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Publications: Prof Liam Campling

Campling L, Havice E, Virdin J, Carmine G, Andriamahefazafy M, Barbesgaard M, Chakravarty S, Gorez B et al. ( 2024 ) . A geopolitical-economy of distant water fisheries access arrangements . npj Ocean Sustainability vol. 3 , ( 1 )
Andriamahefazafy M, Haas B, Campling L, Le Manach F, Goodman C, Adams TJH, Hanich Q ( 2024 ) . Advancing tuna catch allocation negotiations: an analysis of sovereign rights and fisheries access arrangements . ocean sustainability vol. 3 , ( 16 ) 1 - 8 .
Baglioni E, Campling L, Coe MN, Smith A ( 2024 ) . Conclusion: Mapping a Research Agenda for Labour Regime Analysis . Labour Regimes and Global Production , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Baglioni E, Campling L, Mezzadri A, Miyamura S, Pattenden J, Selwyn B ( 2024 ) . Exploitation and Labour Regimes: Production, Circulation, Social Reproduction, Ecology . Labour Regimes and Global Production , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Baglioni E, Campling L, Coe MN, Smith A ( 2024 ) . Introduction: Labour Regimes and Global Production . Labour Regimes and Global Production , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Campling L, Smith A, Barbu M ( 2024 ) . Labour Regimes and Trade-Based Integration . Labour Regimes and Global Production , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Campling L, Havice E, Gorez B, Standing A, Kim S, Hetherington D ( 2024 ) . Institutional and economic perspectives on distant-water fisheries access arrangements . FAO ( Rome ),
Selwyn B, Campling L, Mezzadri A, Baglioni E, Miyamura S, Pattenden J ( 2023 ) . Exploitation and global value chains . Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work , Edward Elgar Publishing
Campling L, Colás A ( 2023 ) . Maritime Labour Regimes in the Neoliberal Era . Development vol. 66 , ( 1-2 ) 65 - 75 .
Jipa-Musat I, Prevezer M, Campling L ( 2023 ) . Elite agency in the growth of offshore business services in Romania . Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Colás A, Campling L ( 2023 ) . Maritime temporalities and capitalist development . Geography Compass
Havice E, Campling L ( 2021 ) . Industrial fisheries and oceanic accumulation . Handbook of Critical Agrarian Studies , Edward Elgar Publishing
Campling L, Quentin C ( 2021 ) . Global inequality chains: how global value chains and wealth chains (re)produce inequalities of wealth . Rethinking Value Chains , Bristol University Press
Pattenden J, Campling L, Castañón Ballivián E, Gras C, Lerche J, O'Laughlin B, Oya C, Pérez-Niño H et al. ( 2021 ) . Introduction: Covid-19 and the conditions and struggles of agrarian classes of labour . Journal of Agrarian Change vol. 21 , ( 3 ) 582 - 590 .
Campling L, Havice E, Campbell LM, Smith MD ( 2021 ) . Making sense of firms for ocean governance . One Earth vol. 4 , ( 5 ) 602 - 604 .
Campling L ( 2021 ) . The corporation and resource geography . The Routledge Handbook of Critical Resource Geography , Taylor & Francis
Bair J, Mahutga M, Werner M, Campling L ( 2021 ) . Capitalist crisis in the “age of global value chains” . Environment and Planning A
Campling L, Baglioni E, Hanlon G ( 2021 ) . Beyond Rentiership: Standardisation, Intangibles and Value Capture in Global Production . Environment and Planning A
Campling L, Colas A ( 2021 ) . Capitalism and the Sea The Maritime Factor in the Making of the Modern World . Verso
Smith A, Harrison J, Campling L, Richardson B, Barbu M ( 2020 ) . Free Trade Agreements and Global Labour Governance, The European Union’s Trade-Labour Linkage in a Value Chain World . Taylor & Francis
Smith A, Harrison J, Campling L, Richardson B, Barbu M ( 2020 ) . Free Trade Agreements and Global Labour Governance The European Union's Trade-Labour Linkage in a Value Chain World . Routledge
Campling L, Baglioni E ( 2020 ) . Natural Resources, Political Economy of . International Encyclopedia of Human Geography , Elsevier
Campling L, Harrison J, Richardson B, Smith A, Barbu M ( 2019 ) . South Korea’s Automotive Labour Regime, Hyundai Motors’ Global Production Network and Trade-based Integration with the European Union . British Journal of Industrial Relations: an international journal of employment relations vol. 59 , ( 1 ) 139 - 166 .
Campling L, Havice E ( 2019 ) . Bringing the environment into GVC analysis: antecedents and advances . Handbook on Global Value Chains , Edward Elgar Publishing
Baglioni E, Campling L, Hanlon G ( 2019 ) . Global value chains as entrepreneurial capture: insights from management theory . Review of International Political Economy
Campling L ( 2019 ) . Competitive accumulation, the geographical transfer of value, and global environmental change . Review of Social Economy1 - 7 .
Pattenden J, Campling L, Selwyn B, Miyamura S ( 2019 ) . Class Dynamics of Development . Routledge
Andriamahefazafy M, Kull CA, Campling L ( 2019 ) . Connected by sea, disconnected by tuna? Challenges to regionalism in the Southwest Indian Ocean . Journal of the Indian Ocean Region vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 58 - 77 .
Curran L, Nadvi K, Campling L ( 2018 ) . The influence of tariff regimes on global production networks (GPNs) . Journal of Economic Geography vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 873 - 895 .
Campling L, Miyamura S, Pattenden J, Selwyn B ( 2018 ) . Class dynamics of development: a methodological note . Class Dynamics of Development , Taylor & Francis
Barbu M, Campling L, Smith A, Harrison J, Richardson B ( 2018 ) . The Trade-Labour Nexus: Global Value Chains and Labour Provisions in European Union Free Trade Agreements . Global Labour Journal vol. 9 , ( 3 )
Campling L, Selwyn B ( 2018 ) . Value chains and the world economy: genealogies and reformulations . Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation , Edward Elgar Publishing
CAMPLING L, Harrison J, SMITH A, BARBU ME, Richardson ( 2018 ) . Labour Standards Provisions in EU Free Trade Agreements: Reflections on the European Commission's Reform Agenda . World Trade Review
Smith A, Barbu M, Campling L, Harrison J, Richardson B ( 2018 ) . Labor Regimes, Global Production Networks, and European Union Trade Policy: Labor Standards and Export Production in the Moldovan Clothing Industry . Economic Geography vol. 94 , ( 5 ) 550 - 574 .
Campling L, Havice E ( 2018 ) . The global environmental politics and political economy of seafood systems . Global Environmental Politics vol. 18 , ( 2 ) 72 - 92 .
Harrison J, Barbu M, Campling L, Richardson B, Smith A ( 2018 ) . Governing Labour Standards through Free Trade Agreements: Limits of the European Union's Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters . JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies vol. 57 , ( 2 ) 260 - 277 .
CAMPLING L, SMITH AM, Harrison J, Richardson B, BARBU M ( 2018 ) . Governing Labour Standards through Free Trade Agreements: Limits of the European Union’s Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters . Journal of Common Market Studies
Campling L, Colás A ( 2017 ) . Capitalism and the sea: Sovereignty, territory and appropriation in the global ocean . Environment and Planning D: Society and Space vol. 36 , ( 4 ) 776 - 794 .
QUENTIN D, CAMPLING L ( 2017 ) . Global inequality chains: integrating mechanisms of value distribution into analyses of global production . Global Networks vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 33 - 56 .
Baglioni E, Campling L ( 2017 ) . Natural resource industries as global value chains: Frontiers, fetishism, labour and the state . Environment and Planning A Economy and Space vol. 49 , ( 11 ) 2437 - 2456 .
Maury O, Campling L, Arrizabalaga H, Aumont O, Bopp L, Merino G, Squires D, Cheung W et al. ( 2017 ) . From shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs) to oceanic system pathways (OSPs): Building policy-relevant scenarios for global oceanic ecosystems and fisheries . Global Environmental Change vol. 45 , 203 - 216 .
Campling L, Havice E ( 2017 ) . Small Vulnerable Economies and Fisheries Subsidies Disciplines .
Baglioni E, Campling L, Havice E ( 2017 ) . The Nature of the Firm in Global Value Chains . The Corporation , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
CAMPLING L, Havice E ( 2017 ) . Where Chain and Environmental Governance Meet: Interfirm Strategies in the Canned Tuna Global Value Chain . Economic Geography
Campling L, Havice E ( 2017 ) . The problem of property in industrial fisheries . New Directions in Agrarian Political Economy: Global agrarian transformations, volume I ,
CAMPLING L, HARRISON J, RICHARDSON B, SMITH A ( 2016 ) . Un nouveau programme de recherche pour évaluer l'effet des dispositions relatives au travail contenues dans les accords de libre‐échange européens . International Labour Review vol. 155 , ( 3 ) 393 - 420 .
CAMPLING L, HARRISON J, RICHARDSON B, SMITH A ( 2016 ) . Disposiciones laborales en acuerdos de libre comercio de la UE: un marco para investigar sus efectos en los países socios . International Labour Review vol. 135 , ( 3 ) 385 - 412 .
Oya C, Johnston D, Kay C, Lerche J, Campling L ( 2016 ) . The Bernstein & Byres Prize in Agrarian Change for 2015 . Journal of Agrarian Change vol. 16 , ( 4 ) 517 - 517 .
Campling L ( 2016 ) . The Global Value Chain in Canned Tuna, the International Trade Regime and Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 .
Campling L, Miyamura S, Pattenden J, Selwyn B ( 2016 ) . Class dynamics of development: a methodological note . Third World Quarterly: journal of emerging areas vol. 37 , ( 10 ) 1745 - 1767 .
Capps G, Campling L ( 2016 ) . An Interview with Henry Bernstein . Journal of Agrarian Change vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 370 - 389 .
Campling L, Lerche J ( 2016 ) . Introduction to the Special Issue The Political Economy of Agrarian Change: Essays in Appreciation of Henry Bernstein . Journal of Agrarian Change vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 365 - 369 .
Béné C, Arthur R, Norbury H, Allison EH, Beveridge M, Bush S, Campling L, Leschen W et al. ( 2016 ) . Contribution of Fisheries and Aquaculture to Food Security and Poverty Reduction: Assessing the Current Evidence . World Development vol. 79 , 177 - 196 .
Baars G, Bair J, Campling L, Danielsen D, Davis D, Eller KH, Farkaz D, Ferrando T et al. ( 2016 ) . The role of law in global value chains: a research manifesto . London Review of International Law vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 1 - 1 .
Campling L ( 2016 ) . Trade politics and the global production of canned tuna . Marine Policy vol. 69 , Article C , 220 - 228 .
CAMPLING L, Harrison J, Richardson B, Smith A ( 2015 ) . Working Beyond the Border? A New Research Agenda for the Evaluation of Labour Standards in EU Trade Agreements . International Labour Review
CAMPLING L ( 2015 ) . Historicising Trade Preferences and Development: The Case of the ACP-EU Canned Tuna Preference . Beyond Free Trade Alternative Approaches to Trade, Politics and Power , Palgrave Macmillan
Johns J, Buckley P, Campling L, Cook G, Hess M, Sinkovics RR ( 2015 ) . Geography and History Matter: International Business and Economic Geography Perspectives on the Spatial and Historical Development of Multinational Enterprises . The Rise of Multinationals from Emerging Economies , Springer Nature
CAMPLING L ( 2015 ) . Tariff Escalation and Preferences in International Fish Production and Trade .
Campling L, Havice E ( 2014 ) . The problem of property in industrial fisheries . Journal of Peasant Studies vol. 41 , ( 5 ) 707 - 727 .
CAMPLING L, Harrison J, Richardson B, Smith A ( 2014 ) . Working beyond the border? a new research agenda for the evaluation of labour standards in EU trade agreements . no. 2014/03 , pp. 1 - 17 .
Campling L ( 2014 ) . Debating modes of production and forms of exploitation: Introduction to the symposium on Jairus Banaji's theory as history . Historical Materialism vol. 21 , ( 4 ) 3 - 10 .
Abbott J, Anderson JL, Campling L, Hannesson R, Havice E, Lozier MS, Smith MD, Wilberg MJ ( 2014 ) . Steering the Global Partnership for Oceans . MARINE RESOURCE ECONOMICS vol. 29 , ( 1 ) 1 - 16 .
Campling L, Havice E ( 2014 ) . The problem of property in industrial fisheries . Journal of Peasant Studies
Havice E, Campling L ( 2013 ) . Articulating upgrading: Island developing states and canned tuna production . Environment and Planning A vol. 45 , ( 11 ) 2610 - 2627 .
Maury O, Miller K, Campling L, Arrizabalaga H, Aumont O, Bodin O, Guillotreau P, Hobday AJ et al. ( 2013 ) . A global science-policy partnership for progress toward sustainability of oceanic ecosystems and fisheries . Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability vol. 5 , ( 3-4 ) 314 - 319 .
Maury O, Miller K, Campling L, Arrizabalaga H, Aumont O, Bodin O, Guillotreau P, Hobday AJ et al. ( 2013 ) . A global science-policy partnership for progress toward sustainability of oceanic ecosystems and fisheries . Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Havice E, Campling L ( 2013 ) . Articulating upgrading: Island developing states and canned tuna production . Environment and Planning A: international journal of urban and regional research vol. 45 , ( 11 ) 2610 - 2627 .
Campling L, Havice E ( 2013 ) . Mainstreaming environment and development at the World Trade Organization? Fisheries subsidies, the politics of rule-making, and the elusive 'triple win' . ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A-ECONOMY AND SPACE vol. 45 , ( 4 ) 835 - 852 .
CAMPLING L, Guillotreau, P, Robinson, J ( 2012 ) . Vulnerability of small island fishery economies to climate and institutional changes . Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability ( 3 ) 287 - 291 .
Campling L, Havice E, Howard PM ( 2012 ) . The Political Economy and Ecology of Capture Fisheries: Market Dynamics, Resource Access and Relations of Exploitation and Resistance . JOURNAL OF AGRARIAN CHANGE vol. 12 , ( 2-3 ) 177 - 203 .
CAMPLING L ( 2012 ) . The tuna 'commodity frontier': Business strategies and environment in the industrial tuna fisheries of the Western Indian Ocean . Journal of Agrarian Change vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 252 - 278 .
Campling L, Confiance H, Purvis M-T ( 2011 ) . Conclusion and Policy Implications . Social Policies in Seychelles , Commonwealth Secretariat
Campling L, Confiance H, Purvis M-T ( 2011 ) . Introduction . Social Policies in Seychelles , Commonwealth Secretariat
Campling L, Confiance H, Purvis M-T ( 2011 ) . Notes and Bibliography . Social Policies in Seychelles , Commonwealth Secretariat
Campling L, Confiance H, Purvis M-T ( 2011 ) . Political Economy and Development Policy . Social Policies in Seychelles , Commonwealth Secretariat
Campling L, Confiance H, Purvis M-T ( 2011 ) . Postscript – A New Seychelles? . Social Policies in Seychelles , Commonwealth Secretariat
Campling L, Confiance H, Purvis M-T ( 2011 ) . Social Policy . Social Policies in Seychelles , Commonwealth Secretariat
Campling L, Confiance H, Purvis M-T ( 2011 ) . The Social Situation . Social Policies in Seychelles , Commonwealth Secretariat
Campling L, Confiance H, Purvis M ( 2011 ) . Social Policies in Seychelles . Commonwealth Secretariat and United National Research Institute for Social Development ( London ),
Havice E, Campling L ( 2010 ) . Shifting Tides in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean Tuna Fishery: The Political Economy of Regulation and Industry Responses . Global Environmental Politics vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 89 - 114 .
Campling L ( 2010 ) . Editorial Introduction to the Symposium on Giovanni Arrighi's Adam Smith in Beijing . Historical Materialism: research in critical Marxist theory vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 31 - 38 .
CAMPLING L ( 2008 ) . Direct and Indirect Preference Erosion and the Competitiveness of the ACP Tuna Processing Sector . Bilateralism and Development: Emerging Trade Patterns , Editors: Qalo, V , Cameron May ( London ),
Campling L, Havice E ( 2007 ) . Industrial Development in an Island Economy: US Trade Policy and Canned Tuna Production in American Samoa . Island Studies Journal vol. 2 , ( 2 ) 209 - 228 .
Ponte S, Raakjaer J, Campling L ( 2007 ) . Swimming upstream: Market access for African fish exports in the context of WTO and EU negotiations and regulation . DEV POLICY REV vol. 25 , ( 1 ) 113 - 138 .
Campling L ( 2006 ) . A critical political economy of the small island developing states concept: South-South cooperation for tsland citizens? . Journal of Developing Societies vol. 22 , ( 3 ) 235 - 285 .
Bernstein H, Campling L ( 2006 ) . Commodity studies and commodity fetishism II: 'Profits with principles'? . J AGRAR CHANGE vol. 6 , ( 3 ) 414 - 447 .
Bernstein H, Campling L ( 2006 ) . Commodity studies and commodity fetishism I: Trading down . J AGRAR CHANGE vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 239 - 264 .
Campling L, Rosalie M ( 2006 ) . Sustaining social development in a small island developing state? The case of Seychelles . SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 115 - 125 .
Campling L ( 2004 ) . Editorial introduction to the symposium on marxism and African realities . Historical Materialism vol. 12 , ( 4 ) 51 - 66 .