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Publications: Dr Linnaea Stockall

Cayado DKT, Wray S, Chacón DA, Lai MC-H, Matar S, Stockall L ( 2024 ) . MEG evidence for left temporal and orbitofrontal involvement in breaking down inflected words and putting the pieces back together . Cortex vol. 181 , 101 - 118 .
Moitra S, Chacón DA, Stockall L ( 2024 ) . How long is long? Word length effects in reading correspond to minimal graphemic units: An MEG study in Bangla . PLOS ONE vol. 19 , ( 4 )
Soliman F, Stockall L, Sharma D ( 2023 ) . Registered report protocol: Perceptual effects of Arabic grammatical gender on occupational expectations in a gamified speech production task . PLOS ONE vol. 18 , ( 10 )
Yao P, Hall D, Borer H, Stockall L ( 2023 ) . Dutch–Mandarin learners’ online use of syntactic cues to anticipate mass vs. count interpretations . Second language Research vol. 40 , ( 4 ) 803 - 831 .
Cayado DKT, Wray S, Stockall L ( 2023 ) . Does linear position matter for morphological processing? Evidence from a Tagalog masked priming experiment . Language Cognition and Neuroscience vol. 38 , ( 8 ) 1167 - 1182 .
Hunt M, Cotter C, Pearson H, Stockall L ( 2022 ) . Swear(ING) ain't play(ING): The interaction of taboo language and the sociolinguistic variable . Journal of Sociolinguistics vol. 27 , ( 2 ) 136 - 158 .
Yao P, Stockall L, Hall D, Borer H ( 2022 ) . Processing Evidence for the Grammatical Encoding of the Mass/Count Distinction in Mandarin Chinese . Journal of Psycholinguistic Research vol. 51 , ( 2 ) 341 - 371 .
Wray S, Stockall L, Marantz A ( 2021 ) . Early Form Based Morphological Decomposition in Tagalog: MEG Evidence from Reduplication, Infixation and Circumfixation . Neurobiology of Language1 - 38 .
Stockall L, Gaston P, VanWagenen S, Marantz A ( 2021 ) . Memory for affixes but not stems in a long-lag priming paradigm . Glossa vol. 6 , ( 1 )
Oltra-Massuet I, Stockall L ( 2021 ) . Morphology and neurolinguistics of Spanish . The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Morphology , Taylor & Francis
De Leeuw E, Stockall L, Lazaridou-Chatzigoga D, Gorba Masip C ( 2019 ) . Illusory vowels in Spanish-English sequential bilinguals: Evidence that accurate L2 perception is neither necessary nor sufficient for accurate L2 production . Second Language Research
Lazaridou-Chatzigoga D, Stockall L, Katsos N ( 2019 ) . Contextualising Generic and Universal Generalisations: Quantifier Domain Restriction and the Generic Overgeneralisation Effect . Journal of Semantics vol. 36 , ( 4 ) 617 - 664 .
Stockall L, Manouilidou C, Gwilliams L, Neophytou K, Marantz A ( 2019 ) . Prefix Stripping Re-Re-Revisited: MEG Investigations of Morphological Decomposition and Recomposition . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 10 ,
Lazaridou-Chatzigoga D, Katsos N, Stockall L ( 2019 ) . Generalizing About Striking Properties: Do Glippets Love to Play With Fire? . FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY vol. 10 , Article ARTN 1971 ,
Neophytou K, Manouilidou C, Stockall L, Marantz A ( 2018 ) . Syntactic and semantic restrictions on morphological recomposition: MEG evidence from Greek . Brain and Language vol. 183 , 11 - 20 .
Lazaridou-Chatzigoga D, Stockall L, Katsos N ( 2017 ) . A new look at the ‘Generic Overgeneralisation’ effect . Inquiry1 - 27 .
Lazaridou-Chatzigoga D, Katsos N, Stockall L ( 2017 ) . Generic and Universal Generalisations: Contextualising the 'Generic Overgeneralisation' Effect . CogSci 2017 - Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society: Computational Foundations of Cognition . 724 - 729 .
Lazaridou‐Chatzigoga D, Katsos N, Stockall L ( 2015 ) . Genericity is Easy? Formal and Experimental Perspectives . Ratio vol. 28 , ( 4 ) 470 - 494 .
Vejdemo S, Levisen C, van Scherpenberg C, Beck ÞG, Næss Å, Zimmermann M, Stockall L, Whelpton M ( 2015 ) . Two kinds of pink: development and difference in Germanic colour semantics . Language Sciences vol. 49 , 19 - 34 .
STOCKALL L, Husband EM ( 2014 ) . BUILDING ASPECTUAL INTERPRETATIONS ONLINE . Cognitive Science Perspectives on Verb Representation and Processing , Editors: de Almeida, R, Manouilidou, C , Springer
Bachrach A, Roy I, Stockall L ( 2014 ) . Introduction . Structuring the Argument , vol. 10 , John Benjamins Publishing Company
STOCKALL L, Manouilidou C ( 2014 ) . Teasing apart Syntactic Category vs. Argument Structure Information in Deverbal Word Formation: a comparative psycholinguistic study . Italian Journal of Linguistics vol. 26 , ( 2 ) 71 - 98 .
Fruchter J, Stockall L, Marantz A ( 2013 ) . MEG masked priming evidence for form-based decomposition of irregular verbs . Front Hum Neurosci vol. 7 ,
STOCKALL L, Morris J ( 2012 ) . Early, equivalent ERP masked priming effects for regular and irregular morphology . Brain and Language vol. 123 , ( 2 ) 81 - 93 .
Pollatsek A, Drieghe D, Stockall L, de Almeida RG ( 2010 ) . The interpretation of ambiguous trimorphemic words in sentence context . Psychon Bull Rev vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 88 - 94 .
Stockall L, Marantz A ( 2006 ) . A single route, full decomposition model of morphological complexity: MEG evidence . The Mental Lexicon vol. 1 , Article 1 , 85–123 - 85–123 .
Stockall L ( 2004 ) . Magnetoencephalographic investigations of morphological identity and irregularity . Supervisors: Marantz, A, Steriade, D, Gibson, E , Presented at: Massachusetts Institute of Technology ,
Stockall L, Stringfellow A, Marantz A ( 2004 ) . The precise time course of lexical activation: MEG measurements of the effects of frequency, probability, and density in lexical decision . Brain Lang vol. 90 , ( 1-3 ) 88 - 94 .
Stockall L, Marantz A ( 2002 ) . Lexical activation: The effects of frequency, density and pronounceability on the M350 .

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