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Publications: Prof Geraint Wiggins

Wilson E, Fazekas G, Wiggins G ( 2024 ) . Tidal MerzA: Combining affective modelling and autonomous code generation through Reinforcement Learning . . Conference: AIMC 2024 ( Oxford, UK ) from: 09/09/2024 to: 11/09/2024 ,
Yuan Z, Wiggins G, Botteldooren D ( 2024 ) . A novel Reservoir Architecture for Periodic Time Series Prediction . Conference: 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) vol. 00 , 1 - 8 .
Homer ST, Harley N, Wiggins GA ( 2024 ) . Contrast Information Dynamics: A Novel Information Measure for Cognitive Modelling .
Homer ST, Harley N, Wiggins G ( 2024 ) . Modelling of Musical Perception using Spectral Knowledge Representation . Journal of Cognition vol. 7 , ( 1 )
Sturm BLT, Wiggins GA ( 2024 ) . The Mismeasure of Music “On Computerized Music Listening and Analysis via Machine Learning” . The Oxford Handbook of Music and Corpus Studies , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Ford C, Cardinale S, Bryan-Kinns N, Wiggins G ( 2023 ) . Three Open Questions for the Design of AI for Music Composition . Conference: CHIME ONE DAY WORKSHOP 2023 ( The Open University, Milton Keynes ) from: 04/12/2023 to: 04/12/2023 ,
Tang J, Wiggins G, Fazekas G ( 2023 ) . Reconstructing Human Expressiveness in Piano Performances with a Transformer Network . Conference: CMMR 2023 from: 13/11/2023 to: 17/11/2023 ,
Tang J, Wiggins G, Fazekas G ( 2023 ) . Pianist Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks . Conference: 2023 4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Wilson E, Fazekas G, Wiggins G ( 2023 ) . On the Integration of Machine Agents into Live Coding . Organised Sound vol. 28 , ( 2 ) 305 - 314 .
Carnovalini F, Harley N, Homer ST, Rodà A, Wiggins GA ( 2023 ) . Musical Structure Analysis and Generation Through Abstraction Trees . Music in the AI Era , vol. 13770 , Springer Nature
Rafee SRM, Fazekas G, Wiggins G ( 2023 ) . HIPI: A Hierarchical Performer Identification Model Based on Symbolic Representation of Music . Conference: ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Mihelac L, Povh J, Wiggins GA ( 2023 ) . A Computational Approach to the Detection and Prediction of (Ir)Regularity in Children's Folk Songs . Empirical Musicology Review vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 205 - 230 .
Carnovalini F, Rodà A, Wiggins G ( 2023 ) . Interactive Generation of Musical Corpora for Piano Education: Opportunities and Open Challenges . Conference: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education407 - 412 .
Zhang H, Tang J, Rafee S, Dixon S, Fazekas G ( 2022 ) . ATEPP: A DATASET OF AUTOMATICALLY TRANSCRIBED EXPRESSIVE PIANO PERFORMANCE . . Conference: 23rd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2022) from: 04/12/2022 to: 08/12/2022 ,
Carnovalini F, Rodà A, Harley N, Homer ST, Wiggins GA ( 2021 ) . A New Corpus for Computational Music Research andA Novel Method for Musical Structure Analysis . Conference: Audio Mostly 2021264 - 267 .
Wiggins GA ( 2021 ) . Artificial Musical Intelligence: Computational Creativity in a Closed Cognitive World . Artificial Intelligence and the Arts , Springer Nature
Pouw W, Proksch S, Drijvers L, Gamba M, Holler J, Kello C, Schaefer RS, Wiggins GA ( 2021 ) . Multilevel rhythms in multimodal communication . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences vol. 376 , ( 1835 )
Wiggins GA ( 2021 ) . Structure, Abstraction and Reference in Artificial Musical Intelligence . Handbook of Artificial Intelligence for Music , Springer Nature
Daikoku T, Wiggins GA, Nagai Y ( 2021 ) . Statistical Properties of Musical Creativity: Roles of Hierarchy and Uncertainty in Statistical Learning . Frontiers in Neuroscience vol. 15 ,
Alvarado J, Wiggins GA ( 2021 ) . Assessing creativity of MEXICA: An application of Ritchie’s criteria . AISB Convention 2021: Communication and Conversations .
Wiggins GA ( 2021 ) . Computational Creativity and Consciousness: Framing, Fiction and Fraud Paper type: Study Paper . Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2021 . 182 - 191 .
Carnovalini F, Harley N, Homer ST, Rodà A, Wiggins GA ( 2021 ) . Meta-Evaluating Quantitative Internal Evaluation: a Practical Approach for Developers . Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2021 . 213 - 217 .
Rafee SRM, Fazekas G, Wiggins GA ( 2021 ) . Performer Identification From Symbolic Representation of Music Using Statistical Models . ICMC 2021 - Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2021 . 178 - 184 .
McGregor S, Purver M, Wiggins G ( 2020 ) . Metaphor generation through context sensitive distributional semantics . Producing Figurative Expression , vol. 10 , John Benjamins Publishing Company
Wiggins GA ( 2020 ) . Response to commentaries on “Creativity, information, consciousness: The information dynamics of thinking” . Physics of Life Reviews vol. 34 , 57 - 61 .
Thompson A, Fazekas G, Wiggins G ( 2020 ) . Poster: Programming Practices Among Interactive Audio Software Developers . Conference: 2020 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) vol. 00 , 1 - 2 .
Thalmann F, Yoshii K, Wilmering T, Wiggins GA, Sandler MB ( 2020 ) . A METHOD FOR ANALYSIS OF SHARED STRUCTURE IN LARGE MUSIC COLLECTIONS USING TECHNIQUES FROM GENETIC SEQUENCING AND GRAPH THEORY . Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2020 . 343 - 350 .
Thalmann F, Wiggins G, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Representing Modifiable and Reusable Musical Content on the Web with Constrained Multi-Hierarchical Structures . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
Stagg C, Wiggins GA ( 2019 ) . Clues to Human Creativity . Secrets of Creativity , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Wiggins GA ( 2019 ) . A Framework for Description, Analysis and Comparison of Creative Systems . Computational Creativity , Springer Nature
Cameron DJ, Zioga I, Lindsen JP, Pearce MT, Wiggins GA, Potter K, Bhattacharya J ( 2019 ) . Neural entrainment is associated with subjective groove and complexity for performed but not mechanical musical rhythms . Experimental Brain Research vol. 237 , ( 8 ) 1981 - 1991 .
Wiggins GA, Sanjekdar A ( 2019 ) . Learning and Consolidation as Re-representation: Revising the Meaning of Memory . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 10 ,
MCGREGOR SE, AGRES K, Rataj K, PURVER MRJ, WIGGINS GA ( 2019 ) . Re-Representing Metaphor: Modelling metaphor perception using dynamically contextual distributional semantics . Frontiers in Psychology
Xiao P, Toivonen H, Gross O, Cardoso A, Correia J, Machado P, Martins P, Oliveira HG et al. ( 2019 ) . Conceptual representations for computational concept creation . ACM Computing Surveys vol. 52 , ( 1 )
DROOG-HAYES M, WIGGINS GA, PURVER MRJ ( 2019 ) . Detecting Summary-worthy Sentences: the Effect of Discourse Features . Conference: 13th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing ( Newport Beach, CA ) from: 30/01/2019 to: 02/02/2019 ,
Droog-Hayes M, Wiggins GA, Purver M ( 2019 ) . Detecting Summary-Worthy Sentences: The Effect of Discourse Features . Conference: 2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) vol. 00 , 381 - 384 .
Rosseel Q, Wiggins GA ( 2019 ) . Engagement-reflection in software construction . Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2019 . 321 - 325 .
McGinity MM, Purver M, Wiggins G ( 2019 ) . The influence of cost on the emergence of a common language among cooperating agents . 2019 AISB Convention . 21 - 27 .
Wiggins GA ( 2019 ) . To play with feeling? the opportunity of aesthetics in computational musical creativity . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . Conference: AAAI Spring Symposium "Towards Conscious AI Systems" vol. 2287 ,
Pollak S, Wiggins GA, Žnidaršič M, Lavrač N ( 2018 ) . Computational creativity in Slovenia . Informatica (Slovenia) vol. 42 , ( 1 ) 69 - 76 .
WIGGINS GA ( 2018 ) . Creativity, Information, and Consciousness: the information dynamics of thinking . Physics of Life Reviews
GODDARD C, BARTHET M, WIGGINS G ( 2018 ) . Assessing Musical Similarity for Computational Music Creativity . Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
Zuidema W, Hupkes D, Wiggins GA, Scharff C, Rohrmeirer M ( 2018 ) . Formal Models of Structure Building in Music, Language, and Animal Song . The Origins of Musicality , MIT Press
Wiggins GA, Tyack P, Scharff C, Rohrmeier M ( 2018 ) . The Evolutionary Roots of Creativity: Mechanisms and Motivations . The Origins of Musicality , MIT Press
Cong F, Liu S, Guo L, Wiggins GA ( 2018 ) . A Parallel Fusion Approach to Piano Music Transcription Based on Convolutional Neural Network . Conference: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 391 - 395 .
Wolf OO, Wiggins G ( 2018 ) . Look! It's moving! Is it alive? How movement affects humans' affinity to living and non-living entities . IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
Freeman J, Wiggins G, Starks G, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . A Concise Taxonomy for Describing Data as an Art Material . Leonardo . vol. 51 , 75 - 79 .
Droog-Hayes M, Wiggins G, Purver M ( 2018 ) . Automatic detection of narrative structure for high-level story representation . Proceedings of AISB Annual Convention 2018 .
Wiggins G, Forth J ( 2018 ) . Computational creativity and live algorithms . The Oxford Handbook of Algorithmic Music ,
Podpean V, Lavra N, Wiggins G, Pollak S ( 2018 ) . Conceptualising computational creativity: Towards automated historiography of the research field . Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2018 . 288 - 295 .
Alvarado J, Wiggins GA ( 2018 ) . Exploring the engagement and reflection model with the creative systems framework . Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2018 . 200 - 207 .
Alvarado J, Wiggins GA ( 2018 ) . Understanding Mexica: An analysis of an engagement-reflection system . Proceedings of AISB Annual Convention 2018 .
Goddard C, BARTHET M, Wiggins G ( 2017 ) . Designing Computationally Creative Musical Performance Systems . . Conference: Audio Mostly 2017 ( Queen Mary University of London, London ) from: 23/08/2017 to: 26/08/2017 , vol. Proceedings of AM ’1 ,
van der Velde F, Forth J, Nazareth D, WIGGINS GA ( 2017 ) . Linking Neural and Symbolic Representation and Processing of Conceptual Structures . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 8 , 1297 - 1297 .
Cameron D, Potter K, Wiggins G, PEARCE MT ( 2017 ) . Perception of Rhythmic Similarity is Asymmetrical, and Is Influenced by Musical Training, Expressive Performance, and Musical Context . Timing and Time Perception
McGregor S, Jezek E, Purver M, Wiggins G ( 2017 ) . A geometric method for detecting semantic coercion . 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics, IWCS 2017 - Long Papers .
Agres K, Forth J, Wiggins GA ( 2016 ) . Evaluation of musical creativity and musical metacreation systems . Computers in Entertainment vol. 14 , ( 3 )
FORTH J, AGRES K, PURVER MRJ, WIGGINS GA ( 2016 ) . Entraining IDyOT: timing in the information dynamics of thinking . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 7 , 1575 - 1575 .
Smith D, TOKARCHUK LN, Wiggins G ( 2016 ) . Rapid Phenotypic Landscape Exploration through Hierarchical Spatial Partitioning . Conference: 14th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature ( Edinburgh, UK ) from: 17/09/2016 to: 21/09/2016 , vol. 9921 , 911 - 920 .
McGregor S, Purver M, Wiggins G ( 2016 ) . Words, concepts, and the geometry of analogy . Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS . Conference: Workshop on Semantic Spaces at the Intersection of NLP, Physics and Cognitive Science vol. 221 , 39 - 48 .
Smith D, Tokarchuk L, Wiggins G ( 2016 ) . Exploring Conflicting Objectives with MADNS . Conference: Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion23 - 24 .
Smith D, Tokarchuk L, Wiggins G ( 2016 ) . Harnessing Phenotypic Diversity towards Multiple Independent Objectives . Conference: Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion961 - 968 .
HEDGES TW, Wiggins GA ( 2016 ) . The prediction of merged attributes with multiple viewpoint systems . Journal of New Music Research
Wiggins GA ( 2016 ) . Computer representation of music in the research environment . Modern Methods for Musicology: Prospects, Proposals, and Realities ,
Wiggins GA ( 2016 ) . Defining inspiration? Modelling the non-conscious creative process . The Act of Musical Composition: Studies in the Creative Process ,
Pollak S, Boshkoska BM, Miljkovic D, Wiggins GA, Lavrač N ( 2016 ) . Computational creativity conceptualisation grounded on ICCC papers . Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2016 . 123 - 130 .
Thalmann F, Fazekas G, Wiggins GA, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Creating, Visualizing, and Analyzing Dynamic Music Objects in the Browser with the Dymo Designer . Proc. ACM Audio Mostly Conference, Oct. 4-6, Norrköping, Sweden . 39 - 46 .
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Thalmann F, Sandler M, Wiggins GA ( 2016 ) . Crossroads: Interactive Music Systems Transforming Performance, Production and Listening . Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), May 7–12, San Jose, CA, USA. .
Hedges T, Wiggins G ( 2016 ) . Improving predictions of derived viewpoints in multiple viewpoint systems . Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2016 . 420 - 426 .
Gingras B, Pearce MT, Goodchild M, Dean RT, Wiggins G, McAdams S ( 2016 ) . Linking Melodic Expectation to Expressive Performance Timing and Perceived Musical Tension . Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception & Performance vol. 42 , ( 4 ) 594 - 609 .
Agres KR, McGregor S, Rataj K, Purver M, Wiggins GA ( 2016 ) . Modeling metaphor perception with distributional semantics vector space models . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 1767 ,
McGregor S, Purver M, Wiggins G ( 2016 ) . Process Based Evaluation of Computer Generated Poetry . Conference: Proceedings of the INLG 2016 Workshop on Computational Creativity in Natural Language Generation51 - 60 .
Thalmann F, Carrillo G, Wiggins GA, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . The Mobile Audio Ontology: Experiencing Dynamic Music Objects on Mobile Devices . IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), Feb. 4-6, Laguna Hills, CA, USA . 47 - 54 .
Thalmann F, Perez Carillo A, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . The Semantic Music Player: A Smart Mobile Player Based on Ontological Structures and Analytical Feature Metadata . Proc. Web Audio Conference WAC-2016, April 4–6, Atlanta, USA .
FREEMAN J, SANDLER M, WIGGINS G, STARKS G ( 2015 ) . A concise taxonomy for describing data as an art material . Proceedings of the IEEE VIS Arts Program (VISAP) . Conference: IEEE VIS ( Chicago, Illinois ) from: 25/10/2015 to: 30/10/2015 , 22 - 29 .
Agres K, McGregor S, Purver M, Wiggins G ( 2015 ) . Conceptualizing Creativity: From Distributional Semantics to Conceptual Spaces . Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC) . 118 - 125 .
Pontis S, Kefalidou G, Blandford A, Forth J, Makri S, Sharples S, Wiggins G, Woods M ( 2015 ) . Academics' responses to encountered information: Context matters . Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology vol. 67 , ( 8 ) 1883 - 1903 .
McGregor S, Purver M, Wiggins G ( 2015 ) . Metaphor, Meaning, Computers and Consciousness . Proceedings of the 8th AISB Symposium on Computing and Philosophy: The Significance of Metaphor and Other Figurative Modes of Expression and Thought .
HEDGES TW, Wiggins GA ( 2015 ) . Segmentation and grouping structures in jazz chord sequences: An information-theoretic approach .
Rohrmeier M, Zuidema W, Wiggins GA, Scharff C ( 2015 ) . Principles of structure building in music, language and animal song . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences vol. 370 , ( 1664 )
Wiggins GA, Tyack P, Scharff C, Rohrmeier M ( 2015 ) . The evolutionary roots of creativity: mechanisms and motivations . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences vol. 370 , ( 1664 )
McGregor S, Agres K, Purver M, Wiggins G ( 2015 ) . From Distributional Semantics to Conceptual Spaces: A Novel Computational Method for Concept Creation . Journal of Artificial General Intelligence vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 55 - 86 .
WIGGINS GA, Forth JC ( 2015 ) . IDyOT: A Computational Theory of Creativity as Everyday Reasoning from Learned Information . Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines , Editors: Besold, TR, Schorlemmer, M, Smaill, A , Atlantis Press
Griffiths SS, McGinity MM, Forth J, Purver M, Wiggins GA ( 2015 ) . Information-theoretic segmentation of natural language . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 1510 , 54 - 67 .
Thalmann F, Carrillo A, Fazekas G, Wiggins GA, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . Navigating Ontological Structures based on Feature Metadata Using the Semantic Music Player . Proc. of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-15) conference, Late-breaking session, Oct. 26-30, Malaga, Spain .
Agres K, Wiggins GA ( 2015 ) . Schematic processing as a framework for learning and creativity in CBR and CC . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 1520 , 151 - 155 .
Thalmann F, Ewert S, Sandler M, Wiggins GA ( 2015 ) . Spatially Rendering Decomposed Recordings - Integrating Score-Informed Source Separation and Semantic Playback Technologies . International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) - Late-Breaking Session . 2 - 2 .
Bhattacharya J, Wiggins G ( 2014 ) . Spontaneous creativity: Its theoretical and neurocognitive framework . International Journal of Psychophysiology . vol. 94 ,
Wiggins GA, Bhattacharya J ( 2014 ) . Mind the gap: an attempt to bridge computational and neuroscientific approaches to study creativity . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience vol. 8 ,
McGregor S, Wiggins G, Purver M ( 2014 ) . Computational Creativity: A Philosophical Approach, and an Approach to Philosophy . Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC) .
Hargreaves S, Wiggins G, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . A Semantic Web approach to pattern discovery in data and music . Proceedings of the AES International Conference97 - 106 .
McGregor S, Wiggins G, Purver M ( 2014 ) . Computational creativity: A philosophical approach, and an approach to philosophy . Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2014 .
Whorley R, Wiggins GA, Rhodes CS, Pearce MT ( 2013 ) . Multiple Viewpoint Systems: Time Complexity and the Construction of Domains for Complex Musical Viewpoints . Journal of New Musical Research
Proutskova P, Rhodes C, Crawford T, Wiggins G ( 2013 ) . Breathy, Resonant, Pressed – Automatic Detection of Phonation Mode from Audio Recordings of Singing . Journal of New Music Research vol. 42 , ( 2 ) 171 - 186 .
Forth J, Giannimaras A, Wiggins GA, Stewart R, Bental D, Aylett R, Maxwell D, Mehrpouya H et al. ( 2013 ) . Demonstrating SerenA: Chance Encounters in the Space of Ideas . Advances on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems , vol. 7879 , Springer Nature
Forth J, Giannimaras A, Wiggins GA, Stewart R, Bental D, Aylett R, Maxwell D, Mehrpouya H et al. ( 2013 ) . Demonstrating serena: Chance encounters in the space of ideas . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . vol. 7879 LNAI , 275 - 278 .
Whorley R, Rhodes C, Wiggins G, Pearce M ( 2013 ) . Harmonising melodies: Why do we add the bass line first? . Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2013 . 79 - 86 .
Wiggins GA ( 2013 ) . Learning and Creativity in the Global Workspace . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing . vol. 196 , 57 - 57 .
Egermann H, Pearce MT, Wiggins GA, McAdams S ( 2013 ) . Probabilistic models of expectation violation predict psychophysiological emotional responses to live concert music . Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 533 - 553 .
Forth J, Giannimaras T, Wiggins GA, Stewart R, Bental D, Aylett R, Maxwell D, Mehrpouya H et al. ( 2013 ) . SerenA: A Multi-site Pervasive Agent Environment That Supports Serendipitous Discovery in Research . Advances on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems , vol. 7879 , Springer Nature
Forth J, Giannimaras T, Wiggins GA, Stewart R, Bental D, Aylett R, Maxwell D, Mehrpouya H et al. ( 2013 ) . SerenA: A multi-site pervasive agent environment that supports serendipitous discovery in research . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . vol. 7879 LNAI , 85 - 96 .
Proutskva P, Rhodes C, Wiggins G, Crawford T ( 2012 ) . Breathy or resonant - A controlled and curated dataset for phonation mode detection in singing . Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2012 . 589 - 594 .
Wiggins GA ( 2012 ) . On the correctness of imprecision and the existential fallacy of absolute music . Journal of Mathematics and Music vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 93 - 101 .
Wiggins GA ( 2012 ) . The future of (mathematical) music theory . Journal of Mathematics and Music vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 135 - 144 .
Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2012 ) . Auditory Expectation: The Information Dynamics of Music Perception and Cognition . Topics in Cognitive Science vol. 4 , ( 4 ) 625 - 652 .
Colton S, Wiggins GA ( 2012 ) . Computational creativity: The final frontier? . Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications . vol. 242 , 21 - 26 .
McLean A, Wiggins G ( 2012 ) . Computer Programming in the Creative Arts . Computers and Creativity , Springer Nature
Wiggins GA ( 2012 ) . Crossing the theshold paradox: Modelling creative cognition in the global workspace . Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2012 . 180 - 187 .
Wiggins GA ( 2012 ) . Defining Inspiration? Modelling non-conscious creative process . The Act of Musical Composition – Studies in the Creative Process . Editors: Collins, D ,
Cameron D, Lindsen J, Pearce M, Wiggins G, Potter K, Bhattacharya J ( 2012 ) . Entrainment of Pre-Motor Cortex Activity by Ambiguity in Musical Metre . CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE PSYCHOLOGIE EXPERIMENTALE . vol. 66 , 297 - 297 .
Wiggins GA ( 2012 ) . Music, Mind and Mathematics: Theory, Reality and Formality . Journal of Mathematics and Music vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 111 - 123 .
Wiggins GA ( 2012 ) . The Mind’s Chorus: Creativity before Consciousness . Cognitive Computation vol. 4 , ( 3 ) 306 - 319 .
Ewert S, Muller M, Konz V, Müllensiefen D, Wiggins G ( 2012 ) . Towards Cross-Version Harmonic Analysis of Music . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia vol. 14 , Article 3 , 770 - 782 .
Wiggins GA ( 2012 ) . “I let the music speak”: cross-domain application of a cognitive model of musical learning . Statistical Learning and Language Acquisition , Editors: Rebuschat, P, Williams, J , Mouton De Gruyter ( Amsterdam, NL ),
Wiggins GA ( 2011 ) . Computer Models of (Music) Cognition . Language and Music as Cognitive Systems , Editors: Rebuschat, P, Rohrmeier, M, Cross, I, Hawkins, J et al. , Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
Gingras B, Goodchild M, Dean RT, Pearce MT, Wiggins GA, McAdams S ( 2011 ) . Exploring interrelationships between melodic expectations, tempo variations, and perceived tension in performances of an unmeasured prelude for harpsichord . Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science . 45 - 45 .
Gingras B, Dean R, Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2011 ) . Information Dynamics and Musical Performance . Notes: In preparation. date-added: 2011-04-24 18:33:03 -0700 date-modified: 2011-04-24 18:34:13 -0700 ,
Müllensiefen D, Wiggins GA ( 2011 ) . Sloboda and Parker’s recall paradigm for melodic memory: a new, computational perspective . Music and the Mind , Editors: Delièege, I, Davidson, J , OUP
McLean A, Wiggins G ( 2011 ) . TEXTURE: VISUAL NOTATION FOR LIVE CODING OF PATTERN . International Computer Music Conference, ICMC Proceedings . 621 - 628 .
Bown O, Wiggins G, Tognetti A ( 2010 ) . Musique et évolution . Musique et évolution , CAIRN
Wiggins GA ( 2010 ) . A cross-domain model? Grouping of phonemes into syllables by a model of melodic segmentation . Proceedings of ICMPC-11 .
McLean A, Wiggins G ( 2010 ) . Bricolage Programming in the Creative Arts . Proceedings of the 22nd Psychology of Programming Interest Group .
Cardoso A, Veale T, Wiggins GA ( 2010 ) . Converging on the Divergent: The History (and Future) of the International Joint Workshops in Computational Creativity . AI Magazine vol. 30 , Article 3 , 15 - 22 .
Wiggins GA ( 2010 ) . Cue Abstraction, Paradigmatic Analysis and Information Dynamics: Towards Music Analysis by Cognitive Model . Musicae Scientiae vol. Special Issue: Under , 307 - 331 .
Whorley R, Wiggins GA, Rhodes C, Pearce MT ( 2010 ) . Development of Techniques for the Computational Modelling of Harmony . Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Creativity . Editors: Ventura, others ,
Wiggins GA ( 2010 ) . I Let the Music Speak: A Model of Music Perception that Predicts Speech Segmentation . Proceedings of Cognitive Science .
McLean A, Wiggins GA ( 2010 ) . Live coding towards computational creativity . Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Creativity . Editors: Ventura, others ,
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D, Wiggins GA ( 2010 ) . Melodic Grouping in Music Information Retrieval: New Methods and Applications . Advances in Music Information Retrieval , Editors: Ras, Z, Wieczorkowska, A , vol. 274 , Springer ( Berlin/Heidelberg ),
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D, Wiggins GA ( 2010 ) . Melodic grouping in music information retrieval: New methods and applications . Studies in Computational Intelligence vol. 274 , 365 - 389 .
Wiggins GA, Müllensiefen D, Pearce MT ( 2010 ) . On the non-existence of Music: Why music theory is a figment of the imagination . Musicae Scientiae vol. Discussion Forum 5 , 231 - 255 .
McLean A, Wiggins G ( 2010 ) . Petrol: Reactive pattern language for improvised music . International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2010 . 331 - 334 .
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D, Wiggins GA ( 2010 ) . The role of expectation and probabilistic learning in auditory boundary perception: A model comparison . Perception vol. 39 , ( 10 ) 1367 - 1391 .
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D, Wiggins GA ( 2010 ) . The role of expectation and probabilistic learning in auditory boundary perception: a model comparison . Perception vol. 39 , ( 10 ) 1365 - 1389 .
McLean A, Wiggins G ( 2010 ) . Tidal - Pattern Language for the Live Coding of Music . Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing conference .
Forth J, Wiggins G, McLean A ( 2010 ) . Unifying Conceptual Spaces: Concept Formation in Musical Creative Systems . Minds and Machines vol. 20 , 503-532 - 503-532 .
Pearce MT, Herrojo Ruiz M, Kapasi S, Wiggins GA, Bhattacharya J ( 2010 ) . Unsupervised Statistical Learning Underpins Computational, Behavioural and Neural Manifestations of Musical Expectation . NeuroImage vol. 50 , Article 1 , 303 - 313 .
McLean A, Griffiths D, Collins N, Wiggins G ( 2010 ) . Visualisation of Live Code . Proceedings of the Electronic Visualisation and the Arts conference 2010 .
Lewis RJ, Lewis D, Crawford T, Wiggins GA ( 2009 ) . Music and Text: Integrating Scholarly Literature into Music Datasets . Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts .
Wiggins GA ( 2009 ) . The Gödel programming language by Patricia Hill and John W. Lloyd, The MIT Press, 1994, pp 337, £40. 50/$60.75, ISBN 0-262-08229-2 . The Knowledge Engineering Review vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 102 - 104 .
Forth J, Wiggins GA ( 2009 ) . An approach for identifying salient repetition in multidimensional representations of polyphonic music . London Algorithmics 2008: Theory and Practice , Editors: Chan, J, Daykin, JW, Rahman, MS , College Publications ( London, UK ),
Ewert S, Müller M, Müllensiefen D, Clausen M, Wiggins GA ( 2009 ) . Case Study “Beatles Songs” – What can be Learned from Unreliable Music Alignments? . Knowledge representation for intelligent music processing . Editors: Selfridge-Field, E, Wiering, F, Wiggins, GA ,
Wiggins GA, Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D ( 2009 ) . Computational Modelling of Music Cognition and Musical Creativity . Oxford Handbook of Computer Music , Editors: Dean, R , Oxford University Press
Wiggins GA ( 2009 ) . Computer-Representation of Music in the Research Environment . Modern Methods for Musicology: Prospects, Proposals and Realities , Editors: Crawford, TT, Gibson, L , Ashgate ( Aldershot, UK ),
CATTERALL PP ( 2009 ) . Foreword . Draft it in Eskimo@ A Personal Memoir of the War Cabinet Secretariat, NATO and the 'Marshy Common' , Editors: author, JP , Clio Publishing ( Southampton ),
Lemström K, Wiggins GA ( 2009 ) . Formalizing invariances for content-based music retrieval . Proceedings of ISMIR 2009 . Editors: Tzanetakis, G, Hirata, K ,
Bown O, Wiggins GA ( 2009 ) . From Maladaptation to Competition to Cooperation in the Evolution of Musical Behaviour . Musicæ Scientiæ
Wiggins GA ( 2009 ) . Semantic Gap?? Schemantic Schmap!! Methodological Considerations in the Scientific Study of Music . Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia . 477 - 482 .
McLean A, Wiggins G ( 2009 ) . Words, Movement and Timbre . Proceedings of NIME’09 . Editors: Zahler, A, Dannenberg, R ,
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D, Wiggins GA ( 2008 ) . A comparison of statistical and rule-based models of melodic segmentation . Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Music Information Retrieval . Editors: Bello, JP, Chew, E , 89 - 94 .
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D, Wiggins GA ( 2008 ) . An information-dynamic model of melodic segmentation . Proceedings of the International Workshop on Music and Machine Learning .
Mauch M, Müllensiefen D, Dixon S, Wiggins G ( 2008 ) . Applying Tools from Natural Language Processing Analysis to Harmony: A Bottom Up Approach . Conference on Music, Language and the Mind .
Mauch M, Müllensiefen D, Dixon S, Wiggins G ( 2008 ) . Can Statistical Language Models be used for the Analysis of Harmonic Progressions? . International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition . Conference: International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition ( Hokkaido, Japan ) from: 25/08/2008 to: 29/08/2008 ,
Whorley RP, Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2008 ) . Computational Modelling of the Cognition of Harmonic Movement . Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition .
Müllensiefen D, Wiggins GA, Lewis D ( 2008 ) . High-level Feature Descriptors and Corpus-Based Musicology: Techniques for Modelling Music Cognition . Systematic and Comparative Musicology: Concepts, Methods, Findings , Editors: Schneider, A , Peter Lang ( Frankfurt am Main ),
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D, Wiggins GA ( 2008 ) . Melodic Segmentation: A New Method and a Framework for Model Comparison . Proceedings of ISMIR 2008 .
Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2008 ) . Meta-models of music cognition . Proceedings of Music, Language and the Mind .
Halpern A, Müllensiefen D, Wiggins GA ( 2008 ) . Modelling Memory Responses in a Melody Recognition Task . Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition .
Forth J, McLean A, Wiggins GA ( 2008 ) . Musical Creativity on the Conceptual Level . Proceedings of the International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity .
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D, Wiggins GA, Frieler K ( 2008 ) . Perceptual Segmentation of Melodies: Ambiguity, Rules and Statistical Learning . Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition .
Müllensiefen D, Wiggins GA ( 2008 ) . Polynomial Contour as a Core Feature for Representing Melodies . 10th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition .
Marsden A, Wiggins GA ( 2008 ) . Schenkerian Reduction as Search . Proceedings of the Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology .
McLean A, Wiggins GA ( 2008 ) . Vocable Synthesis . Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference .
Müllensiefen D, Lewis D, Rhodes C, Wiggins G ( 2007 ) . Evaluating a chord-labelling algorithm . Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2007 . 317 - 318 .
Wiggins GA ( 2007 ) . A Portfolio of Musical Compositions . Notes: date-added: 2010-11-02 12:00:39 +0000 date-modified: 2010-11-02 12:07:35 +0000 ,
McLean A, Leymarie FF, Wiggins G ( 2007 ) . Apollonius diagrams and the Representation of Sounds and Music . ISVD ’07: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering . 276 - 281 .
Bown O, Wiggins GA ( 2007 ) . Biocultural Models of Interaction Between Musical and Non-Musical Forms of Behaviour in Evolution . Proceedings of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition .
Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2007 ) . Evaluating cognitive models of musical composition . Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity . Editors: Cardoso, A, Wiggins, GA , 73 - 80 .
Müllensiefen D, Lewis D, Wiggins GA ( 2007 ) . Feature description and corpus-based musicology: Tools for modelling music cognition . Proceedings of the International Musical Society .
Craft A, Wiggins GA, Crawford T ( 2007 ) . How Many Beans make Five? The Consensus Problem in Music-Genre Classification and a New Evaluation Method for Single-Genre Categorisation Sysytems . Proceedings of ISMIR .
Thornton C ( 2007 ) . How thinking inside the box can become thinking outside the box . Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity . Editors: Cardoso, A, Wiggins, G ,
Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2007 ) . Information Dynamics in Music Perception and Cognition . Proceedings of Music and Language as Cognitive Processes .
Potter K, Wiggins GA, Pearce MT ( 2007 ) . Information Dynamics of Music: a case study of Philip Glass’ Two Pages . 14th Biennial International Conference on Music Since 1900 .
Allan RH, Wiggins GA, Müllensiefen D ( 2007 ) . Methodological Considerations in Studies of Musical Similarity . Proceedings of ISMIR .
Wiggins GA ( 2007 ) . Models of musical similarity . Musicae Scientiae vol. Discussion Forum 4A , 315-338 - 315-338 .
Bown O, Wiggins GA ( 2007 ) . Music: Evolution Without Adaptation . Proceedings of Conference on Music and Evolutionary Thought . Editors: Zon, B ,
Bown O, Wiggins GA ( 2007 ) . On the Meaning of Life (in Artificial Life Approaches to Music) . Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity . Editors: Cardoso, A, Wiggins, GA ,
( 2007 ) . Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity . Editors: Cardoso, A, Wiggins, GA ,
Wiggins GA ( 2007 ) . Review article: ‘Computer Models of Musical Creativity’ by David Cope . Literary and Linguistic Computing vol. 23 , Article 1 , 109 - 116 .
Müllensiefen D, Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2007 ) . Segmenting Pop Melodies: A Model Comparison Approach . Proceedings of SMPC’07, Montreal, Canada .
Whorley RP, Wiggins GA, Pearce MT ( 2007 ) . Systematic Evaluation and Improvement of Statistical Models of Harmony . Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity . Editors: Cardoso, A, Wiggins, GA , 81 - 88 .
Potter K, Wiggins GA, Pearce MT ( 2007 ) . Towards greater objectivity in music theory: Information-dynamic analysis of minimalist music . Musicæ Scientiæ vol. 11 , Article 2 , 295 - 322 .
Müllensiefen D, Lewis D, Rhodes C, Wiggins GA ( 2007 ) . Treating Inherent Ambiguity in Ground Truth Data: Evaluating a Chord Labelling Algorithm . Proceedings of 8th ISMIR .
Müllensiefen D, Lewis D, Wiggins GA ( 2007 ) . Where’s the Chorus? A Computational Approach to the Automatic Segmentation of Pop Songs . Proceedings of the 5th Biennial International Association for the Study of Popular Music Conference .
( 2006 ) . Musical Creativity, Multidisciplinary Research in Theory and Practice . Taylor & Francis
Wiggins GA ( 2006 ) . A Preliminary Framework for Description, Analysis and Comparison of Creative Systems . Journal of Knowledge Based Systems vol. 19 , Article 7 , 449 - 458 .
Clifford R, Christodoulakis M, Crawford T, Meredith D, Wiggins GA ( 2006 ) . A fast, randomised, maximal subset matching algorithm for document-level music retrieval . Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2006) . Editors: Lemström, K, Dannenberg, R ,
Phon-Amnuaisuk S, Smaill A, Wiggins G ( 2006 ) . Chorale harmonization: A view from a search control perspective . Journal of New Music Research vol. 35 , Article 4 , 279 - 305 .
Crawford T, Pickens J, Wiggins G ( 2006 ) . Dimensionality Reduction in Harmonic Modeling for Music Information Retrieval . Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval: Third International Symposium, CMMR 2005, Revised Papers , Springer ( Heidelberg ),
Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2006 ) . Expectation in Melody: The Influence of Context and Learning . Music Perception vol. 23 , Article 5 , 377 - 405 .
Wiggins GA ( 2006 ) . Four Quartets . Notes: Triple string quartet after T. S. Eliot’s “Burnt Norton” (from “Four Quartets”) date-added: 2010-10-31 18:06:59 +0000 date-modified: 2010-10-31 18:07:48 +0000 ,
Chan T-ST, Wiggins G ( 2006 ) . More Evidence for A Computational Memetics Approach to Music Information and New Interpretations of An Aesthetic Fitness Measure . Proceedings of the 3rd International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity . Editors: Colton, S, Pease, A ,
( 2006 ) . Musical Creativity: Current research in theory and practice . Editors: Deliège, I, Wiggins, GA , Psychology Press ( Hove, UK ),
Wiggins GA ( 2006 ) . Searching for Computational Creativity . New Generation Computing vol. 24 , Article 3 , 209 - 222 .
Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2006 ) . The information dynamics of melodic boundary detection . Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of Music Perception and Cognition . Editors: Baroni, M, Addessi, AR, Caterina, R, Costa, M et al. , 860 - 867 .
Wiggins GA ( 1994 ) . Improving the Whelk system: A type-theoretic reconstruction . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 883 , 231 - 247 .
Parkes AJ, Wiggins GA ( 1996 ) . Logic program synthesis by induction over Horn Clauses . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 1048 , 170 - 170 .
Richards BL, Kraan I, Smaill A, Wiggins GA ( 1994 ) . Mollusc: a general proof development shell for sequent-based logics . CADE12 . Editors: Bundy, A , Conference: International Conference on Automated Deduction CADE 1994: Automated Deduction — CADE-12 ( Nancy France ) from: 26/06/1994 to: 01/07/1994 , vol. 814 , 826-30 - 826-30 .
Chan T-ST, Wiggins G ( 2005 ) . A Computational Memetics Approach to Music Information and Aesthetic Fitness . Proceedings of the 2nd International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity . Editors: Colton, S, Gervás, P, Veale, T ,
Lewis D, Crawford T, Wiggins GA, Gale M ( 2005 ) . Abstracting Musical Queries: Towards a Musicologist’s Workbench . Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Modelling and Music Retrieval .
Meredith D, Wiggins GA ( 2005 ) . Comparing pitch spelling algorithms . Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2005) . Editors: Reiss, J, Wiggins, GA ,
Pickens J, Crawford T, Wiggins GA ( 2005 ) . Dimensionality Reduction in Harmonic Modeling for Music Information Retrieval . Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Modelling and Music Retrieval .
Melo A, Drever J, Wiggins GA ( 2005 ) . Electroacoustic Performance Interfaces that Learn from their Users . Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference .
Pearce MT, Conklin D, Wiggins GA ( 2005 ) . Methods for Combining Statistical Models of Music . Computer Music Modelling and Retrieval , Editors: Wiil, UK , Springer Verlag ( Heidelberg, Germany ),
Bown O, Wiggins GA ( 2005 ) . Modelling Musical Behaviour in a Cultural-Evolutionary System . Proceedings of the IJCAI’05 Workshop on Computational Creativity . Editors: Gervàs, P, Veale, T, Pease, A ,
REISS J, Wiggins GA ( 2005 ) . Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) . Queen Mary University of London
Lewis D, Gale M, Crawford T, Wiggins GA ( 2005 ) . Questions of Musical Resemblance: ‘families’ of pieces in an electronic corpus . Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Digital Resources for the Humanities .
Wiggins GA ( 2005 ) . not even the rain . Notes: Song cycle for large orchestra, electronics and three countertenors. date-added: 2010-10-31 18:06:59 +0000 date-modified: 2010-10-31 18:07:47 +0000 ,
Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2004 ) . Improved Methods for Statistical Modelling of Monophonic Music . Journal of New Music Research vol. 33 , Article 4 , 367 - 385 .
Pearce M, Conklin D, Wiggins G ( 2004 ) . Methods for combining statistical models of music . Proceedings of the Conference on Music Modelling and Retrieval . Editors: Wiil, UK , 295 - 312 .
Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2004 ) . Rethinking Gestalt Influences on Melodic Expectancy . Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Music Perception and Cognition . Editors: Lipscomb, SD, Ashley, R, Gjerdingen, RO, Webster, P et al. , 367 - 371 .
Melo A, Wiggins GA ( 2003 ) . A Connectionist Approach to Driving Chord Progressions Using Tension . Proceedings of the AISB’03 Symposium on Creativity in Arts and Science . Editors: Gervás, P, Colton, S ,
Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2003 ) . An empirical comparison of the performance of PPM variants on a prediction task with monphonic music . Proceedings of the AISB’03 Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Creativity in Arts and Science . 74 - 83 .
Wiggins GA ( 2003 ) . Categorising Creative Systems . Proceedings of the IJCAI’03 workshop on Creative Systems . Editors: Bento, C, Cardoso, A, Gero, J ,
Ferrand M, Nelson P, Wiggins GA ( 2003 ) . Memory and Melodic Density: A Model for Melody Segmentation . Proceedings of the XIV Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XIV CIM 2003) . 95 - 98 .
Ferrand M, Nelson P, Wiggins G ( 2003 ) . Unsupervised Learning of Melodic Segmentation: A Memory-Based Approach . Proceedings of the 5th Triennial ESCOM Conference . Editors: Kopiez, R, Lehmann, AC, Wolther, I, Wolf, C et al. , 141 - 144 .
Phon-Amnuaisuk S, Smaill A, Wiggins GA ( 2002 ) . A Computational Model for Chorale Harmonisation in the Style of J. S. Bach . 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition .
Ferrand M, Nelson P, Wiggins GA ( 2002 ) . A Probabilistic Model for Melody Segmentation . Proceedings of ICMAI’02 .
Meredith D, Lemström K, Wiggins G ( 2002 ) . Algorithms for discovering repeated patterns in multidimensional representations of polyphonic music . Journal of New Music Research vol. 31 , Article 4 , 321 - 345 .
Rutherford J, Wiggins GA ( 2002 ) . An Experiment in the automatic creation of music which has specific emotional content . Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition .
Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2002 ) . Aspects of a cognitive theory of creativity in musical composition . Proceedings of the ECAI’02 Workshop on Creative Systems . 17 - 24 .
Chan T-ST, Wiggins G ( 2002 ) . Computational Memetics of Music . Proceedings of the ESOM 10th Anniversary Conference on Musical Creativity .
Pearce MT, Meredith D, Wiggins GA ( 2002 ) . Motivations and methodologies for automation of the compositional process . Musicæ Scientiæ vol. 6 , Article 2 , 119-147 - 119-147 .
( 2002 ) . Proceedings of the AISB’02 Symposium on AI and Creativity in the Arts and Sciences . Editors: Wiggins, GA ,
Wiggins GA, Lemström K, Meredith D ( 2002 ) . SIA(M)ESE: An Algorithm for Transposition Invariant, Polyphonic Content-Based Music Retrieval . International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval .
Wiggins G ( 2001 ) . Book Review: Representing Musical Time: A Temporal-Logic Approach . Musicae Scientiae vol. 5 , ( 2 ) 265 - 272 .
Wiggins GA ( 2001 ) . Preface: The AISB'99 Convention and the Focus Workshop . Language Resources and Evaluation vol. 35 , ( 1 ) 1 - 2 .
Lemström K, Wiggins GA, Meredith D ( 2001 ) . A Three-Layer Approach for Music Retrieval in Large Databases . Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval .
Pearce M, Wiggins GA, Meredith D ( 2001 ) . Motivations and Methodologies for Automation of the Compositional Process . Musicae Scientiae vol. 6 , Article 2 , 119 - 147 .
Cambouropoulos E, Crawford T, Iliopoulos CS ( 2001 ) . Pattern Processing in Melodic Sequences: Challenges, Caveats and Prospects . Computers and the Humanities vol. 35 , 9 - 21 .
Meredith D, Wiggins GA, Lemström K ( 2001 ) . Pattern induction and matching in polyphonic music and other multidimensional datasets . Proceedings of the 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2001), July 22-25 . Editors: Callaos, N, Zong, X, Vergez, C, Pelaez, JR et al. , vol. X , 61 - 66 .
( 2001 ) . Proceedings of the AISB’01 Symposium on AI and Creativity in the Arts and Sciences . Editors: Wiggins, GA ,
( 2001 ) . Proceedings of the ICCBR’01 Workshop on Creative Systems . Editors: Bento, C, Cardoso, A, Wiggins, GA ,
Rolland P-Y, Cambouropoulos E, Wiggins GA ( 2001 ) . Special Issue: Pattern Processing in Music Analysis and Creation . Computers and the Humanities vol. 35 , Article 1 ,
Pearce MT, Wiggins GA ( 2001 ) . Towards a framework for the evaluation of machine compositions . Proceedings of the AISB’01 Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Creativity in the Arts and Sciences . 22 - 32 .
Wiggins GA ( 2001 ) . Towards a more precise characterisation of creativity in AI . Case–Based Reasoning: Papers from the Workshop Programme at ICCBR’01 . Editors: Weber, R, von Wangenheim, CG , 113 - 120 .
Wiggins G ( 2001 ) . “Representing Musical Time: A Temporal-Logic Approach” by Alan Marsden . Musicae Scientiæ vol. 5 , Article 2 ,
Wiggins GA, Trewin S ( 2000 ) . A system for the concerned teaching of musical aural skills . Proceedings of ITS2000 .
Wiggins GA, Smaill A ( 2000 ) . Musical Knowledge: what can Artificial Intelligence bring to the musician? . Readings in Music and Artificial Intelligence , Editors: Miranda, ER , Harwood Academic Press ( Amsterdam ),
( 2000 ) . Proceedings of the AISB’00 Symposium on AI and Creativity in the Arts and Sciences . Editors: Wiggins, GA ,
Curry B, Wiggins GA, Hayes J ( 2000 ) . Representing Trees with Constraints . Procceedings of Computational Logic 2000 . Editors: Lloyd, J ,
Wiggins GA ( 2000 ) . Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Creativity in Arts and Sciences . AISB Quarterly
Birch N, Plummer J, Wiggins G, Ferran B, Lyons R ( 1999 ) . Panel: Nurturing creativity . Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Creativity and Cognition, C and C 1999 . 30 - 35 .
Wiggins GA ( 1999 ) . Book Review: Melodic Similarity: Concepts, Procedures and Applications. Computing in Musicology . Musicae Scientiae vol. 3 , ( 2 ) 279 - 283 .
Curry B, Wiggins GA ( 1999 ) . A New Approach to Cooperative Performance: A Preliminary Experiment . International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems vol. 4 ,
Papadopoulos G, Wiggins GA ( 1999 ) . AI Methods for Algorithmic Composition: A survey, a Critical View and Future Prospects .
Brandao M, Pain H, Wiggins G ( 1999 ) . An intelligent learning environment for musical harmony . ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION . vol. 50 , 626 - 628 .
Brand ao M, Pain H, Wiggins GA ( 1999 ) . Computers in Music Education . Proceedings of the AISB’99 Symposium on Musical Creativity .
Wiggins GA, Papadopoulos G, Phon Amnuaisuk S, Tuson A ( 1999 ) . Evolutionary methods for musical composition . International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems
Phon-Amnuaisuk S, Tuson A, Wiggins GA ( 1999 ) . Evolving Musical Harmonisation . Proceedings of ICANNGA’99 .
Abbass HA, Wiggins GA, Lakshmanan R, Morton W ( 1999 ) . Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit by Constraint Logic Programming . Computers in Chemical Engineering
Abbass HA, Wiggins GA, Lakshmanan R, Morton B ( 1999 ) . Integrating optimisation and search: An Intelligent Tool for Chemical Process Synthesis . Proceedings of Practical Applications of Logic Programming .
Birch N, Plummer J, Wiggins G, Ferran B, Lyons R ( 1999 ) . Nurturing creativity (panel session) . Conference: Proceedings of the third conference on Creativity & cognition - C&C '9930 - 35 .
( 1999 ) . Proceedings of the AISB’99 Symposium on Musical Creativity . Editors: Wiggins, GA ,
Ponsford D, Wiggins GA, Mellish C ( 1999 ) . Statistical learning of harmonic movement . Journal of New Music Research vol. 28 , Article 2 , 150 - 177 .
Phon-Amnuaisuk A, Wiggins GA ( 1999 ) . The Four-Part Harmonisation Problem: A Comparison between Genetic Algorithms and a Rule-Based System . Proceedings of the AISB’99 Symposium on Musical Creativity .
Wiggins G ( 1999 ) . “Melodic Similarity: Concepts, Procedures, and Applications” by Walter Hewlett and Eleanor Selfridge-Field . Musicae Scientiæ vol. 3 , Article 2 , 279 - 283 .
Papadopoulos G, Wiggins GA ( 1998 ) . A Genetic Algorithm for the Generation of Jazz Melodies . Proceedings of STeP’98 .
Wiggins GA ( 1998 ) . Music, Syntax, and the Meaning of “Meaning” . Proceedings of the First Symposium on Music and Computers . 18 - 23 .
Robertson J, de Quincey A, Stapleford T, Wiggins GA ( 1998 ) . Real-Time Music Generation for a Virtual Environment . Proceedings of the ECAI’98 Workshop on AI/Alife and Entertainment . Editors: Nack, F ,
Wiggins GA ( 1998 ) . The Use of Constraint Systems for Musical Composition . Proceedings of the ECAI’98 Workshop on Constraints and Artistic Applications . Editors: Pachet, F, Codognet, P ,
Wiggins GA, Smaill A ( 1997 ) . Musical Knowledge: what can Artificial Intelligence bring to the musician? . Contemporary Music Review
Cambouropoulos E, Nelson P, Smaill A, Wiggins G ( 1996 ) . Introduction . Journal of New Music Research vol. 25 , ( 3 ) 211 - 211 .
( 1996 ) . Proceedings of the International Congress on Music and AI, 1995 . Journal of New Music Research . Editors: Cambouropoulos, E, Nelson, P, Smaill, A, Wiggins, GA et al. ,
Cambouropoulos E, Nelson P, Smaill A, Wiggins G ( 1996 ) . Special Issue on Music and Artificial Intelligence . Journal of New Music Research vol. 25 , Article 3 ,
Wiggins GA ( 1995 ) . Understanding music with AI: Perspectives on cognitive musicology: M. Balaban, K. Ebcioglu and O. Laske, eds., (The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1993); 512 pages, softback; ISBN 0-262-52170-9 . Artificial Intelligence vol. 79 , Article 2 , 373 - 385 - 373 - 385 .
( 1994 ) . Music Education: An Artificial Intelligence Perspective, Edinburgh 19 93 . Editors: Smith, M, Smaill, A, Wiggins, GA ,
Wiggins GA ( 1994 ) . Whelk Type Theory . Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Meta-Programming in Logic and Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation, Pisa, Italy . Editors: Turini, F, Fribourg, L ,
Wiggins GA, Miranda E, Smaill A, Harris M ( 1993 ) . A framework for the evaluation of music representation systems . Computer Music Journal vol. 17 , Article 3 , 31 - 42 .
Lombart V, Wiggins GA, Deville Y ( 1993 ) . Guiding Synthesis Proofs . Proceedings of LoPSTr’93 . Editors: Deville, Y ,
Smaill A, Wiggins GA, Harris M ( 1993 ) . Hierarchical Music Representation for Analysis and Composition . Computers and the Humanities vol. 27 , 7-17 - 7-17 .
Smaill A, Wiggins G, Harris M ( 1993 ) . Hierarchical music representation for composition and analysis . Language Resources and Evaluation vol. 27 , ( 1 ) 7 - 17 .
Smaill A, Wiggins GA, Miranda E ( 1993 ) . Music Representation – between the musician and the computer . Music Education: An Artificial Intelligence Perspective , Editors: Smith, M, Wiggins, G, Smaill, A , Springer ( London ),
Smaill A, Brett G, Davismoon S, McGrath S, Miranda E, Robinson S, Wiggins G ( 1993 ) . New Music in Edinburgh . Computer Music Journal vol. 17 , ( 1 )
Adamson J, Wiggins GA ( 1993 ) . Party Games . Notes: Dance piece for Edinburgh University Student Dance Group date-added: 2010-10-31 18:06:59 +0000 date-modified: 2010-10-31 18:07:36 +0000 ,
Wiggins GA ( 1993 ) . Retrospective . Notes: Theme and variations for French horn and piano. date-added: 2010-10-31 18:06:59 +0000 date-modified: 2010-10-31 18:07:36 +0000 ,
Wiggins GA, Miranda E, Smaill A, Harris M ( 1993 ) . Surveying Musical Representation Systems: A Framework for Evaluation . report no. 658 ,
( 1992 ) . 3rd UK Annual Conference on Logic Programming, Edinburgh 1991 . Editors: Wiggins, GA, Mellish, CS, Duncan, T ,
Adamson J, Jones M, Wiggins GA ( 1992 ) . Creation’s Hymn . Notes: Dance, images and music inspired by E. E. Cummings’ “from spiraling ecstatically this” date-added: 2010-10-31 18:06:59 +0000 date-modified: 2010-10-31 18:07:35 +0000 ,
Wiggins GA ( 1992 ) . Elements . Notes: Suite in four movements for flute, oboe, ’cello and harp. date-added: 2010-10-31 18:06:59 +0000 date-modified: 2010-10-31 18:07:35 +0000 ,
Wiggins GA ( 1992 ) . Negation and Control in Automatically Generated Logic Programs . Proceedings of META-92 . Editors: Pettorossi, A ,
Wiggins GA ( 1992 ) . Synthesis and Transformation of Logic Programs in the Whelk Proof Development System . Proceedings of JICSLP-92 . Editors: Apt, KR , 351-368 - 351-368 .
Bryson J, Smaill A, Wiggins GA ( 1992 ) . The Reactive Accompanist: Applying Subsumption Architecture to Software Design . report no. 606 ,
Wiggins GA ( 1992 ) . better now . Notes: Tone poem for computer, sampler and telephone answering machine date-added: 2010-10-31 18:06:59 +0000 date-modified: 2010-10-31 18:07:35 +0000 ,
Wiggins GA ( 1991 ) . An Adaptable Formalism for the Computational Analysis of English Noun Phrase Reference . Notes: date-added: 2010-10-31 18:06:59 +0000 date-modified: 2010-10-31 18:07:35 +0000 ,
Douglas-Scott S, Dine J, Persaud I ( 1991 ) . Introduction . Procedure and the European Court , Editors: Dine, J, Douglas-Scott, S, Persaud , Law Chancery
Wiggins GA ( 1991 ) . Preces and Responses . Notes: Liturgical music for four part unaccompanied choir (AATB) date-added: 2010-10-31 18:06:59 +0000 date-modified: 2010-10-31 18:07:35 +0000 ,
Harris M, Smaill A, Wiggins G ( 1991 ) . Representing Music Symbolically . IX Colloquio di Informatica Musicale . Editors: Camurri, A, Canepa, C ,
Wiggins GA, Bundy A, Kraan I, Hesketh J ( 1991 ) . Synthesis and Transformation of Logic Programs through Constructive, Inductive Proof . Proceedings of LoPSTr-91 . Editors: Lau, K-K, Clement, T , 27-45 - 27-45 .
Wiggins GA ( 1990 ) . The Improvement of Prolog Program Efficiency by Compiling Control: A Proof-Theoretic View . Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Meta-programming in Logic .
Smaill A, Wiggins GA, Harris M ( 1990 ) . Hierarchical Music Representation for Analysis and Composition . Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Music and Information Technology .
Bundy A, Smaill A, Wiggins GA ( 1990 ) . The Synthesis of Logic Programs from Inductive Proofs . Computational Logic . Editors: Lloyd, J , 135-149 - 135-149 .
Wiggins GA, Harris M, Smaill A ( 1989 ) . Representing Music for Analysis and Composition . report no. 504 ,
Wiggins GA, Harris M, Smaill A ( 1989 ) . Representing music for analysis and composition . Proceedings of the Second Workshop on AI and Music . Editors: Balaban, M, Ebcio vglu, K, Laske, O, Lischka, C et al. , 63 - 71 .