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Publications: Prof Nelya Koteyko

Koteyko N, Van Driel M, Billan S, Pena BB, Vines J ( 2024 ) . Stigma Management Strategies of Autistic Social Media Users . Autism in Adulthood
Koteyko N ( 2023 ) . Understanding Autistic Adults’ Use of Social Media . Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
Koteyko N, Nelya K ( 2023 ) . Adapting digital networks and resources for autistic users. A toolkit for the third and public sector .
Koteyko N, Atanasova D ( 2023 ) . Community and identity in environmental activism on Twitter: A discourse-based approach . Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies vol. 13 , ( 1 )
Koteyko N, Barros Pena B, Van Driel M, Vines J ( 2023 ) . "My Perfect PlatformWould Be Telepathy" - Reimagining the Design of Social Media with Autistic Adults . Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’23), April 23–28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 16 pages.
Van Driel M, Koteyko N ( 2023 ) . Autistic Twitter Replies: CMC Acts and Communicative Functions . Language@internet Article https://www.language ,
Koteyko N, Van Driel M, Vines J ( 2022 ) . Autistic sociality on Twitter: Enacted affordances and affiliation strategies . Discourse and Communication
Koteyko N, van Driel M ( 2021 ) . How can we design social media to be inclusive? .
Koteyko N, Nerlich B, Hellsten I ( 2019 ) . Introduction: Climate Change Communication and the Internet: Challenges and Opportunities for Research . Climate Change Communication and the Internet , Taylor & Francis
Atanasova D, Koteyko N, Brown B, Crawford P ( 2019 ) . Mental health and the media: From illness to wellbeing . Sociology Compass vol. 13 , ( 5 )
Koteyko N, Hunt D ( 2018 ) . Special issue: Discourse analysis perspectives on online health communication . Discourse, Context and Media vol. 25 , 1 - 4 .
KOTEYKO N, ATANASOVA D ( 2018 ) . Mental health advocacy on Twitter: Positioning in Depression Awareness Week tweets . Discourse, Context and Media
Pounds G, Hunt D, Koteyko N ( 2018 ) . Expression of empathy in a Facebook-based diabetes support group . Discourse, Context and Media
Atanasova D, Koteyko N, Brown B, Crawford P ( 2017 ) . Representations of mental health and arts participation in the national and local British press, 2007-2015 . Health (London)1363459317708823 - 1363459317708823 .
( 2017 ) . The Role of Language in the Climate Change Debate . Taylor & Francis
Koteyko N, Atanasova D ( 2016 ) . Discourse Analysis in Climate Change Communication . Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science , Oxford University Press (OUP)
( 2016 ) . The Routledge Handbook of Metaphor and Language . Taylor & Francis
Koteyko N, Hunt D ( 2016 ) . Performing health identities on social media: An online observation of Facebook profiles . Discourse, Context and Media vol. 12 , Article C , 59 - 67 .
Atanasova D, Koteyko N ( 2016 ) . Obesity frames and counter-frames in British and German online newspapers . Health An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health Illness and Medicine vol. 21 , ( 6 ) 650 - 669 .
Atanasova D, Koteyko N ( 2016 ) . Fighting obesity, sustaining stigma: How can critical metaphor analysis help uncover subtle stigma in media discourse on obesity . Applying Linguistics in Illness and Healthcare Contexts , Bloomsbury Academic
Touri M, Koteyko N ( 2015 ) . Using corpus linguistic software in the extraction of news frames: towards a dynamic process of frame analysis in journalistic texts . International Journal of Social Research Methodology vol. 18 , ( 6 ) 601 - 616 .
Pearce W, Brown B, Nerlich B, Koteyko N ( 2015 ) . Communicating climate change: conduits, content, and consensus . Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change vol. 6 , ( 6 ) 613 - 626 .
Hunt D, Koteyko N, Gunter B ( 2015 ) . UK policy on social networking sites and online health: From informed patient to informed consumer? . Digital Health vol. 1 ,
Hunt D, Koteyko N ( 2015 ) . ‘What was your blood sugar reading this morning?’ Representing diabetes self-management on Facebook . Discourse & Society vol. 26 , ( 4 ) 445 - 463 .
Koteyko N, Nerlich B, Hellsten I ( 2015 ) . Climate Change Communication and the Internet: Challenges and Opportunities for Research . Environmental Communication vol. 9 , ( 2 ) 149 - 152 .
Atanasova D, Koteyko N ( 2015 ) . Metaphors in Guardian Online and Mail Online Opinion-page Content on Climate Change: War, Religion, and Politics . Environmental Communication vol. 11 , ( 4 ) 452 - 469 .
Koteyko N, Hunt D, Gunter B ( 2015 ) . Expectations in the field of the Internet and health: an analysis of claims about social networking sites in clinical literature . Sociology of Health & Illness vol. 37 , ( 3 ) 468 - 484 .
Fløttum K, Gjesdal AM, Gjerstad Ø, Koteyko N, Salway A ( 2014 ) . Representations of the future in English language blogs on climate change . Global Environmental Change vol. 29 , 213 - 222 .
Koteyko N ( 2014 ) . Language and politics in post-Soviet Russia: A corpus assisted approach .
Nerlich B, Evans V, Koteyko N ( 2014 ) . Low carbon diet: Reducing the complexities of climate change to human scale . Language and Cognition vol. 3 , ( 1 ) 45 - 82 .
Koteyko N ( 2014 ) . Analysis of Quantitative Trends . Language and Politics in Post-Soviet Russia , Springer Nature
Koteyko N ( 2014 ) . Compilation of Specialised Corpora . Language and Politics in Post-Soviet Russia , Springer Nature
Koteyko N ( 2014 ) . Concluding Thoughts . Language and Politics in Post-Soviet Russia , Springer Nature
Koteyko N ( 2014 ) . Critical Studies of Health and Illness Discourses . Contemporary Critical Discourse Studies , Bloomsbury Academic
Koteyko N ( 2014 ) . Diachronic Study of Paraphrases . Language and Politics in Post-Soviet Russia , Springer Nature
Koteyko N ( 2014 ) . Introduction . Language and Politics in Post-Soviet Russia , Springer Nature
Koteyko N ( 2014 ) . Metaphor Use in Political Speeches . Language and Politics in Post-Soviet Russia , Springer Nature
Koteyko N ( 2014 ) . Perspectives on Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis . Language and Politics in Post-Soviet Russia , Springer Nature
Gunter B, Koteyko N, Atanasova D ( 2014 ) . Sentiment analysis: A market-relevant and reliable measure of public feeling? . International Journal of Market Research vol. 56 , ( 2 ) 231 - 247 .
Koteyko N ( 2014 ) . Sociolinguistic Patterns and Discursive Stages in Post-Soviet Russia . Language and Politics in Post-Soviet Russia , Springer Nature
Koteyko N, Ryazanova-Clarke L ( 2013 ) . The Path and Building Metaphors in the Speeches of Vladimir Putin: Back to the Future? . Slavonica vol. 15 , ( 2 ) 112 - 127 .
Jaspal R, Nerlich B, Koteyko N ( 2013 ) . Contesting Science by Appealing to Its Norms: Readers Discuss Climate Science in the Daily Mail . Science Communication vol. 35 , ( 3 ) 383 - 410 .
Koteyko N, Jaspal R, Nerlich B ( 2013 ) . Climate change and 'climategate' in online reader comments: A mixed methods study . Geographical Journal vol. 179 , ( 1 ) 74 - 86 .
Armstrong N, Koteyko N, Powell J ( 2012 ) . 'Oh dear, should I really be saying that on here?': Issues of identity and authority in an online diabetes community . Health (United Kingdom) vol. 16 , ( 4 ) 347 - 365 .
Atanasova D, Koteyko N, Gunter B ( 2012 ) . Obesity in the news: Directions for future research . Obesity Reviews vol. 13 , ( 6 ) 554 - 559 .
Nerlich B, Koteyko N ( 2012 ) . Crying wolf? Biosecurity and metacommunication in the context of the 2009 swine flu pandemic . Health and Place vol. 18 , ( 4 ) 710 - 717 .
Harvey K, Koteyko N ( 2012 ) . Exploring Health Communication: Language in Action .
Koteyko N ( 2012 ) . Managing carbon emissions: A discursive presentation of 'market-driven sustainability' in the British media . Language and Communication vol. 32 , ( 1 ) 24 - 35 .
Koteyko N ( 2010 ) . Balancing the good, the bad and the better: A discursive perspective on probiotics and healthy eating . Health vol. 14 , ( 6 ) 585 - 602 .
Koteyko N ( 2010 ) . Mining the internet for linguistic and social data: An analysis of 'carbon compounds' in web feeds . Discourse and Society vol. 21 , ( 6 ) 655 - 674 .
Crawford P, Brown B, Nerlich B, Koteyko N ( 2010 ) . Nutritional altruism and functional food: Lay discourses on probiotics . Sociology of Health and Illness vol. 32 , ( 5 ) 745 - 760 .
Nerlich B, Koteyko N ( 2010 ) . Carbon gold rush and carbon cowboys: A new chapter in green mythology? . Environmental Communication vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 37 - 53 .
Koteyko N, Thelwall M, Nerlich B ( 2010 ) . From carbon markets to carbon morality: Creative compounds as framing devices in online discourses on climate change mitigation . Science Communication vol. 32 , ( 1 ) 25 - 54 .
Nerlich B, Koteyko N, Brown B ( 2010 ) . Theory and language of climate change communication . Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 97 - 110 .
Brown B, Nerlich B, Crawford P, Koteyko N, Carter R ( 2009 ) . Hygiene and Biosecurity: The Language and Politics of Risk in an Era of Emerging Infectious Diseases . Sociology Compass vol. 3 , ( 5 ) 811 - 823 .
Koteyko N ( 2009 ) . A Review of “Applied linguistics as a social science” . Language Awareness vol. 18 , ( 2 ) 220 - 222 .
Nerlich B, Koteyko N ( 2009 ) . Compounds, creativity and complexity in climate change communication: The case of 'carbon indulgences' . Global Environmental Change vol. 19 , ( 3 ) 345 - 353 .
Nerlich B, Koteyko N ( 2009 ) . Carbon Reduction Activism in the UK: Lexical Creativity and Lexical Framing in the Context of Climate Change . Environmental Communication vol. 3 , ( 2 ) 206 - 223 .
Currie G, Koteyko N, Nerlich B ( 2009 ) . The dynamics of professions and development of new roles in public services organizations: The case of modern matrons in the english NHS . Public Administration vol. 87 , ( 2 ) 295 - 311 .
Koteyko N ( 2009 ) . ‘I am a very happy, lucky lady, and I am full of Vitality!’ Analysis of promotional strategies on the websites of probiotic yoghurt producers . Critical Discourse Studies vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 111 - 125 .
Nerlich B, Koteyko N ( 2009 ) . MRSA — Portrait of a Superbug: A Media Drama in Three Acts . Metaphor and Discourse , Springer Nature
Koteyko N, Brown B, Crawford P ( 2008 ) . The dead parrot and the dying swan: The role of metaphor scenarios in UK press coverage of avian flu in the UK in 2005-2006 . Metaphor and Symbol vol. 23 , ( 4 ) 242 - 261 .
Koteyko N, Carter R ( 2008 ) . Discourse of 'transformational leadership' in infection control . Health vol. 12 , ( 4 ) 479 - 499 .
Brown B, Crawford P, Nerlich B, Koteyko N ( 2008 ) . The habitus of hygiene: Discourses of cleanliness and infection control in nursing work . Social Science and Medicine vol. 67 , ( 7 ) 1047 - 1055 .
Crawford P, Brown B, Nerlich B, Koteyko N ( 2008 ) . The 'moral careers' of microbes and the rise of the matrons: An analysis of UK national press coverage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) 1995-2006 . Health, Risk and Society vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 331 - 347 .
Koteyko N, Nerlich B, Crawford P, Wright N ( 2008 ) . 'Not rocket science' or 'no silver bullet'? Media and government discourses about MRSA and cleanliness . Applied Linguistics vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 223 - 243 .
Nerlich B, Koteyko N ( 2008 ) . Balancing food risks and food benefits: The coverage of probiotics in the UK national press . Sociological Research Online vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 15 - 28 .
Koteyko N, Nerlich B ( 2008 ) . Modern matrons and infection control practices: Aspirations and realities . British Journal of Infection Control vol. 9 , ( 2 ) 18 - 22 .
Koteyko N ( 2007 ) . A diachronic approach to meaning: English loanwords in Russian opposition discourse . Corpora vol. 2 , ( 1 ) 65 - 95 .
Nerlich B, Koteyko N ( 2001 ) . Crying wolf? Biosecurity and metacommunication in the context of the 2009 swine flu pandemic . New Scientist vol. 172 , ( 2314 )