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Publications: Prof Galin Tihanov

Tihanov G ( 2024 ) . The Periodic Table of Literature . Journal of World Literature vol. 9 , ( 3 ) 342 - 356 .
Tihanov G ( 2024 ) . Desynonymizing (World) Theory and Poetics . Philosophy and Literature vol. 48 , ( 1 ) 31 - 47 .
Tihanov G ( 2024 ) . Notes from the Underground, or: Why and How Was Non-Marxist Theory Resisted by Non-Marxists in a Totalitarian Society . The Political Uses of Literature , Bloomsbury Academic
Tihanov G ( 2023 ) . Alexandre Kojève: Adventures between Philosophy and Wisdom . Thesis Eleven vol. 178 , ( 1 ) 66 - 71 .
Tihanov G ( 2022 ) . On the Significance and Originality of Nie Zhenzhao's Ethical Literary Criticism . Forum for World Literature Studies vol. 14 , ( 4 ) 559 - 562 .
TIHANOV G ( 2022 ) . INTERVIEW: GALIN TIHANOV . Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philologia79 - 82 .
Tihanov G ( 2022 ) . World Literature and Literary Theory . The Routledge Companion to World Literature , Taylor & Francis
Tihanov G ( 2022 ) . Exilic Marxisms: Lukács and Balázs in Stalin’s Moscow . Thesis Eleven vol. 171 , ( 1 ) 30 - 46 .
Tihanov G ( 2022 ) . Beyond Circulation . Universal Localities , vol. 13 , Springer Nature
Tihanov G ( 2022 ) . Preface . Universal Localities , vol. 13 , Springer Nature
Chukhrov K, Tihanov G ( 2022 ) . Soviet cosmologies and ontologies (1950s–1980s) . Studies in East European Thought vol. 74 , ( 1 ) 37 - 38 .
Tihanov G ( 2022 ) . On Vernacularity . Bulgarski Ezik i Literatura-Bulgarian Language and Literature vol. 64 , ( 1 ) 9 - 16 .
Tihanov G ( 2022 ) . Afterword: Translating (with) Bakhtin . The Art of Translation in Light of Bakhtin’s Re-accentuation275 - 281 .
Gratchev S, Marinova M, Tihanov G ( 2022 ) . The Art of Translation in Light of Bakhtin’s Re-accentuation .
Tihanov G ( 2021 ) . Bakhtin, Translation, World Literature . The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought , Springer Nature
Tihanov G ( 2021 ) . Exilic InscriptionsMigration and the Resistance to (World) Theory . Differences vol. 32 , ( 1 ) 126 - 149 .
Tihanov G ( 2020 ) . Revisiting Lukács’ theory of realism . Thesis Eleven vol. 159 , ( 1 ) 57 - 63 .
Tihanov G ( 2020 ) . Romanticism’s Longue Durée: 1968 and the projects of theory . Interventions: international journal of postcolonial studies
Tihanov G ( 2020 ) . Afterword Beyond “Minor Literatures”: Reflections on World Literature (and on Bulgarian) . Bulgarian Literature as World Literature ,
Tihanov G ( 2019 ) . World Literature, War and Revolution: The Significance of Viktor Shklovskii’s A Sentimental Journey . Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature
Tihanov G ( 2019 ) . Interrogating modernity: Hermann Broch's post-romanticism . Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature vol. 1 , ( 2 ) 24 - 43 .
Tihanov G ( 2019 ) . Literatura mundial, guerra, revolución: la relevancia de Viaje sentimental, de Viktor Shklovski . Theory Now Journal of Literature Critique and Thought vol. 2 , ( 2 ) 132 - 147 .
Bartram G, McGaughey S, Tihanov G ( 2019 ) . Interrogating Modernity: Hermann Broch's Postromanticism . A Companion to the Works of Hermann Broch , Camden House
Tihanov G ( 2019 ) . The Birth and Death of Literary Theory Regimes of Relevance in Russia and Beyond . Stanford University Press
Tihanov G ( 2018 ) . The Location of World Literature . Tensions in World Literature , Springer Nature
TIHANOV G ( 2018 ) . Ferrying a Thinker Across Time and Language: Bakhtin, Translation, World Literature . Modern Languages Open vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 21 - 21 .
Laptun VI, Tihanov G ( 2018 ) . Pedagogical work of Mikhail M. Bakhtin (1920s – early 1960s) . Dialogic Pedagogy A Journal for Studies of Dialogic Education vol. 6 , ( 0 )
Tihanov G ( 2018 ) . The location of world literature . Canadian Review of Comparative Literature vol. 44 , ( 3 ) 468 - 481 .
Tihanov G ( 2018 ) . "language, foreignness, openness: Three disciplinary perspectives", AHRC open world research initiative, cross-language dynamics: Reshaping community Queen Mary University of London, 17-18 November 2017 . Journal of Romance Studies . Conference: Language, Foreignness, Openness: Three Disciplinary Perspectives vol. 18 , 139 - 140 .
Tihanov G ( 2017 ) . Filosofia e pensamento social russo: continuidades depois da Revolução de Outubro . Estudos Avançados vol. 31 , ( 91 ) 9 - 24 .
Tihanov G ( 2017 ) . On the Significance of Historical Poetics: In Lieu of a Foreword . Poetics Today vol. 38 , ( 3 ) 417 - 428 .
Tihanov G ( 2017 ) . Interrogating modernity: Hermann broch's post-romanticism . Forum for World Literature Studies vol. 9 , ( 2 ) 186 - 204 .
Tihanov G ( 2016 ) . The post-romantic syndrome: Reflections on work, wealth, and trade from Adam Müller to Ernst Jünger . Primerjalna Knjizevnost vol. 39 , ( 3 ) 43 - 58 .
Tihanov G ( 2014 ) . Narratives of exile: Cosmopolitanism beyond the liberal imagination . Whose Cosmopolitanism?: Critical Perspectives, Relationalities and Discontents , Barghahn Books
Tihanov G ( 2014 ) . Whose cosmopolitanism?: Genealogies of cosmopolitanism . Whose Cosmopolitanism?: Critical Perspectives, Relationalities and Discontents ,
TIHANOV G ( 2014 ) . Do ‘Minor Literatures’ Still Exist? The Fortunes of a Concept in the Changing Frameworks of Literary History . Re-Examining the National-Philological Legacy: Quest for a New Paradigm? , Editors: Biti, V , vol. 22 , Brill
Tihanov GV, Berti-Santos SS ( 2013 ) . Ensaios de Bakhtin sobre o romance (1935-1941): um estudo de suas formações intelectuais e inovação . Linha D Água vol. 26 , ( 2 ) 315 - 350 .
Tihanov G ( 2012 ) . Cosmopolitanism: Legitimation, opposition and domains of articulation . Language, Ideology, and the Human: New Interventions ,
Tihanov G ( 2012 ) . Why Study Literature?; Why Literary Studies? Raisons d’Être of a Discipline . Orbis Litterarum vol. 67 , ( 6 ) 525 - 526 .
TIHANOV G ( 2012 ) . Framing Semantic Paleontology: The 1930s and Beyond . Russian Literature vol. 72 , ( 3-4 ) 361 - 384 .
TIHANOV G ( 2012 ) . Kosmopolitismus in der Diskurslandschaft der Postmoderne . Kulturen in Bewegung: Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis der Transkulturalität , Editors: Kimmich, D, Schahadat, S , Transcript Verlag ( Bielefeld ),
TIHANOV G ( 2012 ) . Russian Formalism . The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics , Editors: Greene, R , Edition. 4th , Princeton University Press ( Princeton ),
Tihanov G ( 2012 ) . Why Study Literature? . ORBIS LITTERARUM vol. 67 , ( 6 ) 525 - 526 .
TIHANOV G ( 2012 ) . “What Was ‘Semantic Paleontology’ and What Did it Have to Do with Literary Studies” . Stanford Slavic Studies vol. 39 , 288 - 311 .
Dobrenko E, Tihanov G ( 2011 ) . A History of Russian Literary Theory and Criticism: The Soviet Age and Beyond . Editors: Dobrenko, E, Tihanov, G , University of Pittsburgh Press
TIHANOV G ( 2011 ) . Cosmopolitanism in the Discursive Landscape of Modernity: Two Enlightenment Articulations . Enlightenment Cosmopolitanism , Editors: Adams, D, Tihanov, G , Legenda
Adams D, Tihanov G ( 2011 ) . Enlightenment Cosmopolitanism . Editors: Adams, D, Tihanov, G , Legenda
Martsinkovskaya TD, Tihanov G ( 2011 ) . Gustav Shpet's contribution to philosophy and cutlural theory . VOPROSY PSIKHOLOGII ( 5 ) 144 - 146 .
TIHANOV G ( 2011 ) . Istoriia russkoi literaturnoi kritiki: sovetskaia i postsovetskaia epokhi . Editors: Dobrenko, E , Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie ( Moscow ),
TIHANOV G ( 2011 ) . Pour une histoire de la pensée russe: les continuities à l’époque soviétique . Cahiers de l’ILSL ( 29 ) 141 - 172 .
TIHANOV G ( 2011 ) . Towards a History of Russian Émigré Literary Criticism and Theory between the World Wars . Chronotope and Environs. Festschrift for Nikolay Pan’kov/Khronotop i okrestnosti. Iubileinyi sbornik v chest’ Nikolaia Pan’kova , Editors: Orekhov, B , Vagant ( Ufa ),
Dobrenko E, Tihanov G ( 2011 ) . “Introduction: Towards a History of Soviet and Post-Soviet Literary Theory and Criticism” . A History of Russian Literary Theory and Criticism: The Soviet Age and Beyond , Editors: Dobrenko, E, Tihanov, G , Edition. 1st , University of Pittsburgh Press ( Pittsburgh ),
TIHANOV G ( 2011 ) . “Kosmopolitizm v diskursivnom landshafte modernosti: dva konteksta vyrazheniia v epokhu Prosveshcheniia” . Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie: teoriya i istoriya literatury, kritika i bibliografiya ( 110 ) 135 - 155 .
TIHANOV G ( 2011 ) . “Russian Émigré Literary Criticism and Theory between the World Wars” . A History of Russian Literary Theory and Criticism: The Soviet Age and Beyond , Editors: Dobrenko, E, Tihanov, G , University of Pittsburgh Press ( Pittsburgh ),
TIHANOV G ( 2011 ) . “Russkaia emigrantskaia literaturnaia kritika i teoriia mezhdu dvumia mirovymi voinami ” . Istoriia russkoi literaturnoi kritiki: Sovetskaia i postsovetskaia epokhi , Editors: Dobrenko, E, Tihanov, G , Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie ( Moscow ),
Clark K, Tihanov G ( 2011 ) . “Sovetskie literaturnye teorii 1930-kh godov: V poiskakh granits sovremennosti” . Istoriia russkoi literaturnoi kritiki: Sovetskaia i postsovetskaia epokhi , Editors: Dobrenko, E, Tihanov, G , Edition. 1st , Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie ( Moscow ),
Clark K, Tihanov G ( 2011 ) . “Soviet Literary Theory in the 1930s: Battles over Genre and the Boundaries of Modernity” . A History of Russian Literary Theory and Criticism: The Soviet Age and Beyond , Editors: Dobrenko, E, Tihanov, G , Edition. 1st , University of Pittsburgh Press ( Pittsburgh ),
TIHANOV G ( 2010 ) . Appropriations of Bulgarian Literature in the West: From Pencho Slaveikov to Iordan Iovkov . Bulgaria and Europe: Shifting Identities , Editors: Katsikas, S , Anthem
TIHANOV G ( 2010 ) . Continuities in the Soviet Period . A History of Russian Thought , Editors: Leatherbarrow, W, Offord, D , Cambridge UP
Renfrew A, Tihanov G ( 2010 ) . Critical Theory in Russia and the West . Editors: Renfrew, A, Tihanov, G , Routledge
Tihanov G ( 2010 ) . Ernst Jünger: Ein Jahrhundertleben . MOD LANG REV vol. 105 , 284 - 285 .
TIHANOV G ( 2010 ) . Innovation and Regression: Gustav Shpet’s Theoretical Concerns in the 1920s . Critical Theory in Russia and the West , Editors: Renfrew, A, Tihanov, G , Routledge
TIHANOV G ( 2010 ) . Mikhail Bakhtin: Multiple Discoveries and Cultural Transfers . Wiener Sawistischer Almanach vol. 78 , 45 - 58 .
TIHANOV G ( 2010 ) . Novatorstvo i regressiia: teoreticheskie interesy Gustava Shpeta v 1920-e gody . Gustav Shpet i ego filosofskoe nasledie , Editors: Shchedrina, T , ROSSPEN ( Moscow ),
TIHANOV G ( 2010 ) . Pan i niewolnik: Bachtin, Lukács i idee ich chasów . Oficyna Naukowa
Radunović D, Tihanov G ( 2009 ) . Introduction to shpet's "o granitsakh nauchnogo literaturovedeniia" ("on the limits of scientific literary scholarship") . Gustav Shpet's Contribution to Philosophy and Cultural Theory ,
Tihanov G ( 2009 ) . Responding to Cosmopolitanism . PRIM KNJIZEV vol. 32 , ( 2 ) 81 - 82 .
Tihanov G ( 2009 ) . THE ANSWER TO THE COSMOPOLITAN: AN INTRODUCTION . PRIM KNJIZEV vol. 32 , ( 2 ) 79 - 80 .
Tihanov G, Renfrew A ( 2009 ) . Preface .
TIHANOV G ( 2009 ) . Bibliography of Gustav Shpet’s Published Works (1901-2009) . Gustav Shpet’s Contribution to Philosophy and Cultural Theory , Editors: Tihanov, G , Purdue UP
TIHANOV G ( 2009 ) . Cosmopolitans without a Polis: Towards a Hermeneutics of the East-East Exilic Experience (1929-1945) . The Exile and Return of Writers from East-Central Europe , Editors: Neubauer, J, Török, Z , Walter de Gruyter
TIHANOV G ( 2009 ) . Gustav Shpet in Florovsky’s Mirror . G. G. Shpet/Comprehensio: Piatye shpetovskie chteniia , Editors: Mazaeva, O , Izdatel'stvo Tomskogo universiteta ( Tomsk ),
TIHANOV G ( 2009 ) . Gustav Shpet v zerkale Florovskogo . Issledovaniia po istorii russkoi mysli vol. 8 , 140 - 149 .
Tihanov G, Radunovic D ( 2009 ) . Gustav Shpet, “On the Limits of Scientific Literary Scholarship” . Gustav Shpet’s Contribution to Philosophy and Cultural Theory , Editors: Tihanov, G , Purdue UP
TIHANOV G ( 2009 ) . Gustav Shpet’s Contribution to Philosophy and Cultural Theory . Editors: Tihanov, G , Purdue UP
TIHANOV G ( 2009 ) . Gustav Shpet’s Life and Works: Introduction to the Volume . Gustav Shpet’s Contribution to Philosophy and Cultural Theory , Editors: Tihanov, G , Purdue UP
TIHANOV G ( 2009 ) . Gustav Shpet’s Literary and Theatre Affiliations . Gustav Shpet’s Contribution to Philosophy and Cultural Theory , Editors: Tihanov, G , Purdue UP
Tihanov G ( 2009 ) . Innovation and regression: Gustav Shpet’s theoretical concerns in the 1920s . Critical Theory in Russia and the West ,
TIHANOV G ( 2009 ) . Literature on Gustav Shpet (1915-2009) . Gustav Shpet’s Contribution to Philosophy and Cultural Theory , Editors: Tihanov, G , Purdue UP
Tihanov G, Renfrew A ( 2009 ) . Preface .
TIHANOV G ( 2009 ) . Robert Muzil v gradinata na konservatizma . Altera akademika vol. 3 , ( 1 ) 55 - 88 .
TIHANOV G ( 2009 ) . Setivnostta na kanona [The Sensuousness of the Canon] . is. 11 , pp. 1 - 1 . Notes: Newspaper article on the theory of literary canons ,
Tihanov G ( 2008 ) . The future of literary history: Three challenges in the 21st century . PRIM KNJIZEV vol. 31 , ( 1 ) 65 - 72 .
Tihanov G ( 2008 ) . Multifariousness under duress: Gustav Spet's scattered lives . RUSS LITERATURE vol. 63 , ( 2-4 ) 259 - 292 .
TIHANOV G ( 2008 ) . Gustave Chpet: Problèmes théoriques de literature et de theatre dans les années 1920 (le CLM et le GAKhN) . Slavica Occitania vol. 26 , 33 - 48 .
TIHANOV G ( 2008 ) . Mnogoobrazie ponevole, ili neskhozhie zhizni Gustava Shpeta . Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie ( 3 ) 35 - 63 .
TIHANOV G ( 2008 ) . Prihodnost literarne zgodovine: trije izzivi 21. stoletja . Primerjalna književnost v 20. stoletju in Anton Ocvirk , Editors: Dolinar, D, Juvan, M , Založba ZRC ( Ljubljana ),
TIHANOV G ( 2008 ) . Viitorul istoriei literare: trei provocari pentru secolul XXI . Analele Universitatii Bucuresti vol. 31 , ( 1 ) 89 - 96 .
Tihanov G ( 2007 ) . 'Menschendammerung': Ernst Jünger und der Untergang des Selbst . MOD LANG REV vol. 102 , 1187 - 1188 .
Tihanov G ( 2007 ) . „Wann hat dieser Scheißkrieg ein Ende?“ Writing and Rewriting the First World War . MOD LANG REV vol. 102 , 1187 - 1188 .
Payne P, Bartram G, Tihanov G ( 2007 ) . A Companion to the Works of Robert Musil . Editors: Payne, Ph., Bartram, G, Tihanov, G , Camden House
Tihanov G ( 2007 ) . Dlaczego nowoczesna teoria literatury narodziła się w Europie Środkowej i Wschodnej? (I dlaczego dziś jest martwa?) . TEKSTY DRUGIE ( 4 ) 131 - 151 .
TIHANOV G ( 2007 ) . Robert Musil in the Garden of Conservatism . A Companion to the Works of Robert Musil , Editors: Payne, P, Bartram, G, Tihanov, G , Camden House
TIHANOV G ( 2007 ) . The Ideology of Translation: Two Bulgarian Writers in England and Germany (1904-1945) . Wort – Geist – Kultur. Gedenkschrift für Sergej S. Averincev , Editors: Besters-Dilger, J , Peter Lang
Tihanov G ( 2006 ) . Gustav Shpet: Literature and aesthetics from the Silver Age to the 1930s . PRIM KNJIZEV vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 1 - 19 .
Tihanov G ( 2006 ) . Der Schmerz des Vermissens: Essays . MOD LANG REV vol. 101 , 295 - 296 .
Tihanov G ( 2006 ) . E. Jünger und G. Nebel, Briefe (1938-1974) . MOD LANG REV vol. 101 , 295 - 296 .
TIHANOV G ( 2006 ) . Hermenêutica e sociologia entre Alemanha e Rússia: em busca do clássico . Vinte ensaios sobre Mikahil Bakhtin , Editors: Faraco, C , Vozes ( Petrópolis, RJ (Brazil) ),
TIHANOV G ( 2006 ) . Herméneutique et sociologie entre Allemagne et Russie . Revue Germanique Internationale ( 3 ) 165 - 184 .
TIHANOV G ( 2006 ) . Politika na ostranenieto: sluchaiat s ranniia Shklovski . Literaturna misul ( 1 ) 124 - 154 .
Tihanov G ( 2005 ) . Book Review: Rosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German Philosophy . German History vol. 23 , ( 4 ) 573 - 575 .
Tihanov G ( 2005 ) . Fiction's overcoat: Russian literary culture and the question of philosophy . SLAVIC REV vol. 64 , ( 4 ) 927 - 928 .
TIHANOV G ( 2005 ) . Hermeneutics and Sociology between Germany and Russia: In Search of the Classic . Stanford Slavic Studies vol. 29-30 , 52 - 79 .
Tihanov G ( 2005 ) . The politics of estrangement: The case of the early Shklovsky . POETICS TODAY . vol. 26 , 665 - 696 .
Tihanov G ( 2004 ) . M. Heidegger und H. Rickert, Briefwechsel 1912 bis 1933 und andere Dokumente . MOD LANG REV vol. 99 , 840 - 841 .
Tihanov G ( 2004 ) . E. Jünger, Politische Publizistik (1919-1933) . MOD LANG REV vol. 99 , 540 - 541 .
TIHANOV G ( 2004 ) . Carl Schmitt: The Post-Romantic Roots of the Geopolitical Imagination . Cannocchiale: Rivista di studi filosofici ( 1-2 ) 81 - 101 .
TIHANOV G ( 2004 ) . Ideas of Europe in Twentieth-Century Germany: From Simmel to Spengler and Hans Freyer . Simmel Studies vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 167 - 194 .
TIHANOV G ( 2004 ) . Revising Hegel’s Phenomenology on the Left: Lukács, Kojève, Hyppolite . Comparative Criticism vol. 25 , 67 - 95 .
TIHANOV G ( 2004 ) . Seeking a ‘Third Way’ for Soviet Aesthetics: Eurasianism, Marxism, Formalism . The Bakhtin Circle: In the Master’s Absence , Editors: Brandist, C, Shepherd, D, Tihanov, G , Manchester UP
Brandist C, Shepherd D, Tihanov G ( 2004 ) . The Bakhtin Circle: In the Master’s Absence . Editors: Brandist, C, Shepherd, D, Tihanov, G , Manchester UP
TIHANOV G ( 2004 ) . The Birth of Modern Literary Theory in East-Central Europe . History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe , Editors: Cornis-Pope, M, Neubauer, J , vol. 1 , John Benjamins
TIHANOV G ( 2004 ) . Why Did Modern Literary Theory Originate in Central and Eastern Europe? (And Why Is It Now Dead?) . Common Knowledge vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 61 - 81 .
Tihanov G ( 2004 ) . ’Der Einbruch der Zeit in das Spiel’: Hamlet from Berlin (East) . ARCADIA vol. 39 , ( 2 ) 333 - 353 .
Tihanov G ( 2003 ) . Die Apokalypse in der Weimarer Republik . MOD LANG REV vol. 98 , 1057 - 1058 .
Tihanov G ( 2003 ) . Fedor Stepun: Ein politischer Intellektueller aus Rußland in Europa . STUD E EUR THOUGHT vol. 55 , ( 3 ) 274 - 277 .
Tihanov G ( 2003 ) . Issledovaniia po istorii russkoi mysli. Ezhegodnik za 2000 god . STUD E EUR THOUGHT vol. 55 , ( 3 ) 247 - 249 .
Tihanov G ( 2003 ) . When Eurasianism met formalism: An episode from the history of Russian intellectual life in the 1920s . WELT DER SLAVEN vol. 48 , ( 2 ) 359 - 382 .
Tihanov G ( 2002 ) . Georg Simmel and avant-garde sociology. The birth of modernity, 1880-1920 . J EUR STUD vol. 32 , ( 127 ) 417 - 418 .
Tihanov G ( 2002 ) . Der Schwarzwald und Paris: Heidegger und Benjamin . MOD LANG REV vol. 97 , 1029 - 1031 .
Tihanov G ( 2002 ) . Die zarte, aber helle Differenz: Heidegger und Stefan George . MOD LANG REV vol. 97 , 1029 - 1031 .
Tihanov G ( 2002 ) . Martin Heidegger und Imma von Bodmershof, Briefwechsel (1959-1977) . MOD LANG REV vol. 97 , 1029 - 1031 .
TIHANOV G ( 2002 ) . Carl Schmitt and Theodor Däubler: The Geopolitical Afterlife of the Post-Romantic Epic . Romantična Pesnitev/The Romantic Poem , Editors: Juvan, M , Ljubljana University ( Ljubljana ),
TIHANOV G ( 2002 ) . Marxism and Formalism Revisited: Notes on the 1927 Leningrad Dispute . Literary Research/Recherche Littéraire vol. 19 , ( 37-38 ) 69 - 77 .
TIHANOV G ( 2002 ) . Misha and Kolia: Thinking the (Br)other . Bakhtin and His Intellectual Ambience , Editors: Zylko, B , Gdansk UP ( Gdansk ),
TIHANOV G ( 2002 ) . Regimes of Modernity at the Dawn of Globalisation: Carl Schmitt and Alexandre Kojève . Other Modernisms in an Age of Globalisation , Editors: Kadir, D, Löbbermann, D , Winter ( Heidelberg ),
Tihanov G ( 2002 ) . Self and story in Russian history . RUSS REV vol. 61 , ( 1 ) 168 - 169 .
TIHANOV G ( 2002 ) . Sovremennyi stroi na zare globalizatsii: Karl Shmit i Aleksandr Kozhev . Evropa vol. 2 , ( 3 ) 93 - 116 .
Tihanov G ( 2001 ) . Ernst Jünger. Eine Biographie . MOD LANG REV vol. 96 , 1150 - 1152 .
Tihanov G ( 2001 ) . H. Kiesel (ed.), Ernst Jünger-Carl Schmitt. Briefe (1930-1983) . MOD LANG REV vol. 96 , 1150 - 1152 .
Tihanov G ( 2001 ) . Contextualising Bakhtin: Two poems by Mandelshtam . RUSS LITERATURE vol. 50 , ( 2 ) 165 - 184 .
Tihanov G ( 2001 ) . Husserl-Heidegger: Influence de leur oeuvre en Russie . SLAVON E EUR REV vol. 79 , ( 3 ) 504 - 506 .
Tihanov G ( 2001 ) . Bakhtin, Joyce, and carnival: Towards the synthesis of epic and novel in 'Rabelais' . PARAGRAPH vol. 24 , ( 1 ) 66 - 83 .
Tihanov G ( 2001 ) . Why did modern literary theory originate in central and eastern Europe? . Primerjalna Knjizevnost vol. 24 , ( 1 ) 1 - 15 .
Tihanov G ( 2000 ) . Christianity in Bakhtin: God and the exiled author . RUSS REV vol. 59 , ( 2 ) 294 - 295 .
Tihanov G ( 2000 ) . Form and truth: Reconsidering Lukacs's theory of realism . ESSAYS IN POETICS . vol. 25 , 1 - 10 .
Brandist C, Tihanov G ( 2000 ) . Materializing Bakhtin: The Bakhtin Circle and Social Theory . Editors: Brandist, C, Tihanov, G , Macmillan
Tihanov G ( 2000 ) . Russian avant-garde visual culture and photography 1910s-1930s: Guest Editorial . HIST PHOTOGR vol. 24 , ( 4 ) 272 - 272 .
TIHANOV G ( 2000 ) . The Master and the Slave: Lukács, Bakhtin, and the Ideas of Their Time . Oxford UP
Tihanov G ( 2000 ) . Viktor Shklovskii and Georg Lukacs in the 1930s . SLAVONIC AND EAST EUROPEAN REVIEW . vol. 78 , 44 - 65 .
Tihanov G ( 1999 ) . Ernst Blochs Konstruktion der Moderne aus Messianismus und Marxismus . MOD LANG REV vol. 94 , 891 - 892 .
Tihanov G ( 1999 ) . Ethics and Revolution: Lukács’s Responses to Dostoevsky . MOD LANG REV vol. 94 , 609 - 625 .
Tihanov G ( 1999 ) . Georg Lukács: Seine Stellung und Bedeutung im literarischen Leben des SBZ/DDR, 1945-1985 . MOD LANG REV vol. 94 , 892 - 893 .
Tihanov G ( 1999 ) . Image and concept: Mythopoetic roots of literature . SLAVON E EUR REV vol. 77 , ( 1 ) 160 - 162 .
Tihanov G ( 1998 ) . The Ideology of Bildung: Lukács and Bakhtin as Readers of Goethe . OXFORD GER STUD vol. 27 , 102 - 140 .
Tihanov G ( 1998 ) . The Novel, the Epic, and Modernity: Lukács and the Moscow Debate about the Novel (1934-35) . GERMANO-SLAVICA vol. 10 , ( 2 ) 29 - 42 .
Tihanov G ( 1998 ) . Voloshinov, ideology, and language: The birth of Marxist sociology from the spirit of Lebensphilosophie . S ATL QUART vol. 97 , ( 3-4 ) 599 - 621 .
TIHANOV G ( 1998 ) . Zhanrovoto suznanie na kruga “Misul”. Kum kulturnata biografiia na bulgarskiia modernizum [The Consciousness of Genre of the “Misul” Circle. Towards a Cultural Biography of Bulgarian Modernism] . Kiril Marinov
Tihanov G ( 1997 ) . M. M. Bakhtin, Sobranie sochinenii, Vol. 5 . TLS-TIMES LIT SUPPL ( 4934 ) 29 - 29 .
Tihanov G ( 1997 ) . V. D. Duvakin, Besedy s Bakhtinym . TLS-TIMES LIT SUPPL ( 4934 ) 29 - 29 .
Tihanov G ( 1997 ) . Bakhtin and the visual arts . HIST PHOTOGR vol. 21 , ( 1 ) 82 - 82 .
TIHANOV G ( 1994 ) . Tulkuvaniia. Tekstove vurkhu bulgarskata literatura sled Vuzrazhdaneto [Interpretations. Texts on Bulgarian Post-Revival Literature] . Sofia UP