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Publications: Prof Isabelle Mareschal

Bakhti R, Mareschal I, Kharouf AE, Dajani R, Qtaishat L, von Stumm S, Hadfield K ( 2024 ) . Exploring Factors Related to the Development and Implementation of a Local Intervention Program for Syrian Refugee Children . Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies vol. ahead-of-print , ( ahead-of-print ) 1 - 14 .
Heer S, Pedziwiatr M, Coutrot A, Bex P, Mareschal I ( 2024 ) . Image characteristics, not task, influence interobserver consistency . Journal of Vision vol. 24 , ( 10 )
Hadfield K, Al-Hamad M, Dajani R, El Kharouf A, Michalek J, Qtaishat L, von Stumm S, Mareschal I ( 2024 ) . Effectiveness of a community-led shared book reading intervention in Syrian refugee children: a randomised controlled trial . Scientific Reports vol. 14 , ( 1 )
Murray T, Binetti N, Venkataramaiyer R, Namboodiri V, Cosker D, Viding E, Mareschal I ( 2024 ) . Expression perceptive fields explain individual differences in the recognition of facial emotions . Communications Psychology vol. 2 , ( 1 )
Hadfield K, Al-Soleiti M, Dajani R, Mareschal I, Panter-Brick C ( 2024 ) . Father Involvement and Child Development: A Prospective Study of Syrian Refugee Families . Journal of Child and Family Studies vol. 33 , ( 3 ) 1029 - 1042 .
Michalek JE, Qtaishat L, von Stumm S, El Kharouf A, Dajani R, Hadfield K, Mareschal I ( 2024 ) . Maternal Trauma and Psychopathology Symptoms Affect Refugee Children’s Mental Health But Not Their Emotion Processing . Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology vol. 52 , ( 8 ) 1233 - 1246 .
Pedziwiatr MA, Heer S, Coutrot A, Bex PJ, Mareschal I ( 2023 ) . Influence of prior knowledge on eye movements to scenes as revealed by hidden Markov models . Journal of Vision vol. 23 , ( 10 ) 10 - 10 .
Vikhanova A, Tibber MS, Mareschal I ( 2023 ) . Post-migration living difficulties and poor mental health associated with increased interpretation bias for threat . Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology vol. 77 , ( 6 ) 1154 - 1168 .
Murray T, Binetti N, Carlisi C, Namboodiri V, Cosker D, Viding E, Mareschal I ( 2023 ) . Genetic algorithms reveal identity independent representation of emotional expressions . Emotion
Mareschal I, Michalek J, Hadfield K, Dajani R, Lisi M ( 2023 ) . FACIAL EMOTION RECOGNITION IN REFUGEE CHILDREN WITH A HISTORY OF WAR TRAUMA . Emotion
Pedziwiatr MA, Heer S, Coutrot A, Bex P, Mareschal I ( 2023 ) . Prior knowledge about events depicted in scenes decreases oculomotor exploration . Cognition vol. 238 ,
Awad D, Emery NJ, Mareschal I ( 2023 ) . Role of facial familiarity and emotional expression intensity in ensemble emotion perception . Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics vol. 85 , ( 6 ) 1990 - 2003 .
Lavan N, Bamaniya NR, Muse M, Price RLM, Mareschal I ( 2023 ) . The effects of the presence of a face and direct eye gaze on voice identity learning . British Journal of Psychology vol. 114 , ( 3 ) 537 - 549 .
Horrocks EAB, Mareschal I, Saleem AB ( 2022 ) . Walking humans and running mice: Perception and neural encoding of optic flow during self-motion . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences vol. 378 , ( 1869 )
Pedziwiatr MA, Heer S, Coutrot A, Bex P, Mareschal I ( 2022 ) . Knowledge about the recent past affects human gaze patterns . Journal of Vision vol. 22 , ( 14 ) 3927 - 3927 .
Binetti N, Roubtsova N, Carlisi C, Cosker D, Viding E, Mareschal I ( 2022 ) . Genetic algorithms reveal profound individual differences in emotion recognition . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 119 , ( 45 ) e2201380119 - e2201380119 .
Hadfield K, Al-Hamad M, Bakhti R, Dajani R, El Kharouf A, Michalek J, Mukunzi J, Qtaishat L et al. ( 2022 ) . Predictors of Literacy and Attitudes Toward Reading Among Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan . International Journal of Early Childhood vol. 56 , ( 1 ) 19 - 39 .
Vikhanova A, Mareschal I, Tibber M ( 2022 ) . Emotion recognition bias depends on stimulus morphing strategy . Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics vol. 84 , ( 6 ) 2051 - 2059 .
Irwantoro K, Nimsha Nilakshi Lennon N, Mareschal I, Miflah Hussain Ismail A ( 2022 ) . Contextualising facial expressions: The effect of temporal context and individual differences on classification . Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Luft CDB, Zioga I, Giannopoulos A, Di Bona G, Binetti N, Civilini A, Latora V, Mareschal I ( 2022 ) . Social synchronization of brain activity increases during eye-contact . Communications Biology vol. 5 , ( 1 )
Lavan N, Chan WY, Zhuang Y, Mareschal I, Shergill SS ( 2022 ) . Direct eye gaze enhances the ventriloquism effect . Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics vol. 84 , ( 7 ) 2293 - 2302 .
Michalek J, Lisi M, Binetti N, Ozkaya S, Hadfield K, Dajani R, Mareschal I ( 2022 ) . War-related trauma linked to increased sustained attention to threat in children . Child Development
McElvaney TJ, Osman M, Mareschal I ( 2022 ) . Identifying criminals: No biasing effect of criminal context on recalled threat . Memory & Cognition vol. 50 , ( 8 ) 1735 - 1755 .
Heer S, Pedziwiatr MA, Bex P, Coutrot A, Mareschal I ( 2022 ) . The effects of recent event knowledge and semantics in the guidance of fixations on scenes . PERCEPTION . vol. 51 , 152 - 152 .
Heer S, Pedziwiatr MA, Bex P, Coutrot A, Mareschal I ( 2022 ) . The expectedness of semantic scene-content as a factor influencing human gaze behaviour . PERCEPTION . vol. 51 , 355 - 355 .
Theron LC, Abreu-Villaça Y, Augusto-Oliveira M, Brennan C, Crespo-Lopez ME, de Paula Arrifano G, Glazer L, Gwata N et al. ( 2021 ) . A systematic review of the mental health risks and resilience among pollution-exposed adolescents . Journal of Psychiatric Research vol. 146 , 55 - 66 .
Carlisi CO, Reed K, Helmink FGL, Lachlan R, Cosker DP, Viding E, Mareschal I ( 2021 ) . Using genetic algorithms to uncover individual differences in how humans represent facial emotion . Royal Society Open Science vol. 8 , ( 10 )
Neil L, Viding E, Armbruster-Genc D, Lisi M, Mareschal I, Rankin G, Phillips H, Martin P et al. ( 2021 ) . 35.2 Trust and Childhood Maltreatment: Evidence of Bias in Appraisal of Unfamiliar Faces . Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry vol. 60 , ( 10 )
Neil L, Viding E, Armbruster-Genc D, Lisi M, Mareshal I, Rankin G, Sharp M, Phillips H et al. ( 2021 ) . Trust and childhood maltreatment: evidence of bias in appraisal of unfamiliar faces . Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Roubtsova N, Parsons M, Binetti N, Mareschal I, Viding E, Cosker D ( 2021 ) . EmoGen: Quantifiable Emotion Generation and Analysis for Experimental Psychology .
McElvaney TJ, Osman M, Mareschal I ( 2021 ) . Perceiving threat in others: The role of body morphology . PLOS ONE vol. 16 , ( 4 )
McElvaney TJ, Osman M, Mareschal I ( 2021 ) . Perceiving threat in others: The role of body morphology . PLoS ONE . vol. 16 ,
Theron LC, Abreu-Villaça Y, Augusto-Oliveira M, Brennan CH, Crespo-Lopez ME, de Paula Arrifano G, Glazer L, Lin L et al. ( 2021 ) . Effects of pollution on adolescent mental health: a systematic review protocol . Systematic Reviews vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Michalek J, Lisi M, Awad D, Hadfield K, Mareschal I, Dajani R ( 2021 ) . The effects of a reading-based intervention on emotion processing in children who have suffered early adversity and war related trauma . Frontiers in Psychology
Awad D, Clifford C, White D, Mareschal I ( 2020 ) . Asymmetric contextual effects in age perception . Royal Society Open Science
Awad D, Clifford CWG, White D, Mareschal I ( 2020 ) . Asymmetric contextual effects in age perception . Royal Society Open Science vol. 7 , ( 12 )
Foka S, Hadfield K, Pluess M, Mareschal I ( 2020 ) . Promoting well-being in refugee children: An exploratory controlled trial of a positive psychology intervention delivered in Greek refugee camps . Development and Psychopathology vol. 33 , ( 1 ) 87 - 95 .
Porffy L, Bell V, Coutrot A, Wigton R, Mareschal I, Shergill S ( 2019 ) . In the eye of the beholder? Oxytocin effects on eye movements in schizophrenia . Schizophrenia Research
Ismail AMH, Solomon JA, Hansard M, Mareschal I ( 2019 ) . A perceptual bias for man-made objects in humans . Proceedings of the Royal Society B vol. 286 , ( 1914 )
Awad D, Emery NJ, Mareschal I ( 2019 ) . The Role of Emotional Expression and Eccentricity on Gaze Perception . Front Psychol vol. 10 , 1129 - 1129 .
binetti N, Cheng T, MARESCHAL I, Brumby D, Julier S, Bianchi-Berthouze N ( 2019 ) . Assumptions about the positioning of virtual stimuli affect gaze direction estimates during Augmented Reality based interactions . Scientific Reports
Awad D, Clifford C, White D, Mareschal I ( 2019 ) . Age Judgements of Faces: Evidence for Ensemble Averaging . PERCEPTION . vol. 48 , 138 - 138 .
Harrison C, Binetti N, Coutrot A, Johnston A, Mareschal I ( 2018 ) . Personality Traits Do Not Predict How We Look at Faces . Perception vol. 47 , ( 9 ) 976 - 984 .
Harrison C, Binetti N, Mareschal I, Johnston A ( 2018 ) . Selective binding of facial features reveals dynamic expression fragments . Scientific Reports vol. 8 , ( 1 )
Vasilyev A, Hansard M, Mareschal I, Patras I ( 2018 ) . A Model of Visual Search in the Presence of Age-Related Macular Degeneration . PERCEPTION . Conference: Proceedings of the AVA Christmas meeting vol. 47 , 573 - 573 .
Porffy L, Wigton R, Coutrot A, Joyce D, Mareschal I, Shergill S ( 2018 ) . F77. OXYTOCIN ENHANCES VISUAL ATTENTION TO FACIAL STIMULI IN PATIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA: EVIDENCE FROM AN EYE-TRACKING STUDY . Schizophrenia Bulletin vol. 44 , ( suppl_1 ) s249 - s249 .
Maloney RT, Clifford CWG, Mareschal I ( 2017 ) . Directional Limits on Motion Transparency Assessed Through Colour-Motion Binding . Perception vol. 47 , ( 3 ) 254 - 275 .
Dewar A, Hansard M, Mareschal I ( 2017 ) . Could Commodity Eye Trackers Provide a Viable Low-Cost Alternative for Neuropsychological Studies? . PERCEPTION . Conference: Proceedings of the AVA Christmas meeting vol. 46 , 1225 - 1225 .
Ismail AMH, Solomon JA, Hansard M, Mareschal I ( 2017 ) . Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Orientation Processing During Scene Recognition . PERCEPTION . Conference: Proceedings of the AVA Christmas Meeting vol. 46 , 1220 - 1221 .
Rider AT, Coutrot A, Pellicano E, Dakin SC, Mareschal I ( 2017 ) . Semantic content outweighs low-level saliency in determining children’s and adults’ fixation of movies . Journal of Experimental Child Psychology vol. 166 , 293 - 309 .
Florey J, Dakin SC, MARESCHAL I ( 2017 ) . Comparing averaging limits for social cues over space and time . Journal of Vision
binetti N, harrison C, MARESCHAL I, johnston A ( 2017 ) . temporal order judgments of dynamic gaze stimuli reveal a postdictive prioritisation of averted over direct shifts . i-Perception
Binetti N, Harrison C, MARESCHAL I, Johnston A ( 2017 ) . Pupil response hazard rates predict perceived gaze durations . Scientific Reports
Harrison C, Binetti N, MARESCHAL I, Johnston A ( 2017 ) . Time-order errors in duration judgement are independent of spatial positioning . Frontiers in Psychology
( 2017 ) . Erratum . Journal of Vision vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 18 - 18 .
Binetti N, Harrison C, Mareschal I, Johnston A ( 2017 ) . Averted Eye Shifts Are Prioritized Over Direct Shifts When Evaluating the Temporal Order of Gaze Behaviours . PERCEPTION . vol. 46 , 1236 - 1237 .
Cengiz O, Mareschal I, Lachlan R ( 2017 ) . Perceptual Biases and Body Image . PERCEPTION . vol. 46 , 1226 - 1226 .
Harrison C, Binetti N, Mareschal I, Johnston A ( 2017 ) . Temporal Limit of Orthogonal Motion in Facial Features . PERCEPTION . vol. 46 , 1234 - 1234 .
Ismail AMH, Solomon JA, Hansard M, MARESCHAL I ( 2016 ) . A tilt after-effect for images of buildings: Evidence of selectivity for the orientation of everyday scenes . Proceedings of the royal society, open science
Coutrot A, Binetti N, Harrison C, Mareschal I, Johnston A ( 2016 ) . Face exploration dynamics differentiate men and women . Journal of Vision vol. 16 , ( 14 ) 1 - 19 .
Hussain Ismail AM, Solomon J, Hansard M, Mareschal I ( 2016 ) . A Generalized Tilt After-Effect . Journal of Vision vol. 16 , ( 12 )
Binetti N, Harrison C, Mareschal I, Johnston A ( 2016 ) . Cortical arousal signals are actively read out by a face processing system to evaluate the duration of gaze . Journal of Vision vol. 16 , ( 12 )
Coutrot A, Binetti N, Harrison C, Mareschal I, Johnston A ( 2016 ) . Gaze behavior provides a gender fingerprint . Journal of Vision vol. 16 , ( 12 )
Florey J, Dakin S, Clifford C, Mareschal I ( 2016 ) . Summary Statistics for Gaze and Head Direction over Time . Journal of Vision vol. 16 , ( 12 )
Florey J, Clifford CWG, Dakin S, Mareschal I ( 2016 ) . Spatial limitations in averaging social cues . Scientific Reports vol. 6 , ( 1 )
Binetti N, Harrison C, Coutrot A, Johnston A, Mareschal ISABELLE ( 2016 ) . Pupil dilation as an index of preferred mutual gaze duration . Proceedings of the royal society open science
Otsuka Y, Mareschal I, Clifford CWG ( 2016 ) . Testing the dual-route model of perceived gaze direction: Linear combination of eye and head cues . Journal of Vision vol. 16 , ( 8 ) 8 - 8 .
Ismail AMH, Hansard M, Solomon JA, Mareschal I ( 2016 ) . Adaptation to Tilted Scenes . PERCEPTION vol. 45 , ( 6 ) 699 - 700 .
Mareschal I, Otsuka Y, Clifford CWG, Mareschal D ( 2016 ) . “Are You Looking At Me?” How Children’s Gaze Judgments Improve With Age . Developmental Psychology vol. 52 , ( 5 ) 695 - 703 .
Pell PJ, Mareschal I, Calder AJ, von dem Hagen EAH, Clifford CWG, Baron-Cohen S, Ewbank MP ( 2016 ) . Intact priors for gaze direction in adults with high-functioning autism spectrum conditions . Molecular Autism vol. 7 , ( 1 )
Maloney R, Clifford CWG, Mareschal I ( 2016 ) . Color-Motion Binding and the Directional Limitations of Motion Transparency . PERCEPTION vol. 45 , ( 6 ) 706 - 706 .
Harrison C, Binetti N, Mareschal I, Johnston A ( 2016 ) . Effect of Stimulus Placement and Presentation on Duration Discrimination . PERCEPTION vol. 45 , ( 6 ) 700 - 700 .
Harrison C, Binetti N, Mareschal I, Johnston A ( 2016 ) . Effect of stimulus placement and presentation on duration discrimination . PERCEPTION . vol. 45 , 260 - 260 .
Florey J, Dakin S, Mareschal I ( 2016 ) . Reverse Correlation Reveals Averaging Strategies . vol. 45 , is. 6 , pp. 699 - 699 .
Clifford CWG, Mareschal I, Otsuka Y, Watson TL ( 2015 ) . A Bayesian approach to person perception . Consciousness and Cognition vol. 36 , 406 - 413 .
Florey J, Clifford C, Dakin S, Mareschal I ( 2015 ) . Averaging of Social Cues Using Equivalent Noise . Journal of Vision vol. 15 , ( 12 )
Harrison C, Binetti N, Coutrot A, Mareschal I, Johnston A ( 2015 ) . Individual differences in preference for mutual gaze duration . Journal of Vision vol. 15 , ( 12 )
Pell P, Mareschal I, Ewbank M, Baron-Cohen S, Calder A ( 2015 ) . Intact priors for gaze direction in autism spectrum conditions . Journal of Vision vol. 15 , ( 12 )
Binetti N, Harrison C, Coutrot A, Mareschal I, Johnston A ( 2015 ) . Reciprocating the gaze of others: how we look and how long we like to be looked at . Journal of Vision vol. 15 , ( 12 )
Florey J, Clifford CWG, Dakin SC, Mareschal I ( 2015 ) . Peripheral processing of gaze . Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance vol. 41 , ( 4 ) 1084 - 1094 .
Florey J, Clifford CWG, Dakin SC, Mareschal I ( 2015 ) . Peripheral Processing of Gaze . Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Otsuka Y, Mareschal I, Clifford CWG ( 2015 ) . Gaze constancy in upright and inverted faces . Journal of Vision vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 21 - 21 .
Florey J, Dakin S, Mareschal I ( 2015 ) . Averaging of a crowds' gaze . PERCEPTION vol. 44 , ( 4 ) 458 - 458 .
Florey J, Clifford CWG, Dakin SC, Mareschal I ( 2015 ) . Peripheral Processing of Gaze . Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception & Performance vol. 41 , ( 4 ) 1084 - 1094 .
Mareschal I, Otsuka Y, Clifford CWG ( 2014 ) . A generalized tendency toward direct gaze with uncertainty . J Vis vol. 14 , ( 12 )
Otsuka Y, Mareschal I, Calder AJ, Clifford CWG ( 2014 ) . Dual-route model of the effect of head orientation on perceived gaze direction . J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform vol. 40 , ( 4 ) 1425 - 1439 .
Otsuka Y, Mareschal I, Clifford C ( 2014 ) . The dual-route model of the influence of head orientation on eye gaze perception . Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance vol. 51 , 1010 - 1010 .
Stiel B, Clifford CWG, Mareschal I ( 2014 ) . Adaptation to vergent and averted eye gaze . J Vis vol. 14 , ( 1 )
Mareschal I, Clifford CWG ( 2014 ) . A general shift towards direct gaze with uncertainty . PERCEPTION . vol. 43 , 75 - 75 .
Ahmed A, Mareschal I, Watson TL ( 2014 ) . Adaption to orientation regularity with respect to spatial position . PERCEPTION . vol. 43 , 50 - 50 .
Otsuka Y, Mareschal I, Ichikawa H, Kanazawa S, Yamaguchi MK, Clifford CWG ( 2014 ) . Gaze constancy in adults and infants . I-PERCEPTION vol. 5 , ( 4 ) 208 - 208 .
Jun YY, Mareschal I, Clifford CWG, Dadds MR ( 2013 ) . Cone of direct gaze as a marker of social anxiety in males . Psychiatry Res vol. 210 , ( 1 ) 193 - 198 .
Cheleski DJ, Mareschal I, Calder AJ, Clifford CWG ( 2013 ) . Eye gaze is not coded by cardinal mechanisms alone . Proc Biol Sci vol. 280 , ( 1764 )
Mareschal I, Calder A, Clifford C ( 2013 ) . A prior for direct gaze . Journal of Vision vol. 13 , ( 9 ) 402 - 402 .
Mareschal I, Clifford CWG ( 2013 ) . Spatial structure of contextual modulation . J Vis vol. 13 , ( 6 )
Mareschal I, Calder AJ, Dadds MR, Clifford CWG ( 2013 ) . Gaze categorization under uncertainty: psychophysics and modeling . J Vis vol. 13 , ( 5 )
Mareschal I, Calder AJ, Clifford CWG ( 2013 ) . Humans have an expectation that gaze is directed toward them . Curr Biol vol. 23 , ( 8 ) 717 - 721 .
Yumiko O, Isabelle M, Andy C, Colin C ( 2013 ) . Dual route model of the effect of head orientation on perceived gaze direction . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience vol. 7 ,
Ahmed A, Mareschal I, Watson TL ( 2013 ) . Evidence for mechanisms sensitive to localised orientation regularity: An adaptation study . PERCEPTION . vol. 42 , 186 - 186 .
Cheleski DJ, Mareschal I, Calder AJ, Clifford CWG ( 2013 ) . Eye gaze is not coded by cardinal mechanisms alone . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences vol. 280 , ( 1764 )
Mareschal I, Calder AJ, Dadds MR, Clifford CWG ( 2013 ) . Gaze categorization under uncertainty: Psychophysics and modeling. (vol 13, pg 1, 2013) . JOURNAL OF VISION vol. 13 , ( 6 ) Article ARTN 14 ,
Mareschal I, Clifford CWG ( 2012 ) . P3-13: Dynamics of Unconscious Contextual Effects in Orientation Processing . i-Perception vol. 3 , ( 9 ) 723 - 723 .
Mareschal I, Clifford C ( 2012 ) . Dynamics of unconscious contextual effects in orientation processing . Journal of Vision vol. 12 , ( 9 ) 86 - 86 .
Morgan MJ, Mareschal I, Chubb C, Solomon JA ( 2012 ) . Perceived pattern regularity computed as a summary statistic: implications for camouflage . Proc Biol Sci vol. 279 , ( 1739 ) 2754 - 2760 .
Mareschal I, Clifford CWG ( 2012 ) . Dynamics of unconscious contextual effects in orientation processing . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A vol. 109 , ( 19 ) 7553 - 7558 .
Mareschal I, Clifford CWG ( 2012 ) . Perceptual entrainment of individually unambiguous motions . J Vis vol. 12 , ( 1 )
Mareschal I, Clifford CWG ( 2012 ) . Perceptual entrainment of individually unambiguous motions . Journal of Vision vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 1 - 8 .
Clifford C, Mareschal I ( 2012 ) . Spatial structure of contextual modulation . PERCEPTION . vol. 41 , 207 - 208 .
Morgan M, Mareschal I, Solomon J ( 2010 ) . Sampling Efficiencies for Spatial Regularity . Journal of Vision vol. 10 , ( 7 ) 1362 - 1362 .
Mareschal I, Morgan MJ, Solomon JA ( 2010 ) . Cortical distance determines whether flankers cause crowding or the tilt illusion . J Vis vol. 10 , ( 8 )
Mareschal I, Morgan MJ, Solomon JA ( 2010 ) . Attentional modulation of crowding . Vision Res vol. 50 , ( 8 ) 805 - 809 .
Mareschal I, Solomon J, Morgan M ( 2010 ) . The opposite of crowding revealed using classification images . Journal of Vision vol. 8 , ( 6 ) 430 - 430 .
Mareschal I, Solomon J, Morgan M ( 2010 ) . Endogenous attention can reduce the tilt illusion, but not crowding . Journal of Vision vol. 9 , ( 8 ) 126 - 126 .
Bex PJ, Mareschal I, Dakin SC ( 2010 ) . Contrast gain control in natural images . Journal of Vision vol. 5 , ( 8 ) 597 - 597 .
Mareschal I, Dakin SC, Bex PJ ( 2010 ) . Dynamics of collinear facilitation assessed using classification images . Journal of Vision vol. 5 , ( 8 ) 175 - 175 .
Mareschal I, Shapley RM ( 2010 ) . The effects of contrast and size on orientation discrimination . Journal of Vision vol. 3 , ( 9 ) 215 - 215 .
Mareschal I, Shapley RM ( 2010 ) . Effects of contrast on spatial binding and resolution . Journal of Vision vol. 2 , ( 7 ) 205 - 205 .
Krauskopf J, Mareschal I ( 2010 ) . Psychophysical determination of the relative number of L and M cones in the fovea . Journal of Vision vol. 1 , ( 3 ) 368 - 368 .
Mareschal I, Solomon J ( 2010 ) . Perceived orientation: The tilt illusion dominates parafoveal vision, but the periphery is dominated by crowding . PERCEPTION . vol. 39 , 275 - 275 .
Mareschal I, Morgan MJ, Solomon JA ( 2008 ) . Contextual effects on decision templates for parafoveal orientation identification . Vision Res vol. 48 , ( 27 ) 2689 - 2695 .
Mareschal I, Bex PJ, Dakin SC ( 2008 ) . Local motion processing limits fine direction discrimination in the periphery . Vision Res vol. 48 , ( 16 ) 1719 - 1725 .
Bex PJ, Mareschal I, Dakin SC ( 2007 ) . Contrast gain control in natural scenes . Journal of Vision vol. 7 , ( 11 ) 1 - 12 .
Bex PJ, Mareschal I, Dakin SC ( 2007 ) . Contrast gain control in natural scenes . J Vis vol. 7 , ( 11 ) 12.1 - 1212 .
Mareschal I, Dakin SC, Bex PJ ( 2006 ) . Dynamic properties of orientation discrimination assessed by using classification images . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A vol. 103 , ( 13 ) 5131 - 5136 .
Dakin SC, Mareschal I, Bex PJ ( 2005 ) . An oblique effect for local motion: psychophysics and natural movie statistics . J Vis vol. 5 , ( 10 ) 878 - 887 .
Dakin SC, Mareschal I, Bex PJ ( 2005 ) . Local and global limitations on direction integration assessed using equivalent noise analysis . Vision Res vol. 45 , ( 24 ) 3027 - 3049 .
Dakin SC, Mareschal I, Bex PJ ( 2005 ) . Equivalent noise and reverse correlation analysis reveals inhibitory interactions between channels coding global direction . Journal of Vision vol. 5 , ( 8 ) 837 - 837 .
Bex PJ, Dakin SC, Mareschal I ( 2005 ) . Critical band masking in optic flow . Network vol. 16 , ( 2-3 ) 261 - 284 .
Dakin SC, Mareschal I, Bex PJ ( 2004 ) . Equivalent noise analysis of motion integration . Journal of Vision vol. 4 , ( 8 ) 106 - 106 .
Mareschal I, Dakin SC, Bex PJ ( 2004 ) . The role of internal noise in the oblique effect for motion . Journal of Vision vol. 4 , ( 8 ) 854 - 854 .
Dakin SC, Mareschal I, Bex PJ ( 2004 ) . An equivalent-noise analysis of direction integration in spatially band-pass stimuli . PERCEPTION . vol. 33 , 754 - 754 .
Bex PJ, Dakin SC, Mareschal I ( 2004 ) . Critical band masking in optic flow . PERCEPTION . vol. 33 , 34 - 34 .
Mareschal I, Dakin S, Bex P ( 2004 ) . Dynamics of orientation discrimination assessed with reverse correlation . PERCEPTION . vol. 33 , 175 - 175 .
Mareschal I, Shapley RM ( 2004 ) . Effects of contrast and size on orientation discrimination . Vision Res vol. 44 , ( 1 ) 57 - 67 .
Dakin S, Mareschal I, Bex PJ ( 2004 ) . Local noise (not efficiency) limits direction integration in the periphery . PERCEPTION . vol. 33 , 31 - 31 .
Mareschal I, Dakin SC, Bex PJ ( 2004 ) . Role of internal noise and directional bandwidth in the oblique effect for motion . PERCEPTION . vol. 33 , 756 - 757 .
Mareschal I, Andrew Henrie J, Shapley RM ( 2002 ) . A psychophysical correlate of contrast dependent changes in receptive field properties . Vision Res vol. 42 , ( 15 ) 1879 - 1887 .
Mareschal I, Sceniak MP, Shapley RM ( 2001 ) . Contextual influences on orientation discrimination: binding local and global cues . Vision Res vol. 41 , ( 15 ) 1915 - 1930 .
Hawken MJ, Shapley RM, Ringach DL, Sceniak MP, Johnson EN, Mareschal I, Henrie JA ( 2001 ) . Contrast gain as function of temporal frequency of macaque V1 neurons . INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE . vol. 42 , S726 - S726 .
Baker CL, Mareschal I ( 2001 ) . Processing of second-order stimuli in the visual cortex . Prog Brain Res vol. 134 , 171 - 191 .
Mareschal I, Shapley RM ( 2001 ) . The psychophysical consequences of contrast dependent changes in receptive field properties . INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE . vol. 42 , S405 - S405 .
Hawken MJ, Shapley R, Ringach DL, Sceniak MP, Johnson EN, Mareschal I ( 2000 ) . Laminar distribution of orientation selectivity of macaque V1 neurons . INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE . vol. 41 , S53 - S53 .
Dakin SC, Mareschal I ( 2000 ) . Sensitivity to contrast modulation depends on carrier spatial frequency and orientation . Vision Res vol. 40 , ( 3 ) 311 - 329 .
Dakin SC, Mareschal I ( 2000 ) . The role of relative motion computation in 'direction repulsion' . Vision Res vol. 40 , ( 7 ) 833 - 841 .
Mareschal I, Baker CL ( 1999 ) . Cortical processing of second-order motion . VISUAL NEUROSCIENCE vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 527 - 540 .
Mareschal I, Baker CL ( 1999 ) . Cortical processing of second-order motion . Vis Neurosci vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 527 - 540 .
Mareschal I, Dakin SC, Baker CL ( 1999 ) . Neuronal responses to texture borders in cat cortical area 18 . INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE . vol. 40 , S640 - S640 .
Mareschal I, Baker CL ( 1998 ) . Temporal and spatial response to second-order stimuli in cat area 18 . J Neurophysiol vol. 80 , ( 6 ) 2811 - 2823 .
Mareschal I, Baker CL ( 1998 ) . A cortical locus for the processing of contrast-defined contours . Nat Neurosci vol. 1 , ( 2 ) 150 - 154 .
Mareschal I, Baker CL ( 1998 ) . A cortical locus for the processing of contrast-defined contours . Nature Neuroscience vol. 1 , ( 2 ) 150 - 154 .
Bex PJ, Simmons DR, Mareschal I ( 1998 ) . No 2nd-order input to optic-flow perception . PERCEPTION . vol. 27 , 237 - 237 .
Dakin SC, Mareschal I, Hess RF ( 1998 ) . Sensitivity to amplitude modulation depends on carrier spatial frequency and orientation . PERCEPTION . vol. 27 , 38 - 39 .
Mareschal I, Baker CL ( 1997 ) . Bandpass temporal and spatial frequency responses to envelopes of second order stimuli in area 18 neurons . Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science vol. 38 , ( 4 )
Mareschal I, Ashida H, Bex PJ, Nishida S, Verstraten FA ( 1997 ) . Linking lower and higher stages of motion processing? . Vision Res vol. 37 , ( 13 ) 1755 - 1759 .
Bex PJ, Verstraten FA, Mareschal I ( 1996 ) . Temporal and spatial frequency tuning of the flicker motion aftereffect . Vision Res vol. 36 , ( 17 ) 2721 - 2727 .
Bex PJ, Verstraten FAJ, Mareschal I ( 1996 ) . Temporal and Spatial Frequency Tuning of the Flicker Motion Aftereffect . Perception vol. 25 , ( 1_suppl ) 12 - 12 .
Mareschal I, Baker CL ( 1996 ) . Slower preferred velocities to non-fourier stimuli in visual cortex neurons . Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science vol. 37 , ( 3 )
Bex PJ, Verstraten FAJ, Mareschal I ( 1996 ) . Temporal and spatial frequency tuning of the flicker motion aftereffect . PERCEPTION . vol. 25 , 33 - 33 .