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Publications: Dr Amitabh Rai

Rai AS ( 2022 ) . Untimely Media Subversions of obsolescence in decolonial print . Radical Philosophy vol. 2 , ( 13 ) 77 - 88 .
S. A ( 2021 ) . DIY Media in South Asia . BioScope South Asian Screen Studies vol. 12 , ( 1-2 ) 64 - 67 .
Rai AS ( 2019 ) . Jugaad Time Ecologies of Everyday Hacking in India . Duke University Press
S A ( 2015 ) . The affect of Jugaad: Frugal innovation and postcolonial practice in India’s mobile phone ecology . Environment and Planning D Society and Space vol. 33 , ( 6 ) 985 - 1002 .
RAI AS ( 2012 ) . Perception and Digital Media in India . International Journal of E-Politics vol. 3 , ( 4 ) 36 - 54 .
RAI AS ( 2012 ) . On the Jugaad Image: Embodying the Mobile Phone in India . Postmodern Culture: an electronic journal of interdisciplinary criticism vol. 23 , ( 1 )
RAI AS ( 2012 ) . Race Racing: Four Theses on Race and Intensity . Women's Studies Quarterly vol. 40 , ( 1&2 )
RAI AS ( 2011 ) . For an ethnography toward the virtual: Deleuze's transcendental empiricism and nonlinear ImMedia . South Asian Popular Culture vol. 9 , ( 3 ) 313 - 326 .
RAI AS ( 2010 ) . Biopower and Marketing . Media Assemblages
RAI A ( 2010 ) . Composite Photographs . South Asian Popular Culture vol. 8 , ( 2 ) 195 - 201 .
RAI AS ( 2010 ) . The Value of Affect: Perception and Media in India . Medium: Blogpost ,
Rai AS ( 2010 ) . Hollywood Highbrow: From Entertainment to Art . CULT SOCIOL vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 162 - 165 .
RAI A ( 2010 ) . Review of Shyon Baumann’s Hollywood Highbrow Cultural Sociology . Cultural Sociology vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 162 - 165 .
Bond P, Rai AS ( 2009 ) . Borrower runs . J DEV ECON vol. 88 , ( 2 ) 185 - 191 .
RAI AS ( 2009 ) . Untimely Bollywood: Globalization and India’s New Media Assemblage . Duke University Press
RAI AS ( 2008 ) . On Purple Pleasures: Digitally Assembling Bollywood . South Asian Technospaces , Editors: Gajjala, R, Gajjala, V , Peter Lang Publishing ( New York ),
RAI AS ( 2008 ) . On the media assemblage of Bollywood: time and sensation in globalizing India . The Bollywood Reader , Editors: Dudrah, R, Desai, J , Open University Press ( Maidenhead ),
RAI A ( 2007 ) . Monstrous Mutations, Sympathetic Monsters . Third Text (UK) vol. 21 , ( 6 ) 745 - 759 .
RAI A ( 2006 ) . An Aesthetics of Terror?” Lead Essay, Art India . Edition. 4 , vol. 11 , pp. 31 - 40 .
RAI A ( 2006 ) . Every Citizen is a Cop without the Uniform: The Populist Outside in Bollywood’s New Angry Young Man Genre . Interventions vol. 8 , ( 2 ) 193 - 227 .
RAI A ( 2006 ) . The Future is a Monster . Camera Obscura, 61 vol. 21 , ( 1 ) 58 - 63 .
RAI A ( 2005 ) . Haptic Bollywood . New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film vol. 3 , ( 3 ) 143 - 158 .
Rai AS ( 2005 ) . The promise of monsters: Terrorism, monstrosity and biopolitics . INT STUD PHILOS vol. 37 , ( 2 ) 81 - 93 .
Puar JK, Rai AS ( 2004 ) . The Remaking of a Model Minority: Perverse Projectiles under the Specter of (Counter) Terrorism . Social Text ( 80 ) 75 - 104 .
Rai AS ( 2004 ) . Of monsters - Biopower, terrorism and excess in genealogies of monstrosity . CULT STUD vol. 18 , ( 4 ) 538 - 570 .
RAI A ( 2003 ) . Bollywood through a Pedagogy of Crisis,” in Humanscape . pp. 23 - 25 .
RAI A ( 2003 ) . Going to the Pictures: Review of ‘Heat: Moving Picture Visions, Phantasms and Nightmares in Art India . Edition. 4 , vol. 8 , pp. 22 - 23 .
RAI A ( 2003 ) . Life, Debt and the Pitfalls of Romantic Resistance . Shobak Outsider Asians
RAI A ( 2003 ) . Patriotism and the Muslim Citizen in Hindi Films . Harvard Asia Quarterly
RAI A ( 2003 ) . Review of Painted Photography in India, in Art India . Edition. 3 , vol. 8 , pp. 22 - 23 .
RAI A ( 2003 ) . Review of Post Independence Indian Art at the Robeson Gallery, in Art India . pp. 24 - 25 .
RAI A ( 2003 ) . Start Narrative Here’: Excess and the Space of History in Asian Diasporic Films . South Asian Popular Culture(UK) vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 13 - 32 .
RAI A ( 2003 ) . The Black Spectre of Sympathy: The Occult Relation in Jane Eyre . Literature, Interpretation, Theory vol. 14 , ( 3 ) 243 - 268 .
Puar JK, Rai AS ( 2002 ) . Monster, Terrorist Fag: The War on Terrorism and the Production of Docile Patriots . Social Text ( 72 ) 117 - 148 .
RAI A ( 2002 ) . Review of Darius Cooper’s The Cinema of Satyajit Ray: Between Tradition and Modernity and Geeta Kapur’s When Was Modernism: Essays on Contemporary Cultural Practice in India in Interventions . Edition. 1 , vol. 4 ,
Rai A ( 2002 ) . Rule of Sympathy: Race, Sentiment, Power, 1750-1850 . Macmillan
RAI A ( 2002 ) . Rule of Sympathy: Sentiment, Race, and Power . pp. 1760 - 1840 . Palgrave-St. Martins Press
RAI A ( 2002 ) . The Pleasure and Politics of Hindi Film Culture,” in Samar: South Asian Magazine for Action and Reflection, Summer/Fall . pp. 44 - 49 .
Rai AS ( 2000 ) . A critique of postcolonial reason: Toward a history of the vanishing present . CRIT-Q LIT ART vol. 42 , ( 1 ) 119 - 123 .
RAI A ( 2000 ) . First Day, First Show, in The Times of India .
RAI A ( 2000 ) . Global Bhopal,” in The Times of India .
RAI A ( 2000 ) . Review of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s Critique of Postcolonial Reason . Edition. 1 , vol. 42 ,
Rai AS ( 1997 ) . The science of empire: Scientific knowledge, civilization, and colonial rule in India . VICTORIAN STUD vol. 40 , ( 4 ) 748 - 750 .