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Publications: Dr Stephen Scott

Klinge MW, Haase AM, Rolighed NS, Krogh K, Scott M, Schlageter V, Mark EB, Nandhra GK et al. ( 2024 ) . Whole Gut Motility Patterns in Patients with Chronic Nausea and Vomiting . Journal of Clinical Medicine vol. 13 , ( 23 )
Vollebregt PF, Goh YL, Chan CL, Dudding T, Furlong P, Hamdy S, Haviland J, Hooper R et al. ( 2024 ) . Clinical effectiveness of subsensory sacral neuromodulation in adults with faecal incontinence: the SUBSoNIC crossover RCT and mechanistic study . Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation vol. 11 , ( 19 ) 1 - 98 .
Wilkinson-Smith V, Scott M, Menys A, Wiklendt L, Marciani L, Atkinson D, Sansone S, Zdanaviciene A et al. ( 2024 ) . Combined MRI, high-resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine show the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study . Gut vol. 74 , ( 1 ) 35 - 44 .
Vollebregt PF, Grossi U, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2024 ) . Further Questions Raised as to the Use of Anorectal Manometry in the Diagnostic Assessment of Dyssynergic Defecation . The American Journal of Gastroenterology vol. 119 , ( 12 ) 2546 - 2547 .
Grossi U, Vollebregt PF, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2024 ) . Revisiting the accuracy of anorectal manometry for dyssynergic defaecation . European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology vol. 36 , ( 9 ) 1149 - 1149 .
Vollebregt P, Goh YL, Chan C, Dudding T, Furlong PL, Hamdy S, Haviland J, Hooper R et al. ( 2024 ) . 483 EFFECT OF SUB-SENSORY SACRAL NEUROMODULATION ON FAECAL INCONTINENCE IN ADULTS: A RANDOMISED CROSSOVER TRIAL WITH COHORT FOLLOW-UP AND MECHANISTIC SUB-STUDY . Gastroenterology vol. 166 , ( 5 ) s - 110 .
Carrington EV, Scott SM ( 2024 ) . Anorectal function testing . Medicine vol. 52 , ( 4 ) 224 - 227 .
Scott SM ( 2024 ) . Anorectal Pathophysiology and Investigations . Pelvic Floor, Perineal, and Anal Sphincter Trauma During Childbirth , Springer Nature
Topan R, Scott SM ( 2023 ) . Sleep: An Overlooked Lifestyle Factor in Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction . Current Treatment Options in Gastroenterology vol. 21 , ( 4 ) 435 - 446 .
Gunn D, Topan R, Fried R, Holloway I, Brindle R, Hartley S, Barnard L, Corsetti M et al. ( 2023 ) . Ondansetron for irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea: randomised controlled trial . Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation vol. 10 , ( 9 ) 1 - 121 .
Norton C, Bannister S, Booth L, Brown SR, Cross S, Eldridge S, Emmett C, Grossi U et al. ( 2023 ) . Habit training versus habit training with direct visual biofeedback in adults with chronic constipation: A randomized controlled trial . Colorectal Disease vol. 25 , ( 11 ) 2243 - 2256 .
Leibbrandt R, Nurko S, Scott SM, Dinning PG ( 2023 ) . Simultaneous Colonic Pressure Waves in Children and Young Adults with Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders: Artefact or Colonic Physiology? . Journal of Clinical Medicine vol. 12 , ( 18 )
Nandhra GK, Chaichanavichkij P, Birch M, Scott SM ( 2023 ) . Gastrointestinal Transit Times in Health as Determined Using Ingestible Capsule Systems: A Systematic Review . Journal of Clinical Medicine vol. 12 , ( 16 )
Chaichanavichkij P, Hartmann M, Scott SM, Fenton N, Knowles CH ( 2023 ) . Evaluating the risk factors for the development of benign disorders of defaecation: a surgical perspective . Techniques in Coloproctology vol. 27 , ( 10 ) 847 - 857 .
Chaichanavichkij P, Vollebregt PF, Keshishian K, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2023 ) . The Clinical Impact of Obesity in Patients With Disorders of Defecation: A Cross-Sectional Study of 1,155 Patients . The American Journal of Gastroenterology vol. 118 , ( 12 ) 2247 - 2257 .
Wilkinson-Smith V, Scott SM, Menys A, Zdanavciene A, Wiklendt L, Corsetti M, Marciani L, Atkinson D et al. ( 2023 ) . 414 RECLASSIFYING CONSTIPATION USING COLONIC VOLUME ASSESSED BY MRI, WHOLE GUT TRANSIT, PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS AND PAIN SCORES . Gastroenterology . vol. 164 , s - 77 .
Wiklendt L, Wilkinson-Smith V, Scott SM, Sansone S, Zdanavciene A, Knowles C, Corsetti M, Marciani L et al. ( 2023 ) . Su1617 INFLUENCE OF COLONIC CONTENT UPON HIGH RESOLUTION COLONIC MANOMETRY RECORDINGS . Gastroenterology . vol. 164 , s - 622 .
Vollebregt PF, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2023 ) . Letter: opioid usage is associated with rectal hyposensitivity in patients with opioid‐induced constipation . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol. 57 , ( 4 ) 448 - 449 .
Larsen IM, Holten-Rossing S, Mark EB, Poulsen JL, Krogh K, Scott SM, Olesen SS, Drewes AM ( 2022 ) . Regional gastrointestinal transit times in patients with chronic pancreatitis . Medicine vol. 101 , ( 41 )
Creedon AC, Dimidi E, Hung ES, Rossi M, Probert C, Grassby T, Miguens-Blanco J, Marchesi JR et al. ( 2022 ) . The impact of almonds and almond processing on gastrointestinal physiology, luminal microbiology, and gastrointestinal symptoms: a randomized controlled trial and mastication study . American Journal of Clinical Nutrition vol. 116 , ( 6 ) 1790 - 1804 .
Bharucha AE, Knowles CH, Mack I, Malcolm A, Oblizajek N, Rao S, Scott SM, Shin A et al. ( 2022 ) . Faecal incontinence in adults . Nature Reviews Disease Primers vol. 8 , ( 1 )
Fikree A, Vollebregt PF, Choudhary A, Aziz Q, Scott SM ( 2022 ) . Editorial: rectal hyposensitivity in patients with hypermobile Ehlers‐Danlos syndrome and constipation—authors' reply . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol. 56 , ( 5 ) 907 - 908 .
Chaichanavichkij P, Hartmann M, McLachlan S, Scott SM, Fenton N, Knowles CH ( 2022 ) . O039 Evaluating the influence of risk factors on the development of defaecatory problems: a Delphi study . British Journal of Surgery vol. 109 , ( SUPPL 4 )
Choudhary A, Vollebregt PF, Aziz Q, Scott SM, Fikree A ( 2022 ) . Rectal hyposensitivity: a common pathophysiological finding in patients with constipation and associated hypermobile Ehlers–Danlos syndrome . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol. 56 , ( 5 ) 802 - 813 .
Vollebregt PF, Dinning PG, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2022 ) . Coexistent faecal incontinence and constipation: Common but frequently overlooked . United European Gastroenterology Journal vol. 10 , ( 6 ) 601 - 602 .
Grossi U, Lacy-Colson J, Brown SR, Cross S, Eldridge S, Jordan M, Mason J, Norton C et al. ( 2022 ) . Stepped-wedge randomized controlled trial of laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy in adults with chronic constipation . Techniques in Coloproctology vol. 26 , ( 12 ) 941 - 952 .
Vollebregt P, Wiklendt L, Burgell R, Chaichanavichkij P, Dinning P, Knowles C, Scott SM ( 2022 ) . 808: ABNORMAL PERCEPTION OF URGE TO DEFECATE: AN IMPORTANT PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISM IN WOMEN WITH CONSTIPATION . Gastroenterology vol. 162 , ( 7 ) s - 198 .
Vollebregt PF, Wiklendt L, Burgell RE, Chaichanavichkij P, Dinning PG, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2022 ) . Abnormal Perception of Urge to Defecate: An Important Pathophysiological Mechanism in Women With Chronic Constipation . The American Journal of Gastroenterology vol. 117 , ( 7 ) 1125 - 1136 .
Knowles CH, Dinning P, Scott SM, Swash M, de Wachter S ( 2022 ) . New concepts in the pathophysiology of fecal incontinence . Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery vol. 0 , ( 0 ) 0 - 0 .
Bharucha AE, Basilisco G, Malcolm A, Lee TH, Hoy MB, Scott SM, Rao SSC ( 2022 ) . Review of the indications, methods, and clinical utility of anorectal manometry and the rectal balloon expulsion test . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 34 , ( 9 )
Creedon AC, Dimidi E, Hung ES, Scott SM, Probert C, Berry SE, Whelan K ( 2022 ) . Almonds and their impact on gastrointestinal physiology, luminal microbiology and gastrointestinal function: a randomised controlled trial . Proceedings of The Nutrition Society . vol. 81 ,
Vollebregt PF, Burgell RE, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2022 ) . Rectal Hyposensitivity Is an Important Pathophysiologic Mechanism in Patients With Constipation: Evidence From Large Observational Studies in Patients Referred for Anorectal Physiology Testing . The American Journal of Gastroenterology vol. 117 , ( 4 ) 688 - 688 .
Rasijeff AMP, García-Zermeño K, Di Tanna GL, Remes-Troche J, Knowles CH, Scott MS ( 2022 ) . Systematic review and meta-analysis of anal motor and rectal sensory dysfunction in male and female patients undergoing anorectal manometry for symptoms of faecal incontinence . Colorectal Disease
Knowles CH, Booth L, Brown SR, Cross S, Eldridge S, Emmett C, Grossi U, Jordan M et al. ( 2021 ) . Non-drug therapies for the management of chronic constipation in adults: the CapaCiTY research programme including three RCTs . Programme Grants for Applied Research vol. 9 , ( 14 ) 1 - 134 .
Grossi U, Heinrich H, Di Tanna GL, Taylor SA, Vollebregt PF, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2021 ) . Systematic Characterization of Defecographic Abnormalities in a Consecutive Series of 827 Patients With Chronic Constipation . Diseases of the Colon & Rectum vol. 64 , ( 11 ) 1385 - 1397 .
Heitmann PT, Vollebregt PF, Knowles CH, Lunniss PJ, Dinning PG, Scott SM ( 2021 ) . Understanding the physiology of human defaecation and disorders of continence and evacuation . Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology vol. 18 , ( 11 ) 751 - 769 .
Chaichanavichkij P, Vollebregt PF, Tee SZY, Scott SM, Knowles CH ( 2021 ) . Slow-transit constipation and criteria for colectomy: a cross-sectional study of 1568 patients . BJS Open vol. 5 , ( 3 )
Mark EB, Nedergaard RB, Hansen TM, Nissen TD, Frøkjær JB, Scott SM, Krogh K, Drewes AM ( 2021 ) . Tapentadol results in less deterioration of gastrointestinal function and symptoms than standard opioid therapy in healthy male volunteers . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 33 , ( 11 )
Ang D, Vollebregt P, Carrington EV, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2021 ) . Redundancy in the International Anorectal Physiology Working Group Manometry Protocol: A Diagnostic Accuracy Study in Fecal Incontinence . Digestive Diseases and Sciences vol. 67 , ( 3 ) 964 - 970 .
Vollebregt PF, Burgell RE, Hooper RL, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2021 ) . Clinical Impact of Rectal Hyposensitivity: A Cross-Sectional Study of 2,876 Patients With Refractory Functional Constipation . Am J Gastroenterol vol. 116 , ( 4 ) 758 - 768 .
Corsetti M, Brown S, Chiarioni G, Dimidi E, Dudding T, Emmanuel A, Fox M, Ford AC et al. ( 2021 ) . Chronic constipation in adults: Contemporary perspectives and clinical challenges. 2: Conservative, behavioural, medical and surgical treatment . Neurogastroenterology and Motility
Wilkinson-Smith V, Hoad C, Atkinson D, Marciani L, Corsetti M, Scott SM, Taylor S, Gowland P et al. ( 2021 ) . O59 MRI methods to define colonic function in health and constipation . Gut . Conference: Oral vol. 70 , a32 - a33 .
Choudhary A, Fikree A, Scott S, Aziz Q, Aktar R ( 2021 ) . O60 Altered colonic neuroinflammatory profile in irritable bowel syndrome with and without hypermobile ehlers danlos syndrome . Gut . Conference: Oral vol. 70 , a33 - a34 .
Vollebregt PF, Wiklendt L, Ang D, Venn ML, Mekhael M, Christensen P, Dinning PG, Knowles CH et al. ( 2021 ) . Altered anal slow‐wave pressure activity in low anterior resection syndrome: short case series in two independent specialist centres provide new mechanistic insights . Colorectal Disease vol. 23 , ( 2 ) 444 - 450 .
Brinck CE, Mark EB, Klinge MW, Ejerskov C, Sutter N, Schlageter V, Scott SM, Drewes AM et al. ( 2020 ) . Magnetic tracking of gastrointestinal motility . Physiological Measurement vol. 41 , ( 12 )
Fomenko OY, Юрьевна ФО, Morozov SV, Владимирович МС, Scott SM, Mark SS, Knowles HC, Charles KH et al. ( 2020 ) . Recommendations for the Protocol of functional examination of the anorectal zone and disorders classification: the International Anorectal Physiology Working Group consensus and Russian real-world practice . Terapevticheskii arkhiv vol. 92 , ( 12 ) 105 - 119 .
Scott SM, Simrén M, Farmer AD, Dinning PG, Carrington EV, Benninga MA, Burgell RE, Dimidi E et al. ( 2020 ) . Chronic constipation in adults: Contemporary perspectives and clinical challenges. 1: Epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical associations, pathophysiology and investigation . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 33 , ( 6 )
Rasijeff AMP, Garcia‐Zermeno K, Carrington EV, Knowles C, Scott SM ( 2020 ) . Systematic evaluation of cough‐anorectal pressure responses in health and in fecal incontinence: A high‐resolution anorectal manometry study . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 33 , ( 3 )
Vollebregt PF, Wiklendt L, Dinning PG, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2020 ) . Coexistent faecal incontinence and constipation: A cross-sectional study of 4027 adults undergoing specialist assessment . EClinicalMedicine vol. 27 ,
Leo CA, Leeuwenburgh M, Orlando A, Corr A, Scott SM, Murphy J, Knowles CH, Vaizey CJ et al. ( 2020 ) . Initial experience with SphinKeeper™ intersphincteric implants for faecal incontinence in the UK: a two‐centre retrospective clinical audit . Colorectal Disease vol. 22 , ( 12 ) 2161 - 2169 .
Scott SM, Carrington EV ( 2020 ) . The London Classification: Improving Characterization and Classification of Anorectal Function with Anorectal Manometry . Current Gastroenterology Reports vol. 22 , ( 11 )
Serra J, Pohl D, Azpiroz F, Chiarioni G, Ducrotté P, Gourcerol G, Hungin APS, Layer P et al. ( 2020 ) . Responses to the Letter to the Editor by Brusciano et al . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 32 , ( 9 )
Heitmann PT, Rabbitt P, Schloithe AC, Wattchow DA, Scott SM, Dinning PG ( 2020 ) . The relationships between the results of contemporary tests of anorectal structure and sensorimotor function and the severity of fecal incontinence . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 32 , ( 11 )
Chaichanavichkij P, Vollebregt PF, Scott SM, Knowles CH ( 2020 ) . Botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of dyssynergic defaecation in adults: a systematic review . Colorectal Disease vol. 22 , ( 12 ) 1832 - 1841 .
Cerda ECM, García-Zermeño KR, Amieva-Balmori M, Aquino-Ruiz CA, Garcia-Garcia FD, Vollebregt P, Scott SM, Troche JMR ( 2020 ) . Sa1684 PREVALENCE OF DISORDERS OF ANORECTAL FUNCTION ACCORDING TO THE LONDON CLASSIFICATION: RESULTS FROM 680 CONSECUTIVE PATIENTS . Gastroenterology vol. 158 , ( 6 )
Vollebregt PF, Hooper RL, Farmer AD, Miller J, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2020 ) . Association between opioid usage and rectal dysfunction in constipation: A cross‐sectional study of 2754 patients . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 32 , ( 7 )
Sutter N, Klinge MW, Mark EB, Nandhra G, Haase A, Poulsen J, Knudsen K, Borghammer P et al. ( 2020 ) . Normative values for gastric motility assessed with the 3D‐transit electromagnetic tracking system . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 32 , ( 6 )
Vollebregt PF, Wiklendt L, Ang D, Dinning PG, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2020 ) . Altered slow-wave pressure activity in low anterior resection syndrome: New mechanistic insight into pathophysiology? . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 32 ,
Scott SM ( 2020 ) . Anorectal Manometry . Encyclopedia of Gastroenterology , Elsevier
Vollebregt PF, Wiklendt L, Dinning PG, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2020 ) . Coexistence of faecal incontinence with constipation: An underappreciated clinical problem in adults. A phenotyping study of 4027 patients .
Wilkinson-Smith V, Wiklendt L, Corsetti M, Marciani L, Handford H, Scott SM, Spiller R, Dinning P ( 2020 ) . High-resolution colonic manometry reveals postprandial motility differences between constipation subtypes . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 32 ,
Wilkinson-Smith V, Hoad C, Atkinson D, Marciani L, Corsetti M, Scott SM, Taylor S, Gowland P et al. ( 2020 ) . Quantifying abnormal colonic function in constipation using MRI . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 32 ,
Wilkinson-Smith V, Corsetti M, Handford H, Scott SM, Dinning P, Spiller R ( 2020 ) . The RECLAIM study: Symptoms, bowel movements, psychological comorbidity and the balloon expulsion test confirm differences between IBS-C, FC and HV as defined by Rome IV criteria . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 32 ,
Serra J, Pohl D, Azpiroz F, Chiarioni G, Ducrotté P, Gourcerol G, Hungin APS, Layer P et al. ( 2019 ) . European society of neurogastroenterology and motility guidelines on functional constipation in adults . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 32 , ( 2 )
Mark EB, Klinge MW, Grønlund D, Poulsen JL, Schlageter V, Scott SM, Krogh K, Drewes AM ( 2019 ) . Ambulatory assessment of colonic motility using the electromagnetic capsule tracking system: Effect of opioids . Neurogastroenterology and Motilitye13753 - e13753 .
Nandhra GK, Mark EB, Di Tanna GL, Haase A-M, Poulsen J, Christodoulides S, Kung V, Klinge MW et al. ( 2019 ) . Normative values for region-specific colonic and gastrointestinal transit times in 111 healthy volunteers using the 3D-Transit electromagnet tracking system: Influence of age, gender, and body mass index . Neurogastroenterology and Motilitye13734 - e13734 .
Gunn D, Fried R, Lalani R, Farrin A, Holloway I, Morris T, Olivier C, Kearns R et al. ( 2019 ) . Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea using titrated ondansetron (TRITON): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial . Trials vol. 20 , ( 1 )
Carrington EV, Heinrich H, Knowles CH, Fox M, Rao S, Altomare DF, Bharucha AE, Burgell R et al. ( 2019 ) . The international anorectal physiology working group (IAPWG) recommendations: Standardized testing protocol and the London classification for disorders of anorectal function . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 32 , ( 1 )
Dimidi E, Scott SM, Whelan K ( 2019 ) . Probiotics and constipation: mechanisms of action, evidence for effectiveness and utilisation by patients and healthcare professionals – ERRATUM . Proceedings of The Nutrition Society vol. 79 , ( 1 ) 170 - 170 .
Dimidi E, Scott SM, Whelan K ( 2019 ) . Probiotics and constipation: mechanisms of action, evidence for effectiveness and utilisation by patients and healthcare professionals . Proceedings of The Nutrition Society vol. 79 , ( 1 ) 147 - 157 .
Grossi U, Di Tanna GL, Heinrich H, Taylor SA, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2019 ) . Letter: limitations of defecography among patients with refractory constipation. Authors' reply . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol. 50 , ( 1 ) 112 - 113 .
Dimidi E, Cox C, Grant R, Scott SM, Whelan K ( 2019 ) . Perceptions of Constipation Among the General Public and People With Constipation Differ Strikingly From Those of General and Specialist Doctors and the Rome IV Criteria . Am J Gastroenterol vol. 114 , ( 7 ) 1116 - 1129 .
Carrington EV, Scott SM ( 2019 ) . Anorectal function testing . Medicine vol. 47 , ( 6 ) 367 - 370 .
Vollebregt P, Grossi U, McCaughan RP, Knowles C, Scott SM ( 2019 ) . Sa1660 – Coexistence of Fecal Incontinence and Constipation in Adults is an Underappreciated Clinical Problem . Gastroenterology vol. 156 , ( 6 ) s - 357 .
Vollebregt P, Scott SM, Miller J, Knowles C ( 2019 ) . Su1627 – Opioid Usage is Significantly Associated with Rectal Hyposensitivity and Functional Evacuation Disorders in Patients with Chronic Constipation . Gastroenterology vol. 156 , ( 6 )
Menys A, Hoad C, Spiller R, Scott SM, Atkinson D, Marciani L, Taylor SA ( 2019 ) . Spatio‐temporal motility MRI analysis of the stomach and colon . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 31 , ( 5 )
VOLLEBREGT PF, RASIJEFF AMP, pares D, GROSSI U, CARRINGTON EV, KNOWLES CH, scott, SCOTT SM ( 2019 ) . Functional anal canal length measurement using high‐resolution anorectal manometry to investigate anal sphincter dysfunction in patients with fecal incontinence or constipation . Neurogastroenterology and Motility
Dimidi E, Zdanaviciene A, Christodoulides S, Taheri S, Louis P, Duncan PI, Emami N, Crabbé R et al. ( 2018 ) . Randomised clinical trial: Bifidobacterium lactis NCC2818 probiotic vs placebo, and impact on gut transit time, symptoms, and gut microbiology in chronic constipation . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol. 49 , ( 3 ) 251 - 264 .
Dimidi E, Cox C, Scott SM, Whelan K ( 2018 ) . Probiotic use is common in constipation, but only a minority of general and specialist doctors recommend them and consider there to be an evidence base . Nutrition vol. 61 , 157 - 163 .
Grossi U, Di Tanna GL, Heinrich H, Taylor SA, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2018 ) . Systematic review with meta‐analysis: defecography should be a first‐line diagnostic modality in patients with refractory constipation . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol. 48 , ( 11-12 ) 1186 - 1201 .
Mark EB, Poulsen JL, Haase A, Espersen M, Gregersen T, Schlageter V, Scott SM, Krogh K et al. ( 2018 ) . Ambulatory assessment of colonic motility using the electromagnetic capsule tracking system . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 31 , ( 2 )
Wegeberg AL, Brock C, Brock B, Farmer AD, Hobson AR, Semler JR, Scott SM ( 2018 ) . Regional gastrointestinal pH profile is altered in patients with type 1 diabetes and peripheral neuropathy . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 30 , ( 11 )
Duncan PI, Enters-Weijnen CF, Emami N, McLean P, Nunes T, Beaumont M, Crabbe R, Whelan K et al. ( 2018 ) . Short-Term Daily Intake of Polydextrose Fiber Does Not Shorten Intestinal Transit Time in Constipated Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Nutrients vol. 10 , ( 7 )
Aktar R, Peiris M, Fikree A, Cibert‐Goton V, Walmsley M, Tough IR, Watanabe P, Araujo EJA et al. ( 2018 ) . The extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin‐X regulates peripheral sensory and motor neurones . The Journal of Physiology vol. 596 , ( 17 ) 4237 - 4251 .
Kalsi GK, Grønlund D, Martin J, Drewes AM, Scott SM, Birch MJ ( 2018 ) . Technical report: Inter‐ and intra‐rater reliability of regional gastrointestinal transit times measured using the 3D‐Transit electromagnet tracking system . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 30 , ( 11 )
Carrington EV, Knowles CH, Grossi U, Scott SM ( 2018 ) . High-resolution Anorectal Manometry Measures Are More Accurate Than Conventional Measures in Detecting Anal Hypocontractility in Women With Fecal Incontinence . Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology vol. 17 , ( 3 ) 477 - 485.e9 .
McAlees E, Vollebregt PF, Stevens N, Dudding TC, Emmanuel AV, Furlong PL, Hamdy S, Hooper RL et al. ( 2018 ) . Efficacy and mechanism of sub-sensory sacral (optimised) neuromodulation in adults with faecal incontinence: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial . Trials vol. 19 , ( 1 )
Fox MR, Kahrilas PJ, Roman S, Gyawali CP, Scott SM, Rao SS, Keller J, Camilleri M et al. ( 2018 ) . Clinical measurement of gastrointestinal motility and function: who, when and which test? . Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology vol. 15 , ( 9 ) 568 - 579 .
Carrington EV, Scott SM, Bharucha A, Mion F, Remes-Troche JM, Malcolm A, Heinrich H, Fox M et al. ( 2018 ) . Advances in the evaluation of anorectal function . Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology vol. 15 , ( 5 ) 309 - 323 .
Keller J, Bassotti G, Clarke J, Dinning P, Fox M, Grover M, Hellström PM, Ke M et al. ( 2018 ) . Advances in the diagnosis and classification of gastric and intestinal motility disorders . Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology vol. 15 , ( 5 ) 291 - 308 .
Lever E, Scott SM, Louis P, Emery PW, Whelan K ( 2018 ) . The effect of prunes on stool output, gut transit time and gastrointestinal microbiota: A randomised controlled trial . Clinical Nutrition vol. 38 , ( 1 ) 165 - 173 .
Grossi U, Stevens N, McAlees E, Lacy-Colson J, Brown S, Dixon A, Di Tanna GL, Scott SM et al. ( 2018 ) . Stepped-wedge randomised trial of laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy in adults with chronic constipation: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial . Trials vol. 19 , ( 1 ) 90 - 90 .
Wegeberg A-M, Brock B, Hobson A, Scott SM, Richards D, Drewes AM, Farmer A, Brock C ( 2018 ) . Gastroparesis cardinal symptom index is associated with gastrointestinal tract pH, but not contractility or transit times, in type 1 and type 2 diabetes . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 30 ,
Vollebregt P, Rasijeff A, Pares D, Grossi U, Carrington E, Knowles C, Scott SM ( 2018 ) . Is measurement of functional anal canal length useful in patients with faecal incontinence or chronic constipation?: A study using high-resolution anorectal manometry . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 30 ,
Kalsi G, Mark EB, Haase A-M, Klinge MW, Sutter N, Schlageter V, Krogh K, Drewes AM et al. ( 2018 ) . Normative values for region-specific colonic and gastrointestinal transit times in 75 healthy volunteers using the 3D-Transit electromagnet tracking system: Influence of gender and age . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 30 ,
Farmer AD, Wegeberg AL, Brock B, Hobson AR, Mohammed SD, Scott SM, Bruckner‐Holt CE, Semler JR et al. ( 2017 ) . Regional gastrointestinal contractility parameters using the wireless motility capsule: inter‐observer reproducibility and influence of age, gender and study country . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol. 47 , ( 3 ) 391 - 400 .
Rasijeff AMP, Withers M, Burke JM, Jackson W, Scott SM ( 2017 ) . High-resolution anorectal manometry: A comparison of solid-state and water-perfused catheters . Neurogastroenterology and Motility vol. 29 , ( 11 )
Farmer AD, Pedersen AG, Brock B, Jakobsen PE, Karmisholt J, Mohammed SD, Scott SM, Drewes AM et al. ( 2017 ) . Gastrointestinal motility in people with type 1 diabetes and peripheral neuropathy. Reply to Marathe CS, Rayner CK, Jones KL, et al [letter] . Diabetologia vol. 60 , ( 11 ) 2314 - 2315 .
Mark EB, Poulsen JL, Haase AM, Frøkjær JB, Schlageter V, Scott SM, Krogh K, Drewes AM ( 2017 ) . Assessment of colorectal length using the electromagnetic capsule tracking system: a comparative validation study in healthy subjects . Colorectal Disease vol. 19 , ( 9 ) o350 - o357 .
Wegeberg A, Brock C, Brock B, Farmer AD, Hobson AR, Semler JR, Scott SM ( 2017 ) . The gastrointestinal regional pH profile is altered in patients with type 1 diabetes and peripheral neuropathy . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY vol. 29 , ( Supplement 2 ) 98 - 99 .
Dimidi E, Hovanov A, Cox C, Neville S, Grant R, Scott S, Whelan K ( 2017 ) . PTH-135 Patients’ perceptions of constipation differ strikingly from those of both general practitioners and gastroenterology specialists, and there is no consistent agreement with the rome iv criteria . Gut . vol. 66 ,
Dimidi E, Christodoulides S, Scott SM, Whelan K ( 2017 ) . Mechanisms of Action of Probiotics and the Gastrointestinal Microbiota on Gut Motility and Constipation . Advances in Nutrition vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 484 - 494 .
Devane LA, Lucking E, Evers J, Buffini M, Scott SM, Knowles CH, O'Connell PR, Jones JFX ( 2017 ) . Altered defaecatory behaviour and faecal incontinence in a video‐tracked animal model of pudendal neuropathy . Colorectal Disease vol. 19 , ( 5 ) o162 - o167 .
Carrington EV, Grossi U, Knowles C, Scott SM ( 2017 ) . 43 'Pelvic Floor Akinesia' - A Highly Specific Manometric Finding in Patients with Defecatory Dysfunction . Gastroenterology vol. 152 , ( 5 )
Norton C, Emmanuel A, Stevens N, Scott SM, Grossi U, Bannister S, Eldridge S, Mason JM et al. ( 2017 ) . Habit training versus habit training with direct visual biofeedback in adults with chronic constipation: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial . Trials vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 139 - 139 .
Farmer AD, Pedersen AG, Brock B, Jakobsen PE, Karmisholt J, Mohammed SD, Scott SM, Drewes AM et al. ( 2017 ) . Type 1 diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy have pan-enteric prolongation of gastrointestinal transit times and an altered caecal pH profile . Diabetologia vol. 60 , ( 4 ) 709 - 718 .
Carrington EV, Heinrich H, Knowles CH, Rao SS, Fox M, Scott SM, Group TIAPWP ( 2017 ) . Methods of anorectal manometry vary widely in clinical practice: Results from an international survey . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 29 , ( 8 )
Wegeberg A, Brock B, Hobson AR, Mohammed SD, Scott SM, Richards D, Semler JR, Hellstrom P et al. ( 2017 ) . Normative values of regional and sub-regional gastrointestinal motility and contractility parameters using the wireless motility capsule . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 29 , 105 - 105 .
Townsend DC, Carrington EV, Grossi U, Burgell RE, Wong JYJ, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2016 ) . Pathophysiology of fecal incontinence differs between men and women: a case-matched study in 200 patients . Neurogastroenterology and Motility
Christodoulides S, Dimidi E, Fragkos KC, Farmer AD, Whelan K, Scott SM ( 2016 ) . Systematic review with meta-analysis: effect of fibre supplementation on chronic idiopathic constipation in adults . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol. 44 , ( 2 ) 103 - 116 .
Palit S, Thin N, Knowles CH, Lunniss PJ, Bharucha AE, Scott SM ( 2016 ) . Diagnostic disagreement between tests of evacuatory function: a prospective study of 100 constipated patients . Neurogastroenterology and Motility
Farmer AD, Pedersen A, Brock B, Mohammed S, Jakobsen P, Karmisholt J, Scott SM, Drewes A et al. ( 2016 ) . 1080 Type 1 Diabetic Patients With Peripheral Neuropathy Have Pan-Enteric Prolongation of Transit Times and Heightened Cecal Fermentation . Gastroenterology vol. 150 , ( 4 )
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Etherson KJ, Horrocks EJ, Scott SM, Knowles CH, Yiannakou Y ( 2016 ) . A National Biofeedback Practitioners Service Evaluation: Focus on Chronic Idiopathic Constipation . Frontline Gastroenterology vol. 8 , ( 1 )
Evers J, Devane L, Carrington EV, Scott SM, Knowles CH, O'Connell PR, Jones JFX ( 2016 ) . Reversal of sensory deficit through sacral neuromodulation in an animal model of fecal incontinence . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 28 , ( 5 ) 665 - 673 .
Dinning PG, Carrington EV, Scott SM ( 2016 ) . Colonic and anorectal motility testing in the high-resolution era . Current Opinion in Gastroenterology vol. 32 , ( 1 ) 44 - 48 .
Evers J, Carrington EV, Scott SM, Knowles CH, O'Connell PR, Jones JFX ( 2016 ) . The effect sacral neuromodulation on anal, perineal and rectal light-touch evoked potentials in the rat . IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE . vol. 185 , S93 - S94 .
Farmer AD, Pedersen AG, Brock B, Jakobsen PE, Karmisholt J, Mohammed SD, Scott SM, Drewes AM et al. ( 2016 ) . Type 1 diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy have pan-enteric prolongation of transit times and heightened cecal fermentation . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 28 , 81 - 82 .
Haase A-M, Fallet S, Otto M, Scott SM, Schlageter V, Krogh K ( 2015 ) . Gastrointestinal motility during sleep assessed by tracking of telemetric capsules combined with polysomnography – a pilot study . Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology vol. Volume 8 , 327 - 332 .
Carrington EV, Evers J, Scott SM, Knowles CH, O’Connell PR, Jones JFX ( 2015 ) . Mechanically evoked cortical potentials: A physiological approach to assessment of anorectal sensory pathways . Journal of Neuroscience Methods vol. 256 , 198 - 202 .
Wang YT, Mohammed SD, Farmer AD, Wang D, Zarate N, Hobson AR, Hellström PM, Semler JR et al. ( 2015 ) . Regional gastrointestinal transit and pH studied in 215 healthy volunteers using the wireless motility capsule: Influence of age, gender, study country and testing protocol . Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics vol. 42 , ( 6 ) 761 - 772 .
Dinning PG, Carrington EV, Scott SM ( 2015 ) . The use of colonic and anorectal high‐resolution manometry and its place in clinical work and in research . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 27 , ( 12 ) 1693 - 1708 .
Wang YT, Mohammed SD, Farmer AD, Wang D, Zarate N, Hobson AR, Hellström PM, Semler JR et al. ( 2015 ) . Regional gastrointestinal transit and pH studied in 215 healthy volunteers using the wireless motility capsule: influence of age, gender, study country and testing protocol . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics vol. 42 , ( 6 ) 761 - 772 .
Dimidi E, Dibley L, Cotterill N, Knowles C, Scott S, Whelan K, Norton C ( 2015 ) . PTU-181 An exploratory qualitative study investigating patients’ experiences of constipation and how their self-reported symptoms and quality of life compare with currently available validated measures . Gut . vol. 64 ,
Mohammed S, Wang Y, Farmer A, Christodoulides S, Semler J, Hellström P, Hobson A, Dinning P et al. ( 2015 ) . PWE-247 Slow transit constipation is associated with altered colonic ph and increased motility: novel findings from studies using the wireless motility capsule . Gut . vol. 64 ,
Christodoulides S, Dimidi E, Fragkos KC, Whelan K, Scott SM ( 2015 ) . The Effect of Fibre on Chronic Constipation in Adults: A Systematic Review . Proceedings of The Nutrition Society . vol. 74 ,
Lever E, Scott SM, Emery PW, Whelan K ( 2015 ) . The effect of prunes on stool output, whole gut transit time and gastrointestinal symptoms: a randomised controlled trial . Proceedings of The Nutrition Society . vol. 74 ,
Carrington EV, Heinrich H, Fox MR, Rao SS, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2015 ) . Sa1363 International Survey of Methods for Anorectal Manometry: An Exploration of Variability in Current Practice . Gastroenterology vol. 148 , ( 4 ) s - 304 .
Carrington EV, Tangenberg E, Horrocks E, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2015 ) . Sa1364 Prospective Comparison of Test Performance Between Traditional and High-Resolution Anal Manometry (HRAM) in Female Healthy Volunteers and Patients With Fecal Incontinence . Gastroenterology vol. 148 , ( 4 ) s - 305 .
Grossi U, Carrington EV, Bharucha AE, Horrocks EJ, Scott SM, Knowles CH ( 2015 ) . Diagnostic accuracy study of anorectal manometry for diagnosis of dyssynergic defecation . Gut vol. 65 , ( 3 )
Thin NN, Taylor SJC, Bremner SA, Emmanuel AV, Hounsome N, Williams NS, Knowles CH, Alam A et al. ( 2015 ) . Randomized clinical trial of sacral versus percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation in patients with faecal incontinence . British Journal of Surgery vol. 102 , ( 4 ) 349 - 358 .
Shamsiddinova A, Horrocks EJ, Mackenzie H, Scott SM, Knowles CH ( 2015 ) . Fowler's syndrome of the anorectum? . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 102 , 38 - 38 .
Mohammed S, Wang YT, Christodoulides S, Semler J, Hellstroem P, Hobson A, Dinning P, Scott SM ( 2015 ) . Slow transit constipation is associated with altered colonic pH and increased motility: Novel findings from studies using the wireless motility capsule . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 27 , 87 - 87 .
Dimidi E, Christodoulides S, Fragkos KC, Scott SM, Whelan K ( 2014 ) . The effect of probiotics on functional constipation in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Am J Clin Nutr vol. 100 , ( 4 ) 1075 - 1084 .
Carrington EV, Evers J, Grossi U, Dinning PG, Scott SM, O'Connell PR, Jones JFX, Knowles CH ( 2014 ) . A systematic review of sacral nerve stimulation mechanisms in the treatment of fecal incontinence and constipation . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 26 , ( 9 ) 1222 - 1237 .
Carrington EV, Grossi U, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2014 ) . Normal values for high-resolution anorectal manometry: a time for consensus and collaboration . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 26 , ( 9 ) 1356 - 1357 .
Palit S, Bhan C, Lunniss PJ, Boyle DJ, Gladman MA, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2014 ) . Evacuation proctography: a reappraisal of normal variability . Colorectal Dis vol. 16 , ( 7 ) 538 - 546 .
Grossi U, Carrington EV, Scott SM, Knowles CH ( 2014 ) . Sacral neuromodulation for anorectal dysfunction secondary to congenital imperforate anus: report of two cases . Int J Colorectal Dis vol. 29 , ( 7 ) 889 - 890 .
Carrington EV, Scott SM ( 2014 ) . Physiology and function of the colon . Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Gastroenterology , Wiley
Dimidi E, Christodoulides S, Fragkos K, Scott S, Whelan K ( 2014 ) . PWE-164 A Meta-analysis Of Randomised Controlled Trials On The Effect Of Probiotics On Functional Constipation In Adults . Gut . vol. 63 ,
Christodoulides S, Dimidi E, Fragkos K, McLean P, Aziz Q, Whelan K, Scott S ( 2014 ) . PWE-184 The Effect Of Fibre On Chronic Constipation In Adults: A Systematic Review . Gut . vol. 63 ,
Dimidi E, Christodoulides S, Fragkos KC, Scott SM, Whelan K ( 2014 ) . The effect of probiotics on functional constipation: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials . Proceedings of The Nutrition Society vol. 73 , ( OCE1 )
Farmer AD, Mohammed SD, Dukes GE, Scott SM, Hobson AR ( 2014 ) . Caecal pH is a biomarker of excessive colonic fermentation . World J Gastroenterol vol. 20 , ( 17 ) 5000 - 5007 .
Carrington EV, Horrocks E, Burgell R, Bjerke A, Connolly S, Scott SM, O'Connell PR, Knowle CH ( 2014 ) . Mo2005 Anal Evoked Potential (AEP) Recordings: Method Validation and Results in Patients With Faecal Incontinence . Gastroenterology vol. 146 , ( 5 )
Carrington EV, Brokjaer A, Craven H, Zarate N, Horrocks EJ, Palit S, Jackson W, Duthie GS et al. ( 2014 ) . Traditional measures of normal anal sphincter function using high-resolution anorectal manometry (HRAM) in 115 healthy volunteers . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 26 , ( 5 ) 625 - 635 .
Evers J, Devane L, Carrington EV, Scott SM, Knowles CH, O'Connell PR, Jones JFX ( 2014 ) . Effects of stimulation frequency and intensity in sacral neuromodulation on anorectal inputs to the somatosensory cortex in an experimental model . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY vol. 101 , ( 10 ) 1317 - 1328 .
Horrocks EJ, Jordan P, Burgell R, Scott SM, Knowles CH ( 2014 ) . Post-partum defecatory dysfunction: a complex problem involving co-existing faecal incontinence and constipation . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 101 , 12 - 13 .
Farmer AD, Coen SJ, Kano M, Naqvi H, Paine PA, Scott SM, Furlong PL, Lightman SL et al. ( 2014 ) . Psychophysiological responses to visceral and somatic pain in functional chest pain identify clinically relevant pain clusters . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 26 , ( 1 ) 139 - 148 .
Carrington EV, Horrocks EJ, Burgell R, Bjerke A, Connolly S, Scott SM, Jones JFX, O'Connell PR et al. ( 2014 ) . Quality of anal evoked potential (AEP) recordings is reduced in patients with faecal incontinence (FI): evidence of central sensory pathway dysfunction? . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 101 , 11 - 11 .
Townsend DC, Carrington EV, Burgell R, Horrocks EJ, Scott SM, Knowles CH ( 2014 ) . Sex differences in features of anorectal dysfunction: a consecutive study of 100 males and 100 females presenting for investigation of faecal incontinence . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 101 , 36 - 36 .
Carrington EV, Tangenberg E, Horrocks E, Palit S, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2014 ) . Squeeze Profile - A Novel and Improved Measure of Anal Function Using High-Resolution Anal Manometry . GASTROENTEROLOGY . vol. 146 , S714 - S714 .
Lever E, Cole J, Scott SM, Emery PW, Whelan K ( 2014 ) . Systematic review: the effect of prunes on gastrointestinal function . ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS vol. 40 , ( 7 ) 750 - 758 .
Horrocks EJ, Scott SM, Burgell RE, Carrington EV, Yerragorla P, Knowles CH ( 2014 ) . Under-recognised co-existence of constipation and faecal incontinence in the adult population: a large single-centre experience . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 101 , 45 - 45 .
Farmer AD, Scott SM, Hobson AR ( 2013 ) . Gastrointestinal motility revisited: The wireless motility capsule . United European Gastroenterol J vol. 1 , ( 6 ) 413 - 421 .
Farmer AD, Coen SJ, Kano M, Worthen SF, Rossiter HE, Navqi H, Scott SM, Furlong PL et al. ( 2013 ) . Psychological traits influence autonomic nervous system recovery following esophageal intubation in health and functional chest pain . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 25 , ( 12 ) 950 - e772 .
Athanasakos EP, Kemal KI, Malliwal RS, Scott SM, Williams NS, Aziz Q, Ward HC, Knowles CH ( 2013 ) . Clinical and psychosocial functioning in adolescents and young adults with anorectal malformations and chronic idiopathic constipation . Br J Surg vol. 100 , ( 6 ) 832 - 839 .
Carrington EV, Hobson A, Knowles CH, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM ( 2013 ) . Mo2109 Characterization of Transient Anal Sphincter Relaxations (TASRs) Health Using High Resolution Anorectal Manometry: Redefining the Sampling Reflex? . Gastroenterology vol. 144 , ( 5 ) s - 745 .
Horrocks E, Carrington EV, Scott SM, Knowles CH ( 2013 ) . Sa2032 Anal Evoked Potentials At ‘Twitch’ Threshold: A New Method for Exploration of Anal Sensory Function . Gastroenterology vol. 144 , ( 5 ) s - 364 .
Burgell R, Szczesniak MM, Yerragorla P, Carrington EV, Mohammed S, Lunniss PJ, Dinning PG, Scott SM ( 2013 ) . Tu2120 Quality, Intensity and Location of the Urge to Defaecate Differs Between Patients With Constipation and Healthy Subjects . Gastroenterology vol. 144 , ( 5 ) s - 935 .
Burgell RE, Lelic D, Carrington EV, Lunniss PJ, Olesen SS, Surguy S, Drewes AM, Scott SM ( 2013 ) . Assessment of rectal afferent neuronal function and brain activity in patients with constipation and rectal hyposensitivity . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 25 , ( 3 ) 260 - e168 .
Wiklendt L, Mohammed SD, Scott SM, Dinning PG ( 2013 ) . Classification of normal and abnormal colonic motility based on cross-correlations of pancolonic manometry data . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 25 , ( 3 ) e215 - e223 .
Burgell RE, Scott SM ( 2012 ) . Rectal hyposensitivity . J Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 18 , ( 4 ) 373 - 384 .
Qin XY, Pilot MA, Thompson H, Scott M ( 2012 ) . Effects of cholinoceptor and 5-hydroxytryptamine3 receptor antagonism on erythromycin-induced canine intestinal motility disruption and emesis . British Journal of Pharmacology vol. 108 , ( 1 ) 44 - 49 .
Hotouras A, Thaha MA, Allison ME, Currie A, Scott SM, Chan CLH ( 2012 ) . Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS) in females with faecal incontinence: the impact of sphincter morphology and rectal sensation on the clinical outcome . Int J Colorectal Dis vol. 27 , ( 7 ) 927 - 930 .
Palit S, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM ( 2012 ) . The physiology of human defecation . Dig Dis Sci vol. 57 , ( 6 ) 1445 - 1464 .
Brokjær A, Scott SM, Palit S, Zarate N ( 2012 ) . Tu2022 Assessment of Anorectal Function in Asymptomatic Volunteers Using a New High Resolution Manometric Recording System . Gastroenterology vol. 142 , ( 5 ) s - 904 .
Mohammed S, Zarate N, Preston S, Lunniss P, Dinning P, Scott SM ( 2012 ) . 24 hour assassment of pancolonic motor activity in health and disease using solid-state technology: Compatision with traditional water-perfused catheters . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 24 , 174 - 175 .
Brokjaer A, Scott SM, Palit S, Zarate N ( 2012 ) . Assessment of Anorectal Function in Asymptomatic Volunteers Using a New High Resolution Manometric Recording System . GASTROENTEROLOGY . vol. 142 , S904 - S904 .
Burgell RE, Bhan C, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM ( 2012 ) . Fecal incontinence in men: coexistent constipation and impact of rectal hyposensitivity . Dis Colon Rectum vol. 55 , ( 1 ) 18 - 25 .
Haase A, Gregersen T, Fynne L, Schlageter V, Demierre M, Kucera P, Scott SM, Laurberg S et al. ( 2012 ) . Gastrointestinal contraction patterns and segmental transit times evaluated with ambulatory capsule tracking . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 24 , 187 - 187 .
Thin N, Scott SM, Knowles C ( 2012 ) . Medium term outcomes following sacral nerve stimulation in patients with severe rectal evacuatory dysfunction allied to rectal hyposensitivity . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 24 , 113 - 113 .
Hotouras A, Thaha MA, Allison ME, Currie A, Scott M, Chan CLH ( 2012 ) . Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) in females with faecal incontinence: The impact of sphincter morphology and rectal sensation on the clinical outcomes . Int J Colorectal Dis. vol. 27 , ( 7 ) 927 - 930 .
Palit S, Thin NN, Knowles CH, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ ( 2012 ) . Prospective comparison of balloon expulsion, anorectal manometry and evacuation proctography for the diagnosis of evacuatory dysfunction . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 99 , 28 - 28 .
KNOWLES CH, Knowles CH, Thin N, Gill K, Bhan C, Grimmer K, Lunniss PJ, Williams NS et al. ( 2012 ) . Prospective randomized double-blind study of temporary sacral nerve stimulation in patients with rectal evacuatory dysfunction and rectal hyposensitivity . Annals of Surgery vol. 255 , ( 4 ) 643 - 649 .
MURPHY J, Knowles CH, Bhan C, Scott SM, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2012 ) . The effects of age and parity on anal sphincter function and morphology in 999 symptomatic female patients with colorectal dysfunction . Dis. Col. Rect. vol. 3 , ( 55 ) 286 - 293 .
Scott SM, Lunniss PJ ( 2011 ) . Rectal hyposensitivity and functional hindgut disorders: cause and effect or an epiphenomenon? . J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr vol. 53 Suppl 2 , S47 - S49 .
Boyle DJ, Gill KA, Ward HC, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ, Williams NS ( 2011 ) . Combined vertical reduction rectoplasty and sacral nerve stimulation for rectal evacuatory dysfunction and faecal incontinence associated with previous anorectal malformation . Tech Coloproctol vol. 15 , ( 3 ) 353 - 355 .
Scott SM, Knowles CH ( 2011 ) . Constipation: Dried plums (prunes) for the treatment of constipation . Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol vol. 8 , ( 6 ) 306 - 307 .
Mohammed S, Zarate N, Preston SL, Lunniss PJ, Dinning PG, Scott SM ( 2011 ) . 24 Hour Assessment of Pancolonic Motor Activity in Health Using Solid-State Catheter Technology: Comparison With Traditional Water-Perfused Catheters . Gastroenterology vol. 140 , ( 5 ) s - 871 .
Carrington EV, Burgell R, Lelic D, Surguy S, Drewes AM, Aziz Q, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2011 ) . Assessment of Rectal Afferent Neuronal Function Using Evoked Potentials in Patients With Constipation and Rectal Hyposensitivity – A Pilot Study . Gastroenterology vol. 140 , ( 5 ) s - 530 .
Scott SM, Burgers M, Dinning PG ( 2011 ) . Colonic Motor Complex Activity is Altered in Patients With Slow Transit Constipation: Evidence From Pancolonic Manometric Studies . Gastroenterology vol. 140 , ( 5 ) s - 531 .
Baker J, Hasler WL, Camilleri M, Rao S, Thorne NK, Ringel Y, Kuo B, Esfandyari T et al. ( 2011 ) . Impairment of Overall and Regional High Amplitude Colon Contractions in Severe Slow Transit Constipation Measured by Wireless Motility Capsules . Gastroenterology vol. 140 , ( 5 ) s - 531 .
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Thin NN, Bhan C, Gill K, Grimmer K, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM, Knowles CH ( 2011 ) . Prospective Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study of Sacral Nerve Stimulation in Patients With Severe Rectal Evacuatory Dysfunction Allied to Rectal Hyposensitivity . Gastroenterology vol. 140 , ( 5 )
Davidson JB, O'Grady G, Arkwright JW, Zarate N, Scott SM, Pullan AJ, Dinning PJ ( 2011 ) . Anatomical registration and three-dimensional visualization of low and high-resolution pan-colonic manometry recordings . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 23 , ( 4 ) 387 - e171 .
Carrington EV, Burgell R, Lelic D, Surguy S, Drewes A, Aziz Q, Knowles CH, Scott SM ( 2011 ) . Assessment of rectal afferent neuronal function using evoked potentials in patients with constipation and rectal hyposensation - A pilot study . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 98 , 43 - 44 .
Benninga MA, Scott SM ( 2011 ) . Chronic Constipation Preface . BEST PRACT RES CL GA vol. 25 , ( 1 ) 1 - 2 .
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Hammond TM, Porrett TR, Scott SM, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2011 ) . Management of idiopathic anal fistula using cross-linked collagen: a prospective phase 1 study . Colorectal Dis vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 94 - 104 .
Dinning PG, Scott SM ( 2011 ) . Novel diagnostics and therapy of colonic motor disorders . CURRENT OPINION IN PHARMACOLOGY vol. 11 , ( 6 ) 624 - 629 .
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Rao SSC, Camilleri M, Hasler WL, Maurer AH, Parkman HP, Saad R, Scott MS, Simren M et al. ( 2010 ) . Evaluation of gastrointestinal transit in clinical practice: position paper of the American and European Neurogastroenterology and Motility Societies . Neurogastroenterology & Motility vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 8 - 23 .
Zarate N, Mohammed SD, O'Shaughnessy E, Newell M, Yazaki E, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ, Semler JR et al. ( 2010 ) . Accurate localization of a fall in pH within the ileocecal region: validation using a dual-scintigraphic technique . Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol vol. 299 , ( 6 ) G1276 - G1286 .
Dinning PG, Zarate N, Hunt LM, Fuentealba SE, Mohammed SD, Szczesniak MM, Lubowski DZ, Preston SL et al. ( 2010 ) . Pancolonic spatiotemporal mapping reveals regional deficiencies in, and disorganization of colonic propagating pressure waves in severe constipation . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 22 , ( 12 ) e340 - e349 .
Dinning PG, Benninga MA, Southwell BR, Scott SM ( 2010 ) . Paediatric and adult colonic manometry: A tool to help unravel the pathophysiology of constipation . WORLD J GASTROENTERO vol. 16 , ( 41 ) 5162 - 5172 .
Bhan C, Prosser K, Gill K, Boyle DJ, Mottahadeh M, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM et al. ( 2010 ) . Prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study of sacral nerve stimulation in patients with severe rectal evacuatory dysfunction allied to rectal hyposensitivity . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 97 , 33 - 33 .
Mohammed SD, Lunniss PJ, Zarate N, Farmer AD, Grahame R, Aziz Q, Scott SM ( 2010 ) . Joint hypermobility and rectal evacuatory dysfunction: an etiological link in abnormal connective tissue? . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 22 , ( 10 ) 1085 - e283 .
Burgers M, Scott SM, Dinning PG ( 2010 ) . Spatiotemporal distribution of motor complexes throughout the entire colon in health and constipation . J GASTROEN HEPATOL . vol. 25 , A103 - A104 .
Camilleri M, Thorne NK, Ringel Y, Hasler WL, Kuo B, Esfandyari T, Gupta A, Scott SM et al. ( 2010 ) . Wireless pH-motility capsule for colonic transit: prospective comparison with radiopaque markers in chronic constipation . NEUROGASTROENT MOTIL vol. 22 , ( 8 ) 874 - E233 .
Dinning PG, Zarate N, Szczesniak MM, Mohammed SD, Preston SL, Fairclough PD, Lunniss PJ, Cook IJ et al. ( 2010 ) . Bowel preparation affects the amplitude and spatiotemporal organization of colonic propagating sequences . NEUROGASTROENT MOTIL vol. 22 , ( 6 ) 633 - + .
Camilleri M, Thorne NK, Ringel Y, Hasler WL, Kuo B, Esfandyari T, Sitrin MD, Scott SM et al. ( 2010 ) . S1304 Wireless pH-Motility Capsule for Colonic Transit: Prospective Comparison With Radiopaque Markers in Chronic Constipation . Gastroenterology vol. 138 , ( 5 )
Burgell R, Bhan C, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ ( 2010 ) . T1345 Fecal Incontinence in Men: Coexistent Constipation and Impact of Rectal Hyposensitivity . Gastroenterology vol. 138 , ( 5 ) s - 542 .
Mohammed S, Lunniss PJ, Zarate N, Aziz Q, Scott SM ( 2010 ) . AN UNUSAL CASE OF FOCAL MYOSITIS . RHEUMATOLOGY . vol. 49 , I35 - I35 .
Dinning PG, Arkwright JW, Gregersen H, O'Grady G, Scott SM ( 2010 ) . Technical advances in monitoring human motility patterns . NEUROGASTROENT MOTIL vol. 22 , ( 4 ) 366 - 380 .
Zarate N, Farmer AD, Grahame R, Mohammed SD, Knowles CH, Scott SM, Aziz Q ( 2010 ) . Unexplained gastrointestinal symptoms and joint hypermobility: is connective tissue the missing link? . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 22 , ( 3 ) 252 - e78 .
Mohammed SD, Zarate N, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM ( 2010 ) . Co-existence of constipation and faecal incontinence: a greatly underappreciated clinical problem . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY . vol. 22 , 37 - 37 .
Boyle DJ, Gill KA, Ward HC, SCOTT S, Lunniss PJ, Williams NS ( 2009 ) . Combined vertical reduction rectoplasty and sacral nerve stimulation for rectal evacuatory dysfunction and faecal incontinence associated with previous anorectal malformation . Techniques in Coloproctology vol. 15 , ( (3) ) 353 - 355 .
Cook IJ, Talley NJ, Benninga MA, Rao SS, Scott SM ( 2009 ) . Chronic constipation: overview and challenges . NEUROGASTROENT MOTIL vol. 21 , 1 - 8 .
Dinning PG, Smith TK, Scott SM ( 2009 ) . Pathophysiology of colonic causes of chronic constipation . NEUROGASTROENT MOTIL vol. 21 , 20 - 30 .
Dinning PG, Zarate N, Szczesniak MM, Preston SR, Mohammed SD, Fairclough PD, Lunniss PJ, Cook IJ et al. ( 2009 ) . Bowel preparation alters the spatiotemporal organisation and the amplitude of colonic propagating sequences . J GASTROEN HEPATOL . vol. 24 , A322 - A323 .
Dinning PG, Zarate N, Hunt L, Fuentealba S, Mohammed SD, Szczesniak MM, Preston SR, Lubowski DZ et al. ( 2009 ) . Pancolonic manometry demonstrates potential biomarkers of disease in patients with slow transit constipation . J GASTROEN HEPATOL . vol. 24 , A324 - A325 .
Knowles A, Knowles C, Scott S, Lunniss PJ ( 2009 ) . Einfluss von Alter und Geschlecht auf die dreidimensionale endoanale Sonographie: Entwicklung von Normalwerten . coloproctology vol. 31 , ( 3 ) 161 - 168 .
Boyle DJ, Knowles CH, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM, Williams NS, Gill KA ( 2009 ) . Efficacy of sacral nerve stimulation for fecal incontinence in patients with anal sphincter defects . Dis Colon Rectum vol. 52 , ( 7 ) 1234 - 1239 .
Farmer AD, Zarate N, Scott SM, Mohammed S, Knowles CH, Grahame R, Aziz Q ( 2009 ) . M1215 Unexplained Gastrointestinal Dysmotility and Joint Hypermobility: Is Connective Tissue the Missing Link? . Gastroenterology vol. 136 , ( 5 ) a - 374 .
Gladman MA, Aziz Q, Scott SM, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2009 ) . Rectal hyposensitivity: pathophysiological mechanisms . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 21 , ( 5 ) 508 - e5 .
Bhan C, Murphy J, Boyle DJ, Scott SM, Williams NS ( 2009 ) . S1232 Electrically Stimulated Gracilis Neosphincter Construction for End Stage Faecal Incontinence: Evaluation of Long-Term Functional Outcome . Gastroenterology vol. 136 , ( 5 ) a - 218 .
Dinning PG, Zarate N, Hunt LM, Fuentealba SE, Szczesniak MM, Mohammed S, Preston SL, Lutton NJ et al. ( 2009 ) . S1250 Twenty-Four Hour Pan-Colonic Manometry in Patients with Severe Slow Transit Constipation Demonstrates Diminished Propagating Pressure Wave Activity in the Transverse Colon . Gastroenterology vol. 136 , ( 5 ) a - 222 .
Dinning PG, Zarate N, Szczesniak MM, Mohammed S, Preston SL, Scott SM, Cook IJ ( 2009 ) . S1259 How Does Bowel Preparation Influence Colonic Motility and Pre-Defecatory Motor Patterns? . Gastroenterology vol. 136 , ( 5 )
Zarate N, Knowles CH, Yazaki E, Lunnis PJ, Scott SM ( 2009 ) . Clinical presentation and patterns of slow transit constipation do not predict coexistent upper gut dysmotility . Dig Dis Sci vol. 54 , ( 1 ) 122 - 131 .
Knowles AM, Knowles CH, Scott SM, Lunniss P ( 2008 ) . Effects of age and gender on three-dimensional endoanal ultrasonography measurements: development of normal ranges . TECH COLOPROCTOL vol. 12 , ( 4 ) 323 - 329 .
Athanasakos EP, Ward HC, Williams NS, Scott SM ( 2008 ) . Importance of extrasphincteric mechanisms in the pathophysiology of faecal incontinence in adults with a history of anorectal anomaly . Br J Surg vol. 95 , ( 11 ) 1394 - 1400 .
Scott SM, Gladman MA ( 2008 ) . Manometric, sensorimotor, and neurophysiologic evaluation of anorectal function . Gastroenterol Clin North Am vol. 37 , ( 3 ) 511 - vii .
Gooneratne ML, Facer P, Knowles CH, Chan CL, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM, Anand P, Williams NS ( 2008 ) . Normalization of substance P levels in rectal mucosa of patients with faecal incontinence treated successfully by sacral nerve stimulation . Br J Surg vol. 95 , ( 4 ) 477 - 483 .
Murphy J, Chan CLH, Scott SM, Vasudevan SP, Lunniss PJ, Williams NS ( 2008 ) . Rectal augmentation: short- and mid-term evaluation of a novel procedure for severe fecal urgency with associated incontinence . Ann Surg vol. 247 , ( 3 ) 421 - 427 .
Zarate N, Knowles CH, Newell M, Garvie NW, Gladman MA, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM ( 2008 ) . In patients with slow transit constipation, the pattern of colonic transit delay does not differentiate between those with and without impaired rectal evacuation . AM J GASTROENTEROL vol. 103 , ( 2 ) 427 - 434 .
MURPHY J, Lawes DA, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ ( 2008 ) . New treatment options for patients with faecal incontinence . Gastrointestinal Nursing vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 32 - 38 .
Scott SM ( 2007 ) . Functional testing of the large bowel . CME Journal Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 71 - 77 .
Scott SM ( 2007 ) . Functional testing of the large bowel . CME Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition ( 8 ) Article 67-70 , 67 - 70 .
Vasudevan SP, Scott SM, Gladman MA, Lunniss PJ ( 2007 ) . Rectal hyposensitivity: evaluation of anal sensation in female patients with refractory constipation with and without faecal incontinence . NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY vol. 19 , ( 8 ) 660 - 667 .
Scott SM ( 2007 ) . Functional testing of the small and large bowel: the future . CME Journal: Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 78 - 81 .
Scott SM ( 2007 ) . Functional testing of the small bowel . CME Journal: Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 67 - 70 .
Murphy J, Scott SM, Gladman MA, Lunniss PJ ( 2007 ) . Faecal incontinence . BRIT J SURG vol. 94 , ( 6 ) 754 - 754 .
Murphy J, Scott SM, Gladman MA, Lunniss PJ ( 2007 ) . Faecal incontinence . British Journal of Surgery vol. 94 , 754 - 754 .
Gladman MA, Dvorkin LS, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ, Williams NS ( 2007 ) . A novel technique to identify patients with megarectum . Dis Colon Rectum vol. 50 , ( 5 ) Article 621-9 , 621 - 629 .
Murphy J, Hammond TM, Knowles CH, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ, Williams NS ( 2007 ) . Does anastomotic technique influence anorectal function after sphincter-saving rectal cancer resection? A systematic review of evidence from randomized trials . J Am Coll Surg vol. 204 , ( 4 ) 673 - 680 .
Gooneratne ML, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ ( 2007 ) . Unilateral pudendal neuropathy is common in patients with fecal incontinence . DISEASES OF THE COLON & RECTUM vol. 50 , ( 4 ) 449 - 458 .
LUNNISS PJ, Gooneratne ML, Scott SM ( 2007 ) . Unilateral pudendal neuropathy is common in patients with fecal incontinence . Dis Colon & Rectum vol. 50 , 1 - 10 .
Murphy J, Hammond TM, Knowles CH, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ, Williams NS ( 2007 ) . JACS CME-1 Featured Article: Does anastomotic technique influence anorectal function after sphincter-saving rectal cancer resection? A systematic review of evidence from randomized trials . J Am Coll Surg vol. 4 , ( 204 ) Article 728-31 , 728 - 731 .
Vasudevan SP, Zarate N, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM ( 2007 ) . Assessment of rectal sensory and motor function using two different barostat systems . GUT . vol. 56 , A105 - A105 .
Scott SM, Lunniss PJ ( 2007 ) . Investigations of anorectal function . Perineal and anal sphincter trauma. , Springer-Verlag London Ltd ( London ),
Lunniss PJ, Scott SM ( 2007 ) . Invited commentary on: Bharucha AE & Blandon RE, “Anatomy and physiology of continence” . Fecal Incontinence. Diagnosis and Treatment. , Springer-Verlag London Ltd ( London ),
Vasudevan SP, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM ( 2007 ) . Normal rectal sensory function: Evaluation using four different modalities in healthy volunteers . GUT . vol. 56 , A20 - A20 .
Lunniss PJ, Scott SM ( 2007 ) . Pathophysiology of anal incontinence . Perineal and anal sphincter trauma. , Springer-Verlag London Ltd ( London ),
Scott SM, Lunniss PJ ( 2007 ) . Risk factors in faecal incontinence . Fecal Incontinence. Diagnosis and Treatment. , Springer-Verlag London Ltd ( London ),
Dench JE, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ, Dvorkin LS, Williams NS ( 2006 ) . External pelvic rectal suspension (the express procedure) for internal rectal prolapse, with or without concomitant rectocele repair: a video demonstration . Diseases of the Colon and Rectum vol. 49 , ( 12 ) 1922 - 1926 .
Lunniss PJ, WILLIAMS NS, Dench JE, Scott SM ( 2006 ) . External Pelvic Rectal Suspension (the Express procedure) for rectal intussusception, with or without concomitant rectocoele repair - a video demonstration . Dis Colon and Rectum vol. 49 , 1922 - 1926 .
Scott SM, Knowles CH, Wang D, Yazaki E, Picon L, Wingate DL, Lindberg G ( 2006 ) . The nocturnal jejunal migrating motor complex: defining normal ranges by study of 51 healthy adult volunteers and meta-analysis . NEUROGASTROENT MOTIL vol. 18 , ( 10 ) 927 - 935 .
Gooneratne M, Lunniss PJ, Hickey F, Williams NS, Scott SM ( 2006 ) . Rectal sensory dysfunction is prevalent in faecal incontinence . Colorectal Disease vol. 8 , ( 8 ) 722 - 723 .
Gladman MA, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM, Swash M ( 2006 ) . Rectal hyposensitivity . Am J Gastroenterol vol. 101 , ( 5 ) 1140 - 1151 .
Murphy J, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM ( 2006 ) . Low rectal volumes in patients suffering from fecal incontinence: what does it mean? . Aliment Pharmacol Ther vol. 23 , ( 5 ) 681 - 682 .
Gladman MA, Scott SM, Williams NS ( 2006 ) . Antegrade colonic conduit . Constipation: etiology, evaluation and management, 2nd Edition. , Edition. 2 , Springer-Verlag London Ltd ( London ),
Murphy J, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM ( 2006 ) . Low rectal volumes in patients suffering from fecal incontinence: what does it mean? . Aliment Pharmacol Ther vol. 23 , ( 5 ) Article 681-2 , 681 - 682 .
Chan CLH, Lunniss PJ, Wang D, Williams NS, Scott SM ( 2005 ) . Rectal sensorimotor dysfunction in patients with urge faecal incontinence: evidence from prolonged manometric studies . GUT vol. 54 , ( 9 ) 1263 - 1272 .
Chan CLH, Ponsford S, Scott SM, Swash M, Lunniss PJ ( 2005 ) . Contribution of the pudendal nerve to sensation of the distal rectum . Br J Surg vol. 92 , ( 7 ) 859 - 865 .
LUNNISS PJ, Williams NS, Gladman MA, Scott SM, Dvorkin LS ( 2005 ) . Rectal intussusception: a study of rectal biomechanics and visceroperception . Am J Gastroenterol vol. 100 , 1578 - 1585 .
Dvorkin LS, Gladman MA, Scott SM, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2005 ) . Rectal intussusception: a study of rectal biomechanics and visceroperception . Am J Gastroenterol vol. 7 , ( 100 ) Article 1578-85 , 1578 - 1585 .
Dvorkin LS, Gladman MA, Epstein J, Scott SM, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2005 ) . Rectal intussusception in symptomatic patients is different from that in asymptomatic volunteers . Br J Surg vol. 7 , ( 92 ) Article 866-72 , 866 - 872 .
Williams NS, Dvorkin LS, Giordano P, Scott SM, Huang A, Frye JNR, Allison ME, Lunniss PJ ( 2005 ) . EXternal Pelvic REctal SuSpension (Express procedure) for rectal intussusception, with and without rectocele repair . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY vol. 92 , ( 5 ) 598 - 604 .
Gladman MA, Williams NS, Scott SM, Ogunbiyi OA, Lunniss PJ ( 2005 ) . Medium-term results of vertical reduction rectoplasty and sigmoid colectomy for idiopathic megarectum . Br J Surg vol. 92 , ( 5 ) 624 - 630 .
Gladman MA, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ, Williams NS ( 2005 ) . Systematic review of surgical options for idiopathic megarectum and megacolon . ANN SURG vol. 241 , ( 4 ) 562 - 574 .
Dvorkin LS, Knowles CH, Scott SM, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2005 ) . Rectal intussusception: characterization of symptomatology . Dis Colon Rectum vol. 4 , ( 48 ) Article 824-31 , 824 - 831 .
Williams NS, Giordano P, Dvorkin LS, Huang A, Hetzer FH, Scott SM ( 2005 ) . External pelvic rectal suspension (The express procedure) for full-thickness rectal prolapse: Evolution of a new technique . DISEASES OF THE COLON & RECTUM vol. 48 , ( 2 ) 307 - 316 .
Gladman MA, Scott SM, Williams NS ( 2005 ) . An Overview . Complex Anorectal Disorders , Springer Nature
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Chan CLH, Scott SM, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2005 ) . Rectal hypersensitivity worsens stool frequency, urgency, and lifestyle in patients with urge fecal incontinence . Dis Colon Rectum vol. 48 , ( 1 ) 134 - 140 .
Gladman MA, Dvorkin LS, Lunniss PJ, Williams NS, Scott SM ( 2005 ) . Rectal hyposensitivity: A disorder of the rectal wall or the afferent pathway? An assessment using the barostat . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY vol. 100 , ( 1 ) 106 - 114 .
LUNNISS PJ, Williams NS, Gladman MA, Scott SM, Epstein J, Dvorkin LS ( 2005 ) . Rectal intussusception in symptomatic patients is different from that in asymptomatic volunteers . Br J Surg vol. 92 , 866 - 872 .
LUNNISS PJ, Williams NS, Knowles CH, Scott SM, Dvorkin LS ( 2005 ) . Rectal intussusception: characterization of symptomatology . Dis Colon Rectum vol. 48 , 824 - 831 .
Lunniss PJ, Swash M, CHAN CLH, Ponsford S ( 2005 ) . The contribution of the pudendal nerve to sensation of the distal rectum . Br J Surg vol. 92 , 859 - 865 .
Jenkinson AD, Kadirkamanathan SS, Scott SM, Yazaki E, Evans DF ( 2004 ) . Relationship between symptom response and oesophageal acid exposure after medical and surgical treatment for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease . BRIT J SURG vol. 91 , ( 11 ) 1460 - 1465 .
Gladman MA, Dvorkin LS, Lunniss PJ, Williams NS, Scott SM ( 2004 ) . Impaired rectal sensation: a disorder of the rectal wall, or the afferent pathway? An assessment using the electromechanical barostat . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 91 , 1218 - 1218 .
Lunniss PJ, Gladman MA, Hetzer FH, Williams NS, Scott SM ( 2004 ) . Risk Factors in Acquired Faecal Incontinence . Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine vol. 97 , ( 3 ) 111 - 116 .
Lunniss PJ, Gladman MA, Hetzer FH, Williams NS, Scott SM ( 2004 ) . Risk factors in acquired faecal incontinence . J ROY SOC MED vol. 97 , ( 3 ) 111 - 116 .
Dvorkin LEES, Chan CHRISTOPHERL, Knowles CHARLESH, Williams NORMANS, Lunniss PETERJ, Scott MS ( 2004 ) . Anal sphincter morphology in patients with full-thickness rectal prolapse . Diseases of the Colon and Rectum vol. 47 , ( 2 ) 198 - 203 .
Lunniss PJ, WILLIAMS NS, Knowles CH, Scott SM, Dvorkin LS, Chan CLH ( 2004 ) . Anal sphincter morphology in patients with full-thickness rectal prolapse . Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. vol. 47 , ( 2 ) 198 - 203 .
WILLIAMS NS, Huang A, Giordano P, Scott SM, Dvorkin LS ( 2004 ) . Full-thickness pouch prolapse after restorative proctocolectomy: a potential future problem treated by the new technique of external pelvic neorectal suspension (the Express procedure) . Dis Colon Rectum vol. 47 , 1415 - 1419 .
Lunniss PJ, WILLIAMS NS, Scott SM, Dvorkin LS, Gedroyc W, Hetzer F ( 2004 ) . Open-magnet MR defaecography compared with evacuation proctography in the diagnosis and management of patients with rectal intussusception . Colorectal Disease vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 45 - 53 .
Knowles CH, Scott SM, Rayner C, Glia A, Lindberg G, Kamm MA, Lunniss PJ ( 2003 ) . Idiopathic slow-transit constipation: an almost exclusively female disorder . Diseases of the Colon and Rectum vol. 46 , ( 12 ) 1716 - 1717 .
Dvorkin LS, Hetzer F, Scott SM, Williams NS, Gedroyc W, Lunniss PJ ( 2003 ) . Open-magnet MR defaecography compared with evacuation proctography in the diagnosis and management of patients with rectal intussusception . Colorectal Disease vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 45 - 53 .
Knowles CH, Scott SM, Rayner C, Glia A, Lindberg G, Kamm MA, Lunniss PJ ( 2003 ) . Idiopathic Slow-Transit Constipation: An Almost Exclusively Female Disorder . Diseases of the Colon & Rectum vol. 46 , ( 12 ) 1716 - 1717 .
Scott SM ( 2003 ) . Manometric techniques for the evaluation of colonic motor activity: current status . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 15 , ( 5 ) 483 - 513 .
Gladman MA, Scott SM, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2003 ) . Clinical and physiological findings, and possible aetiological factors of rectal hyposensitivity . Br J Surg vol. 90 , ( 7 ) 860 - 866 .
Williams NS, Giordano P, Huang A, Dvorkin LS, Hetzer F, Scott SM ( 2003 ) . External fixation of the rectum - evolution of a new perineal procedure for rectal prolapse . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 90 , 138 - 138 .
Scott SM, Picon L, Knowles CH, Fourquet F, Yazaki E, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ, Wingate DL ( 2003 ) . Automated quantitative analysis of nocturnal jejunal motor activity identifies abnormalities in individuals and subgroups of patients with slow transit constipation . AM J GASTROENTEROL vol. 98 , ( 5 ) 1123 - 1134 .
Chan CLH, Scott SM, Birch MJ, Knowles CH, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2003 ) . Rectal heat thresholds - A novel test of the sensory afferent pathway . DISEASES OF THE COLON & RECTUM vol. 46 , ( 5 ) 590 - 595 .
Mukherjee D, Khela M, Yazaki E, Scott S, Evans D, Kadirkamanathan S ( 2003 ) . Comparison of bolus clearance estimation by multichannel intraluminal impedance (MII) and gamma scintigraphy (GS) in human volunteers . Gastroenterology . vol. 124 ,
Gladman MA, Scott SM, Khela M, Newell M, Miller M, Knowles CH, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2003 ) . Impaired rectal sensation appears to influence the pattern of abnormal transit in patients with slow-transit constipation (STC) . Gastroenterology vol. 124 , ( 4 )
Gladman MA, Scott SM, Chan CL, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2003 ) . Rectal hyposensitivity: prevalence and clinical impact in patients with intractable constipation and fecal incontinence . Diseases of the Colon and Rectum vol. 2 , ( 46 ) Article 238-46 , 238 - 246 .
Knowles CH, Scott SM, Wellmer A, Misra VP, Pilot MA, Williams NS, Anand P ( 2003 ) . Sensory and autonomic neuropathy in patients with idiopathic slow-transit constipation . Br J Surg vol. 1 , ( 86 ) Article 54-60 , 54 - 60 .
Jenkinson AD, Kadirkamanathan SS, Scott SM, Yazaki E, Evans DF ( 2003 ) . Preoperative factors affecting outcome following laparoscopic fundoplication for control of acid reflux . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 90 , 372 - 373 .
Jenkinson AD, Scott SM, Kadirkamanathan SS ( 2002 ) . Prospective study of symptoms and gastro-oesophageal reflux 10 years after posterior partial fundoplication . British Journal of Surgery vol. 87 , ( 1 ) Article 122 , 122 - 122 .
Williams NS, Fajobi OA, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM, Eccersley AJ, Ogunbiyi OA ( 2002 ) . Vertical reduction rectoplasty: a new treatment for idiopathic megarectum . Br J Surg vol. 9 , ( 87 ) Article 1203-8 , 1203 - 1208 .
Gladman MA, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ, Williams NS ( 2002 ) . Strategy for the surgical management of patients with idiopathic megarectum and megacolon . Br J Surg vol. 89 , ( 5 ) Article 623 , 623 - 623 .
Lunniss PJ, KNOWLES CH, Scott SM, Allison ME, Legg PE ( 2002 ) . Level of classification performance of KESS (symptom scoring system for constipation) validated in a prospective series of 105 patients . Dis Colon Rectum vol. 45 , ( 6 ) 842 - 843 .
Lunniss PJ, Williams NS, GLADMAN MA, Scott SM ( 2002 ) . Comment on: Strategy for the surgical management of patients with idiopathis magarectum and megacolon (Br J Surg 200;88:392) . Br J Surg vol. 89 , ( 5 ) 623 - 623 .
Knowles CH, Lang B, Clover L, Scott SM, Gotti C, Vincent A, Martin JE ( 2002 ) . A role for autoantibodies in some cases of acquired non-paraneoplastic gut dysmotility . Scand J Gastroenterol vol. 37 , ( 2 ) 166 - 170 .
Mukherjee D, Khela MK, Castillo FD, Scott SM, Knowles CH, Yazaki E, Evans DF, Kadirkamanathan SS ( 2002 ) . Estimation of bolus transport and clearance in an oesophageal model using multichannel intraluminal impedance (MII): Validation study with gamma scintigraphy (GS) . GASTROENTEROLOGY vol. 122 , ( 4 ) A357 - A358 .
Williams NS, KNOWLES CH, Scott M, Tam PK, Milbrandt J, Chen B, Anand P ( 2002 ) . Idiopathic slow transit constipation and megacolon are not associated with neurturin mutations . Neurogastroenterol Motil vol. 14 , ( 5 ) 513 - 517 .
Knowles CH, Scott SM, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2001 ) . Clinical and physiological heterogeneity in slow transit constipation: a review of 122 patients . Colorectal Dis vol. 4 , ( 2 ) Article 212-9 , 212 - 219 .
Jenkinson AD, Scott SM, Yazaki E, Fusai G, Walker SM, Kadirkamanathan SS, Evans DF ( 2001 ) . Compliance measurement of lower esophageal sphincter and esophageal body in achalasia and gastroesophageal reflux disease . DIGEST DIS SCI vol. 46 , ( 9 ) 1937 - 1942 .
Darakhshan AA, Khela MK, Castillo FD, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ, Newell M, Garvie NW, Williams NS ( 2001 ) . Scintigraphic proctography highlights differences in rectal evacuation in two groups of constipated patients . EUR J NUCL MED . vol. 28 , 1031 - 1031 .
Chan CLH, Tillin T, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ, Williams NS ( 2001 ) . Surgery for rectal urgency - quality of life and symptom analysis results for a new procedure . BRIT J SURG . vol. 88 , 52 - 52 .
CLH C, Scott SM, Knowles CH, Lunniss PJ ( 2001 ) . Exaggerated rectal adaptation - another cause of outlet obstruction . Colorectal Disease vol. 3 , ( 2 ) 141 - 141 .
Scott SM, Knowles CH, Newell M, Garvie N, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2001 ) . Scintigraphic assessment of colonic transit in women with slow-transit constipation arising de novo and following pelvic surgery or childbirth . BRIT J SURG vol. 88 , ( 3 ) 405 - 411 .
Knowles CH, Nickols CD, Scott SM, Bennett NI, de Oliveira RB, Chimelli L, Feakins R, Williams NS et al. ( 2001 ) . Smooth muscle inclusion bodies in slow transit constipation . J Pathol vol. 193 , ( 3 ) 390 - 397 .
Williams NS, Ogunbiyi OA, Scott SM, Fajobi O, Lunniss PJ ( 2001 ) . Rectal augmentation and stimulated gracilis anal neosphincter - A new approach in the management of fecal urgency and incontinence . DISEASES OF THE COLON & RECTUM vol. 44 , ( 2 ) 192 - 198 .
Knowles CH, Scott SM, Lunniss PJ ( 2001 ) . Slow transit constipation - A disorder of pelvic autonomic nerves? . DIGEST DIS SCI vol. 46 , ( 2 ) 389 - 401 .
Lunniss PJ, Williams NS, KNOWLES CH, Scott SM, Garvie N, Newell M ( 2001 ) . Scintigraphic assessment of colonic transit in women with slow-transit constipation arising de novo and following pelvic surgery or childbirth . Br J Surg vol. 88 , ( 3 ) 405 - 411 .
Lunniss PJ, KNOWLES CH, Scott SM ( 2001 ) . Slow transit constipation: a disorder of pelvic autonomic nerves? . Digestive Diseases and Sciences. vol. 46 , ( 2 ) 389 - 401 .
Knowles CH, Eccersley AJ, Scott SM, Walker SM, Reeves B, Lunniss PJ ( 2000 ) . Linear discriminant analysis of symptoms in patients with chronic constipation: validation of a new scoring system (KESS) . Diseases of the Colon and Rectum vol. 43 , ( 10 ) 1419 - 1426 .
Knowles CH, Gayther SA, Scott M, Ramus S, Anand P, Williams NS, Ponder BA ( 2000 ) . Idiopathic slow-transit constipation is not associated with mutations of the RET proto-oncogene or GDNF . Diseases of the Colon and Rectum vol. 6 , ( 43 ) 851 - 857 .
Jenkinson AD, Scott SM, Kadirkamanathan SS ( 2000 ) . Vector manometry and LOS dynamics . Gut vol. 5 , ( 46 ) Article 740 , 740 - 740 .
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Castillo FD, Buckman VT, Yazaki ET, Kadirkamanathan SS, Scott SM, Evans DF ( 2000 ) . Oesophageal manometry is valuable in the management of patients with gord . Gastroenterology vol. 118 , ( 4 ) a1220 - a1221 .
Scott SM, Knowles CH, Yazaki E, Lunniss PJ, Wingate DL ( 2000 ) . Pan-intestinal dysmotility acquired following pelvic surgery or childbirth . Gastroenterology vol. 118 , ( 4 )
Jenkinson AD, Yazaki E, Scott SM, Walker SM, Kadirkamanathan SS, Evans DF ( 2000 ) . Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease have a highly compliant lower esophageal sphincter . Gastroenterology vol. 118 , ( 4 )
Fajobi OA, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM, Williams NS ( 2000 ) . Repetitive rapid rectal distensions result in heightened and prolonged perception at defaecatory urge pressure . Gastroenterology vol. 118 , ( 4 )
Scott SM, Knowles CH, Williams NS, Lunniss PJ ( 2000 ) . Simple radio-opaque marker studies versus scintigraphy in slow colonic transit — a comparison . Gastroenterology vol. 118 , ( 4 )
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