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Publications: Dr Radoslawa Nikolowa

Nikolowa R, Ferreira D ( 2023 ) . Prestige, Promotion and Pay . The Journal of Finance
Ferreira D, Nikolowa R ( 2022 ) . Talent Discovery and Poaching Under Asymmetric Information . The Economic Journal
Ferreira D, Li J, Nikolowa R ( 2022 ) . Corporate Capture of Blockchain Governance . Review of Financial Studies vol. 36 , ( 4 ) 1364 - 1407 .
Nikolowa R ( 2017 ) . Motivate and select: Relational contracts with persistent types . Wiley pp. 624 - 635 .
NIKOLOWA R ( 2017 ) . Motivate and Select: Relational Contracts with Persistent Types . Journal of Economics and Management Strategy vol. 26 , ( 3 ) 624 - 635 .
Nikolowa R ( 2015 ) . Career dynamics and span of control . Economics Letters vol. 128 , 6 - 8 .
Nikolowa R ( 2014 ) . Developing new ideas: Spin-outs, spinoffs, or internal divisions . Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization vol. 98 , 70 - 88 .
Nikolowa R ( 2010 ) . Supply of skilled labour and organizational change . LABOUR ECON vol. 17 , ( 3 ) 514 - 522 .
Nikolowa R ( 2009 ) . Mutual Monitoring vs. Incentive Pay in Teams . Annals Of Economics and Statistics ( 93-94 ) 135 - 160 .
Nikolowa R ( 2005 ) . Mutual Monitoring versus Incentive pay in Teams . Annales D'Economie et de Statistique