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Publications: Dr Oscar Bandtlow

Bandtlow OF, Just W, Slipantschuk J ( 2024 ) . EDMD for expanding circle maps and their complex perturbations . Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis vol. 73 ,
Slipantschuk J, Bandtlow OF, Just W ( 2024 ) . Non-periodic not everywhere dense trajectories in triangular billiards . Transactions of the American Mathematical Society vol. 378 , ( 01 ) 375 - 388 .
Slipantschuk J, Bandtlow OF, Just W ( 2024 ) . Non-periodic not everywhere dense trajectories in triangular billiards .
Bandtlow OF, Just W, Slipantschuk J ( 2024 ) . A numerical study of rigidity of hyperbolic splittings in simple two-dimensional maps . Nonlinearity vol. 37 , ( 4 )
Chappell DJ, Richter M, Tanner G, Bandtlow OF, Just W, Slipantschuk J ( 2023 ) . Ray-Tracing the Ulam Way . Conference: IMSE 2022
Zahradova K, Slipantschuk J, Bandtlow OF, Just W ( 2023 ) . Anomalous dynamics in symmetric triangular irrational billiards . Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena vol. 445 ,
Zahradova K, Slipantschuk J, Bandtlow O, Just W ( 2022 ) . Anomalous dynamics in symmetric triangular irrational billiards . Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
Zahradova K, Slipantschuk J, Bandtlow O, Just W ( 2022 ) . Impact of symmetry on ergodic properties of triangular billiards . Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Carter DJ, Dunstan DJ, Just W, Bandtlow OF, San-Miguel A ( 2021 ) . Softening of the Euler Buckling Criterion under Discretization of Compliance . Physical Review Applied vol. 16 , ( 4 ) l051002 - l051002 .
Carter D, Dunstan D, Just W, Bandtlow O, San-Miguel A ( 2021 ) . Softening of the Euler buckling criterion under discretization of compliance . Physical Review Applied
Bandtlow O, Nivoche S ( 2021 ) . New solution of a problem of Kolmogorov on width asymptotics in holomorphic function spaces . Journal of the European Mathematical Society
Slipantschuk J, Richter M, Chappell DJ, Tanner G, Just W, Bandtlow O ( 2021 ) . Transfer operator approach to ray-tracing in circular domains . Nonlinearity
GUVEN A, Bandtlow O ( 2020 ) . Quantitative spectral perturbation theory for compact operators on a Hilbert space . Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Bandtlow O, Pohl A, Schick T, Weisse A ( 2020 ) . Numerical resonances for Schottky surfaces via Lagrange-Chebyshev approximation . Stochastics and Dynamics
Slipantschuk J, Bandtlow OF, Just W ( 2020 ) . Dynamic mode decomposition for analytic maps . Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation Article 105179 , 105179 - 105179 .
Kosta K, Ramírez-Melendez R, Bandtlow OF, Chew E ( 2018 ) . Mapping between dynamic markings and performed loudness: a machine learning approach . Machine Learning and Music Generation , Taylor & Francis
Kosta K, BANDTLOW OF, CHEW E ( 2018 ) . Dynamics and Relativity: Practical Implications of Dynamic Markings in the Score . Journal of New Music Research vol. 47 , 438 - 461 .
Slipantschuk J, BANDTLOW OF, Just W ( 2017 ) . Complete spectral data for analytic Anosov maps of the torus . Nonlinearity vol. 30 , 2667 - 2686 .
BANDTLOW OF, Naud F ( 2017 ) . Lower bounds for the Ruelle spectrum of analytic expanding circle maps . Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems vol. 39 , 289 - 310 .
BANDTLOW OF, Rugh HH ( 2017 ) . Entropy-continuity of interval maps with holes . Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Bandtlow OF, Just W, Slipantschuk J ( 2017 ) . Spectral structure of transfer operators for expanding circle maps . Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire vol. 34 , ( 1 ) 31 - 43 .
GUVEN A ( 2016 ) . Quantitative Perturbation Theory for Compact Operators on a Hilbert Space . Supervisors: Bandtlow, O, Chu, C ,
Kosta K, Ramirez R, Bandtlow OF, Chew E ( 2016 ) . Mapping between dynamic markings and performed loudness: A machine learning approach . Journal of Mathematics and Music vol. 10 , 149 - 172 .
Kosta K, Bandtlow OF, Chew E ( 2015 ) . A Change-Point Approach Towards Representing Musical Dynamics . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 9110 , 179 - 184 .
Bandtlow OF, Güven A ( 2014 ) . Explicit upper bounds for the spectral distance of two trace class operators . Linear Algebra and Its Applications vol. 466 , 329 - 342 .
Bandtlow OF, Jenkinson O ( 2014 ) . Chapter 2 Eigenvalues of Transfer Operators for Dynamical Systems with Holes . vol. 70 ,
Bandtlow OF, Jenkinson O, Pollicott M ( 2014 ) . Chapter 3 Periodic Points, Escape Rates and Escape Measures . vol. 70 ,
Kosta K, Bandtlow OF, Chew E ( 2014 ) . Practical implications of dynamic markings in the score: Is piano always piano? . Proceedings of the AES International Conference . 22 - 31 .
Slipantschuk J, Bandtlow OF, Just W ( 2013 ) . Analytic expanding circle maps with explicit spectra . NONLINEARITY vol. 26 , ( 12 ) 3231 - 3245 .
Slipantschuk J, Bandtlow OF, Just W ( 2013 ) . On correlation decay in low-dimensional systems . EPL vol. 104 , ( 2 ) Article ARTN 20004 ,
Slipantschuk J, Bandtlow OF, Just W ( 2013 ) . On the relation between Lyapunov exponents and exponential decay of correlations . JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL vol. 46 , ( 7 ) Article ARTN 075101 ,
Bandtlow OF, Fiala J, Kleban P, Prellberg T ( 2010 ) . Asymptotics of the Farey Fraction Spin Chain Free Energy at the Critical Point . J STAT PHYS vol. 138 , ( 1-3 ) 447 - 464 .
Bandtlow OF, Chu CH ( 2009 ) . Eigenvalue decay of operators on harmonic function spaces . B LOND MATH SOC vol. 41 , 903 - 915 .
Bandtlow OF, Jenkinson O ( 2008 ) . On the Ruelle eigenvalue sequence . ERGOD THEOR DYN SYST vol. 28 , 1701 - 1711 .
Bandtlow OE, Jenkinson O ( 2008 ) . Explicit eigenvalue estimates for transfer operators acting on spaces of holomorphic functions . ADV MATH vol. 218 , ( 3 ) 902 - 925 .
Bandtlow OF ( 2008 ) . Resolvent estimates for operators belonging to exponential classes . INTEGR EQUAT OPER TH vol. 61 , ( 1 ) 21 - 43 .
Bandtlow OF, Jenkinson O ( 2007 ) . Explicit a priori bounds on transfer operator eigenvalues . COMMUN MATH PHYS vol. 276 , ( 3 ) 901 - 905 .
Bandtlow OF, Jenkinson O ( 2007 ) . Invariant measures for real analytic expanding maps . J LOND MATH SOC vol. 75 , 343 - 368 .
Bandtlow OF ( 2004 ) . Estimates for norms of resolvents and an application to the perturbation of spectra . MATH NACHR vol. 267 , 3 - 11 .
Bandtlow OF, Coveney PV ( 2001 ) . On the existence of dynamical systems with exponentially decaying collision operators . J PHYS A-MATH GEN vol. 34 , ( 22 ) 4585 - 4599 .
Bandtlow OF, Coveney PV ( 1999 ) . On the discrete time version of the Brussels formalism . Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 27 , ( 24 )
Bandtlow OF, Antoniou I, Suchanecki Z ( 1997 ) . Resonances of dynamical systems and Fredholm-Riesz operators on rigged Hilbert spaces . Computers & Mathematics with Applications vol. 34 , ( 2-4 ) 95 - 102 .
Suchanecki Z, Antoniou I, Tasaki S, Bandtlow OF ( 1996 ) . Rigged Hilbert spaces for chaotic dynamical systems . Journal of Mathematical Physics vol. 37 , ( 11 ) 5837 - 5847 .