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Publications: Dr Manuela Perrotta

Perrotta M ( 2024 ) . Biomedical Innovation in Fertility Care Evidence Challenges, Commercialization and the Market for Hope . Bristol University Press ( ),
Perrotta M, Zampino L, Geampana A, Bhide P ( 2024 ) . Analysing adherence to guidelines for time-lapse imaging information on UK fertility clinic websites . Human Fertility vol. 27 , ( 1 )
Geampana A, Perrotta M ( 2024 ) . Using interview excerpts to facilitate focus group discussion . Qualitative Research
HAMPER J, Perrotta M ( 2023 ) . Blurring the divide: Navigating the public/private landscape of fertility treatment in the UK . Health and Place
Perrotta M, Hamper J ( 2022 ) . Patient informed choice in the age of evidence‐based medicine: IVF patients’ approaches to biomedical evidence and fertility treatment add‐ons . Sociology of Health & Illness vol. 45 , ( 2 ) 225 - 241 .
Perrotta M, Hamper J ( 2022 ) . P-266 Sharing time-lapse embryo videos with patients: recommendations to prevent patients’ unnecessary distress . Human Reproduction vol. 37 , ( Supplement_1 )
Hamper J, Perrotta M ( 2022 ) . Watching embryos: exploring the geographies of assisted reproduction through encounters with embryo imaging technologies . Social & Cultural Geography vol. 24 , ( 9 ) 1557 - 1575 .
Geampana A, Perrotta M ( 2022 ) . Accounting for complexity in healthcare innovation debates: Professional views on the use of new IVF treatments . Health An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health Illness and Medicine vol. 27 , ( 6 ) 907 - 923 .
Perrotta M, Geampana A ( 2021 ) . Predicting Success in the Embryology Lab: The Use of Algorithmic Technologies in Knowledge Production . Science, Technology and Human Values
Perrotta M, Geampana A ( 2021 ) . Enacting evidence-based medicine in fertility care: tensions between commercialisation and knowledge standardisation . Sociology of Health and Illness: a journal of medical sociology
Perrotta M, Hamper J ( 2021 ) . The crafting of hope: Contextualising add-ons in the treatment trajectories of IVF patients . Social Science & Medicine vol. 287 ,
Bruni A, Magaudda P, Perrotta M ( 2020 ) . “Do It First, Do It Yourself, and Keep on Doing It”: Ten Years of Tecnoscienza . TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies vol. 11 , ( 1 ) 7 - 13 .
Perrotta M ( 2020 ) . The trouble with IVF and randomised control trials: Professional legitimation narratives on time-lapse imaging and evidence-informed care . Social Science and Medicine vol. 258 , Article 113115 ,
Perrotta M, Spilker K, Crabu S ( 2018 ) . Sliding Cells. The Situated Making of Bio-Objects in IVF . TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 5 - 8 .
PERROTTA M ( 2016 ) . Reframing conception, reproducing society: Italian paradoxes . Assisted Reproduction Across Borders Feminist Perspectives on Normalizations, Disruptions and Transmissions , Routledge
Gherardi S, Perrotta M ( 2016 ) . Re-thinking induction in practice: profession, peer group and organization in contention . Society and Business Review vol. 11 , ( 2 ) 193 - 209 .
Gherardi S, Perrotta M ( 2016 ) . Daughters taking over the family business . International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 28 - 47 .
PERROTTA M, Gherardi S ( 2014 ) . Becoming a practitioner: professional learning as a social practice . International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning , Springer
Gherardi S, Perrotta M ( 2014 ) . Between the hand and the head . Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management An International Journal vol. 9 , ( 2 ) 134 - 150 .
PERROTTA M, Gherardi S ( 2014 ) . Gender, ethnicity and social entrepreneurship: Qualitative Approaches to the Study of Entrepreneuring . Handbook of Research on Small Business and Entrepreneurship , Edward Elgar Publishing
Bruni A, Perrotta M ( 2014 ) . Entreprenuering together: His and her stories . International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research vol. 20 , ( 2 ) 108 - 127 .
Perrotta M ( 2013 ) . Creating Human Life Itself: The Emerging Meanings of Reproductive Cells among Science, State and Religion . TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 7 - 21 .
Ortenblad A, Snell R, Perrotta M, Akella D ( 2012 ) . On the paradoxical balancing of panaceaism and particularism within the field of management learning . MANAGEMENT LEARNING vol. 43 , ( 2 ) 147 - 155 .
Perrotta M ( 2011 ) . Developments in the debate on assisted reproduction: A gender perspective . 95 - 111 .
Perrotta M ( 2011 ) . Mauro Turrini (ed.), Biocapital. Life and bodies in the age of biological control, Ombre Corte, 2011 . TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies vol. 2 , ( 2 ) 129 - 132 .
Gherardi S, Perrotta M ( 2011 ) . Egg dates sperm: a tale of a practice change and its stabilization . ORGANIZATION vol. 18 , ( 5 ) 595 - 614 .
Perrotta M ( 2010 ) . Learning from Work — Designing Organizations for Learning and Communication – By Anne Beamish . British Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 48 , ( 3 ) 637 - 639 .
Gherardi S, Perrotta M ( 2010 ) . Where is induction? Profession, peer group and organization in contention . Society and Business Review vol. 5 , ( 1 ) 84 - 98 .
Perrotta M ( 2008 ) . The Organizational Construction of the Body in Assisted Reproductive Technologies . Women in Biotechnology , Springer Nature