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Publications: Dr Alfonsina Iona

Iona A, Leonida L, Limosani M, Patti DMA, Navarra P ( 2024 ) . Does economic liberalization foster corporate investment? Theory and evidence from US and Canadian firms . Socio-Economic Planning Sciences vol. 91 ,
Iona A, Calef A, Georgiou I ( 2023 ) . Credit Market Freedom and Corporate Decisions . Mathematics vol. 11 , ( 7 )
Eweje G, Iona A, Foley M, Nerantzidis M ( 2021 ) . Guest editorial . Corporate Governance vol. 21 , ( 6 ) 961 - 968 .
Iona A, De Benedetto MA, Assefa DZ, Limosani M ( 2020 ) . Finance, corporate value and credit market freedom in overinvesting US firms . Corporate Governance vol. 20 , ( 6 ) 1053 - 1072 .
Iona A ( 2019 ) . Modelling the Relation between Managers, Shadow Cost of External Finance and Corporate Investment . Mathematics vol. 7 , ( 11 )
Iona A, Leonida L, Ventouri A ( 2017 ) . Does executive ownership lead to excess target cash? The case of UK firms . Corporate Governance vol. 17 , ( 5 ) 876 - 895 .
Iona A ( 2017 ) . Managers' empire preservation behavior and corporate investment Comment on “Modeling human behavior in economics and social science” by Marina Dolfin, Leone Leonida, and Nisrina Outada . Physics of Life Reviews vol. 22 , 32 - 34 .
Iona A, Leonida L ( 2016 ) . Suboptimal financial policies and executive ownership in the UK: evidence from a pre-crisis . Corporate Governance vol. 16 , ( 1 ) 187 - 210 .
Mammone A, Parini EG, Veltri GA ( 2015 ) . The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Italy, History, politics, society . Taylor & Francis
Iona A, Leonida L, Navarra P ( 2013 ) . Business Group Affiliation, Innovation, Internationalization, and Performance: A SemiParametric Analysis . Global Strategy Journal vol. 3 , ( 3 ) 244 - 261 .
Francesco A, Alfonsina I, Leone L ( 2012 ) . Regional infrastructure and firm investment: theory and empirical evidence for Italy . Empirical Economics vol. 42 , ( 3 ) 835 - 862 .
Aiello F, Iona A, Leonida L ( 2012 ) . Regional infrastructure and firm investment: theory and empirical evidence for Italy . EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS vol. 42 , ( 3 ) 835 - 862 .
Battisti G, Iona A ( 2009 ) . The UK productivity gap in the service sector: do management practices matter? . International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management vol. 58 , ( 8 ) 727 - 747 .
Battisti G, Iona A ( 2009 ) . The intra-firm diffusion of complementary innovations: Evidence from the adoption of management practices by British establishments . RES POLICY vol. 38 , ( 8 ) 1326 - 1339 .
Siebers P-O, Aickelin U, Battisti G, Celia H, Clegg C, Fu X, Hoyos RD, Iona A et al. ( 2008 ) . The Role of Management Practices in Closing the Productivity Gap . AIM Working Paper Series Number 065, 2008
Iona A, Leonida L, Sobbrio G ( 2008 ) . 'O convergence, where art thou?' - Regional growth and industrialization in Italy . JOURNAL OF MODERN ITALIAN STUDIES . vol. 13 , 366 - 387 .