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Publications: Dr Maria Luisa Marti Martinez

Martí L ( 2022 ) . Zero N: Number features and ⊥ . Natural Language Semantics vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 215 - 237 .
Marti L ( 2022 ) . <i>Zero N</i>: Number features and ⊥ . NATURAL LANGUAGE SEMANTICS vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 215 - 237 .
Martí L ( 2020 ) . Dual number and the typology of the numeral-noun construction . Catalan Journal of Linguistics vol. 19 , ( 0 ) 159 - 198 .
Marti Martinez M ( 2020 ) . Numerals and the theory of number . Semantics and Pragmatics vol. 13 , ( 3 )
MARTI MARTINEZ ML, Ionin T ( 2019 ) . Wide scope indefinites in Russian . Glossa vol. 4 , ( 1 )
MARTI MARTINEZ ML ( 2018 ) . Inclusive plurals and the theory of number . Linguistic Inquiry vol. 51 , ( 1 ) 37 - 74 .
Martí L . The morphosemantics of Spanish indefinites . Semantics and Linguistic Theory . vol. 25 ,
Martí L ( 2015 ) . Grammar versus Pragmatics: Carving Nature at the Joints . Mind & Language vol. 30 , ( 4 ) 437 - 473 .
Martí L ( 2011 ) . Quantificational topics: A scopal treatment of exceptional wide scope phenomena (review) . Language vol. 87 , ( 4 ) 908 - 911 .
Abels K, Martí L ( 2010 ) . A unified approach to split scope . Natural Language Semantics vol. 18 , ( 4 ) 435 - 470 .
Marti L ( 2009 ) . Contextual restrictions on indefinites: Spanish algunos and unos . Quantification, definiteness and nominalization , Editors: Giannakidou, A, Rathert, M , vol. 24 , Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
Marti L ( 2008 ) . The semantics of plural indefinite noun phrases in Spanish and Portuguese . Natural Language Semantics vol. 16 , 1 - 37 .
Martí L ( 2007 ) . Restoring indefinites to normalcy: An experimental study on the scope of Spanish algunos . Journal of Semantics vol. 24 , ( 1 ) 1 - 25 .
Martí L ( 2006 ) . Unarticulated constituents revisited . Linguistics and Philosophy vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 135 - 166 .