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Publications: Dr Alexander Henshaw

Flynn WRM, Grieve SWD, Henshaw AJ, Owen HJF, Buggs RJA, Metheringham CL, Plumb WJ, Stocks JJ et al. ( 2024 ) . UAV‐derived greenness and within‐crown spatial patterning can detect ash dieback in individual trees . Ecological Solutions and Evidence vol. 5 , ( 2 )
Harvey GL, Hartley AT, Henshaw AJ, Khan Z, Clarke SJ, Sandom CJ, England J, King S et al. ( 2024 ) . The role of rewilding in mitigating hydrological extremes: State of the evidence . Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water
Harvey GL, Henshaw AJ ( 2023 ) . Rewilding and the water cycle . Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water vol. 10 , ( 6 )
Walley Y, Henshaw AJ ( 2022 ) . Topological controls on catchment‐scale sediment dynamics . Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Trinci G, Harvey GL, Henshaw AJ, Bertoldi W ( 2022 ) . Turbulence signatures of natural river morphology in four dimensions . River Research and Applications
Walley Y, Henshaw AJ, Brasington J ( 2020 ) . Topological structures of river networks and their regional‐scale controls: a multivariate classification approach . Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Article esp.4936 ,
Trinci G, Harvey GL, Henshaw AJ, Bertoldi W, Hölker F ( 2020 ) . Turbulence, instream wood and fish: Ecohydraulic interactions under field conditions . Ecohydrology vol. 13 , ( 5 )
Henshaw AJ, Sekarsari PW, Zolezzi G, Gurnell AM ( 2019 ) . Google Earth as a data source for investigating river forms and processes: Discriminating river types using form‐based process indicators . Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Article esp.4732 ,
Harvey GL, Henshaw AJ, Brasington J, England J ( 2019 ) . Burrowing Invasive Species: An Unquantified Erosion Risk at the Aquatic‐Terrestrial Interface . Reviews of Geophysics vol. 57 , ( 3 ) 1018 - 1036 .
Connor‐Streich G, Henshaw AJ, Brasington J, Bertoldi W, Harvey GL ( 2018 ) . Let's get connected: A new graph theory‐based approach and toolbox for understanding braided river morphodynamics . Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water vol. 5 , ( 5 )
HENSHAW AJ, MONEGAGLIA F, Zolezzi G, Guneralp I, Tubino M ( 2018 ) . Automated extraction of meandering river morphodynamics from multitemporal remotely sensed data . Environmental Modelling and Software vol. 105 , 171 - 186 .
Politti E, Bertoldi W, Gurnell A, Henshaw A ( 2018 ) . Feedbacks between the riparian Salicaceae and hydrogeomorphic processes: A quantitative review . Earth-Science Reviews vol. 176 , 147 - 165 .
Harvey GL, Henshaw AJ, Parker C, Sayer CD ( 2017 ) . Re‐introduction of structurally complex wood jams promotes channel and habitat recovery from overwidening: Implications for river conservation . Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems vol. 28 , ( 2 ) 395 - 407 .
Trinci G, HARVEY GL, Henshaw AJ, Bertoldi W, Hölker F ( 2017 ) . Life in turbulent flows: interactions between hydrodynamics and aquatic organisms in rivers . WIREs Water
Parker C, Henshaw AJ, Harvey GL, Sayer CD ( 2017 ) . Reintroduced large wood modifies fine sediment transport and storage in a lowland river channel . Earth Surface Processes and Landforms vol. 42 , ( 11 ) 1693 - 1703 .
He F, Zarfl C, Bremerich V, HENSHAW AJ, Darwall W, Tockner K, Jahnig SC ( 2017 ) . Disappearing giants: a review of threats to freshwater megafauna . WIREs Water
Faller M, Harvey GL, Henshaw AJ, Bertoldi W, Bruno MC, England J ( 2016 ) . River bank burrowing by invasive crayfish: Spatial distribution, biophysical controls and biogeomorphic significance . Science of the Total Environment vol. 569-570 , Article C , 1190 - 1200 .
HENSHAW AJ ( 2016 ) . Developing allometric relationships for riparian vegetation friction characterization . Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. Melbourne, Australia, 7-12 February 2016. The University of Melbourne. . Conference: 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics
HENSHAW AJ ( 2016 ) . Extending a hydromorphodynamic reduced complexity model with riparian vegetation dynamics . Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. Melbourne, Australia, 7-12 February 2016. The University of Melbourne. . Conference: 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics
Gurnell AM, Rinaldi M, Belletti B, Bizzi S, Blamauer B, Braca G, Buijse AD, Bussettini M et al. ( 2015 ) . A multi-scale hierarchical framework for developing understanding of river behaviour to support river management . Aquatic Sciences vol. 78 , ( 1 ) 1 - 16 .
Lugo GAG, Bertoldi W, Henshaw AJ, Gurnell AM ( 2015 ) . The effect of lateral confinement on gravel bed river morphology . Water Resources Research vol. 51 , ( 9 ) 7145 - 7158 .
HENSHAW AJ ( 2015 ) . Development and application of a multi-scale process-based framework for the hydromorphological assessment of European rivers . ENGINEERING GEOLOGY FOR SOCIETY AND TERRITORY, VOL 3: RIVER BASINS, RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION AND WATER RESOURCES . Conference: ENGINEERING GEOLOGY FOR SOCIETY AND TERRITORY
Henshaw AJ, Bertoldi W, Harvey GL, Gurnell AM, Welber M ( 2015 ) . Large Wood Dynamics Along the Tagliamento River, Italy: Insights from Field and Remote Sensing Investigations . ENGINEERING GEOLOGY FOR SOCIETY AND TERRITORY, VOL 3: RIVER BASINS, RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION AND WATER RESOURCES . 151 - 154 .
Harvey GL, Henshaw AJ, Moorhouse TP, Clifford NJ, Holah H, Grey J, Macdonald DW ( 2014 ) . Invasive crayfish as drivers of fine sediment dynamics in rivers: Field and laboratory evidence . Earth Surface Processes and Landforms vol. 39 , ( 2 ) 259 - 271 .
Henshaw AJ, Gurnell AM, Bertoldi W, Drake NA ( 2013 ) . An assessment of the degree to which Landsat TM data can support the assessment of fluvial dynamics, as revealed by changes in vegetation extent and channel position, along a large river . Geomorphology vol. 202 , 74 - 85 .
Henshaw AJ, Thorne CR, Clifford NJ ( 2013 ) . Identifying causes and controls of river bank erosion in a British upland catchment . CATENA vol. 100 , 107 - 119 .
Ballard C, Bulygina N, Cluckie I, Dangerfield S, Ewen J, Frogbrook Z, Geris J, Henshaw A et al. ( 2013 ) . Land use management effects on flood flows and sediments - guidance on prediction . CIRIA ( London ), report no. C719 ,
Jackson B, Pagella T, Sinclair F, Orellana B, Henshaw A, Reynolds B, Mcintyre N, Wheater H et al. ( 2013 ) . Polyscape: A GIS mapping framework providing efficient and spatially explicit landscape-scale valuation of multiple ecosystem services . LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING vol. 112 , 74 - 88 .
Harvey GL, Moorhouse TP, Clifford NJ, Henshaw AJ, Johnson MF, Macdonald DW, Reid I, Rice SP ( 2011 ) . Evaluating the role of invasive aquatic species as drivers of fine sediment-related river management problems: The case of the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) . PROG PHYS GEOG vol. 35 , ( 4 ) 517 - 533 .