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Publications: Dr Maria Koumenta

Williams M, Wang S, Koumenta M ( 2023 ) . Ethnicity Disparities in Job Control in the United Kingdom . Industrial Relations Journal
Koumenta M, Pagliero M, Rostam-Afschar D ( 2022 ) . Occupational Regulation, Institutions, and Migrants’ Labor Market Outcomes . Labour Economics vol. 79 ,
Koumenta M, Williams M ( 2022 ) . Tougher Licensing Requirements and Quality Outcomes: Driving Instructors in the United Kingdom . Grease Or Grit? International Case Studies of Occupational Licensing and Its Effects on Efficiency and Quality ,
Greene A, Kirton G, Koumenta M, Humphris A ( 2021 ) . The gender representation gap: implications for workplace union effectiveness . Industrial Relations Journal vol. 52 , ( 1 ) 40 - 63 .
Horton J, Kiosse PV, Koumenta M, Mitrou E ( 2020 ) . The role of CEOs in the sustainability of defined benefit pension plans . Human Resource Management Journal vol. 31 , ( 3 ) 603 - 618 .
Williams M, KOUMENTA M ( 2020 ) . Occupational Closure and Job Quality: The Case of Occupational Licensing in Britain . Human Relations
Abell P, Koumenta M ( 2019 ) . Case Studies and Statistics in Causal Analysis: The Role of Bayesian Narratives . Scientific Discovery in the Social Sciences , vol. 413 , Springer Nature
KOUMENTA M, Pagliero M ( 2018 ) . Occupational Regulation in the European Union: Coverage and Wage Effects . British Journal of Industrial Relations818 - 849 .
Koumenta M, Williams M ( 2018 ) . An anatomy of zero‐hour contracts in the UK . Industrial Relations Journal vol. 50 , ( 1 ) 20 - 40 .
KOUMENTA M ( 2015 ) . Public Service Motivation and Organizational Citizenship . Public Money and Management vol. 35 , ( 5 ) 341 - 348 .
Koumenta M ( 2015 ) . Stages of Occupational Regulation: Analysis of Case Studies, by Morris M. Kleiner. Upjohn Institute Press, Kalamazoo, MI, 2013, 291 pp., ISBN: 978 0 8809 94606, $40.00, hardback . British Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 53 , ( 1 ) 176 - 178 .
Kim, S, Vandenabeele, W, Wright, B, Andersen, L, Paolo Cerase, F, Christensen, R, Desmarais, C, Koumenta M et al. ( 2012 ) . Investigating the Structure and Meaning of Public Service Motivation Across Populations: Developing an International Instrument and Addressing Issues of Measurement Invariance . Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 79 - 102 .