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Publications: Prof Steve Uhlig

Golec M, Walia GK, Kumar M, Cuadrado F, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2025 ) . Cold Start Latency in Serverless Computing: A Systematic Review, Taxonomy, and Future Directions . ACM Comput. Surv. vol. 57 , Article 3 , 65:1 - 65:1 .
Ali B, Golec M, Murugesan SS, Wu H, Gill SS, Cuadrado F, Uhlig S ( 2024 ) . GAIKube: Generative AI-based Proactive Kubernetes Container Orchestration Framework for Heterogeneous Edge Computing . IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking1 - 1 .
Gill SS, Golec M, Hu J, Xu M, Du J, Wu H, Walia GK, Murugesan SS et al. ( 2024 ) . Edge AI: A Taxonomy, Systematic Review and Future Directions . Cluster Computing vol. 28 , ( 1 ) 18 - 18 .
GOLEC M, WALIA GK, KUMAR M, CUADRADO F, Gill SS, UHLIG S ( 2024 ) . Cold Start Latency in Serverless Computing: A Systematic Review, Taxonomy, and Future Directions . ACM Computing Surveys
Ali B, Golec M, Gill SS, Wu H, Cuadrado F, Uhlig S ( 2024 ) . EdgeBus: Co-Simulation based resource management for heterogeneous mobile edge computing environments . Internet of Things vol. 28 , 101368 - 101368 .
Ali B, Golec M, Gill SS, Cuadrado F, Uhlig S ( 2024 ) . ProKube: Proactive Kubernetes Orchestrator for Inference in Heterogeneous Edge Computing . International Journal of Network Management
Uhlig S ( 2024 ) . The April 2024 Issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 54 , ( 2 ) 1 - 1 .
Uhlig S ( 2024 ) . The January 2024 Issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 54 , ( 1 ) 1 - 1 .
Golec M, Gill SS, Wu H, Can TC, Golec M, Cetinkaya O, Cuadrado F, Parlikad AK et al. ( 2024 ) . MASTER: Machine Learning-Based Cold Start Latency Prediction Framework in Serverless Edge Computing Environments for Industry 4.0 . IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors vol. 1 , 36 - 48 .
Alsemaree O, Alam AS, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2024 ) . An analysis of customer perception using lexicon-based sentiment analysis of Arabic Texts framework . Heliyon vol. 10 , ( 11 )
Gill SS, Naeem U, Kaur R, Fuller S, Tombros A, Uhlig S ( 2024 ) . Enhancing Student Learning, Engagement, and Employment Through Inclusive Curriculum Design . Engaging Higher Education Teachers and Students With Transnational Leadership , IGI Global
Alsemaree O, Alam AS, Gill S, Uhlig S ( 2024 ) . Sentiment analysis of Arabic social media texts: A machine learning approach to deciphering customer perceptions . Heliyon vol. 10 , ( 9 ) e27863 - e27863 .
Gill SS, Wu H, Patros P, Ottaviani C, Arora P, Pujol VC, Haunschild D, Parlikad AK et al. ( 2024 ) . Modern computing: Vision and challenges . Telematics and Informatics Reports vol. 13 , 100116 - 100116 .
Uhlig S ( 2024 ) . The October 2023 Issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 53 , ( 3 ) 1 - 1 .
Golec M, Golec M, Xu M, Wu H, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2024 ) . PRICELESS: Privacy enhanced AI-driven scalable framework for IoT applications in serverless edge computing environments . Internet Technology Letters
Golec M, Wu H, Ozturac R, Parlikad AK, Cuadrado F, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2024 ) . CAPTAIN: A Testbed for Co-Simulation of Scalable Serverless Computing Environments for AIoT Enabled Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0 . IEEE Internet of Things Journal1 - 1 .
Gill SS, Cetinkaya O, Marrone S, Combarro EF, Claudino D, Haunschild D, Schlote L, Wu H et al. ( 2024 ) . Quantum Computing: Vision and Challenges . CoRR vol. abs/2403.02240 ,
Golec M, Gill SS, Cuadrado F, Parlikad AK, Xu M, Wu H, Uhlig S ( 2023 ) . ATOM: AI-Powered Sustainable Resource Management for Serverless Edge Computing Environments . IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing vol. PP , ( 99 ) 1 - 13 .
Golec M, Gill SS, Golec M, Xu M, Ghosh SK, Kanhere SS, Rana O, Uhlig S ( 2023 ) . BlockFaaS: Blockchain-enabled Serverless Computing Framework for AI-driven IoT Healthcare Applications . Journal of Grid Computing vol. 21 , ( 4 )
Uhlig S, Javed M ( 2023 ) . Welcome from the Program Chairs . Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference, IMC
Kumar M, Samriya JK, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2023 ) . 6G Enabled Fog Computing in IoT: Applications and Opportunities .
Kumar M, Samriya JK, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2023 ) . Preface . 6G Enabled Fog Computing in IoT: Applications and Opportunitiesvii - viii .
Wu Y, Jiang S, Dong S, Zhong Z, Chen J, Hu Y, Yang T, Uhlig S et al. ( 2023 ) . MicroscopeSketch: Accurate Sliding Estimation Using Adaptive Zooming . Conference: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining2660 - 2671 .
Uhlig S ( 2023 ) . The April 2023 Issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 53 , ( 2 ) 1 - 1 .
Chowdhury D, Das A, Dey A, Banerjee S, Golec M, Kollias D, Kumar M, Kaur G et al. ( 2023 ) . CoviDetector: A transfer learning-based semi supervised approach to detect Covid-19 using CXR images . BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations vol. 3 , ( 2 ) Article 100119 , 100119 - 100119 .
Gill SS, Xu M, Patros P, Wu H, Kaur R, Kaur K, Fuller S, Singh M et al. ( 2023 ) . Transformative effects of ChatGPT on modern education: Emerging Era of AI Chatbots . Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems vol. 4 , 19 - 23 .
Li Y, Wang F, Yu X, Yang Y, Yang K, Yang T, Ma Z, Cui B et al. ( 2023 ) . LadderFilter: Filtering Infrequent Items with Small Memory and Time Overhead . Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 1 - 21 .
Fan Z, Wang R, Cai Y, Zhang R, Yang T, Wu Y, Cui B, Uhlig S ( 2023 ) . OneSketch: A Generic and Accurate Sketch for Data Streams . IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering vol. 35 , ( 12 ) 12887 - 12901 .
Golec M, Gill SS, Parlikad AK, Uhlig S ( 2023 ) . HealthFaaS: AI based Smart Healthcare System for Heart Patients using Serverless Computing . IEEE Internet of Things Journal1 - 1 .
Golec M, Iftikhar S, Prabhakaran P, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2023 ) . QoS Analysis for Serverless Computing Using Machine Learning . Serverless Computing: Principles and Paradigms , vol. 162 , Springer Nature
Fan Z, Hu Z, Wu Y, Guo J, Wang S, Liu W, Yang T, Tu Y et al. ( 2023 ) . PISketch: Finding Persistent and Infrequent Flows . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking vol. 31 , ( 6 ) 3191 - 3206 .
Fan Z, Guo J, Li X, Yang T, Zhao Y, Wu Y, Cui B, Xu Y et al. ( 2023 ) . Finding Simplex Items in Data Streams . Conference: 2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) vol. 00 , 1953 - 1966 .
Gill SS, Cabral A, Fuller S, Chen Y, Uhlig S ( 2023 ) . Facilitating an Online and Sustainable Learning Environment for Cloud Computing Using an Action Research Methodology . Handbook of Research on Implications of Sustainable Development in Higher Education , IGI Global
Fernandes EL, Antichi G, Böttger T, Castro I, Uhlig S ( 2023 ) . Faster Control Plane Experimentation with Horse . CoRR vol. abs/2307.06409 ,
Li Y, Wang F, Yu X, Yang Y, Yang K, Yang T, Ma Z, Cui B et al. ( 2023 ) . LadderFilter: Filtering Infrequent Items with Small Memory and Time Overhead . Proc. ACM Manag. Data vol. 1 , Article 1 , 10:1 - 10:1 .
( 2023 ) . Proceedings of the 2023 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference, IMC 2023, Montreal, QC, Canada, October 24-26, 2023 . IMC . Editors: Montpetit, M-J, Leivadeas, A, Uhlig, S, Javed, M et al. ,
Iftikhar S, Gill SS, Song C, Xu M, Aslanpour MS, Toosi AN, Du J, Wu H et al. ( 2022 ) . AI-based fog and edge computing: A systematic review, taxonomy and future directions . Internet of Things vol. 21 , Article 100674 , 100674 - 100674 .
Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . The October 2022 Issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 52 , ( 4 ) 1 - 1 .
Iftikhar S, Raj U, Tuli S, Golec M, Chowdhury D, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . TESCO: Multiple Simulations based AI-augmented Fog computing for QoS Optimization . Conference: 2022 IEEE Smartworld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Digital Twin, Privacy Computing, Metaverse, Autonomous & Trusted Vehicles (SmartWorld/UIC/ScalCom/DigitalTwin/PriComp/Meta) vol. 00 , 2092 - 2099 .
Iftikhar S, Ahmad MMM, Tuli S, Chowdhury D, Xu M, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . HunterPlus: AI based energy-efficient task scheduling for cloud-fog computing environments . Internet of Things Article 100667 , 100667 - 100667 .
Fan Z, Li X, Xu Y, Li Y, Yang T, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . Work-in-Progress: A Novel Clock Synchronization System for Large-Scale Clusters . Conference: 2022 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) vol. 00 , 519 - 522 .
Fan Z, Zhang Y, Dong S, Zhou Y, Liu F, Yang T, Uhlig S, Cui B ( 2022 ) . HoppingSketch: More Accurate Temporal Membership Query and Frequency Query . IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering vol. 35 , ( 9 ) 9067 - 9072 .
Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . The July 2022 issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 52 , ( 3 ) 1 - 1 .
Gill SS, Fuller S, Cabral A, Chen Y, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . An Operating System Session Plan Towards Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Microteaching for Higher Education . Handbook of Research on Fostering Social Justice Through Intercultural and Multilingual Communication , IGI Global
Gill SS, Fuller S, Cabral A, Chen Y, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . Curriculum Redesign for Cloud Computing to Enhance Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Higher Education . Handbook of Research on Fostering Social Justice Through Intercultural and Multilingual Communication , IGI Global
Fan Z, Hu Z, Wu Y, Guo J, Liu W, Yang T, Wang H, Xu Y et al. ( 2022 ) . PISketch . Conference: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Formal Foundations and Security of Programmable Network Infrastructures8 - 14 .
Singh M, Dhara C, Kumar A, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . Quantum Artificial Intelligence for the Science of Climate Change . Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Blockchain in Quantum Satellite, Drone and Network , Taylor & Francis
Liu A, Munir A, Rak J, Uhlig S, Domingo-Pascual J ( 2022 ) . Special Issue on IFIP Networking 2019 . Computer Communications vol. 192 ,
Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . The April 2022 issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 52 , ( 2 ) 1 - 1 .
Iftikhar S, Golec M, Chowdhury D, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . Fog Computing based Router-Distributor Application for Sustainable Smart Home . 2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2022-Spring) . Conference: 2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Spring) from: 19/06/2022 to: 22/06/2022 ,
Golec M, Chowdhury D, Jaglan S, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . AIBLOCK: Blockchain based Lightweight Framework for Serverless Computing using AI . Conference: 2022 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid) vol. 00 , 886 - 892 .
Chowdhury D, Poddar S, Banarjee S, Pal R, Gani A, Ellis C, Arya RC, Gill SS et al. ( 2022 ) . CovidXAI: Explainable AI Assisted Web Application for COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritisation . Internet Technology Letters
Gill SS, Naeem U, Fuller S, Chen Y, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . How Covid-19 Changed Computer Science Education . ITNOW vol. 64 , ( 2 ) 60 - 61 .
Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Yi P, Yang T, Cui B, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . The Stair Sketch: Bringing more Clarity to Memorize Recent Events . Conference: 2022 IEEE 38th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) vol. 00 , 164 - 177 .
Iftikhar S, Golec M, Chowdhury D, Gill SS, Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . FogDLearner: A Deep Learning-based Cardiac Health Diagnosis Framework using Fog Computing . Conference: Australasian Computer Science Week 2022136 - 144 .
Gill SS, Xu M, Ottaviani C, Patros P, Bahsoon R, Shaghaghi A, Golec M, Stankovski V et al. ( 2022 ) . AI for next generation computing: Emerging trends and future directions . Internet of Things vol. 19 , Article 100514 , 100514 - 100514 .
Uhlig S ( 2022 ) . The January 2022 issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 52 , ( 1 ) 1 - 1 .
Gill SS, Xu M, Ottaviani C, Patros P, Bahsoon R, Shaghaghi A, Golec M, Stankovski V et al. ( 2022 ) . AI for Next Generation Computing: Emerging Trends and Future Directions . CoRR vol. abs/2203.04159 ,
Gill SS, Xu M, Ottaviani C, Patros P, Bahsoon R, Shaghaghi A, Golec M, Stankovski V et al. ( 2022 ) . AI for next generation computing: Emerging trends and future directions . Internet Things vol. 19 , 100514 - 100514 .
Iftikhar S, Gill SS, Song C, Xu M, Aslanpour MS, Toosi AN, Du J, Wu H et al. ( 2022 ) . AI-based Fog and Edge Computing: A Systematic Review, Taxonomy and Future Directions . CoRR vol. abs/2212.04645 ,
Uhlig S ( 2021 ) . The October 2021 issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 51 , ( 4 ) 1 - 1 .
Liu X, Xu Y, Liu P, Yang T, Xu J, Wang L, Xie G, Li X et al. ( 2021 ) . SEAD Counter: Self-Adaptive Counters With Different Counting Ranges . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking vol. 30 , ( 1 ) 90 - 106 .
Tajiki MM, Petroudi SHG, Salsano S, Uhlig S, Castro I ( 2021 ) . Optimal Estimation of Link Delays Based on End-to-End Active Measurements . IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 18 , ( 4 ) 4730 - 4743 .
Tyson G, Elkhatib Y, Sastry N, Uhlig S . Are People Really Social in Porn 2.0? . Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media . vol. 9 , 436 - 444 .
Uhlig S ( 2021 ) . The July 2021 issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 51 , ( 3 ) 1 - 1 .
Uhlig S ( 2021 ) . The April 2021 issue . Computer Communication Review vol. 51 , ( 2 )
Uhlig S ( 2021 ) . The January 2021 issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 51 , ( 1 ) 1 - 1 .
Wang J, Qi H, Li K, Uhlig S ( 2021 ) . Click-UP: Toward the Software Upgrade of Click-Based Modular Network Function . IEEE Syst. J. vol. 15 , Article 1 , 1160 - 1171 .
Tajiki MM, Petroudi SHG, Salsano S, Uhlig S, Castro I ( 2021 ) . Optimal Estimation of Link Delays Based on End-to-End Active Measurements . IEEE Trans. Netw. Serv. Manag. vol. 18 , Article 4 , 4730 - 4743 .
Wang J, Qi H, Li W, Li K, Uhlig S, Wang Y ( 2020 ) . Dynamic SDN Control Plane Request Assignment in NFV Datacenters . IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 680 - 694 .
Uhlig S ( 2020 ) . The October 2020 issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 50 , ( 4 ) 1 - 2 .
Yang X, Eggert L, Ott J, Uhlig S, Sun Z, Antichi G ( 2020 ) . Making QUIC Quicker With NIC Offload . Conference: Proceedings of the Workshop on the Evolution, Performance, and Interoperability of QUIC21 - 27 .
Uhlig S ( 2020 ) . The July 2020 issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 50 , ( 3 ) 1 - 2 .
Holz R, Mellia M, Bonaventure O, Haddadi H, Caesar M, Gorinsky S, Antichi G, Camp J et al. ( 2020 ) . Update on ACM SIGCOMM CCR reviewing process . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 50 , ( 3 ) 55 - 56 .
Uhlig S ( 2020 ) . The April 2020 issue . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review vol. 50 , ( 2 ) 1 - 2 .
Wang J, Qi H, Li K, Uhlig S ( 2020 ) . Click-UP: Toward the Software Upgrade of Click-Based Modular Network Function . IEEE Systems Journal1 - 12 .
Gong J, Yang T, Zhang H, Li H, Uhlig S, Chen S, Uden L, Li X ( 2020 ) . HeavyKeeper: An accurate algorithm for finding top-k elephant flows . Proceedings of the 2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, USENIX ATC 2018 . 909 - 921 .
Holz R, Mellia M, Bonaventure O, Haddadi H, Caesar M, Gorinsky S, Antichi G, Camp J et al. ( 2020 ) . Update on ACM SIGCOMM CCR reviewing process: towards a more open review process . Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 50 , Article 3 , 55 - 56 .
Yang T, Jiang J, Liu P, Huang Q, Gong J, Zhou Y, Miao R, Li X et al. ( 2019 ) . Adaptive Measurements Using One Elastic Sketch . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking1 - 16 .
Böttger T, Cuadrado F, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, Tyson G, Castro I, Uhlig S ( 2019 ) . An Empirical Study of the Cost of DNS-over-HTTPS . 15 - 21 .
Böttger T, Cuadrado F, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, Tyson G, Castro I, Uhlig S ( 2019 ) . An Empirical Study of the Cost of DNS-over-HTTPS . CoRR vol. abs/1909.06192 ,
Yang T, Zhang H, Li J, Gong J, Uhlig S, Chen S, Li X ( 2019 ) . HeavyKeeper: An Accurate Algorithm for Finding Top-$k$ Elephant Flows . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking vol. 27 , ( 5 ) 1845 - 1858 .
Fernandes EL, Antichi G, Böttger T, Castro I, Uhlig S ( 2019 ) . Faster Control Plane Experimentation with Horse . Conference: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Conference Posters and Demos51 - 53 .
Yang T, Jiang J, Zhou Y, He L, Li J, Cui B, Uhlig S, Li X ( 2019 ) . Fast and accurate stream processing by filtering the cold . The VLDB Journal vol. 28 , ( 5 ) 735 - 763 .
Wang X, Ding J, Uhlig S, Li Y, Jin D ( 2019 ) . Deviations of Check-ins and Human Mobility Trajectory . Conference: 2019 5th International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communications (BIGCOM) vol. 00 , 115 - 123 .
Turkovic B, Kuipers FA, Uhlig S ( 2019 ) . Interactions between Congestion Control Algorithms . Conference: 2019 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA) vol. 00 , 161 - 168 .
Deng J, Tyson G, Cuadrado F, Uhlig S ( 2019 ) . Keddah: Network evaluation powered by simulating distributed application traffic . ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation vol. 29 , ( 3 )
Ibosiola D, Castro I, Stringhini G, Uhlig S, Tyson G ( 2019 ) . Who Watches the Watchmen: Exploring Complaints on the Web . 729 - 738 .
Turkovic B, Kuipers FA, Uhlig S ( 2019 ) . Fifty Shades of Congestion Control: A Performance and Interactions Evaluation .
Yang T, Jiang J, Liu P, Huang Q, Gong J, Zhou Y, Miao R, Li X et al. ( 2019 ) . Adaptive Measurements Using One Elastic Sketch . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. vol. 27 , Article 6 , 2236 - 2251 .
Buob MO, Uhlig S, Meulle M ( 2019 ) . An iBGP network design . Actes de CFIP 2008 - Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingenierie des Protocoles .
Buob MO, Uhlig S, Meulle M ( 2019 ) . Conception de réseau iBGP . Actes de CFIP 2008 - Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingenierie des Protocoles .
Deng J, Tyson G, Cuadrado F, Uhlig S ( 2019 ) . Keddah: Network Evaluation Powered by Simulating Distributed Application Traffic . ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. vol. 29 , Article 3 , 16:1 - 16:1 .
Ibosiola D, Castro I, Stringhini G, Uhlig S, Tyson G ( 2019 ) . Who Watches the Watchmen: Exploring Complaints on the Web . WWW . Editors: Liu, L, White, RW, Mantrach, A, Silvestri, F et al. , 729 - 738 .
Zhou J, Li Z, Wu Q, Steenkiste P, Uhlig S, Li J, Xie G ( 2018 ) . TCP Stalls at the Server Side: Measurement and Mitigation . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking vol. 27 , ( 1 ) 272 - 287 .
Ding J, Liu Z, Xiao S, Chen Y, Li Y, Jin D, Uhlig S ( 2018 ) . Beyond the Click: A First Look at the Role of a Microblogging Platform in the Web Ecosystem . IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 743 - 754 .
Hui P, Li Y, Ott J, Uhlig S, Han B, Tan K ( 2018 ) . Mobile Big Data for Urban Analytics . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 56 , ( 11 ) 12 - 12 .
Böttger T, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, di Lallo R, Bruyere M, Uhlig S, Tyson G, Castro I ( 2018 ) . Shaping the Internet: 10 Years of IXP Growth .
UHLIG SP, Antichi G, Oudin R, Moore A, Rotsos C ( 2018 ) . OFLOPS-SUME and the art of switch characterization . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Bruyere M, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, Lapeyrade R, Uhlig S, Owezarski P, Moore AW, Castro I ( 2018 ) . Rethinking IXPs’ Architecture in the Age of SDN . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
UHLIG SP, Yang T, Jiang J, Liu P, Huang Q, Gong J, Yang Z, Rui M et al. ( 2018 ) . Elastic Sketch: Adaptive and Fast Network-wide Measurements . Conference: ACM SIGCOMM ( Budapest, Hungary ) from: 19/08/2018 to: 24/08/2018 ,
Wang J, Huang Y, Qi H, Li K, Uhlig S ( 2018 ) . CLICK-UP . Conference: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Conference on Posters and Demos117 - 119 .
CUADRADO F, UHLIG S, BOTTGER T ( 2018 ) . Looking for Hypergiants in PeeringDB . ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
Ibosiola D, Steer B, Garcia-Recuero A, Stringhini G, Uhlig S, Tyson G . Movie Pirates of the Caribbean: Exploring Illegal Streaming Cyberlockers . Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media . vol. 12 ,
Zhou Y, Yang T, Jiang J, Cui B, Yu M, Li X, Uhlig S ( 2018 ) . Cold Filter . Conference: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data741 - 756 .
Fernandes EL, Antichi G, Castro I, Uhlig S ( 2018 ) . An SDN-inspired Model for Faster Network Experimentation . Conference: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation29 - 32 .
Böttger T, Cuadrado F, Tyson G, Castro I, Uhlig S ( 2018 ) . Open Connect Everywhere: A Glimpse at the Internet Ecosystem Through the Lens of the Netflix CDN . SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 48 , Article 1 , 28 - 34 .
Bruyere M, Lapeyrade R, Fernandes EL, Castro I, Uhlig S, Moore AW, Antichi G ( 2018 ) . Umbrella . Conference: Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research1 - 2 .
Bienkowski M, Sarrar N, Schmid S, Uhlig S ( 2018 ) . Online Aggregation of the Forwarding Information Base: Accounting for Locality and Churn . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking vol. 26 , ( 1 ) 591 - 604 .
Böttger T, Cuadrado F, Uhlig S ( 2018 ) . Looking for hypergiants in peeringDB . Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 48 , Article 3 , 13 - 19 .
Ibosiola D, Steer B, Garcia-Recuero A, Stringhini G, Uhlig S, Tyson G ( 2018 ) . Movie pirates of the caribbean: Exploring illegal streaming cyberlockers . 12th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM 2018131 - 140 .
Böttger T, Cuadrado F, Tyson G, Castro I, Uhlig S ( 2018 ) . Open Connect Everywhere: A Glimpse at the Internet Ecosystem through the Lens of the Netflix CDN . Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 48 , Article 1 , 28 - 34 .
Böttger T, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, Lallo RD, Bruyere M, Uhlig S, Castro I ( 2018 ) . The Elusive Internet Flattening: 10 Years of IXP Growth . CoRR vol. abs/1810.10963 ,
Antichi G, Castro I, Chiesa M, Fernandes EL, Lapeyrade R, Kopp D, Han JH, Bruyere M et al. ( 2017 ) . ENDEAVOUR: A Scalable SDN Architecture For Real-World IXPs . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. vol. 35 , Article 11 , 2553 - 2562 .
Yang T, Yin B, Li H, Shahzad M, Uhlig S, Cui B, Li X ( 2017 ) . Rectangular Hash Table: Bloom Filter and Bitmap Assisted Hash Table with High Speed . Conference: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)837 - 846 .
Uhlig S, Maennel O ( 2017 ) . Message from the general chairs . Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference, IMC . vol. Part F131937 ,
Xie G, Su J, Wang X, He T, Zhang G, Uhlig S, Salamatian K ( 2017 ) . Index–Trie: Efficient archival and retrieval of network traffic . Computer Networks vol. 124 , 140 - 156 .
Deng J, Tyson G, Cuadrado F, Uhlig S ( 2017 ) . Keddah: Capturing Hadoop Network Behaviour . Proceedings - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems . Conference: International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems2143 - 2150 .
Huang S, Cuadrado F, Uhlig S ( 2017 ) . Middleboxes in the Internet: A HTTP Perspective . Conference: 2017 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA)1 - 9 .
TYSON G, Huang S, Cuadrado F, Castro I, Perta C, Sathiaseelan A, Uhlig S ( 2017 ) . Exploring HTTP Header Manipulation in the Wild . Conference: World Wide Web Conference ( Perth, Australia ) from: 03/04/2017 to: 07/04/2017 ,
Deng J, Tyson G, Cuadrado F, Uhlig S ( 2017 ) . Internet scale user-generated live video streaming: The Twitch case . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . Conference: Passive and Active Measurements Conference vol. 10176 LNCS , 60 - 71 .
( 2017 ) . Passive and Active Measurement - 18th International Conference, PAM 2017, Sydney, NSW, Australia, March 30-31, 2017, Proceedings . PAM . Editors: Kâafar, MA, Uhlig, S, Amann, J , vol. 10176 ,
Kaafar D, Uhlig S ( 2017 ) . Preface .
( 2017 ) . Proceedings of the 2017 Internet Measurement Conference, IMC 2017, London, United Kingdom, November 1-3, 2017 . Internet Measurement Conference . Editors: Uhlig, S, Maennel, O ,
Wang W, Sun Y, Uhlig S, Fang G, Wang N, Li Z . Multipath Bandwidth Guarantees for Multi-Tenant Cloud Networking . Conference: 2016 IEEE 41st Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)442 - 450 .
Yang T, Yang D, Li X, Liu AX, Fu Q, Uhlig S ( 2016 ) . Fit the Elephant in a Box - Towards IP Lookup at On-chip Memory Access Speed . Conference: 2016 IEEE 24th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)1 - 2 .
Chiesa M, Owezarski P, Uhlig S, Canini M, Dietzel C, Antichi G, Bruyere M, Castro I et al. ( 2016 ) . Inter-domain networking innovation on steroids: empowering ixps with SDN capabilities . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 54 , ( 10 ) 102 - 108 .
Fernandes EL, Antichi G, Castro I, Uhlig S ( 2016 ) . Horse . Conference: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGCOMM Conference577 - 578 .
Buob M-O, Lambert A, Uhlig S . iBGP2: A scalable iBGP redistribution mechanism leading to optimal routing . Conference: IEEE INFOCOM 2016 - The 35th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications1 - 9 .
Wu Q, Li Z, TYSON G, Uhlig S, Ali Kafaar M, Xie G ( 2016 ) . Privacy-aware Multipath Video Caching for Content-Centric Networks . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Zheng K, Wang L, Yang B, Sun Y, Uhlig S ( 2016 ) . LazyCtrl: A Scalable Hybrid Network Control Plane Design for Cloud Data Centers . IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems vol. 28 , ( 1 ) 115 - 127 .
Falahrastegar M, Haddadi H, Uhlig S, Mortier R ( 2016 ) . Tracking Personal Identifiers Across the Web . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 9631 , 30 - 41 .
Han C, Li Z, Xie G, Uhlig S, Wu Y, Li L, Ge J, Liu Y ( 2016 ) . Insights into the issue in IPv6 adoption: A view from the Chinese IPv6 Application mix . Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience vol. 28 , ( 3 ) 616 - 630 .
Tyson G, Elkhatib Y, Sastry N, Uhlig S ( 2016 ) . Measurements and Analysis of a Major Adult Video Portal . ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 1 - 25 .
Uhlig S ( 2016 ) . More to sketch search than that . NEW SCIENTIST vol. 230 , ( 3078 ) 52 - 52 .
Wang Y, Li Z, Tyson G, Uhlig S, Xie G ( 2015 ) . Design and Evaluation of the Optimal Cache Allocation for Content-Centric Networking . IEEE Transactions on Computers vol. 65 , ( 1 ) 95 - 107 .
Deng J, Cuadrado F, Tyson G, Uhlig S ( 2015 ) . Behind the Game: Exploring the Twitch Streaming Platform . Conference: 2015 International Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames)1 - 6 .
Zhou J, Wu Q, Li Z, Uhlig S, Steenkiste P, Chen J, Xie G ( 2015 ) . Demystifying and mitigating TCP stalls at the server side . Conference: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies1 - 13 .
Saljooghinejad H, Cuadrado F, Uhlig S ( 2015 ) . Let Latency Guide You: Towards Characterization of Cloud Application Performance . Conference: 2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom)99 - 106 .
TYSON G, Elkhatib Y, Sastry N, Uhlig S ( 2015 ) . Measurements and Analysis of an Adult Video Streaming Website . ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (ToM)
Wahlisch M, Schmidt R, Schmidt T, Maennel O, Uhlig S, TYSON G ( 2015 ) . RiPKI: The Tragic Story of RPKI Deployment in the Web Ecosystem . Conference: 15th ACM Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets)
Uhlig S, Maennel O ( 2015 ) . Message from the general chairs . SIGCOMM 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication .
Wang L, Zheng K, Yang B, Sun Y, Zhang Y, Uhlig S ( 2015 ) . Lazy Ctrl: Scalable Network Control for Cloud Data Centers . 2015 IEEE 35th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems . Conference: 2015 IEEE 35th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) from: 29/06/2015 to: 02/07/2015 , 788 - 789 .
Zheng K, Wang L, Yang B, Sun Y, Zhang Y, Uhlig S ( 2015 ) . LazyCtrl: Scalable Network Control for Cloud Data Centers . 788 - 789 .
TYSON G, Elkhatib Y, Sastry N, Uhlig S ( 2015 ) . Are People Really Social on Porn 2.0? . Conference: AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)
Schiöberg D, Schneider F, Schmid S, Uhlig S, Feldmann A ( 2015 ) . Evolution of Directed Triangle Motifs in the Google+ OSN .
( 2015 ) . Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication, SIGCOMM 2015, London, United Kingdom, August 17-21, 2015 . SIGCOMM . Editors: Uhlig, S, Maennel, O, Karp, B, Padhye, J et al. ,
Sun Y, Fayaz SK, Guo Y, Sekar V, Jin Y, Kaafar MA, Uhlig S ( 2014 ) . Trace-Driven Analysis of ICN Caching Algorithms on Video-on-Demand Workloads . Conference: Proceedings of the 10th ACM International on Conference on emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies363 - 376 .
Sarrar N, Wuttke R, Schmid S, Bienkowski M, Uhlig S ( 2014 ) . Leveraging Locality for FIB Aggregation . Conference: 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference1930 - 1935 .
Falahrastegar M, Haddadi H, Uhlig S, Mortier R ( 2014 ) . Anatomy of the Third-Party Web Tracking Ecosystem .
Bienkowski M, Sarrar N, Schmid S, Uhlig S ( 2014 ) . Competitive FIB aggregation without update Churn . Proceedings - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems607 - 616 .
Wählisch M, Schmidt R, Schmidt TC, Maennel O, Uhlig S, Tyson G ( 2014 ) . RiPKI: The Tragic Story of RPKI Deployment in the Web Ecosystem .
Han C, Li Z, Xie G, Uhlig S, Wu Y, Li L, Ge J, Liu Y ( 2014 ) . Insights into the issue in IPv6 adoption: A view from the Chinese IPv6 Application mix . Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience
Kreutz D, Ramos FMV, Verissimo P, Rothenberg CE, Azodolmolky S, Uhlig S ( 2014 ) . Software-Defined Networking: A Comprehensive Survey .
Sarrar N, Wuttke R, Schmid S, Bienkowski M, Uhlig S ( 2014 ) . Leveraging locality for FIB aggregation . Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM . 1930 - 1935 .
Dainotti A, Mahanti A, Uhlig S ( 2014 ) . Message from the program co-chairs . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 8406 LNCS ,
Kreutz D, Ramos FMV, Veríssimo P, Rothenberg CE, Azodolmolky S, Uhlig S ( 2014 ) . Software-Defined Networking: A Comprehensive Survey . CoRR vol. abs/1406.0440 ,
Falahrastegar M, Haddadi H, Uhlig S, Mortier R ( 2014 ) . The Rise of Panopticons: Examining Region-Specific Third-Party Web Tracking . Traffic Monitoring and Analysis , vol. 8406 , Springer Nature
Falahrastegar M, Haddadi H, Uhlig S, Mortier R ( 2014 ) . The rise of panopticons: Examining region-specific third-party web tracking . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 8406 LNCS , 104 - 114 .
Mehmood MA, Feldmann A, Uhlig S, Willinger W ( 2014 ) . We are all treated equal, aren't we? - Flow-level performance as a function of flow size . 2014 IFIP Networking Conference, IFIP Networking 2014
Wählisch M, Schmidt R, Schmidt TC, Maennel O, Uhlig S ( 2014 ) . When BGP Security Meets Content Deployment: Measuring and Analysing RPKI-Protection of Websites . CoRR vol. abs/1408.0391 ,
Tyson G, Elkhatib Y, Sastry N, Uhlig S ( 2013 ) . Demystifying porn 2.0: A look into a major adult video streaming website . Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference, IMC417 - 426 .
Bienkowski M, Sarrar N, Schmid S, Uhlig S ( 2013 ) . Brief announcement: Dynamic forwarding table aggregation without update churn: The case of dependent prefixes . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 8205 LNCS , 583 - 584 .
TYSON G, Elkhatib Y, Sastry N, Uhlig S ( 2013 ) . Demystifying Porn 2.0: A look into a Major Adult Video Streaming Website . Conference: ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC)
Luo L, Xie G, Salamatian K, Uhlig S, Mathy L, Xie Y ( 2013 ) . A trie merging approach with incremental updates for virtual routers . Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM1222 - 1230 .
Sapegin A, Uhlig S ( 2013 ) . On the extent of correlation in BGP updates in the Internet and what it tells us about locality of BGP routing events . Computer Communications vol. 36 , ( 15-16 ) 1592 - 1605 .
Wang Y, Li Z, TYSON G, Uhlig S, Xie G ( 2013 ) . Optimal Cache Allocation for Content-Centric Networking . Conference: 21st IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)
Bienkowski M, Sarrar N, Schmid S, Uhlig S ( 2013 ) . Brief Announcement: Dynamic Forwarding Table Aggregation without Update Churn: The Case of Dependent Prefixes . DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING . vol. 8205 , 581 - + .
Mehmood MA, Sarrar N, Uhlig S, Feldmann A ( 2013 ) . Impact of access bandwidth on packet loss: A flow-level analysis . 2013 IEEE 11th Malaysia International Conference on Communications, MICC 2013259 - 264 .
Wang Y, Xie G, Kaafar MA, Uhlig S ( 2013 ) . LMD: A local minimum driven and self-organized method to obtain locators . Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications759 - 764 .
Wang Y, Li Z, Tyson G, Uhlig S, Xie G ( 2013 ) . Optimal cache allocation for content-centric networking . Proceedings - International Conference on Network Protocols, ICNP
Liu J, Li Y, Cuadrado F, Uhlig S, Lei Z ( 2013 ) . Parallelized Jaccard-Based Learning Method and MapReduce Implementation for Mobile Devices Recognition from Massive Network Data . CHINA COMMUNICATIONS vol. 10 , ( 7 ) 71 - 84 .
Frank B, Poese I, Lin Y, Smaragdakis G, Feldmann A, Maggs BM, Rake J, Uhlig S et al. ( 2013 ) . Pushing CDN-ISP collaboration to the limit . Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 43 , Article 3 , 34 - 44 .
Uhlig S, Latasa FC ( 2013 ) . Recent Changes in the Internet Landscape . it Inf. Technol. vol. 55 , Article 4 , 133 - 138 .
Carle G, Schiller JH, Uhlig S, Willinger W, Wählisch M ( 2013 ) . The Critical Internet Infrastructure (Dagstuhl Seminar 13322) . Dagstuhl Reports vol. 3 , Article 8 , 27 - 39 .
Mehmood MA, Sarrar N, Uhlig S, Feldmann A ( 2013 ) . Understanding flow performance in the wild . Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM1410 - 1415 .
Ager B, Sarrar N, Chatzis N, Uhlig S, Feldmann A, Willinger W ( 2012 ) . Anatomy of a large european IXP . Computer Communication Review vol. 42 , ( 4 ) 163 - 174 .
Schiöberg D, Schneider F, Tredan G, Uhlig S, Feldmann A ( 2012 ) . Revisiting Content Availability in Distributed Online Social Networks .
Poese I, Frank B, Smaragdakis G, Uhlig S, Feldmann A, Maggs B ( 2012 ) . Enabling content-aware traffic engineering . Computer Communication Review vol. 42 , ( 5 ) 22 - 28 .
Fay D, Haddadi H, Moore AW, Mortier R, Thomason AG, Uhlig S ( 2012 ) . Weighted Spectral Distribution: A Metric for Structural Analysis of Networks . 153 - 189 .
Frank B, Poese I, Smaragdakis G, Uhlig S, Feldmann A ( 2012 ) . Content-aware Traffic Engineering .
Ager B, Chatzis N, Feldmann A, Sarrar N, Uhlig S, Willinger W ( 2012 ) . Anatomy of a large european IXP . SIGCOMM . Editors: Eggert, L, Ott, J, Padmanabhan, VN, Varghese, G et al. , Conference: ACM SIGCOMM 2012 conference on Applications technologies architectures and protocols for computer communication163 - 174 .
Frank B, Poese I, Smaragdakis G, Uhlig S, Feldmann A ( 2012 ) . Content-aware traffic engineering . SIGMETRICS . Editors: Harrison, PG, Arlitt, MF, Casale, G , 413 - 414 .
Poese I, Poese B, Smaragdakis G, Uhlig S, Feldmann A, Maggs BM ( 2012 ) . Enabling content-aware traffic engineering . Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 42 , Article 5 , 21 - 28 .
Poese I, Frank B, Ager B, Smaragdakis G, Uhlig S, Feldmann A ( 2012 ) . Improving Content Delivery with PaDIS . IEEE Internet Computing vol. 16 , Article 3 , 46 - 52 .
Sarrar N, Maier G, Ager B, Sommer R, Uhlig S ( 2012 ) . Investigating IPv6 Traffic - What Happened at the World IPv6 Day? . PAM . Editors: Taft, N, Ricciato, F , vol. 7192 , 11 - 20 .
Sarrar N, Uhlig S, Feldmann A, Sherwood R, Huang X ( 2012 ) . Leveraging Zipf's law for traffic offloading . Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 42 , Article 1 , 16 - 22 .
Rotsos C, Sarrar N, Uhlig S, Sherwood R, Moore AW ( 2012 ) . OFLOPS: An Open Framework for OpenFlow Switch Evaluation . PAM . Editors: Taft, N, Ricciato, F , vol. 7192 , 85 - 95 .
Schneider F, Ager B, Maier G, Feldmann A, Uhlig S ( 2012 ) . Pitfalls in HTTP Traffic Measurements and Analysis . PAM . Editors: Taft, N, Ricciato, F , vol. 7192 , 242 - 251 .
Luo L, Xie G, Uhlig S, Mathy L, Salamatian K, Xie Y ( 2012 ) . Towards TCAM-based scalable virtual routers . CoNEXT . Editors: Barakat, C, Teixeira, R, Ramakrishnan, KK, Thiran, P et al. , 73 - 84 .
Schiöberg D, Schmid S, Schneider F, Uhlig S, Schiöberg H, Feldmann A ( 2012 ) . Tracing the birth of an OSN: social graph and profile analysis in Google+ . WebSci . Editors: Contractor, NS, Uzzi, B, Macy, MW, Nejdl, W et al. , 265 - 274 .
Ager B, Mühlbauer W, Smaragdakis G, Uhlig S ( 2011 ) . Web content cartography . Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference, IMC585 - 600 .
Conti M, Chong S, Fdida S, Jia W, Karl H, Lin YD, Mähönen P, Maier M et al. ( 2011 ) . Research challenges towards the Future Internet . Computer Communications vol. 34 , ( 18 ) 2115 - 2134 .
Fay D, Haddadi H, Uhlig S, Kilmartin L, Moore AW, Kunegis J, Iliofotou M ( 2011 ) . Discriminating graphs through spectral projections . COMPUT NETW vol. 55 , ( 15 ) 3458 - 3468 .
Domingo-Pascual J, Shavitt Y, Uhlig S ( 2011 ) . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 6613 LNCS ,
Poese I, Uhlig S, Kâafar MA, Donnet B, Gueye B ( 2011 ) . IP geolocation databases: unreliable? . Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 41 , Article 2 , 53 - 56 .
Mehmood MA, Wundsam A, Uhlig S, Levin D, Sarrar N, Feldmann A ( 2011 ) . QoE-Lab: Towards Evaluating Quality of Experience for Future Internet Conditions . TRIDENTCOM . Editors: Korakis, T, Li, H, Tran-Gia, P, Park, H-S et al. , vol. 90 , 286 - 301 .
Conti M, Chong S, Fdida S, Jia W, Karl H, Lin Y-D, Mähönen P, Maier M et al. ( 2011 ) . Research challenges towards the Future Internet . Computer Communications
( 2011 ) . Traffic Monitoring and Analysis - Third International Workshop, TMA 2011, Vienna, Austria, April 27, 2011. Proceedings . TMA . Editors: Domingo-Pascual, J, Shavitt, Y, Uhlig, S , vol. 6613 ,
Oprescu I, Meulle M, Uhlig S, Pelsser C, Maennel O, Owezarski P ( 2011 ) . oBGP: An Overlay for a Scalable iBGP Control Plane . Networking (1) . Editors: Domingo-Pascual, J, Manzoni, P, Palazzo, S, Pont, A et al. , vol. 6640 , 420 - 431 .
Oprescu I, Meulle M, Uhlig S, Pelsser C, Maennel O, Owezarski P ( 2010 ) . Rethinking iBGP routing . Computer Communication Review vol. 40 , ( 4 ) 411 - 412 .
Sarrar N, Feldmann A, Uhlig S, Sherwood R, Xin H ( 2010 ) . Towards hardware accelerated software routers . Proceedings of the ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop, CoNEXT 2010
Uhlig S, Hui P, Abdesslem FB, Crowcroft J, Willinger W ( 2010 ) . SIMPLEX 2010 Organizing Committee . Conference: 2010 IEEE 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshopsxxi - xxi .
Barrat A, Boguna M, Bornholdt S, Boykin PO, Chaintreau A, Clegg R, Crovella M, Eagle N et al. ( 2010 ) . SIMPLEX 2010 Program Committee . Conference: 2010 IEEE 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshopsxxii - xxii .
Fu B, Pelsser C, Uhlig S ( 2010 ) . Pushing Quality of Service Across Inter-domain Boundaries . 135 - 162 .
Fay D, Haddadi H, Thomason A, Moore AW, Mortier R, Jamakovic A, Uhlig S, Rio M ( 2010 ) . Weighted Spectral Distribution for Internet Topology Analysis: Theory and Applications . IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 164 - 176 .
Ager B, Mühlbauer W, Smaragdakis G, Uhlig S ( 2010 ) . Comparing DNS resolvers in the wild . Internet Measurement Conference . Editors: Allman, M , 15 - 21 .
Cittadini L, Mühlbauer W, Uhlig S, Bush R, François P, Maennel O ( 2010 ) . Evolution of Internet Address Space Deaggregation: Myths and Reality . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. vol. 28 , Article 8 , 1238 - 1249 .
Mühlbauer W, Uhlig S, Feldmann A, Maennel O, Quoitin B, Fu B ( 2010 ) . Impact of routing parameters on route diversity and path inflation . Comput. Networks vol. 54 , Article 14 , 2506 - 2518 .
Haddadi H, Fay D, Uhlig S, Moore A, Mortier R, Jamakovic A ( 2010 ) . Mixing Biases: Structural Changes in the AS Topology Evolution . TRAFFIC MONITORING AND ANALYSIS, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Ricciato, F, Mellia, M, Biersack, E , vol. 6003 , 32 - 45 .
Uhlig S ( 2010 ) . On the complexity of Internet traffic dynamics on its topology . Telecommun. Syst. vol. 43 , Article 3-4 , 167 - 180 .
Pelsser C, Uhlig S, Takeda T, Quoitin B, Shiomoto K ( 2010 ) . Providing scalable NH-diverse iBGP route re-distribution to achieve sub-second switch-over time . Comput. Networks vol. 54 , Article 14 , 2492 - 2505 .
Oprescu I, Meulle M, Uhlig S, Pelsser C, Maennel O, Owezarski P ( 2010 ) . Rethinking iBGP routing . SIGCOMM . Editors: Kalyanaraman, S, Padmanabhan, VN, Ramakrishnan, KK, Shorey, R et al. , 411 - 412 .
Fay D, Haddadi H, Thomason A, Moore AW, Mortier R, Jamakovic A, Uhlig S, Rio M ( 2010 ) . Weighted spectral distribution for internet topology analysis: theory and applications . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. . vol. 18 , 164 - 176 .
Uhlig S, Hui P ( 2009 ) . SIMPLEX: Simplifying network science for practitioners . SIMPLEX'09 - 1st Annual Workshop on Simplifying Complex Network for Practitioners
UHLIG S ( 2009 ) . End-to-end quality of service . End-to-end quality of service , Editors: Mellouk, A , Wiley-ISTE
Fay D, Haddadi H, Moore AW, Mortier R, Uhlig S, Jamakovic A ( 2009 ) . A weighted spectrum metric for comparison of internet topologies . SIGMETRICS Perform. Evaluation Rev. . vol. 37 , 67 - 72 .
Uhlig S, Fu B, Jamakovic A ( 2009 ) . Capturing Internet Traffic Dynamics through Graph Distances . Complex (2) . Editors: Zhou, J , vol. 5 , 1213 - 1225 .
Lambert A, Buob M-O, Uhlig S ( 2009 ) . Improving internet-wide routing protocols convergence with MRPC timers . CoNEXT . Editors: Liebeherr, J, Ventre, G, Biersack, EW, Keshav, S et al. , 325 - 336 .
Bush R, Maennel O, Roughan M, Uhlig S ( 2009 ) . Internet optometry: assessing the broken glasses in internet reachability . Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement conference . Editors: Feldmann, A, Mathy, L , Conference: Internet measurement conference242 - 253 .
Bonaventure O, Uhlig S, MacGregor MH ( 2009 ) . New books and multimedia . IEEE Netw. vol. 23 , Article 4 , 2 - 3 .
Haddadi H, Fay D, Jamakovic A, Maennel O, Moore AW, Mortier R, Uhlig S ( 2009 ) . On the Importance of Local Connectivity for Internet Topology Models . 2009 21ST INTERNATIONAL TELETRAFFIC CONGRESS (ITC 21) . 177 - 184 .
( 2009 ) . Passive and Active Network Measurement, 10th International Conference, PAM 2009, Seoul, Korea, April 1-3, 2009. Proceedings . PAM . Editors: Moon, SB, Teixeira, R, Uhlig, S , vol. 5448 ,
Uhlig S ( 2008 ) . From the Traffic Properties to Traffic Engineering in the Internet . Vdm Verlag Dr Mueller E K
Haddadi H, Fay D, Jamakovic A, Maennel O, Moore AW, Mortier R, Rio M, Uhlig S ( 2008 ) . Beyond Node Degree: Evaluating AS Topology Models .
Haddadi H, Uhlig S, Moore A, Mortier R, Rio M ( 2008 ) . Modeling Internet topology dynamics . COMPUT COMMUN REV vol. 38 , ( 2 ) 65 - 68 .
Siwpersad SS, Gueye B, Uhlig S ( 2008 ) . Assessing the Geographic Resolution of Exhaustive Tabulation for Geolocating Internet Hosts . PAM . Editors: Claypool, M, Uhlig, S , vol. 4979 , 11 - 20 .
Buob M-O, Uhlig S, Meulle M ( 2008 ) . Designing Optimal iBGP Route-Reflection Topologies . Networking . Editors: Das, A, Pung, HK, Lee, FB-S, Wong, LW-C et al. , vol. 4982 , 542 - 553 .
Roughan M, Uhlig S, Willinger W ( 2008 ) . Guest editorial - internet scalability: properties and evolution . IEEE Netw. vol. 22 , Article 2 , 4 - 5 .
Jamakovic A, Uhlig S ( 2008 ) . On the relationships between topological measures in real-world networks . Networks Heterog. Media vol. 3 , Article 2 , 345 - 359 .
( 2008 ) . Passive and Active Network Measurement, 9th International Conference, PAM 2008, Cleveland, OH, USA, April 29-30, 2008. Proceedings . PAM . Editors: Claypool, M, Uhlig, S , vol. 4979 ,
Haddadi H, Fay D, Uhlig S, Moore A, Mortier R, Jamakovic A, Rio M ( 2008 ) . Tuning Topology Generators Using Spectral Distributions . Performance Evaluation: Metrics, Models and Benchmarks , vol. 5119 , Springer Nature
Haddadi H, Fay D, Uhlig S, Moore A, Mortier R, Jamakovic A, Rio M ( 2008 ) . Tuning topology generators using spectral distributions . PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: METRICS, MODELS AND BENCHMARKS, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Kounev, S, Gorton, I, Sachs, K , vol. 5119 , 154 - 173 .
Buob MO, Meulle M, Uhlig S ( 2007 ) . Checking for optimal egress points in iBGP routing . 2007 6th International Workshop on Design and Reliable Communication Networks, DRCN 2007
Uhlig S, Papagiannaki K, Bonaventure O ( 2007 ) . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics: Preface . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 4427 LNCS ,
Bush R, Hiebert J, Maennel O, Roughan M, Uhlig S ( 2007 ) . Testing the reachability of (new) address space . Proceedings of the 2007 SIGCOMM Workshop on Internet Network Management, INM '07236 - 241 .
Mühlbauer W, Uhlig S, Fu B, Meulle M, Maennel O ( 2007 ) . In search for an appropriate granularity to model routing policies . Computer Communication Review vol. 37 , ( 4 ) 145 - 156 .
Jamakovic A, Uhlig S ( 2007 ) . On the relationship between the algebraic connectivity and graph's robustness to node and link failures . NGI 2007: 2007 Next Generation Internet Networks - 3rd EuroNGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks: Design and Engineering for Heterogeneity96 - 102 .
Teixeira R, Uhlig S, Diot C ( 2007 ) . BGP Route Propagation Between Neighboring Domains . PAM . Editors: Uhlig, S, Papagiannaki, K, Bonaventure, O , vol. 4427 , 11 - 21 .
Buob M-O, Meulle M, Uhlig S ( 2007 ) . Checking for optimal egress points in iBGP routing . DRCN: 2007 6TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON THE DESIGN OF RELIABLE COMMUNICATION NETWORKS . 78 - 85 .
Mühlbauer W, Uhlig S, Fu B, Meulle M, Maennel O ( 2007 ) . In search for an appropriate granularity to model routing policies . SIGCOMM . Editors: Murai, J, Cho, K , 145 - 156 .
Jamakovic A, Uhlig S ( 2007 ) . Influence of the network structure on robustness . 2007 15TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NETWORKS . 336 - 341 .
Jamakovic A, Uhlig S ( 2007 ) . Influence of the network structure on robustness . ICON . 278 - 283 .
Gueye B, Uhlig S, Fdida S ( 2007 ) . Investigating the Imprecision of IP Block-Based Geolocation . PAM . Editors: Uhlig, S, Papagiannaki, K, Bonaventure, O , vol. 4427 , 237 - 240 .
( 2007 ) . Passive and Active Network Measurement, 8th Internatinoal Conference, PAM 2007, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium, April 5-6, 2007, Proceedings . PAM . Editors: Uhlig, S, Papagiannaki, K, Bonaventure, O , vol. 4427 ,
Mühlbauer W, Feldmann A, Maennel O, Roughan M, Uhlig S ( 2006 ) . Building an AS-topology model that captures route diversity . Conference: Proceedings of the 2006 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications195 - 206 .
Uhlig S, Tandel S ( 2006 ) . A critical view of the sensitivity of transit ASs to internal failures . DISTRIBUTED COOPERATIVE LABORATORIES: NETWORKING, INSTRUMENTATION, AND MEASUREMENTS . 85 - + .
Leduc G, Abrahamsson H, Balon S, Bessler S, D'Arienzo M, Delcourt O, Domingo-Pascual J, Cerav-Erbas S et al. ( 2006 ) . An open source traffic engineering toolbox . Comput. Commun. vol. 29 , Article 5 , 593 - 610 .
Mühlbauer W, Feldmann A, Maennel O, Roughan M, Uhlig S ( 2006 ) . Building an AS-topology model that captures route diversity . SIGCOMM . Editors: Rizzo, L, Anderson, TE, McKeown, N , 195 - 206 .
Gueye B, Uhlig S, Ziviani A, Fdida S ( 2006 ) . Leveraging Buffering Delay Estimation for Geolocation of Internet Hosts . Networking . Editors: Boavida, F, Plagemann, T, Stiller, B, Westphal, C et al. , vol. 3976 , 319 - 330 .
Uhlig S, Quoitin B, Lepropre J, Balon S ( 2006 ) . Providing public intradomain traffic matrices to the research community . Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 36 , Article 1 , 83 - 86 .
Uhlig S, Tandel S ( 2006 ) . Quantifying the BGP Routes Diversity Inside a Tier-1 Network . Networking . Editors: Boavida, F, Plagemann, T, Stiller, B, Westphal, C et al. , vol. 3976 , 1002 - 1013 .
Alderson DL, Chang H, Roughan M, Uhlig S, Willinger W ( 2006 ) . The many facets of internet topology and traffic . Networks Heterog. Media vol. 1 , Article 4 , 569 - 600 .
Pelsser C, Uhlig S, Bonaventure O ( 2005 ) . On the difficulty of establishing interdomain LSPs . 2004 IEEE Workshop on IP Operations and Management Proceedings, IPOM 2004: Self-Measurement and Self-Management of IP Networks and Services134 - 139 .
Uhlig S, Quoitin B ( 2005 ) . Tweak-it: BGP-based interdomain traffic engineering for transit ASs . NGI 2005 - Next Generation Internet Networks: Traffic Engineering vol. 2005 , 75 - 82 .
Uhlig S ( 2005 ) . A Multiple-objectives Evolutionary Perspective to Interdomain Traffic Engineering . Int. J. Comput. Intell. Appl. vol. 5 , Article 2 , 215 - 230 .
Quoitin B, Pelsser C, Bonaventure O, Uhlig S ( 2005 ) . A performance evaluation of BGP-based traffic engineering . Int. J. Netw. Manag. vol. 15 , Article 3 , 177 - 191 .
Iasi S, François P, Uhlig S ( 2005 ) . Forwarding deflection in multi-area OSPF . CoNEXT . Editors: Diaz, M, Azcorra, A, Owezarski, P, Fdida, S et al. , 254 - 255 .
Quoitin B, Uhlig S ( 2005 ) . Modeling the routing of an autonomous system with C-BGP . IEEE Netw. vol. 19 , Article 6 , 12 - 19 .
Uhlig S ( 2005 ) . On the Sensitivity of Transit ASes to Internal Failures . IPOM . Editors: Magedanz, T, Madeira, ERM, Dini, P , vol. 3751 , 142 - 151 .
Launois CD, Uhlig S, Bonaventure O ( 2005 ) . Scalable Route Selection for IPv6 Multihomed Sites . NETWORKING . Editors: Boutaba, R, Almeroth, KC, Puigjaner, R, Shen, SX et al. , vol. 3462 , 1357 - 1361 .
Uhlig S, Bonaventure O ( 2004 ) . Designing BGP-based outbound traffic engineering techniques for stub ASes . Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 34 , Article 5 , 89 - 106 .
Uhlig S, Bonaventure O, Magnin V, Rapier C, Deri L ( 2004 ) . Implications of the topological properties of Internet traffic on traffic engineering . SAC . Editors: Haddad, H, Omicini, A, Wainwright, RL, Liebrock, LM et al. , 339 - 346 .
Quoitin B, Tandel S, Uhlig S, Bonaventure O ( 2004 ) . Interdomain traffic engineering with redistribution communities . Comput. Commun. vol. 27 , Article 4 , 355 - 363 .
Uhlig S ( 2004 ) . Non-stationarity and high-order scaling in TCP flow arrivals: a methodological analysis . Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 34 , Article 2 , 9 - 24 .
Quoitin B, Pelsser C, Swinnen L, Bonaventure O, Uhlig S ( 2003 ) . Interdomain traffic engineering with BGP . IEEE Communications Magazine vol. 41 , ( 5 ) 122 - 128 .
UHLIG S ( 2003 ) . A survey of interdomain traffic engineering techniques with BGP . Quality of future Internet services , Editors: Smirnov, MI, 263, ECITFOSATROC , Springer
Uhlig S ( 2003 ) . Conservative cascades: An invariant of internet traffic . PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SIGNAL PROCESSING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY . 54 - 57 .
Uhlig S, Bonaventure O, Quoitin B ( 2003 ) . Interdomain Traffic Engineering with minimal BGP configurations . PROVIDING QUALITY OF SERVICE IN HETEROGENEOUS ENVIRONMENTS, VOLS 5A AND 5B . vol. 5A-B , 291 - 300 .
Bonaventure O, Trimintzios P, Pavlou G, Quoitin B, Azcorra A, Bagnulo M, Flegkas P, García-Martínez A et al. ( 2003 ) . Internet Traffic Engineering . Editors: Smirnov, M, Biersack, EW, Blondia, C, Bonaventure, O et al. , vol. 2856 , 118 - 179 .
Uhlig S, Bonaventure O ( 2002 ) . Implications of Interdomain Traffic Characteristics on Traffic Engineering . Eur. Trans. Telecommun. vol. 13 , Article 1 , 23 - 32 .
Quoitin B, Uhlig S, Bonaventure O ( 2002 ) . Using Redistribution Communities for Interdomain Traffic Engineering . QofIS . Editors: Stiller, B, Smirnov, MI, Karsten, M, Reichl, P et al. , vol. 2511 , 125 - 134 .
Uhlig S, Bonaventure O ( 2001 ) . Understanding the Long-Term Self-Similarity of Internet Traffic . QofIS . Editors: Smirnov, MI, Crowcroft, J, Roberts, J, Boavida, F et al. , vol. 2156 , 286 - 298 .
Uhlig S, Bonaventure O ( 2000 ) . On the Cost of Using MPLS for Interdomain Traffic . QofIS . Editors: Crowcroft, J, Roberts, J, Smirnov, MI , vol. 1922 , 141 - 152 .

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