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Publications: Prof Andrew McPherson

Reed CN, Benito AL, Caspe F, McPherson AP ( 2024 ) . Shifting Ambiguity, Collapsing Indeterminacy: Designing with Data as Baradian Apparatus . ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction vol. 31 , ( 6 ) 1 - 41 .
Shier J, Saitis C, Robertson A, McPherson A ( 2024 ) . Real-time Timbre Remapping with Differentiable DSP .
Morrison L, McPherson A ( 2024 ) . Entangling Entanglement: A Diffractive Dialogue on HCI and Musical Interactions . Conference: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems1 - 17 .
Robson N, McPherson A, Bryan-Kinns N ( 2024 ) . Thinking with Sound: Exploring the Experience of Listening to an Ultrasonic Art Installation . Conference: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems1 - 14 .
Reed CN, Pearce M, McPherson A ( 2024 ) . Auditory imagery ability influences accuracy when singing with altered auditory feedback . Musicae Scientiae
Hayes B, Shier J, Fazekas G, McPherson A, Saitis C ( 2024 ) . A review of differentiable digital signal processing for music and speech synthesis . Frontiers in Signal Processing vol. 3 ,
Shier J, Saitis C, Robertson A, McPherson A ( 2024 ) . Real-time Timbre Remapping with Differentiable DSP . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression .
Mice L, McPherson AP ( 2023 ) . Chaos Bells: Instrument Size and Entangled Music Performance . Contemporary Music Review vol. 42 , ( 3 ) 363 - 375 .
Martelloni A, Mcpherson AP, Barthet M ( 2023 ) . Real-time Percussive Technique Recognition and Embedding Learning for the Acoustic Guitar . Conference: 24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ( Milan, Italy ) from: 09/11/2023 to: 05/11/2023 ,
Shier J, Caspe F, Robertson A, Sandler M, Mcpherson A, Saitis C ( 2023 ) . Differentiable Modelling of Percussive Audio with Transient and Spectral Synthesis . Conference: 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association (Forum Acusticum) from: 11/09/2023 to: 15/09/2023 ,
Wolstanholme L, Mcpherson A ( 2023 ) . Towards Orchestrating Physically Modelled 2D Percussion Instruments . Conference: 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association (Forum Acusticum) ( Turin, Italy ) from: 11/09/2023 to: 15/09/2023 ,
Wolstanholme L, Vahidi C, Mcpherson A ( 2023 ) . Hearing from Within a Sound: A Series of Techniques for Deconstructing and Spatialising Timbre . Conference: International Conference on Spatial and Immersive Audio (AES) ( University of Huddersfield ) from: 23/08/2023 to: 25/08/2023 ,
Caspe F, Mcpherson A, Sandler M ( 2023 ) . FM Tone Transfer with Envelope Learning . Conference: AudioMostly 2023 ( Edinburgh ) from: 30/08/2023 to: 01/09/2023 ,
Nordmoen C, McPherson AP ( 2023 ) . What the Sensor Knows: More-Than-Human Knowledge Co-Production in Wood Carving . Conference: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference779 - 789 .
Zheng J, Mcpherson A, Bryan-Kinns N ( 2023 ) . When Materials Meet Sound: Discovering the Meaning of Deformable Materials in Musical Interaction . Conference: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference312 - 325 .
Pelinski Ramos T, Diaz Fernandez R, Benito Temprano AL, Mcpherson A ( 2023 ) . Pipeline for recording datasets and running neural networks on the Bela embedded hardware platform . Conference: NIME 2023 ( Mexico City, Mexico ) from: 31/05/2023 to: 02/06/2023 ,
Zayas-Garin E, Nordmoen C, Mcpherson A ( 2023 ) . Transmitting Digital Lutherie Knowledge: The Rashomon Effect for DMI Designers . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2023 ( Mexico City ) from: 31/05/2023 to: 03/06/2023 ,
Clayton M, Wang L, Mcpherson A, Cavallaro A ( 2023 ) . An embedded multichannel sound acquisition system for drone audition . IEEE Sensors Journal
Pelinski Ramos T, Caspe F, Mcpherson A, Sandler M ( 2023 ) . Computing ecosystems: neural networks and embedded hardware platforms . Conference: CHI 2023 ( Hamburg, Germany ) from: 23/05/2023 to: 28/05/2023 ,
Reed CN, Strohmeier P, McPherson AP ( 2023 ) . Negotiating Experience and Communicating Information Through Abstract Metaphor . Conference: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems1 - 16 .
Reed CN, McPherson AP ( 2023 ) . The Body as Sound: Unpacking Vocal Embodiment through Auditory Biofeedback . Conference: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction1 - 15 .
Caspe F, Mcpherson A, Sandler M ( 2022 ) . DDX7: Differentiable FM Synthesis of Musical Instrument Sounds . Conference: 23rd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2022) ( Bengaluru, India ) from: 04/12/2022 to: 08/12/2022 ,
Pigrem J, Mcpherson A, Bryan-Kinns N, Jack R ( 2022 ) . Sound -> Object -> Gesture: Physical Affordances of Virtual Materials . Conference: AudioMostly 202259 - 66 .
Lepri G, Mcpherson A, Bowers J ( 2022 ) . Useless, not Worthless: Absurd Making as Critical Practice . Conference: ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Robson N, McPherson A, Bryan-Kinns N ( 2022 ) . Being With The Waves: An Ultrasonic Art Installation Enabling Rich Interaction Without Sensors . Conference: NIME 2022
Zayas-Garin E, McPherson A . Dialogic Design of Accessible Digital Musical Instruments: Investigating Performer Experience . Conference: NIME 2022
Guidi A, McPherson A . Quantitative evaluation of aspects of embodiment in new digital musical instruments . Conference: NIME 2022
Lepri G, Bowers J, Topley S, Stapleton P, Bennett P, Andersen K, McPherson A . The 10,000 Instruments Workshop - (Im)practical Research for Critical Speculation . Conference: NIME 2022
Mice L, Mcpherson A ( 2022 ) . The M in NIME: Motivic analysis and the case for a musicology of NIME performances . Conference: International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( Auckland, New Zealand ) from: 28/06/2022 to: 01/07/2022 ,
Reed CN, Nordmoen C, Martelloni A, Lepri G, Robson N, Zayas-Garin E, Cotton K, Mice L et al. ( 2022 ) . Exploring Experiences with New Musical Instruments through Microphenomenology . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . Conference: International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Nordmoen C, McPherson AP ( 2022 ) . Making space for material entanglements: A diffractive analysis of woodwork and the practice of making an interactive system . Conference: Designing Interactive Systems Conference415 - 423 .
Zheng J, Bryan-Kinns N, McPherson AP ( 2022 ) . Material Matters: Exploring Materiality in Digital Musical Instruments Design . Conference: Designing Interactive Systems Conference976 - 986 .
Mice L, McPherson AP ( 2022 ) . Super Size Me: Interface Size, Identity and Embodiment in Digital Musical Instrument Design . Conference: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems1 - 15 .
Reed CN, Skach S, Strohmeier P, McPherson AP ( 2022 ) . Singing Knit: Soft Knit Biosensing for Augmenting Vocal Performances . Conference: Augmented Humans 2022170 - 183 .
Robson N, Bryan-Kinns N, Mcpherson A ( 2022 ) . On mediating space, sound and experience: interviews with situated sound art practitioners . Organised Sound: an international journal of music and technology vol. 28 , ( 1 )
Benito Temprano A, Mcpherson AP ( 2021 ) . A TMR Angle Sensor for Gesture Acquisition and Disambiguation on the Electric Guitar . Conference: Audio Mostly 2021 (AM'21). Sonic experiences in the era of the Internet of Sounds ( University of Trento (Italy) [Online] ) from: 01/09/2021 to: 03/09/2021 ,
Lepri G, McPherson A ( 2021 ) . Embrace the Weirdness: Negotiating Values Inscribed into Music Technology . Computer Music Journal vol. 45 , ( 3 ) 39 - 57 .
Zayas-Garin L, Harrison J, Jack R, McPherson A . DMI Apprenticeship: Sharing and Replicating Musical Artefacts . Conference: NIME 2021
Martelloni A, McPherson A, Barthet M . Guitar augmentation for Percussive Fingerstyle: Combining self-reflexive practice and user-centred design . Conference: NIME 2021
Mice L, Mcpherson A ( 2021 ) . Embodied Cognition in Performers of Large Acoustic Instruments as a Method of Designing New Large Digital Musical Instruments . Perception, Representations, Image, Sound, Music 14th International Symposium, CMMR 2019, Marseille, France, October 14–18, 2019, Revised Selected Papers , Editors: Kronland-Martinet, R, Ystad, S, Aramaki, M , vol. 12631 , Springer ( Marseille, France ),
Reed CN, McPherson AP ( 2021 ) . Surface Electromyography for Sensing Performance Intention and Musical Imagery in Vocalists . Conference: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction1 - 11 .
Moro G, McPherson AP ( 2020 ) . Performer Experience on a Continuous Keyboard Instrument . Computer Music Journal vol. 44 , ( 2-3 ) 69 - 91 .
Mice L, Mcpherson A ( 2020 ) . From miming to NIMEing: the development of idiomatic gestural language on large scale DMIs . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . Editors: Michon, R, Schroeder, F , Conference: International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( Birmingham UK ) from: 25/07/2020 to: 21/07/2020 ,
Moro G, Mcpherson A ( 2020 ) . A platform for low-latency continuous keyboard sensing and sound generation . . Conference: International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( Royal Birmingham Conservatoire ) from: 21/07/2020 to: 25/07/2020 ,
Martelloni A, Mcpherson A, Barthet M ( 2020 ) . Percussive Fingerstyle Guitar through the Lens of NIME: an Interview Study . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) ( Royal Birmingham Conservatoire ) from: 22/07/2020 to: 25/07/2020 ,
Lepri G, Mcpherson A, Nonnis A, Stapleton P, Andersen K, Mudd T, Bowers J, Bennett P et al. ( 2020 ) . Play Make Believe: Exploring Design Fiction and Absurd Making for Critical NIME . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression Workshop (NIME '20), Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham, UK.
Lepri G, McPherson A, Bowers J ( 2020 ) . Useless, not Worthless . Conference: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference1887 - 1899 .
Mcpherson A, Lepri G ( 2020 ) . Beholden to Our Tools: Negotiating with Technology while Sketching Digital Instruments . Conference: New Interfaces For Musical Expression
McPherson A, Tahıroğlu K ( 2020 ) . Idiomatic Patterns and Aesthetic Influence in Computer Music Languages . Organised Sound vol. 25 , ( 1 ) 53 - 63 .
Morreale F, Bin SMA, McPherson AP, Stapleton P, Wanderley MM ( 2020 ) . A nime of the times: Developing an outward-looking political agenda for this community . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 160 - 165 .
Guidi A, Morreale F, McPherson A ( 2020 ) . Design for auditory imagery: Altering instruments to explore performer fluency . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 103 - 108 .
Jack RH, Harrison J, McPherson AP ( 2020 ) . Digital musical instruments as research products . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 446 - 451 .
Avila JM, Tsaknaki V, Karpashevich P, Windlin C, Valenti N, Höök K, McPherson A, Benford S ( 2020 ) . Soma design for nime . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 489 - 494 .
Reed CN, McPherson AP ( 2020 ) . Surface electromyography for direct vocal control . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 458 - 463 .
Mice L, Mcpherson AP ( 2019 ) . Embodied Cognition in Performers of Large Acoustic Instruments as a Method of Designing New Large Digital Musical Instruments . 14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research . Editors: Mice, L, Mcpherson, AP , Conference: Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research ( Marseille, France ) from: 14/10/2019 to: 18/10/2019 ,
Armitage J, McPherson A ( 2019 ) . Bricolage in a hybrid digital lutherie context . Conference: Proceedings of the 14th International Audio Mostly Conference: A Journey in Sound82 - 89 .
Armitage J, Mcpherson A ( 2019 ) . Bricolage in a hybrid digital lutherie context: a workshop study . Conference: Audio Mostly ( University of Nottingham ) from: 17/09/2019 to: 20/09/2019 ,
McPherson A ( 2019 ) . Augmenting Musical Performance . The Cambridge Companion to Music in Digital Culture , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Nordmoen C, Armitage J, Morreale F, Stewart R, McPherson A ( 2019 ) . Making Sense of Sensors . Conference: Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference135 - 146 .
LEPRI G, MCPHERSON A ( 2019 ) . Fictional Instruments, Real Values: Discovering Musical Backgrounds with Non-Functional Prototypes . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression
LEPRI G, MCPHERSON A ( 2019 ) . Making Up Instruments: Design Fiction for Value Discovery in Communities of Musical Practice . Conference: Designing Interactive Systems ( San Diego California USA )
Harrison J, Chamberlain A, McPherson AP ( 2019 ) . Accessible Instruments in the Wild . Conference: Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems1 - 6 .
Hazzard A, Greenhalgh C, Kallionpaa M, Benford S, Veinberg A, Kanga Z, McPherson A ( 2019 ) . Failing with Style . Conference: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems1 - 14 .
Pardue LS, McPherson A ( 2019 ) . Real-Time Aural and Visual Feedback for Improving Violin Intonation . Front Psychol vol. 10 , 627 - 627 .
McPherson A, Benford S ( 2019 ) . Music, Design and Ethnography: An Interview with Steve Benford . New Directions in Music and Human-Computer Interaction , Springer Nature
McPherson A, Verplank B ( 2019 ) . The Poetry of Strange Connections: An Interview with Bill Verplank . New Directions in Music and Human-Computer Interaction , Springer Nature
Holland S, Mudd T, Wilkie-McKenna K, McPherson A, Wanderley MM ( 2019 ) . Understanding Music Interaction, and Why It Matters . New Directions in Music and Human-Computer Interaction , Springer Nature
Morreale F, Guidi A, McPherson A ( 2019 ) . Magpick: An augmented guitar pick for nuanced control . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 65 - 70 .
MCPHERSON A, MORREALE F, HARRISON J ( 2019 ) . Musical Instruments for Novices: Comparing NIME, HCI and Crowdfunding Approaches . New Directions in Music and Human-Computer Interaction , Editors: Holland, S, Wilkie-McKenna, K, Mudd, T, MCPHERSON, A et al. , Springer
Pardue LS, Buys K, Edinger M, Overholt D, McPherson AP ( 2019 ) . Separating sound from source: sonic transformation of the violin through electrodynamic pickups and acoustic actuation . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 278 - 283 .
Turchet L, McPherson A, Fischione C ( 2019 ) . Smart instruments: Towards an ecosystem of interoperable devices connecting performers and audiences . SMC 2016 - 13th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Proceedings . 498 - 505 .
MORREALE F, ARMITAGE J, MCPHERSON A ( 2018 ) . Effect of Instrument Structure Alterations on Violin Performance . Frontiers in Psychology
ZAPPI V, MCPHERSON A ( 2018 ) . Hackable Instruments: Supporting Appropriation and Modification in Digital Musical Interaction . Frontiers in ICT vol. 5 , ( 26 )
JACK RH, MEHRABI A, Stockman T, MCPHERSON A ( 2018 ) . Action-sound Latency and the Perceived Quality of Digital Musical Instruments: Comparing Professional Percussionists and Amateur Musicians . Music Perception
Turchet L, McPherson A, Barthet M ( 2018 ) . Real-Time Hit Classification in a Smart Cajón . Frontiers in ICT vol. 5 ,
BUYS K, MCPHERSON A ( 2018 ) . Real-time bowed string feature extraction for performance applications . . Conference: Sound and Music Computing ( Cyprus ) from: 04/03/2018 to: 07/03/2018 ,
ARMITAGE JDK, MCPHERSON A ( 2018 ) . Crafting Digital Musical Instruments: An Exploratory Workshop Study . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression
BIN SMA, BRYAN-KINNS N, MCPHERSON AP ( 2018 ) . Risky business: Disfluency as a design strategy . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( Blacksburg, VA, USA ) from: 03/06/2018 to: 07/06/2018 ,
Turchet L, McPherson A, Barthet M ( 2018 ) . Co-design of a smart Cajón . AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 66 , ( 4 ) 220 - 230 .
Jack RH, Harrison J, Morreale F, McPherson A ( 2018 ) . Democratising DMIs: The relationship of expertise and control intimacy . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 134 - 139 .
Pigrem J, McPherson A ( 2018 ) . Do we speak sensor? Cultural constraints of embodied interaction . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 382 - 385 .
Pardue LS, McPherson A, Overholt D ( 2018 ) . Improving the instrumental learning experience through complexity management . Proceedings of the 15th Sound and Music Computing Conference: Sonic Crossings, SMC 2018 . 150 - 157 .
Lepri G, McPherson A ( 2018 ) . Mirroring the past, from typewriting to interactive art: An approach to the re-design of a vintage technology . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 328 - 333 .
Morreale F, McPherson AP, Wanderley MM ( 2018 ) . NIME identity from the performer’s perspective . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 168 - 173 .
Harrison J, Jack RH, Morreale F, McPherson A ( 2018 ) . When is a guitar not a guitar? Cultural form, input modality and expertise . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 299 - 304 .
MORO G, MCPHERSON A, SANDLER M ( 2017 ) . Dynamic temporal behaviour of the keyboard action on the Hammond organ and its perceptual significance . Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Bin SMA, Bryan-Kinns N, McPherson A ( 2017 ) . Hands where we can see them! Investigating the impact of gesture size on audience perception . Conference: International Computer Music Conference ( Shanghai, China ) from: 16/10/2017 to: 20/10/2017 ,
BIN SMA, MORREALE F, BRYAN-KINNS N, MCPHERSON A ( 2017 ) . In-the-moment and beyond: Combining post-hoc and real time data for the study of audience perception of electronic music performance . Conference: ACM Interact 2017 ( Mumbai, India ) from: 25/09/2017 to: 29/09/2017 ,
HARRISON JTF, McPherson AP ( 2017 ) . Adapting the Bass Guitar for One-Handed Playing . Journal of New Music Research vol. 46 , ( 3 ) 270 - 285 .
Jack RH, Stockman T, McPherson A ( 2017 ) . Rich gesture, reduced control . Conference: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Movement Computing1 - 8 .
MCPHERSON A, ARMITAGE JDK, BIN SMA, MORREALE F, JACK R ( 2017 ) . NIMEcraft Workshop: Exploring the Subtleties of Digital Lutherie . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Armitage J, Morreale F, McPherson A ( 2017 ) . "The finer the musician, the smaller the details": NIMEcraft under the microscope . . Conference: New Instruments for Musical Expression 2017 ( Copenhagen, Denmark ) from: 14/05/2017 to: 19/05/2017 ,
Morreale F, Moro G, Chamberlain A, Benford S, MCPHERSON A ( 2017 ) . Building a Maker Community Around an Open Hardware Platform . Conference: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) ( Denver, CO, USA ) from: 06/05/2017 to: 11/05/2017 ,
MORREALE F, Masu, R, MCPHERSON ( 2017 ) . Constraining Control in Mixed-Initiative Musical Interfaces . Conference: MICI 2017: CHI Workshop on Mixed-Initiative Creative Interfaces
McPherson A ( 2017 ) . Bela: An embedded platform for low-latency feedback control of sound . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America vol. 141 , ( 5 ) 3618 - 3618 .
Donovan L, McPherson A ( 2017 ) . Traveling wave control of stringed musical instruments . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America vol. 141 , ( 5 ) 3619 - 3619 .
Jack RH, Stockman T, McPherson A ( 2017 ) . Maintaining and Constraining Performer Touch in the Design of Digital Musical Instruments . Conference: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction717 - 720 .
McPherson A ( 2017 ) . 2012: TouchKeys: Capacitive Multi-touch Sensing on a Physical Keyboard . A NIME Reader , vol. 3 , Springer Nature
Harrison J, McPherson A ( 2017 ) . An adapted bass guitar for one-handed playing . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 507 - 508 .
Morreale F, McPherson AP ( 2017 ) . Design for longevity: Ongoing use of instruments from nime 2010-14 . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression . 192 - 197 .
Liang B, Fazekas G, McPherson A, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Piano Pedaller: A Measurement System for Classification and Visualisation of Piano Pedalling Techniques . Proc. of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), May 15-18, Copenhagen, Denmark . 325 - 329 .
LIANG B, fazekas G, mcpherson A, sandler M ( 2016 ) . Classification of Piano Pedaling Techniques Using Gesture Data from a Non-Intrusive Measurement System . DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network Workshop Proceedings 2016 . Conference: DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2016 ( Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London ) from: 20/12/2016 to: 20/12/2016 ,
Jack RH, Stockman T, McPherson A ( 2016 ) . Effect of latency on performer interaction and subjective quality assessment of a digital musical instrument . Conference: Proceedings of the Audio Mostly 2016116 - 123 .
McPherson AP, Jack RH, Moro G ( 2016 ) . Action-Sound Latency: Are Our Tools Fast Enough? . Conference: Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, July 11-15, 2016 ( Griffith University, South Bank, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia ) from: 11/07/2016 to: 15/07/2016 ,
BIN SMA, MCPHERSON AP, BRYAN-KINNS N ( 2016 ) . Skip the Pre-Concert Demo: How Technical Familiarity and Musical Style Affect Audience Response . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( Brisbane, Australia ) from: 11/07/2016 to: 15/07/2016 , vol. 16 , 200 - 205 .
MORO G, Bin A, Jack RH, Heinrichs C, McPherson AP ( 2016 ) . Making High-Performance Embedded Instruments with Bela and Pure Data . Conference: International Conference on Live Interfaces ( University of Sussex ) from: 29/06/2016 to: 03/07/2016 ,
MCPHERSON A, Chamberlain A, Hazzard A, McGrath S, Benford S ( 2016 ) . Designing for Exploratory Play with a Hackable Digital Musical Instrument . Conference: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems ( Brisbane, Australia )
Sulyok C, MCPHERSON A, Harte C ( 2016 ) . Evolving the process of a virtual composer . Natural Computing
Holland S, McPherson AP, Mackay WE, Wanderley MM, Gurevich MD, Mudd TW, O'Modhrain S, Wilkie KL et al. ( 2016 ) . Music and HCI . Conference: Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems3339 - 3346 .
Jack R, Stockman T, McPherson A ( 2016 ) . Navigation of Pitch Space on a Digital Musical Instrument with Dynamic Tactile Feedback . Conference: Proceedings of the TEI '16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction3 - 11 .
Heinrichs C, McPherson A ( 2016 ) . Performance-Led Design of Computationally Generated Audio for Interactive Applications . Conference: Proceedings of the TEI '16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction697 - 700 .
Pardue LS, Harte C, MCPHERSON A ( 2015 ) . A Low-Cost Real-Time Tracking System for Violin . Journal of New Music Research1 - 19 .
Sulyok C, McPherson A, Harte C . Corpus-taught Evolutionary Music Composition . Conference: 07/20/2015-07/24/2015587 - 594 .
MacRitchie J, MCPHERSON A ( 2015 ) . Integrating optical finger motion tracking with surface touch events . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 6 , ( 702 )
McPherson A ( 2015 ) . Buttons, Handles, and Keys: Advances in Continuous-Control Keyboard Instruments . Computer Music Journal vol. 39 , ( 2 ) 28 - 46 .
Donovan L, MCPHERSON A ( 2015 ) . Active control of a string instrument bridge using the Posicast technique . Conference: 138th Audio Engineering Society Convention ( Warsaw, Poland )
MCPHERSON A, Zappi V ( 2015 ) . An environment for submillisecond-latency audio and sensor processing on BeagleBone Black . Conference: 138th Audio Engineering Society Convention ( Warsaw, Poland )
Moro G, McPherson AP ( 2015 ) . Approximating non-linear inductors using time-variant linear filters . DAFx 2015 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects .
Zappi V, MCPHERSON A ( 2015 ) . Exposing the scaffolding of digital instruments with hardware-software feedback loops . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( Baton Rouge, USA )
Menzies DWH, MCPHERSON A ( 2015 ) . Highland piping ornament recognition using Dynamic Time Warping . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( Baton Rouge, USA )
Jack RH, MCPHERSON A, Stockman T ( 2015 ) . The design of tactile musical devices for the deaf . Conference: International Conference on the Multimodal Experience of Music ( Sheffield, UK )
Reiss JD, McPherson A ( 2014 ) . Audio Effects: Theory, Implementation and Application . CRC Press
Zappi V, MCPHERSON A ( 2014 ) . Design and use of a hackable digital instrument . Conference: International Conference on Live Interfaces ( Lisbon, Portugal )
Zappi V, MCPHERSON A ( 2014 ) . Dimensionality and appropriation in digital musical instrument design . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( London, UK )
Heinrichs C, MCPHERSON A, Farnell A ( 2014 ) . Human Performance of Computational Sound Models for Immersive Environments . The New Soundtrack vol. 4 , ( 2 ) 139 - 155 .
Topliss JW, Zappi V, MCPHERSON A ( 2014 ) . Latency Performance for Real-Time Audio on BeagleBone Black . Conference: Linux Audio Conference ( Karlsruhe, Germany )
Pardue L, Nian D, Harte C, MCPHERSON A ( 2014 ) . Low-latency audio pitch tracking: a multi-modal sensor-assisted approach . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Heinrichs C, MCPHERSON A ( 2014 ) . Mapping and interaction strategies for performing environmental sound . Conference: IEEE VR Workshop on Sonic Interaction in Virtual Environments (SIVE)25 - 30 .
Sokolovskis J, MCPHERSON A ( 2014 ) . Optical measurement of acoustic drum strike locations . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( London, UK )
Gábana Arellano D, MCPHERSON A ( 2014 ) . Radear: a tangible spinning music sequencer . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( London, UK )
MCPHERSON A, Donovan L ( 2014 ) . The talking guitar: headstock tracking and mapping strategies . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( London, UK )
Vetter L, Terrell MJ, Simpson AJR, McPherson A ( 2013 ) . Estimation of overdrive in music signals . 134th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2013 . 846 - 851 .
McPherson AP, Kim YE ( 2013 ) . Piano Technique as a Case Study in Expressive Gestural Interaction . Music and Human-Computer Interaction , Springer Nature
HEDGES TW, MCPHERSON A ( 2013 ) . 3D Gestural Interaction with Harmonic Pitch Space . Conference: Proceedings of the 10th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC) ( Stockholm ) 103 - 108 .
MENZIES DWH, MCPHERSON A ( 2013 ) . A Digital Bagpipe Chanter System to Assist in One-to-One Piping Tuition . Conference: Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference ( Stockholm ) 440 - 445 .
MCPHERSON A, Pardue L ( 2013 ) . Near-field optical reflectance sensing for violin bow tracking . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( Seoul, South Korea )
MCPHERSON A ( 2013 ) . Portable measurement and mapping of continuous piano gesture . Conference: New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( Seoul, South Korea )
MCPHERSON A, Gierakowski A, Stark A ( 2013 ) . The space between the notes: adding expressive pitch control to the piano keyboard . Conference: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) ( Paris, France )
Burdiel E, Vetter L, Simpson AJR, Terrell MJ, Mcpherson A, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . Real-time implementation of glasberg & moore's loudness model for time-varying sounds . 133rd Audio Engineering Society Convention 2012, AES 2012 . vol. 1 , 107 - 115 .
Heinrichs C, McPherson A ( 2012 ) . Recreating the parallax effect associated with Fishtank VR in a Real-Time telepresence system using head-tracking and a robotic camera . ISMAR 2012 - 11th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2012, Science and Technology Papers . 283 - 284 .
Heinrichs C, McPherson A ( 2012 ) . A hybrid keyboard-guitar interface using capacitive touch sensing and physical modeling . Proceedings of the 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2012 .
Menzies DWH, McPherson A ( 2012 ) . An electronic bagpipe chanter for automatic recognition of highland piping ornamentation . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression .
McPherson A ( 2012 ) . Techniques and circuits for electromagnetic instrument actuation . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression .
Britt NC, Snyder J, McPherson A ( 2012 ) . The emvibe: An electromagnetically actuated vibraphone . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression .
Snyder J, McPherson A ( 2012 ) . The jd-1: An implementation of a hybrid keyboard/sequencer controller for analog synthesizers . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression .
MCPHERSON A, Kim YE ( 2012 ) . The problem of the second performer: building a community around an augmented piano . Computer Music Journal vol. 36 , ( 4 ) 10 - 27 .
McPherson A ( 2012 ) . Touchkeys: Capacitive multi-touch sensing on a physical keyboard . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression .
MCPHERSON A, Kim Y ( 2011 ) . Design and applications of a multi-touch musical keyboard . Conference: 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference ( Padova, Italy ) from: 06/07/2011 to: 09/07/2011 ,
Dolhansky B, MCPHERSON A, Kim Y ( 2011 ) . Designing an expressive virtual percussion instrument . Conference: 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference ( Padova, Italy ) from: 06/07/2011 to: 09/07/2011 ,
MCPHERSON A, Kim Y ( 2011 ) . Multidimensional gesture sensing at the piano keyboard . Conference: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ( Vancouver, Canada ) from: 07/05/2011 to: 12/05/2011 , 2789 - 2798 .
MCPHERSON A, Kim Y ( 2010 ) . Augmenting the acoustic piano with electromagnetic string actuation and continuous key position sensing . Conference: International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression ( Sydney, Australia ) from: 15/06/2010 to: 18/06/2010 , 217 - 222 .
MCPHERSON A ( 2010 ) . The magnetic resonator piano: electronic augmentation of an acoustic grand piano . Journal of New Music Research vol. 39 , ( 3 ) 189 - 202 .
MCPHERSON A, Kim Y ( 2010 ) . Toward a computationally-enhanced acoustic grand piano . Conference: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Extended Abstracts) ( Atlanta, USA ) from: 10/04/2010 to: 15/04/2010 , 4141 - 4146 .

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