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Publications: Prof Aniol Llorente-Saguer

Bouton L, Llorente-Saguer A, Macé A, Xefteris D ( 2024 ) . Voting Rights, Agenda Control and Information Aggregation . Journal of the European Economic Association
Llorente-Saguer A, Sheremeta RM, Szech N ( 2023 ) . Designing contests between heterogeneous contestants: An experimental study of tie-breaks and bid-caps in all-pay auctions . European Economic Review vol. 154 ,
Bouton L, Gallego J, Llorente-Saguer A, Morton R ( 2021 ) . Run-off Elections in the Laboratory . The Economic Journal vol. 132 , ( 641 ) 106 - 146 .
Herrera H, Llorente-Saguer A, McMurray JC ( 2019 ) . Information aggregation and turnout in proportional representation: A laboratory experiment . Journal of Public Economics vol. 179 ,
Herrera H, Llorente-Saguer A, McMurray JC ( 2019 ) . The Marginal Voter's Curse . The Economic Journal vol. 129 , ( 624 ) 3137 - 3153 .
Fehr D, Heinemann F, Llorente-Saguer A ( 2019 ) . The power of sunspots: An experimental analysis . Journal of Monetary Economics vol. 103 , 123 - 136 .
Eguia JX, Llorente-Saguer A, Morton R, Nicolò A ( 2018 ) . Equilibrium selection in sequential games with imperfect information . Games and Economic Behavior vol. 109 , 465 - 483 .
Bouton L, Llorente-Saguer A, Malherbe F ( 2018 ) . Get Rid of Unanimity Rule: The Superiority of Majority Rules with Veto Power . Journal of Political Economy vol. 126 , ( 1 ) 107 - 149 .
Llorente-Saguer A, Zultan R ( 2017 ) . Collusion and information revelation in auctions . EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW vol. 95 , 84 - 102 .
Bouton L, Castanheira M, Llorente-Saguer A ( 2017 ) . Multicandidate Elections: Aggregate Uncertainty in the Laboratory . Games Econ Behav vol. 101 , ( Spec Iss in Honor of John O Ledyard ) 132 - 150 .
LLORENTE-SAGUER A, Bouton L, Malherbe F ( 2016 ) . Unanimous Rules in the Laboratory . Games and Economic Behavior
Towfigh EV, Goerg SJ, Glöckner A, Leifeld P, Llorente-Saguer A, Bade S, Kurschilgen C ( 2016 ) . Do direct-democratic procedures lead to higher acceptance than political representation? . Public Choice vol. 167 , ( 1-2 ) 47 - 65 .
Bouton L, Castanheira M, Llorente-Saguer A ( 2016 ) . Divided majority and information aggregation: Theory and experiment . Journal of Public Economics vol. 134 , 114 - 128 .
Llorente-Saguer A ( 2013 ) . Issue Advocacy and Mass Political Sophistication . Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics JITE vol. 169 , ( 1 )
Hortala-Vallve R, Llorente-Saguer A, Nagel R ( 2013 ) . The role of information in different bargaining protocols . Experimental Economics vol. 16 , ( 1 ) 88 - 113 .
Casella A, Llorente-Saguer A, Palfrey TR ( 2012 ) . Competitive Equilibrium in Markets for Votes . Journal of Political Economy vol. 120 , ( 4 ) 593 - 658 .
Hortala-Vallve R, Llorente-Saguer A ( 2012 ) . Pure strategy Nash equilibria in non-zero sum colonel Blotto games . Int. J. Game Theory vol. 41 , Article 2 , 331 - 343 .
Hortala-Vallve R, Llorente-Saguer A ( 2010 ) . A simple mechanism for resolving conflict . Games and Economic Behavior vol. 70 , ( 2 ) 375 - 391 .