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Publications: Dr Jeremy Gow

Jeurissen D, Perez-Liebana D, Gow J, Çakmak D, Kwan J ( 2024 ) . Playing NetHack with LLMs: Potential & Limitations as Zero-Shot Agents . Conference: 2024 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) vol. 00 , 1 - 8 .
Khaleque B, Cook M, Gow J ( 2024 ) . Experiments in Motivating Exploratory Agents . Conference: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games1 - 8 .
Liapis A, Guckelsberger C, Zhu J, Harteveld C, Kriglstein S, Denisova A, Gow J, Preuss M ( 2023 ) . Designing for Playfulness in Human-AI Authoring Tools . Conference: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games1 - 4 .
Thaicharoen S, Gow J, Drachen A ( 2023 ) . An Ecosystem Framework for the Meta in Esport Games . Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports vol. 1 , ( 1 )
Ilhan E, Gow J, Perez D ( 2021 ) . Student-Initiated Action Advising via Advice Novelty . IEEE Transactions on Games
John N, Gow J ( 2021 ) . Adversarial Behaviour Debugging in a Two Button Fighting Game . Conference: 2021 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) vol. 00 , 01 - 08 .
Cook M, Gow J, Smith G, Colton S ( 2021 ) . Danesh: Interactive Tools for Understanding Procedural Content Generators . IEEE Transactions on Games vol. 14 , ( 3 ) 329 - 338 .
Ilhan E, Gow J, Perez-Liebana D ( 2021 ) . Action advising with advice imitation in deep reinforcement learning . Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS . Conference: Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems vol. 2 , 629 - 637 .
Ilhan E, Gow J, Perez-Liebana D ( 2021 ) . Learning on a Budget via Teacher Imitation . IEEE Conference on Computatonal Intelligence and Games, CIG . Conference: IEEE Conference on Games vol. 2021-August ,
Hesketh J, Deterding S, Gow J ( 2020 ) . How Players Learn Team-versus-Team Esports: First Results from A Grounded Theory Study . DiGRA 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 DiGRA International Conference: Play Everywhere .
Cook M, Colton S, Gow J, Smith G ( 2019 ) . General Analytical Techniques For Parameter-Based Procedural Content Generators . Conference: 2019 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) vol. 00 , 1 - 8 .
İlhan E, Gow J, Perez-Liebana D ( 2019 ) . Teaching on a Budget in Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning . Conference: 2019 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) vol. 00 , 1 - 8 .
John N, Gow J, Cairns P ( 2019 ) . Why is debugging video game AI hard? . 2019 AISB Convention . 20 - 24 .
Guckelsberger C, Salge C, Gow J, Cairns P ( 2017 ) . Predicting Player Experience without the Player . Conference: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play305 - 315 .
Deterding S, Hook J, Fiebrink R, Gillies M, Gow J, Akten M, Smith G, Liapis A et al. ( 2017 ) . Mixed-Initiative Creative Interfaces . Conference: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems628 - 635 .
Grov G, Ireland A, Llano MT, Kovacs P, Colton S, Gow J ( 2016 ) . Semi-Automated Design Space Exploration for Formal Modelling . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 9675 , 282 - 289 .
Cook M, Colton S, Gow J ( 2016 ) . The ANGELINA Videogame Design System—Part II . IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games vol. 9 , ( 3 ) 254 - 266 .
Cook M, Colton S, Gow J ( 2016 ) . The ANGELINA Videogame Design SystemPart I . IEEE Transactions on Games vol. 9 , ( 2 ) 192 - 203 .
Llano MT, Colton S, Hepworth R, Gow J ( 2016 ) . Automated Fictional Ideation via Knowledge Base Manipulation . Cognitive Computation vol. 8 , ( 2 ) 153 - 174 .
Cook M, Gow J, Colton S ( 2016 ) . Towards the Automatic Optimisation of Procedural Content Generators . Conference: 2016 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG)1 - 8 .
Llano MT, Guckelsberger C, Hepworth R, Gow J, Corneli J, Colton S ( 2016 ) . What if a fish got drunk? Exploring the plausibility of machine-generated fictions . Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2016 . 213 - 220 .
Browne C, Colton S, Cook M, Gow J, Baumgarten R ( 2014 ) . Toward the Adaptive Generation of Bespoke Game Content . Handbook of Digital Games ,
Browne C, Colton S, Cook M, Gow J, Baumgarten R ( 2014 ) . Toward the Adaptive Generation of Bespoke Game Content . Handbook of Digital Games , Wiley
Llano MT, Hepworth R, Colton S, Charnley J, Gow J ( 2014 ) . Automating fictional ideation using conceptnet . AISB 2014 - 50th Annual Convention of the AISB .
Cook M, Colton S, Gow J ( 2014 ) . Automating game design in three dimensions . AISB 2014 - 50th Annual Convention of the AISB .
Llano MT, Hepworth R, Colton S, Gow J, Charnley J, Lavrač N, Žnidaršič M, Perovšek M et al. ( 2014 ) . Baseline methods for automated fictional ideation . Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2014 .
Cook M, Colton S, Raad A, Gow J ( 2013 ) . Mechanic Miner: Reflection-Driven Game Mechanic Discovery and Level Design . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 7835 , 284 - 293 .
Cook M, Colton S, Gow J ( 2013 ) . Nobody's a critic: On the evaluation of creative code generators - A case study in videogame design . Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2013 . 123 - 130 .
Cavallo F, Pease A, Gow J, Colton S ( 2013 ) . Using theory formation techniques for the invention of fictional concepts . Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2013 . 176 - 183 .
Gow J, Colton S, Cairns P, Miller P ( 2012 ) . Mining rules from player experience and activity data . Proceedings of the 8th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, AIIDE 2012 . 148 - 153 .
Gow J, Baumgarten R, Cairns P, Colton S, Miller P ( 2012 ) . Unsupervised Modeling of Player Style with LDA . IEEE Transactions on Games vol. 4 , ( 3 ) 152 - 166 .
Cook M, Colton S, Gow J ( 2012 ) . Initial Results from Co-operative Co-evolution for Automated Platformer Design . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 7248 , 194 - 203 .
Calvillo-Gámez E, Gow J, Cairns P ( 2011 ) . Introduction to special issue: Video games as research instruments . Entertainment Computing vol. 2 , ( 1 ) 1 - 2 .
Colton S, Gow J, Torres P, Cairns P ( 2010 ) . Experiments in objet trouvé browsing . Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC-10 . 238 - 247 .
Gámez EHC, Cairns P, Gow J, Back J, Capstick E ( 2010 ) . Video games as research instruments . Conference: CHI '10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems4493 - 4496 .
Gow J, Cairns P, Colton S, Miller P, Baumgarten R ( 2010 ) . Capturing Player Experience with Post-Game Commentaries . Conference: 3rd Annual International Conferences on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology (CGAT 2010)
Baumgarten R, Nika M, Gow J, Colton S ( 2009 ) . Towards the automatic invention of simple mixed reality games . Adaptive and Emergent Behaviour and Complex Systems - Proceedings of the 23rd Convention of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, AISB 2009 . 53 - 58 .
Warwick C, Rimmer J, Blandford A, Gow J, Buchanan G ( 2009 ) . Cognitive economy and satisficing in information seeking: A longitudinal study of undergraduate information behavior . Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology vol. 60 , ( 12 ) 2402 - 2415 .
Warwick C, Galina I, Rimmer J, Terras M, Blandford A, Gow J, Buchanan G ( 2009 ) . Documentation and the users of digital resources in the humanities . Journal of Documentation vol. 65 , ( 1 ) 33 - 57 .
Rimmer J, Warwick C, Blandford A, Gow J, Buchanan G ( 2008 ) . An examination of the physical and the digital qualities of humanities research . Information Processing & Management vol. 44 , ( 3 ) 1374 - 1392 .
Gow J, Blandford A, Cunningham SJ ( 2008 ) . Special issue on digital libraries in the context of users’ broader activities . Information Processing & Management vol. 44 , ( 2 ) 556 - 557 .
Thimbleby H, Gow J ( 2008 ) . Applying Graph Theory to Interaction Design . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 4940 , 501 - 519 .
Blandford A, Adams A, Attfield S, Buchanan G, Gow J, Makri S, Rimmer J, Warwick C ( 2008 ) . The PRET A Rapporter framework: Evaluating digital libraries from the perspective of information work . Information Processing & Management vol. 44 , ( 1 ) 4 - 21 .
Buchanan G, Gow J, Blandford A, Rimmer J, Warwick C ( 2007 ) . Representing aggregate works in the digital library . Conference: Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries247 - 256 .
Cairns P, Gow J ( 2007 ) . Integrating Searching and Authoring in Mizar . Journal of Automated Reasoning vol. 39 , ( 2 ) 141 - 160 .
Blandford A, Gow J, Buchanan G, Warwick C, Rimmer J ( 2007 ) . Creators, Composers and Consumers: Experiences of Designing a Digital Library . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 4662 , 239 - 242 .
Makri S, Blandford A, Gow J, Rimmer J, Warwick C, Buchanan G ( 2006 ) . A library or just another information resource? A case study of users' mental models of traditional and digital libraries . Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology vol. 58 , ( 3 ) 433 - 445 .
Blandford A, Gow J . Digital Libraries in the Context of Users' Broader Activities . D-Lib Magazine . vol. 12 ,
Bundy A, Dixon L, Gow J, Fleuriot J ( 2006 ) . Constructing Induction Rules for Deductive Synthesis Proofs . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science . vol. 153 , 3 - 21 .
Gow J, Thimbleby H, Cairns P ( 2006 ) . Automatic Critiques of Interface Modes . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 3941 , 201 - 212 .
Cairns P, Gow J ( 2006 ) . Literate Proving: Presenting and Documenting Formal Proofs . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 3863 , 159 - 173 .
Buchanan G, Gow J, Blandford A, Rimmer J, Warwick C ( 2006 ) . Representing Aggregate Works in the Digital Library . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 4172 , 532 - 535 .
Cairns P, Gow J ( 2004 ) . Using and Parsing the Mizar Language . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science . vol. 93 , 60 - 69 .
Thimbleby H, Gow J ( 2004 ) . Computer algebra in interface design research . Conference: Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces366 - 367 .
Cairns P, Gow J, Collins P ( 2003 ) . On Dynamically Presenting a Topology Course . Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence . vol. 38 , 91 - 104 .
Cairns P, Gow J ( 2003 ) . A Theoretical Analysis of Hierarchical Proofs . Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 2594 , 175 - 187 .
Gow J, Bundy A, Green I ( 1999 ) . Extensions to the Estimation Calculus . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 1705 , 258 - 272 .