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Publications: Prof Lutao Ning

Chen K, Xue Z, Guo R, Ning L ( 2025 ) . The holistic role of multi-level government in transformative innovation process: Theoretical framework and evidence from China . Technovation vol. 139 , Article 103122 , 103122 - 103122 .
Wu S, Ning L, Mu S ( 2024 ) . R&D Decentralisation and Green Innovation: The Role of Technological Diversification . Academy of Management Proceedings vol. 2024 , ( 1 )
Chen K, Xue Z, Guo R, Ning L ( 2024 ) . Roles of Multi-level Governments in Orchestrating the Transformative Innovation Process . Academy of Management Proceedings vol. 2024 , ( 1 )
Wu S, Ning L, Mu S ( 2024 ) . Technological Collaboration and Green Innovation: Role of R&D Structure and Managerial Orientation . Academy of Management Proceedings vol. 2024 , ( 1 )
Wu S, Ning L, Mu S, Chen S ( 2023 ) . How Can Governmental Venture Capital Improve Firm Innovation? The Role of Proactive R&D Management . Academy of Management Proceedings vol. 2023 , ( 1 )
Xu X, Hu T, Guo R, Chen S, Ning L ( 2023 ) . How to evaluate company directors at state owned enterprises? A framework of virtue and competence based on the Chinese experience . International Journal of Emerging Markets vol. ahead-of-print , ( ahead-of-print )
Ning L, Guo R, Chen K ( 2023 ) . Does FDI Bring Knowledge Externalities for Host Country Firms to Develop Technology Complexity? The Catalytic Role of Overseas Returnee Clustering Structures . Research Policy
Zhang C, Guan J, Ning L ( 2022 ) . Which Strategy Maximizes the Innovation Output of Firms in China: Using a Control or an Entrepreneurial Sphere? . Innovation and Development Policy ( 4 )
Mu S, Chen S, Ning L ( 2022 ) . Academics as Independent Directors: Do They Contribute to Environmental Innovation . Academy of Management Proceedings vol. 2022 , ( 1 )
Xu X, Chen S, Guo R, Hu T, Ning L ( 2022 ) . Virtue and Competence: the Case of Directors Evaluation at Chinese State Owned Enterprises . Academy of Management Proceedings vol. 2022 , ( 1 )
Hu T, Guo R, Ning L ( 2022 ) . Intangible Assets and Foreign Ownership in International Joint Ventures: Moderating Role of Related and Unrelated Industrial Agglomeration . Research in International Business and Finance Article 101654 , 101654 - 101654 .
Chen K, Zhang C, Feng Z, Zhang Y, Ning L ( 2022 ) . Technology transfer systems and modes of national research institutes: evidence from the Chinese academy of sciences . Research Policy vol. 51 , ( 3 ) Article 104471 , 104471 - 104471 .
Ning L, Guo R, Chen K ( 2022 ) . R&D subsidies, and industrial technological complexity: the knowledge recombinant view . R&D Management
Guo R, Ning L, Chen K ( 2022 ) . How do human capital and R&D structure facilitate FDI knowledge spillovers to local firm innovation? a panel threshold approach . JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER vol. 47 , ( 6 ) 1921 - 1947 .
Ning L, Guo R ( 2022 ) . Technological Diversification to Green Domains: Technological Relatedness, Invention Impact and Knowledge Integration Capabilities . Research Policy vol. 51 , ( 1 )
Dai T, Hu Y, Li Y, Mallick S, Ning L, Zhu B ( 2021 ) . Underwriter reputation and IPO underpricing: The role of institutional investors in the Chinese growth enterprise market . International Review of Financial Analysis101956 - 101956 .
Guo R, Mu S, Ning L ( 2021 ) . FDI Knowledge Spillovers and Chinese Local Firms Technological Upgrading: The Role of Returnees . Academy of Management Proceedings vol. 2021 , ( 1 )
Guo R, Zhang D, Shi L, Ning L ( 2021 ) . FDI knowledge spillovers and returnees' repatriation speed and irregularity: evidence from Chinese high-tech firms . TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
Guo R, Ning L ( 2020 ) . How Does Diversity in Employee and R&D Facilitate FDI Knowledge Spillovers: A Threshold Perspective . Academy of Management Proceedings vol. 2020 , ( 1 )
Pan X, Ning L, Shi L ( 2019 ) . Visualisation and determinations of hub locations: Evidence from China's interregional trade network . Research in Transportation Economics vol. 75 , 36 - 44 .
Zhang D, Zheng W, Ning L ( 2018 ) . Does innovation facilitate firm survival? Evidence from Chinese high-tech firms . Economic Modelling vol. 75 , 458 - 468 .
Pan X, Chen X, Ning L ( 2018 ) . Exploitative technological diversification, environmental contexts, and firm performance . Management Decision vol. 56 , ( 7 ) 1613 - 1629 .
Pan X, Wang F, Ning L ( 2018 ) . Technological upgrading in Chinese cities: the roles of FDI, pace and rhythm . Asian Journal of Technology Innovation vol. 26 , ( 1 ) 47 - 68 .
Hu T, Hu L, Ning L ( 2018 ) . Return and Volatility Spillovers in the Asia-Pacific Information Technology Stock Markets . Conference: 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (TEMS-ISIE) vol. 00 , 1 - 8 .
Pan X, Chen X, Ning L ( 2018 ) . The roles of macro and micro institutions in corporate social responsibility (CSR) . Management Decision vol. 56 , ( 5 ) 955 - 971 .
Pan X, Chen X, Ning L ( 2018 ) . Why do inconsistencies occur? Detangling the relationship between technological diversification and performance in Chinese firms . Asian Journal of Technology Innovation vol. 25 , ( 3 ) 407 - 427 .
Wang D, Sutherland D, Ning L, Wang Y, Pan X ( 2017 ) . Exploring the influence of political connections and managerial overconfidence on R&D intensity in China's large-scale private sector firms . Technovation
Ning L, Sutherland D, Fu X ( 2017 ) . Local context and innovation in China . Asian Business & Management vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 117 - 129 .
Ning L, Pan X, Xu X ( 2017 ) . Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Product Innovation and Firm Performance: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms . Conference: 2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)350 - 359 .
Ning L, Wang F ( 2017 ) . Does FDI Bring Environmental Knowledge Spillovers to Developing Countries? The Role of the Local Industrial Structure . Environmental and Resource Economics1 - 25 .
Wang F, Ning L, Zhang J ( 2017 ) . FDI pace, rhythm and host region technological upgrading: Intra- and interregional evidence from Chinese cities . China Economic Review
Li-Ying J, Wang Y, Ning L ( 2016 ) . How do dynamic capabilities transform external technologies into firms’ renewed technological resources? – A mediation model . Asia Pacific Journal of Management vol. 33 , ( 4 ) 1009 - 1036 .
Li J, Sutherland D, Ning L ( 2016 ) . Inward FDI spillovers and innovation capabilities in Chinese business: exploring the moderating role of local industrial externalities . Technology Analysis and Strategic Management vol. 29 , ( 8 ) 932 - 945 .
Yuan L, Tu Y, Li J, Ning L ( 2016 ) . The Impact of Team Ability Disparity and Reward Structure on Performance . Systems Research and Behavioral Science vol. 35 , ( 1 ) 114 - 126 .
Yuan L, Xiao S, Li J, Chen C, Ning L ( 2016 ) . Leader-member exchange differentiation and team member performance . International Journal of Manpower vol. 37 , ( 8 ) 1347 - 1364 .
Ning L, Li J ( 2016 ) . Joint problem solving and organizational learning capacity in new product innovation . R and D Management vol. 48 , ( 5 ) 519 - 533 .
Li J, Strange R, Ning L, Sutherland D ( 2016 ) . Outward foreign direct investment and domestic innovation performance: Evidence from China . International Business Review vol. 25 , ( 5 ) 1010 - 1019 .
Li D, Huang M, Ren S, Chen X, Ning L ( 2016 ) . Environmental Legitimacy, Green Innovation, and Corporate Carbon Disclosure: Evidence from CDP China 100 . Journal of Business Ethics1 - 16 .
Wang Y, Ning L, Li J, Prevezer M ( 2016 ) . Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers and the Geography of Innovation in Chinese Regions: The Role of Regional Industrial Specialization and Diversity . Regional Studies vol. 50 , ( 5 ) 805 - 822 .
Ning L, Wang F, Li J ( 2016 ) . Urban innovation, regional externalities of foreign direct investment and industrial agglomeration: Evidence from Chinese cities . Research Policy vol. 45 , ( 4 ) 830 - 843 .
Wang Y, Pan X, Li J, Ning L ( 2016 ) . Does technological diversification matter for regional innovation capability? Evidence from China . Technology Analysis and Strategic Management vol. 28 , ( 3 ) 323 - 334 .
Ning L ( 2016 ) . Does FDI Bring Environmental Knowledge Spillovers? The Role of Local Industrial Structure . Academy of Management Proceedings vol. 2016 , ( 1 )
Wang Y, Sutherland D, Ning L, Pan X ( 2015 ) . The evolving nature of China's regional innovation systems: Insights from an exploration-exploitation approach . Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 100 , 140 - 152 .
Wang Y, Sutherland D, Ning L, Pan X ( 2015 ) . The evolving nature of China's regional innovation systems: Insights from an exploration–exploitation approach . Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 100 , 140 - 152 .
Li J, Yuan L, Ning L, Li-Ying J ( 2015 ) . Knowledge sharing and affective commitment: the mediating role of psychological ownership . Journal of Knowledge Management vol. 19 , ( 6 ) 1146 - 1166 .
Wang Y, Ning L, Prevezer M ( 2015 ) . Technological diversification in China from 1986 to 2011: Evidence from patent data . Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 99 , 54 - 66 .
Wang Y, Zhou Z, Ning L, Chen J ( 2015 ) . Technology and external conditions at play: A study of learning-by-licensing practices in China . Technovation vol. 43-44 , 29 - 39 .
Sutherland D, Ning L ( 2015 ) . The Emergence and Evolution of Chinese Business Groups: Are Pyramidal Groups Forming? . State Capitalism, Institutional Adaptation, and the Chinese Miracle , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Huang S, Chen J, Wang Y, Ning L, Sutherland D, Zhou Z, Zhou Y ( 2015 ) . External heterogeneity and its impact on open innovation performance . Technology Analysis and Strategic Management vol. 27 , ( 2 ) 182 - 197 .
Ning L ( 2015 ) . Urban Innovation in Emerging Economies: the Externalities of Industrial Agglomeration and FDI . Academy of Management Proceedings vol. 2015 , ( 1 )
Wang Y, Sutherland D, Ning L ( 2014 ) . A Dynamic Comparative Analysis of International Innovation Networks in Emerging Market MNCs . Industry and Innovation: dynamics, strategies, policies vol. 21 , ( 6 )
Wang Y, Sutherland D, Ning L ( 2014 ) . A Dynamic Comparative Analysis of International Innovation Networks in Emerging Market MNCs . Industry and Innovation vol. 21 , ( 6 ) 457 - 475 .
Wang Y, Li J, Ning L, Zeng D, Gu X ( 2014 ) . Dynamic patterns of technology collaboration: a case study of the Chinese automobile industry, 1985–2010 . Scientometrics: an international journal for all quantitative aspects of the science of science, communication in science and science policy vol. 101 , ( 1 ) 663 - 683 .
Wang Y, Pan X, Ning L, Li J, Chen J ( 2014 ) . Technology exchange patterns in China: an analysis of regional data . Journal of Technology Transfer
Li J, Sutherland D, Ning L, Wang Y ( 2014 ) . Firm ownership, industrial structure, and regional innovation performance in China's provinces . Technology Analysis and Strategic Management vol. 26 , ( 9 ) 1001 - 1022 .
Ning L, Kuo JM, Strange R, Wang B ( 2014 ) . International investors' reactions to cross-border acquisitions by emerging market multinationals . International Business Review vol. 23 , ( 4 ) 811 - 823 .
Yuan L, Yu Y, Li J, Ning L ( 2014 ) . Occupational commitment, industrial relations and turnover intention: Empirical evidence from China . Chinese Management Studies vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 66 - 84 .
Wang Y, Ning L, Chen J ( 2014 ) . Product diversification through licensing: Empirical evidence from Chinese firms . European Management Journal vol. 32 , ( 4 ) 577 - 586 .
Kuo JM, Ning L, Song X ( 2014 ) . The Real and Accrual-based Earnings Management Behaviors: Evidence from the Split Share Structure Reform in China . International Journal of Accounting vol. 49 , ( 1 ) 101 - 136 .
NING L ( 2014 ) . The effect of R&D novelty and openness decision on firms' catch-up performance: Empirical evidence from China . Technovation vol. 34 , ( 1 ) 21 - 30 .
Wang Y, Pan X, Wang X, Chen J, Ning L, Qin Y ( 2014 ) . Visualizing knowledge space: A case study of Chinese licensed technology, 2000-2012 . Scientometrics vol. 98 , ( 3 ) 1935 - 1954 .
Wang Y, Chen J, Wang Y, Lutao N, Vanhaverbekef, W ( 2013 ) . The effect of R&D novelty and openness decision on firms' catch-up performance: Empirical evidence from China . Technovation vol. 34 , ( 1 ) 21 - 30 .
Wang Y, Cao W, Zhou Z, Ning L ( 2013 ) . Does external technology acquisition determine export performance? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms . International Business Review vol. 22 , Article 6 , 1079 - 1091 .
Wang Y, Ning L, Chen J ( 2013 ) . Product diversification through licensing: Empirical evidence from Chinese firms . European Management Journal
Wang Y, Pan X, Wang X, Chen J, Ning L, Qin Y ( 2013 ) . Visualizing knowledge space: a case study of Chinese licensed technology, 2000-2012 . Scientometrics1 - 20 .
( 2012 ) . Rising China in the Changing World Economy . Taylor & Francis
NING L, Sutherland, D ( 2012 ) . Internationalization of China’s Private Sector MNEs: An Analysis of the Motivations for Foreign Affiliate Formation . Thunderbird International Business Review vol. 54 , ( 2 ) 169 - 182 .
Sutherland D, Ning L, Wang J ( 2012 ) . An exploration of pyramidal business groups in China . Rising China in the Changing World Economy ,
Sutherland D, Ning L, Beatson S ( 2011 ) . Productivity performance in Chinese business groups: The positive and negative impacts of business group affiliation . Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies vol. 9 , ( 2 ) 163 - 180 .
NING L, Sutherland, D ( 2011 ) . Exploring ‘onward-journey’ODI strategies in China's private sector businesses . Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 43 - 65 .
Sutherland D, Lutao N ( 2010 ) . On the internationalization of China's big business groups after three decades of reform . Thirty Years of China's Economic Reform: Institutions, Management Organization and Foreign Investment ,
Liu X ( 2009 ) . China's Three Decades of Economic Reforms . Taylor & Francis
Ning L ( 2009 ) . China's Rise in the World ICT Industry: Industrial Strategies and the Catch-Up Development Model . Routledge
Ning L ( 2009 ) . China's leadership in the world ICT industry: A successful story of its "attracting-in" and "Walking-out" strategy for the development of high-tech industries? . Pacific Affairs vol. 82 , ( 1 ) 67 - 91 .
Sutherland D, Ning L ( 2009 ) . China’s business groups after three decades of economic reform: Diversified conglomerates or focused industrial groups? . China’s Three Decades of Economic Reforms ,
NING L ( 2008 ) . State-led Catching up Strategies and Inherited Conflicts in Developing the ICT Industry: Behind the US-East Asia Semiconductor Disputes . GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW
Ning L ( 2007 ) . Economic liberalisation for high-tech industry development? Lessons from China's response in developing the ICT manufacturing sector compared with the strategies of Korea and Taiwan . Journal of Development Studies vol. 43 , ( 3 ) 562 - 587 .