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Publications: Dr Asen Ivanov

Ivanov A ( 2022 ) . Borda-optimal taxation of labour income . Social Choice and Welfare vol. 60 , ( 3 ) 331 - 364 .
Ivanov A ( 2021 ) . The Borda Count with Weak Preferences . Economics Letters
Ivanov A ( 2020 ) . Optimal Pension Plan Default Policies when Employees are Biased . Journal of Public Economic Theory
Levin D, Peck J, Ivanov A ( 2016 ) . Separating Bayesian Updating from Non-Probabilistic Reasoning: An Experimental Investigation † . American Economic Journal: Microeconomics vol. 8 , ( 2 ) 39 - 60 .
Davis D, Ivanov A, Korenok O ( 2016 ) . Individual characteristics and behavior in repeated games: an experimental study . Experimental Economics vol. 19 , ( 1 ) 67 - 99 .
Davis D, Ivanov A, Korenok O ( 2014 ) . Aspects of Behavior in Repeated Games: An Experimental Study . Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
IVANOV A ( 2014 ) . Equality of opportunity and the alignment of incentives . Journal of Mathematical Economics vol. 53 , 16 - 25 .
Ivanov A, Levin D, Peck J ( 2013 ) . Behavioral biases in endogenous-timing herding games: An experimental study . Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization vol. 87 , 25 - 34 .
Ivanov A ( 2011 ) . Attitudes to ambiguity in one-shot normal-form games: An experimental study . Games and Economic Behavior vol. 71 , ( 2 ) 366 - 394 .
Ivanov A, Levin D, Niederle M ( 2010 ) . Can relaxation of beliefs rationalize the winner's curse?: An experimental study . Econometrica vol. 78 , ( 4 ) 1435 - 1452 .
Ivanov A, Levin D, Peck J ( 2009 ) . Hindsight, foresight, and insight: An experimental study of a small-market investment game with common and private values . American Economic Review vol. 99 , ( 4 ) 1484 - 1507 .