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Publications: Prof David Arrowsmith

ARROWSMITH DK, Buzna L, Carvalho R, Bono F, Masera M ( 2014 ) . Congestion dependencies in the European gas pipeline network during crises . 2014 Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG 2014) . Conference: IEEE COMPENG2014 ( Barcelona ) from: 16/01/2017 to: 17/01/2017 ,
Carvalho R, Buzna L, Bono F, Masera M, Arrowsmith DK, Helbing D ( 2014 ) . Resilience of natural gas networks during conflicts, crises and disruptions . PLoS One vol. 9 , ( 3 )
Raza I, Khan S, Rourke C, Davenport R, Platton S, Carvalho R, Arrowsmith D, Brohi K ( 2013 ) . ACUTE TRAUMATIC COAGULOPATHY HAS MULTIPLE IMPORTANT PATTERNS OF COAGULATION SYSTEM DERANGEMENT . SHOCK . vol. 40 , 34 - 34 .
Arrowsmith DK, Bhatti FM, Essam JW ( 2012 ) . Generating functions and duality for non-crossing walks on a plane graph . JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL vol. 45 , ( 49 ) Article ARTN 494008 , 494008 - 494027 .
Arrowsmith DK, Bhatti FM, Essam JW ( 2012 ) . Bose and Fermi walk configurations on planar graphs . JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL vol. 45 , ( 22 ) Article ARTN 225003 , 225003 - 225025 .
Carvalho R, Buzna L, Just W, Helbing D, Arrowsmith DK ( 2012 ) . Fair sharing of resources in a supply network with constraints . Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys vol. 85 , ( 4-2 ) 046101 - 046115 .
Ajmone-Marsan M, Arrowsmith D, Breymann W, Fritz O, Masera M, Mengolini A, Carbone A ( 2012 ) . The emerging energy web . EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS vol. 214 , ( 1 ) 547 - 569 .
ARROWSMITH DK, LANSBURY AN, C RJM ( 2011 ) . CONTROL OF THE ARNOLD CIRCLE MAP . International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos vol. 6 , ( 03 ) 437 - 453 .
Mondragón RJ, Arrowsmith DK ( 2011 ) . On Control of Coupled Map Lattices: Using Local Dynamics to Predict Controllability . International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos vol. 7 , ( 02 ) 383 - 399 .
Mondragón RJ, Arrowsmith DK, Pitts JM ( 2000 ) . Traffic Modelling and Queueing Performance Analysis using Chaotic Maps . Conference: Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems56 - 60 .
Arrowsmith DK, Bhatti FM, Essam JW ( 2010 ) . Maximal Fermi walk configurations on the directed square lattice and standard Young tableaux . J PHYS A-MATH THEOR vol. 43 , ( 14 ) Article 145206 , 145206 - 145219 .
Carvalho R, Buzna L, Bono F, Gutiérrez E, Just W, Arrowsmith D ( 2009 ) . Robustness of trans-European gas networks . Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys vol. 80 , ( 1 Pt 2 ) 016106 - 016115 .
Erzgraber H, Strozzi F, Zaldivar JM, Touchette H, Gutierrez E, Arrowsmith DK ( 2008 ) . Time series analysis and long range correlations of Nordic spot electricity market data . PHYSICA A vol. 387 , ( 26 ) 6567 - 6574 .
Gutierrez E, Arrowsmith DK ( 2007 ) . The equivalence between feedback and dissipation in impact oscillators . INT J BIFURCAT CHAOS vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 255 - 269 .
Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2006 ) . Queues, Long-range Dependent Traffic and Non-linear Maps . Conference: NOLTA200 - International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, 11-14 September 2006, Bologna, Italy
Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2006 ) . Summer School: Complex Networks: Analysis, Control and Applications . Conference: University of Bristol, 3-7 July 2006, Bristol, UK
Arrowsmith D, Di Bernardo M, Sorrentino F ( 2006 ) . Communication models with distributed transmission rates and buffer sizes . 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-11, PROCEEDINGS . 5047 - 5050 .
Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2005 ) . Congestion and Centrality in Data Networks, Mathematics of Networks, Imperial College, December 2004 . Conference: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, City University of Hong Kong, May 2005
ARROWSMITH DK, Mondragon-Ceballos RJ, Woolf M ( 2005 ) . Data Traffic, Topology and Congestion . Complex Dynamics in Communication Networks , Editors: Kocarev, L, Vattay, G , Springer-Verlag
Pitts JM, Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Woolf M ( 2005 ) . Dynamical Modelling of TCP Packet Traffic on Scale-Free Networks . Conference: Report 07, 2004/2005, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm
Arrowsmith D, di Bernardo M, Sorrentino F ( 2005 ) . Effects of variations of load distribution on network performance . 2005 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS (ISCAS), VOLS 1-6, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS . 3773 - 3776 .
Pitts JM, Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Woolf M ( 2005 ) . Phase transitions in Packet Traffic on Regular Networks: a comparison of source types and topologies . Conference: Report 08, 2004/2005, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm
ARROWSMITH DK ( 2005 ) . Topology . Notes: Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science Ed. Alwyn Scott Pub. Fitzroydearborn Pages 899-901, & 942-944 ,
Gutierrez E, Arrowsmith DK ( 2004 ) . Control of a double impacting mechanical oscillator using displacement feedback . INT J BIFURCAT CHAOS vol. 14 , ( 9 ) 3095 - 3113 .
Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Woolf M, Barenco M ( 2004 ) . The statistical behaviour of intermittency maps and dynamical modelling of networks . Conference: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Netowkrs and Systems (MTNS2004), Belgium, July 2004
Barenco M, Arrowsmith DK ( 2004 ) . The autocorrelation of double intermittency maps and the simulation of computer packet traffic . DYNAM SYST vol. 19 , ( 1 ) 61 - 74 .
Arrowsmith DK, Woolf M ( 2004 ) . Modelling of TCP packet traffic in a large interactive growth network . 2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL 5, PROCEEDINGS . 477 - 480 .
ARROWSMITH DK ( 2004 ) . Symbolic Dynamics. A. Scott & Fitzroy Dearborn (eds) . Notes: Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science. ,
Arrowsmith DK, Mondragon RJ, Pitts JM, Woolf M ( 2003 ) . Internet packet traffic congestion . PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL III . 746 - 749 .
Woolf M, Arrowsmith DK, Mondragón-C RJ, Pitts JM ( 2002 ) . Optimization and phase transitions in a chaotic model of data traffic . Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys vol. 66 , ( 4 Pt 2 )
ARROWSMITH DK ( 2002 ) . Nonlinear Modelling of Internet Packet Traffic . ERCIM News vol. 50 , 9 - 10 .
Pitts JM, Schormans JA, Woolf M, Mondragon RJ, Arrowsmith DK ( 2002 ) . End to end performance in real time IP networks with self-similar behaviour . 2002 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS I-IV, PROCEEDINGS . 4044 - 4047 .
ARROWSMITH DK, Woolf M ( 2002 ) . Internet Packet Traffic Congestion in Networks . Conference: Networks, ATCM
Pitts JM, Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2002 ) . Minimising end-to-end delays in the presence of self-similar traffic . Conference: Teletraffic Congress, Paris 2002
Mondragon RJ, Arrowsmith DK, Pitts JM ( 2001 ) . Chaotic maps for traffic modelling and queueing performance analysis . PERFORMANCE EVALUATION . vol. 43 , 223 - 240 .
Mondragon RJ, Arrowsmith DK, Pitts J ( 2001 ) . Controlling self-similar traffic and shaping techniques . NONLINEAR CONTROL IN THE YEAR 2000, VOL 2 . Editors: Isidori, A, LamnabhiLagarrigue, F, Respondek, W , vol. 259 , 149 - 161 .
Pitts JM, Arrowsmith RJ, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2001 ) . Traffic modelling and queuing performance analysis using chaotic maps . Performance Evaluation vol. 43 , 223 - 240 .
MondragoĢn RJ, Pitts JM, Arrowsmith DK ( 2000 ) . Chaotic intermittency-sawtooth map model ofaggregate self-similar traffic streams . Electronics Letters vol. 36 , ( 2 ) 184 - 186 .
Arrowsmith DK, Mondragóon RJ ( 1999 ) . Stability Region Control for a Parametrically Forced Mathieu Equation . Meccanica vol. 34 , ( 6 ) 401 - 410 .
Mondragon RJ, Arrowsmith DK, Griffiths JM, Pitts JM ( 1999 ) . Chaotic maps for network control: traffic modeling and queueing performance analysis . Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering . Conference: Performance and Control of Network Systems III vol. 3841 , 74 - 85 .
Samuel LG, Pitts JM, Mondragón RJ, Arrowsmith DK ( 1998 ) . The MAPS control paradigm: using chaotic maps to control telecoms networks . Broadband Communications , Springer Nature
Mondragón RJ, Arrowsmith DK ( 1997 ) . Tracking unstable fixed points in parametrically dynamic systems . Physics Letters A vol. 229 , ( 2 ) 88 - 96 .