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Publications: Dr Paul Copeland

Ladi S, Tsarouhas D, Copeland P ( 2024 ) . Negotiating the recovery and resilience facility: the emergence of coordinative conditionality . Comparative European Politics1 - 22 .
Copeland P, Elomäki A, Gaweda B ( 2024 ) . Filtering politicisation towards a more social Europe? The European Parliament and EU social legislation . Journal of European Public Policy vol. ahead-of-print , ( ahead-of-print ) 1 - 25 .
Copeland P ( 2023 ) . Mind the gap! UK employment policy both during and beyond EU membership: from policy layering to policy drift . Journal of European Public Policy vol. 30 , ( 11 ) 2421 - 2444 .
Copeland P ( 2023 ) . Poverty and social exclusion in the EU: third-order priorities, hybrid governance and the future potential of the field . Transfer European Review of Labour and Research vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 219 - 233 .
Copeland P, Maccaferri M ( 2022 ) . The UK, the EU, and COVID-19: Media reporting, the recontextualisation of Eurosceptic discourse, and the fait accompli of Brexit . Politics vol. 43 , ( 1 ) 70 - 88 .
Copeland P, Diamond P ( 2022 ) . From EU Structural Funds to Levelling Up: Empty signifiers, ungrounded statism and English regional policy . Local Economy The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit vol. 37 , ( 1-2 ) 34 - 49 .
Copeland P ( 2022 ) . The Juncker Commission as a Politicising Bricoleur and the Renewed Momentum in Social Europe . JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies vol. 60 , ( 6 ) 1629 - 1644 .
Copeland P ( 2022 ) . The 2016 UK referendum on EU membership and the importance of remaining on point during the campaign . British Politics vol. 18 , ( 4 ) 538 - 556 .
Copeland P ( 2021 ) . Policy Controversies and Political Blame Games . Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis Research and Practice vol. 24 , ( 1 ) 96 - 97 .
Copeland P, Minto R ( 2021 ) . European networks, domestic governance and the second-order effects of Brexit . British Politics vol. 18 , ( 4 ) 501 - 518 .
Copeland P ( 2021 ) . The Ordinary Legislative Procedure in a Post-Brexit EU: The Case of Social Europe . Politics and Governance vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 69 - 78 .
Copeland P ( 2019 ) . Governance and the European Social Dimension Politics, Power and the Social Deficit in a Post-2010 EU . Routledge
Copeland P ( 2019 ) . Governance and the European Social Dimension, Politics, Power and the Social Deficit in a Post-2010 EU . Taylor & Francis
Copeland P ( 2019 ) . Why Brexit Will Do Little to Change the Political Contours of the European Social Dimension . Politics and Governance vol. 7 , ( 3 ) 30 - 39 .
Aybars AI, COPELAND P, Tsarouhas D ( 2018 ) . Europeanization without Substance? EU-Turkey relations and gender equality in employment . Comparative European Politics
COPELAND P, Daly M ( 2018 ) . The European Semester and EU Social Policy . Journal of Common Market Studies
Copeland P, Copsey N ( 2017 ) . Rethinking Britain and the European Union: Politicians, the Media and Public Opinion Reconsidered . Jcms: Journal of Common Market Studies vol. 55 , ( 4 ) 709 - 726 .
COPELAND P ( 2016 ) . Europeanization and de-Europeanization in UK Employment Policy: Changing Governments and Shifting Agendas . Public Administration: an international quarterly covering public administration throughout the world
COPELAND P ( 2015 ) . Blame Avoidance in Comparative Perspective: Reactivity, Staged Retreat and Efficacy . Public Administration
COPELAND P ( 2015 ) . The European Union and the Social Deficit . Representation: journal of representative democracy vol. 51 , ( 1 ) 93 - 106 .
Copeland P, ter Haar B ( 2015 ) . The Open Methods of Coordination as Amplifier for EU Soft Law: The case of EU Youth Policy . Acta Juridica Hungarica vol. 56 , ( 1 ) 14 - 29 .
COPELAND P, ter Haar B ( 2015 ) . The Open Methods of Coordination as Amplifier for EU Soft Law . Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies vol. 56 , ( 1 ) 14 - 29 .
JAMES S, COPELAND P ( 2014 ) . Governing in the Shadow of Intergovernmental Hierarchy: Delegation Failure and Executive Empowerment in the European Union . Perspectives on European Politics and Society: journal of intra-european dialogue vol. 15 , ( 4 ) 518 - 533 .
COPELAND P ( 2014 ) . EU Enlargement, the Clash of Capitalisms and the European Social Dimension . Manchester University Press
COPELAND P, DALY M ( 2014 ) . Poverty and social policy in Europe 2020: ungovernable and ungoverned . Policy and Politics: an international journal vol. 42 , ( 3 ) 351 - 365 .
COPELAND P, DALY M ( 2014 ) . Social Europe: From ‘add-on’ to ‘dependence-on’ economic integration . The Elusive Pursuit of Social Europe and the Eurocrisis , Editors: Crespy, A, Menz, G ,
Copeland P, James S ( 2014 ) . Policy windows, ambiguity and Commission entrepreneurship: explaining the relaunch of the European Union's economic reform agenda . Journal of European Public Policy vol. 21 , ( 1 ) 1 - 19 .
COPELAND P ( 2013 ) . Central and Eastern Europe: Negotiating Influence in an Enlarged EU . Europe-Asia Studies vol. 66 , ( 3 ) 467 - 487 .
Copeland P ( 2013 ) . Regulating the Risk of Unemployment: National Adaptations to Post-Industrial Labour Markets in Europe. Edited by Jochen Clasen and Daniel Clegg. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 384p. $99.00. - Social Policy in the Smaller European Union States. Edited by Gary B. Cohen, Ben W. Ansell, Robert Henry Cox, and Jane Gingrich. New York: Berghahn, 2011. 300p. $95.00. - Dismantling Social Europe: The Political Economy of Social Policy in the European Union. By Daniel V. Preece. Boulder, CO: First Forum, 2009. 187p. $55.00 . Perspectives on Politics vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 969 - 971 .
COPELAND P ( 2013 ) . The European Union and Social Policy . An Introduction to Social Policy , Editors: Dwyer, P, Shaw, S , SAGE
Copeland P, ter Haar B ( 2013 ) . A toothless bite? The effectiveness of the European Employment Strategy as a governance tool . JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN SOCIAL POLICY vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 21 - 36 .
COPELAND P ( 2012 ) . Conclusion: 10 Years of Lisbon . The EU's Lisbon Strategy Evaluating Success, Understanding Failure , Editors: Copeland, P, Papadimitriou, D , Palgrave Macmillan
Copeland P, Papadimitriou D ( 2012 ) . The EU's Lisbon Strategy Evaluating Success, Understanding Failure . Palgrave Macmillan
Copeland P ( 2012 ) . EU enlargement, the clash of capitalisms and the European social model . Comparative European Politics vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 476 - 504 .
Copeland P, Daly M ( 2012 ) . Varieties of poverty reduction: Inserting the poverty and social exclusion target into Europe 2020 1 . Journal of European Social Policy vol. 22 , ( 3 ) 273 - 287 .
ter Haar BP, Copeland P ( 2010 ) . What are the future prospects for the european social model?an analysis of eu equal opportunities and employment policy . European Law Journal vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 273 - 291 .