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Publications: Dr Angelos Dimopoulos

Dimopoulos A ( 2020 ) . The Constitutional Fundamentals of EU Investment Policy . International Investment Law and Constitutional Law , Edward Elgar
Dimopoulos A ( 2015 ) . Taming the Conclusion of Inter Se Agreements between EU Member States: The Role of the Duty of Loyalty . Yearbook of European Law vol. 34 , ( 1 ) 286 - 318 .
Dimopoulos A ( 2015 ) . Standards of responsible investment and international investment law . The Law, Economics and Politics of International Standardisation ,
Dimopoulos A ( 2014 ) . The involvement of the EU in investor-state dispute settlement: A question of responsibilities . Common Market Law Review vol. 51 , ( Issue 6 ) 1671 - 1720 .
Dimopoulos A, Vantsiouri P ( 2014 ) . Of TRIPS and Traps: The Interpretative Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union over Patent Law . EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW vol. 39 , ( 2 ) 210 - 233 .
DIMOPOULOS A ( 2014 ) . The Use of International Law as a Tool for Enhancing Governance in the Eurozone and its Impact on EU institutional Integrity . The Constitutionalization of European Budgetary Constraints , Bloomsbury
Dimopoulos A ( 2011 ) . Creating an EU Investment Policy: Challenges for the Post-Lisbon Era of External Relations . 401 - 422 .
DIMOPOULOS A ( 2011 ) . EU Foreign Investment Law . Oxford University Press
Dimopoulos A ( 2011 ) . The Law of Mercosur . COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW vol. 48 , ( 6 ) 2132 - 2133 .
DIMOPOULOS A ( 2011 ) . The Validity and Applicability of International Investment Agreements between EU Member States under EU and International law . Common Market Law Review vol. 48 , ( 1 ) 63 - 93 .