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Publications: Dr Androniki Triantafylli

Huang C, Patsika V, Triantafylli A, Zhang Y ( 2023 ) . Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Firm Environmental Litigation Risk . Accouting Forum
Kasbar MSH, Tsitsianis N, Triantafylli A, Haslam C ( 2022 ) . An empirical evaluation of the impact of agency conflicts on the association between corporate governance and firm financial performance . Journal of Applied Accounting Research vol. 24 , ( 2 ) 235 - 259 .
Triantafylli AA, Ballas AA ( 2010 ) . Management control systems and performance: evidence from the Greek shipping industry . Maritime Policy & Management vol. 37 , ( 6 ) 625 - 660 .
Triantafylli A, Ballas A ( 2010 ) . Aligning strategy and performance measurement systems in the service sector companies: The Greek example . Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting . 387 - 425 .