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Publications: Dr Luk Arnaut

ARNAUT LR, Besnier P, Sol J, Andries MI ( 2018 ) . On the Uncertainty Quantification of the Quality Factor of Reverberation Chambers . IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Serra R, Marvin AC, Moglie F, Primiani VM, Cozza A, Arnaut LR, Huang Y, Hatfield MO et al. ( 2017 ) . Reverberation Chambers à La Carte: An Overview of the Different Mode-Stirring Techniques . IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 63 - 78 .
ARNAUT LR ( 2016 ) . Statistical Anisotropy in Imperfect Electromagnetic Reverberation . IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Arnaut LR ( 2016 ) . Pulse Jitter, Delay Spread, and Doppler Shift in Mode-Stirred Reverberation . IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility vol. 58 , ( 6 ) 1717 - 1727 .
Arnaut LR, Marvin AC, Wilson PF ( 2016 ) . Guest Editorial Special Section in Memory of Prof. Paolo Corona . IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility vol. 58 , ( 3 ) 640 - 642 .
He J-N, Wang J-Q, Ding P, Fan C-Z, Arnaut LR, Liang E-J ( 2015 ) . Optical Switching Based on Polarization Tunable Plasmon-Induced Transparency in Disk/Rod Hybrid Metasurfaces . Plasmonics vol. 10 , ( 5 ) 1115 - 1121 .

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