteoarthritis . Calcified Tissue International
Boyde A, Bromage TG ( 2021 ) . Histology of Dental Hard Tissues . Vertebrate Skeletal Histology and Paleohistology , Taylor & Francis
Butterfield NC, Curry KF, Steinberg J, Dewhurst H, Komla-Ebri D, Mannan NS, Adoum A-T, Leitch VD et al. ( 2021 ) . Publisher Correction: Accelerating functional gene discovery in osteoarthritis . Nature Communications vol. 12 , ( 1 )
Turlo AJ, McDermott BT, Barr ED, Riggs CM, Boyde A, Pinchbeck GL, Clegg PD ( 2021 ) . Gene expression analysis of subchondral bone, cartilage, and synovium in naturally occurring equine palmar/plantar osteochondral disease . Journal of Orthopaedic Research® vol. 40 , ( 3 ) 595 - 603 .
Sharma A, Goring A, Johnson PB, Emery RJH, Hesse E, Boyde A, Olsen BR, Pitsillides AA et al. ( 2021 ) . Multiscale molecular profiling of pathological bone resolves sexually dimorphic control of extracellular matrix composition . Disease Models & Mechanisms vol. 14 , ( 3 )
Butterfield NC, Curry KF, Steinberg J, Dewhurst H, Komla-Ebri D, Ghirardello E, Southam L, Youlten SE et al. ( 2021 ) . Accelerating functional gene discovery in osteoarthritis . Nature Communications vol. 12 ,
Paine ML, Boyde A, Lacruz RS ( 2020 ) . Transport Functions of Ectoderm Epithelial Cells Forming Dental Enamel . Ion Transport Across Epithelial Tissues and Disease Ion Channels and Transporters of Epithelia in Health and Disease - Vol. 2 , Editors: Hamilton, KL, Devor, DC , Edition. Second , vol. 2 , Springer Nature
Javaheri B, Lock A, Soper R, Boyde A, Chang R, Hodges S, Pitsillides A ( 2020 ) . NaQuinate: A drug that Selectively Synergizes with Mechanical Loading Stimuli In Vivo to Generate Greater Cortical Bone Mass and Architectural Modifications . JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH . Conference: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research ( Virtual ) from: 11/09/2020 to: 15/09/2020 , vol. 35 , 140 - 141 .
B P, E S, C R, R L, A DF, S D, F B, D R et al. ( 2020 ) . RANKL Inhibition in fibrous dysplasia of bone: A preclinical study in a mouse model of the human disease .
Boyde A, MILLS D, Davis G ( 2020 ) . Combined novel approaches to the microscopic study of dental implant site cores . Editors: Sousa, V , Conference: Peri-implantitis ( Whitechapel, London E1, UK ) from: 27/02/2020 to: 27/02/2020 ,
Norman R, Boyde A, Chenu C, Sofat N, Pitsillides A ( 2020 ) . Characterisation of subchondral cysts in a murine model of spontaneous osteoarthritis . Conference: Bone Research Society 2020 OnLine ( On Line ) from: 06/07/2020 to: 08/07/2020 ,
MILLS D, Boyde A ( 2020 ) . Local fabric density in L2 vertebral body bone by high contrast resolution x-ray microtomography . Conference: Bone Research Society 2020 Online ( Online ) from: 06/07/2020 to: 08/07/2020 ,
Boyde A, MILLS D, Felder A ( 2020 ) . New quantitative method for increasing information content in polarised light imaging of bone tissue . . Conference: Bone Research Society 2020 Online (BRS 2020 Online) ( Online ) from: 06/07/2020 to: 08/07/2020 ,
Boyde A, Hadravský M, Petran M, Watson TF, Jones SJ, Martin LB, Reid SA ( 2020 ) . Tandem scanning reflected light microscopy: How it works and applications . Microscopy and Microanalysis vol. 44 , 84 - 87 .
Thomas NP, Jeffery N, Adams V, Ranganath LR, Boyde A, Gallagher JA ( 2020 ) . A COMPARISON BETWEEN HIGH DENSITY MINERALISED PROTRUSIONS IDENTIFIED IN THE KNEES OF CADAVERS AND IN PATIENTS OF THE OSTEOARTHRITIS INITIATIVE . OSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE . Conference: OARSi World Congress on OsteoArthritis ( OnLine [meeting was scheduled for Vienna] ) from: 30/04/2020 to: 03/05/2020 , vol. 28 , S51 - S52 .
Kirby A, Vickaryous M, Boyde A, Olivo A, Moazen M, Bertazzo S, Evans S ( 2020 ) . A comparative histological study of the osteoderms in the lizards Heloderma suspectum (Squamata: Helodermatidae) and Varanus komodoensis (Squamata: Varanidae) . Journal of Anatomy
Boyde A, MILLS D, Abba AM, Ezquiaga MC ( 2019 ) . Fleas and bites in bones . . Conference: Bone Research Society meeting Cardiff Sept 2019 ( Cardiff ) from: 04/09/2019 to: 06/09/2019 , vol. 5 , 90 - 90 .
Leitch VD, Brassill MJ, Rahman S, Butterfield NC, Ma P, Logan JG, Boyde A, Evans H et al. ( 2019 ) . PYY is a negative regulator of bone mass and strength . Bone vol. 127 , 427 - 435 .
Palmisano B, Spica E, Remoli C, Labella R, Di Filippo A, Donsante S, Bini F, Raimondo D et al. ( 2019 ) . RANKL‐inhibition in Fibrous Dysplasia of bone: A preclinical study in a mouse model of the human disease . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Article jbmr.3828 ,
Cresswell-Boyes AJ, MILLS D, Davis GR, Boyde A ( 2019 ) . 3D visualisation of bone quality in osteoporosis . Presented at: Microscience Microscopy Congress, Manchester , Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
Goring A, Sharma A, Javaheri B, Smith RC, Kanczler JM, Boyde A, Hesse E, Mahajan S et al. ( 2019 ) . Regulation of the bone vascular network is sexually dimorphic . J Bone Miner Res
Boyde A, Felder A, MILLS D ( 2019 ) . New approach to increase information content in polarised light microscopy of skeletal and dental tissues .
Boyde A, Lacourt M, Richard H, Laverty S ( 2019 ) . BSE-SEM STUDIES OF ARTICULAR CARTILAGE AND SUBCHONDRAL BONE IN NATURALLY OCCURRING POST-TRAUMATIC EQUINE CARPAL OSTEOARTHRITIS . OSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE . Conference: OARSI World Congress on OsteoArthritis ( Toronto, Canada ) from: 02/05/2019 to: 05/05/2019 , vol. 27 , S177 - S177 .
Boyde A, Ranganath LA, Gallagher JA ( 2019 ) . OSTEOARTHRITIC SUBCHONDRAL BONE MARROW HISTOLOGY. LESSONS FROM CHANGES IN ALKAPTONURIA . OSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE . Conference: OARSI World Congress on OsteoArthritis ( Toronto, Canada ) from: 02/05/2019 to: 05/05/2019 , vol. 27 , S171 - S172 .
Guo L, Bertola DR, Takanohashi A, Saito A, Segawa Y, Yokota T, Ishibashi S, Nishida Y et al. ( 2019 ) . Bi-allelic CSF1R Mutations Cause Skeletal Dysplasia of Dysosteosclerosis-Pyle Disease Spectrum and Degenerative Encephalopathy with Brain Malformation . American Journal of Human Genetics vol. 104 , ( 5 ) 925 - 935 .
Boyde A ( 2019 ) . Scanning Electron Microscopy of Bone . Methods Mol Biol vol. 1914 , 571 - 616 .
Bromage TG, Gomez S, Boyde A ( 2019 ) . Imaging hard - inside the skeleton . infocus Magazine4 - 31 .
Baddeley AJ, Moyeed RA, Howard CV, Boyde A ( 2018 ) . Analysis of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern with Replication . Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (Applied Statistics) vol. 42 , ( 4 ) 641 - 668 .
Gallagher JA, Thomas N, Jeffery N, Ranganath LR, BOYDE A ( 2018 ) . The rare disease, alkaptonuria, reveals new mechanisms of joint destruction, subchondral cracking and hdmp formation, that may be prevalent in osteoarthritis . Conference: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research ( Montreal ) from: 28/09/2018 to: 01/10/2018 ,
CRESSWELL-BOYES AJ, MILLS D, DAVIS GR, BOYDE A ( 2018 ) . L2 Bone Quality in Osteoporosis: Biomed 1 Revisited . Orthopaedic Proceedings . Conference: European Orthopaedic Research Society ( Galway, Ireland ) from: 25/09/2018 to: 28/09/2018 , vol. 100-B ,
Jenkins KM, Jones MEH, Zikmund T, Boyde A, Daza JD ( 2018 ) . A Review of Tooth Implantation Among Rhynchocephalians (Lepidosauria) . JOURNAL OF HERPETOLOGY vol. 51 , ( 3 ) 300 - 306 .
BOYDE A, DAVIS GR ( 2018 ) . Osteoclastic Resorption of Enamel in Third Molars . IADR London July 2018 Abstract 2810 . Conference: International Association for Dental Research ( Excel, London ) from: 25/07/2018 to: 28/07/2018 ,
BOYDE A, Kaur M ( 2018 ) . Backscattered Electron Scanning Electron Microscopy of Early Childhood Caries . IADR London July 2018 Abstract 0459 . Conference: International Association for Dental Research ( Excel, London ) from: 25/07/2018 to: 28/07/2018 ,
BOYDE A, MILLS D ( 2018 ) . All that fractures is not bone: microscopic anatomy of vertebral bodies . Conference: Bone Research Society ( Winchester ) from: 27/06/2018 to: 29/06/2018 ,
BOYDE A, MILLS D, Ranganath LR, Gallagher JA ( 2018 ) . Laser ablation machined sections permit correlative studies of HDMP by X-ray microtomography, optical and scanning electron microscopy . Presented at: OARSI Liverpool , Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
Thomas NP, Jeffery N, Ranganath LR, BOYDE A, Gallagher JA ( 2018 ) . Longitudinal survey for high density mineralised protrusions identified by 3D DESS MRI in patients of the osteoarthritis initiative . Presented at: OARSI Liverpool , Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
Bromage TG, Gomez S, BOYDE A ( 2018 ) . Imaging hard – inside the skeleton . InFocus (Proceedings of the royal microscopical Society) ( 49 ) 5 - 31 .
BOYDE A ( 2018 ) . Evaluation of laser ablation microtomy for correlative microscopy of hard tissues . Journal of Microscopy vol. 271 , ( 1 ) 17 - 30 .
Leitch VD, Di CC, Liao X-H, O'Boy S, Galliford TM, Evans H, Croucher PI, Boyde A et al. ( 2017 ) . An essential physiological role for MCT8 in bone . Endocrine Abstracts
Chan WCW, Tsang KY, Cheng YW, Ng VCW, Chik H, Tan ZJ, Boot-Handford R, Boyde A et al. ( 2017 ) . Activating the unfolded protein response in osteocytes causes hyperostosis consistent with craniodiaphyseal dysplasia . Human Molecular Genetics vol. 26 , ( 23 ) 4572 - 4587 .
Boyde A, Staines KA, Javaheri B, Millan JL, Pitsillides AA, Farquharson C ( 2017 ) . A distinctive patchy osteomalacia characterises Phospho1‐deficient mice . Journal of Anatomy vol. 231 , ( 2 ) 298 - 308 .
Corsi A, Ippolito E, Robey PG, Riminucci M, Boyde A ( 2017 ) . Bisphosphonate-induced zebra lines in fibrous dysplasia of bone: histo-radiographic correlation in a case of McCune–Albright syndrome . Skeletal Radiology vol. 46 , ( 10 ) 1435 - 1439 .
BOYDE A, MILLS D ( 2017 ) . New method for quantitative polarised light microscopy of laser-ablation machined sections of bones and jointsQualitative studies of the calcified tissues in the lumbar vertebral body of the ageing human . . Conference: Anatomists on the edge ( Galway, Ireland ) from: 27/06/2017 to: 29/06/2017 ,
BOYDE A ( 2017 ) . New method for quantitative polarised light microscopy of laser-ablation machined sections of bones and joints . Bone Research Society Annual Meeting 2017 . Conference: Bone Research Society ( Bristol ) from: 25/06/2017 to: 27/09/2017 ,
Leitch VD, Di Cosmo C, Liao X-H, O’Boy S, Galliford TM, Evans H, Croucher PI, Boyde A et al. ( 2017 ) . An Essential Physiological Role for MCT8 in Bone in Male Mice . Endocrinology vol. 158 , ( 9 ) 3055 - 3066 .
Goring A, BOYDE A, Pitsillides A, Ferrara N, Olsen B, Oreffo R, Schneider P, Clarkin C ( 2017 ) . Investigating a Role for Endothelial-Derived Growth Factors in Regulating Bone Mineralisation Following Osteoblast VEGF Deletion . Conference: Translating Mechanisms of Bone Formation and Repair. Bones and Teeth (GRS). ( Galveston, TX, US ) from: 27/01/2017 to: 28/01/2017 ,
Al-Jazzar A, Javaheri B, Prideaux M, Boyde A, Scudamore CL, Cherifi C, Hay E, Hopkinson M et al. ( 2016 ) . Dmp1 Promoter-Driven Diphtheria Toxin Receptor Transgene Expression Directs Unforeseen Effects in Multiple Tissues . International Journal of Molecular Sciences vol. 18 , ( 1 )
BOYDE A ( 2016 ) . On the extent to which things mayn’t be as deemed in bones and Bloomsbury .
Boyde A, Mills D ( 2016 ) . Age and decay in the lumbar vertebral body. Are we looking in the right place and for the right tissue? . Conference: 3rd Annual Meeting of Matrix Biology Ireland ( Galway, Ireland ) from: 16/11/2016 to: 18/11/2016 ,
Sofat N, Assi L, Kuttapitiya A, Boyde A, Ejindu V, Heron C ( 2016 ) . How Do Bone Marrow Lesions Cause Osteoarthritis Pain? A Structural and Functional Tissue Based Study . Conference: American College of Rheumatology / Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting ( Washington DC, USA ) from: 11/11/2016 to: 16/11/2016 , vol. 68 ,
Boyde A ( 2016 ) . The Development of Enamel Structure . Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine vol. 60 , ( 9 ) 923 - 928 .
Boyde A ( 2016 ) . Tidal dynamics in the structure of the bone–cartilage interface . ISBN: 978-2-88919-974-7 . Conference: Bone Research Society Annual Meeting ( Liverpool ) from: 29/06/2016 to: 01/07/2016 ,
Boyde A ( 2016 ) . Up the creek: truthful imaging in spinal osteoporosis? . ISBN: 978-2-88919-974-7 . Conference: Bone Research Society Annual Meeting ( Liverpool ) from: 29/06/2016 to: 01/07/2016 ,
Thomas N, Jeffery N, Dillon B, Adams V, Ranganath L, van't Hof R, Boyde A ( 2016 ) . Clinically available scanning techniques are a potential detection tool for high density mineralised protrusions (HDMP) in human knees joints . ISBN: 978-2-88919-974-7 . Conference: Bone Research Society Annual Meeting ( Liverpool ) from: 29/06/2016 to: 01/07/2016 ,
Sofat N, Arora M, Kuttapitiya A, Boyde A ( 2016 ) . What is in the osteoarthritic bone marrow lesion? . ISBN: 978-2-88919-974-7 . Conference: Bone Research Society Annual Meeting ( Liverpool ) from: 29/06/2016 to: 01/07/2016 ,
Thomas NP, Jeffery N, Dillon B, Adams VL, Ranganath LR, Boyde A, Gallagher JA ( 2016 ) . Identification of high density mineralised protrusions in human knees ex-vivo and in-situ by clinical scanning techniques . Osteoarthritis and Cartilage . Conference: 2016 OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis from: 31/03/2016 to: 03/04/2016 , vol. 24 , S290 - S291 .
Gallagher JA, Ranganath LR, Boyde A ( 2015 ) . What does the arthropathy of alkaptonuria teach us about disease mechanisms in osteoarthritis and ageing of joints? . Rheumatology vol. 55 , ( 7 ) 1151 - 1152 .
Boyde A, Staines KA, Buttle DJ, Pitsillides AA, Farquharson C ( 2015 ) . Endosteal Bone Mineralisation In The Proximal Tibia of Mice With And Without Conditional E11 Knockout . Programme and Abstract book . Conference: 2nd Annual Meetiing of Matrix Biology Ireland ( UCD Dublin, Ireland ) from: 02/12/2015 to: 04/12/2015 ,
Karunaratne A, Xi L, Bentley L, Sykes D, Boyde A, Esapa CT, Terrill NJ, Brown SDM et al. ( 2015 ) . Multiscale alterations in bone matrix quality increased fragility in steroid induced osteoporosis . Bone vol. 84 , 15 - 24 .
Robey PG, Riminucci M, Boyde A, Sipp D ( 2015 ) . Paolo Bianco (1955–2015) . Cell Stem Cell vol. 17 , ( 6 ) 649 - 650 .
BOYDE A ( 2015 ) . Bone looks like this .
Boyde A, Zikmund T ( 2015 ) . A new paradigm for bone formation in remarkable endosteal bone appositional rates in rat distal femur . Presented at: Bone Research Society/British Society for Matrix Biology Joint Meeting , Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
BOYDE A, Staines KA, Javaheri B, Millan JL, Pitsillides AA, Farquharson C ( 2015 ) . Characterising the spotty osteomalacia in phospho1 knockout mice . Presented at: Bone Research Society/British Society for Matrix Biology Joint Meeting , Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
Wong K, DAVIS GR, BOYDE A ( 2015 ) . Combined novel approaches to the microscopic study of the dental implant site . Presented at: ICOI Summer Implant Symposium Knowledge Above Opinion , Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob , Notes: Poster presentation to ICOI Summer Implant Symposium Knowledge Above Opinion, 14-16 Aug 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA which won the poster prize. ,
Bassett JHD, van der Spek A, Logan JG, Gogakos A, Bagchi-Chakraborty J, Williams AJ, Murphy E, van Zeijl C et al. ( 2015 ) . Thyrostimulin Regulates Osteoblastic Bone Formation During Early Skeletal Development . Endocrinology vol. 156 , ( 9 ) 3098 - 3113 .
Gallagher JA, Ranganath LR, Boyde A ( 2015 ) . Lessons from rare diseases of cartilage and bone . Current Opinion in Pharmacology vol. 22 , 107 - 114 .
BOYDE A ( 2015 ) . Novel mechanism identified in early implant healing in rabbit bone by direct viewing of the interface .
Laverty S, Lacourt M, Gao C, Henderson JE, Boyde A ( 2015 ) . High Density Infill in Cracks and Protrusions from the Articular Calcified Cartilage in Osteoarthritis in Standardbred Horse Carpal Bones . International Journal of Molecular Sciences vol. 16 , ( 5 ) 9600 - 9611 .
Taylor A, Platt C, Wilson P, Ranganath L, Gallagher J, Boyde A ( 2015 ) . Adipocytic Templating of Bone Matrix Deposition in Osteoarthropathies . The FASEB Journal . vol. 29 ,
Gallagher JA, Thomas N, Donnelly JL, Jeffery N, Mills D, Davis GR, Boyde A ( 2015 ) . High density mineralised protrusions from the tidemark into hyaline cartilage in human joints . Osteoarthritis and Cartilage . vol. 23 , a318 - a319 .
Ley CJ, Björnsdóttir S, Ekman S, Boyde A, Hansson K ( 2015 ) . Detection of early osteoarthritis in the centrodistal joints of Icelandic horses: Evaluation of radiography and low‐field magnetic resonance imaging . Equine Veterinary Journal vol. 48 , ( 1 ) 57 - 64 .
Remoli C, Michienzi S, Sacchetti B, Di Consiglio A, Cersosimo S, Spica E, Robey PG, Holmbeck K et al. ( 2014 ) . Osteoblast‐Specific Expression of the Fibrous Dysplasia (FD)–Causing Mutation GsαR201C Produces a High Bone Mass Phenotype but Does Not Reproduce FD in the Mouse . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research vol. 30 , ( 6 ) 1030 - 1043 .
Boyde A, Mccorkell FA, Taylor GK, Bomphrey RJ, Doube M ( 2014 ) . Iodine vapor staining for atomic number contrast in backscattered electron and X-ray imaging . Microsc Res Tech vol. 77 , ( 12 ) 1044 - 1051 .
Hajjawi MOR, MacRae VE, Huesa C, Boyde A, Millán JL, Arnett TR, Orriss IR ( 2014 ) . Mineralisation of collagen rich soft tissues and osteocyte lacunae in Enpp1(-/-) mice . Bone vol. 69 , 139 - 147 .
ATMEH AR, CHONG EZ, RICHARD G, BOYDE A, FESTY F, WATSON TF ( 2014 ) . Calcium silicate cement‐induced remineralisation of totally demineralised dentine in comparison with glass ionomer cement: tetracycline labelling and two‐photon fluorescence microscopy . Journal of Microscopy vol. 257 , ( 2 ) 151 - 160 .
Rodriguez‐Florez N, Garcia‐Tunon E, Mukadam Q, Saiz E, Oldknow KJ, Farquharson C, Millán JL, Boyde A et al. ( 2014 ) . An Investigation of the Mineral in Ductile and Brittle Cortical Mouse Bone . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research vol. 30 , ( 5 ) 786 - 795 .
BOYDE A, Wolfe LA ( 2014 ) . 3D microscopy of bone and bone cells: new views of bone wounds by looking directly at implant to tissue interfaces . Abstract book . Conference: Matrix Biology Ireland 2014 ( NUI, Galway, Ireland ) from: 19/11/2014 to: 21/11/2014 , 123 - 123 .
BOYDE A ( 2014 ) . 3D microscopy of bone and bone cells: new views of bone wounds by looking directly at the implant interface .
BOYDE A, Ranganath LR, Gallagher JA ( 2014 ) . Rarer insights from rarer microscopies in the study of the rare bone disease AKU .
Boyde A, Davis GR, Mills D, Zikmund T, Cox TM, Adams VL, Niker A, Wilson PJ et al. ( 2014 ) . On fragmenting, densely mineralised acellular protrusions into articular cartilage and their possible role in osteoarthritis . J Anat vol. 225 , ( 4 ) 436 - 446 .
Bassett JHD, Boyde A, Zikmund T, Evans H, Croucher PI, Zhu X, Park JW, Cheng S-Y et al. ( 2014 ) . Thyroid hormone receptor α mutation causes a severe and thyroxine-resistant skeletal dysplasia in female mice . Endocrinology vol. 155 , ( 9 ) 3699 - 3712 .
Boyde A, Davis GR, Mills D, Zikmund T, Adams VL, Ranganath L, Jeffery N, Gallagher JA ( 2014 ) . Fragmenting densely mineralised acellular protrusions from articular calcified cartilage: a role in osteoarthritis? . ISBN: 978-2-88919-300-4 . Conference: Bone Research Society, Annual Meeting ( Sheffield ) from: 24/06/2014 to: 26/06/2014 , 53 - 53 .
Aljazzar A, Scudamore C, Boyd M, Boyde A, Farquharson C, Javaheri B, Prideaux M, Pitsillides AA ( 2014 ) . Multiple tissue targets revealed in a transgenic mouse model for inducible and specific osteocyte ablation . ISBN: 978-2-88919-300-4 . Editors: Bone Research Society , Conference: Bone Research Society, Annual Meeting ( Sheffield ) from: 24/06/2014 to: 26/06/2015 , 126 - 126 .
BOYDE A ( 2014 ) . The case is cracked; identification of a new suspect in the initiation of osteoarthritis . The British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference Abstract book . Conference: The British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference ( Liverpool ) from: 29/04/2014 to: 01/05/2014 ,
Saggio I, Remoli C, Spica E, Cersosimo S, Sacchetti B, Robey PG, Holmbeck K, Cumano A et al. ( 2014 ) . Constitutive Expression of GsαR201C in Mice Produces a Heritable, Direct Replica of Human Fibrous Dysplasia Bone Pathology and Demonstrates Its Natural History . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research vol. 29 , ( 11 ) 2357 - 2368 .
BOYDE A ( 2014 ) . Accessories and rivals to QPI? SEM, CSLM and CL of the glass substrate .
Boyde A, Davis GR, Jeffery N, Jarvis JC, Ranganath LR, Gallagher JA ( 2014 ) . O39. The Case is Cracked: Identification of a New Suspect in the Initiation of Osteoarthritis . Rheumatology vol. 53 , ( suppl_1 ) i46 - i46 .
Bassett JHD, Boyde A, Zikmund T, Evans H, Croucher PI, Zhu X, Park JW, Cheng S-Y et al. ( 2014 ) . TR[alpha] mutation causes a severe and thyroxine-resistant skeletal dysplasia . Endocrine Abstracts
Jones SJ, Glorieux FH, Travers R, Boyde A ( 2014 ) . The Microscopic Structure of Bone in Normal Children and Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta: A Survey Using Backscattered Electron Imaging . Calcified Tissue International vol. 64 , ( 1 ) 8 - 17 .
Keenan C, Boyde A, Ranganath L, Gallagher J, Jeffery N, Jarvis J, Taylor A ( 2014 ) . New Lessons From An Old Disease - What Alkaptonuria Teaches Us About Cartilage and Bone Remodelling . JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH . vol. 29 , S249 - S249 .
Karunaratne A, Bentley L, Cox R, Boyde A, Esapa CT, Terrill NJ, Davis GR, Brown SDM et al. ( 2014 ) . Synchrotron Nano-Mechanical Imaging Techniques to Understand How Altered Bone Quality Increases Fracture Risk in Secondary Osteoporosis . IFMBE Proceedings . vol. 43 , 24 - 27 .
Boyde A, Pawley JB ( 2013 ) . Transmission electron microscopy of ion erosion thinned hard tissues . Calcified Tissue Research vol. 21 , ( Suppl 1 ) 117 - 123 .
Brassill MJ, Rahman SA, Boyde A, Batterham RL, Williams GR, Assett JHDB ( 2013 ) . Peptide YY regulates bone mineral content and strength . Endocrine Abstracts1 - 1 .
Karunaratne A, Boyde A, Esapa CT, Hiller J, Terrill NJ, Brown SDM, Cox RD, Thakker RV et al. ( 2013 ) . Symmetrically reduced stiffness and increased extensibility in compression and tension at the mineralized fibrillar level in rachitic bone . Bone vol. 52 , ( 2 ) 689 - 698 .
Karunaratne A, Boyde A, Esapa CT, Hiller J, Terrill NJ, Brown SDM, Cox RD, Thakker RV et al. ( 2013 ) . Symmetrically reduced stiffness and increased extensibility in compression and tension at the mineralized fibrillar level in rachitic bone . Bone vol. 52 , ( 2 ) 689 - 698 .
Pinchbeck GL, Clegg PD, Boyde A, Barr ED, Riggs CM ( 2013 ) . Horse-, training- and race-level risk factors for palmar/plantar osteochondral disease in the racing Thoroughbred . EQUINE VETERINARY JOURNAL vol. 45 , ( 5 ) 582 - 586 .
Pinchbeck GL, Clegg PD, Boyde A, Riggs CM ( 2013 ) . Pathological and clinical features associated with palmar/plantar osteochondral disease of the metacarpo/metatarsophalangeal joint in Thoroughbred racehorses . EQUINE VETERINARY JOURNAL vol. 45 , ( 5 ) 587 - 592 .
Brassill MJ, Rahman SA, Boyde A, Batterham RL, Williams GR, Bassett JHD ( 2013 ) . Peptide YY Regulates Bone Mineral Content and Strength . IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE vol. 182 , S409 - S409 .
Gallagher JA, Taylor AM, Boyde A, Jarvis JC, Ranganath LR ( 2012 ) . Recent advances in understanding the pathogenesis of ochronosis . Reumatologia vol. 50 , ( 4 ) 316 - 323 .
Boyde A, Reid SA ( 2012 ) . Simple collectors for cathodoluminescence in the SEM made from aluminium foil . Journal of Microscopy vol. 132 , ( 2 ) 239 - 242 .
Taylor AM, Boyde A, Davidson JS, Jarvis JC, Ranganath LR, Gallagher JA ( 2012 ) . Identification of trabecular excrescences, novel microanatomical structures, present in bone in osteoarthropathies . European cells & materials vol. 23 ,
Boyde A ( 2012 ) . Staining plastic blocks with triiodide to image cells and soft tissues in backscattered electron SEM of skeletal and dental tissues . Eur Cell Mater vol. 24 , 154 - 160 .
Bassett JHD, Logan JG, Boyde A, Cheung MS, Evans H, Croucher P, Sun X-Y, Xu S et al. ( 2012 ) . Mice lacking the calcineurin inhibitor Rcan2 have an isolated defect of osteoblast function . Endocrinology vol. 153 , ( 7 ) 3537 - 3548 .
Greenberg GL, Boyde A ( 2012 ) . Multiple Oblique Illumination Method of High Definition Stereo Microscopy . World Scientific Publishing
Karunaratne A, Esapa CR, Hiller J, Boyde A, Head R, Bassett JHD, Terrill NJ, Williams GR et al. ( 2012 ) . Significant deterioration in nanomechanical quality occurs through incomplete extrafibrillar mineralization in rachitic bone: evidence from in-situ synchrotron X-ray scattering and backscattered electron imaging . J Bone Miner Res vol. 27 , ( 4 ) 876 - 890 .
Esapa CT, Hough TA, Testori S, Head RA, Crane EA, Chan CPS, Evans H, Bassett JHD et al. ( 2012 ) . A mouse model for spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita with secondary osteoarthritis due to a Col2a1 mutation . JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH vol. 27 , ( 2 ) 413 - 428 .
Zikmund T, Kvasnica L, Boyde A ( 2012 ) . Correlation between 3D imaging methods in studying bone architecture: SEM, microCT and confocal LM . JOURNAL OF ANATOMY vol. 221 , ( 1 ) 86 - 86 .
Taylor A, Ranganath L, Jarvis J, Gallagher J, Boyde A ( 2012 ) . IDENTIFICATION OF ADIPOCYTE MEDIATED OSTEOGENESIS . OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL . vol. 23 , S561 - S561 .
Bassett JHD, Gogakos A, White JK, Evans H, Jacques RM, van der Spek AH, Ramirez-Solis R, Ryder E et al. ( 2012 ) . Rapid-Throughput Skeletal Phenotyping of 100 Knockout Mice Identifies 9 New Genes That Determine Bone Strength . PLOS GENETICS vol. 8 , ( 8 ) Article ARTN e1002858 ,
Boyde A ( 2012 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of bone . Methods Mol Biol vol. 816 , 365 - 400 .
Lacruz RS, Hacia JG, Bromage TG, Boyde A, Lei Y, Xu Y, Miller JD, Paine ML et al. ( 2012 ) . The Circadian Clock Modulates Enamel Development . JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS vol. 27 , ( 3 ) 237 - 245 .
Vanleene M, Porter A, Guillot P-V, Boyde A, Oyen M, Shefelbine S ( 2012 ) . Ultra-structural defects cause low bone matrix stiffness despite high mineralization in osteogenesis imperfecta mice . BONE vol. 50 , ( 6 ) 1317 - 1323 .
BOYDE A ( 2011 ) . A single‐stage carbon‐replica method and some related techniques for the analysis of the electron‐microscope image . Journal of Microscopy vol. 86 , ( 4 ) 359 - 370 .
Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Cutting teeth in the SEM . Scanning vol. 1 , ( 3 ) 157 - 165 .
Reimer L, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Editorial note . Scanning vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 1 - 1 .
Boyde A, Franc F, Maconnachie E ( 2011 ) . Measurements of critical point shrinkage of glutaraldehyde fixed mouse liver . Scanning vol. 4 , ( 2 ) 69 - 82 .
Omlin FX, Bischoff A, Burri PH ( 2011 ) . Preparation of small and soft specimen for scanning electron microscopy: Investigation of mouse optic nerve . Scanning vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 27 - 31 .
Petráň M, Hadravský M, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . The tandem scanning reflected light microscope . Scanning vol. 7 , ( 2 ) 97 - 108 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A, Ali NN, Maconnachie E ( 2011 ) . A review of bone cell and substratum interactions: An illustration of the role of scanning electron microscopy . Scanning vol. 7 , ( 1 ) 5 - 24 .
Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Editor's reply . Scanning vol. 3 , ( 4 ) 305 - 305 .
Boyde A, Tamarin A ( 2011 ) . Improvement to critical point drying technique for SEM . Scanning vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 30 - 35 .
Sheard SJ, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . A new technique for imaging hard tissue by photothermal radiometric microscopy . Scanning vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 135 - 138 .
Howell PGT, Boyde A, Ross HF ( 2011 ) . A three axis stereocomparator for scanning electron microscopic photogrammetry ‐ RS3 . Scanning vol. 8 , ( 4 ) 182 - 186 .
Boyde A, Xiao GQ, Corle T, Watson TF, Kino GS ( 2011 ) . An evaluation of unilateral TSM for biological applications . Scanning vol. 12 , ( 5 ) 273 - 279 .
Akinyemi O, Boyde A, Browne MA, Hadravsky M, Petran M ( 2011 ) . Chromatism and confocality in confocal microscopes . Scanning vol. 14 , ( 3 ) 136 - 143 .
Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Combining confocal and conventional modes in tandem scanning reflected light microscopy . Scanning vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 147 - 152 .
Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Concise encyclopedia of materials characterization Edited by R.W. Cahn and E. Lifshin Pergamon Press, Oxford (1992) ISBN 0‐08‐040603‐3; 624 pages, illustrated £150.00/$280.00 . Scanning vol. 15 , ( 5 ) 309 - 309 .
Browne MA, Akinyemi O, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Confocal surface profiling utilizing chromatic aberration . Scanning vol. 14 , ( 3 ) 145 - 153 .
Bell LS, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 2011 ) . Diagenetic alteration to teeth in situ illustrated by backscattered electron imaging . Scanning vol. 13 , ( 2 ) 173 - 183 .
Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Editor's note . Scanning vol. 14 , ( 1 ) 1 - 1 .
Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Editorial note . Scanning vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 127 - 127 .
Boyde A, MacOnnachie E ( 2011 ) . Freon 113 freeze‐drying for scanning electron microscopy . Scanning vol. 2 , ( 3 ) 164 - 166 .
New KC, Petroll WM, Boyde A, Martin L, Corcuff P, Leveque JL, Lemp MA, Cavanagh HD et al. ( 2011 ) . In vivo imaging of human teeth and skin using real‐time confocal microscopy . Scanning vol. 13 , ( 5 ) 369 - 372 .
Boyde A, Fortelius M ( 2011 ) . New confocal LM method for studying local relative microrelief with special reference to wear studies . Scanning vol. 13 , ( 6 ) 429 - 430 .
Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Stereological stereometry: Simplified approaches to volumetry by SEM . Scanning vol. 8 , ( 5 ) 240 - 249 .
Howell PGT, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . The use of an X‐Y digitiser in SEM photogrammetry . Scanning vol. 3 , ( 3 ) 218 - 219 .
Vesely P, Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Video‐rate confocal reflection microscopy of neoplastic cells: Rate of intracellular movement and peripheral motility characteristic of neoplastic cell line (RSK4) with high degree of growth independence in vitro . Scanning vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 43 - 47 .
Boyde A, MacOnnachie E ( 2011 ) . Volume changes during preparation of mouse embryonic tissue for scanning electron microscopy . Scanning vol. 2 , ( 3 ) 149 - 163 .
Pawley JB, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . A robust micromanipulator for the scanning electron microscope . Journal of Microscopy vol. 103 , ( 2 ) 265 - 270 .
Plate U, Höhling HJ, Reimer L, Barckhaus RH, Wienecke R, Wiesmann HP, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Analysis of the calcium distribution in predentine by EELS and of the early crystal formation in dentine by ESI and ESD . Journal of Microscopy vol. 166 , ( 3 ) 329 - 341 .
Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Colour‐coded stereo images from the tandem scanning reflected light microscope (TSRLM) . Journal of Microscopy vol. 146 , ( 2 ) 137 - 142 .
Sela J, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Cyanide removal of gold from SEM specimens . Journal of Microscopy vol. 111 , ( 2 ) 229 - 231 .
Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Determination of the principal distance and the location of the perspective centre in low magnification SEM photogrammetry . Journal of Microscopy vol. 105 , ( 1 ) 97 - 105 .
Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Editorial . Journal of Microscopy vol. 153 , ( 2 ) 121 - 121 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ, Taylor ML, Wolfe LA, Watson TF ( 2011 ) . Fluorescence in the tandem scanning microscope . Journal of Microscopy vol. 157 , ( 1 ) 39 - 49 .
Boyde A, Franc F ( 2011 ) . Freeze‐drying shrinkage of glutaraldehyde fixed liver . Journal of Microscopy vol. 122 , ( 1 ) 75 - 86 .
Boyde A, Broers AN ( 2011 ) . High‐resolution surface scanning electron microscopy of mineralized tissues . Journal of Microscopy vol. 94 , ( 3 ) 253 - 257 .
Bab I, Ashton BA, Owen ME, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Incident light microscopy of surfaces of plastic embedded hard tissues . Journal of Microscopy vol. 134 , ( 1 ) 49 - 53 .
Boyde A, Petran M ( 2011 ) . Light budgets, light and heavy losses: One‐ or two‐sided tandem scanning (real‐time, direct‐view, confocal) microscopy . Journal of Microscopy vol. 160 , ( 3 ) 335 - 342 .
Boyde A, Howell PGT, Jones SJ ( 2011 ) . Measurement of lacunar volume in bone using a stereological grid counting method evolved for the scanning electron microscope . Journal of Microscopy vol. 101 , ( 3 ) 261 - 266 .
Boyde A, Dillon CE, Jones SJ ( 2011 ) . Measurement of osteoclastic resorption pits with a tandem scanning microscope . Journal of Microscopy vol. 158 , ( 2 ) 261 - 265 .
Boyde A, Wood C ( 2011 ) . Preparation of animal tissues for surface‐scanning electron microscopy . Journal of Microscopy vol. 90 , ( 3 ) 221 - 249 .
Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Quantitative photogrammetric analysis and qualitative stereoscopic analysis of SEM images . Journal of Microscopy vol. 98 , ( 3 ) 452 - 471 .
Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Recovery of single‐stage carbon replicas of animal tissues . Journal of Microscopy vol. 91 , ( 2 ) 145 - 145 .
Boyde A, Howell PGT, Franc F ( 2011 ) . Simple SEM stereophotogrammetric method for three‐dimensional evaluation of features on flat substrates . Journal of Microscopy vol. 143 , ( 3 ) 257 - 264 .
Freire M, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Study of Golgi‐impregnated material using the confocal tandem scanning reflected light microscope . Journal of Microscopy vol. 158 , ( 2 ) 285 - 290 .
Boyde A, Petran M, Hadravsky M ( 2011 ) . Tandem scanning reflected light microscopy of internal features in whole bone and tooth samples . Journal of Microscopy vol. 132 , ( 1 ) 1 - 7 .
Howard V, Reid S, Baddeley A, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Unbiased estimation of particle density in the tandem scanning reflected light microscope . Journal of Microscopy vol. 138 , ( 2 ) 203 - 212 .
Ebetino FH, Hogan AML, Sun ST, Tsoumpra MK, Duan XC, Triffitt JT, Kwaasi AA, Dunford JE et al. ( 2011 ) . The relationship between the chemistry and biological activity of the bisphosphonates . BONE vol. 49 , ( 1 ) 20 - 33 .
Pitsillides AA, Utku N, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Analysis of mineralised bone samples supports distinct roles for TIRC7 in bone compartment-selective osteoclast recruitment . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY . vol. 92 , A36 - A36 .
McDermott BT, Riggs CM, Boyde A, Pinchbeck GL, Barr ED, Clegg PD ( 2011 ) . Are changes in the cartilage and synovial membrane in a traumatic equine osteochondral disease similar to those seen in chronic human osteoarthritis? . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY . vol. 92 , A28 - A28 .
Boyde A, Riggs CM, Bushby AJ, Pinchbeck GL, Clegg PD ( 2011 ) . Extrusion of mineralisable matrix via articular calcified cartilage and subchondral bone forming hard outcrops in hyaline articular cartilage: a novel mechanism in cartilage loss . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY . vol. 92 , A17 - A17 .
Boyde A, Riggs CM, Bushby AJ, McDermott B, Pinchbeck GL, Clegg PD ( 2011 ) . Cartilage damage involving extrusion of mineralisable matrix from the articular calcified cartilage and subchondral bone . Eur Cell Mater vol. 21 , 470 - 478 .
Taylor AM, Boyde A, Wilson PJ, Davidson JS, Jarvis JC, Hunt J, Ranganath LR, Gallagher JA ( 2011 ) . Advanced ochronosis of articular cartilage in aku provides an extreme model of focal unloading of bone due to stress shielding . BONE . vol. 48 , S173 - S174 .
Hu M, Bassett JHD, Danks L, Howell PGT, Xu K, Spanoudakis E, Kotsianidis I, Boyde A et al. ( 2011 ) . Activated Invariant NKT Cells Regulate Osteoclast Development and Function . J IMMUNOL vol. 186 , ( 5 ) 2910 - 2917 .
Boyde A, Riggs CM, Pinchbeck GL, Clegg PD ( 2011 ) . Evidence for a novel destructive mechanism in hyaline articular cartilage (HAC) involving extrusion of mineralised matrix from the articular calcified cartilage (ACC) and subchondral bone . J ANAT vol. 218 , ( 3 ) 351 - 352 .
Bembey AK, Oyen ML, Ferguson VL, Bushby AJ, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Effect of Water on Mechanical Properties of Mineralized Tissue Composites . MRS Advances vol. 975 ,
Bembey AK, Oyen M, Bushby A, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Nanoindentation Measurements of Bone Viscoelasticity as a Function of Hydration State . MRS Advances vol. 898 ,
Boyde A ( 2005 ) . Understanding the Structure of the Mammalian Mineralised Tissues Through Their Development . MRS Advances . vol. 898 ,
Bembey AK, Koonjul V, Bushby AJ, Ferguson VL, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Contribution of Collagen, Mineral and Water Phases to the Nanomechanical Properties of Bone . MRS Advances vol. 844 ,
Ferguson VL, Boyde A, Bushby AJ ( 2011 ) . Elastic modulus of dental enamel: effect of enamel prism orientation and mineral content . MRS Advances vol. 844 ,
Oyen ML, Ko C-C, K.Bembey A, Bushby AJ, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . Nanoindentation and Finite Element Analysis of Resin-Embedded Bone Samples as a Three-Phase Composite Material . MRS Advances vol. 874 ,
Hutchinson JR, Delmer C, Miller CE, Hildebrandt T, Pitsillides AA, Boyde A ( 2011 ) . From Flat Foot to Fat Foot: Structure, Ontogeny, Function, and Evolution of Elephant "Sixth Toes" . SCIENCE vol. 334 , ( 6063 ) 1699 - 1703 .
Boyde A, Harland S ( 2011 ) . Improved methods for 3D SEM imaging of cancellous bone in metastatic cancers in bone . BONE . vol. 48 , S53 - S53 .
Taylor AM, Boyde A, Wilson PJM, Jarvis JC, Davidson JS, Hunt JA, Ranganath LR, Gallagher JA ( 2011 ) . The role of calcified cartilage and subchondral bone in the initiation and progression of ochronotic arthropathy in alkaptonuria . ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM vol. 63 , ( 12 ) 3887 - 3896 .
RIGGS CM, BOYDE A ( 2010 ) . Effect of exercise on bone density in distal regions of the equine third metacarpal bone in 2‐year‐old Thoroughbreds . Equine veterinary journal. Supplement vol. 31 , ( S30 ) 555 - 560 .
Taylor AM, Wlodarski B, Wilson PJ, Jarvis J, Ranganath LR, Boyde A, Gallagher JA ( 2010 ) . Deposition of ochronotic pigment in articular cartilage in alkaptonuria is initiated near the tidemark and progresses to the articular surface . Bone vol. 47 ,
Kingsmill VJ, Boyde A, Davis GR, Howell PGT, Rawlinson SCF ( 2010 ) . Changes in bone mineral and matrix in response to a soft diet . J Dent Res vol. 89 , ( 5 ) 510 - 514 .
BOYDE A ( 2010 ) . Equine dental tissues: a trilogy of enamel, dentine and cementum . Equine Veterinary Journal vol. 29 , ( 3 ) 171 - 172 .
RIGGS CM, WHITEHOUSE GH, BOYDE A ( 2010 ) . Pathology of the distal condyles of the third metacarpal and third metatarsal bones of the horse . Equine Veterinary Journal vol. 31 , ( 2 ) 140 - 148 .
RIGGS CM, WHITEHOUSE GH, BOYDE A ( 2010 ) . Structural variation of the distal condyles of the third metacarpal and third metatarsal bones in the horse . Equine Veterinary Journal vol. 31 , ( 2 ) 130 - 139 .
BOYDE A, HAROON Y, JONES SJ, RIGGS CM ( 2010 ) . Three dimensional structure of the distal condyles of the third metacarpal bone of the horse . Equine Veterinary Journal vol. 31 , ( 2 ) 122 - 129 .
Bassett JHD, Boyde A, Howell PGT, Bassett RH, Galliford TM, Archanco M, Evans H, Lawson MA et al. ( 2010 ) . Optimal bone strength and mineralization requires the type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase in osteoblasts . P NATL ACAD SCI USA vol. 107 , ( 16 ) 7604 - 7609 .
Firth EC, Doube M, Boyde A ( 2010 ) . Two types of chondro-osseous developmental defects in adjacent sites within the same joint in young horses . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY . vol. 91 , A36 - A36 .
Roelofs A, Boyde A, Lundy M, McKenna C, Blazewska K, Sun ST, Kashemirov B, Duan XC et al. ( 2010 ) . The Ability of Bisphosphonates and Their Analogues to Penetrate the Osteocyte Network is Dependent on Affinity for Bone . BONE . vol. 46 , S22 - S22 .
Doube M, Firth EC, Boyde A, Bushby AJ ( 2010 ) . Combined nanoindentation testing and scanning electron microscopy of bone and articular calcified cartilage in an equine fracture predilection site . Eur Cell Mater vol. 19 , 242 - 251 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 2009 ) . Development and Structure of Teeth and Periodontal Tissues . Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism: Seventh Edition ,
Riminucci M, Collins MT, Corsi A, Boyde A, Murphey MD, Wientroub S, Kuznetsov SA, Cherman N et al. ( 2009 ) . Gnathodiaphyseal Dysplasia: A Syndrome of Fibro‐Osseous Lesions of Jawbones, Bone Fragility, and Long Bone Bowing . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research vol. 16 , ( 9 ) 1710 - 1718 .
Mishra S, Thomas HF, Fearne JM, Boyde A, Anderson P ( 2009 ) . Comparison of demineralisation rates in pre- and postnatal enamel and at the neonatal line . Arch Oral Biol vol. 54 Suppl 1 , S101 - S106 .
Ascenzi A, Boyde A, Bianco P, Barbos MP ( 2009 ) . Relationship Between Mechanical Properties and Structure in Secondary Bone . Connective Tissue Research vol. 15 , ( 1-2 ) 73 - 76 .
( 2009 ) . Session 2. The Inorganic Phase: 1 . Connective Tissue Research vol. 38 , ( 1-4 ) 73 - 79 .
( 2009 ) . Session 3. The Inorganic Phase: 2 . Connective Tissue Research vol. 38 , ( 1-4 ) 139 - 145 .
( 2009 ) . Session 4. Enamel Mineralization . Connective Tissue Research vol. 38 , ( 1-4 ) 201 - 205 .
( 2009 ) . Session 5. Ameloblast Gene Products: 1 . Connective Tissue Research vol. 38 , ( 1-4 ) 241 - 246 .
( 2009 ) . Session 6: Ameloblast Gene Products: 2 . Connective Tissue Research vol. 38 , ( 1-4 ) 295 - 303 .
Rawlinson SCF, Boyde A, Davis GR, Howell PGT, Hughes FJ, Kingsmill VJ ( 2009 ) . Ovariectomy vs. hypofunction: their effects on rat mandibular bone . J Dent Res vol. 88 , ( 7 ) 615 - 620 .
Roelofs AJ, Boyde A, Lundy MW, McKenna CE, Blazewska K, Sun ST, Kashemirov BA, Russell RGG et al. ( 2009 ) . Bone mineral affinity influences the distribution of a bisphosphonate and a lower affinity analogue in vivo . BONE . vol. 44 , S430 - S431 .
Kolman P, Pica A, Carvou N, Boyde A, Cockcroft S, Loesch A, Pizzey A, Simeoni M et al. ( 2009 ) . Insulin uptake across the luminal membrane of the rat proximal tubule in vivo and in vitro . AM J PHYSIOL-RENAL vol. 296 , ( 5 ) F1227 - F1237 .
Bromage TG, Lacruz RS, Hogg R, Goldman HM, McFarlin SC, Warshaw J, Dirks W, Perez-Ochoa A et al. ( 2009 ) . Lamellar Bone is an Incremental Tissue Reconciling Enamel Rhythms, Body Size, and Organismal Life History . CALCIFIED TISSUE INT vol. 84 , ( 5 ) 388 - 404 .
Boyde A, Lundy MW, Coxon FP, McKenna CE, Roelofs A, Bala J, Rogers MJ, Blazewska K et al. ( 2009 ) . The differential distribution in vivo of fluorescently-labeled bisphosphonate analogues with different mineral affinity to bone surfaces . BONE . vol. 44 , S57 - S57 .
DeLaurier A, Boyde A, Jackson B, Horton MA, Price JS ( 2009 ) . Identifying early osteoclastic resorptive lesions in feline teeth: a model for understanding the origin of multiple idiopathic root resorption . J PERIODONTAL RES vol. 44 , ( 2 ) 248 - 257 .
Barr ED, Pinchbeck GL, Clegg PD, Boyde A, Riggs CM ( 2009 ) . Post mortem evaluation of palmar osteochondral disease (traumatic osteochondrosis) of the metacarpo/metatarsophalangeal joint in Thoroughbred racehorses . EQUINE VET J vol. 41 , ( 4 ) 366 - 371 .
Davis GR, Safir F, Boyde A ( 2009 ) . X-ray microtomography and scanning electron microscopy in study of loss of articular calcified cartilage and subchondral bone in human femoral head . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY . vol. 90 , A72 - A72 .
( 2009 ) . Past, Present and Future Insights into the Understanding and Treatment of Osteoarthritis: Molecular and Mechanical Approaches . International Journal of Experimental Pathology . vol. 90 , a30 - a84 .
Firth EC, Doube M, Boyde A ( 2009 ) . Changes in mineralised tissue at the site of origin of condylar fracture are present before athletic training in Thoroughbred horses . NEW ZEAL VET J vol. 57 , ( 5 ) 278 - 283 .
Bromage TG, Goldman HM, Mcfarlin SC, Ochoa AP, Boyde A ( 2009 ) . Confocal Scanning Optical Microscopy of a 3-Million-Year-Old Australopithecus afarensis Femur . SCANNING vol. 31 , ( 1 ) 1 - 10 .
Eidelman N, Boyde A, Bushby AJ, Howell PGT, Sun JR, Newbury DE, Miller FW, Robey PG et al. ( 2009 ) . Microstructure and mineral composition of dystrophic calcification associated with the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies . ARTHRITIS RES THER vol. 11 , ( 5 ) Article R159 ,
Hu M, Basssett JHD, Danks L, Spanoudakis E, Xu K, Howell PGT, Boyde A, Horwood N et al. ( 2008 ) . Invariant NKT Cells Regulate Osteoclast Development and Function Under Homeostatic and during Conditions of Immune Activation . BLOOD . vol. 112 , 46 - 46 .
Oyen ML, Ferguson VL, Bembey AK, Bushby AJ, Boyde A ( 2008 ) . Composite bounds on the elastic modulus of bone . J BIOMECH vol. 41 , ( 11 ) 2585 - 2588 .
Boyde A, Kingsmill VJ ( 2008 ) . Age changes in bone . Gerodontology vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 25 - 31 .
Boyde A, Firth EC ( 2008 ) . High resolution microscopic survey of third metacarpal articular calcified cartilage and subchondral bone in the juvenile horse: possible implications in chondro-osseous disease . Microsc Res Tech vol. 71 , ( 6 ) 477 - 488 .
BOYDE A, FORTELIUS M ( 2008 ) . Development, structure and function of rhinoceros enamel . Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society vol. 87 , ( 2 ) 181 - 214 .
Kingsmill V, Boyde A, Kathirgamanathan P ( 2008 ) . Electroless plating—A new technique for the preparation of hard tissue specimens for scanning electron microscopy . Scanning vol. 16 , ( 1 ) 18 - 20 .
Boyde A, Vesely P, Gray C, Jones SJ ( 2008 ) . High temporal and spatial resolution studies of bone cells using real‐time confocal reflection microscopy . Scanning vol. 16 , ( 5 ) 285 - 294 .
Boyde A ( 2008 ) . SCANNING: The 30th Anniversary . Scanning vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 57 - 57 .
Watson TF, Pilecki P, Cook RJ, Azzopardi A, Paolinelis G, Banerjee A, Thompson I, Boyde A ( 2008 ) . Operative dentistry and the abuse of dental hard tissues: Confocal microscopical imaging of cutting . OPER DENT vol. 33 , ( 2 ) 215 - 224 .
Bassett JHD, Williams AJ, Murphy E, Boyde A, Howell PGT, Swinhoe R, Archanco M, Flamant F et al. ( 2008 ) . A lack of thyroid hormones rather than excess thyrotropin causes abnormal skeletal development in hypothyroidism . MOL ENDOCRINOL vol. 22 , ( 2 ) 501 - 512 .
( 2008 ) . Re: Musculoskeletal responses of 2-year-old Thoroughbred horses to early training. 8. Quantitative back-scattered electron scanning electron microscopy and confocal fl uorescence microscopy of the epiphysis of the third metacarpal bone . New Zealand Veterinary Journal vol. 56 , ( 1 ) 49 - 49 .
Doube M, Firth EC, Boyde A ( 2007 ) . Variations in articular calcified cartilage by site and exercise in the 18-month-old equine distal metacarpal condyle . Osteoarthritis Cartilage vol. 15 , ( 11 ) 1283 - 1292 .
Boyde A ( 2007 ) . Microstructure of Enamel . Ciba Foundation Symposium 205 ‐ Dental Enamel , vol. 205 , Wiley
Hough TA, Polewski M, Johnson K, Cheeseman M, Nolan PM, Vizor L, Rastan S, Boyde A et al. ( 2007 ) . Novel mouse model of autosomal semidominant adult Hypophosphatasia has a splice site mutation in the tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase gene Akp2 . J BONE MINER RES vol. 22 , ( 9 ) 1397 - 1407 .
Bassett JHD, Nordstrom K, Boyde A, Howell PGT, Kelly S, Vennstrom B, Williams GR ( 2007 ) . Thyroid status during skeletal development determines adult bone structure and mineralization . MOL ENDOCRINOL vol. 21 , ( 8 ) 1893 - 1904 .
Boyde A ( 2007 ) . Higher archetypical imaging of biomaterial-bone tissue interactions . TISSUE ENGINEERING . vol. 13 , 1371 - 1371 .
Bassett JHD, O'Shea PJ, Sriskantharajah S, Rabier B, Boyde A, Howell PGT, Weiss RE, Roux JP et al. ( 2007 ) . Thyroid hormone excess rather than thyrotropin deficiency induces osteoporosis in hyperthyroidism . MOL ENDOCRINOL vol. 21 , ( 5 ) 1095 - 1107 .
Kingsmill VJ, Gray CM, Moles DR, Boyde A ( 2007 ) . Cortical vascular canals in human mandible and other bones . J Dent Res vol. 86 , ( 4 ) 368 - 372 .
Doube M, Firth EC, Boyde A ( 2007 ) . Bone mineralisation density and marrow space orientation vary by site in the equine third metacarpal condyle . CALCIFIED TISSUE INT vol. 80 , S51 - S51 .
Bromage TG, Lacruz R, Perez-Ochoa A, Boyde A ( 2007 ) . Portable confocal scanning optical microscopy of Australopithecus africanus enamel structure . Dental Perspectives on Human Evolution: State of the Art Research in Dental Paleoanthropology , Springer Nature
BOYDE A ( 2006 ) . Applications of Tandem Scanning Reflected Light Microscopy and Three‐Dimensional Imaginga . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol. 483 , ( 1 ) 428 - 439 .
PETRAN M, HADRAVSKY M, BENES J, BOYDE A ( 2006 ) . In Vivo Microscopy Using the Tandem Scanning Microscopea . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol. 483 , ( 1 ) 440 - 447 .
Boyde A, Wolfe LA, Maly M, Jones SJ ( 2006 ) . Vital confocal microscopy in bone . Scanning vol. 17 , ( 2 ) 72 - 85 .
Goldman HM, Blayvas A, Boyde A, Howell PGT, Clement JG, Bromage TG ( 2006 ) . Correlative light and backscattered electron microscopy of bone —Part II: Automated image analysis . Scanning vol. 22 , ( 6 ) 337 - 344 .
Howell PGT, Davy KMW, Boyde A ( 2006 ) . Mean atomic number and backscattered electron coefficient calculations for some materials with low mean atomic number . Scanning vol. 20 , ( 1 ) 35 - 40 .
Howell PGT, Boyde A ( 2006 ) . Monte Carlo simulation of electron backscattering from compounds with low mean atomic number . Scanning vol. 20 , ( 1 ) 45 - 49 .
Howell PGT, Boyde A ( 2006 ) . Surface roughness of preparations for backscattered electron‐scanning electron microscopy: The image differences and their monte carlo simulation . Scanning vol. 21 , ( 6 ) 361 - 367 .
Bembey AK, Oyen ML, Bushby AJ, Boyde A ( 2006 ) . Viscoelastic properties of bone as a function of hydration state determined by nanoindentation . Philosophical Magazine vol. 86 , ( 33-35 SPEC. ISSUE ) 5691 - 5703 .
DeLaurier A, Boyde A, Horton MA, Price JS ( 2006 ) . Analysis of the surface characteristics and mineralization status of feline teeth using scanning electron microscopy . J ANAT vol. 209 , ( 5 ) 655 - 669 .
Bembey AK, Oyen ML, Bushby AJ, Boyde A ( 2006 ) . Viscoelastic properties of bone as a function of hydration state determined by nanoindentation . PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE . vol. 86 , 5691 - 5703 .
Doube M, Firth E, Boyde A ( 2006 ) . Site- and exercise-related variations in equine articular calcified cartilage thickness, mineralization density and linear accretion rate . J ANAT vol. 209 , ( 4 ) 564 - 565 .
Kolman P, Pica A, Boyde A, Unwin RJ ( 2006 ) . Real-time in vivo quantitative fluorescence measurements in rat kidney physiology . J ANAT vol. 209 , ( 3 ) 417 - 417 .
Boyde A ( 2006 ) . I. SOME ASPECTS OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY OF SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE IMAGES . The Photogrammetric Record vol. 8 , ( 46 ) 409 - 445 .
Boyde A, Ross HF ( 2006 ) . PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND THE SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE . The Photogrammetric Record vol. 8 , ( 46 ) 408 - 408 .
Bembey AK, Bushby AJ, Boyde A, Ferguson VL, Oyen ML ( 2006 ) . Hydration effects on the micro-mechanical properties of bone . J MATER RES vol. 21 , ( 8 ) 1962 - 1968 .
Rautureau M, Cooke RU, Boyde A ( 2006 ) . The application of confocal microscopy to the study of stone weathering . Earth Surface Processes and Landforms vol. 18 , ( 9 ) 769 - 775 .
Yeong KK, Gavriilidis A, Zapf R, Kost HJ, Hessel V, Boyde A ( 2006 ) . Characterisation of liquid film in a microstructured falling film reactor using laser scanning confocal microscopy . EXP THERM FLUID SCI vol. 30 , ( 5 ) 463 - 472 .
Bassett JHD, O'Shea PJ, Chassande O, Samarut J, Cheng SY, Vennstrom B, Howell PGT, Boyde A et al. ( 2006 ) . Analysis of skeletal phenotypes in thyroid hormone receptor mutant mice . SCANNING vol. 28 , ( 2 ) 91 - 93 .
Boyde A ( 2006 ) . Skeletal tissue structural biology and the contribution and potential of the scanning microscopies . SCANNING vol. 28 , ( 2 ) 91 - 91 .
Ferguson VL, Oyen ML, Boyde A, Bushby AJ ( 2005 ) . Mineralization and nanomechanical properties in Articular Calcified Cartilage (ACC) . Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference vol. 2005 , 960 - 961 .
Oyen ML, Ko CC, Bembey AK, Bushby AJ, Boyde A ( 2005 ) . Nanoindentation and finite element analysis of resin-embedded bone samples as a three-phase composite material . Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings . vol. 874 , 85 - 90 .
Bembey AK, Koonjul V, Bushby AJ, Ferguson VL, Boyde A ( 2005 ) . Contribution of collagen, mineral and water phases to the nanomechanical properties of bone . Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings . vol. 841 , 81 - 86 .
DeLaurier A, Boyde A, Horton MA, Price JS ( 2005 ) . A scanning electron microscopy study of idiopathic external tooth resorption in the cat . J PERIODONTOL vol. 76 , ( 7 ) 1106 - 1112 .
Bromage TG, Boyde A ( 2005 ) . Microscopic criteria for the determination of directionality of cutmarks on bone . American Journal of Biological Anthropology vol. 65 , ( 4 ) 359 - 366 .
Boyde A, Lovicar L, Zamecnik J ( 2005 ) . Combining confocal and BSE SEM imaging for bone block surfaces . Eur Cell Mater vol. 9 , 33 - 38 .
Boyde A, Firth EC ( 2005 ) . Musculoskeletal responses of 2-year-old Thoroughbred horses to early training. 8. Quantitative back-scattered electron scanning electron microscopy and confocal fluorescence microscopy of the epiphysis of the third metacarpal bone . N Z Vet J vol. 53 , ( 2 ) 123 - 132 .
Gomez S, Boyde A ( 2005 ) . Correlated alkaline phosphatase histochemistry and quantitative backscattered electron imaging in the study of rat incisor ameloblasts and enamel mineralization . Microscopy Research and Technique vol. 29 , ( 1 ) 29 - 36 .
Boyde A ( 2005 ) . Shrinkage in tertiary butanol prior to freeze drying . Microscopy Research and Technique vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 491 - 492 .
McMahon JM, Boyde A, Bromage TG ( 2005 ) . Pattern of collagen fiber orientation in the ovine calcaneal shaft and its relation to locomotor‐induced strain . The Anatomical Record vol. 242 , ( 2 ) 147 - 158 .
Bembey AK, Koonjul V, Bushby AJ, Ferguson VL, Boyde A ( 2005 ) . Contribution of collagen, mineral and water phases to the nanomechanical properties of bone . Mechanical Properties of Bioinspired and Biological Materials . Editors: Viney, C, Katti, K, Ulm, FJ, Hellmich, C et al. , vol. 844 , 9 - 14 .
Bembey AK, Oyen ML, Ko CC, Bushby AJ, Boyde A ( 2005 ) . Elastic modulus and mineral density of dentine and enamel in natural caries lesions . Structure and Mechanical Behavior of Biological Materials . Editors: Fratzl, P, Landis, WJ, Wang, R, Silver, FH et al. , vol. 874 , 125 - 130 .
Ferguson VL, Boyde A, Bushby AJ ( 2005 ) . Elastic modulus of dental enamel: effect of enamel prism orientation and mineral content . Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and Nanotribology III . Editors: Wahl, KJ, Huber, N, Mann, AB, Bahr, DF et al. , vol. 841 , 75 - 80 .
Doube M, Firth EC, Boyde A ( 2005 ) . Registration of CSLM and qBSE images for the temporospatial quantification of mineralization density in 18-month old thoroughbred racehorse articular calcified cartilage . SCANNING . vol. 27 , 74 - 75 .
Doube M, Firth EC, Boyde A ( 2005 ) . Registration of confocal scanning laser microscopy and quantitative backscattered electron images for the temporospatial quantification of mineralization density in 18-month old thoroughbred racehorse articular calcified cartilage . Scanning vol. 27 , ( 5 ) 219 - 226 .
Boyde A, Firth EC ( 2004 ) . Articular calcified cartilage canals in the third metacarpal bone of 2-year-old thoroughbred racehorses . J Anat vol. 205 , ( 6 ) 491 - 500 .
Loveridge N, Power J, Reeve J, Boyde A ( 2004 ) . Bone mineralization density and femoral neck fragility . BONE vol. 35 , ( 4 ) 929 - 941 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 2004 ) . Bone modelling in the implantation bed . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research vol. 19 , ( 3 ) 199 - 224 .
Wolfe LA, Boyde A ( 2004 ) . Biocompatibility tests on a novel glass–ceramic system . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research vol. 3 , ( 3 ) 217 - 224 .
Boyde A ( 2004 ) . Response to Drs. Kitsugi, Kokubo, Yamamuro, and Nakamuro . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 114 - 114 .
Boyde A, Lovicar L, Zamecnik J ( 2004 ) . Combining confocal and BSE SEM imaging for bone and implant interfaces . European Cells and Materials . vol. 7 ,
Bushby AJ, Ferguson VL, Boyde A ( 2004 ) . Nanoindentation of bone: Comparison of specimens tested in liquid and embedded in polymethylmethacrylate (vol 19, pg 249, 2004) . J MATER RES vol. 19 , ( 5 ) 1581 - 1581 .
Simeoni M, Boyde A, Shirley DG, Capasso G, Unwin RJ ( 2004 ) . Application of red laser video-rate scanning confocal microscopy to in vivo assessment of tubular function in the rat: selective action of diuretics on tubular diameter . EXP PHYSIOL vol. 89 , ( 2 ) 181 - 185 .
Hill PA, Buttle DJ, Jones SJ, Boyde A, Murata M, Reynolds JJ, Meikle MC ( 2004 ) . Inhibition of bone resrption by selctive inactivators of cysteine proteinases . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry vol. 56 , ( 1 ) 118 - 130 .
Boyde A ( 2004 ) . 2.7A A. D. G. Stewart and an Early Biological Application of the Scanning Electron Microscope . Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics vol. 133 , 165 - 173 .
Boyde A ( 2004 ) . A. D. G. Stewart and an early biological application of the scanning electron microscope . ADV IMAG ELECT PHYS vol. 133 , 165 - 173 .
Boyde A ( 2004 ) . Improved depth of field in the scanning electron microscope derived from through-focus image stacks . Scanning vol. 26 , ( 6 ) 265 - 269 .
Bushby AJ, Ferguson VL, Boyde A ( 2004 ) . Nanoindentation of bone: Comparison of specimens tested in liquid and embedded in polymethylmethacrylate . J MATER RES vol. 19 , ( 1 ) 249 - 259 .
Burr DB, Miller L, Grynpas M, Li JL, Boyde A, Mashiba T, Hirano T, Johnston CC ( 2003 ) . Tissue mineralization is increased following 1-year treatment with high doses of bisphosphonates in dogs . BONE vol. 33 , ( 6 ) 960 - 969 .
Bromage TG, Goldman HM, McFarlin SC, Warshaw J, Boyde A, Riggs CM ( 2003 ) . Circularly polarized light standards for investigations of collagen fiber orientation in bone . The Anatomical Record Part B The New Anatomist vol. 274B , ( 1 ) 157 - 168 .
Masse PA, Howell PGT, Boyde A, Cole DEC, Howell DS ( 2003 ) . Bone mineral concentration and appositional rate in rapidly growing chick models of homocystinuria and vitamin B6 deficiency (VB6D) . JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH . vol. 18 , S107 - S107 .
Vesely P, Miks A, Novak J, Boyde A ( 2003 ) . Calibration and quantification of fast intracellular motion (FIM) in living cells using correlation analysis . SCANNING vol. 25 , ( 5 ) 230 - 239 .
Goldman HM, Bromage TG, Boyde A, Thomas CDL, Clement JG ( 2003 ) . Intrapopulation variability in mineralization density at the human femoral mid-shaft . J ANAT vol. 203 , ( 2 ) 243 - 255 .
Ferguson VL, Bushby AJ, Boyde A ( 2003 ) . Nanomechanical properties and mineral concentration in articular calcified cartilage and subchondral bone . J Anat vol. 203 , ( 2 ) 191 - 202 .
Boyde A ( 2003 ) . The real response of bone to exercise . J Anat vol. 203 , ( 2 ) 173 - 189 .
Corsi A, Collins MT, Riminucci M, Howell PGT, Boyde A, Robey PG, Bianco P ( 2003 ) . Osteomalacic and hyperparathyroid changes in fibrous dysplasia of bone: Core biopsy studies and clinical correlations . J BONE MINER RES vol. 18 , ( 7 ) 1235 - 1246 .
Howell PGT, Boyde A ( 2003 ) . Volumes from which calcium and phosphorus X-rays arise in electron probe emission microanalysis of bone: Monte Carlo simulation . CALCIFIED TISSUE INT vol. 72 , ( 6 ) 745 - 749 .
Boyde A ( 2003 ) . Improved digital SEM of cancellous bone: scanning direction of detection, through focus for in-focus and sample orientation . J Anat . vol. 202 , 183 - 194 .
KINGSMILL VJ, BOYDE A ( 2002 ) . Mineralisation density of human mandibular bone: quantitative backscattered electron image analysis . Journal of Anatomy vol. 192 , ( 2 ) 245 - 256 .
KINGSMILL VJ, BOYDE A ( 2002 ) . Variation in the apparent density of human mandibular bone with age and dental status . Journal of Anatomy vol. 192 , ( 2 ) 233 - 244 .
KIERDORF U, KIERDORF H, BOYDE A ( 2002 ) . Structure and mineralisation density of antler and pedicle bone in red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) exposed to different levels of environmental fluoride: a quantitative backscattered electron imaging study . Journal of Anatomy vol. 196 , ( 1 ) 71 - 83 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A, Hayman AR, Cox TM ( 2002 ) . Bone in transgenic mice overexpressing tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (AcP5, TRAP) . JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH . vol. 17 , S343 - S343 .
Geoffroy V, Kneissel M, Fournier B, Boyde A, Matthias P ( 2002 ) . High bone resorption in adult aging Transgenic mice overexpressing Cbfa1/Runx2 in cells of the osteoblastic lineage . MOL CELL BIOL vol. 22 , ( 17 ) 6222 - 6233 .
Boyde A ( 2002 ) . Methods for enhancing depth of field and information content in scanning electron microscopic imaging of porotic bone . JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH . vol. 17 , S468 - S469 .
Ferguson VL, Bushby AJ, Boyde A ( 2002 ) . Mineralization and nano-mechanical properties of human femoral articular calcified cartilage and subchondral bone . JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH . vol. 17 , S222 - S222 .
Kneissel M, Susa M, Boyde A ( 2002 ) . Retinoids induce envelope-specific changes in adult endochondral bone resulting in cortical bone destruction and suppressed cancellous bone turnover . JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH . vol. 17 , S498 - S498 .
Gronthos S, Brahim J, Li W, Fisher LW, Cherman N, Boyde A, DenBesten P, Robey PG et al. ( 2002 ) . Stem cell properties of human dental pulp stem cells . J DENT RES vol. 81 , ( 8 ) 531 - 535 .
Corsi A, Xu T, Chen XD, Boyde A, Liang J, Mankani M, Sommer B, Iozzo RV et al. ( 2002 ) . Phenotypic effects of biglycan deficiency are linked to collagen fibril abnormalities, are synergized by decorin deficiency, and mimic Ehlers-Danlos-like changes in bone and other connective tissues . J BONE MINER RES vol. 17 , ( 7 ) 1180 - 1189 .
Ferguson VL, Bushby AJ, Boyde A ( 2002 ) . Modulus and mineralisation of articular calcified cartilage and subchondral bone in osteoarthritis via nanoindentation and quantitative backscattered electron imaging . J BONE MINER RES vol. 17 , ( 5 ) 945 - 945 .
Bathe AP, Boyde A ( 2002 ) . Morphometric studies of distal tarsal bone modelling in thoroughbred racehorses . J BONE MINER RES vol. 17 , ( 5 ) 942 - 942 .
Ferguson VL, Partap S, Bushby AJ, Boyde A ( 2002 ) . Thickness of articular calcified cartilage in normal and osteoarthritic human femoral heads . J BONE MINER RES vol. 17 , ( 5 ) 952 - 952 .
Delaurier A, Boyde A, Ingham K, Horton MA, Price JS ( 2002 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of external root resorption in the cat . J DENT RES vol. 81 , A123 - A123 .
Boyde A ( 2002 ) . Morphologic detail of aging bone in human vertebrae . Endocrine vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 5 - 14 .
Saftig P, Hunziker E, Everts V, Jones S, Boyde A, Wehmeyer O, Suter A, von Figura K ( 2002 ) . Functions of Cathepsin K in Bone Resorption . Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology vol. 477 , 293 - 303 .
Boyde A, Howell PGT, Koole LH ( 2001 ) . A new method for histology using backscattered electron imaging of tissue embedded in an iodinated polymer . Scanning vol. 23 , ( 2 )
Boyde A, Firth EC, Bushby AJ ( 2001 ) . Backscattered electron imaging of equine articular calcified cartilage . International Journal of Experimental Pathology . vol. 82 ,
Jones SJ, Boyde A, Hayman AR, Cox TM ( 2001 ) . Bone structure in transgenic mice overexpressing tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (AcP5, TRAP) . Scanning vol. 23 , ( 2 ) 95 - 96 .
Kingsmill VJ, Boyde A ( 2001 ) . Collagen fiber orientation affects osteoclastic resorption . J Dent Res vol. 80 , ( 12 ) 2085 - 2088 .
( 2001 ) . Erratum . Bone vol. 29 , ( 6 )
Suter A, Everts V, Boyde A, Jones SJ, Lullmann-Rauch R, Hartmann D, Hayman AR, Cox TM et al. ( 2001 ) . Overlapping functions of lysosomal acid phosphatase (LAP) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Acp5) revealed by doubly deficient mice . DEVELOPMENT vol. 128 , ( 23 ) 4899 - 4910 .
Boyde A, Hewitt CW, Greenberg GL ( 2001 ) . Scanning oblique illumination for three-dimensional image representation in light microscopy . Scanning vol. 23 , ( 2 )
Howell PGT, Koole LH, Wetzels GMR, Aldenhoff YBJ, Boyde A ( 2001 ) . The backscattered electron (BSE) signal from an iodinated polymer series: Use for standardising BSE images for bone mineralisation density bone . Scanning vol. 23 , ( 2 ) 117 - 118 .
Wong K, Boyde A, Howell PGT ( 2001 ) . A model of temperature transients in dental implants . BIOMATERIALS vol. 22 , ( 20 ) 2795 - 2797 .
Gronthos S, Robey PG, Boyde A, Shi S ( 2001 ) . Human dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs): Characterization and developmental potential . J BONE MINER RES vol. 16 , S265 - S265 .
Filippov MN, Rau EI, Sennov RA, Boyde A, Howell PGTH ( 2001 ) . Light collection efficiency and light transport in backscattered electron scintillator detectors in scanning electron microscopy . SCANNING vol. 23 , ( 5 ) 305 - 312 .
Gray C, Boyde A, Jones S, Attwell D ( 2001 ) . Reply: The curious incident of the [silent] dog in the night-time . J BONE MINER RES vol. 16 , ( 9 ) 1731 - 1732 .
Wong K, Howell PGT, Boyde A ( 2001 ) . Letter to the editor . BONE vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 198 - 199 .
Vesely P, Boyde A ( 2001 ) . Fast intracellular motion in the living cell by video rate reflection confocal laser scanning microscopy . Journal of Anatomy vol. 198 , ( 6 ) 641 - 649 .
Vesely P, Boyde A ( 2001 ) . Fast intracellular motion in the living cell by video rate reflection confocal laser scanning microscopy . J ANAT vol. 198 , 641 - 649 .
Boyde A ( 2001 ) . Cell-matrix interface in bone . BONE vol. 28 , ( 5 ) S156 - S156 .
Kneissel M, Boyde A, Fournier B, Matthias P, Geoffroy V ( 2001 ) . Cortical bone resorption is dramatically increased in adult mice overexpressing Osf2/Cbfa1 in osteoblasts under the control of collagen type I . BONE vol. 28 , ( 5 ) S76 - S76 .
Boyde A, Riggs CM, Firth EC ( 2001 ) . Densification by infilling marrow space in response to exercise in thoroughbred horse distal cannon bone . BONE vol. 28 , ( 5 ) S110 - S110 .
Boyde A, Arora M, Corsi A, Quarto R, Cancedda R, Bianco P ( 2001 ) . Osteoclast-mediated resorption of hydroxyapatite ceramic: Specific patterns and adjuvant role of the surrounding bone . BONE vol. 28 , ( 5 ) S159 - S160 .
Boyde A ( 2001 ) . The nature of changes in vertebral body trabecular bone in osteoporosis . BONE vol. 28 , ( 5 ) S177 - S177 .
Gray C, Marie H, Arora M, Tanaka K, Boyde A, Jones S, Attwell D ( 2001 ) . Glutamate does not play a major role in controlling bone growth . J BONE MINER RES vol. 16 , ( 4 ) 742 - 749 .
Kneissel M, Boyde A, Gasser JA ( 2001 ) . Bone tissue and its mineralization in aged estrogen-depleted rats after long-term intermittent treatment with parathyroid hormone (PTH) analog SDZ PTS 893 or human PTH(1-34) . BONE vol. 28 , ( 3 ) 237 - 250 .
Sokolov VN, Yurkovets DI, Mel'nik VN, Boyde A, Howell PGT ( 2001 ) . 3D reconstruction of surface and subsurface structures of solids by SEM stereo images . ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND ANALYSIS 2001 . Editors: Aindow, M, Kiely, CJ , 119 - 122 .
Kingsmill VJ, Gray C, Boyde A ( 2000 ) . Osteoclastic resorption of equine cranial and postcranial bone in vitro . Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism vol. 18 , ( 3 ) 148 - 152 .
Kon E, Muraglia A, Corsi A, Bianco P, Marcacci M, Martin I, Boyde A, Ruspantini I et al. ( 1999 ) . Autologous bone marrow stromal cells loaded onto porous hydroxyapatite ceramic accelerate bone repair in critical‐size defects of sheep long bones . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research vol. 49 , ( 3 ) 328 - 337 .
Boyde A, Corsi A, Quarto R, Cancedda R, Bianco P ( 1999 ) . Osteoconduction in large macroporous hydroxyapatite ceramic implants: evidence for a complementary integration and disintegration mechanism . Bone vol. 24 , ( 6 ) 579 - 589 .
Kingsmill VJ, Boyde A ( 1999 ) . Mineralization Density and Apparent Density of Bone in Cranial and Postcranial Sites in the Aging Human . Osteoporosis International vol. 9 , ( 3 ) 260 - 268 .
Boyde A, Travers R, Glorieux FH, Jones SJ ( 1999 ) . The Mineralization Density of Iliac Crest Bone from Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta . Calcified Tissue International vol. 64 , ( 3 ) 185 - 190 .
Kingsmill VJ, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1999 ) . The Resorption of Vital and Devitalized Bone In Vitro: Significance for Bone Grafts . Calcified Tissue International vol. 64 , ( 3 ) 252 - 256 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1998 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of bone: Instrument, specimen, and issues . Microscopy Research and Technique vol. 33 , ( 2 ) 92 - 120 .
Saftig P, Hunziker E, Wehmeyer O, Jones S, Boyde A, Rommerskirch W, Moritz JD, Schu P et al. ( 1998 ) . Impaired osteoclastic bone resorption leads to osteopetrosis in cathepsin-K-deficient mice . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 95 , ( 23 ) 13453 - 13458 .
Boyde A, Capasso G, Unwin RJ ( 1998 ) . Conventional and Confocal Epi-Reflection and Fluorescence Microscopy of the Rat Kidney in vivo . Nephron vol. 6 , ( 5 ) 398 - 408 .
Arora M, Shah N, Meghji S, Henderson B, Harris M, Nair S, Wilson M, Gray CM et al. ( 1998 ) . Effect of Staphylococcus aureus extracellular proteinaceous fraction in an isolated osteoclastic resorption assay . Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 158 - 161 .
Greenberg GL, Boyde A ( 1998 ) . A Transportable Multiple Oblique Illumination System which Retrofits to Conventional Optical Microscopes to Provide Highdefinition Real Time 3-Dimensional Imaging . Microscopy and Microanalysis vol. 4 , ( S2 ) 444 - 445 .
Boyde A, Wolfe LA, Wong K, Greenberg GL ( 1998 ) . 3-D microscopy to assess bone healing around dental implants . Scanning . vol. 20 , 150 - 151 .
Banerjee A, Boyde A ( 1998 ) . Autofluorescence and Mineral Content of Carious Dentine: Scanning Optical and Backscattered Electron Microscopic Studies . Caries Research vol. 32 , ( 3 ) 219 - 226 .
Boyde A, Howell PG, Kasidas GP, Samuell CT, Robertson WG ( 1998 ) . Quantitative backscattered electron imaging and analysis of urinary stones . Scanning . vol. 20 ,
Boyde A ( 1998 ) . Bone and BSE . Veterinary Record vol. 142 , ( 11 )
Boyde A, Compston JE, Reeve J, Bell KL, Noble BS, Jones SJ, Loveridge N ( 1998 ) . Effect of estrogen suppression on the mineralization density of iliac crest biopsies in young women as assessed by backscattered electron imaging . Bone vol. 22 , ( 3 ) 241 - 250 .
Boyde A, Jones S ( 1998 ) . Aspects of Anatomy and Development of Bone: the nm, μm and mm Hierarchy . Advances in Organ Biology vol. 5 , 3 - 44 .
Banerjee A, Boyde A ( 1997 ) . Correlated Confocal Autofluorescence and Backscattered Electron Microscopic Study of Dentine Caries . Scanning . vol. 19 , 151 - 152 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ, Radcliffe R, Arora M, Birch HL, Wilson AM, Goodship AE, Riggs CM ( 1997 ) . Nonexplosive Fracture in a Cannon Bone: A Case Report . Scanning . vol. 19 , 209 - 211 .
Davis GR, Elliott JC, Anderson P, Wouters K, Procter P, Boyde A ( 1997 ) . Rapid Prototyping of a High-Resolution X-Ray Microtomographic Image Data Set Showing Trabecular Bone within a Human Vertebral Body . Scanning . vol. 19 , 175 - 177 .
Howell PGT, Davy KM, Boyde A ( 1997 ) . Standards for Low Atomic Number Backscattered Electron Imaging: Correlation of Experimental and Theoretical Results . Scanning . vol. 19 ,
Jones SJ, Gray C, Boyde A, Burnstock G ( 1997 ) . Purinergic transmitters inhibit bone formation by cultured osteoblasts . Bone vol. 21 , ( 5 ) 393 - 399 .
Elliott JC, Anderson P, Davis GR, Wong FSL, Dowker SEP, Kozul N, Boyde A ( 1997 ) . Microtomography in medicine and related fields . Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering . Conference: Developments in X-Ray Tomography vol. 3149 , 2 - 12 .
Kierdorf H, Kierdorf U, Boyde A ( 1997 ) . A quantitative backscattered electron imaging study of hypomineralization and hypoplasia in fluorosed dental enamel of deer . Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger vol. 179 , ( 5 ) 405 - 412 .
Kneissel M, Roschger P, Steiner W, Schamall D, Kalchhauser G, Boyde A, Teschler-Nicola M ( 1997 ) . Cancellous Bone Structure in the Growing and Aging Lumbar Spine in a Historic Nubian Population . Calcified Tissue International vol. 61 , ( 2 ) 95 - 100 .
Hagelberg E, Bell LS, Allen T, Boyde A, Jones SJ, Clegg JB ( 1997 ) . Analysis of ancient bone DNA: techniques and applications . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences vol. 333 , ( 1268 ) 399 - 407 .
Boyde A ( 1997 ) . Microstructure of enamel . vol. 205 , 18 - 27 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1996 ) . Establishment of a data base for bone mineralization density using backscattered electron-scanning electron microscopy . Scanning . vol. 18 , 186 - 187 .
Boyde A, Haroon Y, Jones SJ, Riggs CM ( 1996 ) . Highly anisotropic cancellous bone structure in the equine third metacarpal bone: Novel scanning strategies . Scanning . vol. 18 , 184 - 185 .
Gross U, Boyde A, Hahn M, Labey L, Merolli A, Meunier A, Revell PA, Tanner KE et al. ( 1996 ) . Implant retrieval - a multi centre, multidisciplinary study . Transactions of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials in conjunction with the International Biomaterials Symposium . vol. 1 ,
Labey L, Gross U, Boyde A, Hahn M, Merolli A, Meunier A, Revell P, Tanner K et al. ( 1996 ) . Mechanical evaluation of explanted hip prostheses: Technique and first results . Transactions of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials in conjunction with the International Biomaterials Symposium . vol. 2 ,
Kingsmill VJ, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1996 ) . P25. Rates of resorption of live vs devitalized bone in vitro: significance for bone grafts . Bone vol. 19 , ( 6 )
Hayman AR, Jones SJ, Boyde A, Foster D, Colledge WH, Carlton MB, Evans MJ, Cox TM ( 1996 ) . Mice lacking tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Acp 5) have disrupted endochondral ossification and mild osteopetrosis . Development vol. 122 , ( 10 ) 3151 - 3162 .
Fratzl *, † , S. Schreiber P, Boyde A ( 1996 ) . Characterization of Bone Mineral Crystals in Horse Radius by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering . Calcified Tissue International vol. 58 , ( 5 ) 341 - 346 .
Gray C, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1996 ) . Topographically induced bone formation in vitro: Implications for bone implants and bone grafts . Bone vol. 18 , ( 2 ) 115 - 123 .
Vesely P, Boyde A ( 1996 ) . Video rate confocal laser scanning reflection microscopy in the investigation of normal and neoplastic living cell dynamics . Scanning Microscopy vol. 10 , 201 - 211 .
Vajda EG, Skedros JG, Bloebaum RD ( 1995 ) . Consistency in calibrated backscattered electron images of calcified tissues and minerals analyzed in multiple imaging sessions . Scanning Microscopy vol. 9 , ( 3 ) 741 - 753 .
( 1995 ) . Erratum . Calcified Tissue International vol. 57 , ( 3 ) 246 - 246 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A, Aerssens J, Dequeker J ( 1995 ) . Bone density fractions in the rim of the human iliac crest . Bone vol. 16 , ( 6 )
Boyde A, Jones SJ, Aerssens J, Dequeker J ( 1995 ) . Mineral density quantitation of the human cortical iliac crest by backscattered electron image analysis: Variations with age, sex, and degree of osteoarthritis . Bone vol. 16 , ( 6 ) 619 - 627 .
Jones SJ, Arora M, Boyde A ( 1995 ) . The rate of osteoclastic destruction of calcified tissues is inversely proportional to mineral density . Calcified Tissue International vol. 56 , ( 6 ) 554 - 558 .
Freire M, Boyde A ( 1995 ) . Stereoscopic and biplanar microphotography of Golgi-impregnated neurons: a correlative study using conventional and real-time, direct-image confocal microscopies . Journal of Neuroscience Methods vol. 58 , ( 1-2 ) 109 - 116 .
Piper K, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1995 ) . Volumes of chick and rat osteoclasts cultured on glass . Calcified Tissue International vol. 56 , ( 5 ) 382 - 389 .
Roschger P, Plenk H, Klaushofer K, Eschberger J ( 1995 ) . A new scanning electron microscopy approach to the quantification of bone mineral distribution: backscattered electron image grey-levels correlated to calcium K alpha-line intensities . Scanning Microscopy vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 75 - 86 .
Greenberg G, Boyde A ( 1995 ) . Letters to the Editors . NeuroImage vol. 2 , ( 1 )
Cheung RC-Y, Gray C, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1995 ) . Effects of ethanol on bone cells in vitro resulting in increased resorption . Bone vol. 16 , ( 1 ) 143 - 147 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1995 ) . Mapping and Measuring Surfaces Using Reflection Confocal Microscopy . Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy , Springer Nature
Plate U, Arnold S, Reimer L, Höhling H-J, Boyde A ( 1994 ) . Investigation of the early mineralisation on collagen in dentine of rat incisors by quantitative electron spectroscopic diffraction (ESD) . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 278 , ( 3 ) 543 - 547 .
Bushinsky DA ( 1994 ) . Letter to the Editor . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research vol. 9 , ( 11 ) 1839 - 1841 .
Arnett TR, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1994 ) . Reply . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research vol. 9 , ( 11 ) 1843 - 1844 .
Jones SJ, Gray C, Boyde A ( 1994 ) . Simulation of bone resorption-repair coupling in vitro . Brain Structure and Function vol. 190 , ( 4 ) 339 - 349 .
Kneissel M, Boyde A, Hahn M, Teschler-Nicola M, Kalchhauser G, Plenk H ( 1994 ) . Age- and sex-dependent cancellous bone changes in a 4000y BP population . Bone vol. 15 , ( 5 ) 539 - 545 .
Fearne J, Elliott J, Wong F, Davis G, Boyde A, Jones S ( 1994 ) . P38. Histopathology of deciduous enamel defects in low birth weight children: correlated x-ray microtomographic and backscattered electron imaging study . Bone vol. 15 , ( 4 )
Hall S, Haroon Y, Jones S, Gray C, Boyde A ( 1994 ) . P41. Confocal autofluorescence microscopy of bone . Bone vol. 15 , ( 4 )
Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1994 ) . Questions of quality and quantity--a morphological view of bone biology . 解剖學雜誌 vol. 69 , ( 3 ) 229 - 243 .
Fearne JM, Elliott JC, Wong FSL, Davis GR, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1994 ) . Deciduous enamel defects in low-birth-weight children: correlated X-ray microtomographic and backscattered electron imaging study of hypoplasia and hypomineralization . Brain Structure and Function vol. 189 , ( 5 ) 375 - 381 .
Howell PGT, Boyde A ( 1994 ) . Monte Carlo simulations of electron scattering in bone . Bone vol. 15 , ( 3 ) 285 - 291 .
Arnett TR, Boyde A, Jones SJ, Taylor ML ( 1994 ) . Effects of medium acidification by alteration of carbon dioxide or bicarbonate concentrations on the resorptive activity of rat osteoclasts . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research vol. 9 , ( 3 ) 375 - 379 .
Jayasinghe JAP, Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1994 ) . Three-dimensional photographic study of cancellous bone in human fourth lumbar vertebral bodies . Brain Structure and Function vol. 189 , ( 3 ) 259 - 274 .
Maly M, Boyde A ( 1994 ) . Real-time stereoscopic confocal reflection microscopy using objective lenses with linear longitudinal chromatic dispersion . Scanning vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 187 - 192 .
Piper K, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1994 ) . The effect of 3-amino-1-hydroxypropylidene-1,1-bisphosphonate (APD) on the resorptive function of osteoclasts of known nuclear number . Calcified Tissue International vol. 54 , ( 1 ) 56 - 61 .
Greenberg G, Boyde A ( 1993 ) . Novel Method for Stereo Imaging in Light Microscopy at High Magnifications . NeuroImage vol. 1 , ( 2 ) 121 - 128 .
Bianco P, Boyde A ( 1993 ) . Confocal images of marrow stromal (Westen-Bainton) cells . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 100 , ( 2 ) 93 - 99 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1993 ) . Histomorphometry of Howship's lacunae formed in vivo and in vitro: Depths and volumes measured by scanning electron and confocal microscopy . Bone vol. 14 , ( 3 ) 455 - 460 .
Bianco P, Bradbeer JN, Riminucci M, Boyde A ( 1993 ) . Marrow stromal (Westen-Bainton) cells: Identification, morphometry, confocal imaging and changes in disease . Bone vol. 14 , ( 3 ) 315 - 320 .
Boyde A, Elliott J, Jones S ( 1993 ) . Stereology and histogram analysis of backscattered electron images: Age changes in bone . Bone vol. 14 , ( 3 ) 205 - 210 .
Jones SJ, Gray C, Sakamaki H, Arora M, Boyde A, Gourdie R, Green C ( 1993 ) . The incidence and size of gap junctions between the bone cells in rat calvaria . Brain Structure and Function vol. 187 , ( 4 ) 343 - 352 .
Riggs CM, Lanyon LE, Boyde A ( 1993 ) . Functional associations between collagen fibre orientation and locomotor strain direction in cortical bone of the equine radius . Brain Structure and Function vol. 187 , ( 3 ) 231 - 238 .
Riggs CM, Vaughan LC, Evans GP, Lanyon LE, Boyde A ( 1993 ) . Mechanical implications of collagen fibre orientation in cortical bone of the equine radius . Brain Structure and Function vol. 187 , ( 3 ) 239 - 248 .
Boyde A ( 1993 ) . Dear Editor . Bone and Mineral vol. 20 , ( 1 )
Boyde A ( 1993 ) . In memory of V.E. Cosslett: from scanning with electrons to scanning with light in the investigation of mineralized tissues . Micron vol. 24 , ( 2 ) 155 - 157 .
Boyde A ( 1993 ) . Optical and scanning electron microscopy in the single osteoclast resorption assay . Bone Miner vol. 20 , ( 1 ) 109 - 110 .
Jayasinghe JAP, Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1993 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of human lumbar vertebral trabecular bone surfaces . Virchows Archiv A Pathological Anatomy and Histopathology vol. 422 , ( 1 ) 25 - 34 .
Vesely P, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1992 ) . Behaviour of osteoclasts in vitro: contact behaviour of osteoclasts with osteoblast-like cells and networking of osteoclasts for 3D orientation . Journal of Anatomy vol. 181 ( Pt 2) , ( Pt 2 ) 277 - 291 .
Piper K, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1992 ) . The relationship between the number of nuclei of an osteoclast and its resorptive capability in vitro . Brain Structure and Function vol. 186 , ( 4 ) 291 - 299 .
Boyde A, Radcliffe R, Jones S, Jayasinghe J ( 1992 ) . 3-D imaging of intact trabecular bone . Bone vol. 13 , ( 5 )
Kneissel M, Kalchhauser G, Hahn M, Boyde A, Plenk H ( 1992 ) . Comparison of noninvasive and invasive determinations of the age and sex dependent trabecular bone loss on archeological material . Bone vol. 13 , ( 5 )
Garrahan N, Boyde A, Croucher P, Radcliffe R, Compston J ( 1992 ) . Method for the validation of structural analysis of two-dimensional histological sections using computerised three-dimensional reconstruction . Bone vol. 13 , ( 5 )
Jayasinghe J, Jones S, Boyde A ( 1992 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of human lumbar vertebral trabecular bone surfaces . Bone vol. 13 , ( 5 )
Boyde A ( 1992 ) . Three-dimensional images of Ramón y Cajal's original preparations, as viewed by confocal microscopy . Trends in Neurosciences vol. 15 , ( 7 ) 246 - 248 .
Torrance AG, Suswillo R, Lanyon LE, Boyde A ( 1992 ) . P4. Effects of two dynamic loading regimes upon bone remodelling in the rat ulna . Bone vol. 13 , ( 3 )
O'Neill RPJ, Jones SJ, Boyde A, Taylor ML, Arnett TR ( 1992 ) . Effect of retinoic acid on the resorptive activity of chick osteoclasts in vitro . Bone vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 23 - 27 .
Boyde A ( 1992 ) . Erratum: Three-dimensional images of Ramon y Cajal's original preparations, as viewed by confocal microscopy (TINS (1992) 15 (246-248)) . Trends in Neurosciences vol. 15 , ( 8 )
Torrance AG, Suswillo R, Lanyon LE, Boyde A ( 1992 ) . Fluorochrome analysis by confocal microscopy in the rat ulna . Bone vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 100 - 101 .
Boyde A, Wolfe LA, Jones SJ, Vesely P, Maly M ( 1992 ) . MICROSCOPY OF BONE CELLS, BONE TISSUE, AND BONE HEALING AROUND IMPLANTS . Implant Dentistry vol. 1 , ( 2 ) 117 - 128 .
Taylor M, Boyde A, Jones S, Arnett T ( 1992 ) . P28. Effects of medium acidification by alteration of CO2 or HCO3− on pits made in dentine by cultured rat osteoclasts . Bone vol. 13 , ( 1 )
Elliott JC, Anderson P, Davis GR, Wong FSL, Gao XJ, Dover SD, Boyde A ( 1992 ) . X-Ray Microtomographic Studies of Bones and Teeth . X-Ray Microscopy III , vol. 67 , Springer Nature
Boyde A ( 1991 ) . Structure, function and adaptation of compact bone By R. B. Martin and D. B. Burr (1989). New York: Raven Press. 287 pp. $89. ISBN 0-88167-500-8 . Journal of Human Evolution vol. 21 , ( 3 ) 232 - 233 .
Watson TF, Boyde A ( 1991 ) . Confocal light microscopic techniques for examining dental operative procedures and dental materials. A status report for the American Journal of Dentistry . American Journal of Dentistry vol. 4 , ( 4 ) 193 - 200 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1991 ) . Pitfalls in pit measurement . Calcified Tissue International vol. 49 , ( 2 ) 65 - 70 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A, Taylor ML, Maconnachie E ( 1991 ) . 11. Resorption of both inorganic and organic components of dentine and bone by osteoclasts in vitro . Bone vol. 12 , ( 4 )
Arnett TR, Jones SJ, Boyde A, Taylor ML ( 1991 ) . 17. Rat osteoclasts excavate increased numbers of r sorption lacunae in media acidified by manipulation of carbon dioxide or bicarbonate concentrations . Bone vol. 12 , ( 4 )
Ford PNR, Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1991 ) . 3. Variations in the rate of excavation of dentine by cultured osteoclasts . Bone vol. 12 , ( 4 )
Boyde A, Maconnachie E, Taylor ML, Jones SJ ( 1991 ) . 4. Does the rate of organic matrix degradation in vitro r sorption relate to collagen orientation? . Bone vol. 12 , ( 4 ) 291 - 292 .
Jayasinghe JAP, Boyde A ( 1991 ) . 5. An analysis of changing spatial frequency of vertebral trabecular bone with age . Bone vol. 12 , ( 4 )
Haddow K, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1991 ) . 6. Age-related changes in histological structure and mineral density in Soay sheep ribs . Bone vol. 12 , ( 4 )
Carando S, Portigliatti-Barbos M, Ascenzi A, Riggs CM, Boyde A ( 1991 ) . Macroscopic shape of, and lamellar distribution within, the upper limb shafts, allowing inferences about mechanical properties . Bone vol. 12 , ( 4 ) 265 - 269 .
Boyde A, Hendel P, Hendel R, Maconnachie E, Jones SJ ( 1990 ) . Human cranial bone structure and the healing of cranial bone grafts: a study using backscattered electron imaging and confocal microscopy . Brain Structure and Function vol. 181 , ( 3 ) 235 - 251 .
Taylor ML, Maconnachie E, Frank K, Boyde A, Jones SJD ( 1990 ) . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research vol. 5 , ( S1 ) s121 - s130 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ, Ali NN, Melhuish PB, Bennett A ( 1990 ) . Parathyroid hormone, but not prostaglandin E2, changes the shape of osteoblasts maintained on bone in vitro . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research vol. 5 , ( 2 ) 115 - 121 .
Boyde A ( 1990 ) . Confocal Optical Microscopy . Modern Microscopies , Springer Nature
Barbos MP, Carando S, Ascenzi A, Boyde A ( 1990 ) . Distribution of lamellae in tibial and fibular shaft with reference to mechanical properties . Journal of Biomechanics vol. 23 , ( 4 )
Mechanic GL, Arnaud SB, Boyde A, Bromage TG, Buckendahl P, Elliott JC, Katz EP, Durnova GN ( 1990 ) . Regional distribution of mineral and matrix in the femurs of rats flown on Cosmos 1887 biosatellite . The FASEB Journal vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 34 - 40 .
Boyde A, Maconnachie E, Muller-Mai C, Gross U ( 1990 ) . SEM study of surface alterations of bioactive glasses and glass-ceramics in a bony implantation bed . Biomaterials vol. 5 , ( 1 ) 73 - 88 .
Boyde A, Riggs CM ( 1990 ) . The quantitative study of the orientation of collagen in compact bone slices . Bone vol. 11 , ( 1 ) 35 - 39 .
Taylor ML, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1989 ) . The effect of fluoride on the patterns of adherence of osteoclasts cultured on and resorbing dentine: a 3-D assessment of vinculin-labelled cells using confocal optical microscopy . Brain Structure and Function vol. 180 , ( 5 ) 427 - 435 .
Takahashi N, Kukita T, MacDonald BR, Bird A, Mundy GR, McManus LM, Miller M, Boyde A et al. ( 1989 ) . Osteoclast-like cells form in long-term human bone marrow but not in peripheral blood cultures . Journal of Clinical Investigation vol. 83 , ( 2 ) 543 - 550 .
Bianco P, Boyde A ( 1989 ) . Alkaline phosphatase cytochemistry in confocal scanning light microscopy for imaging the bone marrow stroma . European Journal of Histochemistry vol. 33 , ( 1 ) 17 - 23 .
Boyde A ( 1989 ) . Enamel . Teeth , Springer Nature
Carando S, Barbos MP, Ascenzi A, Boyde A ( 1989 ) . Orientation of collagen in human tibial and fibular shaft and possible correlation with mechanical properties . Bone vol. 10 , ( 2 ) 139 - 142 .
Boyde A, Jones S, Dillon C ( 1989 ) . P10. An automatic method for 3-D characterization of osteoclastic resorption lacunae . Bone vol. 10 , ( 2 )
Jones S, Taylor M, Boyde A ( 1989 ) . P11. Optical sectioning of osteoclasts . Bone vol. 10 , ( 2 )
Boyde A, Jayasinghe J, Jequier B ( 1989 ) . P12. Three dimensional integram images of trabecular bone . Bone vol. 10 , ( 2 )
Boyde A ( 1988 ) . Confocal And Conventional Modes In Tandem Scanning Reflected Light Microscopy . Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering vol. 1028 , 98 - 103 .
Boyde A, Fortelius M, Lester KS, Martin LB ( 1988 ) . Basis of the structure and development of mammalian enamel as seen by scanning electron microscopy . Scanning Microscopy vol. 2 , ( 3 ) 1479 - 1490 .
Martin LB, Boyde A, Grine FE ( 1988 ) . Enamel structure in primates: a review of scanning electron microscope studies . Scanning Microscopy vol. 2 , ( 3 ) 1503 - 1526 .
Takahashi N, Yamana H, Yoshiki S, Roodman GD, Mundy GR, Jones SJ, Boyde A, Suda T ( 1988 ) . Osteoclast-Like Cell Formation and its Regulation by Osteotropic Hormones in Mouse Bone Marrow Cultures* . Endocrinology vol. 122 , ( 4 ) 1373 - 1382 .
Boyde A ( 1987 ) . A 3-D Model of Enamel Development At the Scale of One Inch to the Micron . Advances in Dental Research vol. 1 , ( 2 ) 135 - 140 .
Lester KS, Boyde A ( 1987 ) . Relating Developing Surface To Adult Ultrastructure in Chiropteran Enamel By Sem . Advances in Dental Research vol. 1 , ( 2 ) 181 - 190 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1987 ) . Scanning microscopic observations on dental caries . Scanning Microscopy vol. 1 , ( 4 ) 1991 - 2002 .
Boyde A, Martin L ( 1987 ) . Tandem scanning reflected light microscopy of primate enamel . Scanning Microscopy vol. 1 , ( 4 ) 1935 - 1948 .
Watson TF, Boyde A ( 1987 ) . Tandem scanning reflected light microscopy: applications in clinical dental research . Scanning Microscopy vol. 1 , ( 4 ) 1971 - 1981 .
Shapiro IM, Boyde A ( 1987 ) . Mineralization of normal and rachitic chick growth cartilage: vascular canals, cartilage calcification and osteogenesis . Scanning Microscopy vol. 1 , ( 2 ) 599 - 606 .
Boyde A ( 1987 ) . Colour-coded stereo images from the tandem scanning reflected light microscope (TSRLM) . J Microsc vol. 146 , ( Pt 2 ) 137 - 142 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1987 ) . Early scanning electron microscopic studies of hard tissue resorption: their relation to current concepts reviewed . Scanning Microscopy vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 369 - 381 .
Lester KS, Boyde A, Gilkeson C, Archer M ( 1987 ) . Marsupial and monotreme enamel structure . Scanning Microscopy vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 401 - 420 .
Boyde A, Shapiro IM ( 1987 ) . Morphological observations concerning the pattern of mineralization of the normal and the rachitic chick growth cartilage . Brain Structure and Function vol. 175 , ( 4 ) 457 - 466 .
Reid SA, Boyde A ( 1987 ) . Changes in the mineral density distribution in human bone with age: Image analysis using backscattered electrons in the SEM . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research vol. 2 , ( 1 ) 13 - 22 .
Barbos MP, Carando S, Ascenzi A, Boyde A, Improta S ( 1987 ) . A Biomechanical Analysis at Lamellar Level of Femoral Shafts Deformed in Bending . Biomechanics: Basic and Applied Research , Springer Nature
Reid SA, Boyde A ( 1987 ) . Age changes in density distribution in human bone shown using image analysis of fast electrons in the SEM . Bone vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 52 - 53 .
Ascenzi A, Improta S, Barbos MP, Carando S, Boyde A ( 1987 ) . Distribution of lamellae in human femoral shafts deformed by bending with inferences on mechanical properties . Bone vol. 8 , ( 5 ) 319 - 325 .
Ascenzi A, Boyde A, Barbos MP, Carando S ( 1987 ) . Micro-biomechanics vs macro-biomechanics in cortical bone. A micromechanical investigation of femurs deformed by bending . Journal of Biomechanics vol. 20 , ( 11-12 ) 1045 - 1053 .
Herold RC, Boyde A, Rosenbloom J, Lally ET ( 1987 ) . Monoclonal antibody and immunogold cytochemical localization of amelogenins in bovine secretory amelogenesis . Archives of Oral Biology vol. 32 , ( 6 ) 439 - 444 .
Portigliatti-Barbos M, Carando S, Ascenzi A, Boyde A ( 1987 ) . On the structural symmetry of human femurs . Bone vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 165 - 169 .
Watson TF, Boyde A ( 1987 ) . Tandem scanning reflected light microscopy: a new method for in vitro assessment of dental operative procedures and restorations . Biomaterials vol. 2 , ( 1 ) 33 - 43 .
Delaisse JM, Boyde A, Ali NN, Maconnachie E, Sear C, Eeckhout Y, Vaes G, Jones SJ ( 1987 ) . The effects of both cysteine proteinase and collagenase inhibitors on dentine resorption by isolated osteoclasts . Bone vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 45 - 46 .
Delaisse JM, Boyde A, Maconnachie E, Ali NN, Sear CHJ, Eeckhout Y, Vaes G, Jones SJ ( 1987 ) . The effects of inhibitors of cysteine-proteinases and collagenase on the resorptive activity of isolated osteoclasts . Bone vol. 8 , ( 5 ) 305 - 313 .
Watson TF, Boyde A ( 1987 ) . The use of fluorescent markers for studying the distribution of a dentine bonding agent between a composite restoration and tooth . Biomaterials vol. 2 , ( 1 ) 45 - 53 .
Ali NN, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1987 ) . Time-lapse videorecording of resorbing osteoclasts and the formation of resorption lacunae in vitro . Bone vol. 8 , ( 1 )
Bishop MA, Boyde A ( 1986 ) . Distribution of capillaries in relation to the life cycle of odontoblasts in the rat incisor . Brain Structure and Function vol. 175 , ( 2 ) 189 - 198 .
DICKSON GR, JOPE EM, BOYDE A ( 1986 ) . Preservation in bogs . Nature vol. 324 , ( 6098 ) 622 - 622 .
Boyde A, Howell PG, Franc F ( 1986 ) . Simple SEM stereophotogrammetric method for three-dimensional evaluation of features on flat substrates . J Microsc vol. 143 , ( Pt 3 ) 257 - 264 .
Jones SJ, Ali NN, Boyde A ( 1986 ) . Survival and resorptive activity of chick osteoclasts in culture . Brain Structure and Function vol. 174 , ( 2 ) 265 - 275 .
Lester KS, Boyde A ( 1986 ) . Scanning microscopy of platypus teeth . Brain Structure and Function vol. 174 , ( 1 ) 15 - 26 .
Boyde A ( 1986 ) . Letter to the editor . Bone vol. 7 , ( 3 )
Boyde A, Maconnachie E, Reid SA, Delling G, Mundy GR ( 1986 ) . Scanning electron microscopy in bone pathology: review of methods, potential and applications . Scanning Microscopy ( Pt 4 ) 1537 - 1554 .
All NM, Melhuish P, Boyde A, Bennett A, Jones SJ ( 1986 ) . The effect of added prostanoids on cell shape of osteoblasts maintained on bone in vitro . Bone vol. 7 , ( 2 )
Jones SJ, Boyde A, Ali NN ( 1986 ) . The interface of cells and their matrices in mineralized tissues: a review . Scanning Microscopy ( Pt 4 ) 1555 - 1569 .
Reith EJ, Boyde A ( 1986 ) . The pyroantimonate reaction and transcellular transport of calcium in the rat molar enamel organs . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 85 , ( 1 ) 88 - 88 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A, Ali NN, Maconnachie E ( 1986 ) . Variation in the sizes of resorption lacunae made in vitro . Scanning Microscopy ( Pt 4 ) 1571 - 1580 .
Boyde A ( 1985 ) . Stereoscopic Images in Confocal (Tandem Scanning) Microscopy . Science vol. 230 , ( 4731 ) 1270 - 1272 .
Reith EJ, Boyde A ( 1985 ) . The pyroantimonate reaction and transcellular transport of calcium in rat molar enamel organs . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 83 , ( 6 ) 539 - 543 .
Lemp MA, Dilly PN, Boyde A ( 1985 ) . Tandem-Scanning (Confocal) Microscopy of the Full-Thickness Cornea . Cornea vol. 4 , ( 4 ) 205 - 209 .
Boyde A, Petran M, Hadravsky M, Radcliffe R ( 1985 ) . An optical microscope for sampling in depth . Bone vol. 6 , ( 5 )
Boyde A, Reid SA ( 1985 ) . New CL detectors for the SEM make tetracycline labels shine forth . Bone vol. 6 , ( 5 )
Boyde A, Ali NN, Jones SJ ( 1985 ) . Optical and scanning electron microscopy in the single osteoclast resorption assay . Scanning Microscopy ( Pt 3 ) 1259 - 1271 .
Bianco P, Barbos MP, Ascenzi A, Boyde A ( 1985 ) . Orientation of collagen lamellae in femoral shaft with respect to mechanical loading . Bone vol. 6 , ( 5 )
Barbos MP, Bianco P, Ascenzi A, Boyde A ( 1985 ) . Relationship Between Mechanical Properties and Distribution of Lamellae in the Human Femoral Shaft . Biomechanics: Current Interdisciplinary Research , Springer Nature
Barbos MP, Bianco P, Ascenzi A, Boyde A ( 1985 ) . Relationship between mechanical properties and distribution of lamellae in the human femoral shaft . Journal of Biomechanics vol. 18 , ( 7 )
Maconnachie E, Reid SA, Jones SJ, Lewis A, Frootko N, Boyde A ( 1985 ) . SEM studies of auditory ossicles in man and rat . Bone vol. 6 , ( 5 ) 404 - 405 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A, Ali NN ( 1984 ) . The resorption of biological and non-biological substrates by cultured avian and mammalian osteoclasts . Brain Structure and Function vol. 170 , ( 3 ) 247 - 256 .
Reid SA, Boyde A, Reith EJ ( 1984 ) . Cyclical phenomena occurring during the maturation of the enamel of rat incisor teeth . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 81 , ( 6 ) 521 - 524 .
Ali NN, Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1984 ) . Monocyte-enriched cells on calcified tissues . Brain Structure and Function vol. 170 , ( 2 ) 169 - 175 .
Boyde A ( 1984 ) . Dependence of rate of physical erosion on orientation and density in mineralised tissues . Brain Structure and Function vol. 170 , ( 1 ) 57 - 62 .
Ali NN, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1984 ) . Motility and resorption: Osteoclastic activity in vitro . Brain Structure and Function vol. 170 , ( 1 ) 51 - 56 .
Reith EJ, Schmid MI, Boyde A ( 1984 ) . Rapid uptake of calcium in maturing enamel of the rat incisor . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 80 , ( 4 ) 409 - 410 .
Boyde A ( 1984 ) . Airpolishing effects on enamel, dentine, cement and bone . British Dental Journal vol. 156 , ( 8 ) 287 - 291 .
Boyde A, Ali NN, Jones SJ ( 1984 ) . Resorption of dentine by isolated osteoclasts in vitro . British Dental Journal vol. 156 , ( 6 ) 216 - 220 .
Boyde A, Bianco P, Barbos MP, Ascenzi A ( 1984 ) . Collagen orientation in compact bone: I. A new method for the determination of the proportion of collagen parallel to the plane of compact bone sections . Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research vol. 5 , ( 6 ) 299 - 307 .
Barbos MP, Bianco P, Ascenzi A, Boyde A ( 1984 ) . Collagen orientation in compact bone: II. Distribution of lamellae in the whole of the human femoral shaft with reference to its mechanical properties . Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research vol. 5 , ( 6 ) 309 - 315 .
Shapiro IM, Boyde A ( 1984 ) . Microdissection-elemental analysis of the mineralizing growth cartilage of the normal and rachitic chick . Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research vol. 5 , ( 6 ) 317 - 326 .
Boyde A, Ali NN, Jones SJ ( 1984 ) . Studies on an in vitro resorption model which measures individual osteoclast function . Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research vol. 5 , ( 4 ) 208 - 209 .
Boyde A, Reith EJ ( 1983 ) . Cyclical uptake pattern of tetracycline in post-secretory maturation phase enamel demonstrated in rooted teeth . Calcified Tissue International vol. 35 , ( 1 ) 762 - 766 .
Boyde A, Reid SA ( 1983 ) . Tetracycline cathodoluminescence in bone, dentine and enamel . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 77 , ( 4 ) 525 - 533 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1983 ) . Backscattered electron imaging of dental tissues . Brain Structure and Function vol. 168 , ( 2 ) 211 - 226 .
Boyde A, Reid SA ( 1983 ) . Simple collectors for cathodoluminescence in the SEM made from aluminium foil . J Microsc vol. 132 , ( Pt 2 ) 239 - 242 .
Boyde A, Reid SA, Poole S, Maroudas N, Carrassi A ( 1983 ) . A new method of image formation using cathodoluminescence in the SEM: CL absorption by superficial stains . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 78 , ( 2 ) 285 - 288 .
Boyde A, Reid SA ( 1983 ) . A new method of scanning electron microscopy for imaging biological tissues . Nature vol. 302 , ( 5908 ) 522 - 523 .
Reid SA, Boyde A, Jones SJ, Howell PGT, Bab I, Lewis A, Frootko N, Tamarin A ( 1983 ) . Advances in the scanning electron microscopy of bone: Toward automated image analysis? . Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research vol. 5 , ( 3 )
Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1983 ) . Back-scattered electron imaging of skeletal tissues . Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research vol. 5 , ( 3 ) 145 - 150 .
Bab I, Ashton BA, Owen ME, Boyde A ( 1983 ) . Incident light microscopy of histologic block surfaces: Application to specimens of osseous tissues . Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research vol. 5 , ( 3 ) 154 - 155 .
Boyde A, Reid SA ( 1983 ) . New methods for cathodoluminescence in the scanning electron microscope . Scanning Microscopy ( Pt 4 ) 1803 - 1814 .
Reith EJ, Boyde A, Schmid MI ( 1982 ) . Correlation of rat incisor ameloblasts with maturation cycles as displayed on enamel surface with EDTA . Journal of Dental Research vol. Spec No , 1563 - 1573 .
Boyde A, Martin L ( 1982 ) . Enamel microstructure determination in hominoid and cercopithecoid primates . Brain Structure and Function vol. 165 , ( 2 ) 193 - 212 .
Boyde A, Reith EJ ( 1982 ) . In vitro histological and tetracycline staining properties of surface layer rat incisor enamel also reflect the cyclical nature of the maturation process . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 75 , ( 3 ) 341 - 351 .
Simkiss K, Althoff J, Anderson C, Bennema P, Boyde A, Crenshaw MA, Fleisch H, Höhling H-J et al. ( 1982 ) . Mechanisms of Mineralization (Normal) Group Report . Biological Mineralization and Demineralization , Springer Nature
Boyde A, Reith EJ ( 1981 ) . Display of maturation cycles in rat incisor enamel with tetracycline labelling . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 72 , ( 4 ) 551 - 561 .
Reith EJ, Boyde A ( 1981 ) . The arrangement of ameloblasts on the surface of maturing enamel of the rat incisor tooth . Journal of Anatomy vol. 133 , ( Pt 3 ) 381 - 388 .
Wientroub S, Boyde A, Chrispin AR, Lloyd-Roberts GC ( 1981 ) . The use of stereophotogrammetry to measure acetabular and femoral anteversion . The Bone & Joint Journal vol. 63-B , ( 2 ) 209 - 213 .
Reith EJ, Boyde A ( 1981 ) . Autoradiographic evidence of cyclical entry of calcium into maturing enamel of the rat incisor tooth . Archives of Oral Biology vol. 26 , ( 12 ) 983 - 987 .
Jones SJ, Hogg NM, Shapiro IM, Slusarenko M, Boyde A ( 1981 ) . Cells with Fc receptors in the cell layer next to osteoblasts and osteoclasts on bone . Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research vol. 2 , ( 5 ) 357 - 362 .
Boyde A ( 1981 ) . RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN STEREO SEM (1981 - UPDATE) . Scanning Electron Microscopy91 - 95 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A, Shapiro IM ( 1981 ) . The response of 0steoblasts to parathyroid hormone (PTH 1–34) in vitro . Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research vol. 2 , ( 5 ) 335 - 337 .
Quint P, Althoff J, Höhling HJ, Boyde A, Laabs WA ( 1980 ) . Characteristic molar ratios of magnesium, carbon dioxide, calcium and phosphorus in the mineralizing fracture callus and predentine . Calcified Tissue International vol. 32 , ( 1 ) 257 - 261 .
Hogg N, Shapiro IM, Jones SJ, Slusarenko M, Boyde A ( 1980 ) . Lack of Fc receptors on osteoclasts . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 212 , ( 3 ) 509 - 516 .
Newcomb GM, Boyde A ( 1980 ) . Scanning electron microscope histochemistry: The use of backscattered electrons to identify epidermal Langerhans cells in the scanning electron microscope . Journal of Molecular Histology vol. 12 , ( 6 ) 695 - 700 .
Boyde A, Shapiro IM ( 1980 ) . Energy dispersive X-ray elemental analysis of isolated epiphyseal growth plate chondrocyte fragments . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 69 , ( 1 ) 85 - 94 .
Boyde A, Boyde S ( 1980 ) . Further studies of specimen volume changes during processing for SEM: including some plant tissue . Scanning Microscopy ( Pt 2 ) 117 - 132 .
Boyde A, Maconnachie E ( 1980 ) . Treatment with lithium salts reduces ethanol dehydration shrinkage of glutaraldehyde fixed tissue . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 66 , ( 2 ) 181 - 187 .
Reith EJ, Boyde A ( 1979 ) . A correlated scanning and transmission electron microscopic study of maturation ameloblasts in developing molar teeth of rats . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 197 , ( 3 ) 421 - 431 .
Boyde A ( 1979 ) . Carbonate Concentration, Crystal Centers, Core Dissolution, Caries, Cross Striations, Circadian Rhythms, and Compositional Contrast in the SEM . Journal of Dental Research vol. 58 , ( 2_suppl ) 981 - 983 .
Reith EJ, Boyde A ( 1979 ) . The Enamel Organ, A Control Gate for Calcium Influx Into the Enamel . Journal of Dental Research vol. 58 , ( 2_suppl ) 980 - 980 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1979 ) . Colonization of various natural substrates by osteoblasts in vitro . Scanning Microscopy ( 2 ) 529 - 538 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1979 ) . Estimation of the size of resorption lacunae in mammalian calcified tissues using SEM stereophotogrammetry . Scanning Microscopy ( 2 ) 393 - 402 .
Boyde A, Lester KS ( 1979 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of self-threading pins in dentine . Operative Dentistry vol. 4 , ( 2 ) 56 - 62 .
Boyde A ( 1979 ) . The perception and measurement of depth in the SEM . Scanning Electron Microscopy vol. VOL. 2 , ( pt 2 ) 67 - 78 .
Shapiro IM, Jones SJ, Hogg NM, Slusarenko M, Boyde A ( 1979 ) . Use of SEM for the study of the surface receptors of osteoclasts in situ . Scanning Microscopy ( 2 ) 539 - 545 .
Boyde A, Sela J ( 1978 ) . Scanning electron microscope study of separated calcospherites from the matrices of different mineralizing systems . Calcified Tissue Research vol. 26 , ( 1 ) 47 - 49 .
Boyde A, Reith EJ, Jones SJ ( 1978 ) . Intercellular attachments between calcified collagenous tissue forming cells in the rat . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 191 , ( 3 ) 507 - 512 .
Boyde A, Reith EJ ( 1978 ) . Electron probe analysis of maturation ameloblasts of the rat incisor and calf molar . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 55 , ( 1 ) 41 - 48 .
Reith EJ, Boyde A ( 1978 ) . Histochemical and electron probe analysis of secretory ameloblasts of developing rat molar teeth . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 55 , ( 1 ) 17 - 26 .
Boyde A, Banes AJ, Dillaman RM, Mechanic GL ( 1978 ) . A morphological study of an avian bone disorder caused by myetosis-associated virus . Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research vol. 1 , ( 3 ) 235 - 242 .
Boyde A ( 1978 ) . Colour prints of SEM stereo-pairs for anaglyph viewing . Scanning vol. 1 , ( 1 )
Pfefferkorn GE, Boyde A, Blaschke R ( 1978 ) . HOW TO GET THE BEST FROM YOUR SEM . vol. v , ( 1 ) 1 - 12 .
Boyde A, Althoff J ( 1978 ) . Preparation of anorganic mineralized tissues for the SEM . Scanning vol. 1 , ( 2 )
Tamarin A, Boyde A ( 1977 ) . Facial and visceral arch development in the mouse embryo: a study by scanning electron microscopy . Journal of Anatomy vol. 124 , ( Pt 3 ) 563 - 580 .
Boyde A, Reith EJ ( 1977 ) . Qualitative electron probe analysis of secretory ameloblasts and odontoblasts in the rat incisor . Histochemistry and Cell Biology vol. 50 , ( 4 ) 347 - 354 .
Lester KS, Boyde A ( 1977 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of instrumented, irrigated and filled root canals . British Dental Journal vol. 143 , ( 11 ) 359 - 367 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1977 ) . Some morphological observations on osteoclasts . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 185 , ( 3 ) 387 - 397 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1977 ) . The migration of osteoblasts . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 184 , ( 2 ) 179 - 193 .
Sela J, Boyde A ( 1977 ) . Further observations on the relationship between the matrix and the calcifying fronts in osteosarcoma . Virchows Archiv A Pathological Anatomy and Histopathology vol. 376 , ( 2 ) 175 - 180 .
Boyde A, Bailey E, Veselý P ( 1977 ) . Observations on the marginal ruffles of an established fibroblast-like cell line . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 179 , ( 2 ) 225 - 234 .
Boyde A, Reith EJ ( 1977 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of rat maturation ameloblasts . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 178 , ( 2 ) 221 - 228 .
Nicholson WAP, Ashton BA, Höhling HJ, Quint P, Schreiber J, Ashton IK, Boyde A ( 1977 ) . Electron microprobe investigations into the process of hard tissue formation . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 177 , ( 3 ) 331 - 345 .
Boyde A, Reith EJ ( 1976 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of the lateral cell surfaces of rat incisor ameloblasts . Journal of Anatomy vol. 122 , ( Pt 3 ) 603 - 610 .
Tamarin A, Boyde A ( 1976 ) . Three-dimensional anatomy of the 8-day mouse conceptus: a study by scanning electron microscopy . J Embryol Exp Morph vol. 36 , ( 3 ) 575 - 596 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1976 ) . Experimental study of changes in osteoblastic shape induced by calcitonin and parathyroid extract in an organ culture system . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 169 , ( 4 ) 449 - 465 .
Faccini JM, Exton-Smith AN, Boyde A ( 1976 ) . DISORDERS OF BONE AND FRACTURE OF THE FEMORAL NECK Evaluation of Computer Image Analysis in Diagnosis . The Lancet vol. 307 , ( 7969 ) 1089 - 1092 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1976 ) . Is there a relationship between osteoblasts and collagen orientation in bone? . Israel Medical Association Journal vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 98 - 107 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1976 ) . Morphological changes of osteoblasts in vitro . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 166 , ( 1 ) 101 - 107 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ, Binderman I, Harell A ( 1976 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of bone cells in culture . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 166 , ( 1 ) 65 - 70 .
Boyde A ( 1976 ) . Enamel structure and cavity margins . Operative Dentistry vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 13 - 28 .
Boyde A, Pawley JB ( 1976 ) . Transmission Electron Microscopy of Ion Erosion Thinned Hard Tissues . Calcified Tissues 1975 , Springer Nature
Boyde A, Pawley JB ( 1975 ) . Transmission electron microscopy of ion erosion thinned hard tissues . Calcified Tissue Research vol. 21 , ( 1 ) 117 - 123 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A, Pawley JB ( 1975 ) . Osteoblasts and collagen orientation . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 159 , ( 1 ) 73 - 80 .
BOYDE A ( 1975 ) . SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY OF ENAMEL SURFACES . British Medical Bulletin vol. 31 , ( 2 ) 120 - 124 .
Nicholson WAP, Ashton BA, Höhling HJ, Boyde A ( 1975 ) . Comparison of Ca, P, and S Levels in Predentine and Tendon . Calcium Metabolism, Bone and Metabolic Bone Diseases , Springer Nature
Boyde A ( 1974 ) . Transmission electron microscopy of ion beam thinned dentine . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 152 , ( 4 ) 543 - 550 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1974 ) . Coronal cementogenesis in the horse . Archives of Oral Biology vol. 19 , ( 8 ) 605 - in5 .
Renson CE, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1974 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of human dentine specimens fractured in bend and torsion tests . Archives of Oral Biology vol. 19 , ( 6 ) 447 - in5 .
Reed SE, Boyde A ( 1974 ) . Scanning Electronmicroscopy of Virus-Infected Respiratory Epithelium . CHEST Journal vol. 65 , ( 4 ) 59s - 60s .
Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1974 ) . The organization and gross mineralization patterns of the collagen fibres in sharpey fibre bone . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 148 , ( 1 ) 83 - 96 .
Jones SJ, Bailey E, Boyde A ( 1974 ) . BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY 1973/74 UPDATE . 835 - 849 .
Boyde A ( 1974 ) . Review of application of SEM in medicine . Scripta Medica Facultatum Medicinae Universitatum Brunensis Purkynianae vol. 47 , ( 3 ) 151 - 152 .
Ashton B, Höhling HJ, Nicholson WAP, Zessack U, Kriz W, Boyde A ( 1973 ) . Quantitative analysis of Ca, P and S in mineralizing and non-mineralizing tissues . The Science of Nature vol. 60 , ( 8 ) 392 - 393 .
Boyde A ( 1973 ) . Finishing techniques for the exit margin of the approximal portion of class II cavities . British Dental Journal vol. 134 , ( 8 ) 319 - 328 .
Steendijk R, Boyde A ( 1973 ) . Scanning electron microscopic observations on bone from patients with hypophosphataemic (vitamin D resistant) rickets . Calcified Tissue Research vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 242 - 250 .
Boyde A, Lester KS ( 1972 ) . Elemental particles in bone and dentine . Calcified Tissue Research vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 256 - 256 .
Boyde A ( 1972 ) . Influence of normal and abnormal enamel structure on cavity margins . British Dental Journal vol. 133 , ( 10 ) 421 - 427 .
Boyde A, Knight PJ ( 1972 ) . Scanning electron microscope studies of Class II cavity margins. Matrix band application . British Dental Journal vol. 133 , ( 8 ) 331 - 337 .
Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1972 ) . A study of human root cementum surfaces as prepared for and examined in the scanning electron microscope . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 130 , ( 3 ) 318 - 337 .
Höhling HJ, Nicholson WAP, Schreiber J, Zessack U, Boyde A ( 1972 ) . The distribution of some elements in predentine and dentine of rat incisors . The Science of Nature vol. 59 , ( 9 ) 423 - 423 .
Reed SE, Boyde A ( 1972 ) . Organ Cultures of Respiratory Epithelium Infected with Rhinovirus or Parainfluenza Virus Studied in a Scanning Electron Microscope . Infection and Immunity vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 68 - 76 .
Boyde A, Knight PJ, Jones SJ ( 1972 ) . Further scanning electron microscope studies of the preparation of class II cavities . British Dental Journal vol. 132 , ( 11 ) 447 - 457 .
Boyde A ( 1972 ) . Operative dentistry in depth. 2 . Fauchard vol. 3 , ( 4 ) 67 - 78 .
Boyde A, Weiss RA, Veselý P ( 1972 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of cells in culture . Experimental Cell Research vol. 71 , ( 2 ) 313 - 324 .
Boyde A ( 1972 ) . A survey of some results of scanning electron microscopy in clinical dentistry. 2 . Apex vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 67 - 77 .
Boyde A ( 1972 ) . A survey of some results of scanning electron microscopy in clinical dentistry. 1 . Apex vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 9 - 17 .
Boyde A, Lester KS ( 1972 ) . Elemental particles in bone and dentine . Calcif Tissue Res vol. 10 , ( 3 )
Boyde A ( 1972 ) . Operative dentistry in depth. 1. Review of various results with stereoscopic electron microscopy in the field of clinical dentistry . Fauchard vol. 3 , ( 1 ) 4 - 11 .
Jones SJ, Lozdan J, Boyde A ( 1972 ) . Tooth surfaces treated in situ with periodontal instruments. Scanning electron microscopic studies . British Dental Journal vol. 132 , ( 2 ) 57 - 64 .
Brown SG, Jones SJ, Boyde A ( 1971 ) . Sightings of Cetacea During Two Trans-Atlantic Yacht Races . ICES Journal of Marine Science vol. 34 , ( 1 ) 106 - 120 .
Höhling HJ, Scholz F, Boyde A, Heine HG, Reimer L ( 1971 ) . Electron microscopical and laser diffraction studies of the nucleation and growth of crystals in the organic matrix of dentine . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 117 , ( 3 ) 381 - 393 .
Boyde A ( 1971 ) . Direct recording of stereoscopic images with the scanning electron microscope by the anaglyph colour technique . Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine vol. 21 , ( 3 ) 130 - 133 .
Boyde A ( 1971 ) . The tooth in 3 dimensions. Stereoscopic dental histology . Fauchard vol. 2 , ( 5 ) 31 - 44 .
Höhling HJ, Kreilos R, Neubauer G, Boyde A ( 1971 ) . Electron microscopy and electron microscopical measurements of collagen mineralization in hard tissues . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 122 , ( 1 ) 36 - 52 .
Boyde A, Williams RAD ( 1971 ) . Estimation of the volumes of bacterial cells by scanning electron microscopy . Archives of Oral Biology vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 259 - 267 .
Boyde A, Knight PJ ( 1970 ) . Scanning electron microscope studies of the preparation of the embrasure walls of class II cavities . British Dental Journal vol. 129 , ( 12 ) 557 - 564 .
Lester KS, Boyde A ( 1970 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of developing roots of molar teeth of the laboratory rat . Journal of Ultrastructure Research vol. 33 , ( 1-2 ) 80 - 94 .
Boyde A ( 1970 ) . The contribution of the scanning electron microscope to dental histology. II . Apex vol. 4 , ( 4 ) 9 - 16 .
Boyde A ( 1970 ) . The surface of the enamel in human hypoplastic teeth . Archives of Oral Biology vol. 15 , ( 9 ) 897 - in15 .
Boyde A ( 1970 ) . The contribution of the scanning electron microscope to dental histology. 1 . Apex vol. 4 , ( 3 ) 15 - 21 .
Hobdell MH, Boyde A ( 1969 ) . Microradiography and scanning electron microscopy of bone sections . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 94 , ( 4 ) 487 - 494 .
Boyde A, Reith EJ ( 1969 ) . The pattern of mineralization of rat molar dentine . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 94 , ( 4 ) 479 - 486 .
Boyde A, Knight PJ ( 1969 ) . The use of scanning electron microscopy in clinical dental research . British Dental Journal vol. 127 , ( 7 ) 313 - 322 .
Bellairs R, Boyde A ( 1969 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of the shell membranes of the hen's egg . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 96 , ( 2 ) 237 - 249 .
Bellairs R, Boyde A, Heaysman JEM ( 1969 ) . The relationship between the edge of the chick blastoderm and the vitelline membrane . Development Genes and Evolution vol. 163 , ( 2 ) 113 - 121 .
Boyde A ( 1969 ) . Electron microscopic observations relating to the nature and development of prism decussation in mammalian dental enamel . Bulletin du Groupèment International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie & Odontologie vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 151 - 207 .
Boyde A, Grainger F, James DW ( 1969 ) . Scanning electron microscopic observations of chick embryo fibroblasts in vitro, with particular reference to the movement of cells under others . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 94 , ( 1 ) 46 - 55 .
Boyde A, Hobdell MH ( 1969 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of primary membrane bone . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 99 , ( 1 ) 98 - 108 .
Boyde A, Barber VC ( 1969 ) . Freeze-drying methods for the scanning electron-microscopical study of the protozoon Spirostomum ambiguum and the statocyst of the cephalopod mollusc loligo vulgaris . Journal of Cell Science vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 223 - 239 .
Hobdell MH, Boyde A ( 1969 ) . The Correlation between Microradiography and Scanning Electron Microscopy of Bone Section Surfaces . Vth International Congress on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis / V. Internationaler Kongreß für Röntgenoptik und Mikroanalyse / Ve Congrès International sur l’Optique des Rayons X et la Microanalyse , Springer Nature
Boyde A, Lester KS ( 1968 ) . A method of preparing bacterial plaque lining carious cavities for examination by scanning electron microscopy . Archives of Oral Biology vol. 13 , ( 12 ) 1413 - 1419 .
Boyde A ( 1968 ) . Correlation of ameloblast size with enamel prism Pattern: use of scanning electron microscope to make surface area measurements . Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie vol. 93 , ( 4 ) 583 - 593 .
Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1968 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of cementum and sharpey fibre bone . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 92 , ( 4 ) 536 - 548 .
Höhling HJ, Hall TA, Boyde A, von Rosentiel AP ( 1968 ) . Combined electron probe and electron diffraction analysis of prestages and early stages of dentine formation in rat incisors . Calcified Tissue Research vol. 2 , ( Suppl 1 ) 5 - 5 .
Boyde A, Hobdell M ( 1968 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of bone . Calcified Tissue Research vol. 2 , ( Suppl 1 ) 4 - 4 .
Boyde A, Williams JC ( 1968 ) . Surface morphology of frog striated muscle as prepared for and examined in the scanning electron microscope . The Journal of Physiology vol. 197 , ( 1 ) 10p - 11p .
Boyde A, Hobdell MH ( 1968 ) . Scanning electron microscopy of lamellar bone . Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie vol. 93 , ( 2 ) 213 - 231 .
Lester KS, Boyde A ( 1968 ) . Some preliminary observations on caries ("remineralization") crystals in enamel and dentine by surface electron microscopy . Virchows Archiv A Pathologische Anatomie vol. 344 , ( 2 ) 196 - 212 .
Lester KS, Boyde A ( 1968 ) . Some preliminary observations on caries (“remineralization”) crystals in enamel and dentine by surface electron microscopy . Virchows Archiv A Pathological Anatomy and Histopathology vol. 344 , ( 2 ) 196 - 212 .
Lester KS, Boyde A ( 1968 ) . The question of von Korff fibres in mammalian dentine . Calcif Tissue Res vol. 1 , ( 4 ) 273 - 287 .
Boyde A, James DW, Tresman RL, Willis RA ( 1968 ) . Outgrowth from chick embryo spinal cord in vitro, studied with the scanning electron microscope . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 90 , ( 1 ) 1 - 18 .
Boyde A, Lester KS ( 1967 ) . An electron microscope study of fractured dentinal surfaces . Calcified Tissue Research vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 122 - 136 .
Lester KS, Boyde A ( 1967 ) . Electron microscopy of predentinal surfaces . Calcified Tissue Research vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 44 - 54 .
Boyde A, Lester KS ( 1967 ) . Electron microscopy of resorbing surfaces of dental hard tissues . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 83 , ( 4 ) 538 - 548 .
Lester KS, Boyde A ( 1967 ) . The question of von Korff fibres in mammalian dentine . Calcified Tissue Research vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 273 - 287 .
Boyde A, Lester KS ( 1967 ) . The structure and development of marsupial enamel tubules . Cell and Tissue Research vol. 82 , ( 4 ) 558 - 576 .
Barber VC, Boyde A ( 1967 ) . Scanning electron microscopic studies of cilia . Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie vol. 84 , ( 2 ) 269 - 284 .
Rosser H, Boyde A, Stewart ADG ( 1967 ) . Preliminary observations of the calcium concentration in developing enamel assessed by scanning electron-probe X-ray emission microanalysis . Archives of Oral Biology vol. 12 , ( 4 ) 431 - 440 .
Boyde A ( 1967 ) . Direct visualisation of the site of development of enamel prism sheaths . Die Naturwissenschaften vol. 54 , ( 10 )
Höhling HJ, Hall TA, Boyde A ( 1967 ) . Electron probe x-ray microanalysis of mineralization in rat incisor peripheral dentine . The Science of Nature vol. 54 , ( 23 ) 617 - 618 .
Boyde A, Quilliam TA ( 1966 ) . The scanning electron microscope . Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 116 - 117 .
Boyde A ( 1966 ) . Photogrammetric studies of electronmicrographs of replicas of the surface of developing dental enamel . Advances in Fluorine Research and Dental Caries Prevention vol. 4 , 137 - 145 .
Boyde A ( 1966 ) . The Development of Enamel Structure in Mammals . Calcified Tissues 1965 , Springer Nature
BOYDE A, STEWART ADG ( 1963 ) . Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Surface of Developing Mammalian Dental Enamel . Nature vol. 198 , ( 4885 ) 1102 - 1103 .
SWITSUR VR, BOYDE A ( 1963 ) . A Consideration of Some Design Features of a Scanning Microanalyzer for Biological Applications . X-ray Optics and X-ray Microanalysis , Elsevier
BOYDE A, SWITSUR VR ( 1963 ) . Problems Associated with the Preparation of Biological Specimens for Microanalysis . X-ray Optics and X-ray Microanalysis , Elsevier
STEWART ADG, BOYDE A ( 1962 ) . Ion Etching of Dental Tissues in a Scanning Electron Microscope . Nature vol. 196 , ( 4849 ) 81 - 82 .
Boyde A, Stewart ADG ( 1962 ) . A study of the etching of dental tissues with argon ion beams . Journal of Ultrastructure Research vol. 7 , ( 1-2 ) 159 - 172 .
Boyde A, Switsur VR, Stewart ADG ( 1962 ) . An assessment of two new physical methods applied to the study of dental tissues . Archives of Oral Biology vol. 7 , 185 - 193 .
Boyde A, Stewart ADG ( 1962 ) . INVESTIGATION OF THE EROSION OF TOOTH SECTIONS WITH AN ARGON ION BEAM . Electron Microscopy , Elsevier
Boyde A, Switsur VR, Fearnhead RW ( 1961 ) . Application of the scanning electron-probe X-ray microanalyser to dental tissues . Journal of Ultrastructure Research vol. 5 , ( 3 ) 201 - 207 .
Boyde A ( 1960 ) . Device for the trimming of blocks for ultra-microtomy . Journal of Ultrastructure Research vol. 3 , ( 4 ) 398 - 400 .

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