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Publications: Dr Daniel Stowell

Kershenbaum A, Akçay Ç, Babu‐Saheer L, Barnhill A, Best P, Cauzinille J, Clink D, Dassow A et al. ( 2024 ) . Automatic detection for bioacoustic research: a practical guide from and for biologists and computer scientists . Biological Reviews
Liang J, Nolasco I, Ghani B, Phan H, Benetos E, Stowell D ( 2024 ) . Mind the Domain Gap: a Systematic Analysis on Bioacoustic Sound Event Detection . Conference: 32nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2024) ( Lyon, France ) from: 26/08/2024 to: 30/08/2024 ,
Zandberg L, Morfi V, George JM, Clayton DF, Stowell D, Lachlan RF ( 2024 ) . Bird song comparison using deep learning trained from avian perceptual judgments . PLOS Computational Biology vol. 20 , ( 8 )
Rasmussen JH, Stowell D, Briefer EF ( 2024 ) . Sound evidence for biodiversity monitoring . Science vol. 385 , ( 6705 ) 138 - 140 .
Priebe D, Ghani B, Stowell D ( 2024 ) . Efficient Speech Detection in Environmental Audio Using Acoustic Recognition and Knowledge Distillation . Sensors vol. 24 , ( 7 )
Singh S, Steinmetz C, Benetos E, Phan QH, Stowell D ( 2024 ) . ATGNN: audio tagging graph neural network . IEEE Signal Processing Letters vol. 31 , 825 - 829 .
Bubnicki JW, Norton B, Baskauf SJ, Bruce T, Cagnacci F, Casaer J, Churski M, Cromsigt JPGM et al. ( 2023 ) . Camtrap DP: an open standard for the FAIR exchange and archiving of camera trap data . Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation vol. 10 , ( 3 ) 283 - 295 .
Vahidi C, Singh S, Benetos E, Phan QH, Stowell D, Fazekas G, Lagrange M ( 2023 ) . Perceptual musical similarity metric learning with graph neural networks . Conference: IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) ( New Paltz, NY, USA ) from: 22/10/2023 to: 25/10/2023 ,
Faiß M, Stowell D ( 2023 ) . Adaptive representations of sound for automatic insect recognition . PLOS Computational Biology vol. 19 , ( 10 )
Chetouani M, Briefer EF, Dassow A, Marxer R, Moore RK, Obin N, Stowell D ( 2023 ) . Vocal interactivity in-and-between humans, animals and robots . Interaction Studies Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems vol. 24 , ( 1 ) 1 - 4 .
Nolasco I, Singh S, Morfi V, Lostanlen V, Strandburg-Peshkin A, Vidaña-Vila E, Gill L, Pamuła H et al. ( 2023 ) . Learning to detect an animal sound from five examples . Ecological Informatics vol. 77 ,
Nolasco I, Stowell D ( 2022 ) . Rank-Based Loss For Learning Hierarchical Representations . Conference: ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 3623 - 3627 .
Linhart P, Mahamoud-Issa M, Stowell D, Blumstein DT ( 2022 ) . The potential for acoustic individual identification in mammals . Mammalian Biology vol. 102 , ( 3 ) 667 - 683 .
Stowell D ( 2022 ) . Computational bioacoustics with deep learning: a review and roadmap . PeerJ vol. 10 ,
Simon R, Bakunowski K, Reyes-Vasques AE, Tschapka M, Knörnschild M, Steckel J, Stowell D ( 2021 ) . Acoustic traits of bat-pollinated flowers compared to flowers of other pollination syndromes and their echo-based classification using convolutional neural networks . PLOS Computational Biology vol. 17 , ( 12 )
Vidaña-Vila E, Navarro J, Stowell D, Alsina-Pagès RM ( 2021 ) . Multilabel Acoustic Event Classification Using Real-World Urban Data and Physical Redundancy of Sensors . Sensors vol. 21 , ( 22 )
Comunità M, Stowell D, Reiss JD ( 2021 ) . Guitar Effects Recognition and Parameter Estimation With Convolutional Neural Networks . Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 69 , ( 7/8 ) 594 - 604 .
Morfi V, Lachlan RF, Stowell D ( 2021 ) . Deep perceptual embeddings for unlabelled animal sound eventsa) . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America vol. 150 , ( 1 ) 2 - 11 .
Vidaña-Vila E, Navarro J, Borda-Fortuny C, Stowell D, Alsina-Pagès RM ( 2020 ) . Low-Cost Distributed Acoustic Sensor Network for Real-Time Urban Sound Monitoring . Electronics vol. 9 , ( 12 )
Stowell D, Kelly J, Tanner D, Taylor J, Jones E, Geddes J, Chalstrey E ( 2020 ) . A harmonised, high-coverage, open dataset of solar photovoltaic installations in the UK . Scientific Data vol. 7 , ( 1 )
Lawati YA, Kelly J, Stowell D ( 2020 ) . Short-term prediction of photovoltaic power generation using Gaussian process regression .
Stowell D, Sueur J ( 2020 ) . Ecoacoustics: acoustic sensing for biodiversity monitoring at scale . Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation vol. 6 , ( 3 ) 217 - 219 .
Solomes A-M, Stowell D ( 2020 ) . Efficient Bird Sound Detection on the Bela Embedded System . Conference: ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 746 - 750 .
Fano Yela D, Thalmann F, Nicosia V, Stowell D, Sandler M ( 2020 ) . Online visibility graphs: Encoding visibility in a binary search tree . Physical Review Research vol. 2 , ( 2 ) Article 023069 ,
Morfi V, Bas Y, Pamuła H, Glotin H, Stowell D ( 2019 ) . NIPS4Bplus: a richly annotated birdsong audio dataset . PeerJ Computer Science vol. 5 ,
Stowell D . State of the Art in Computational Bioacoustics and Machine Learning: How far have we come? . Biodiversity Information Science and Standards . vol. 3 ,
Alvarado PA, Alvarez MA, Stowell D ( 2019 ) . Sparse Gaussian Process Audio Source Separation Using Spectrum Priors in the Time-domain . ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings . Conference: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 2019-May , 995 - 999 .
Wilkinson WJ, Riis Andersen M, Reiss JD, Stowell D, Solin A ( 2019 ) . Unifying Probabilistic Models for Time-frequency Analysis . ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings . Conference: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 2019-May , 3352 - 3356 .
Stowell D, Petrusková T, Šálek M, Linhart P ( 2019 ) . Automatic acoustic identification of individual animals: Improving generalisation across species and recording conditions . Journal of the Royal Society Interface vol. 16 , ( 153 )
Matt A, Stowell D ( 2019 ) . Estimating & Mitigating the Impact of Acoustic Environments on Machine-to-Machine Signalling . Conference: 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Yamaç M, Ahishali M, Passalis N, Raitoharju J, Sankur B, Gabbouj M ( 2019 ) . Reversible Privacy Preservation using Multi-level Encryption and Compressive Sensing . Conference: 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Yela DF, Stowell D, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Spectral Visibility Graphs: Application to Similarity of Harmonic Signals . Conference: 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Wilkinson WJ, Andersen MR, Reiss JD, Stowell D, Solin A ( 2019 ) . End-to-end probabilistic inference for nonstationary audio analysis . 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2019 . vol. 2019-June , 11751 - 11760 .
Stowell D, Wood MD, Pamuła H, Stylianou Y, Glotin H ( 2018 ) . Automatic acoustic detection of birds through deep learning: The first Bird Audio Detection challenge . Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Morfi V, Stowell D ( 2018 ) . Deep Learning for Audio Event Detection and Tagging on Low-Resource Datasets . Applied Sciences vol. 8 , ( 8 ) Article 1397 ,
Morfi V, Stowell D ( 2018 ) . Data-Efficient Weakly Supervised Learning for Low-Resource Audio Event Detection Using Deep Learning .
Wilkinson WJ, Reiss JD, Stowell D ( 2018 ) . A generative model for natural sounds based on latent force modelling . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . Conference: LVA-ICA vol. 10891 LNCS , 259 - 269 .
Fano Yela D, Stowell D, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . Does K matter? k-NN hubness analysis for kernel additive modelling vocal separation . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . Conference: LVA-ICA vol. 10891 LNCS , 280 - 289 .
BENETOS E, STOWELL D, PLUMBLEY M ( 2018 ) . Approaches to complex sound scene analysis . Computational Analysis of Sound Scenes and Events , Editors: Virtanen, T, PLUMBLEY, M, Ellis, D , Edition. 1 , Springer International Publishing
Wilkinson WJ, Reiss JD, Stowell D ( 2017 ) . Latent force models for sound: Learning modal synthesis parameters and excitation functions from audio recordings . DAFx 2017 - Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects . Conference: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-17)56 - 63 .
Benetos E, Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2017 ) . Approaches to Complex Sound Scene Analysis . Computational Analysis of Sound Scenes and Events , Springer Nature
Stowell D, Benetos E, Gill LF ( 2017 ) . On-Bird Sound Recordings: Automatic Acoustic Recognition of Activities and Contexts . IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech & Language Processing vol. 25 , ( 6 ) 1193 - 1206 .
Alvarado PA, Stowell D ( 2017 ) . Efficient Learning of Harmonic Priors for Pitch Detection in Polyphonic Music .
STOWELL D ( 2017 ) . Computational Bioacoustic Scene Analysis . Computational Analysis of Sound Scenes and Events , Editors: Virtanen, T, PLUMBLEY, MD, Ellis, D , Edition. 1 , Springer
Morfi V, STOWELL DF ( 2017 ) . Deductive Refinement of Species Labelling in Weakly Labelled Birdsong Recordings . Conference: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2017 ) ( New Orleans, USA ) from: 05/03/2017 to: 09/03/2017 ,
WILKINSON WJ, stowell D, reiss J ( 2016 ) . Performable Spectral Synthesis via Low-Dimensional Modelling and Control Mapping . DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network Workshop Proceedings 2016 . Conference: DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2016 ( Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London ) from: 20/12/2016 to: 20/12/2016 ,
STOWELL DF, Wood M, Stylianou Y, Glotin H ( 2016 ) . Bird Detection In Audio: A Survey And A Challenge . Conference: IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) from: 13/09/2016 to: 16/09/2016 ,
STOWELL DF, Morfi GV, Gill LF ( 2016 ) . Individual identity in songbirds: signal representations and metric learning for locating the information in complex corvid calls . . Conference: InterSpeech ( San Francisco ) from: 08/06/2016 to: 12/09/2016 ,
STOWELL DF, Gill LF, Clayton D ( 2016 ) . Detailed temporal structure of communication networks in groups of songbirds . Journal of the Royal Society Interface vol. 13 , ( 119 )
Alvarado PA, Stowell D ( 2016 ) . Gaussian Processes for Music Audio Modelling and Content Analysis . Conference: 2016 IEEE 26th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP)1 - 6 .
Stowell D, Clayton D ( 2015 ) . Acoustic Event Detection for Multiple Overlapping Similar Sources . Conference: 2015 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA)1 - 5 .
Stowell D, Giannoulis D, Benetos E, Lagrange M, Plumbley MD ( 2015 ) . Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia vol. 17 , ( 10 ) 1733 - 1746 .
Stowell D, Turner RE ( 2015 ) . Denoising without access to clean data using a partitioned autoencoder .
Barchiesi D, Giannoulis D, Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2015 ) . Acoustic Scene Classification: Classifying environments from the sounds they produce . IEEE Signal Processing Magazine vol. 32 , ( 3 ) 16 - 34 .
Stowell D ( 2015 ) . BirdCLEF 2015 submission: Unsupervised feature learning from audio . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 1391 ,
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2014 ) . Large-scale analysis of frequency modulation in birdsong data bases . METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION vol. 5 , ( 9 ) 901 - 912 .
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2014 ) . Automatic large-scale classification of bird sounds is strongly improved by unsupervised feature learning . PeerJ vol. 2 , e488 - e488 .
Barchiesi D, Giannoulis D, Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2014 ) . Acoustic Scene Classification . CoRR vol. abs/1411.3715 ,
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2014 ) . An open dataset for research on audio field recording archives: Freefield1010 . Proceedings of the AES International Conference . 80 - 86 .
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2014 ) . Audio-only bird classification using unsupervised feature learning . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 1180 , 673 - 684 .
Stowell D, Dixon S ( 2014 ) . Integration of informal music technologies in secondary school music lessons . British Journal of Music Education vol. 31 , ( 1 ) 19 - 39 .
Giannoulis D, Benetos E, Stowell D, Rossignol M, Lagrange M, Plumbley M ( 2013 ) . Detection and classification of acoustic scenes and events: an IEEE AASP challenge . Conference: IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics ( New Paltz, NY, USA ) from: 20/10/2013 to: 23/10/2013 ,
Stowell D, Muševič S, Bonada J, Plumbley MD ( 2013 ) . Improved multiple birdsong tracking with distribution derivative method and Markov renewal process clustering . ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings . 468 - 472 .
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2013 ) . Segregating event streams and noise with a Markov renewal process model . CoRR vol. abs/1211.2972 ,
Giannoulis D, Stowell D, Benetos E, Rossignol M, Lagrange M, Plumbley MD ( 2013 ) . A database and challenge for acoustic scene classification and event detection . European Signal Processing Conference .
Stowell D, McLean A ( 2013 ) . Live music-making: a rich open task requires a rich open interface . Music and Human-Computer Interaction , Editors: Holland, S, Wilkie, K, Mulholland, P, Seago, A et al. , Springer ( London ),
Stowell D, Chew E ( 2012 ) . Bayesian MAP estimation of piecewise arcs in tempo time-series . Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR) . Conference: 9th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval CMMR 2012 ( London ) from: 19/06/2012 to: 22/06/2012 ,
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2012 ) . Framewise heterodyne chirp analysis of birdsong . 2012 Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) . from: 27/08/2012 to: 31/08/2012 , 2694 - 2698 .
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2012 ) . Multi-target pitch tracking of vibrato sources in noise using the GM-PHD filter . Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (MML12) . Conference: 5th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (MML12) ( Edinburgh, Scotland ) from: 30/06/201227 - 28 .
Stowell D, McLean A ( 2011 ) . Live music-making: a rich open task requires a rich open interface . Proceedings of the BCS HCI 2011 Workshop - When Words Fail: What can Music Interaction tell us about HCI? .
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2011 ) . Learning Timbre Analogies from Unlabelled Data by Multivariate Tree Regression . JOURNAL OF NEW MUSIC RESEARCH vol. 40 , ( 4 ) 325 - 336 .
Stowell D, Dixon S ( 2011 ) . MIR in school? Lessons from ethnographic observation of secondary school music classes . Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference . Conference: ISMIR 2011 ( Miami, Florida, USA ) from: 24/10/2011 to: 28/10/2011 , 347 - 352 .
Stowell D, Barthet M, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . Musicology for the masses: Situating new audio technologies for musicology and music education . Proceedings of the Digital Economy All Hands Conference 2011 . Conference: Digital Engagement 2011 ( Newcastle ) from: 15/11/2011 to: 17/11/2011 ,
Stowell D ( 2011 ) . Scheduling and composing with Risset eternal accelerando rhythms . Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) .
Stowell D ( 2011 ) . Writing Unit Generator Plugins . The SuperCollider Book , Editors: Wilson, S, Cottle, D, Collins, N , MIT Press ( Cambridge, MA ),
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2010 ) . Birdsong and C4DM: A survey of UK birdsong and machine recognition for music researchers . report no. C4DM-TR-09-12 ,
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2010 ) . Cross-associating unlabelled timbre distributions to create expressive musical mappings . Proceedings of the First Workshop on Applications of Pattern Analysis, Sept 1-3, 2010, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK . vol. 11 , 28 - 35 .
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2010 ) . Delayed Decision-making in Real-time Beatbox Percussion Classification . J NEW MUSIC RES vol. 39 , ( 3 ) 203 - 213 .
Stowell D ( 2010 ) . Making music through real-time voice timbre analysis: machine learning and timbral control . Notes: date-added: 2010-05-01 14:49:10 +0100 date-modified: 2010-08-13 14:40:18 +0100 bdsk-url-1: ,
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2010 ) . Timbre remapping through a regression-tree technique . Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2010), Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 July 2010 .
Stowell D, Robertson A, Bryan-Kinns N, Plumbley MD ( 2009 ) . Evaluation of live human-computer music-making: Quantitative and qualitative approaches . INT J HUM-COMPUT ST vol. 67 , ( 11 ) 960 - 975 .
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2009 ) . Fast Multidimensional Entropy Estimation by k-d Partitioning . IEEE SIGNAL PROC LET vol. 16 , ( 6 ) 537 - 540 .
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2008 ) . Robustness and independence of voice timbre features under live performance acoustic degradations . Proc. 11th Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-08) . 325 - 332 .
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2008 ) . Characteristics of the beatboxing vocal style . report no. C4DM-TR-08-01 ,
Stowell D, Plumbley MD, Bryan-Kinns N ( 2008 ) . Discourse analysis evaluation method for expressive musical interfaces . Conference: 8th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2008) ( Genoa (Italy) ) from: 05/06/2008 to: 07/06/2008 , 81 - 87 .
Stowell D, Plumbley MD ( 2007 ) . Adaptive Whitening for Improved Real-Time Audio Onset Detection . Conference: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC'07), Copenhagen, Denmark, pp 312-319, August 2007

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