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Publications: Mr Gyorgy Fazekas

Vanka S, Safi M, Rolland J-B, Fazekas G ( 2024 ) . The Role of Communication and Reference Songs in the Mixing Process: Insights from Professional Mix Engineers . Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
Qian K, Fazekas G, Li S, Li Z, Schuller BW ( 2023 ) . Editorial: Human-centred computer audition: sound, music, and healthcare . Frontiers in Digital Health vol. 5 ,
Tang J, Wiggins G, Fazekas G ( 2023 ) . Pianist Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks . Conference: 2023 4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Rice M, Steinmetz CJ, Fazekas G, Reiss JD ( 2023 ) . General Purpose Audio Effect Removal . Conference: 2023 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Vahidi C, Singh S, Benetos E, Phan QH, Stowell D, Fazekas G, Lagrange M ( 2023 ) . Perceptual musical similarity metric learning with graph neural networks . Conference: IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) ( New Paltz, NY, USA ) from: 22/10/2023 to: 25/10/2023 ,
Vahidi C, Han H, Wang C, Lagrange M, Fazekas G, Lostanlen V ( 2023 ) . Mesostructures: Beyond Spectrogram Loss in Differentiable Time–Frequency Analysis . Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 71 , ( 9 ) 577 - 585 .
Bolt J, Fazekas G ( 2023 ) . Supervised Contrastive Learning For Musical Onset Detection . Conference: Audio Mostly from: 30/08/2023 to: 01/09/2023 ,
Wilson E, Fazekas G, Wiggins G ( 2023 ) . On the Integration of Machine Agents into Live Coding . Organised Sound vol. 28 , ( 2 ) 305 - 314 .
Ceriani M, Viola F, Rudan S, Antoniazzi F, Barthet M, Fazekas G ( 2023 ) . Semantic integration of audio content providers through the Audio Commons Ontology . Journal of Web Semantics vol. 77 ,
Yu C-Y, Yeh S-L, Fazekas G, Tang H ( 2023 ) . Conditioning and Sampling in Variational Diffusion Models for Speech Super-Resolution . Conference: ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Rafee SRM, Fazekas G, Wiggins G ( 2023 ) . HIPI: A Hierarchical Performer Identification Model Based on Symbolic Representation of Music . Conference: ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Diaz R, Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2023 ) . Rigid-Body Sound Synthesis with Differentiable Modal Resonators . Conference: ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G ( 2023 ) . Sinusoidal Frequency Estimation by Gradient Descent . Conference: ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Vanka S, Safi M, Rolland J-B, Fazekas G ( 2023 ) . Adoption of AI Technology in the Music Mixing Workflow: An Investigation . Conference: AES Europe Convention 2023 ( Helsinki, Finland ) from: 13/05/2023 to: 15/05/2023 ,
Löbbers S, Thorpe L, Fazekas G ( 2023 ) . SketchSynth: Cross-Modal Control of Sound Synthesis . Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design , vol. 13988 , Springer Nature
Turchet L, Lagrange M, Rottondi C, Fazekas G, Peters N, Østergaard J, Font F, Bäckström T et al. ( 2023 ) . The Internet of Sounds: Convergent Trends, Insights, and Future Directions . IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 10 , ( 13 ) 11264 - 11292 .
Zhao Y, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2022 ) . Transfer Learning for Violinist Identification . 2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) . Conference: 2022 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)239 - 243 .
L�bbers S, Fazekas G ( 2022 ) . Seeing Sounds, Hearing Shapes: a gamified study to evaluate sound-sketches . . Editors: Torre, G , Conference: International Computer Music Conference ( Limerick, Ireland ) from: 09/07/2022 to: 03/07/2022 ,
Proutskova P, Wolff D, Fazekas G, Frieler K, Höger F, Velichkina O, Solis G, Weyde T et al. ( 2022 ) . The Jazz Ontology: A semantic model and large-scale RDF repositories for jazz . Journal of Web Semantics100735 - 100735 .
Manco I, Benetos E, Quinton E, Fazekas G ( 2022 ) . Learning music audio representations via weak language supervision . Conference: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ( Singapore ) from: 22/05/2022 to: 27/05/2022 , 456 - 460 .
Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G ( 2022 ) . Disembodied Timbres: A Study on Semantically Prompted FM Synthesis . Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 70 , ( 5 ) 373 - 391 .
Vahidi C, Muradeli J, Wang C, Han H, Lostanlen V, Lagrange M, Fazekas G . Differentiable Time-Frequency Scattering in Kymatio . Conference: arXiv
Turchet L, Bouquet P, Molinari A, Fazekas G ( 2022 ) . The Smart Musical Instruments Ontology . Journal of Web Semantics vol. 72 ,
Zhao Y, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2022 ) . Violinist Identification Using Note-Level Timbre Feature Distributions . ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings . Conference: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 2022-May , 601 - 605 .
Bromham G, Moffat D, Sheng D, Fazekas G ( 2022 ) . Measuring Audibility Threshold Levels for Attack and Release in a Dynamic Range Compressor . AES New York 2022 - 153rd Audio Engineering Society Convention 2022 .
Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G ( 2022 ) . A gamified interactive system for crowdsourcing a timbre semantic vocabulary . Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics .
Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G ( 2021 ) . Neural Waveshaping Synthesis . Conference: Proceedings of the 22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval ( Online ) from: 08/11/2021 to: 12/11/2021 ,
Zhao Y, Wang C, Fazekas G, Benetos E, Sandler M ( 2021 ) . Violinist identification based on vibrato features . Conference: 29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) from: 23/08/2021 to: 27/08/2021 , 381 - 385 .
Löbbers S, Barthet M, Fazekas G ( 2021 ) . Sketching sounds: an exploratory study on sound-shape associations . Conference: International Computer Music Conference ( Santiago de Chile, Chile ) from: 25/07/2021 to: 31/07/2021 ,
Vahidi C, Fazekas G, Saitis C ( 2021 ) . A Modulation Front-End for Music Audio Tagging . Conference: The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks from: 18/07/2021 to: 22/07/2021 ,
Manco I, Benetos E, Quinton E, Fazekas G ( 2021 ) . MusCaps: generating captions for music audio . Conference: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) from: 18/07/2021 to: 22/07/2021 ,
Singh S ( 2021 ) . Intelligent control method for the dynamic rangecompressor: A user study . Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
Li S, Jing Y, Fazekas G ( 2021 ) . A Novel Dataset for the Identification of Computer Generated Melodies in the CSMT Challenge . Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Sound and Music Technology , vol. 761 , Springer Nature
Lefford MN, Bromham G, Fazekas G, Moffat D ( 2021 ) . Context-Aware Intelligent Mixing Systems . Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 69 , ( 3 ) 128 - 141 .
Gabrielli L, Fazekas G, Nam J ( 2021 ) . Special Issue on Deep Learning for Applications in Acoustics: Modeling, Synthesis, and Listening . Applied Sciences vol. 11 , ( 2 )
Rafee SRM, Fazekas G, Wiggins GA ( 2021 ) . Performer Identification From Symbolic Representation of Music Using Statistical Models . ICMC 2021 - Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2021 . 178 - 184 .
O'Connor B, Dixon S, Fazekas G ( 2020 ) . An Exploratory Study on Perceptual Spaces of the Singing Voice . Conference: The 2020 Joint Conference on AI Music Creativity ( Proceedings of the 2020 Joint Conference on AI Creativity ) from: 23/10/2020 to: 19/10/2020 , vol. 1 ,
Proutskova P, Volk A, Heidarian P, Fazekas G ( 2020 ) . From Music Ontology Towards Ethno-Music-Ontology . . Conference: International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ( Montreal, Canada ) from: 11/10/2020 to: 16/10/2020 , 923 - 931 .
Vahidi C, Fazekas G, Saitis C, Palladini A ( 2020 ) . Timbre Space Representation of a Subtractive Synthesizer . Conference: International Conference on Timbre (Timbre 2020) from: 03/09/2020 to: 04/09/2020 ,
Thompson A, Fazekas G, Wiggins G ( 2020 ) . Poster: Programming Practices Among Interactive Audio Software Developers . Conference: 2020 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) vol. 00 , 1 - 2 .
Williams D, Fazenda B, Williamson V, Fazekas G ( 2020 ) . On performance and perceived effort in trail runners using sensor control to generate biosynchronous music . Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 20 , ( 16 ) 1 - 14 .
Turchet L, Pauwels J, Fischione C, Fazekas G ( 2020 ) . Cloud-smart Musical Instrument Interactions . ACM Transactions on Internet of Things vol. 1 , ( 3 ) 1 - 29 .
Zhao Y, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2020 ) . Identifying master violinists using note-level audio features . Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conferences . Conference: 17th Sound and Music Computing Conference from: 24/06/2020 to: 27/06/2020 , vol. 2020-June , 185 - 192 .
Turchet L, Fazekas G, Lagrange M, Ghadikolaei HS, Fischione C ( 2020 ) . The Internet of Audio Things: State of the Art, Vision, and Challenges . IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 7 , ( 10 ) 10233 - 10249 .
Shatri E, Fazekas G ( 2020 ) . Optical Music Recognition: State of the Art and Major Challenges . Conference: International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation ( Hamburg ) from: 12/05/2020 to: 14/05/2020 ,
Turchet L, Antoniazzi F, Viola F, Giunchiglia F, Fazekas G ( 2020 ) . The Internet of Musical Things Ontology . Journal of Web Semantics vol. 60 ,
Williams D, Fazenda B, Williamson V, Fazekas G ( 2020 ) . Biophysiologically synchronous computer generated music improves performance and reduces perceived effort in trail runners . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 531 - 536 .
Proutskova P, Volk A, Heidarian P, Fazekas G ( 2020 ) . FROM MUSIC ONTOLOGY TOWARDS ETHNO-MUSIC-ONTOLOGY . Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2020 . 223 - 230 .
Thompson A, Fazekas G ( 2019 ) . A Model-View-Update Framework for Interactive Web Audio Applications . Conference: Proceedings of the 14th International Audio Mostly Conference: A Journey in Sound219 - 222 .
BROMHAM G, Moffat D, Barthet M, Daneilsen A, Fazekas G ( 2019 ) . The Impact of Audio Effects Processing on the Perception of Brightness and Warmth . Conference: Audio Mostly ( Nottingham, UK ) from: 17/09/2019 to: 20/09/2019 ,
Sheng D, Fazekas G ( 2019 ) . A Feature Learning Siamese Model for Intelligent Control of the Dynamic Range Compressor . Conference: 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) vol. 00 , 1 - 8 .
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Transfer Learning for Piano Sustain-Pedal Detection . Conference: 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Xambó A, Font F, Fazekas G, Barthet M ( 2019 ) . Leveraging Online Audio Commons Content for Media Production . Foundations in Sound Design for Linear Media , Taylor & Francis
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Piano Sustain-pedal Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks . ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings . Conference: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing vol. 2019-May , 241 - 245 .
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . Piano Legato-Pedal Onset Detection Based on a Sympathetic Resonance Measure . Proceedings of the 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2018) . Conference: 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) ( Rome ) from: 03/09/2018 to: 07/09/2018 , 2484 - 2488 .
Viola F, Turchet L, Antoniazzi F, Fazekas G ( 2018 ) . C Minor: a Semantic Publish/Subscribe Broker for the Internet of Musical Things . Conference: 2018 23rd Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT) vol. 00 , 405 - 415 .
Turchet L, Viola F, Fazekas G, Barthet M ( 2018 ) . Towards a Semantic Architecture for the Internet of Musical Things . Conference: 2018 23rd Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT) vol. 00 , 382 - 390 .
Viola F, Stolfi A, Milo A, Ceriani M, Barthet M, Fazekas G ( 2018 ) . . Conference: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Semantic Applications for Audio and Music46 - 53 .
Bechhofer S, Fazekas G, Page K ( 2018 ) . Preface . ACM International Conference Proceeding Series .
Pauwels J, Xambo Sedo A, Roma G, Barthet M, Fazekas G ( 2018 ) . Exploring Real-time Visualisations to Support Chord Learning with a Large Music Collection . Proceedings of the 4th Web Audio Conference (WAC) . Conference: 4th Web Audio Conference (WAC) ( Berlin, Germany ) from: 19/09/2018 to: 21/09/2018 ,
Ceriani M, Fazekas G ( 2018 ) . Audio Commons Ontology: A Data Model for an Audio Content Ecosystem . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 11137 , 20 - 35 .
Xambó A, Pauwels J, Roma G, Barthet M, Fazekas G ( 2018 ) . Jam with Jamendo . Conference: Proceedings of the Audio Mostly 2018 on Sound in Immersion and Emotion1 - 7 .
Pauwels J, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . Recommending songs to music learners based on chord content . Proceedings of the 2018 Joint Workshop on Machine Learning for Music . Conference: 2018 Joint Workshop on Machine Learning for Music ( Stockholm, Sweden ) from: 14/07/2018 to: 14/07/2018 ,
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . Measurement, Recognition and Visualisation of Piano Pedalling Gestures and Techniques . JAES Special Issue on Participatory Sound And Music Interaction Using Semantic Audio vol. 2 , Article 47 , xxxx - xxxx .
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . Measurement, recognition, and visualization of piano pedaling gestures and techniques . AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 66 , ( 6 ) 448 - 456 .
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M, Cho K ( 2018 ) . The Effects of Noisy Labels on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Music Tagging . IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence vol. 2 , ( 2 ) Article 2 , 139 - 149 .
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M, Cho K ( 2018 ) . A Comparison of Audio Signal Preprocessing Methods for Deep Neural Networks on Music Tagging . Proc. of the 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2018), 3-7 Sept, Rome, Italy .
Sheng D, Fazekas G ( 2018 ) . Feature Design Using Audio Decomposition for Intelligent Control of the Dynamic Range Compressor . Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 15-20, Calgary, Canada. .
Sheng D, Fazekas G ( 2018 ) . Feature Selection for Dynamic Range Compressor Parameter Estimation . Proc. of the 144th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, 23-26 May, Milan, Italy .
Marengo L, Fazekas G, Tombros A ( 2018 ) . I Wonder... Inquiry Techniques As A Method To Gain Insights Into People’s Encounters With Visual Art . Proc. International Conference on Museums and the Web 2018, April 18-21, Vancouver, Canada. .
Xambo A, Roma G, Lerch A, Barthet M, Fazekas G ( 2018 ) . Live Repurposing of Sounds: MIR Explorations with Personal and Crowd-sourced Databases . Proc. of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 3-6 June, Blacksburg, VA, USA. .
Bromham G, Moffat D, Barthet M, Fazekas G ( 2018 ) . The impact of compressor ballistics on the perceived style of music . 145th Audio Engineering Society International Convention, AES 2018 .
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M, Cho K ( 2017 ) . Transfer learning for music classification and regression tasks . Proc. 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Oct. 23-27, Suzhou, China . Conference: ISMIR 2017141 - 149 .
CHOI K, FAZEKAS G, SANDLER M, Kyunghyun C ( 2017 ) . Transfer learning for music classification and regression tasks . Conference: The 18th International Society of Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference
Bechhofer S, Page K, Weigl D, Fazekas G, Wilmering T ( 2017 ) . Linked Data Publication of Live Music Archives and Analyses . The Semantic Web, proc. of the 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Oct. 21-25, Vienna, Austria . Conference: International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) ( Vienna, Austria ) from: 21/10/2017 to: 25/10/2017 , vol. 10588 ,
Fazekas G, Barthet M, Stockman T ( 2017 ) . Welcome to Audio Mostly 2017! . ACM International Conference Proceeding Series . vol. Part F131930 ,
Marengo L, Fazekas TA ( 2017 ) . I Wonder... Inquiry Techniques as a Method to Gain Insights into People's Encounters with Visual Art . Conference: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI’17), 9-14 July, Vancouver, Canada vol. 714 ,
Page K, Bechhofer S, Fazekas G, Weigl D, Wilmering T ( 2017 ) . Realising a Layered Digital Library: Exploration and Analysis of the Live Music Archive through Linked Data . ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), June 19-23, Toronto, Canada . Conference: ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)1 - 10 .
Choi K, Fazekas G, Cho K, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . A Tutorial on Deep Learning for Music Information Retrieval . Journal Paper - arXiv preprint .
Sheng D, Fazekas G ( 2017 ) . Automatic Control Of The Dynamic Range Compressor Using A Regression Model And A Reference Sound . Proc. of the 20th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-17), September 5–9, Edinburgh, UK .
Wilmering T, Thalmann F, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Bridging Fan Communities and Facilitating Access to Music Archives through Semantic Audio Applications . Proc. 143 Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, (e-Brief) Oct. 18-12, New York, USA .
Pauwels J, O hanlon K, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Confidence Measures and Their Applications in Music Labelling Systems Based on Hidden Markov Models . Proc. 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Oct. 23-27, Suzhou, China . 279 - 279 .
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Detection of Piano Pedaling Techniques on the Sustain Pedal . Proc. 143 Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Oct. 18-12, New York, USA .
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Discovering Feature Relevance in Pedalling Analyses of Piano Music . Proc. Digital Music Research Network Workshop (DMRN+12), Dec. 19, London, UK .
Sheng D, Fazekas G ( 2017 ) . Feature design for intelligent control of the dynamic range compressor using audio decomposition . Proc. Digital Music Research Network Workshop (DMRN+12), Dec. 19, London, UK .
Liang B, Fazekas G, McPherson A, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Piano Pedaller: A Measurement System for Classification and Visualisation of Piano Pedalling Techniques . Proc. of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), May 15-18, Copenhagen, Denmark . 325 - 329 .
Fazekas G, Barthet M, Stockman TE ( 2017 ) . Proceedings of the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences, London, United Kingdom, August 23 - 26, 2017 . Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Recognition of Piano Pedalling Techniques Using Gesture Data . Proceeding Proc. of the ACM 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences, Aug. 23-26, London, United Kingdom .
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M, Cho K ( 2017 ) . Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Music Classification . IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 5-9, New Orleans, USA . Conference: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) ( New Orleans, USA ) 2392 - 2396 .
LIANG B, fazekas G, mcpherson A, sandler M ( 2016 ) . Classification of Piano Pedaling Techniques Using Gesture Data from a Non-Intrusive Measurement System . DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network Workshop Proceedings 2016 . Conference: DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2016 ( Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London ) from: 20/12/2016 to: 20/12/2016 ,
Allik A M, Fazekas G SM ( 2016 ) . Musicweb: Music Discovery with Open Linked Semantic Metadata [Nominee, Best Demo Award] . vol. 1690 ,
CHOI K, sandler M, fazekas G ( 2016 ) . Text-based LSTM networks for Automatic Music Composition . Conference: Conference on Computer Simulation of Musical Creativity ( Huddersfield, UK ) from: 17/06/2016 to: 19/06/2016 ,
Buccoli M, Zanoni M, Fazekas G, Sarti A, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . A Higher-Dimensional Expansion of Affective Norms for English Terms for Music Tagging . Proc. of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-16) conference, August 7-11., New York, USA . 316 - 322 .
Allik A, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . An Ontology for Audio Features . Proc. of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-16) conference, August 7-11., New York, USA . 73 - 79 .
Font F, Brookes T, Fazekas G, Guerber M, La Burthe A, Plans D, Plumbley M, Wang W et al. ( 2016 ) . Audio Commons: Bringing Creative Commons Audio Content to the Creative Industries . Proc. AES 61st International Conference on Audio for Games, Feb 10–12, London, UK .
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Automatic Tagging Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks . Proc. of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-16) conference, August 7-11., New York, USA . 805 - 811 .
Thalmann F, Fazekas G, Wiggins GA, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Creating, Visualizing, and Analyzing Dynamic Music Objects in the Browser with the Dymo Designer . Proc. ACM Audio Mostly Conference, Oct. 4-6, Norrköping, Sweden . 39 - 46 .
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Thalmann F, Sandler M, Wiggins GA ( 2016 ) . Crossroads: Interactive Music Systems Transforming Performance, Production and Listening . Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), May 7–12, San Jose, CA, USA. .
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Allik A, Thalmann F, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . From interactive to adaptive mood-based music listening experiences in social or personal context . Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 64 , Article 9 , 673 - 682 .
Saari P, Fazekas G, Eerola T, Barthet M, Lartillot, O S, M ( 2016 ) . Genre-Adaptive Semantic Computing and Audio-Based Modelling for Music Mood Annotation . IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC) vol. 7 , Article 2 , 122 - 135 .
Carrillo A, Thalmann F, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Geolocation Adaptive Music Player . Proc. Web Audio Conference WAC-2016, April 4–6, Atlanta, USA .
Chiliguano P, Fazekas G ( 2016 ) . Hybrid music recommender using content-based and social information . IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 20-25 March, Snahghai, China .
Mora-McGinity M, Allik A, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . MusicWeb: Music discovery with open linked semantic metadata . Communications in Computer and Information Science . vol. 672 , 291 - 296 .
Mora-Mcginity M, Allik A, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Proc. Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR), Nov. 22-25, Göttingen, Germany . vol. 672 ,
Stables R, De Man B, Enderby S, Reiss JD, Fazekas G, Wilmering T ( 2016 ) . Semantic description of timbral transformations in music production . Proc. ACM Multimedia, Oct. 15-19, Amsterdam, Netherlands . 337 - 341 .
Thalmann F, Carrillo G, Wiggins GA, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . The Mobile Audio Ontology: Experiencing Dynamic Music Objects on Mobile Devices . IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), Feb. 4-6, Laguna Hills, CA, USA . 47 - 54 .
Thalmann F, Perez Carillo A, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . The Semantic Music Player: A Smart Mobile Player Based on Ontological Structures and Analytical Feature Metadata . Proc. Web Audio Conference WAC-2016, April 4–6, Atlanta, USA .
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . The Semantic Web, proc. of the 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Oct. 17–21, Kobe, Japan . vol. 9982 ,
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Towards Playlist Generation Algorithms Using RNNs Trained on Within-Track Transitions . Proc. 24th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalisation (UMAP 2016), Workshop on Surprise, Opposition, and Obstruction in Adaptive and Personalized Systems (SOAP) June 13–17, Halifax, Canada .
Allik A, Fazekas G, Barthet M, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . myMoodplay: An interactive mood-based music discovery app . Proc. of the 2nd Web Audio Conference (WAC), April 4–6, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. .
CHOI K, Fazekas G, sandler MARK, Kim J ( 2015 ) . Auralisation of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: Listening to Learned Features . Conference: International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ( Malaga, Spain ) from: 30/10/2015 to: 26/10/2015 ,
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Allik A, Sandler MB ( 2015 ) . Audio effects data on the semantic web . 139th Audio Engineering Society International Convention, AES 2015 .
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Dixon S, Bechhofer S, Page K ( 2015 ) . Automating Annotation of Media with Linked Data Workflows . Third International Workshop on Linked Media (LiME 2015) co-located with the WWW’15 conference, 18-22 May, Florence, Italy. .
Mauch M, Cannam C, Bittner R, Fazekas G, Salamon J, Dai J, Bello J, Dixon S ( 2015 ) . Computer-aided Melody Note Transcription Using the Tony Software: Accuracy and Efficiency . Proceedings of the First International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation .
Fazekas G ( 2015 ) . Convergence of technologies to connect audio with meaning: from Semantic Web ontologies to semantic audio production .
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Allik A, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . Moodplay: an interactive mood-based musical experience . Proc. of the ACM Audio Mostly International Conference, 7-9 Oct. Thessaloniki, Greece. .
Thalmann F, Carrillo A, Fazekas G, Wiggins GA, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . Navigating Ontological Structures based on Feature Metadata Using the Semantic Music Player . Proc. of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-15) conference, Late-breaking session, Oct. 26-30, Malaga, Spain .
Tian M, Fazekas G, Black DAA, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . On the Use of the Tempogram to Describe Audio Content and its Application to Music Structural Segmentation . Proc. of the 40th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 19-24 April, Brisbane, Australia .
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . The Organ Web App . Proc. of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-15) conference, Late-breaking session, Oct. 26-30, Malaga, Spain .
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Dixon S, Page K, Bechhofer S ( 2015 ) . Towards High Level Feature Extraction from Large Live Music Recording Archives . International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Machine Learning for Music Discovery Workshop, 6-11 July, Lille, France .
Zanoni M, Setragno F, Antonacci F, Sarti A, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . Training-based Semantic Descriptors modeling for violin quality sound characterization . Proceedings of the 138th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), 7-10 May, Warsaw, Poland. .
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . Understanding Music Playlists . International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Machine Learning for Music Discovery Workshop, 6-11 July, Lille, France .
Fazekas G, BARTHET M, Sandler MB ( 2014 ) . Novel Methods in Facilitating Audience and Performer Interaction Using the Mood Conductor Framework . Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 8905 , ( Sound, Music, and Motion ) 122 - 147 .
Kolozali S, Fazekas G, Barthet M, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . A framework for automatic ontology generation based on semantic audio analysis . Proc. of the AES 53rd International Conference on Semantic Audio, Jan, 26-29., London, UK .
Fazekas G, Kudumakis P ( 2014 ) . A second screen music discovery and recommendation service based on social and cultural factors .
Bechhofer S, Dixon S, Fazekas G, Wilmering T, Page K ( 2014 ) . Computational Analysis of the Live Music Archive . Presented at the 15th International Society of Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference late-breaking workshop, Oct 27-31, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan .
Mora-McGinity M, Fazekas G, Ogilive G ( 2014 ) . Creating Semantic Links between Research Articles and Music Artists . Presented at the Digital Music Research Network Workshop, Dec., London, UK at the 15th International Society of Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference late-breaking workshop, Oct 27-31, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan .
Tian M, Fazekas G, Black DAA, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . Design and Evaluation of Onset Detectors Using Different Fusion Policies . Presented at the 15th International Society of Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference, Oct 27-31, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan .
Mauch M, Cannam C, Fazekas G ( 2014 ) . Efficient computer-aided pitch track and note estimation for scientific applications . Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research (SEMPRE’14) conference, April 3-4, London, UK . 143 - 147 .
Lou T, Barthet M, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . Evaluation and Improvement of the Mood Conductor Interactive System . Proc. of the AES 53rd International Conference on Semantic Audio, Jan, 26-29., London, UK .
Font F, Oramas S, Fazekas G, Serra X ( 2014 ) . Extending Tagging Ontologies with Domain Specific Knowledge . Presented at the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), 19-23 October, Trento, Italy .
Fazekas G, Barthet M, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . Novel Methods in Facilitating Audience and Performer Interaction using the Mood Conductor Framework . Editors: Aramaki, M, Kronland-Martinet, R, Ystad, S , Edition. Sound Music and Motion , vol. 8905 , Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.
Stables R, Enderby S, De Man B, Fazekas G, Reiss JD ( 2014 ) . SAFE: A System for Extraction and Retrieval of Semantic Audio Descriptors . Presented at the Digital Music Research Network Workshop, Dec., London, UK at the 15th International Society of Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference late-breaking workshop, Oct 27-31, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan .
Baume C, Fazekas G, Barthet M, Martson D, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . Selection of audio features for music emotion recognition using production music . Proc. of the AES 53rd International Conference on Semantic Audio, Jan, 26-29., London, UK .
Mora-McGinity M, Ogilvie G, Fazekas G ( 2014 ) . Semantically Linking Humanities Research Articles and Music Artists . Workshop on Semantic Technologies for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences (STRiX), November 24-25, Gothenburg, Sweden .
De Man B, Mora-Mcginity M, Fazekas G, Reiss JD ( 2014 ) . The Open Multitrack Testbed . 137th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, 7 Oct., Los Angeles, USA .
Stables R, Enderby S, De Man B, Fazekas G, Reiss JD ( 2014 ) . The SAFE project: Musical semantics in the DAW . Presented at the Digital Music Research Network Workshop, 16. Dec., London, UK .
Allik A, Fazekas G, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . A Shared Vocabulary for Audio Features . SEMANTIC WEB: ESWC 2013 SATELLITE EVENTS . vol. 7955 , 285 - 286 .
Kosta K, Song Y, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . A Study of Cultural Dependence of Perceived Mood in Greek Music . Proc. of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR’13, November 4-8, Curitiba, Brazil . Editors: Britto, ASJ, Gouyon, F, Dixon, S , 317 - 322 .
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Audio Effect Classification Based on Auditory Perceptual Attributes . Proc. of the 135th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, NY, USA. .
Kolozali S, Barthet M, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Automatic Ontology Generation for Musical Instruments Based on Audio Analysis . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING vol. 21 , ( 10 ) 1 - 14 .
Tian M, Black DAA, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Content-based Emotion Categorisation Analysis of Chinese Cultural Revolution Songs . Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis (FMA’13), 6-7 June, Amsterdam, Netherlands . Editors: Kranenburg, PV, Anagnostopoulou, C, Volk, A ,
Barthet M, Marston D, Baume C, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Design and Evaluation of Semantic Mood Models for Music Recommendation Using Editorial Tags . Proc. of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR’13, November 4-8, Curitiba, Brazil . Editors: Britto, ASJ, Gouyon, F, Dixon, S , 421 - 426 .
Barthet M, Marston D, Baume C, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Design and evaluation of semantic mood models for music recommendation . Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2013 . 421 - 426 .
Lou T, Barthet M, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Evaluation of the Mood Conductor Interactive System Based on Audience and Performers’ Perspectives . Proc. of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR’13), 15-18 October, Marseille, France. .
Allik A, Fazekas G, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Facilitating Music Information Research with Shared Open Vocabularies . SEMANTIC WEB: ESWC 2013 SATELLITE EVENTS . vol. 7955 , 178 - 183 .
Fazekas G, Barthet M, Sandler MB ( 2013 ) . Mood Conductor: Emotion-Driven Interactive Music Performance . 2013 HUMAINE ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT INTERACTION (ACII) . 726 - 726 .
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Music Emotion Recognition: From Content- to Context-Based Models . Editors: Aramaki, M, BARTHET, MHE, Kronland-Martinet, R, Ystad, S et al. , Edition. From Sounds to Music and Emotions , vol. 7900 , Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Semantic Metadata for Music Production Projects . Proc. of the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), first International Workshop on Semantic Music and Media (SMAM2013) . 21 - 25 .
Saari P, Barthet M, Fazekas G, Eerola T, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Semantic models of musical mood: Comparison between crowd-sourced and curated editorial tags . Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2013) International Workshop on Affective Analysis in Multimedia (AAM), 15-19 July 2013, San Jose, CA, USA .
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . The Audio Effects Ontology . Proc. of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR’13, November 4-8, Curitiba, Brazil . Editors: Britto, ASJ, Gouyon, F, Dixon, S ,
Fazekas G, Barthet M, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . The BBC Desktop Jukebox music recommendation system: A large-scale trial with professional users . Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 15–19, July, San Jose, CA, USA. .
Fazekas G, Barthet M, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . The Mood Conductor System: Audience and Performer Interaction using Mobile Technology and Emotion Cues . Proc. of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR’13), 15-18 October, Marseille, France. .
Saari P, Eerola T, Fazekas G, Barthet M, Lartillot O, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . The Role of Audio and Tags in Music Mood Prediction: a Study Using Semantic Layer Projection . Proc. of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR’13, November 4-8, Curitiba, Brazil . Editors: Britto, ASJ, Gouyon, F, Dixon, S ,
Tian M, Fazekas G, Black DAA, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Towards the Representation of Chinese Traditional Music: A State of the Art Review of Music Metadata Standards . Proc. of the DCMI International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC-2013), 2-6, September, Lisbon, Portugal71 - 81 .
Saari P, Eerola T, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Using Semantic Layer Projection for Enhancing Music Mood Prediction With Audio Features . Proc. of the Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC’13), Stockholm, Sweden .
Song Y, Dixon S, Pearce M, Fazekas G ( 2013 ) . Using Tags to Select Stimuli in the Study of Music and Emotion . Proc. 3rd International Conference on Music and Emotion (ICME), June 11-15, Jyväskylä, Finland . Editors: Luck, G, Brabant, O ,
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . High level semantic metadata for the control of multitrack adaptive audio effects . Proc. of the 133rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco, CA, USA .
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . Knowledge Representation Issues in Audio-Related Metadata Model Design . Proc. of the 133rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco, CA, USA .
Terrell MJ, Fazekas G, Simpson AJR, Smith JBL, Dixon S ( 2012 ) . Listening level changes music similarity . Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference . 487 - 92 .
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Music Emotion Recognition: Implications for Content and Context-Based Models . Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on Computer Music Modelling and Retrieval (CMMR’12) 19-22 June, London, UK .
Fazekas G, Wilmering T ( 2012 ) . Semantic Web and Semantic Audio Technologies . Tutorial presented at the 132nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Budapest, Hungary Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob , Notes: date-added: 2014-08-02 10:04:50 +0000 date-modified: 2014-08-06 16:52:23 +0000 keywords: Semantic Audio, Semantic Web, tutorial bdsk-url-1: ,
Fazekas G, Ewert S, Allik A, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . Shared Open Vocabularies and Semantic Media . Proc. of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR’12), late-breaking workshop, 8-12 October, Porto, Portugal .
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . Social Media Retrieval for Music Education . In Digital Futures 2012: The Third Annual Digital Economy All Hands Conference, 23-25 October, Aberdeedn, UK .
Rumsey F, Schulein B, Herre J, Kelly M, Ackerman D, Lacinak C, Kelly M, Martz S et al. ( 2012 ) . Technology Trends in Auto Engineering A report by the AES Technical Council . JOURNAL OF THE AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY vol. 60 , ( 1-2 ) 90 - 107 .
Fazekas G, Sandler MB ( 2011 ) . The studio ontology framework . Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2011 . 471 - 476 .
Fazekas G, Wilmering T, Sandler MB ( 2011 ) . A knowledge representation framework for context-dependent audio processing . Proc. of the AES 42nd International Conference on Semantic Audio, 22-24 July, Ilmenau, Germany . 22 - 24 .
Kolozali S, Fazekas G, Barthet M, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . Knowledge representation issues in musical instrument ontology design . Proc. of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR’11) conference, 24-28 Oct., Miami, Florida, USA .
Barthet M, Anglade A, Fazekas G, Kolozali S, Macrae R ( 2011 ) . Music recommendation for music learning: Hotttabs a multimedia guitar tutor . in Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Music Recommendation and Discovery (WOMRAD’11) in conjunction with the ACM Recommender Systems conference (RecSys’11) .
Tidhar D, Fazekas G, Mauch M, Dixon S ( 2011 ) . Tempest - harpsichord temperament estimation in a Semantic Web environment . Journal of New Music Research special issue on Music Informatics and the OMRAS2 Project vol. 39 , Article 4 , 327 - 336 .
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . The Studio Ontology Framework . Proc. of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR’11) conference, 24-28 Oct., Miami, Florida, USA . 24 - 28 .
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler MB ( 2011 ) . Towards ontological representations of digital audio effects . Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-11) . 19 - 23 .
Kolozali S, Barthet M, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . Towards the automatic generation of a Semantic Web ontology for musical instruments . vol. 6725 ,
Fazekas G, Raimond Y, Jacobson K, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . An Overview of Semantic Web Activities in the OMRAS2 Project . J NEW MUSIC RES vol. 39 , ( 4 ) 295 - 311 .
Fazekas G, Tidhar D ( 2010 ) . TempEst - Temperament estimation Web service . presented at the Digital Music Research Network Workshop .
Tidhar D, Fazekas G, Mauch M, Dixon S ( 2010 ) . Temperament Estimation as an MIR task . Presented at the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR’10), Late-breaking session .
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . The effects of reverberation on onset detection tasks . in Proceedings of the 128th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, London .
Raimond Y, Gängler T, Giasson F, Jacobson K, Fazekas G, Reinhardt S, Passant A ( 2010 ) . The music ontology specification . Published online Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob , Notes: date-added: 2014-08-02 10:04:50 +0000 date-modified: 2014-08-07 08:58:13 +0000 keywords: ontology, Music Ontology, Semantic Web local-url: bdsk-url-1: ,
Kolozali S, Barthet M, Fazekas G, Tidhar D, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . The musical instrument ontology . presented at the Digital Music Research Network Workshop, 21 Dec., London, UK. .
Kolozali S, Barthet M, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . Towards the automatic generation of a Semantic Web ontology for musical instruments . Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies (SAMT-10) Saarbrucken, Germany .
Cannam C, Fazekas G, Noland K ( 2009 ) . A Demonstration of Sonic Visualiser . presented at the Special SIGMUS Symposium, 2 Nov., Tokyo, Japan .
Fazekas G, Cannam C, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . A Simple Guide to Automated Music Analysis on the Semantic Web (white paper) . Centre for Digital Music
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Novel methods in information management for advanced audio workflows . Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-09), Como, Italy .
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Ontology based information management in music production . Proc. 126th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Munich, Germany .
Tidhar D, Fazekas G, Kolozali S, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Publishing Music Similarity Features on the Semantic Web . Proc. of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-09) conference, Oct., Kobe, Japan .
Fazekas G, Cannam C, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Reusable metadata and software components for automatic audio analysis . Proc. of the 9th IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL’09) Workshop on Integrating Digital Library Content with Computational Tools and Services, 14-19 June, Austin, Texas, USA .
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Uncovering the details of music production using ontologies . Presented at the Unlocking Audio 2 Conference, 16-17 March, London, UK .
Fazekas G, Raimond Y, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . A framework for producing rich musical metadata in creative music production . Proc. of the 125th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco, USA .
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . Ontology based information management in music production . Presented at the Digital Music Research Network Workshop, Dec., London, UK .
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . Intelligent editing of studio recordings with the help of automatic music structure extraction . Proc. of the 122nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Vienna, Austria .
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . Structural decomposition of recorded vocal performances and its application to intelligent audio editing . Proc. of the 123rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, USA .