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Publications: Prof Francesc Mateos-Planas

Arellano C, Mateos-Planas X, Ríos-Rull J-V ( 2023 ) . Partial Default . Journal of Political Economy vol. 131 , ( 6 ) 1385 - 1439 .
Mateos-Planas X, Seccia G ( 2014 ) . Consumer default with complete markets: default-based pricing and finite punishment . Economic Theory vol. 56 , ( 3 ) 549 - 583 .
Mateos-Planas X ( 2013 ) . Credit limits and bankruptcy . Economics Letters vol. 121 , ( 3 ) 469 - 472 .
Xavier C-M, Xavier M-P ( 2013 ) . Overeducation and skill-biased technical change . The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 18 - 18 .
Xavier C, Xavier M ( 2013 ) . Overeducation and skill-biased technical change . The BE Journal of Macroeconomics vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 105 - 122 .
Mateos-Planas X ( 2010 ) . Demographics and the Politics of Capital Taxation in a Life-Cycle Economy . The American Economic Review vol. 100 , ( 1 ) 337 - 363 .
Mateos-Planas X ( 2008 ) . A quantitative theory of social security without commitment . JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS vol. 92 , ( 3-4 ) 652 - 671 .
Mateos-Planas X, Seccia G ( 2006 ) . Welfare implications of endogenous credit limits with bankruptcy . JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL . vol. 30 , 2081 - 2115 .
Cuadras-Morato X, Mateos-Planas X ( 2006 ) . Skill bias and employment frictions in the US labor market 1970-1990 . INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW . vol. 47 , 129 - 160 .
MATEOS-PLANAS F ( 2004 ) . Creative Destruction and Policy in a Model of Endogenous Growth . The BE Journal of Macroeconomics vol. 4 , ( 1 ) Article 9 ,
Mateos-Planas X ( 2004 ) . Technology adoption with finite horizons . JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL vol. 28 , ( 11 ) 2129 - 2154 .
Mateos-Planas X ( 2003 ) . Longer lives, fertility, and accumulation . ECONOMICS LETTERS vol. 80 , ( 2 ) 175 - 180 .
Mateos-Planas X ( 2002 ) . The demographic transition in Europe: A neoclassical dynastic approach . REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS vol. 5 , ( 3 ) 646 - 680 .
Mateos-Planas X ( 2001 ) . Schooling and distortions in a vintage capital model . REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 127 - 158 .