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Publications: Mrs Noha Seoudi

Patel N, Seoudi N ( 2024 ) . Management of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: An Overview of National and International Guidelines . British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery vol. 62 , ( 10 ) 899 - 908 .
Alkurdi K, Mansouri R, Ismail A, Seoudi N ( 2024 ) . Critical Evaluation of Global Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines for Dentistry Published during the First 2 Years of the COVID‐19 Pandemic . International Journal of Dentistry vol. 2024 , ( 1 )
Vaghela J, Moufti M-A, Seoudi N, Kheder W ( 2024 ) . Marginal bone loss around platform-switched and platform-matched implants following immediate dental implant placement – Systematic Review . Dentistry Review vol. 4 , ( 2 ) 100085 - 100085 .
Xuereb A, AL-EZZI M, Seoudi N ( 2023 ) . Oral Health Related Quality of Life in Patients Received Fixed Prosthesis on Implants or Natural Teeth: comparative analysis . Ahram Canadian Denatl Journal vol. 2 , ( 2 ) 1 - 15 .
Moufti MA, Gangotra K, Zuendorf G, Seoudi N, Almasri M ( 2023 ) . Accuracy of dental implant placement using chairside computer-aided surgery/computer-aided manufacturing-milled guides compared to three-dimensional printed guides . Advances in Biomedical and Health Sciences vol. 2 , ( 2 ) 79 - 87 .
Al-Ezzi M, Alfreahat N, Hussein R, Seoudi N ( 2022 ) . The Effect of Using Herbal Extracts as Irrigant Solution in Disinfecting Root Canals of Endodontically Treated Teeth: A Narrative Review . International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Health vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 1 - 12 .
Sahni R, Tattar R, Al-Habba S, Ariyaratnam S, Barry S, Coulthard P, Patel N, Seoudi N et al. ( 2022 ) . A review of allergic contact dermatitis for dental professionals . Faculty Dental Journal vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 4 - 5 .
Shahdad S, Hindocha A, Patel T, Cagney N, Mueller JD, Koched A, Seoudi N, Morgan C et al. ( 2021 ) . Fallow time determination in dentistry using aerosol measurement in mechanically and non-mechanically ventilated environments . British Dental Journal (BDJ)
Dave M, Barry S, Coulthard P, Daniels R, Greenwood M, Seoudi N, Walton G, Patel N ( 2021 ) . An evaluation of sepsis in dentistry . BDJ Team vol. 8 , ( 7 ) 32 - 39 .
Durkin MJ, Seoudi N, Nair R ( 2021 ) . Infectious Diseases . Burket's Oral Medicine , Wiley
Dave M, Seoudi N, Coulthard P, Wilson M ( 2021 ) . COM crisis . British Dental Journal vol. 230 , ( 11 ) 688 - 689 .
Dave M, Barry S, Coulthard P, Daniels R, Greenwood M, Seoudi N, Walton G, Patel N ( 2021 ) . An evaluation of sepsis in dentistry . British Dental Journal vol. 230 , ( 6 ) 351 - 357 .
Palmer NOA, Seoudi N ( 2021 ) . The effect of SARS-CoV-2 on the prescribing of antimicrobials and analgesics by NHS general dental practitioners in England . British Dental Journal
Coulthard P, Thomson P, Dave M, Coulthard FP, Seoudi N, Hill M ( 2020 ) . The COVID-19 pandemic and dentistry: the clinical, legal and economic consequences - part 2: consequences of withholding dental care . British Dental Journal vol. 229 , ( 12 ) 801 - 805 .
Coulthard P, Thomson P, Dave M, Coulthard FP, Seoudi N, Hill M ( 2020 ) . The COVID-19 pandemic and dentistry: the clinical, legal and economic consequences - part 1: clinical . British Dental Journal vol. 229 , ( 11 ) 743 - 747 .
Din AR, Hindocha A, Patel T, Sudarshan S, Cagney N, Koched A, Mueller J-D, Seoudi N et al. ( 2020 ) . Quantitative analysis of particulate matter release during orthodontic procedures: a pilot study . British Dental Journal1 - 7 .
Shahdad S, Patel T, Hindocha A, Cagney N, Mueller J-D, Seoudi N, Morgan C, Din A ( 2020 ) . Correction to: The efficacy of an extraoral scavenging device on reduction of splatter contamination during dental aerosol generating procedures: an exploratory study . Br Dent J
Chakraborty S, Adel Moufti M, Seoudi N, Pisani F, Almasri M ( 2020 ) . The Effect of Ceramic and Conventional Implant Drill Materials on Heat Generation in Osteotomy Sites . European Association of Osseointegration Congress
Dave M, Seoudi N, Coulthard P ( 2020 ) . Letters to the Editor . Dental Update vol. 47 , ( 9 ) 767 - 767 .
Chakraborty S, Moufti MA, Seoudi N, Pisani F, Almasri M ( 2020 ) . The effect of ceramic and conventional implant drill materials on heat generation in osteotomy sites . Clinical Oral Implants Research vol. 31 , ( S20 ) 134 - 134 .
Shahdad S, Patel T, Hindocha A, Cagney N, Mueller JD, Seoudi N, Morgan C, Din A ( 2020 ) . The efficacy of an extraoral scavenging device on reduction of splatter contamination during dental aerosol generating procedures: an exploratory study . British Dental Journal (BDJ)
Lalli A, Aldehlawi H, Buchanan JA, Seoudi N, Fortune F, Waseem A ( 2020 ) . Screening for oral cancer utilising risk-factor analysis is ineffective in high-risk populations . British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Dave M, Coulthard P, Patel N, Seoudi N, Horner K ( 2020 ) . Letter to the Editor: Use of Dental Radiography in the COVID-19 Pandemic . Journal of Dental Research vol. 99 , ( 9 ) 1112 - 1112 .
Dave M, Seoudi N, Coulthard P ( 2020 ) . Urgent dental care for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic . The Lancet vol. 395 , ( 10232 )
Palmer N, Seoudi N, Ide M, Randall C, Hyland L, Patrick A ( 2020 ) . Antimicrobial Prescribing in Dentistry : Good Practice Guidelines . Editors: PALMER, NO , Royal College of Surgeons of England
Al-Ezzi M, Al-Mizrakchi AS, Alwaheb AM, Baysan A, Seoudi N, Tappuni AR ( 2018 ) . Black and green tea antimicrobial effect on Mutans streptococci and Lactobacilli . Iraqi Academic Scientific Journal vol. 5 , ( 1 ) 36 - 54 .
Seoudi N ( 2018 ) . Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Intraoral Bone Grafting Procedures - A Review .
Seoudi N ( 2018 ) . The Antimicrobial Activity of PRP, PRF and CGF - A Review .
Al-Ezzi, M, Al-Mizrakchi A, Alwaheb A, BAYSAN A, SEOUDI N, TAPPUNI AR ( 2018 ) . Black and green tea antimicrobial effect on Mutans streptococci and Lactobacilli . Journal of Oral and Dental Research
SEOUDI NMSA ( 2016 ) . The management of sharps injuries in a dental healthcare setting . Conference: British Dental Association ( Manchester ) from: 26/05/2016 to: 28/05/2016 ,
Lockhart DEA, Pankhurst C, Richardson R, Seoudi N, Smith A, Wilson M ( 2016 ) . Clinical oral microbiology: A view of the road ahead . Faculty Dental Journal vol. 7 , ( 2 ) 82 - 85 .
Pankhurst C, Rautemaa-Richardson R, Seoudi N, Smith A, Wilson M ( 2016 ) . Antimicrobial resistance: Antibiotics and consultant oral microbiologist posts . British Dental Journal vol. 220 , ( 1 ) 2 - 3 .
SEOUDI NMSA, HOJJAT N, WILKINSON C, TURNER W, BUCHANAN J ( 2015 ) . Antimicrobial prescribing patterns in secondary dental care . Conference: Federation of Infection Societies ( Glasgow ) from: 21/11/2015 to: 23/11/2015 ,
Senusi A, Seoudi N, Bergmeier LA, Fortune F ( 2015 ) . Genital ulcer severity score and genital health quality of life in Behçet’s disease . Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Seoudi N, Bergmeier LA, Hagi-Pavli E, Bibby D, Fortune F ( 2015 ) . The seroprevalence and salivary shedding of herpesviruses in Behçet's syndrome and recurrent aphthous stomatitis . Journal of Oral Microbiology vol. 7 , ( 1 )
Seoudi N, Bergmeier LA, Drobniewski F, Paster B, Fortune F ( 2015 ) . The oral mucosal and salivary microbial community of Behçet's syndrome and recurrent aphthous stomatitis . Journal of Oral Microbiology vol. 7 , ( 1 )
VARTOUKIAN SR, Tilakaratne W, Seoudi N, Bombardieri M, Bergmeier L, Tappuni A, Fortune F ( 2014 ) . Dysregulation of the SOCS3-STAT3 pathway in the aetio-pathogenesis of Sjögren’s syndrome . Clinical and Experimental Immunology vol. 177 , ( 3 ) 618 - 629 .
Bergmeier LA, Hamedi M, Hagi-Pavli E, Seoudi N, Senusi A, Ijaz H, Fortune F ( 2014 ) . HSP27 as a diagnostic marker in the saliva of Behcet's disease .
Seoudi N, Bergmeier LA, Hagi-Pavli E, Bibby D, Curtis MA, Fortune F ( 2013 ) . The role of TLR2 and 4 in Behcet's disease pathogenesis . Innate Immun vol. 20 , ( 4 ) 412 - 422 .
Seoudi N, Mitchell SL, Brown TJ, Dashti F, Amin AK, Drobniewski FA ( 2012 ) . Rapid molecular detection of tuberculosis and rifampicin drug resistance: retrospective analysis of a national U.K. molecular service over the last decade . Thorax vol. 67 , ( 4 ) 361 - 367 .
Murray-Brown W, Priori R, Tappuni T, Vartoukian S, Seoudi N, Picarelli G, Fortune F, Valesini G et al. ( 2012 ) . MONOCYTE-DERIVED IL-32 EXPRESSION CORRELATES WITH THE LEVEL OF INFLAMMATION IN SALIVARY GLANDS OF SJOGREN'S SYNDROME . RHEUMATOLOGY . vol. 51 , 176 - 176 .
Mitchell SL, Seoudi N, Hutchison DCS, Drobniewski FA ( 2011 ) . Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: resistance rates to first and reserve antituberculosis drugs in the UK in 2008/9 and the role of rapid molecular tests for drug resistance . Thorax vol. 66 , ( 7 ) 630 - 631 .
Begum SS, Tappuni AI, Abdelghani A, Seoudi N, Buchanan JAGB, Fortune F ( 2010 ) . Linear naevus sebaceous syndrome (LNSS) . ORAL DIS vol. 16 , ( 6 ) 563 - 563 .
Bergmeier LA, Adegun O, Seoudi N, Hamedi M, Hagi-Pavli E, Fortune F ( 2010 ) . INDUCIBLE HUMAN HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN (HSP70) IS ELEVATED IN THE SALIVA OF BEHCET'S PATIENTS . CLIN EXP RHEUMATOL vol. 28 , ( 4 ) S123 - S123 .
Hagi-Pavli E, Bergmeier L, Khan I, Seoudi N, Fortune F ( 2010 ) . SECRETORY LEUKOCYTE PROTEASE INHIBITOR (SLPI) IN BEHCET'S PATIENTS SALIVA . CLIN EXP RHEUMATOL vol. 28 , ( 4 ) S128 - S128 .
Seoudi N, Hagi-Pavli E, Bergmeier L, Stewart J, Curtis M, Fortune F ( 2010 ) . THE ORAL HEALTH AND MICROBIOTA OF UK BEHCET'S DISEASE PATIENTS . CLIN EXP RHEUMATOL vol. 28 , ( 4 ) S124 - S124 .
Mumcu G, Niazi S, Stewart J, Hagi-Pavli E, Gokani B, Seoudi N, Ergun T, Yavuz S et al. ( 2009 ) . Oral health and related quality of life status in patients from UK and Turkey: a comparative study in Behcet's disease . J ORAL PATHOL MED vol. 38 , ( 5 ) 406 - 409 .
Mumcu G, Niazi S, Stewart J, Hagi-Pavli E, Gokani B, Seoudi N, Ergun T, Yavuz S et al. ( 2009 ) . Oral health and related quality of life status in patients from UK and Turkey: a comparative study in Behcet's disease . J Oral Pathol Med vol. 38 , ( 5 ) 406 - 409 .
Hagi-Pavli E, Plequezuelos O, Seoudi N, Stewart JE, Shirlaw P, Wallace G, Stanford MR, Fortune F ( 2008 ) . EXPRESSION OF EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR AND ITS LIGANDS IN THE ORAL CAVITY OF BEHCET'S DISEASE PATIENTS . CLIN EXP RHEUMATOL vol. 26 , ( 4 ) S9 - S10 .
Wali ME, Ezz El-Arab A, Seoudi N ( 2001 ) . A NOVEL EFFECT OF EMDOGAIN ON EPITHELIAL PROLIFERATION . Egyptian Dental Journal Article 2.1 ,