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Publications: Dr Clive Gabay

Gabay C ( 2024 ) . Hybrid Hate. Conflations of antisemitism and anti-Black racism from the renaissance to the Third Reich . Journal of Modern Jewish Studies vol. 23 , ( 3-4 ) 815 - 816 .
Gabay C ( 2021 ) . What do you call it when Jeremy Corbyn walks into a Seder? Jewishness, Gustav Landauer (1870-1919) and ethical subject-formation . Thesis Eleven: critical theory and historical sociology
Gabay C ( 2020 ) . Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better: IR theory, utopia, and a failure to (re)imagine failure . International Theory vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 285 - 310 .
Gabay C ( 2019 ) . Exploring a European tradition of allyship with sovereign struggles against colonial violence: a critique of Giorgio Agamben and Jacques Derrida through the heretical Jewish Anarchism of Gustav Landauer (1870-1919) . Contemporary Political Theory
Gabay C ( 2018 ) . Imagining Africa Whiteness and the Western Gaze . Cambridge University Press
GABAY C ( 2018 ) . Decolonising interwar anti-colonial solidarities: The case of Harry Thuku . Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies
GABAY C ( 2017 ) . The Radical and Reactionary Politics of Hastings Banda: roots, fruit and legacy . Journal of Southern African Studies
GABAY C ( 2017 ) . The Affective Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals: Partnership, Capacity-Building, and Big Data . Globalizations
Gabay C, Ilcan S ( 2017 ) . Leaving No-one Behind? The Politics of Destination in the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals INTRODUCTION . GLOBALIZATIONS vol. 14 , ( 3 ) 337 - 342 .
Gabay C ( 2016 ) . Sisyphus on the Mountain: A Conversation with Professor James C. Scott . Development and Change vol. 47 , ( 4 ) 861 - 875 .
GABAY C ( 2016 ) . Exploring an African Civil Society: Development and Democracy in Malawi, 1994-2014 . Lexington Books
Gabay C ( 2015 ) . Special Forum on the Millennium Development Goals: Introduction . Globalizations vol. 12 , ( 4 ) 576 - 580 .
GABAY C, Death C ( 2015 ) . Doing Biopolitics Differently? Radical Potential in the Post-2015 MDG and SDG Debates . Globalizations vol. 12 , ( 4 ) 597 - 612 .
GABAY C, Death C ( 2014 ) . Introduction: Critical Perspectives on Liberal Interventions and Governmentality in Africa . Critical Perspectives on African Politics: Liberal interventions, state-building and civil society , Editors: Gabay, C, Death, C , Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Gabay C ( 2014 ) . Two 'transitions': the political economy of Joyce Banda's rise to power and the related role of civil society organisations in Malawi . REVIEW OF AFRICAN POLITICAL ECONOMY vol. 41 , ( 141 ) 374 - 388 .
Gabay C ( 2013 ) . Political culture and nationalism in Malawi: building Kwacha . Review of African Political Economy vol. 40 , ( 135 ) 174 - 175 .
Pugh J, Gabay C, Williams AJ ( 2013 ) . Beyond the securitisation of development: The limits of intervention, developmentisation of security and repositioning of purpose in the UK Coalition Government’s policy agenda . Geoforum vol. 44 , 193 - 201 .
Gabay C ( 2012 ) . The Millennium Development Goals and Ambitious Developmental Engineering . Third World Quarterly vol. 33 , ( 7 ) 1249 - 1265 .
GABAY C ( 2012 ) . Civil Society and Global Poverty: Hegemony, Inclusivity and Legitimacy . Routledge
GABAY C ( 2012 ) . The Millennium Development Goals and Ambitious Developmental Engineering . Third World Quarterly: journal of emerging areas vol. 33 , ( 7 ) 1249 - 1265 .
GABAY C ( 2011 ) . Consenting to ‘Heaven’: The Millennium Development Goals, Neo-liberal Governance and Global Civil Society in Malawi . Globalizations vol. 8 , ( 4 ) 487 - 501 .
GABAY C ( 2011 ) . Poverty eradication and the elimination of dissent: The Millennium Development Goals and civil society in Malawi’ . Globalizations vol. 4 , ( 8 )
GABAY C ( 2010 ) . What did the Anarchists Ever Do for Us? Anarchy, Decentralisation, and Autonomy at the Seattle Anti-WTO Protests . New Perspectives on Anarchism , Editors: Jun, N , Lexington Books ( Lanham MD ),
GABAY C ( 2010 ) . ‘De-naming the beast: the multiple publicities of the Global Call to Action against Poverty’ . Rethinking the Public: Innovations in Research, Theory and Politics , Editors: Barnett, C, Mahony, N, Newman, J , Policy Press ( Bristol ),
GABAY C, Berry C ( 2009 ) . Transnational political action and 'global civil society' in practice: the case of Oxfam . Global Networks: a Journal of Transnational Affairs vol. 3 , ( 9 ) 339 - 358 .
GABAY C ( 2008 ) . ‘Anarcho-cosmopolitanism: The universalisation of the equal exchange’ . Global Society vol. 22 , Article 2 , 197 - 216 .