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Publications: Dr Nital Sumaria

Pennington D, Sumaria N, Martin S ( 2021 ) . Constrained TCRγδ-associated Syk activity engages PI3K to facilitate thymic development of IL-17A–secreting γδ T cells . Science Signaling
Pennington D, Lynch L, Silva-Santos B, Lopes N, McIntyre C, Martin S, Sumaria N, Raverdeau M ( 2021 ) . Distinct metabolic programmes established in the thymus control effector functions of gd T cell subsets in tumour microenvironments . Nature Immunology179 - 192 .
Sumaria N, Martin S, Pennington DJ ( 2019 ) . Developmental origins of murine γδ T‐cell subsets . Immunology vol. 156 , ( 4 ) 299 - 304 .
Grandjean CL, Sumaria N, Martin S, Pennington DJ ( 2017 ) . Increased TCR signal strength in DN thymocytes promotes development of gut TCRαβ(+)CD8αα(+) intraepithelial lymphocytes . Scientific Reports vol. 7 , ( 1 )
Sumaria N, Grandjean CL, Silva-Santos B, Pennington DJ ( 2017 ) . Strong TCRγδ Signaling Prohibits Thymic Development of IL-17A-Secreting γδ T Cells . Cell Rep vol. 19 , ( 12 ) 2469 - 2476 .
Muñoz-Ruiz M, Sumaria N, Pennington DJ, Silva-Santos B ( 2017 ) . Thymic Determinants of γδ T Cell Differentiation . Trends in Immunology vol. 38 , ( 5 ) 336 - 344 .
Ryan PL, Sumaria N, Holland CJ, Bradford CM, Izotova N, Grandjean CL, Jawad AS, Bergmeier LA et al. ( 2016 ) . Heterogeneous yet stable Vδ2(+) T cell profiles define distinct cytotoxic effector potentials in healthy human individuals . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 113 , ( 50 ) 14378 - 14383 .
Ryan PL, Sumaria N, Bradford C, Hasan MS, Izotova N, Bergmeier LA, Pennington DJ ( 2014 ) . The characterisation of human γδ T-cells in health and disease: Do Vγ9Vδ2 T-cells play a role in bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ)? .
Roediger B, Kyle R, Yip KH, Sumaria N, Guy TV, Kim BS, Mitchell AJ, Tay SS et al. ( 2013 ) . Cutaneous immunosurveillance and regulation of inflammation by group 2 innate lymphoid cells . Nat Immunol vol. 14 , ( 6 ) 564 - 573 .
Sumaria N, Pang DJ, Grandjean CL, Neves JF, Stoenchev KV, Silva-Santos B, Pennington DJ ( 2013 ) . A requirement for PI3K in γδ T cell development . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 140 , 160 - 160 .
Bradford CM, Hawa M, Sumaria N, Dang MN, Beyan H, Davies G, Jensen H, Tsang V et al. ( 2013 ) . Understanding auto-antigen expression and regulation in human medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 140 , 187 - 187 .
Pang DJ, Neves JF, Sumaria N, Pennington DJ ( 2012 ) . Understanding the complexity of γδ T-cell subsets in mouse and human . Immunology vol. 136 , ( 3 ) 283 - 290 .
Sumaria N, Roediger B, Ng LG, Qin J, Pinto R, Cavanagh LL, Shklovskaya E, Fazekas de St Groth B et al. ( 2011 ) . Cutaneous immunosurveillance by self-renewing dermal gammadelta T cells . J Exp Med vol. 208 , ( 3 ) 505 - 518 .
Sumaria N, van Dommelen SLH, Andoniou CE, Smyth MJ, Scalzo AA, Degli-Esposti MA ( 2009 ) . The roles of interferon-gamma and perforin in antiviral immunity in mice that differ in genetically determined NK-cell-mediated antiviral activity . Immunol Cell Biol vol. 87 , ( 7 ) 559 - 566 .
van Dommelen SLH, Sumaria N, Schreiber RD, Scalzo AA, Smyth MJ, Degli-Esposti MA ( 2006 ) . Perforin and granzymes have distinct roles in defensive immunity and immunopathology . Immunity vol. 25 , ( 5 ) 835 - 848 .
Sumaria N, Van Dommelen S, Smyth M, Degli-Esposti M ( 2005 ) . Specific molecular mechanisms involved in the antiviral response to murine cytomegalovirus . TISSUE ANTIGENS . vol. 66 , 555 - 555 .
Pao LI, Sumaria N, Kelly JM, van Dommelen S, Cretney E, Wallace ME, Anthony DA, Uldrich AP et al. ( 2005 ) . Functional analysis of granzyme M and its role in immunity to infection . J Immunol vol. 175 , ( 5 ) 3235 - 3243 .

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