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Publications: Dr Elena Baglioni

Baglioni E, Campling L, Coe MN, Smith A ( 2024 ) . Conclusion: Mapping a Research Agenda for Labour Regime Analysis . Labour Regimes and Global Production , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Baglioni E, Campling L, Mezzadri A, Miyamura S, Pattenden J, Selwyn B ( 2024 ) . Exploitation and Labour Regimes: Production, Circulation, Social Reproduction, Ecology . Labour Regimes and Global Production , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Baglioni E, Campling L, Coe MN, Smith A ( 2024 ) . Introduction: Labour Regimes and Global Production . Labour Regimes and Global Production , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Baglioni E ( 2024 ) . Some reflections on the capitalist labour process, nature and social reproduction . Sociologia del Lavoro ( 167 ) 9 - 32 .
Selwyn B, Campling L, Mezzadri A, Baglioni E, Miyamura S, Pattenden J ( 2023 ) . Exploitation and global value chains . Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work , Edward Elgar Publishing
Baglioni E, Campling L, Coe NM, Smith A ( 2023 ) . Labour Regimes and Global Production . Economic Transformations
Baglioni E ( 2021 ) . The making of cheap labour across production and reproduction. Women control and resistance within households and factories in the Senegalese horticultural value chain . Work, Employment and Society
Campling L, Baglioni E, Hanlon G ( 2021 ) . Beyond Rentiership: Standardisation, Intangibles and Value Capture in Global Production . Environment and Planning A
Baglioni E, Mezzadri A ( 2020 ) . Labour Control Regimes and Social Reproduction: Some Reflections on the Strengths and Weaknesses of an Evolving Framework . The Political Economy of Work in the Global South , Editors: Hammer, A, Fishwick, A , Edition. 1st , Bloomsbury
Campling L, Baglioni E ( 2020 ) . Natural Resources, Political Economy of . International Encyclopedia of Human Geography , Elsevier
Baglioni E, Campling L, Hanlon G ( 2019 ) . Global value chains as entrepreneurial capture: insights from management theory . Review of International Political Economy
Baglioni E, Campling L ( 2017 ) . Natural resource industries as global value chains: Frontiers, fetishism, labour and the state . Environment and Planning A Economy and Space vol. 49 , ( 11 ) 2437 - 2456 .
BAGLIONI E ( 2017 ) . Labour control and the labour question in global production networks: exploitation and disciplining in Senegalese export horticulture . Journal of Economic Geography vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 111 - 137 .
Baglioni E, Campling L, Havice E ( 2017 ) . The Nature of the Firm in Global Value Chains . The Corporation , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Baglioni E, Gibbon P ( 2016 ) . Land grabbing, large-and small-scale farming: What can evidence and policy from 20th century Africa contribute to the debate? . Global Land Grabs: History, Theory and Method ,
Baglioni E ( 2015 ) . Straddling Contract and Estate Farming: Accumulation Strategies of Senegalese Horticultural Exporters . Journal of Agrarian Change vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 17 - 42 .
BAGLIONI E ( 2014 ) . Straddling Contract and Estate Farming: Accumulation Strategies of Senegalese Horticultural Exporters . Journal of Agrarian Change vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 17 - 42 .
Baglioni E, Gibbon P ( 2013 ) . Land Grabbing, Large- and Small-scale Farming: what can evidence and policy from 20th century Africa contribute to the debate? . THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY vol. 34 , ( 9 ) 1558 - 1581 .
BAGLIONI E, Tornimbeni C ( 2009 ) . Introduction: Poverty, Knowledge and Power in sub-Saharan Africa . afriche e orienti vol. 2 , ( 2 ) 10 - 15 .
BAGLIONI E, Tornimbeni C ( 2009 ) . Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: Approaches and Policies . afriche & orienti vol. 11 , ( 2 )
Baglioni E ( 2007 ) . The state must be our master of fire. How peasants craft culturally sustainable development in Senegal . J AGRAR CHANGE vol. 7 , ( 2 ) 274 - 277 .
BAGLIONI E ( 2005 ) . The New International Poverty Reduction Strategies: The Case of Senegal . Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
BAGLIONI E ( 2004 ) . Poverty Reduction in Senegal: An Analysis of National and International Policies . Africa vol. 9 , ( 3-4 ) 285 - 315 .