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Publications: Prof Yue Chen

Li H, Liu Y, Mu X, Chen Y, Zhiwen P, You X ( 2024 ) . STAR-RIS in Cognitive Radio Networks . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 23 , ( 12 ) 19649 - 19666 .
Li H, Mu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Zhiwen P ( 2024 ) . STAR-RIS-Aided Integrated Sensing, Computing, and Communication for Internet of Robotic Things . IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 11 , ( 20 ) 32514 - 32526 .
Li H, Wang Z, Mu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Zhiwen P ( 2024 ) . Downlink CRB Minimization for Near-Field Integrated Sensing and Communication . Conference: ICC 2024 - IEEE International Conference on Communications vol. 00 , 903 - 908 .
Liu L, Lu Y, Yang B, Yang L, Zhao J, Chen Y, Li L ( 2024 ) . Research on a Multi-Strategy Improved Sand Cat Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Three-Dimensional UAV Trajectory Path Planning . World Electric Vehicle Journal vol. 15 , ( 6 )
Naeem U, Shu C, Ma L, Chen Y, Zou Y, Sagor H, Akter H, FinesilverSmith K ( 2024 ) . Data-Driven Interventions for Capstone Projects . Conference: 2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) vol. 00 , 1 - 7 .
Chen Y, Chai KK, Ma L, Liu C, Zhang T ( 2024 ) . Empowering University Students with A Guided Personalised Learning Model . Conference: 2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) vol. 00 , 1 - 4 .
Zhong R, Mu X, Chen Y, Liu Y ( 2024 ) . Exploiting Multi-User Semantic Communications: A Non-Orthogonal Approach . Conference: 2024 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Xue N, Mu X, Liu Y, Chen Y ( 2024 ) . NOMA-Assisted Full Space STAR-RIS-ISAC . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 23 , ( 8 ) 8954 - 8968 .
Wang L, Li S, Chen Y ( 2024 ) . Early Adaption of Assessments Using Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Impact on Student Learning: A Case Study . African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 1 - 12 .
Li H, Liu Y, Mu X, Chen Y, Zhiwen P ( 2023 ) . Joint Beamforming for STAR-RIS in Near-Field Communications . Conference: GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference vol. 00 , 625 - 630 .
Xue N, Mu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Khalily M ( 2023 ) . Simultaneously Transmitting And Reflecting (STAR)-RIS Empowered ISAC with NOMA . Conference: GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference vol. 00 , 6511 - 6516 .
Shu C, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2023 ) . A Data-Driven Analysis of the Correlation between English Language Proficiency and Academic Performance in Transnational Education . Conference: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Lau E, Bessler S, Chai K, Chen Y, Jung O ( 2023 ) . Improving the Electricity Network Resilience by Optimizing the Power Grid . Resiliency of Power Distribution Systems , Wiley
Li L, Liu L, Shao Y, Zhang X, Chen Y, Guo C, Nian H ( 2023 ) . Enhancing Swarm Intelligence for Obstacle Avoidance with Multi-Strategy and Improved Dung Beetle Optimization Algorithm in Mobile Robot Navigation . Electronics vol. 12 , ( 21 )
Liu L, Li L, Nian H, Lu Y, Zhao H, Chen Y ( 2023 ) . Enhanced Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Mobile Robot Path Planning . Electronics vol. 12 , ( 19 )
Xue N, Mu X, Liu Y, Liu Y, Chen Y ( 2023 ) . Hybrid NOMA Empowered Integrated Sensing and Communications . Conference: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) vol. 00 , 1648 - 1653 .
Zhang M, Zhong R, Mu X, Chen Y, Liu Y ( 2023 ) . Resource Management for Heterogeneous Semantic and Bit Communication Systems . Conference: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) vol. 00 , 1629 - 1634 .
Liu L, Li L, Guo C, Ge Y, Chen Y, Zhang L ( 2023 ) . The Design of a Biomimetic Hierarchical Thin-Walled Structure Inspired by a Lotus Leaf and Its Mechanical Performance Analysis . Materials vol. 16 , ( 11 )
Gill SS, Cabral A, Fuller S, Chen Y, Uhlig S ( 2023 ) . Facilitating an Online and Sustainable Learning Environment for Cloud Computing Using an Action Research Methodology . Handbook of Research on Implications of Sustainable Development in Higher Education , IGI Global
Zhong R, Mu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Zhang J, Zhang P ( 2023 ) . STAR-RISs Assisted NOMA Networks: A Distributed Learning Approach . IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 264 - 278 .
Zhong R, Mu X, Xu X, Chen Y, Liu Y ( 2022 ) . STAR-RISs Assisted NOMA Networks: A Tile-based Passive Beamforming Approach . Conference: 2022 International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Gill SS, Fuller S, Cabral A, Chen Y, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . An Operating System Session Plan Towards Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Microteaching for Higher Education . Handbook of Research on Fostering Social Justice Through Intercultural and Multilingual Communication , IGI Global
Gill SS, Fuller S, Cabral A, Chen Y, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . Curriculum Redesign for Cloud Computing to Enhance Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Higher Education . Handbook of Research on Fostering Social Justice Through Intercultural and Multilingual Communication , IGI Global
Zhong R, Liu Y, Mu X, Chen Y, Wang X, Hanzo L ( 2022 ) . Hybrid Reinforcement Learning for STAR-RISs: A Coupled Phase-Shift Model Based Beamformer . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 40 , ( 9 ) 2556 - 2569 .
Lau E, Chai KK, Wijeratne V, Chen Y ( 2022 ) . Predicting Students' Performance in Mixed-mode Learning Strategy using Neural Network Modelling . Conference: 2022 7th International STEM Education Conference (iSTEM-Ed) vol. 00 , 1 - 4 .
Zhong R, Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Han Z ( 2022 ) . Mobile Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for NOMA Networks: Federated Learning Approaches . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 21 , ( 11 ) 10020 - 10034 .
Mahmud SK, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2022 ) . Ensemble Reinforcement Learning Framework for Sum Rate Optimization in NOMA-UAV Network . Conference: 2022 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT) vol. 00 , 032 - 038 .
Yang Z, Fu Y, Liu Y, Chen Y, Zhang J ( 2022 ) . A New Look at AI-Driven NOMA-F-RANs: Features Extraction, Cooperative Caching, and Cache-Aided Computing . IEEE Wireless Communications vol. 29 , ( 3 ) 123 - 130 .
Zhong R, Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Han Z ( 2022 ) . Federated Learning Empowered Mobile RISs for NOMA Networks . Conference: ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications vol. 00 , 4956 - 4961 .
Zhong R, Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Wang X ( 2022 ) . Path Design and Resource Management for NOMA Enhanced Indoor Intelligent Robots . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 21 , ( 10 ) 8007 - 8021 .
Mahmud SK, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2022 ) . Hybrid Decision Framework for Energy Efficiency Enhancement in NOMA-UAV Networks . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 26 , ( 6 ) 1378 - 1382 .
Zhong R, Liu Y, Mu X, Chen Y, Song L ( 2021 ) . AI Empowered RIS-Assisted NOMA Networks: Deep Learning or Reinforcement Learning? . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 40 , ( 1 ) 182 - 196 .
Hou T, Liu Y, Song Z, Sun X, Chen Y, Hanzo L ( 2021 ) . MIMO Assisted Networks Relying on Intelligent Reflective Surfaces: A Stochastic Geometry Based Analysis . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 71 , ( 1 ) 571 - 582 .
Yang Z, Chen M, Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Cui S, Poor HV ( 2021 ) . AI-Driven UAV-NOMA-MEC in Next Generation Wireless Networks . IEEE Wireless Communications vol. 28 , ( 5 ) 66 - 73 .
Zhong R, Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y ( 2021 ) . Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in NOMA-Aided UAV Networks for Cellular Offloading . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 21 , ( 3 ) 1498 - 1512 .
Yang Z, Liu Y, Chen Y, Al-Dhahir N ( 2021 ) . Machine Learning for User Partitioning and Phase Shifters Design in RIS-Aided NOMA Networks . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 69 , ( 11 ) 7414 - 7428 .
Yang Z, Liu Y, Chen Y, Zhou JT ( 2021 ) . Deep Learning for Latent Events Forecasting in Content Caching Networks . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 21 , ( 1 ) 413 - 428 .
Mahmud SK, Liu Y, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2021 ) . Adaptive Reinforcement Learning Framework for NOMA-UAV Networks . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 25 , ( 9 ) 2943 - 2947 .
Zhong R, Liu X, Liu Y, Zhang D, Chen Y ( 2021 ) . Path Design for NOMA-Enhanced Robots: A Machine Learning Approach with Radio Map . Conference: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Liu X, Liu Y, Yang Z, Yue X, Wang C, Chen Y ( 2021 ) . Integrated 3C in NOMA-Enabled Remote-E-Health Systems . IEEE Wireless Communications vol. 28 , ( 3 ) 62 - 68 .
Liu C, Zhang X, Chai KK, Loo J, Chen Y ( 2021 ) . A survey on blockchain‐enabled smart grids: Advances, applications and challenges . IET Smart Cities vol. 3 , ( 2 ) 56 - 78 .
Ni W, Liu X, Liu Y, Tian H, Chen Y ( 2021 ) . Resource Allocation for Multi-Cell IRS-Aided NOMA Networks . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 20 , ( 7 ) 4253 - 4268 .
Liu X, Chen M, Liu Y, Chen Y, Cui S, Hanzo L ( 2021 ) . Artificial Intelligence Aided Next-Generation Networks Relying on UAVs . IEEE Wireless Communications vol. 28 , ( 1 ) 120 - 127 .
Zhang W, Wang Q, Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y ( 2020 ) . Three-Dimension Trajectory Design for Multi-UAV Wireless Network With Deep Reinforcement Learning . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 70 , ( 1 ) 600 - 612 .
Yang Z, Liu Y, Chen Y, Zhou JT ( 2020 ) . Deep Reinforcement Learning for RIS-Aided Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Downlink Networks . Conference: GLOBECOM 2020 - 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Ni W, Liu X, Liu Y, Tian H, Chen Y ( 2020 ) . Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Multi-Cell NOMA Networks . Conference: 2020 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Zhong R, Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y ( 2020 ) . NOMA in UAV-aided cellular offloading: A machine learning approach . Conference: 2020 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y ( 2020 ) . Machine Learning Empowered Trajectory and Passive Beamforming Design in UAV-RIS Wireless Networks . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 39 , ( 7 ) 2042 - 2055 .
Zhang Z, Chen Y, Zhang J ( 2020 ) . Distributionally Robust Edge Learning with Dirichlet Process Prior . Conference: 2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) vol. 00 , 798 - 808 .
Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Poor HV ( 2020 ) . RIS Enhanced Massive Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Networks: Deployment and Passive Beamforming Design . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 39 , ( 4 ) 1057 - 1071 .
Hou T, Liu Y, Song Z, Sun X, Chen Y ( 2020 ) . MIMO-NOMA Networks Relying on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface: A Signal Cancellation-Based Design . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 68 , ( 11 ) 6932 - 6944 .
Yang Z, Liu Y, Chen Y, Al-Dhahir N ( 2020 ) . Cache-Aided NOMA Mobile Edge Computing: A Reinforcement Learning Approach . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 19 , ( 10 ) 6899 - 6915 .
Hou T, Liu Y, Song Z, Sun X, Chen Y, Hanzo L ( 2020 ) . Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided NOMA Networks . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 38 , ( 11 ) 2575 - 2588 .
Hou T, Liu Y, Sun X, Song Z, Chen Y, Hou J ( 2020 ) . Massive NOMA Enhanced IoT Networks with Partial CSI . Conference: ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Hou T, Liu Y, Sun X, Song Z, Chen Y, Hou J ( 2020 ) . Performance Analysis for Large Intelligent Surfaces enabled MIMO Networks . Conference: ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Wang L, Lu Z ( 2020 ) . Reinforcement Learning in V2I Communication Assisted Autonomous Driving . Conference: ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Yang Z, Liu Y, Chen Y ( 2020 ) . Distributed Reinforcement Learning for NOMA-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing . Conference: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Alenezi M, Chai KK, Chen Y, Jimaa S ( 2020 ) . Ultra‐dense LoRaWAN: Reviews and challenges . IET Communications vol. 14 , ( 9 ) 1361 - 1371 .
Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Hanzo L ( 2020 ) . Enhancing the Fuel-Economy of V2I-Assisted Autonomous Driving: A Reinforcement Learning Approach . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 69 , ( 8 ) 8329 - 8342 .
Yang Z, Liu Y, Chen Y, Jiao L ( 2020 ) . Learning Automata Based Q-Learning for Content Placement in Cooperative Caching . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 68 , ( 6 ) 3667 - 3680 .
Hou T, Liu Y, Song Z, Sun X, Chen Y ( 2020 ) . NOMA-Enhanced Terrestrial and Aerial IoT Networks With Partial CSI . IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 7 , ( 4 ) 3254 - 3266 .
Qi Y, Yang Z, Qin Z, Liu Y, Chen Y ( 2019 ) . Big Data Prediction in Location-Aware Wireless Caching: A Machine Learning Approach . Conference: 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Wang L, Lu Z ( 2019 ) . Machine Learning Aided Trajectory Design and Power Control of Multi-UAV . Conference: 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Hou T, Liu Y, Sun X, Song Z, Chen Y ( 2019 ) . Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Air-to-Everything (A2X) Networks . Conference: 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y ( 2019 ) . Reinforcement Learning in Multiple-UAV Networks: Deployment and Movement Design . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 68 , ( 8 ) 8036 - 8049 .
Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Hanzo L ( 2019 ) . Trajectory Design and Power Control for Multi-UAV Assisted Wireless Networks: A Machine Learning Approach . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 68 , ( 8 ) 7957 - 7969 .
Hou T, Liu Y, Song Z, Sun X, Chen Y ( 2019 ) . Exploiting NOMA for UAV Communications in Large-Scale Cellular Networks . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 67 , ( 10 ) 6897 - 6911 .
Yang Z, Liu Y, Chen Y, Tyson G ( 2019 ) . Deep Reinforcement Learning in Cache-Aided MEC Networks . Conference: ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Zhao P, Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2019 ) . Machine Learning for Position Prediction and Determination in Aerial Base Station System . Conference: ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Liu C, Chai KK, Zhang X, Chen Y ( 2019 ) . Proof-of-Benefit: a Blockchain-enabled EV Charging Scheme . Conference: 2019 IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Spring) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Song L, Chai KK, Chen Y, Loo J, Jimaa S, Iraqi Y ( 2019 ) . Energy efficient cooperative coalition selection in cluster-based capillary networks for CMIMO IoT systems . Computer Networks vol. 153 , 92 - 102 .
Liu C, Chai KK, Zhang X, Chen Y ( 2019 ) . Peer-to-peer electricity trading system: smart contracts based proof-of-benefit consensus protocol . Wireless Networks vol. 27 , ( 6 ) 4217 - 4228 .
Liu C, Chai KK, Zhang X, Chen Y ( 2019 ) . Enhanced Proof-of-Benefit: a Secure Blockchain-enabled EV Charging System . Conference: 2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Li J, Liu Y, Li X, Shen C, Chen Y ( 2019 ) . Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Cooperative UAV Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Model . Conference: 2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Hou T, Liu Y, Sun X, Song Z, Chen Y ( 2019 ) . Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Multi-UAV Networks . Conference: 2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Liu X, Liu Y, Chen Y ( 2018 ) . Deployment and Movement for Multiple Aerial Base Stations by Reinforcement Learning . Conference: 2018 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
He X, Xing H, Chen Y, Nallanathan A ( 2018 ) . Energy-Efficient Mobile-Edge Computation Offloading for Applications with Shared Data . vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Yang Z, Liu Y, Chen Y ( 2018 ) . Q- Learning for Content Placement in Wireless Cooperative Caching . Conference: 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Lau ET, Chai KK, Chen Y, Loo J ( 2018 ) . Efficient Economic and Resilience-Based Optimization for Disaster Recovery Management of Critical Infrastructures . Energies vol. 11 , ( 12 )
Lau ET, Chai KK, Chen Y, Vasenev A ( 2019 ) . A Strategic Urban Grid Planning Tool to Improve the Resilience of Smart Grid Networks . Communications in Computer and Information Science . vol. 921 , 150 - 167 .
Hou T, Liu Y, Song Z, Sun X, Chen Y ( 2018 ) . Multiple Antenna Aided NOMA in UAV Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 67 , ( 2 ) 1031 - 1044 .
Dai Y, Wijeratne V, Chen Y, Schormans J ( 2018 ) . User experience aware active queue management in cellular networks . Journal of Communications vol. 13 , ( 10 ) 588 - 593 .
Le A, Chen Y, Chai KK, Vasenev A, Montoya L ( 2018 ) . Incorporating FAIR into Bayesian Network for Numerical Assessment of Loss Event Frequencies of Smart Grid Cyber Threats . Mobile Networks and Applications vol. 24 , ( 5 ) 1713 - 1721 .
Xu B, Chen Y, Liu Y ( 2018 ) . Heterogeneous NOMA with Energy Cooperation . Multiple Access Techniques for 5G Wireless Networks and Beyond , Springer Nature
Liu C, Chai KK, Lau ET, Chen Y ( 2018 ) . Blockchain Based Energy Trading Model for Electric Vehicle Charging Schemes . Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering . vol. 245 , 64 - 72 .
Liu C, Chai KK, Zhang X, Lau ET, Chen Y ( 2018 ) . Adaptive Blockchain-Based Electric Vehicle Participation Scheme in Smart Grid Platform . IEEE Access vol. 6 , 25657 - 25665 .
Fan C, Zhang T, Zeng Z, Chen Y ( 2018 ) . Backhaul Aware Energy Efficiency Analysis of Cache-Enabled Cellular Networks . Conference: 2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring)1 - 5 .
He X, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2018 ) . Delay-Aware Energy Efficient Computation Offioading for Energy Harvesting Enabled Fog Radio Access Networks . Conference: 2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring)1 - 6 .
Yue X, Qin Z, Liu Y, Kang S, Chen Y ( 2018 ) . A Unified Framework for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 66 , ( 11 ) 5346 - 5359 .
Yue X, Qin Z, Liu Y, Dai X, Chen Y ( 2018 ) . Outage Performance of A Unified Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Framework . Conference: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)1 - 6 .
Yue X, Liu Y, Kang S, Nallanathan A, Chen Y ( 2018 ) . Outage Performance of Two-Way Relay Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems . Conference: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)1 - 6 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Mahmoodi T, Chait KK, Chen Y, Han Z ( 2018 ) . Resource Allocation in Cache-Enabled CRAN with Non-Orthogonal multiple Access . Conference: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)1 - 6 .
Xu B, Chen Y, Carrión JR, Zhang T ( 2018 ) . Resource Allocation in Cache-enabled Energy-cooperative HetNets . Conference: 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)1 - 6 .
Yue X, Liu Y, Kang S, Nallanathan A, Chen Y ( 2018 ) . Modeling and Analysis of Two-Way Relay Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 66 , ( 9 ) 3784 - 3796 .
Fan C, Zhang T, Zeng Z, Chen Y ( 2018 ) . Energy Efficiency Analysis of Cache‐Enabled Cellular Networks with Limited Backhaul . Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing vol. 2018 , ( 1 )
Liu Y, Nie J, Xu L, Chen Y, Xu B ( 2018 ) . Clothing Recommendation System Based on Advanced User-Based Collaborative Filtering Algorithm . Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering . vol. 473 , 436 - 443 .
Zhang T, Zhao J, Chen Y ( 2017 ) . Hidden Node Aware Resource Allocation in Licensed-Assisted Access Systems . Conference: GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference1 - 6 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Joint Subchannel and Power Allocation for NOMA Enhanced D2D Communications . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 65 , ( 11 ) 5081 - 5094 .
Liu C, Chai KK, Lau ET, Wang Y, Chen Y ( 2017 ) . Optimised Electric Vehicles Charging Scheme with Uncertain User-Behaviours in Smart Grids . Conference: 2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)1 - 5 .
SCHORMANS JA ( 2017 ) . Channel Quality Aware Active Queue Management . Conference: Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CEEC), 2017
Liu C, Lau ET, Chai KK, Chen Y ( 2017 ) . A Review of Wireless Power Transfer Electric Vehicles in Vehicle-to-Grid Systems . Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering . vol. 203 , 98 - 107 .
Lau ET, Chai KK, Chen Y ( 2017 ) . An Overall Grid Modelling Tool for Modelling Smart Grids . Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering . vol. 203 , 223 - 232 .
Lau ET, Chai KK, Chen Y ( 2017 ) . Demand Profiling and Demand Forecast Using the Active-Aware-Based Ensemble Kalman Filter . Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering . vol. 203 , 111 - 121 .
Xu B, Chen Y, Carrión JR, Zhang T ( 2017 ) . Resource Allocation in Energy-Cooperation Enabled Two-Tier NOMA HetNets Toward Green 5G . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 35 , ( 12 ) 2758 - 2770 .
Song L, Chai KK, Chen Y, Schormans J, Loo J, Vinel A ( 2017 ) . QoS-Aware Energy-Efficient Cooperative Scheme for Cluster-Based IoT Systems . IEEE Systems Journal vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 1447 - 1455 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Nallanathan A, Chen Y, Han Z ( 2017 ) . Spectrum Allocation and Power Control for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in HetNets . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 16 , ( 9 ) 5825 - 5837 .
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Wong KK, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Spectral and Energy Efficiency of Uplink D2D Underlaid Massive MIMO Cellular Networks . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 65 , ( 9 ) 3780 - 3793 .
Zhang T, Xu H, Chen Y ( 2017 ) . User Association for Energy Balancing in HetNets with Hybrid Energy Sources . Conference: 2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring)1 - 5 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Nallanathan A, Chen Y, Han Z ( 2017 ) . Resource Allocation for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Heterogeneous Networks . Conference: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)1 - 6 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Elkashlan M, Chen Y ( 2017 ) . Matching With Peer Effects for Context-Aware Resource Allocation in D2D Communications . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 21 , ( 4 ) 837 - 840 .
He X, He A, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T ( 2017 ) . Energy Efficient Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks . Conference: 2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)1 - 6 .
Xu B, Chen Y, Carrion JR, Loo J, Vinel A ( 2017 ) . Energy-Aware Power Control in Energy Cooperation Aided Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks With Renewable Energy Resources . IEEE Access vol. 5 , 432 - 442 .
Xu B, Chen Y, Carrión JR, Ni Q, Zhang T ( 2017 ) . Energy-Aware User Association in Energy-Cooperation Enabled HetNets . Conference: 2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW)1 - 6 .
Fan C, Zhang T, Zeng Z, Chen Y ( 2017 ) . Optimal Base Station Density in Cellular Networks with Self-Similar Traffic Characteristics . Conference: 2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)1 - 6 .
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Wong K-K, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . SE and EE of Uplink D2D Underlaid Massive MIMO Cellular Networks with Power Control . Conference: 2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)1 - 6 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Elkashlan M, Alonso-Zarate J . NOMA-Based D2D Communications: Towards 5G . Conference: 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
Wang Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Schormans J, Loo J ( 2017 ) . Energy-Aware Restricted Access Window Control with Retransmission Scheme for IEEE 802.11AH (Wi-Fi HaLow) Based Networks . Conference: 2017 13th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS)69 - 76 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Joint Subchannel and Power Allocation for NOMA Enhanced D2D Communications . IEEE Trans. Commun. vol. 65 , Article 11 , 5081 - 5094 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Many-to-Many Matching With Externalities for Device-to-Device Communications . IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. vol. 6 , Article 1 , 138 - 141 .
Lau ET, Chai M, Chen Y ( 2017 ) . Preface .
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Wong K-K, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Spectral and Energy Efficiency of Uplink D2D Underlaid Massive MIMO Cellular Networks . CoRR vol. abs/1701.03753 ,
Tseng Lau E, Keong Chai K, Chen Y, Vasenev A ( 2017 ) . Towards Improving Resilience of Smart Urban Electricity Networks by Interactively Assessing Potential Microgrids . Conference: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems352 - 359 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Elkashlan M ( 2016 ) . Many-to-Many Matching With Externalities for Device-to-Device Communications . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 138 - 141 .
Song L, Chai KK, Chen Y, Loo J, Schormans J ( 2016 ) . Cooperative Coalition Selection for Quality of Service Optimization in Cluster-Based Capillary Networks . IEEE Systems Journal vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 1700 - 1708 .
Xu B, Chen Y, Requena-Carrión J ( 2016 ) . Energy-Aware Power Control in Energy-Cooperation Enabled HetNets with Hybrid Energy Supplies . Conference: 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
Wang Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Schormans J, Loo J ( 2016 ) . Energy-Delay Aware Restricted Access Window with Novel Retransmission for IEEE 802.11ah Networks . Conference: 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Wong K-K, Elkashlan M ( 2016 ) . Throughput and Energy Efficiency for S-FFR in Massive MIMO Enabled Heterogeneous C-RAN . Conference: 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
Le A, Chen Y, Chai KK, Vasenev A, Montoya L ( 2017 ) . Assessing Loss Event Frequencies of Smart Grid Cyber Threats: Encoding Flexibility into FAIR Using Bayesian Network Approach . Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering . vol. 175 , 43 - 51 .
Wang Y, Liu C, Chai KK, Chen Y, Loo J ( 2017 ) . Optimized Energy-Aware Window Control for IEEE 802.11ah Based Networks in Smart Grid Enabled Cities . Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering . vol. 175 , 165 - 173 .
Li Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Loo J ( 2016 ) . Distributed access control framework for IPv6-based hierarchical internet of things . IEEE Wireless Communications vol. 23 , ( 5 ) 17 - 23 .
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Wong K-K, Elkashlan M ( 2016 ) . Uplink Interference Management in Massive MIMO Enabled Heterogeneous Cellular Networks . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 5 , ( 5 ) 560 - 563 .
Liu D, Wang L, Chen Y, Elkashlan M, Wong K-K, Schober R, Hanzo L ( 2016 ) . User Association in 5G Networks: A Survey and an Outlook . IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials vol. 18 , ( 2 ) 1018 - 1044 .
Zhao J, Chai KK, Chen Y, Schormans J, Alonso-Zarate J ( 2016 ) . Two-Level Game for Relay-Based Throughput Enhancement via D2D Communications in LTE Networks . Conference: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)1 - 6 .
Song L, Chai KK, Chen Y, Loot J, Jimaa S, Schormans J ( 2016 ) . QPSO-Based Energy-Aware Clustering Scheme in the Capillary Networks for Internet of Things Systems . Conference: 2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference1 - 6 .
Xu B, Chen Y, Elkashlan M, Zhang T, Wong K-K ( 2016 ) . User Association in Massive MIMO and MM Wave Enabled HetNets Powered by Renewable Energy . Conference: 2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference1 - 6 .
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Elkashlan M, Wong K-K . Massive MIMO in K-Tier Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: Coverage and Rate . Conference: 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
Liu Y, Xu L, Chen Y, Fan Y, Xu B, Nie J ( 2016 ) . A Novel Power Control Mechanism Based on Interference Estimation in LTE Cellular Networks . Conference: 2016 16th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT)397 - 401 .
Song L, Chai KK, Chen Y, Schormans J ( 2016 ) . Energy Efficiency Cooperative Scheme for Cluster-based Capillary Networks in Internet of Things Systems . Conference: 2016 IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)1 - 6 .
Zhu Z, Loo J, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T ( 2016 ) . Recent advances in connected vehicles via information-centric networking . Conference: IET International Conference on Intelligent and Connected Vehicles (ICV 2016)
Liu D, Wang L, Chen Y, Elkashlan M, Wong K-K, Schober R, Hanzo L ( 2016 ) . User Association in 5G Networks: A Survey and an Outlook . IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials vol. 18 , Article 2 , 1018 - 1044 .
He A, Wang L, Elkashlan M, Chen Y, Wong K-K ( 2015 ) . Spectrum and Energy Efficiency in Massive MIMO Enabled HetNets: A Stochastic Geometry Approach . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 19 , ( 12 ) 2294 - 2297 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T, Elkashlan M ( 2015 ) . Two-Dimensional Optimization on User Association and Green Energy Allocation for HetNets With Hybrid Energy Sources . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 63 , ( 11 ) 4111 - 4124 .
Zhao J, Chai KK, Chen Y, Schormans J, Alonso‐Zarate J ( 2015 ) . Joint mode selection and resource allocation for machine‐type D2D links . Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies vol. 28 , ( 2 )
Wang Y, Li Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Schormans J ( 2015 ) . Energy-Aware Adaptive Restricted Access Window for IEEE 802.11AH Based Smart Grid Networks . Conference: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)581 - 586 .
Liu D, Wang L, Chen Y, Zhang T, Chai KK, Elkashlan M ( 2015 ) . Distributed Energy Efficient Fair User Association in Massive MIMO Enabled HetNets . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 19 , ( 10 ) 1770 - 1773 .
Jiang L, Cui G, Liu S, Wang W, Liu D, Chen Y ( 2015 ) . Cooperative Relay Assisted Load Balancing Scheme Based on Stackelberg Game for Hybrid GEO-LEO Satellite Network . Conference: 2015 International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP)1 - 5 .
Han K, Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2015 ) . Spectrum Reuse Scheme in Two-Tier Nets: A Stackelberg Game Approach . Conference: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC)404 - 409 .
Chen Y, Zhang J, Zhang H ( 2015 ) . Segmentation Algorithm of Armor Plate Surface Images Based on Improved Visual Attention Mechanism . The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 1385 - 1392 .
Wang Y, Li Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Schormans J ( 2015 ) . Energy-Aware Adaptive Restricted Access Window for IEEE 802.11ah Based Networks . Conference: 2015 IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)1211 - 1215 .
Xu B, Liu D, Chen Y, Carrion JR ( 2015 ) . User Association in Energy Cooperation Enabled HetNets with Renewable Energy Powered Base Stations . Conference: 2015 10th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom)801 - 806 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T ( 2015 ) . Backhaul aware joint uplink and downlink user association for delay‐power trade‐offs in HetNets with hybrid energy sources . Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies vol. 28 , ( 3 )
Xu L, Cheng X, Chen Y, Chao K, Liu D, Xing H ( 2015 ) . Self-optimised Coordinated Traffic Shifting Scheme for LTE Cellular Systems . Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering . vol. 149 , 67 - 75 .
Li Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Loo J ( 2015 ) . Smart Duty Cycle Control with Reinforcement Learning for Machine to Machine Communications . Conference: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW)1458 - 1463 .
Xu L, Chen Y, Chai KK, Schormans J, Cuthbert L ( 2015 ) . Self-organising cluster-based cooperative load balancing in OFDMA cellular networks . Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing vol. 15 , ( 7 ) 1171 - 1187 .
Zhao D, Huang C, Chen Y, Alsaadi F, Cui S ( 2015 ) . Resource Allocation for Multiple Access Channel With Conferencing Links and Shared Renewable Energy Sources . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 33 , ( 3 ) 423 - 437 .
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Hansard M, Zhang T ( 2015 ) . Comparison of CoMP and MISO for Energy Efficiency in HetNets . Conference: 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW)352 - 357 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T, Han K ( 2015 ) . Joint User Association and Green Energy Allocation in HetNets with Hybrid Energy Sources . Conference: 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)1542 - 1547 .
Hu Z, Feng C, Zhang T, Niu Q, Chen Y ( 2015 ) . Nonlinear joint transmit-receive processing for coordinated multi-cell systems: centralized and decentralized . EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing vol. 2015 , ( 1 )
Song L, Chai KK, Chen Y, Schormans J . Energy efficient cooperative MISO scheme for cluster-based M2M capillary networks . 2014 International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC) . Conference: 2014 International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC)310 - 315 .
Wang Y, Li Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Schormans J ( 2015 ) . Fnergy-aware Adaptive Restricted Access Window for IEEE 802.11ah Based Networks . 2015 IEEE 26TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PERSONAL, INDOOR, AND MOBILE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS (PIMRC) . 1211 - 1215 .
Zhao J, Chai KK, Chen Y, Schormans J, Alonso-Zarate J ( 2015 ) . Joint mode selection and radio resource allocation for D2D communications based on dynamic coalition formation game . Proceedings of 21st European Wireless Conference, European Wireless 2015 .
Wu S, Chen Y, Chai KK, Vazquez-Gallego F, Alonso-Zarate J ( 2014 ) . Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Frame Slotted-ALOHA in Wireless Machine-to-Machine Networks with Energy Harvesting . Conference: 2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps)1081 - 1086 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T ( 2014 ) . Distributed Delay-Energy Aware User Association in 3-Tier HetNets with Hybrid Energy Sources . Conference: 2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps)1109 - 1114 .
Han K, Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2014 ) . Energy-Efficient User Association in HetNets: An Evolutionary Game Approach . Conference: 2014 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing648 - 653 .
Li Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Loo J ( 2014 ) . QoS-Aware Joint Access Control and Duty Cycle Control for Machine-to-Machine Communications . Conference: 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
Li Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Loo J ( 2014 ) . Duty cycle control with joint optimisation of delay and energy efficiency for capillary machine‐to‐machine networks in 5G communication system . Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies vol. 26 , ( 1 ) 56 - 69 .
Zhang T, Chen Y, Liu D ( 2014 ) . Interference Coordination Oriented User Association Scheme in Cellular Relay Networks . Wireless Personal Communications
Li Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Loot J ( 2014 ) . Low Complexity Duty Cycle Control with Joint Delay and Energy Efficiency for Beacon-Enabled IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks . Conference: 2014 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS)261 - 265 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T ( 2014 ) . Joint Uplink and Downlink User Association for Energy-Efficient HetNets Using Nash Bargaining Solution . Conference: 2014 IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring)1 - 5 .
Wu S, Chen Y, Chai KK, Vazquez-Gallego F, Alonso-Zarate J ( 2014 ) . Analysis and performance evaluation of Dynamic Frame Slotted-ALOHA in wireless Machine-to-Machine networks with energy harvesting . 2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2014 . 1081 - 1086 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T ( 2014 ) . Distributed delay-energy aware user association in 3-tier HetNets with hybrid energy sources . 2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2014 . 1109 - 1114 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T, Pan C ( 2014 ) . Adaptive user association in HetNets with renewable energy powered base stations . 2014 21st International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 201493 - 97 .
Zhang T, An L, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2014 ) . Aggregate interference statistical modeling and user outage analysis of heterogeneous cellular networks . 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 20141260 - 1265 .
Zhang T, Chen Y, Liu D ( 2014 ) . Interference Coordination Oriented User Association Scheme in Cellular Relay Networks . Wireless Personal Communications vol. 80 , ( 2 ) 451 - 469 .
Cao J, Zhang T, Zeng Z, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2014 ) . Multi-relay selection schemes based on evolutionary algorithm in cooperative relay networks . International Journal of Communication Systems vol. 27 , ( 4 ) 571 - 591 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T ( 2014 ) . Nash bargaining solution based user association optimization in HetNets . 2014 IEEE 11th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2014587 - 592 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T, Elkashlan M ( 2014 ) . Opportunistic user association for multi-service hetnets using nash bargaining solution . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 18 , ( 3 ) 463 - 466 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T ( 2014 ) . Optimal user Association for Delay-Power Tradeoffs in HetNets with Hybrid Energy Sources . Conference: 2014 IEEE 25th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication (PIMRC)1857 - 1861 .
Li Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Loo J ( 2014 ) . Optimised Delay-Energy Aware Duty Cycle Control for IEEE 802.15.4 with Cumulative Acknowledgement . Conference: 2014 IEEE 25th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication (PIMRC)1051 - 1056 .
Li Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Loo J ( 2014 ) . Rollout algorithm based duty cycle control with joint optimisation of delay and energy efficiency for beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 networks . 20th European Wireless Conference, EW 2014 . 536 - 541 .
He A, Liu D, Chen Y, Zhang T ( 2014 ) . Stochastic Geometry Analysis of Energy Efficiency in HetNets with Combined CoMP and BS Sleeping . Conference: 2014 IEEE 25th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication (PIMRC)1798 - 1802 .
Zhao D, Huang C, Chen Y, Cui S ( 2013 ) . Competitive analysis of online throughput maximization schemes for multiple access channels with a shared renewable energy source . 2013 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, GlobalSIP 2013 - Proceedings375 - 378 .
Xu L, Chen Y, Chai KK, Luan Y, Liu D ( 2013 ) . Cooperative mobility load balancing in relay cellular networks . 2013 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2013141 - 146 .
Chai KK, Jimaa S, Li Y, Chen Y, Wang S ( 2013 ) . Multichannel MAC for energy efficient home area networks . International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications28 - 32 .
Zhao D, Huang C, Chen Y, Cui S ( 2013 ) . Optimal resource allocation for multiple access channels with a shared renewable energy source . IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC522 - 526 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T ( 2013 ) . Performance evaluation of Nash bargaining solution based user association in HetNet . International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications571 - 577 .
Chen Y, Zhang X, Zhang J ( 2013 ) . Quick Detection of Defects in Armor Plate Images by Complexity . Journal of Multimedia vol. 8 , ( 6 )
Zhao D, Huang C, Chen Y, Cui S ( 2013 ) . Optimal resource allocation for multiple access channel with conferencing links and a shared renewable energy source . ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings4794 - 4798 .
Le A, Loo J, Lasebae A, Vinel A, Chen Y, Chai M ( 2013 ) . The impact of rank attack on network topology of routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks . IEEE Sensors Journal vol. 13 , ( 10 ) 3685 - 3692 .
Zhang T, Cao J, Chen Y, Cuthbert L, Elkashlan M ( 2013 ) . A small world network model for energy efficient wireless networks . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 17 , ( 10 ) 1928 - 1931 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Zhang T, Chai KK, Loo J, Vinel A ( 2013 ) . Stackelberg game based cooperative user relay assisted load balancing in cellular networks . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 17 , ( 2 ) 424 - 427 .
Cao J, Zhang T, Zeng Z, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2013 ) . Multi-relay selection schemes based on evolutionary algorithm in cooperative relay networks . International Journal of Communication Systems
Li Y, Chai KK, Chen Y ( 2013 ) . Optimal transmission policy with joint minimization on energy consumption and delay for wireless sensor networks . International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT593 - 597 .
Xu L, Chen Y, Chai KK, Schormans J, Cuthbert L ( 2013 ) . Self-organising cluster-based cooperative load balancing in OFDMA cellular networks . Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Xu L, Chen Y, Chai KK, Liu D, Yang S, Schormans JA ( 2013 ) . User Relay assisted Traffic Shifting in LTE-Advanced Systems . Editors: Fettweis, G , Conference: 77th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2013-Spring) ( Dresden, Germany ) from: 02/06/2013 to: 05/06/2013 ,
Zhiqiang H, Jianxing S, Ran D, Chen Y ( 2012 ) . Analysis for singal processing development with general purpose processor . 2012 7th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China, CHINACOM 2012 - Proceedings792 - 796 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Keong KC, Cuthbert L, Zhang T ( 2012 ) . Cognitive cooperative traffic offloading scheme over heterogeneous networks . 2012 7th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China, CHINACOM 2012 - Proceedings737 - 741 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2012 ) . Cooperative user relaying assisted load balancing scheme for OFDMA based cellular networks . Proceedings - 2012 3rd IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content, IC-NIDC 2012128 - 133 .
Wang N, Gao Y, Chen Y, Bodanese E, Cuthbert L ( 2012 ) . Performance evaluation of power control algorithm for TV White Space resource in UK . 2012 7th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China, CHINACOM 2012 - Proceedings . 733 - 736 .
Xu L, Chen Y, Gao Y, Cuthbert L ( 2012 ) . A self-optimizing load balancing scheme for fixed relay cellular networks . IET Conference Publications . vol. 2011 , 306 - 311 .
Kausar R, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2012 ) . Qos aware packet scheduling with adaptive resource allocation for OFDMa based LTE-advanced networks . IET Conference Publications vol. 2011 , ( 586 CP ) 207 - 212 .
Peng F, Gao Y, Chen Y, Chai KK, Cuthbert L ( 2012 ) . Using tv white space for interference mitigation in LTE femtocell networks . IET Conference Publications . vol. 2011 , 5 - 9 .
Zhao S, Zeng Z, Zhang T, Chen Y ( 2012 ) . On the optimum power allocation in the one-side interference channel with relay . IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC2571 - 2576 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Zhang T ( 2012 ) . Research on cooperative user relaying assisted load balance scheme in OFDMA networks . Procedia Engineering vol. 29 , 3799 - 3807 .
Yisheng Lai, Kok Keong Chai, Yue Chen ( 2012 ) . A Utility-based Intelligent Network Selection for 3G and WLAN Heterogeneous Networks . Conference: IET International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications (ICWCA 2012)032 - 032 .
Wang N, Gao Y, Chen Y, Bodanese E, Cuthbert L ( 2012 ) . A power control algorithm for TV white space cognitive radio system . IET Conference Publications . vol. 2011 , 546 - 550 .
Kausar R, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2012 ) . An Intelligent Scheduling Architecture for Mixed Traffic in LTE-Advanced . 2012 IEEE 23RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PERSONAL INDOOR AND MOBILE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS (PIMRC) . 565 - 570 .
Lexi Xu, Yue Chen, Kok Keong Chai, Tiankui Zhang, Schormans J, Cuthbert L ( 2012 ) . Cooperative load balancing for OFDMA cellular networks . European Wireless, 2012. EW. 18th European Wireless Conference . Conference: European Wireless, 2012. EW. 18th European Wireless Conference1 - 7 .
Kausar R, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2011 ) . Adaptive Time Domain Scheduling Algorithm for OFDMA based LTE-Advanced networks . International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications476 - 482 .
Jimaa S, Chai KK, Chen Y, Alfadhl Y ( 2011 ) . LTE-A an overview and future research areas . International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications395 - 399 .
Kausar R, Chen Y, Chai KK ( 2011 ) . Service specific queue sorting and scheduling algorithm for OFDMA-based LTE-advanced networks . Proceedings - 2011 International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications, BWCCA 2011116 - 121 .
Xu GY, Chen Y, Zhang XG, Liu YK ( 2011 ) . Study of welding defect recognition algorithm based on selective ensemble learning . Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of China University of Mining and Technology vol. 40 , ( 6 ) 949 - 953 .
CHAI KKM, Liu Q, Tu J, Yan Y, Chen Y ( 2011 ) . Bandwidth-efficient Contention-free Mechanism for Wireless Networks . Conference: 2011 IET International Communication Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Computing (CCWMC 2011) ( Shanghai, China ) from: 14/11/2011 to: 16/11/2011 , 143 - 147 .
Alfadhl Y, Chai KK, Yue C, Cuthbert L, Xu C, Tiankui Z ( 2011 ) . Indoor Location Sensing Systems Based on Radio Channel Fingerprinting . CHINA COMMUNICATIONS vol. 8 , ( 8 ) 1 - 12 .
Xu L, Chen Y, Schormans J, Cuthbert L, Zhang T ( 2011 ) . User-Vote Assisted Self-Organizing Load Balancing for OFDMA Cellular Systems . 2011 IEEE 22ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PERSONAL INDOOR AND MOBILE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS (PIMRC) . 217 - 221 .
Kausar R, Chen Y, Chai KK, Cuthbert L, Schormans J ( 2010 ) . QoS aware mixed traffic packet scheduling in OFDMA-based LTE-advanced networks . UBICOMM 2010 - 4th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies . 53 - 58 .
Xu L, Chen Y, Gao Y ( 2010 ) . Self-organizing load balancing for relay based cellular networks . Proceedings - 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, CIT-2010, 7th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, ICESS-2010, ScalCom-2010 . 791 - 796 .
Zhang T, Zhao S, Cuthbert L, Chen Y ( 2010 ) . Energy-efficient cooperative relay selection scheme in MIMO relay cellular networks . Communication Systems (ICCS), 2010 IEEE International Conference on . 269 -273 - 269 -273 .
Tiankui Zhang, Congqing Zhang, Cuthbert L, Yue Chen ( 2010 ) . Energy Efficient Antenna Deployment Design Scheme in Distributed Antenna Systems . Vehicular Technology Conference Fall (VTC 2010-Fall), 2010 IEEE 72nd . Conference: Vehicular Technology Conference Fall (VTC 2010-Fall), 2010 IEEE 72nd1 - 5 .
Yue C, Xiaoguang Z, Dianxu R, Zheng S ( 2009 ) . A Segmentation Algorithm on Color Images using Extenics Theory . Conference: 2009 First International Conference on Information Science and Engineering1104 - 1107 .
Xu L, Chen Y ( 2009 ) . Priority-based resource allocation to guarantee handover and mitigate interference for OFDMA system . IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC783 - 787 .
Chen Y, Cuthbert L ( 2003 ) . Downlink radio resource optimization in wide-band CDMA systems . WIREL COMMUN MOB COM vol. 3 , ( 6 ) 735 - 742 .
CUTHBERT LG, Chen Y ( 2003 ) . Joint Performance of Cell Selection/Reselection and Soft Handover in the Downlink Direction of 3G WCDMA Systems . Conference: Fourth International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, 3G2003, London. UK
Chen Y, Cuthbert LG ( 2003 ) . Joint performance of cells election/reselection and soft handover in the downlink direction of 3G WCDMA systems . 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, 2003. 3G 2003. 4th International Conference on (Conf. Publ. No. 494) . 227 - 231 - 227 - 231 .
Chen Y, Cuthbert L ( 2003 ) . Optimized downlink transmit power control during soft handover in WCDMA systems . WCNC 2003: IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE RECORD, VOLS 1-3 . 547 - 551 .
Chen Y, Cuthbert LG ( 2002 ) . Dowlink soft handover gain in UMTS networks under different power control conditions . IEE Conference Publication ( 489 ) 47 - 51 .
Chen Y, Cuthbert L ( 2002 ) . Optimum size of soft handover zone in power-controlled UMTS downlink systems . ELECTRON LETT vol. 38 , ( 2 ) 89 - 90 .
Chen Y, Cuthbert LG ( 2002 ) . Downlink performance of different soft handover algorithms in 3G multi-service environments . 2002 4TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MOBILE AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORK . 406 - 410 .
Chen Y, Cuthbert L ( 2002 ) . Soft handover effects on downlink capacity-coverage trade-off in 3G WCDMA networks . APOC 2002: ASIA-PACIFIC OPTICAL AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS; WIRELESS AND MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS II . Editors: Wu, HQ, I, CL, Vaario, J , vol. 4911 , 187 - 193 .

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