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Publications: Mr Remy Gerbay

Gerbay R ( 2016 ) . The Functions of Arbitral Institutions . Wolters Kluwer
GERBAY R ( 2016 ) . Literature Review? What Literature Review?!’ – The Influence of Legal Culture on Scholarship in International Arbitration . The Evolution and Future of International Arbitration , Editors: Brekoulakis, S, Lew, J, Mistelis, L , Kluwer
GERBAY R ( 2016 ) . The LCIA . World Arbitration Reporter , JurisPub
GERBAY R ( 2015 ) . Is the End Nigh Again? An Empirical Assessment of the 'Judicialization' of International Arbitration . American Review of International Arbitration vol. 25 , ( 2 )
GERBAY R ( 2015 ) . Neither Savile Row Nor Quite Vivienne Westwood: The Verdict on the 2014 LCIA Arbitration Rules . Les Cahiers de l'Arbitrage / Paris Journal of International Arbitration vol. 4 ,