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Publications: Dr Tijana Timotijevic

Haratian R, TWYCROSS-LEWIS RC, Timotijevic T, Phillips C ( 2013 ) . Towards Flexibility in Sensor Placement for Motion Capture Systems: A Signal Processing Approach . IEEE Sensors Journal vol. 14 , ( 3 ) 701 - 709 .
Haratian R, Phillips C, Timotijevic T ( 2012 ) . A PCA-based Technique for Compensating the Effect of Sensor Position Changes in Motion Data . Conference: 2012 6th IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS vol. 1 , 126 - 131 .
Hasib M, Schormans J, Timotijevic T ( 2007 ) . Accuracy of packet loss monitoring over networked CPE . IET COMMUN vol. 1 , ( 3 ) 507 - 513 .
SCHORMANS JA, Leung CM, Timotijevic T ( 2004 ) . Accuracy of measurement techniques supporting QoS in packet-based intranet and extranet VPNs . IEE Proceedings - Communications: Special Edition on VPNs and Broadband Technology vol. 151 , ( 1 ) 89 - 94 .
SCHORMANS JA, Timotijevic T ( 2003 ) . Bandwidth overhead of probe technology guaranteeing QoS in packet networks . Electronic Letters vol. 39 , ( 10 ) 253 - 254 .
Schormans JA, Timotijevic T ( 2003 ) . Evaluating the accuracy of active measurement of delay and loss in packet networks . MANAGEMENT OF MULTIMEDIA NETWORKS AND SERVICES, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Marshall, A, Agoulmine, N , vol. 2839 , 409 - 421 .
TIMOTIJEVIC T, Schormans JA ( 2000 ) . ATM Level Performance Analysis on a DS-CDMA Satellite Link using DTX . IEE Proceedings - Communications vol. 147 , ( 1 ) 47 - 56 .

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