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Publications: Dr David Mulryne

Iacconi L, Mulryne D, Seery D ( 2024 ) . Loop corrections in the separate universe picture . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2024 , ( 06 )
Davies MW, Iacconi L, Mulryne DJ ( 2024 ) . Numerical 1-loop correction from a potential yielding ultra-slow-roll dynamics . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2024 , ( 04 )
Iacconi L, Mulryne DJ ( 2023 ) . Multi-field inflation with large scalar fluctuations: non-Gaussianity and perturbativity . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2023 , ( 09 ) 033 - 033 .
Fernandes PGS, Mulryne DJ ( 2023 ) . A new approach and code for spinning black holes in modified gravity . Classical and Quantum Gravity vol. 40 , ( 16 ) 165001 - 165001 .
Fernandes PGS, Mulryne DJ, Delgado JFM ( 2022 ) . Exploring the small mass limit of stationary black holes in theories with Gauss–Bonnet terms . Classical and Quantum Gravity vol. 39 , ( 23 ) 235015 - 235015 .
Davies MW, Carrilho P, Mulryne DJ ( 2022 ) . Non-Gaussianity in inflationary scenarios for primordial black holes . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2022 , ( 06 ) 019 - 019 .
Fernandes PGS, Carrilho P, Clifton T, Mulryne DJ ( 2022 ) . The 4D Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet theory of gravity: a review . Classical and Quantum Gravity vol. 39 , ( 6 ) 063001 - 063001 .
Fernandes PGS, Carrilho P, Clifton T, Mulryne DJ ( 2021 ) . Black Holes in the Scalar-Tensor Formulation of 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity: Uniqueness of Solutions, and a New Candidate for Dark Matter . Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology vol. 104 , Article 044029 ,
Carrilho P, Mulryne D, Ronayne J ( 2021 ) . Non-Gaussianity after many-field reheating . Physical Review D vol. 103 , ( 8 ) 083532 - 083532 .
Clifton T, Carrilho P, Fernandes PGS, Mulryne DJ ( 2020 ) . Observational constraints on the regularized 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory of gravity . Physical Review D vol. 102 , ( 8 ) 084005 - 084005 .
Fernandes PGS, Carrilho P, Clifton T, Mulryne DJ ( 2020 ) . Derivation of Regularized Field Equations for the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Theory in Four Dimensions . Physical Review D vol. 102 , ( 2 ) Article 024025 ,
Carrilho P, Malik KA, Mulryne DJ ( 2019 ) . Dissecting the growth of the power spectrum for primordial black holes . Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Imrith SV, Mulryne DJ, Rajantie A ( 2019 ) . The primordial curvature perturbation from lattice simulations . Physical Review D vol. 100 , Article 043543 ,
Imrith SV, Mulryne DJ, Rajantie A ( 2018 ) . Non-perturbative $δN$ . Physical Review D, Particles and fields vol. 98 , ( 4 ) Article 043513 ,
Carrilho P, MULRYNE DJ, RONAYNE J, TENKANEN T ( 2018 ) . Attractor Behaviour in Multifield Inflation . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Ronayne JW, Mulryne DJ ( 2018 ) . Numerically evaluating the bispectrum in curved field-space - with PyTransport 2.0 . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Leithes A, Malik KA, Mulryne DJ, Nunes NJ ( 2017 ) . Linear density perturbations in multifield coupled quintessence . PHYSICAL REVIEW D vol. 95 , ( 12 ) Article ARTN 123519 ,
Dias M, Frazer J, Mulryne DJ, Seery D ( 2016 ) . Numerical evaluation of the bispectrum in multiple field inflation—the transport approach with code . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2016 , ( 12 ) 033 - 033 .
Kumar KS, Mulryne DJ, Nunes NJ, Marto J, Moniz PV ( 2016 ) . Non-Gaussianity in multiple three-form field inflation . Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology vol. 94 , ( 10 )
Kenton Z, Mulryne DJ ( 2016 ) . The Separate Universe Approach to Soft Limits . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2016 ,
Mulryne DJ, Ronayne JW ( 2016 ) . PyTransport: A Python package for the calculation of inflationary correlation functions .
Kenton Z, Mulryne DJ ( 2015 ) . The squeezed limit of the bispectrum in multi-field inflation . JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS ( 10 ) Article ARTN 018 ,
Kenton Z, Mulryne DJ, Thomas S ( 2015 ) . Generating the cosmic microwave background power asymmetry with . Physical Review D vol. 92 , ( 2 )
Enqvist K, Mulryne DJ, Nurmi S ( 2015 ) . Resolving primordial physics through correlated signatures . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2015 , ( 05 ) 010 - 010 .
Dias M, Elliston J, Frazer J, Mulryne D, Seery D ( 2014 ) . The curvature perturbation at second order . JCAP02(2015)040
Elliston J, Orani S, Mulryne DJ ( 2014 ) . General analytic predictions of two-field inflation and perturbative reheating . Phys. Rev. D vol. 89 ,
Ellis J, Mavromatos NE, Mulryne DJ ( 2014 ) . Exploring Two-Field Inflation in the Wess-Zumino Model .
Elliston J, Mulryne DJ, Tavakol R ( 2013 ) . What Planck does not tell us about inflation . Phys.Rev. D vol. 88 ,
Mulryne DJ ( 2013 ) . Transport techniques for non-Gaussianity .
Mulryne DJ ( 2013 ) . Transporting non-Gaussianity from sub to super-horizon scales .
Mulryne DJ, Noller J, Nunes NJ ( 2012 ) . Three-form inflation and non-Gaussianity . JCAP vol. 1212 ,
MULRYNE DJ, TAVAKOL R ( 2008 ) . SOME COSMOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF LOOP QUANTUM GRAVITY . Conference: The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting1915 - 1919 .
Anderson GJ, Mulryne DJ, Seery D ( 2012 ) . Transport equations for the inflationary trispectrum . JCAP10(2012)019
ELLISTON J, MULRYNE D, SEERY D, TAVAKOL R ( 2012 ) . EVOLUTION OF NON-GAUSSIANITY IN MULTI-SCALAR FIELD MODELS . International Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series vol. 3 , 203 - 214 .
Elliston J, Alabidi L, Huston I, Mulryne DJ, Tavakol R ( 2012 ) . Large trispectrum in two-field slow-roll inflation . JCAP vol. 1209 ,
Seery D, Mulryne DJ, Frazer J, Ribeiro RH ( 2012 ) . Inflationary perturbation theory is geometrical optics in phase space . JCAP vol. 09 ,
Mulryne DJ, Ward J ( 2011 ) . Towards an observational appraisal of string cosmology . CLASSICAL QUANT GRAV vol. 28 , ( 20 ) Article 204010 ,
Mulryne D, Orani S, Rajantie A ( 2011 ) . Non-Gaussianity from the hybrid potential .
Elliston J, Mulryne D, Seery D, Tavakol R ( 2011 ) . Evolution of non-Gaussianity in multi-scalar field models . Int.J.Mod.Phys. A vol. 26 , 3821 - 3832 .
Elliston J, Mulryne DJ, Seery D, Tavakol R ( 2011 ) . Evolution of fNL to the adiabatic limit . JCAP vol. 1111 ,
Elliston J, Mulryne DJ, Seery D, Tavakol R ( 2011 ) . Evolution of <i>f</i><sub>NL</sub> to the adiabatic limit . JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS ( 11 ) Article ARTN 005 ,
Mulryne DJ, Seery D, Wesley D ( 2010 ) . Moment transport equations for the primordial curvature perturbation . JCAP vol. 04 ,
Bojowald M, Mulryne D, Nelson W, Tavakol R ( 2010 ) . The high-density regime of kinetic-dominated loop quantum cosmology . Phys.Rev.D vol. 82 ,
Mulryne D, Seery D, Wesley D ( 2009 ) . Non-Gaussianity constrains hybrid inflation .
Mulryne DJ, Seery D, Wesley D ( 2009 ) . Moment transport equations for non-Gaussianity . JCAP vol. 1001 ,
Barnaby N, Mulryne DJ, Nunes NJ, Robinson P ( 2009 ) . Dynamics and stability of light-like tachyon condensation . J HIGH ENERGY PHYS ( 3 ) Article 018 ,
Copeland EJ, Mulryne DJ, Nunes NJ, Shaeri M ( 2009 ) . Gravitational wave background from superinflation in loop quantum cosmology . PHYS REV D vol. 79 , ( 2 ) Article 023508 ,
Nunes NJ, Mulryne DJ ( 2009 ) . Non-linear non-local Cosmology . DARK SIDE OF THE UNIVERSE . Editors: Khalil, S , vol. 1115 , 329 - 334 .
Mulryne DJ, Nunes NJ ( 2008 ) . Diffusing nonlocal inflation: Solving the field equations as an initial value problem . PHYS REV D vol. 78 , ( 6 ) Article 063519 ,
Copeland EJ, Mulryne DJ, Nunes NJ, Shaeri M ( 2008 ) . Superinflation in loop quantum cosmology . PHYS REV D vol. 77 , ( 2 ) Article 023510 ,
Mena FC, Mulryne DJ, Tavakol R ( 2007 ) . Nonlinear vector perturbations in a contracting universe . CLASSICAL QUANT GRAV vol. 24 , ( 10 ) 2721 - 2734 .
Mulryne DJ, Nunes NJ ( 2006 ) . Constraints on a scale invariant power spectrum from superinflation in loop quantum cosmology . PHYS REV D vol. 74 , ( 8 ) Article 083507 ,
Lidsey JE, Mulryne DJ ( 2006 ) . Graceful entrance to braneworld inflation . PHYS REV D vol. 73 , ( 8 ) Article 083508 ,
Tavakol R, LIDSEY JE, Mulryne DJ, Ellis GFR ( 2005 ) . An Emergent Universe from a Loop . Physical Review D vol. D71 , 123512-1 - 123512-11 .
Mulryne DJ, Nunes NJ, Tavakol R, Lidsey JE ( 2005 ) . Inflationary cosmology and oscillating universes in loop quantum cosmology . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A vol. 20 , ( 11 ) 2347 - 2357 .
Tavakol R, LIDSEY JE, Mulryne D, Nunes NJ ( 2004 ) . Oscillatory universes in loop quantum cosmology and initial conditions for inflation . Physical Review D vol. D70 , 063521-1 - 063521-6 .
Tavakol R, LIDSEY JE, Mulryne DJ, Singh P, Bojowald M ( 2004 ) . Inflationary Cosmology and Quantization Ambiguities in Semi-Classical Loop Quantum Gravity . Phys Rev vol. D70 , 043530-1 - 043530-15 .

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