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Publications: Dr Miles Hansard

Paredes JA, Hansard M, Rajab KZ, Álvarez FJ ( 2024 ) . Spatial Calibration of Millimeter-Wave Radar for Close-Range Object Location . IEEE Sensors Journal vol. 24 , ( 12 ) 19407 - 19416 .
Denoun B, Hansard M, Len B, Jamone L ( 2023 ) . Statistical Stratification and Benchmarking of Robotic Grasping Performance . IEEE Transactions on Robotics vol. 39 , ( 6 ) 4539 - 4551 .
Vitanov I, Farkhatdinov I, Denoun B, Palermo F, Otaran A, Brown J, Omarali B, Abrar T et al. ( 2021 ) . A Suite of Robotic Solutions for Nuclear Waste Decommissioning . Robotics vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 112 - 112 .
Paredes JA, Álvarez FJ, Hansard M, Rajab KZ ( 2021 ) . A Gaussian Process model for UAV localization using millimetre wave radar . Expert Systems with Applications vol. 185 ,
Denoun B, Len B, Hansard M, Jamone L ( 2021 ) . Grasping Robot Integration and Prototyping . IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine vol. 28 , ( 2 ) 101 - 111 .
Paredes JA, Hansard M, Rajab KZ, Álvarez FJ, Aguilera T ( 2021 ) . Drone Positioning From Combined mmWave Radar and Depth Camera Data . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 3097 ,
Hansard M ( 2019 ) . Fast synthesis of atmospheric image effects . European Conference on Visual Media Production on - CVMP '19 . Conference: European Conference on Visual Media Production from: 17/12/2019 to: 18/12/2019 ,
Vasilyev A, Hansard M ( 2019 ) . Spatial distribution of eye-movements after central vision loss is consistent with an optimal visual search strategy . International Journal of Neural Systems Article S0129065719500266 ,
Ismail AMH, Solomon JA, Hansard M, Mareschal I ( 2019 ) . A perceptual bias for man-made objects in humans . Proceedings of the Royal Society B vol. 286 , ( 1914 )
Vasilyev A, Hansard M, Mareschal I, Patras I ( 2018 ) . A Model of Visual Search in the Presence of Age-Related Macular Degeneration . PERCEPTION . Conference: Proceedings of the AVA Christmas meeting vol. 47 , 573 - 573 .
Ahmed S, Hansard M, Cavallaro A ( 2018 ) . Constrained Optimization for Plane-Based Stereo . IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol. 27 , ( 8 ) 3870 - 3882 .
Dewar A, Hansard M, Mareschal I ( 2017 ) . Could Commodity Eye Trackers Provide a Viable Low-Cost Alternative for Neuropsychological Studies? . PERCEPTION . Conference: Proceedings of the AVA Christmas meeting vol. 46 , 1225 - 1225 .
Ismail AMH, Solomon JA, Hansard M, Mareschal I ( 2017 ) . Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Orientation Processing During Scene Recognition . PERCEPTION . Conference: Proceedings of the AVA Christmas Meeting vol. 46 , 1220 - 1221 .
Zhao L, Hansard M, Cavallaro A ( 2017 ) . Layered Scene Models from Single Hazy Images . IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics vol. Early online , 1 - 1 .
SELFRIDGE R, Noland K, Hansard M ( 2016 ) . Vision of Motion Blur and Strobing Artefacts in Video at 100 Frames per Second . Conference: Conference on Visual Media Production ( London ) from: 12/12/2016 to: 13/12/2016 ,
Ismail AMH, Solomon JA, Hansard M, MARESCHAL I ( 2016 ) . A tilt after-effect for images of buildings: Evidence of selectivity for the orientation of everyday scenes . Proceedings of the royal society, open science
Hussain Ismail AM, Solomon J, Hansard M, Mareschal I ( 2016 ) . A Generalized Tilt After-Effect . Journal of Vision vol. 16 , ( 12 )
TERZIC K, Hansard M ( 2016 ) . Methods for Reducing Visual Discomfort in Stereoscopic 3D: A Review . Signal Processing: Image Communication
Horaud R, Hansard M, Evangelidis G, Ménier C ( 2016 ) . An overview of depth cameras and range scanners based on time-of-flight technologies . Machine Vision and Applications: an international journal
Ismail AMH, Hansard M, Solomon JA, Mareschal I ( 2016 ) . Adaptation to Tilted Scenes . PERCEPTION vol. 45 , ( 6 ) 699 - 700 .
Zhao L, HANSARD M, Cavallaro A ( 2015 ) . Pop-up modelling of hazy scenes . Conference: International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing ( Genoa ) from: 07/09/2015 to: 11/09/2015 ,
HANSARD M, Evangelidis G, Pelorson Q, Horaud R ( 2015 ) . Cross-calibration of time-of-flight and colour cameras . Computer Vision and Image Understanding vol. 134 , 105 - 115 .
He A, Wang L, Chen Y, Hansard M, Zhang T ( 2015 ) . Comparison of CoMP and MISO for Energy Efficiency in HetNets . Conference: 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW)352 - 357 .
HANSARD M, Evangelidis G, Horaud R ( 2015 ) . Fusion of Range and Stereo Data for High-Resolution Scene-Modeling . IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Hansard M ( 2015 ) . Stochastic visibility in point-sampled scenes . Conference: Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 201589.1 - 89.12 .
HANSARD M, Horaud R, Amat M, Evangelidis G ( 2014 ) . Automatic detection of calibration grids in time-of-flight images . Computer Vision and Image Understanding vol. 121 , 108 - 118 .
Hansard M, Lee S, Choi O, Horaud R ( 2013 ) . A mixed time-of-flight and stereoscopic camera system . SpringerBriefs in Computer Science , vol. 0 ,
Hansard M, Lee S, Choi O, Horaud R ( 2013 ) . Alignment of time-of-flight and stereoscopic data . SpringerBriefs in Computer Science , vol. 0 ,
Hansard M, Lee S, Choi O, Horaud R ( 2013 ) . Calibration of time-of-flight cameras . SpringerBriefs in Computer Science , vol. 0 ,
Hansard M, Lee S, Choi O, Horaud R ( 2013 ) . Characterization of time-of-flight data . SpringerBriefs in Computer Science , vol. 0 ,
Hansard M, Lee S, Choi O, Horaud R ( 2013 ) . Disambiguation of time-of-flight data . SpringerBriefs in Computer Science , vol. 0 ,
Sapienza M, Hansard M, Horaud R ( 2013 ) . Real-time visuomotor update of an active binocular head . AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS vol. 34 , ( 1-2 ) 35 - 45 .
Hansard M, Lee S, Choi O, Horaud R ( 2013 ) . Time-of-Flight Cameras, Principles, Methods and Applications . Springer Nature
Hansard M ( 2012 ) . Binocular projection of a random scene . Conference: Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 201290.1 - 90.11 .
Hansard M, Horaud R ( 2011 ) . A Differential Model of the Complex Cell . Neural Computation vol. 23 , ( 9 ) 2324 - 2357 .
HANSARD M, Horaud R, Amat M, Lee S ( 2011 ) . Projective alignment of range and parallax data . Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) . Conference: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition3089 - 3096 .
Glennerster A, Hansard ME, Fitzgibbon AW ( 2010 ) . How could ego-centric location be defined neurally? . Journal of Vision vol. 1 , ( 3 ) 6 - 6 .
Hansard M, Horaud R ( 2009 ) . Cyclorotation Models for Eyes and Cameras . IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics vol. 40 , ( 1 ) 151 - 161 .
Derakshan N, Ansari TL, Hansard M, Shoker L, Eysenck MW ( 2009 ) . Anxiety, Inhibition, Efficiency, and Effectiveness: An Investigation Using the Antisaccade Task . Experimental Psychology vol. 56 , ( 1 ) 48 - 55 .
Glennerster A, Hansard ME, Fitzgibbon AW ( 2009 ) . View-Based Approaches to Spatial Representation in Human Vision . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 5604 , 193 - 208 .
Khalidov V, Forbes F, Hansard M, Arnaud E, Horaud R ( 2008 ) . Detection and localization of 3d audio-visual objects using unsupervised clustering . Conference: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Multimodal interfaces217 - 224 .
Arnaud E, Christensen H, Lu Y-C, Barker J, Khalidov V, Hansard M, Holveck B, Mathieu H et al. ( 2008 ) . The CAVA corpus . Conference: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Multimodal interfaces109 - 116 .
Hansard M, Horaud R ( 2008 ) . Cyclopean geometry of binocular vision . Journal of the Optical Society of America A vol. 25 , ( 9 ) 2357 - 2369 .
Khalidov V, Forbes F, Hansard M, Arnaud E, Horaud R ( 2008 ) . Audio-Visual Clustering for 3D Speaker Localization . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 5237 , 86 - 97 .
Hansard M, Horaud R ( 2007 ) . Patterns of Binocular Disparity for a Fixating Observer . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 4729 , 308 - 317 .
Hansard ME, Buxton BF ( 2000 ) . Parametric View-Synthesis . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 1842 , 191 - 202 .
Glennerster A, Hansard ME, Fitzgibbon AW ( 2001 ) . Fixation could simplify, not complicate, the interpretation of retinal flow . Vision Research vol. 41 , ( 6 ) 815 - 834 .
Hansard ME, Buxton BE ( 2000 ) . Image-based rendering via the standard graphics pipeline . Conference: 2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME2000. Proceedings. Latest Advances in the Fast Changing World of Multimedia (Cat. No.00TH8532) vol. 3 ,