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Publications: Dr Ruth Fletcher

Fletcher R ( 2024 ) . Reproducing Timely Subjects: How Abortion Law Calendars Social Reproduction . Social & Legal Studies
Fletcher R ( 2023 ) . On Chronolegality: Reproducing Legal Time with Periodic Abortion Law .
Fletcher R ( 2021 ) . Entangled Rights and Reproductive Temporality: Legal form, continuous improvement of living conditions, and social reproduction . The Right to the Continuous Improvement of Living Conditions: Responding to Complex Global Challenges , Editors: Hohmann, J, Goldblatt, B , Hart Publishing, an imprint of Bloomsbury
Fletcher R ( 2021 ) . On care, coercion, and childbirth in the Court of Protection .
Fletcher R ( 2021 ) . Witnessing Medical Law . The Critical Law Pocketbook , Editors: Wall, IR , Counterpress
Fletcher R ( 2020 ) . Cheeky Witnessing . Feminist Review
Naqvi ZB, Fletcher R, Ashiagbor D, Cruz K, Russell Y ( 2019 ) . Back at the kitchen table: Reflections on decolonising and internationalising with the Global South socio-legal writing workshops . Feminist Legal Studies vol. 27 , ( 2 ) 123 - 137 .
Fletcher R ( 2019 ) . Silences: Irish Women and Abortion . Feminist Review vol. 50 , ( 1 ) 44 - 66 .
Fletcher R ( 2018 ) . #RepealedThe8th: Translating Travesty, Global Conversation, and the Irish Abortion Referendum . Feminist Legal Studies vol. 26 , ( 3 ) 233 - 259 .
Fletcher R, Ashiagbor D, Barker N, Cruz K, El-Enany N, Godden-Rasul N, Grabham E, Keenan S et al. ( 2017 ) . Wench Tactics? Openings in Conditions of Closure . Feminist Legal Studies vol. 25 , ( 1 ) 1 - 23 .
Wang DWL, Keene AR, Fletcher R, Penny C, Ashcroft R ( 2017 ) . Editorial . International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law vol. 2016 , ( 22 ) 73 - 73 .
Fletcher R, McGuinness S ( 2017 ) . Attorney General v X: Commentary and Feminist Judgment . Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments: Judges' Troubles and the Politics of Gendered Identity , Editors: Enright, M, McCandless, J, O'Donoghue, A , Hart Publishing
McGuinness S, Fletcher R ( 2017 ) . Attorney General v X . Northern / Irish Feminist Judgments: Judges’ Troubles and the Gendered Politics of Identity ,
Fletcher R, McCandless J, Russell Y, Thomas D ( 2016 ) . Law's Vulnerability, and Vulnerability in Law . FEMINIST LEGAL STUDIES vol. 24 , ( 3 ) 243 - 247 .
FLETCHER R ( 2016 ) . Negotiating Strangeness on the Abortion Trail . Revaluing Care in Theory, Law and Policy: Cycles and Connections , Editors: Harding,, R, Fletcher,, R, Beasley, C , Edition. First , Routledge ( Abingdon Oxon ),
Harding R, Fletcher R, Beasley C ( 2016 ) . ReValuing Care in Theory, Law and Policy Cycles and Connections . Routledge
Fletcher R ( 2016 ) . Reproductive consumption . Feminist Theory vol. 7 , ( 1 ) 27 - 47 .
Fletcher R, McCandless J, Russell Y, Thomas D ( 2016 ) . On Being Uncomfortable . FEMINIST LEGAL STUDIES vol. 24 , ( 2 ) 121 - 126 .
Fletcher R, McCandless J, Russell Y, Thomas D ( 2016 ) . Internationalism and Commitment at the Kitchen Table . Feminist Legal Studies vol. 24 , ( 1 ) 1 - 6 .
FLETCHER R ( 2016 ) . Conscientious objection, harm reduction and abortion care . Ethical and Legal Debates in Irish Healthcare: Confronting Complexities , Editors: Donnelly, M, Murray, C , Edition. First , Manchester University Press ( Manchester ),
Fletcher R ( 2015 ) . FLaK: Mixing Feminism, Legality and Knowledge . Feminist Legal Studies vol. 23 , ( 3 ) 241 - 252 .
FLETCHER R ( 2015 ) . Civic Feminism and Voluntary Abortion Care: A Story of ESCORT's Contribution to Reproductive Justice . The Abortion Papers Ireland: Volume 2 , Editors: Quilty, A, Kennedy, S, Conlon, C , Cork University Press ( Cork ),
Fletcher R ( 2015 ) . Touchstones: Editorial Introduction 23(2) . Feminist Legal Studies vol. 23 , ( 2 ) 121 - 126 .
FLETCHER R ( 2015 ) . Abortion Law Reform in Ireland: A Model for Change . feminists@law vol. 5 , ( 1 )
Enright M, Conway V, de Londras F, Donnelly M, Fletcher R, McDonnell N, McGuinness S, Murray C et al. ( 2015 ) . General Scheme of Access to Abortion Bill 2015 .
Fletcher R ( 2015 ) . Responding to Submissions and Introducing Issue 23(1) . Feminist Legal Studies vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 1 - 6 .
Fletcher R ( 2014 ) . Contesting the cruel treatment of abortion-seeking women . Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters vol. 22 , ( 44 ) 10 - 21 .
FLETCHER R ( 2014 ) . Conscientious Objection and Harm Reduction in Europe . T-388/2009 Conscientious Objection and Abortion: A Global Perspective on the Colombian Experience , Women's Link Worldwide and O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health ( Colombia and USA ),
FLETCHER R ( 2014 ) . Contesting the cruel treatment of pregnant women . Human Rights in Ireland Blog
FLETCHER R ( 2013 ) . Legal Form, Commodities and Reproduction: Reading Pashukanis . Feminist Encounters with Legal Philosophy , Editors: Drakopoulou, M , Routledge Cavendish ( Oxford ),
FLETCHER R ( 2013 ) . Peripheral governance: administering transnational health-care flows . International Journal of Law in Context vol. 9 , ( 02 ) 160 - 191 .
Fletcher R ( 2010 ) . Reproduction and Scale: A Response to Skeggs and Wilson . Feminist Legal Studies vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 77 - 84 .
Hunter R, Fletcher R ( 2009 ) . Law, Gender and Sexuality: The Making of a Field . Feminist Legal Studies vol. 17 , ( 3 ) 289 - 292 .
Fletcher R ( 2009 ) . Embodied Practices . Feminist Legal Studies vol. 17 , ( 3 ) 315 - 318 .
FLETCHER R ( 2008 ) . LEGAL EMBODIMENT: ANALYSING THE BODY OF HEALTHCARE LAW . Medical Law Review vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 321 - 345 .
FLETCHER R ( 2008 ) . Reproductive Justice and Article 40.3.3 . The Unborn Child, Article 40.3.3° and Abortion in Ireland , Editors: Schweppe, J , Liffey Press ( Dublin ),
FLETCHER R ( 2005 ) . Reproducing Irishness: Race, Gender, and Abortion Law . Canadian Journal of Women and the Law vol. 17 , ( 2 ) 365 - 404 .
Buss D, Fletcher R, Monk D, Phillips O, Monro S ( 2005 ) . Introduction to 'Sexual Movements and Gendered Boundaries: Legal Negotiations of the Global and the Local' . Social & Legal Studies vol. 14 , ( 1 ) 5 - 15 .
Fletcher R ( 2005 ) . Abortion Needs or Abortion Rights? Claiming State Accountability for Women’s Reproductive Welfare . Feminist Legal Studies vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 123 - 134 .
FLETCHER R ( 2003 ) . Legal Forms and Reproductive Norms . Social & Legal Studies
Fletcher R ( 2002 ) . Postā€colonial Fragments: Representations of Abortion in Irish Law and Politics . Journal of Law and Society vol. 28 , ( 4 ) 568 - 579 .
Fletcher R ( 2000 ) . National crisis, supranational opportunity: the Irish construction of abortion as a European service . Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters vol. 8 , ( 16 ) 35 - 44 .
Fletcher R ( 1998 ) . "Pro-life" absolutes, feminist challenges: the fundamentalist narrative of Irish abortion law 1986-1992 . Osgoode Hall Law Journal vol. 36 , ( 1 ) 1 - 62 .