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Publications: Dr Maged Elkashlan

Peng Z, Zhang T, Pan C, Ren H, Elkashlan M, Leung C ( 2024 ) . Channel Estimation for RIS-Assisted Multiuser mmWave Systems With Direct Channels Based on a Novel Space Projection Approach . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 28 , ( 12 ) 2849 - 2853 .
Wang Y, Sun L, Du Q, Elkashlan M ( 2024 ) . PriSense: Privacy-Preserving Wireless Sensing for Vital Signs Monitoring . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 13 , ( 11 ) 3000 - 3004 .
Wu T, Pan C, Zhi K, Ren H, Elkashlan M, Wang J, Yuen C ( 2024 ) . Employing High-Dimensional RIS Information for RIS-Aided Localization Systems . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 28 , ( 9 ) 2046 - 2050 .
Zheng J, Wu T, Lai X, Pan C, Elkashlan M, Wong K-K ( 2024 ) . FAS-Assisted NOMA Short-Packet Communication Systems . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. vol. 73 , Article 7 , 10732 - 10737 .
Wu T, Pan C, Zhi K, Ren H, Elkashlan M, Wang C-X, Schober R, You X-H ( 2024 ) . Exploit High-Dimensional RIS Information to Localization: What Is the Impact of Faulty Element? . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 42 , ( 10 ) 2803 - 2819 .
Lai X, Zhi K, Li W, Wu T, Pan C, Elkashlan M ( 2024 ) . FAS-assisted Wireless Powered Communication Systems . Conference: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) vol. 00 , 1731 - 1736 .
Peng Q, Ren H, Pan C, Elkashlan M, Armada AG, Popovski P ( 2024 ) . Two-Timescale Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided URLLC . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 23 , ( 10 ) 13664 - 13677 .
Wen Z, Ding H, Elkashlan M, Yuen C, Moualeu JM, Liu J, Xin K, Yang C ( 2024 ) . Outage Analysis for a STAR-RIS-Segmented Symbiotic Backscatter NOMA System . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 72 , ( 11 ) 7263 - 7277 .
Wen X, Ruan Y, Li Y, Pan C, Elkashlan M, Zhang R, Li T ( 2024 ) . A Hierarchical Game Framework for Win-Win Resource Trading in Cognitive Satellite Terrestrial Networks . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 23 , ( 10 ) 13530 - 13544 .
Yao J, Wu T, Lai X, Jin M, Pan C, Elkashlan M, Wong K-K ( 2024 ) . Proactive Monitoring via Jamming in Fluid Antenna Systems . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 28 , ( 7 ) 1698 - 1702 .
El Feky W, El-Afify D, Abdelhai D, Elkashlan M, Fakhreldin A, El Amrousy D ( 2024 ) . L-carnitine decreases myocardial injury in children undergoing open-heart surgery: A randomized controlled trial . European Journal of Pediatrics vol. 183 , ( 6 ) 2783 - 2789 .
Loutfy E, Elgohary H, Elkashlan ME, Abdelrahman MG, Omar W ( 2024 ) . Laser hemorrhoidoplasty procedure versus harmonic scalpel hemorrhoidectomy: a comparative study for the treatment of grades III and IV hemorrhoids . The Egyptian Journal of Surgery vol. 43 , ( 2 ) 572 - 578 .
Liu J, Ding H, Elkashlan M, Chen W, Wang S, Sun T ( 2024 ) . A STAR-RIS-Segmented Symbiotic AmBC System . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 13 , ( 5 ) 1379 - 1383 .
Zheng J, Wu T, Lai X, Pan C, Elkashlan M, Wong K-K ( 2024 ) . FAS-Assisted NOMA Short-Packet Communication Systems . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 73 , ( 7 ) 10732 - 10737 .
Attia D, ElKashlan MK, Saleh SM ( 2024 ) . Early childhood caries risk indicators among preschool children in rural Egypt: a case control study . BMC Oral Health vol. 24 , ( 1 )
Peng Z, Zhu J, Pan C, Zhang Z, Costa DBD, Elkashlan M, Karagiannidis GK ( 2024 ) . Active RIS-Aided Massive MIMO With Imperfect CSI and Phase Noise . CoRR vol. abs/2405.03300 ,
Yao J, Jin M, Wu T, Elkashlan M, Yuen C, Wong K-K, Karagiannidis GK, Shin H ( 2024 ) . FAS-Driven Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks . IEEE Internet of Things Journal1 - 1 .
Chen M, Ding H, Elkashlan M, Yuen C, Moualeu JM, Wang S, Wen Z, Takawira F ( 2024 ) . Riding over Multiuser NOMA Carrier: A Spectrally-Efficient RIS-Enabled Symbiotic Backscatter System . IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference .
Tang A, Wang J-B, Pan Y, Wu T, Chang C, Chen Y, Yu H, Elkashlan M ( 2024 ) . Spatial Non-Stationary Dual-Wideband Channel Estimation for XL-MIMO Systems . CoRR vol. abs/2407.05643 ,
Lai X, Wu T, Yao J, Pan C, Elkashlan M, Wong K-K ( 2023 ) . On Performance of Fluid Antenna System Using Maximum Ratio Combining . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 28 , ( 2 ) 402 - 406 .
Peng Q, Ren H, Pan C, Elkashlan M ( 2023 ) . Two-Timescale Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided URLLC . Conference: GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference vol. 00 , 2717 - 2722 .
Wei L, Wang K, Pan C, Elkashlan M ( 2023 ) . Average Error Probability for UAV-RIS Enabled Short Packet Communications . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 73 , ( 2 ) 2912 - 2917 .
Burhanuddin LAB, Liu X, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2023 ) . Inter-Cell Interference Mitigation for Cellular-Connected UAVs Using MOSDS-DQN . IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking vol. 9 , ( 6 ) 1596 - 1609 .
Yang H, Ding H, Cao K, Elkashlan M, Li H, Xin K ( 2023 ) . A RIS-Segmented Symbiotic Ambient Backscatter Communication System . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 73 , ( 1 ) 812 - 825 .
Elkashlan M, Ahmad RM, Hajar M, Al Jasmi F, Corchado JM, Nasarudin NA, Mohamad MS ( 2023 ) . A review of SARS-CoV-2 drug repurposing: databases and machine learning models . Frontiers in Pharmacology vol. 14 ,
Wu T, Pan C, Pan Y, Hong S, Ren H, Elkashlan M, Shu F, Wang J ( 2023 ) . Joint Angle Estimation Error Analysis and 3-D Positioning Algorithm Design for mmWave Positioning System . IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 11 , ( 2 ) 2181 - 2197 .
Peng Q, Ren H, Dong M, Elkashlan M, Wong K-K, Hanzo L ( 2023 ) . Resource Allocation for Cell-Free Massive MIMO-Aided URLLC Systems Relying on Pilot Sharing . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 41 , ( 7 ) 2193 - 2207 .
Zhang T, Zhang H, Elkashlan M ( 2023 ) . Near-Field Magnetic Induction OAM Communications with OFDM Modulation . Conference: ICC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications vol. 00 , 3939 - 3944 .
Wu T, Pan C, Pan Y, Ren H, Elkashlan M, Wang C-X ( 2023 ) . Fingerprint-Based mmWave Positioning System Aided by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 12 , ( 8 ) 1379 - 1383 .
Yang H, Ding H, Elkashlan M, Li H, Xin K ( 2023 ) . A Novel Symbiotic Backscatter-NOMA System . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 72 , ( 8 ) 11006 - 11011 .
ElKashlan M, Elsayed MS, Jurcut AD, Azer M ( 2023 ) . A Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System for IoT Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCSs) . Electronics vol. 12 , ( 4 )
Peng Q, Ren H, Pan C, Liu N, Elkashlan M ( 2023 ) . Resource Allocation for Cell-Free Massive MIMO-Enabled URLLC Downlink Systems . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 72 , ( 6 ) 7669 - 7684 .
ElKashlan M, Aslan H, Elsayed MS, Jurcut AD, Azer MA ( 2023 ) . Intrusion Detection for Electric Vehicle Charging Systems (EVCS) . Algorithms vol. 16 , ( 2 )
Liu Y, Deng Y, Zhou H, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2023 ) . Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Grant-Free NOMA Optimization for mURLLC . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 71 , ( 3 ) 1475 - 1490 .
ElKashlan M, Aslan H, Azer MA ( 2022 ) . DDoS Attack Detection in IoT Using Machine Learning Based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) . Conference: 2022 18th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO) vol. 1 , 19 - 24 .
Zhi K, Pan C, Ren H, Wang K, Elkashlan M, Di Renzo M, Schober R, Vincent Poor H et al. ( 2022 ) . Two-Timescale Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Massive MIMO Systems with Imperfect CSI . IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Peng Q, Ren H, Pan C, Liu N, Elkashlan M ( 2022 ) . Resource Allocation for Uplink Cell-Free Massive MIMO Enabled URLLC in a Smart Factory . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 71 , ( 1 ) 553 - 568 .
Habib RZ, Al Kendi R, Ghebremedhin F, Elkashlan M, Iftikhar SH, Poulose V, Ramachandran T, Mourad A-HI et al. ( 2022 ) . Tire and rubber particles in the environment—A case study from a hot arid region . Frontiers in Environmental Science vol. 10 ,
Yang H, Ding H, Elkashlan M ( 2022 ) . Opportunistic Symbiotic Backscatter Communication Systems . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 27 , ( 1 ) 100 - 104 .
Wei L, Wang K, Pan C, Elkashlan M ( 2022 ) . Secrecy Performance Analysis of RIS-Aided Communication System With Randomly Flying Eavesdroppers . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 11 , ( 10 ) 2240 - 2244 .
Peng Q, Ren H, Pan C, Liu N, Elkashlan M ( 2022 ) . Resource Allocation for Cell-free Massive MIMO enabled URLLC Downlink Systems . Conference: 2022 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) vol. 00 , 838 - 843 .
Zhi K, Pan C, Zhou G, Ren H, Elkashlan M, Schober R ( 2022 ) . Analysis and Optimization of RIS-Aided Massive MIMO with ZF Detectors and Imperfect CSI . IEEE International Conference on Communications . Conference: ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications vol. 2022-May , 219 - 224 .
Zhi K, Pan C, Zhou G, Ren H, Elkashlan M, Schober R ( 2022 ) . Is RIS-Aided Massive MIMO Promising with ZF Detectors and Imperfect CSI? . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Peng Z, Chen X, Pan C, Elkashlan M, Wang J ( 2022 ) . Performance Analysis and Optimization for RIS-Assisted Multi-User Massive MIMO Systems With Imperfect Hardware . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 71 , ( 11 ) 11786 - 11802 .
Habib RZ, Aldhanhani JAK, Ali AH, Ghebremedhin F, Elkashlan M, Mesfun M, Kittaneh W, Al Kindi R et al. ( 2022 ) . Trends of microplastic abundance in personal care products in the United Arab Emirates over the period of 3 years (2018–2020) . Environmental Science and Pollution Research vol. 29 , ( 59 ) 89614 - 89624 .
Irum T, Ejaz MU, Elkashlan M ( 2022 ) . Minimizing Task Offloading Delay in NOMA-MEC Wireless Systems . Conference: 2022 4th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM) vol. 00 , 632 - 637 .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2022 ) . Cooperative Deep Reinforcement Learning based Grant-Free NOMA Optimization for mURLLC . Conference: ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Karagiannidis GK ( 2022 ) . Multiple Configured-Grants Optimization in Grant-Free NOMA for mURLLC Service . Conference: ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications vol. 00 , 4516 - 4521 .
Zhi K, Pan C, Ren H, Chai KK, Elkashlan M ( 2022 ) . Active RIS Versus Passive RIS: Which Is Superior with the Same Power Budget? . IEEE Communications Letters
Ding H, Elkashlan M, Yang H, Li H, Xin K ( 2022 ) . Symbiotic Backscatter System over Cascaded Fading Channels . Conference: 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Fall) vol. 00 , 1 - 7 .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Karagiannidis GK ( 2022 ) . Optimization of Grant-Free NOMA With Multiple Configured-Grants for mURLLC . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 40 , ( 4 ) 1222 - 1236 .
Zhi K, Pan C, Ren H, Chai KK, Elkashlan M ( 2022 ) . Active RIS Versus Passive RIS: Which is Superior With the Same Power Budget? . IEEE Commun. Lett. vol. 26 , Article 5 , 1150 - 1154 .
Zhi K, Pan C, Zhou G, Ren H, Elkashlan M, Schober R ( 2022 ) . Is RIS-Aided Massive MIMO Promising With ZF Detectors and Imperfect CSI? . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. vol. 40 , Article 10 , 3010 - 3026 .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Karagiannidis GK ( 2022 ) . Optimization of Grant-Free NOMA With Multiple Configured-Grants for mURLLC . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. vol. 40 , Article 4 , 1222 - 1236 .
Peng Q, Ren H, Pan C, Liu N, Elkashlan M ( 2022 ) . Resource Allocation for Cell-free Massive MIMO enabled URLLC Downlink Systems . ICCC . 838 - 843 .
Peng Q, Ren H, Pan C, Liu N, Elkashlan M ( 2022 ) . Resource Allocation for Uplink Cell-Free Massive MIMO enabled URLLC in a Smart Factory . CoRR vol. abs/2211.12354 ,
Wei L, Wang K, Pan C, Elkashlan M ( 2022 ) . Secrecy Performance Analysis of RIS-Aided Communication System With Randomly Flying Eavesdroppers . IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. vol. 11 , Article 10 , 2240 - 2244 .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Yuan J, Mallik RK ( 2021 ) . RACH in Self-Powered NB-IoT Networks: Energy Availability and Performance Evaluation . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 69 , ( 3 ) 1750 - 1764 .
Suman S, De S, Mallik RK, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2021 ) . Beamforming-Based Mitigation of Hovering Inaccuracy in UAV-Aided RFET . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 70 , ( 4 ) 2691 - 2706 .
Zhi K, Pan C, Ren H, Wang K, Elkashlan M ( 2021 ) . Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided MISO Systems with Statistical CSI: Channel Estimation, Analysis and Optimization: Paper) . IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC . Conference: 2021 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) vol. 2021-September , 576 - 580 .
Zhi K, Pan C, Ren H, Wang K, Elkashlan M, Renzo MD, Schober R, Poor HV et al. ( 2021 ) . Two-Timescale Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Massive MIMO Systems with Imperfect CSI .
Pan C, Ren H, Wang K, Kolb JF, Elkashlan M, Chen M, Di Renzo M, Hao Y et al. ( 2021 ) . Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for 6G Systems: Principles, Applications, and Research Directions . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 59 , ( 6 ) 14 - 20 .
Bai T, Pan C, Ren H, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2021 ) . Resource Allocation for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Powered Mobile Edge Computing in OFDM Systems . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Zhou G, Pan C, Ren H, Wang K, Elkashlan M, Di Renzo M ( 2021 ) . Stochastic Learning-Based Robust Beamforming Design for RIS-Aided Millimeter-Wave Systems in the Presence of Random Blockages . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 70 , ( 1 ) 1057 - 1061 .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Zhou H, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2021 ) . A General Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Grant-Free NOMA Optimization in mURLLC .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Jiang N, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2021 ) . Analysis of Random Access in NB-IoT Networks With Three Coverage Enhancement Groups: A Stochastic Geometry Approach . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. vol. 20 , Article 1 , 549 - 564 .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Karagiannidis GK ( 2021 ) . Analyzing Grant-Free Access for URLLC Service . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. vol. 39 , Article 3 , 741 - 755 .
Bai T, Pan C, Wang J, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Hanzo L ( 2021 ) . Dynamic Aerial Base Station Placement for Minimum-Delay Communications . IEEE Internet Things J. vol. 8 , Article 3 , 1623 - 1635 .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Karagiannidis GK ( 2021 ) . Optimization of Grant-Free NOMA with Multiple Configured-Grants for mURLLC . CoRR vol. abs/2111.09284 ,
Zhi K, Pan C, Ren H, Wang K, Elkashlan M ( 2021 ) . Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided MISO Systems with Statistical CSI: Channel Estimation, Analysis and Optimization : (Invited Paper) . SPAWC . 576 - 580 .
Bai T, Pan C, Ren H, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2021 ) . Resource Allocation for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Powered Mobile Edge Computing in OFDM Systems . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. vol. 20 , Article 8 , 5389 - 5407 .
ElKashlan M, Azer M ( 2020 ) . Mitigating IoT Security Challenges Using Blockchain . Conference: 2020 15th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Ren H, Pan C, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2020 ) . Transmit Power Minimization for Secure Short-packet Transmission in a Mission-Critical IoT Scenario . Conference: GLOBECOM 2020 - 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Zhou Y, Pan C, Yeoh PL, Wang K, Elkashlan M, Vucetic B, Li Y ( 2020 ) . Communication-and-Computing Latency Minimization for UAV-Enabled Virtual Reality Delivery Systems . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 69 , ( 3 ) 1723 - 1735 .
Bai T, Zhang H, Wang J, Xu C, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Hanzo L ( 2020 ) . Fifty Years of Noise Modeling and Mitigation in Power-Line Communications . IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 41 - 69 .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Jiang N, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2020 ) . Analysis of Random Access in NB-IoT Networks With Three Coverage Enhancement Groups: A Stochastic Geometry Approach . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 20 , ( 1 ) 549 - 564 .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Karagiannidis GK ( 2020 ) . Analyzing Grant-Free Access for URLLC Service . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 39 , ( 3 ) 741 - 755 .
Bai T, Pan C, Wang J, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Hanzo L ( 2020 ) . Dynamic Aerial Base Station Placement for Minimum-Delay Communications . IEEE Internet of Things Journal vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 1623 - 1635 .
Bai T, Pan C, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Hanzo L ( 2020 ) . Latency Minimization for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Mobile Edge Computing . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 38 , ( 11 ) 2666 - 2682 .
Pan C, Ren H, Wang K, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Wang J, Hanzo L ( 2020 ) . Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided MIMO Broadcasting for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 38 , ( 8 ) 1719 - 1734 .
Ren H, Pan C, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2020 ) . Resource Allocation for Secure URLLC in Mission-Critical IoT Scenarios . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 68 , ( 9 ) 5793 - 5807 .
Pan C, Ren H, Wang K, Xu W, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Hanzo L ( 2020 ) . Multicell MIMO Communications Relying on Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications1 - 1 .
Ren H, Pan C, Wang K, Xu W, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2020 ) . Joint Transmit Power and Placement Optimization for URLLC-Enabled UAV Relay Systems . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 69 , ( 7 ) 8003 - 8007 .
Ren H, Pan C, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2020 ) . Joint Pilot and Payload Power Allocation for Massive-MIMO-Enabled URLLC IIoT Networks . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 38 , ( 5 ) 816 - 830 .
Ren H, Pan C, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2020 ) . Joint power and blocklength optimization for URLLC in a factory automation scenario . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 19 , ( 3 ) 1786 - 1801 .
Ren H, Pan C, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2020 ) . Joint Power and Blocklength Optimization for URLLC in a Factory Automation Scenario . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. vol. 19 , Article 3 , 1786 - 1801 .
Pan C, Ren H, Wang K, Xu W, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Hanzo L ( 2020 ) . Multicell MIMO Communications Relying on Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. vol. 19 , Article 8 , 5218 - 5233 .
Ren H, Pan C, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2020 ) . Resource Allocation for Secure URLLC in Mission-Critical IoT Scenarios . IEEE Trans. Commun. vol. 68 , Article 9 , 5793 - 5807 .
Zhou Y, Pan C, Yeoh PL, Wang K, Elkashlan M, Vucetic B, Li Y ( 2020 ) . Secure Communications for UAV-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing Systems . IEEE Trans. Commun. vol. 68 , Article 1 , 376 - 388 .
Zhou Y, Yeoh PL, Pan C, Wang K, Elkashlan M, Wang Z, Vucetic B, Li Y ( 2019 ) . Offloading Optimization for Low-Latency Secure Mobile Edge Computing Systems . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 9 , ( 4 ) 480 - 484 .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2019 ) . Random Access Performance for Three Coverage Enhancement Groups in NB-IoT Networks . Conference: 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Zhou Y, Pan C, Yeoh PL, Wang K, Elkashlan M, Vucetic B, Li Y ( 2019 ) . Secure Communications for UAV-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing Systems . IEEE Transactions on Communications1 - 1 .
Ren H, Pan C, Wang K, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2019 ) . Achievable Data Rate for URLLC-Enabled UAV Systems with 3-D Channel Model . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
Gomez G, Martin-Vega FJ, Lopez-Martinez FJ, Liu Y, Elkashlan M ( 2019 ) . Physical Layer Security in Uplink NOMA Multi-Antenna Systems With Randomly Distributed Eavesdroppers . IEEE Access vol. 7 , 70422 - 70435 .
Liu Y, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Yuan J ( 2019 ) . Markov Model based Energy Harvesting for RACH Analysis in NB-IoT Network . Conference: ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) vol. 00 , 1 - 7 .
Ren H, Pan C, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2019 ) . Resource Allocation for URLLC in 5G Mission-Critical IoT Networks . Conference: ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Yi W, Liu Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2019 ) . Modeling and Coverage Analysis of Downlink UAV Networks with MmWave Communications . Conference: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Xu S, Xu W, Pan C, Elkashlan M ( 2019 ) . Detection of Jamming Attack in Non-Coherent Massive SIMO Systems . IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security vol. 14 , ( 9 ) 2387 - 2399 .
Yi W, Liu Y, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M ( 2019 ) . Clustered Millimeter-Wave Networks With Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 67 , ( 6 ) 4350 - 4364 .
Dissanayake MB, Deng Y, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M, Mitra U ( 2019 ) . Interference Mitigation in Large-Scale Multiuser Molecular Communication . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 67 , ( 6 ) 4088 - 4103 .
Pan C, Ren H, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2019 ) . Joint Blocklength and Location Optimization for URLLC-Enabled UAV Relay Systems . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 23 , ( 3 ) 498 - 501 .
Pan C, Ren H, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Hanzo L ( 2019 ) . Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization for the Ultra-Dense User-Centric TDD C-RAN Downlink Relying on Imperfect CSI . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 18 , ( 2 ) 1182 - 1198 .
Yi W, Liu Y, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M ( 2019 ) . Clustered Millimeter Wave Networks with Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access . CoRR vol. abs/1901.09916 ,
Ren H, Pan C, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2019 ) . Joint Pilot and Payload Power Allocation for Massive-MIMO-enabled URLLC IIoT Networks . CoRR vol. abs/1912.12438 ,
GĂłmez G, Martin-Vega FJ, LĂłpez-MartĂ­nez FJ, Liu Y, Elkashlan M ( 2019 ) . Physical Layer Security in Uplink NOMA Multi-Antenna Systems With Randomly Distributed Eavesdroppers . IEEE Access vol. 7 , 70422 - 70435 .
Liu Y, Elkashlan M ( 2018 ) . On the Application of SWIPT in NOMA Networks . Wireless Information and Power Transfer , Wiley
ELKASHLAN M ( 2018 ) . Robust Beamforming Design for Ultra-dense User-Centric C-RAN in the Face of Realistic Pilot Contamination and Limited Feedback . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Zha L, Deng Y, Noel A, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2018 ) . Transceiver Observations in Asymmetric and Symmetric Diffusive Molecular Communication Systems . Conference: 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) vol. 00 , 206 - 212 .
Wan L, Guo Z, Wu Y, Bi W, Yuan J, Elkashlan M, Hanzo L ( 2018 ) . 4G\/5G Spectrum Sharing: Efficient 5G Deployment to Serve Enhanced Mobile Broadband and Internet of Things Applications . IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine vol. 13 , ( 4 ) 28 - 39 .
Huang W, Yang Z, Pan C, Pei L, Chen M, Shikh-Bahaei M, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2018 ) . Joint Power, Altitude, Location and Bandwidth Optimization for UAV with Underlaid D2D Communications . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 8 , ( 2 ) 524 - 527 .
Pan C, Ren H, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Hanzo L ( 2018 ) . The non-coherent ultra-dense C-RAN is capable of outperforming its coherent counterpart at a limited fronthaul capacity . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 36 , ( 11 ) 2549 - 2560 .
Ren H, Liu N, Pan C, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, You X, Hanzo L ( 2018 ) . Power- and Rate-Adaptation Improves the Effective Capacity of C-RAN for Nakagami-m Fading Channels . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY vol. 67 , ( 11 ) 10841 - 10855 .
Amiri R, Mehrpouyan H, Matolak D, Elkashlan M ( 2018 ) . Joint Power Allocation in Interference-Limited Networks via Distributed Coordinated Learning . vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Wang L, Wong K-K, Lambotharan S, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M ( 2018 ) . Edge Caching in Dense Heterogeneous Cellular Networks With Massive MIMO-Aided Self-Backhaul . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 17 , ( 9 ) 6360 - 6372 .
Dissanayake MB, Deng Y, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M, Mitra U ( 2018 ) . Enhancing the Reliability of Large-Scale Multiuser Molecular Communication Systems . Conference: 2018 IEEE 19th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Pan C, Elkashlan M, Wang J, Yuan J, Hanzo L ( 2018 ) . User-Centric C-RAN Architecture for Ultra-Dense 5G Networks: Challenges and Methodologies . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 56 , ( 6 ) 14 - 20 .
Yang Z, Pan C, Shikh-Bahaei M, Xu W, Chen M, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2018 ) . Joint Altitude, Beamwidth, Location, and Bandwidth Optimization for UAV-Enabled Communications . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 22 , ( 8 ) 1716 - 1719 .
Ren H, Liu N, Pan C, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, You X, Hanzo L ( 2018 ) . Low-Latency C-Ran . IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine vol. 13 , ( 2 ) 48 - 56 .
Almasi MA, Mehrpouyan H, Matolak D, Pan C, Elkashlan M ( 2018 ) . Reconfigurable Antenna Multiple Access for 5G mmWave Systems . 1 - 6 .
Liu Y, Xing H, Pan C, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M, Hanzo L ( 2018 ) . Multiple-Antenna-Assisted Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access . IEEE Wireless Communications vol. 25 , ( 2 ) 17 - 23 .
Pei L, Yang Z, Pan C, Huang W, Chen M, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2018 ) . Energy-efficient D2D communications underlaying NOMA-based networks with energy harvesting . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 22 , ( 5 ) 914 - 917 .
Guo W, Deng Y, Yilmaz HB, Farsad N, Elkashlan M, Eckford A, Nallanathan A, Chae C-B ( 2018 ) . SMIET: Simultaneous Molecular Information and Energy Transfer . IEEE Wireless Communications vol. 25 , ( 1 ) 106 - 113 .
Pan C, Mehrpouyan H, LIU Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2018 ) . Joint Pilot Allocation and Robust Transmission Design for Ultra-dense User-centric TDD C-RAN with Imperfect CSI . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Wang L, Wong K-K, Lambotharan S, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M ( 2018 ) . Edge Caching in Dense Heterogeneous Cellular Networks With Massive MIMO-Aided Self-Backhaul . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. vol. 17 , Article 9 , 6360 - 6372 .
Dissanayake MB, Deng Y, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M, Mitra U ( 2018 ) . Enhancing the Reliability of Large-Scale Multiuser Molecular Communication Systems . 2018 IEEE 19TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SIGNAL PROCESSING ADVANCES IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS (SPAWC) . 825 - 829 .
Yang Z-H, Pan C, Shikh-Bahaei M, Xu W, Chen M, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2018 ) . Joint Altitude, Beamwidth, Location, and Bandwidth Optimization for UAV-Enabled Communications . IEEE Commun. Lett. vol. 22 , Article 8 , 1716 - 1719 .
Liu Y, Xing H, Pan C, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M, Hanzo L ( 2018 ) . Multiple-Antenna-Assisted Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access . IEEE Wirel. Commun. vol. 25 , Article 2 , 17 - 23 .
Liu Y, Qin Z, Elkashlan M, Ding Z, Nallanathan A, Hanzo L ( 2018 ) . Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for 5G and Beyond . CoRR vol. abs/1808.00277 ,
Almasi MA, Mehrpouyan H, Matolak D, Pan C, Elkashlan M ( 2018 ) . Reconfigurable Antenna Multiple Access for 5G mmWave Systems . ICC Workshops . 1 - 6 .
Pan C, Mehrpouyan H, Liu Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2017 ) . Joint Pilot Allocation and Robust Beam-Vector Design for Ultra-Dense TDD C-RAN . Conference: GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference1 - 5 .
Akbar S, Deng Y, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M, Karagiannidis GK ( 2017 ) . Massive MIMO-Enabled HetNets with Full Duplex Small Cells . Conference: GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference1 - 7 .
Martin-Vega FJ, Liu Y, Gomez G, Aguayo-Torres MC, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Modeling and Analysis of NOMA Enabled CRAN with Cluster Point Process . Conference: GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference1 - 6 .
Guo W, Deng Y, Yilmaz HB, Farsad N, Elkashlan M, Eckford AW, Nallanathan A, Chae C-B ( 2017 ) . SMIET: Simultaneous Molecular Information and Energy Transfer . IEEE Wireless Commun. vol. 25 , ( 1 ) Article 1 , 106 - 113 .
Liu Y, Qin Z, Elkashlan M, Ding Z, Nallanathan A, Hanzo L ( 2017 ) . Nonorthogonal Multiple Access for 5G and beyond . Proceedings of the IEEE vol. 105 , ( 12 ) 2347 - 2381 .
Yang Z, Pan C, Xu W, Pan Y, Chen M, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Power Control for Multi-Cell Networks with Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 17 , ( 2 ) 927 - 942 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Joint Subchannel and Power Allocation for NOMA Enhanced D2D Communications . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 65 , ( 11 ) 5081 - 5094 .
Deng Y, Noel A, Guo W, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Analyzing Large-Scale Multiuser Molecular Communication via 3D Stochastic Geometry . IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Akbar S, Deng Y, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M, Karagiannidis GK ( 2017 ) . Massive Multiuser MIMO in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks with Full Duplex Small Cells . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 65 , ( 11 ) 4704 - 4719 .
Liu Y, Qin Z, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, McCann JA ( 2017 ) . Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Large-Scale Heterogeneous Networks . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Wong KK, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Spectral and Energy Efficiency of Uplink D2D Underlaid Massive MIMO Cellular Networks . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 65 , ( 9 ) 3780 - 3793 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Elkashlan M, Chen Y ( 2017 ) . Matching With Peer Effects for Context-Aware Resource Allocation in D2D Communications . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 21 , ( 4 ) 837 - 840 .
Qin Z, Liu Y, Gao Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2017 ) . Wireless Powered Cognitive Radio Networks with Compressive Sensing and Matrix Completion . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 65 , ( 4 ) 1464 - 1476 .
Liu Y, Qin Z, Elkashlan M, Gao Y, Hanzo L ( 2017 ) . Enhancing the Physical Layer Security of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Large-Scale Networks . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 1656 - 1672 .
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Wong K-K, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . SE and EE of Uplink D2D Underlaid Massive MIMO Cellular Networks with Power Control . Conference: 2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)1 - 6 .
ELKASHLAN M ( 2017 ) . Reed Solomon Codes for Molecular Communication with Full Absorption Receiver . IEEE Communications Letters
Deng Y, Guo W, Noel A, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Enabling Energy Efficient Molecular Communication via Molecule Energy Transfer . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 21 , ( 2 ) 254 - 257 .
Ding Z, Liu Y, Choi J, Sun Q, Elkashlan M, Chih-Lin I, Poor HV ( 2017 ) . Application of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in LTE and 5G Networks . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 55 , ( 2 ) 185 - 191 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Elkashlan M, Alonso-Zarate J . NOMA-Based D2D Communications: Towards 5G . Conference: 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
Deng Y, Noel A, Guo W, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Analyzing Large-Scale Multiuser Molecular Communication via 3-D Stochastic Geometry . IEEE Trans. Mol. Biol. Multi Scale Commun. vol. 3 , Article 2 , 118 - 133 .
Ding Z, Liu Y, Choi J, Sun Q, Elkashlan M, Chih-Lin I, Poor HV ( 2017 ) . Application of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in LTE and 5G Networks . IEEE Commun. Mag. vol. 55 , Article 2 , 185 - 191 .
Pan C, Mehrpouyan H, Liu Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2017 ) . Joint Pilot Allocation and Robust Transmission Design for Ultra-dense User-centric TDD C-RAN with Imperfect CSI . CoRR vol. abs/1710.07915 ,
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Joint Subchannel and Power Allocation for NOMA Enhanced D2D Communications . IEEE Trans. Commun. vol. 65 , Article 11 , 5081 - 5094 .
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Many-to-Many Matching With Externalities for Device-to-Device Communications . IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. vol. 6 , Article 1 , 138 - 141 .
Akbar S, Deng Y, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M, Karagiannidis GK ( 2017 ) . Massive Multiuser MIMO in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks With Full Duplex Small Cells . IEEE Trans. Commun. vol. 65 , Article 11 , 4704 - 4719 .
Liu Y, Qin Z, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, McCann JA ( 2017 ) . Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Large-Scale Heterogeneous Networks . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. vol. 35 , Article 12 , 2667 - 2680 .
Yang Z-H, Pan C, Pan Y-J, Xu W, Chen M, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Power Control for Multi-Cell Networks with Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access . CoRR vol. abs/1707.08204 ,
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Wong K-K, Elkashlan M ( 2017 ) . Spectral and Energy Efficiency of Uplink D2D Underlaid Massive MIMO Cellular Networks . CoRR vol. abs/1701.03753 ,
Zhao J, Liu Y, Chai KK, Chen Y, Elkashlan M ( 2016 ) . Many-to-Many Matching With Externalities for Device-to-Device Communications . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 138 - 141 .
Deng Y, Noel A, Guo W, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M ( 2016 ) . 3D Stochastic Geometry Model for Large-Scale Molecular Communication Systems . 1 - 6 .
Liu Y, Qin Z, Elkashlan M, Gao Y, Nallanathan A ( 2016 ) . Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Massive MIMO Aided Heterogeneous Networks . Conference: 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Wong K-K, Elkashlan M ( 2016 ) . Throughput and Energy Efficiency for S-FFR in Massive MIMO Enabled Heterogeneous C-RAN . Conference: 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
ELKASHLAN M ( 2016 ) . Two-Way Relay Networks with Wireless Power Transfer: Design and Performance Analysis . IET Communications
Wei Z, Yuan J, Ng DWK, Elkashlan M, Ding Z ( 2016 ) . A Survey of Downlink Non-orthogonal Multiple Access for 5G Wireless Communication Networks .
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Wong K-K, Elkashlan M ( 2016 ) . Uplink Interference Management in Massive MIMO Enabled Heterogeneous Cellular Networks . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 5 , ( 5 ) 560 - 563 .
Wang L, Wong KK, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Lambotharan S ( 2016 ) . Secrecy and Energy Efficiency in Massive MIMO Aided Heterogeneous C-RAN: A New Look at Interference . IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing vol. 10 , ( 8 ) 1375 - 1389 .
Duong TQ, Hoang TM, Kundu C, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2016 ) . Optimal Power Allocation for Multiuser Secure Communication in Cooperative Relaying Networks . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 5 , ( 5 ) 516 - 519 .
ELKASHLAN M ( 2016 ) . Fairness of User Clustering in MIMO Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems . IEEE Communications Letters
Deng Y, Kim KJ, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Karagiannidis GK, Nallanathan A ( 2016 ) . Full-Duplex Spectrum Sharing in Cooperative Single Carrier Systems . IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking vol. 2 , ( 1 ) 68 - 82 .
ELKASHLAN M ( 2016 ) . Modeling and Analysis of Wireless Power Transfer in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks . IEEE Transactions on Communications
Deng Y, Noel A, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Cheung KC ( 2016 ) . Modeling and Simulation of Molecular Communication Systems With a Reversible Adsorption Receiver . IEEE Transactions on Molecular Biological and Multi-Scale Communications vol. 1 , ( 4 ) 347 - 362 .
ELKASHLAN M ( 2016 ) . Modeling and simulation of molecular communication systems with a reversible adsorption receiver . IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
Fan L, Yang N, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Karagiannidis GK ( 2016 ) . Exploiting Direct Links for Physical Layer Security in Multiuser Multirelay Networks . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 15 , ( 6 ) 3856 - 3867 .
Liu D, Wang L, Chen Y, Elkashlan M, Wong K-K, Schober R, Hanzo L ( 2016 ) . User Association in 5G Networks: A Survey and an Outlook . IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials vol. 18 , ( 2 ) 1018 - 1044 .
Akbar S, Deng Y, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M, Aghvami AH ( 2016 ) . Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer in K-tier heterogeneous cellular networks . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 15 , ( 8 ) 5804 - 5818 .
Deng Y, Wang L, Zaidi SAR, Yuan J, Elkashlan M ( 2016 ) . Artificial-Noise Aided Secure Transmission in Large Scale Spectrum Sharing Networks . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 64 , ( 5 ) 2116 - 2129 .
Deng Y, Wang L, Elkashlan M, Di Renzo M, Yuan J ( 2016 ) . $K$-Tier Heterogeneous Cellular Networks with Wireless Power Transfer . Conference: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)1 - 6 .
Deng Y, Noel A, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Cheung KC ( 2016 ) . Molecular Communication with a Reversible Adsorption Receiver . 1 - 7 .
Qin Z, Liu Y, Ding Z, Gao Y, Elkashlan M ( 2016 ) . Physical Layer Security for 5G Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Large-Scale Networks . Conference: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)1 - 6 .
Yang C, Li J, Guizani M, Anpalagan A, Elkashlan M ( 2016 ) . Advanced spectrum sharing in 5G cognitive heterogeneous networks . IEEE Wireless Communications vol. 23 , ( 2 ) 94 - 101 .
Xu B, Chen Y, Elkashlan M, Zhang T, Wong K-K ( 2016 ) . User Association in Massive MIMO and MM Wave Enabled HetNets Powered by Renewable Energy . Conference: 2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference1 - 6 .
Liu Y, Ding Z, Elkashlan M, Poor HV ( 2016 ) . Cooperative Non-orthogonal Multiple Access with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 34 , ( 4 ) 938 - 953 .
Deng Y, Wang L, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Mallik RK ( 2016 ) . Physical Layer Security in Three-Tier Wireless Sensor Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach . IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security vol. 11 , ( 6 ) 1128 - 1138 .
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Elkashlan M, Wong K-K . Massive MIMO in K-Tier Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: Coverage and Rate . Conference: 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
Liu Y, Ding Z, Elkashlan M, Yuan J ( 2016 ) . Nonorthogonal Multiple Access in Large-Scale Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 65 , ( 12 ) 10152 - 10157 .
Deng Y, Wang L, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Mallik RK ( 2016 ) . Physical Layer Security in Three-Tier Wireless Sensor Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach . IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security vol. 11 , Article 6 , 1128 - 1138 .
Deng Y, Noel A, Guo W, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M ( 2016 ) . 3D Stochastic Geometry Model for Large-Scale Molecular Communication Systems . GLOBECOM . 1 - 6 .
Liu Y, Qin Z, Elkashlan M, Gao Y, Hanzo L ( 2016 ) . Enhancing the Physical Layer Security of Non-orthogonal Multiple Access in Large-Scale Networks . CoRR vol. abs/1612.03901 ,
Liu Y, Elkashlan M, Ding Z, Karagiannidis GK ( 2016 ) . Fairness of User Clustering in MIMO Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems . IEEE Commun. Lett. vol. 20 , Article 7 , 1465 - 1468 .
Deng Y, Noel A, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Cheung KC ( 2016 ) . Molecular communication with a reversible adsorption receiver . ICC . 1 - 7 .
Liu Y, Ding Z, Elkashlan M, Yuan J ( 2016 ) . Nonorthogonal Multiple Access in Large-Scale Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. vol. 65 , Article 12 , 10152 - 10157 .
Duong TQ, Hoang TM, Kundu C, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2016 ) . Optimal Power Allocation for Multiuser Secure Communication in Cooperative Relaying Networks . IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. vol. 5 , Article 5 , 516 - 519 .
Qin Z, Liu Y, Ding Z, Gao Y, Elkashlan M ( 2016 ) . Physical layer security for 5G non-orthogonal multiple access in large-scale networks . ICC . 1 - 6 .
Wang L, Wong K-K, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Lambotharan S ( 2016 ) . Secrecy and Energy Efficiency in Massive MIMO Aided Heterogeneous C-RAN: A New Look at Interference . IEEE J. Sel. Top. Signal Process. vol. 10 , Article 8 , 1375 - 1389 .
Liu D, Wang L, Chen Y, Elkashlan M, Wong K-K, Schober R, Hanzo L ( 2016 ) . User Association in 5G Networks: A Survey and an Outlook . IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials vol. 18 , Article 2 , 1018 - 1044 .
Rodriguez LJ, Tran NH, Duong TQ, Le-Ngoc T, Elkashlan M, Shetty S ( 2015 ) . Physical layer security in wireless cooperative relay networks: state of the art and beyond . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 53 , ( 12 ) 32 - 39 .
He A, Wang L, Elkashlan M, Chen Y, Wong K-K ( 2015 ) . Spectrum and Energy Efficiency in Massive MIMO Enabled HetNets: A Stochastic Geometry Approach . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 19 , ( 12 ) 2294 - 2297 .
Liu Y, Mousavifar SA, Deng Y, Leung C, Elkashlan M ( 2015 ) . Wireless Energy Harvesting in a Cognitive Relay Network . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 15 , ( 4 ) 2498 - 2508 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T, Elkashlan M ( 2015 ) . Two-Dimensional Optimization on User Association and Green Energy Allocation for HetNets With Hybrid Energy Sources . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 63 , ( 11 ) 4111 - 4124 .
Liu Y, Wang L, Zaidi SAR, Elkashlan M, Duong TQ ( 2015 ) . Secure D2D communication in large-scale cognitive cellular networks: A wireless power transfer model . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 64 , ( 1 ) 329 - 342 .
Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Karagiannidis GK, Wymeersch H, Mostofi Y, Shim B ( 2015 ) . Guest Editorial Location-Awareness for Radios and Networks, Part II . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 33 , ( 11 ) 2269 - 2271 .
Liu D, Wang L, Chen Y, Zhang T, Chai KK, Elkashlan M ( 2015 ) . Distributed Energy Efficient Fair User Association in Massive MIMO Enabled HetNets . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 19 , ( 10 ) 1770 - 1773 .
Deng Y, Wang L, Wong K-K, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M, Lambotharan S ( 2015 ) . Safeguarding Massive MIMO Aided HetNets Using Physical Layer Security . 1 - 5 .
Xu W, Xiang W, Elkashlan M, Mehrpouyan H ( 2015 ) . Spectrum Sensing of OFDM Signals in the Presence of Carrier Frequency Offset . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 65 , ( 8 ) 6798 - 6803 .
Yang J, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Lei X, Gao X . Multiuser scheduling for cognitive MIMO with channel estimation errors and feedback delay . 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) . Conference: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)7737 - 7742 .
Deng Y, Wang L, Zaidi SAR, Yuan J, Elkashlan M . On the security of large scale spectrum sharing networks . 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) . Conference: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)4877 - 4882 .
Liu Y, Wang L, Zaidi SAR, Elkashlan M, Duong TQ . Secure D2D communication in large-scale cognitive cellular networks with wireless power transfer . 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) . Conference: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)4309 - 4314 .
Lu Y, Yang N, Elkashlan M, Yuan J ( 2015 ) . Partial Channel Quality Information Feedback in Multiuser Relay Networks Over Nakagami- <inline-formula> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$m$</tex-math></inline-formula> Fading . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 14 , ( 9 ) 4783 - 4796 .
Yuen C, Elkashlan M, Qian Y, Duong TQ, Shu L, Schmidt F ( 2015 ) . Energy harvesting communications: Part III [Guest Editorial] . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 53 , ( 8 ) 90 - 91 .
Liu Y, Ding Z, Elkashlan M, Poor HV ( 2015 ) . Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in SG Systems with SWIPT . Conference: 2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)1999 - 2003 .
Wang L, Ngo HQ, Elkashlan M, Duong TQ, Wong K-K ( 2015 ) . Massive MIMO in Spectrum Sharing Networks: Achievable Rate and Power Efficiency . IEEE Systems Journal vol. 11 , ( 1 ) 20 - 31 .
Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Karagiannidis GK, Wymeersch H, Mostofi Y, Shim B ( 2015 ) . Guest Editorial Location-Awareness for Radios and Networks, Part I . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications vol. 33 , ( 7 ) 1285 - 1287 .
Yuen C, Elkashlan M, Qian Y, Duong TQ, Shu L, Schmidt F ( 2015 ) . Energy harvesting communications: Part 2 [Guest Editorial] . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 53 , ( 6 ) 54 - 55 .
Duy TT, Duong TQ, da Costa DB, Bao VNQ, Elkashlan M ( 2015 ) . Proactive Relay Selection With Joint Impact of Hardware Impairment and Co-Channel Interference . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 63 , ( 5 ) 1594 - 1606 .
Yuen C, Elkashlan M, Qian Y, Duong TQ, Shu L, Schmidt F ( 2015 ) . Energy harvesting communications: Part 1 [Guest Editorial] . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 53 , ( 4 ) 68 - 69 .
Yang N, Wang L, Geraci G, Elkashlan M, Yuan J, Di Renzo M ( 2015 ) . Safeguarding 5G wireless communication networks using physical layer security . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 53 , ( 4 ) 20 - 27 .
Yang N, Elkashlan M, Duong TQ, Yuan J, Malaney R ( 2015 ) . Optimal Transmission With Artificial Noise in MISOME Wiretap Channels . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 65 , ( 4 ) 2170 - 2181 .
Deng Y, Kim KJ, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Karagiannidis GK, Nallanathan A ( 2015 ) . Full-Duplex Spectrum Sharing in Cooperative Single Carrier Systems . Conference: 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)25 - 30 .
Deng Y, Wang L, Elkashlan M, Kim KJ, Duong TQ ( 2015 ) . Generalized Selection Combining for Cognitive Relay Networks Over Nakagami-$m$ Fading . IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing vol. 63 , ( 8 ) 1993 - 2006 .
Wang L, Kim KJ, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Poor HV . On the security of cooperative single carrier systems . 2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010 . Conference: 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference1596 - 1601 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Kim KJ, Duong TQ, Karagiannidis GK ( 2015 ) . Transmit Antenna Selection in Cognitive MIMO Relaying With Multiple Primary Transceivers . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 65 , ( 1 ) 483 - 489 .
Elkashlan M, Duong TQ, Chen H-H ( 2015 ) . Millimeter-wave communications for 5G – Part 2: applications [Guest Editorial] . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 53 , ( 1 ) 166 - 167 .
Liu Y, Ding Z, Elkashlan M, Poor HV ( 2015 ) . Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer . CoRR vol. abs/1511.02833 ,
Yuen C, Elkashlan M, Qian Y, Duong TQ, Shu L, Schmidt F ( 2015 ) . ENERGY HARVESTING COMMUNICATIONS: PART 1 . IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE vol. 53 , ( 4 ) 68 - 69 .
Yuen C, Elkashlan M, Qian Y, Duong TQ, Shu L, Schmidt F ( 2015 ) . ENERGY HARVESTING COMMUNICATIONS: PART 2 . IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE vol. 53 , ( 6 ) 54 - 55 .
Yuen C, Elkashlan M, Qian Y, Duong TQ, Shu L, Schmidt F ( 2015 ) . ENERGY HARVESTING COMMUNICATIONS: PART III . IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE vol. 53 , ( 8 ) 90 - 91 .
Wang L, Elkashlan M, Jr RWH, Renzo MD, Wong K-K ( 2015 ) . Millimeter Wave Power Transfer and Information Transmission . GLOBECOM . 1 - 6 .
Deng Y, Wang L, Wong K-K, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M, Lambotharan S ( 2015 ) . Safeguarding massive MIMO aided hetnets using physical layer security . WCSP . 1 - 5 .
Wang L, Kim KJ, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Poor HV . Security Enhancement of Cooperative Single Carrier Systems . IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security . vol. 10 , 90 - 103 .
Kim KJ, Wang L, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Poor HV ( 2014 ) . Cognitive Single-Carrier Systems: Joint Impact of Multiple Licensed Transceivers . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 13 , ( 12 ) 6741 - 6755 .
Akbar S, Deng Y, Nallanathan A, Elkashlan M ( 2014 ) . Downlink and Uplink Transmission in K-tier Heterogeneous Cellular Network with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer . Conference: 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
Wang L, Elkashlan M, Heath RW, Di Renzo M, Wong K-K ( 2014 ) . Millimeter Wave Power Transfer and Information Transmission . 1 - 6 .
Deng Y, Wang L, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A, Mallik RK ( 2014 ) . Secure Multi-Antenna Transmission in Three-Tier Wireless Sensor Networks . Conference: 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
Fan L, Lei X, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Karagiannidis GK ( 2014 ) . Secure Multiuser Multiple Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks in Presence of Multiple Eavesdroppers . Conference: 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference4120 - 4125 .
Duong TQ, Duyt TT, Elkashlan M, Tran NH, Dobre OA ( 2014 ) . Secured Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks with Relay Selection . Conference: 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference3074 - 3079 .
Qin Z, Liu Y, Gao Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A ( 2014 ) . Throughput Analysis for Compressive Spectrum Sensing with Wireless Power Transfer . Conference: 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1 - 6 .
Liu Y, Wang L, Elkashlan M, Duong TQ, Nallanathan A ( 2014 ) . Two-Way Relaying Networks with Wireless Power Transfer: Policies Design and Throughput Analysis . Conference: 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference4030 - 4035 .
Wang L, Elkashlan M, Huang J, Schober R, Mallik RK . Secure Transmission With Antenna Selection in MIMO Nakagami- <inline-formula> <tex-math notation="TeX">$m$</tex-math></inline-formula> Fading Channels . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications . vol. 13 , 6054 - 6067 .
Liu Y, Wang L, Duy TT, Elkashlan M, Duong TQ ( 2014 ) . Relay Selection for Security Enhancement in Cognitive Relay Networks . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 46 - 49 .
Egan M, Noel A, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Duong TQ ( 2014 ) . The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Blood Pressure Measurement: Molecular Communication in Biological Systems .
Egan M, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Duong TQ ( 2014 ) . Variance-Constrained Capacity of the Molecular Timing Channel with Synchronization Error .
Fan L, Lei X, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Karagiannidis GK ( 2014 ) . Secure Multiuser Communications in Multiple Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 62 , ( 9 ) 3299 - 3310 .
Elkashlan M, Wang L, Duong TQ, Karagiannidis GK, Nallanathan A ( 2014 ) . On the Security of Cognitive Radio Networks . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 64 , ( 8 ) 3790 - 3795 .
Elkashlan M, Duong TQ, Chen H-H ( 2014 ) . Millimeter-wave communications for 5G: fundamentals: Part I [Guest Editorial] . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 52 , ( 9 ) 52 - 54 .
Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Yang N, Mallik RK ( 2014 ) . Cognitive MIMO relay networks with generalized selection combining . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 13 , ( 9 ) 4911 - 4922 .
Deng Y, Wang L, Elkashlan M, Kim KJ, Duong TQ . Ergodic capacity of cognitive TAS/GSC relaying in Nakagami-m fading channels . 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) . Conference: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)5348 - 5353 .
Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Duong TQ, Mallik RK . Generalized selection combining in cognitive MIMO relay networks . 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) . Conference: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)1472 - 1477 .
Yeoh PL, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Matthaiou M, Nasser N . Mitigating cross-network interference in cognitive spectrum sharing with opportunistic relaying . 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) . Conference: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)1561 - 1566 .
Lei X, Hu RQ, Duong TQ, Fan L, Elkashlan M . Multiuser cognitive relay networks in the presence of direct links . 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) . Conference: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)4342 - 4347 .
Wang L, Yang N, Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Yuan J . Physical layer security in wiretap two-wave with diffuse power fading channels . 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) . Conference: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)981 - 986 .
Wang L, Elkashlan M, Huang J, Schober R, Mallik RK . Secrecy outage of TAS/GSC in Nakagami-m fading channels . 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) . Conference: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)2087 - 2092 .
Elkashlan M, Ma Z, Wang Y, Guizani M, Shu L, Karagiannidis GK, Duong TQ ( 2014 ) . Green media: the future of wireless multimedia networks [Guest Editorial] . IEEE Wireless Communications vol. 21 , ( 4 ) 10 - 12 .
Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Yang N, Yeoh PL, Mallik RK ( 2014 ) . Impact of Primary Network on Secondary Network With Generalized Selection Combining . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 64 , ( 7 ) 3280 - 3285 .
Duong TQ, Duy TT, Kim KJ, Bao VNQ, Elkashlan M ( 2014 ) . Interference Investigation for Cognitive Spectrum Sharing Networks with Reactive DF Relay Selection . Conference: 9th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China523 - 529 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Kim KJ, Duong TQ, Karagiannidis GK . Cognitive MIMO relaying with multiple primary transceivers . Conference: 2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)1956 - 1961 .
Wang L, Elkashlan M, Duongt TQ, Heath RW ( 2014 ) . Secure Communication in Cellular Networks: The Benefits of Millimeter Wave Mobile Broadband . Conference: 2014 IEEE 15th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC)115 - 119 .
Wang L, Elkashlan M, Huang J, Tran NH, Duong TQ ( 2014 ) . Secure Transmission with Optimal Power Allocation in Untrusted Relay Networks . IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol. 3 , ( 3 ) 289 - 292 .
Tran TX, Tran NH, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Bahrami HR ( 2014 ) . MRC-Based Relay Precoding for Cooperative AF Multi-Antenna Relay Networks with CSI . Conference: 2014 IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring)1 - 5 .
Wang X, Zhang H, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Bao VNQ ( 2014 ) . Secure Cooperative Communication with $N$th Best Relay Selection . Conference: 2014 IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring)1 - 5 .
Wang L, Yang N, Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Yuan J ( 2014 ) . Physical layer security of maximal ratio combining in two-wave with diffuse power fading channels . IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security vol. 9 , ( 2 ) 247 - 258 .
Fan L, Lei X, Duong TQ, Hu RQ, Elkashlan M ( 2014 ) . Multiuser Cognitive Relay Networks: Joint Impact of Direct and Relay Communications . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS vol. 13 , ( 9 ) 5043 - 5055 .
Wang L, Kim KJ, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Poor HV ( 2014 ) . On the security of cooperative single carrier systems . Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM . 1596 - 1601 .
Liu D, Chen Y, Chai KK, Zhang T, Elkashlan M ( 2014 ) . Opportunistic user association for multi-service hetnets using nash bargaining solution . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 18 , ( 3 ) 463 - 466 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Duong TQ, Yang N, da Costa DB ( 2014 ) . Transmit Antenna Selection for Interference Management in Cognitive Relay Networks . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY vol. 63 , ( 7 ) 3250 - 3262 .
Mousavifar SA, Liu Y, Leung C, Elkashlan M, Duong TQ ( 2014 ) . Wireless Energy Harvesting and Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio . Conference: 2014 IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall)1 - 5 .
Kim KJ, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Nallanathan A ( 2013 ) . Two-Way Cognitive Relay Networks with Multiple Licensed Users . Conference: 2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)992 - 997 .
Zhang T, Cao J, Chen Y, Cuthbert L, Elkashlan M ( 2013 ) . A small world network model for energy efficient wireless networks . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 17 , ( 10 ) 1928 - 1931 .
Egan M, Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings LB ( 2013 ) . A Coordinated Multipoint Scheduler for Packet Loss Reduction . Conference: 2013 IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring)1 - 5 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Duong TQ, Yang N, Leung C ( 2013 ) . Cognitive MIMO Relaying in Nakagami-$m$ Fading . Conference: 2013 IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring)1 - 5 .
Fang D, Yang N, Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Yuan J ( 2013 ) . Cooperative Jamming Protocols in Two Hop Amplify-and-Forward Wiretap Channels . Conference: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)2188 - 2192 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Duong TQ, Yang N, da Costa DB ( 2013 ) . Transmit Antenna Selection in Cognitive Relay Networks with ${\rm Nakagami}\hbox{-}m$ Fading . Conference: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)2775 - 2779 .
Egan M, Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2013 ) . A New Cross-Layer User Scheduler for Delay and Symbol Error Probability in Wireless Multimedia Relay Networks . Conference: 2013 Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW)52 - 57 .
Egan MA, Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2013 ) . A New Cross-Layer User Scheduler for Wireless Multimedia Relay Networks . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. vol. 12 , Article 1 , 301 - 311 .
Chu TMC, Phan H, Duong TQ, Zepernick H-J, Elkashlan M ( 2013 ) . Beamforming Transmission in Cognitive AF Relay Networks with Feedback Delay . Conference: 2013 International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications (ComManTel)117 - 122 .
Yang N, Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Schober R, Yuan J ( 2013 ) . MIMO Wiretap Channels: Secure Transmission Using Transmit Antenna Selection and Receive Generalized Selection Combining . IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS vol. 17 , ( 9 ) 1754 - 1757 .
Sung C-K, Collings IB, Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL ( 2013 ) . New Diversity Combining Receivers for Cooperative Multiplexing in Wireless Multiuser Relay Networks . Int. J. Wirel. Inf. Networks vol. 20 , Article 3 , 170 - 182 .
Kim KJ, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Poor HV, Lee MH ( 2013 ) . Spectrum Sharing Single-Carrier in the Presence of Multiple Licensed Receivers . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS vol. 12 , ( 10 ) 5223 - 5235 .
Yang NJ, Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Schober R, Collings IB ( 2013 ) . Transmit Antenna Selection for Security Enhancement in MIMO Wiretap Channels . IEEE Trans. Commun. vol. 61 , Article 1 , 144 - 154 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Yang NJ, Costa DBD, Duong TQ ( 2013 ) . Unified Analysis of Transmit Antenna Selection in MIMO Multirelay Networks . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. vol. 62 , Article 2 , 933 - 939 .
Duong TQ, da Costa DB, Elkashlan M, Bao VNQ ( 2012 ) . Cognitive Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 61 , ( 5 ) 2368 - 2374 .
Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Yang N, Duong TQ, Leung C ( 2012 ) . A Comparison of Two MIMO Relaying Protocols in Nakagami-m Fading . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY vol. 61 , ( 3 ) 1416 - 1422 .
Phan H, Duong TQ, Elkashlan M, Zepernick H-J ( 2012 ) . Beamforming Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks With Feedback Delay and Interference . IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS vol. 19 , ( 1 ) 16 - 19 .
Yang NJ, Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Yuan J, Collings IB ( 2012 ) . Cascaded TAS/MRC in MIMO Multiuser Relay Networks . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. vol. 11 , Article 10 , 3829 - 3839 .
Duong TQ, Yeoh PL, Bao VNQ, Elkashlan M, Yang NJ ( 2012 ) . Cognitive Relay Networks With Multiple Primary Transceivers Under Spectrum-Sharing . IEEE Signal Process. Lett. vol. 19 , Article 11 , 741 - 744 .
Costa DBD, Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Yang NJ, Yacoub MD ( 2012 ) . Dual-hop cooperative spectrum sharing systems with multi-primary users and multi-secondary destinations over Nakagami-m fading . PIMRC . 1577 - 1581 .
Yang NJ, Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2012 ) . MIMO Two-Way Relaying: A Comparison of Beamforming and Antenna Selection . VTC Fall . 1 - 5 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Yang NJ, Costa DBD, Duong TQ ( 2012 ) . MIMO multi-relay networks with TAS/MRC and TAS/SC in Weibull fading channels . PIMRC . 2314 - 2318 .
Yang NJ, Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Yuan J ( 2012 ) . Multiuser MIMO Relay Networks in Nakagami-m Fading Channels . IEEE Trans. Commun. vol. 60 , Article 11 , 3298 - 3310 .
Sung C-K, Collings IB, Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL ( 2012 ) . Optimum combining for cooperative multiplexed relay networks . PIMRC . 1851 - 1856 .
Yang NJ, Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Schober R, Collings IB ( 2012 ) . Secure transmission via transmit antenna selection in MIMO wiretap channels . GLOBECOM . 789 - 794 .
Yang N, Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB, Chen Z ( 2012 ) . Two-Way Relaying With Multi-Antenna Sources: Beamforming and Antenna Selection . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY vol. 61 , ( 9 ) 3996 - 4008 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2011 ) . MIMO Relaying: Distributed TAS/MRC in Nakagami-m Fading . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 59 , ( 10 ) 2678 - 2682 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Chen Z, Collings IB ( 2011 ) . SER of Multiple Amplify-and-Forward Relays with Selection Diversity . IEEE T COMMUN vol. 59 , ( 8 ) 2078 - 2083 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2011 ) . Selection Relaying with Transmit Beamforming: A Comparison of Fixed and Variable Gain Relaying . IEEE Transactions on Communications vol. 59 , ( 6 ) 1720 - 1730 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2011 ) . Exact and Asymptotic SER of Distributed TAS/MRC in MIMO Relay Networks . IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 10 , ( 3 ) 751 - 756 .
Yang N, Elkashlan M, Yuan JH ( 2011 ) . Impact of Opportunistic Scheduling on Cooperative Dual-Hop Relay Networks . IEEE T COMMUN vol. 59 , ( 3 ) 689 - 694 .
Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Sung C-K, Collings IB ( 2011 ) . MIMO Relay Networks with Distributed TAS/MRC . VTC Spring . 1 - 5 .
Yang NJ, Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Yuan J, Collings IB ( 2011 ) . On the SER of Distributed TAS/MRC in MIMO Multiuser Relay Networks . VTC Spring . 1 - 5 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB, IEEE ( 2011 ) . Outage Probability and SER of Multi-antenna Fixed Gain Relaying in Cooperative MIMO Networks . 2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS (ICC) . Conference: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) from: 05/06/2011 to: 09/06/2011 , 1 - 6 .
Yang NJ, Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Yuan J, Collings IB ( 2011 ) . Transmit Antenna Selection with Maximal-Ratio Combining in MIMO Multiuser Relay Networks . GLOBECOM . 1 - 5 .
Yang N, Elkashlan M, Yuan J, IEEE ( 2011 ) . Wireless Multiuser Relay Networks in Nakagami-m Fading Channels . 2011 IEEE VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (VTC FALL) .
Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Louie RHY, Collings IB ( 2010 ) . On the Exact and Asymptotic SER of Receive Diversity With Multiple Amplify-and-Forward Relays . IEEE T VEH TECHNOL vol. 59 , ( 9 ) 4602 - 4608 .
Yang N, Elkashlan M, Yuan JH, Shen TZ ( 2010 ) . On the SER of Fixed Gain Amplify-and-Forward Relaying with Beamforming in Nakagami-m Fading . IEEE COMMUN LETT vol. 14 , ( 10 ) 942 - 944 .
Yang N, Elkashlan M, Yuan JH ( 2010 ) . Outage Probability of Multiuser Relay Networks in Nakagami-m Fading Channels . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 59 , ( 5 ) 2120 - 2132 .
Wu L, Sandrasegaran K, Elkashlan M ( 2010 ) . A Markov Model for Performance Evaluation of CRRM Algorithms in a co-located GERAN/UTRAN/WLAN scenario . Conference: 2010 IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference Workshops1 - 6 .
Wu L, AL Sabbagh AE, Sandrasegaran K, Elkashlan M ( 2010 ) . A User Level Markov Model for Service Based CRRM Algorithm . Conference: 2010 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Information Technology (MCIT)41 - 44 .
Yang N, Elkashlan M, Yuan JH ( 2010 ) . Cooperative Selection Diversity in Wireless Multiuser Relay Networks . 2010 IEEE 72ND VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE FALL .
Yang NJ, Elkashlan M, Yuan J ( 2010 ) . Cooperative Selection Diversity in Wireless Multiuser Relay Networks . VTC Fall . 1 - 5 .
Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Sung C-K, Collings IB ( 2010 ) . Distributed multi-antenna relaying in nonregenerative cooperative networks . PIMRC . Conference: Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2010 IEEE 21st International Symposium on from: 26/09/2010 to: 30/09/2010 , 24 - 29 .
Yang NJ, Elkashlan M, Yuan J ( 2010 ) . Dual-Hop Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relaying with Antenna Selection in Nakagami-m Fading . GLOBECOM . 1 - 6 .
Yang N, Elkashlan M, Yuan JH ( 2010 ) . Dual-hop Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relaying with Antenna Selection in Nakagami-m Fading . 2010 IEEE GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE GLOBECOM 2010 .
Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Collings IB ( 2010 ) . Exact and Asymptotic SER of Nonregenerative Relaying in MIMO Multi-Relay Networks . 2010 IEEE GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE GLOBECOM 2010 .
Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Collings IB ( 2010 ) . Exact and Asymptotic SER of Nonregenerative Relaying in MIMO Multi-Relay Networks . GLOBECOM . 1 - 6 .
Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Louie RHY, Collings IB ( 2010 ) . Exact and Asymptotic SER of Receive Diversity in Multiple Amplify-and-Forward Relaying . 2010 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2010 ) . Outage Probability and SER of Cooperative Selection Diversity in Nonregenerative MIMO Relaying . 2010 IEEE GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE GLOBECOM 2010 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2010 ) . Outage Probability and SER of Cooperative Selection Diversity in Nonregenerative MIMO Relaying . GLOBECOM . 1 - 6 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2010 ) . Outage Probability and SER of Fixed Gain Relaying with Selection Diversity in Cellular Systems . 2010 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS .
Wu L, Sabbagh AEA, Sandrasegaran K, Elkashlan M, Lin C-C ( 2010 ) . Performance Evaluation on Common Radio Resource Management Algorithms . AINA Workshops . 491 - 495 .
Elkashlan M, Yeoh PL, Louie RHY, Collings IB ( 2010 ) . SER of Multiple Fixed Gain Amplify-and-Forward Relays with Receive Diversity . VTC Spring . 1 - 5 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2010 ) . Selection Diversity with Multiple Amplify-and-Forward Relays in Nakagami-m Fading Channels . 2010 IEEE 72ND VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE FALL .
Yang N, Elkashlan M, Yuan JH ( 2010 ) . Symbol Error Rate of Wireless Multiuser Relay Networks in Nakagami-m Fading Channels . 2010 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS . 1 - 5 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2010 ) . Uplink outage and SER evaluation for cellular relay systems with selection diversity . PIMRC . 352 - 356 .
Wu L, Sandrasegaran K, Elkashlan M ( 2009 ) . A System Level Simulation Model for Common Radio Resource Management . Conference: 2009 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications686 - 689 .
Wu L, Sandrasegaran K, Elkashlar M ( 2009 ) . Tradeoff between Overall Throughput and Throughput Fairness in Network Controlled Cell Breathing Algorithm . Conference: 2009 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications708 - 712 .
Khattab T, Elkashlan M, Alnuweiri HM ( 2009 ) . Chip-Level Modulated BPPM Fiber-Optic Code Division Multiple Access . ICC . Conference: IEEEInternational Conference on Communications from: 14/06/2009 to: 18/06/2009 , 1 - 6 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2009 ) . Cooperative Selection Diversity with CSI-Based Amplify-and-Forward Relaying in Nakagami-m Fading Channels . GLOBECOM . Conference: Global Telecommunications Conference, 2009. GLOBECOM 2009. IEEE from: 30/11/2009 to: 04/12/2009 , 1 - 5 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2009 ) . Cooperative Selection Diversity with CSI-based Amplify-and-Forward Relaying in Nakagami-m Fading Channels . GLOBECOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-8 . Editors: Ulema, M , 1 - 5 .
Yeoh PL, Elkashlan M, Collings IB ( 2009 ) . Cooperative selection diversity with a single fixed gain amplify-and-forward relay in Nakagami-m fading channels . PIMRC . 2681 - 2685 .
Elkashlan M, Chen Z, Collings IB, Krzymien WA ( 2009 ) . General Order Selection Allocation for Decentralized Multiple Access Networks . 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1-8 . 4331 - 4335 .
Elkashlan M, Chen Z, Collings IB, Krzymieri WA ( 2009 ) . General Order Selection Allocation for Decentralized Multiple Access Networks . ICC . 1 - 5 .
Elkashlan M, Khattab T ( 2009 ) . Generalized dynamic spectrum access: An order statistics design perspective . AEU-INT J ELECTRON C vol. 63 , ( 12 ) 1054 - 1060 .
Yang N, Elkashlan M, Yuan J ( 2009 ) . Outage analysis of multiuser relay networks with CSI-based amplify-and-forward relaying in Nakagami-m fading channels . PIMRC . Conference: Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2009 IEEE 20th International Symposium on from: 13/09/2009 to: 16/09/2009 , 256 - 260 .
Elkashlan M, Collings IB, Chen Z, Krzymien WA ( 2008 ) . Decentralized Dynamic Allocation of Subchannels in Multiple Access Networks . IEEE COMMUN LETT vol. 12 , ( 10 ) 761 - 763 .
ELKASHLAN M ( 2008 ) . Decentralized dynamic allocation of subchannels in multiple access networks . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 12 , ( 10 ) 761 - 763 .
ELKASHLAN M ( 2008 ) . Selection based resource allocation for decentralized multi-user communications . Physical Communication Elsevier vol. 1 , ( 3 ) 194 - 208 .
Elkashlan M, Leung C, Schober R ( 2008 ) . Error performance of general order selection in correlated Nakagami fading channels . IET COMMUN vol. 2 , ( 7 ) 928 - 934 .
Elkashlan M, Khattab T, Leung C, Schober R ( 2008 ) . Statistics of general order selection in correlated Nakagami fading channels . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS . vol. 56 , 344 - 346 .
Elkashlan M, Collings IB, Krzymien WA ( 2008 ) . Decentralized dynamic channel allocation in correlated Nakagami fading channels: An order statistics analysis . 2008 AUSTRALIAN COMMUNICATIONS THEORY WORKSHOP . 125 - 129 .
Khattab T, Elkashlan M, Alnuweiri HM ( 2007 ) . A New Simple Method for Calculating the Bit Error Rate of OCDMA Systems . ISCC . 673 - 677 .
Elkashlan M, Khattab T, Alnuweiri HM ( 2007 ) . A New Simple Order-Based Multiple Access Scheme . ISCC . 155 - 158 .
Khattab T, Elkashlan M, Alnuweiri H ( 2007 ) . A new simple method for calculating the bit error rate of OCDMA systems . 2007 IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1-3 . 472 - 476 .
Elkashlan M, Khattab T, Alnuweiri H ( 2007 ) . A new simple order-based multiple access scheme . 2007 IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1-3 . 837 - 840 .
Elkashlan M, Leung C, Schober R ( 2006 ) . Performance analysis of channel aware frequency hopping . IEE P-COMMUN vol. 153 , ( 6 ) 841 - 845 .
Elkashlan M, Khattab T, Leung C, Schober R ( 2005 ) . Order statistics for correlated fading channels . 2005 IEEE PACIFIC RIM CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTERS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING (PACRIM) . 356 - 359 .
Elkashlan M, Leung C ( 2004 ) . A channel aware frequency hopping multiple access scheme . 2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1-7 . 390 - 394 .
Elkashlan M, Leung C ( 2003 ) . Channel aware frequency hopping multiple access scheme . ELECTRON LETT vol. 39 , ( 25 ) 1854 - 1855 .
Elkashlan M, Leung C ( 2003 ) . Performance of frequency-hopping multicarrier CDMA on an uplink with correlated Rayleigh fading . GLOBECOM'03: IEEE GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7 . 3407 - 3411 .
Elkashlan M, Leung C ( 2002 ) . Performance of frequency-hopping multicarrier CDMA in Rayleigh fading . IEEE 56TH VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, VTC FALL 2002, VOLS 1-4, PROCEEDINGS . 341 - 345 .
El-Khamy SE, Abaul-Dahab MA, Elkashlan MJ ( 2000 ) . A simplified Koch multiband fractal array using windowing and quantization techniques . Conference: IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. Transmitting Waves of Progress to the Next Millennium. 2000 Digest. Held in conjunction with: USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Cat. No.00CH37118) vol. 3 ,
El-Khamy SE, Aboul-Dahab MA ( 2000 ) . Simplifying and size reduction of Kaiser-Koch multiband fractal arrays using windowing and quantization techniques . Conference: Proceedings of the Seventeenth National Radio Science Conference. 17th NRSC'2000 (IEEE Cat. No.00EX396)b13/1 - b13/9 .
El-Khamy SE, Aboul-Dahab MA, Elkashlan MI ( 1999 ) . DESIGN OF MULTIBAND FRACTAL ARRAY FACTORS WITH REDUCED ARRAY SIZE . The International Conference on Electrical Engineering vol. 2 , ( 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEENG 1999 ) 137 - 145 .

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