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Publications: Prof Stephen Fox

Heizmann H, Fox S ( 2019 ) . O Partner, Where Art Thou? A critical discursive analysis of HR managers’ struggle for legitimacy . International Journal of Human Resource Management vol. 30 , ( 13 ) 2026 - 2048 .
Fox S, Vickers D ( 2013 ) . Innovation, learning, communities, and actor-networks of practice . Learning Models for Innovation in Organizations: Examining Roles of Knowledge Transfer and Human Resources Management ,
Nikolova N, Clegg S, Fox S, Bjørkeng K, Pitsis T ( 2013 ) . Uncertainty reduction through everyday performative language work . International Studies of Management and Organization vol. 43 , ( 3 ) 74 - 89 .
FOX S, Swan, E ( 2010 ) . Playing the game? Professionalized politics and strategies of resistance and co-optation in diversity work . Gender, Work and Organization vol. 17 , ( 5 ) 567 - 589 .
FOX S, Vickers, D ( 2010 ) . Towards practice-based studies of HRM: an actor-network and communities of practice informed approach . International Journal of Human Resource Management vol. 21 , ( 6 ) 899 - 914 .
FOX S, Swan, E ( 2009 ) . Becoming flexible: self-flexibility and its pedagogies . British Journal of Management vol. 20 , ( s1 ) S149 - S159 .
FOX S ( 2009 ) . ‘That miracle of familiar organizational things’: Social and moral order in the MBA classroom . Organization Studies vol. 29 , ( 5 ) 733 - 761 .
FOX S ( 2009 ) . ‘This interpreted world’: Two turns to the social in management learning . Management Learning vol. 40 , ( 4 ) 371 - 378 .